Fennel use for newborns: tea and instructions for use. To improve digestion

After birth, babies need tender and careful treatment, and sometimes even pharmaceutical support. All mothers know that the gastrointestinal tract of a newborn is sterile and bacteria immediately begin to enter there, causing pain and colic. Tea with fennel and the popular “dill water” come to the rescue.

Beneficial features

Fennel - medicinal plant from the celery family, which was actively used back in Ancient Greece. It is often called sweet dill. He has medicinal properties and contains components necessary for the body: rutin, carotene, anethole, essential oils, ascorbic acid. Fennel seeds contain essential vitamins and beneficial minerals.

Tea strengthens the immune system and nervous system, normalizes digestion, helps absorb calcium necessary for the formation skeletal system and will relieve your baby from pain, cramps, colic and bloating.

Tea also has a therapeutic effect and is excellent for treating illness. respiratory tract, clearing them of mucus. Fennel is an effective expectorant and is useful for preventing colds.

Rules of use

Tea is considered a method traditional medicine. Despite the apparent simplicity and harmlessness of dill broth, you should know about the rules for its preparation and use.

How to brew

  • Crush a teaspoon of fennel seeds, pour 1 cup of boiling water;
  • cover the tea leaves and leave to brew for 50-60 minutes;
  • the resulting drink must be strained from the seeds and diluted with boiled water (200 milliliters).

You should not add sugar, honey or other products to tea, it will lose its beneficial features.

You can purchase ready-made tea bags, which are very convenient to use. The brewing process is the same as regular tea in bags. The granules contained in paper packaging, dissolve very quickly.

From what age

Colic is a problem in newborns, so it can be given to a child almost from the first days of life. The pharmacy sells ready-made formulations; on the box the manufacturer indicates the age of the child from which it can be used.

How much to give

Fennel drink is considered safe for babies, but you should give it wisely, because too large dosages can cause allergic reactions and digestive disorders. For the first dose, it is recommended to start with 1 teaspoon to see how the body reacts to the decoction. Then the dosage is increased to 3-6 spoons. A child under one year old can drink no more than 50 milliliters of tea per day, and from one year onwards the permitted dose is 100-200 milliliters. And this dose also needs to be approached gradually.

When to drink

Fennel tea can be offered to your baby as a drink of water between feedings. You can also drink 40-50 minutes before feeding, 20-30 minutes after.

How to choose tea

Tea for newborns should not contain sugar or other flavoring additives.


This product contains only fennel seeds and can be given to your baby after a month. Hipp does not contain sugar or additives that can cause allergies in your baby. The product comes in the form of sachets that are easy to brew.

Babushkino Lukoshko

This herbal tea can also be given from one month of age. It will relieve colic and bloating and can be used as a mild laxative, so it is important to follow the correct dosage according to the age of your baby.


It dissolves quickly and contains not only fennel, but also dextrose. It can be given to babies from one month old. Before a year, it is better to dissolve one spoon per 100 milliliters of water; after 12 months, you can brew 2 teaspoons.


A product containing not only fennel, but also cumin. It is given to children over one month of age. Tea is sold in packaging, but in the form of a loose mixture, without division into bags. It should be steamed in the proportion of 1 teaspoon per 100 grams of boiling water. A package of tea should be enough for 50 servings. The composition contains cumin, maltodextrin and lactose. Therefore, you should carefully monitor the body’s reaction and start taking it with minimal doses.


You should not take tea if you have an individual intolerance. Allergies are extremely rare. You should also avoid this product if you have epilepsy.

The beneficial properties of fennel tea have been known since ancient Greece. He has wide range application and relates to herbal remedies, which are not contraindicated for newborns. In what cases is it effective to use and how to prepare it healing teas?

Useful properties of fennel

Fennel's seeds are considered medicinal, although its stem is often used for making salads, and its branches are used for decorating and flavoring dishes. Most often on the shelves of pharmacies and specialty stores You can find tea with fennel for newborns and nursing mothers. It relieves flatulence, colic and spasms, and also increases lactation.

What properties does this plant have and what is its mechanism of action? Seeds, and therefore fennel tea can boast of containing such valuable substances as:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • carotene;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamins E, PP, groups B, K;
  • sodium, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, etc.

This plant does not contain irritants, so it rarely causes allergic reactions. Based on the composition and many studies that were carried out at the level of independent laboratories and universities, the following beneficial properties of fennel tea can be identified:

  • antispasmodic;
  • carminative;
  • soothing;
  • diuretic;
  • bactericidal;
  • anthelmintic;
  • mucolytic;
  • vasodilator, etc.

Fennel is a close relative of dill, but more healthy and aromatic.

Drinks made from plant seeds help the body absorb calcium and improve organ function. gastrointestinal tract, strengthen the immune system. Fennel tea is effective for the following diseases:

  • spastic colitis;
  • flatulence;
  • dyspepsia;
  • gastritis;
  • bronchitis;
  • flu;
  • weak lactation;
  • diseases of the gallbladder with weak outflow of bile;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • inflammatory eye diseases, etc.

Fennel is most often used for newborns. Tea made from it treats infant problems such as colic, flatulence, poor sleep, poor digestion and other conditions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Tea for newborns

Children's tea with fennel is the first medicinal drink that is offered to the baby. The baby’s immature digestive system often malfunctions in the process of adapting to new conditions outside the mother’s tummy. These include increased gas formation, problems with gas emissions, bloating and colic. They provoke irregular bowel movements, abdominal pain, poor sleep, and weight loss.

To solve these and other problems, use fennel tea for infants. It is indicated from one month of life and can be used both for a child and for establishing lactation in a nursing mother.

With the correct and systematic use of the drink, in addition to solving the above problems, stabilization occurs digestive processes, proper formation of intestinal microflora, strengthening the immune system. In addition, the drink has pleasant taste and aroma, so most kids drink it with pleasure.

From the first weeks of life, you can offer your baby a healthy fennel drink.

Herbal tea for infants is also unique in that it is completely natural product, which means negative impact on the child’s body will be minimal. In addition to fennel seeds, tea may include thyme, lemon balm, chamomile and other components. Such multi-component drinks are indicated for children aged 3 months and older. When using them, you must follow all the instructions contained in the instructions.

How does fennel drink affect children? Thanks to essential oils and carminative components, tea relieves inflammation of the intestinal walls, improves peristalsis, relieves dyspeptic conditions, due to which the movement of food through the intestines is normalized, stool becomes regular, as does the release of gases. The child calms down and his appetite improves. If the mother drinks tea along with the baby, its effect will be even faster and more noticeable.

The most famous brands

Children's teas for infants on the domestic market are represented by several well-known brands.

These are global brands and Russian ones, such as:

  • Hipp;
  • Grandma's basket;
  • Bebivita;
  • Humana et al.

Hipp fennel tea is considered one of the most popular.

The brand offers herbal and instant drinks for newborns, which are easy to use and highly effective. In addition to fennel itself, the composition includes dextrose, which also works to normalize the condition. digestive system and strengthening the immune system.

Distinctive feature Hipp's product is fennel extract itself. It is obtained from a special variety of plant, in which the natural content of tarragon is much less than in the usual ones, which means that the harm to the baby’s health is minimized. To prepare a 100 ml drink hot water take 1 tsp. instant tea. This daily dose medicinal product for children from 1 to 3 months.

Babushkino Lukoshko offers a whole line of teas. The range includes single and multi-component teas, intended for children from one month of age and nursing mothers. These are products presented in cardboard boxes filled with disposable filter bags with plant raw materials. To prepare tea, you need to pour one bag hot water(150 ml) and leave for 5 minutes. Next, the bag is removed and tea is given to the baby, cooled to body temperature.

One of the leaders in the domestic market baby food

Fennel seeds can be purchased at the pharmacy and prepared healthy tea on one's own. To do this, pour an incomplete teaspoon of seeds (about 5 g) with a glass of boiling water and leave in a ceramic container for 15 minutes. After this, the infusion is filtered and given to the child. in small portions before or after feeding. You can store the infusion during the day in the refrigerator and dilute it with hot boiled water if necessary.

Fennel teas are one of the first herbal remedies offered to children for digestive problems. It can also be given for prevention in order to better adapt the baby to the new regime and independent nutrition. This is a useful, safe and time-tested product that in rare cases causes adverse reactions.

Perhaps fennel tea was once in your kitchen or you saw it on a store shelf. Almost no attention is paid to him, little is said or known about him.

Fennel tea is easily recognized by its brownish-green seeds. The saturation of tone predominates in favor of green or brown. The long-forgotten plant was famous for its properties. Now, let's reveal its secrets, useful and harmful properties, so that a new generation of tea connoisseurs learn more about why it is worth drinking an undeservedly forgotten and medicinal drink.

What is fennel? A plant with a name Fennel common is popularly called "pharmaceutical dill". It spread from the Mediterranean, finding connoisseurs all over the world. It is used in cooking and medicine. The seeds have a taste similar to anise. IN pure form or oil from them has long been used in traditional medicine in Eastern countries. In order to increase breast milk Fennel was prescribed by Greek doctors to nursing mothers.

The method for preparing fennel tea is simple: pour boiling water over the seeds. This will allow the essential oils to escape into the water, saturating the drink. useful substances.

What's in it?

What are the benefits of fennel tea? Our usual dill contains:

  • vitamins of group A;
  • complex B, C, D;
  • antioxidants;
  • amino acids;
  • and other connections.

Some of them stimulate functioning of the digestive system, other increase immunity, affect the condition organ of vision. In India and China it was even used for treatment after poisonous snake bites. In order to strengthen the body, it was used by Olympic athletes in Ancient Greece. From the above, it becomes clear that fennel must be present in our diet.

16 Health Benefits of Fennel Tea

Let's take a closer look at the effect of fennel on humans.

  1. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

    The ability of dill seeds to relax muscles and stimulate the flow of bile reduces pain and improves the quality of food digestion. Simple spice allows you to remove gases, influencing the release of a person from flatulence. Research by Persian scientists speaks in favor of this. As a source of fiber, fennel normalizes the functioning of the small and large intestines. An additional plus is the stimulation of blood circulation in the digestive organs, which also has a positive effect on the process of food digestion. Numerous evidence points to the benefits of using dill for irritable bowel syndrome.

  2. Promotes weight loss

    Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract allows you to improve the absorption of food by the body, and, therefore, facilitate the functioning of the digestive organs. This has a positive effect on the replenishment of organs and systems with useful substances and on weight loss. It is recommended for cleansing the body of toxins, removing excess water from cells, to reduce hunger. The glucose lowering property is beneficial for diabetics.

  3. Treatment of respiratory diseases

    In Egypt, fennel has been used for many centuries as a healing agent in the treatment of colds. It is effective for the upper respiratory tract and for a runny nose. For spasms respiratory system the plant helps reduce their intensity and enhance the removal of mucus from the bronchi. Research conducted at the Ontario Veterinary College suggests a decrease in the severity of colds in horses. Data from Portuguese researchers also confirm the effectiveness of fennel for bronchitis and chronic cough.

  4. Strengthens the cardiovascular system

    By influencing the quality of food absorption, dill normalizes the functioning of the liver, which destroys bad cholesterol, thereby improving the functioning of the heart. Fiber protects against cholesterol reabsorption, helping prevent heart disease. The presence of potassium in the composition affects the effect of sodium, which has a positive effect on blood pressure, prevention of hypertension.

  5. Strengthens the immune system

    Ascorbic acid and selenium in fennel are involved in the body's immune responses. Antimicrobial properties ensure cell resistance, enhancing protection against the negative effects of microorganisms.

  6. Used to improve vision

    Fennel seed extracts are used in the treatment of glaucoma. Tea made from it is used as a tonic, drops, and compress. Iranian scientists studying this issue speak well of the effect on the organ of vision. Availability of vitamin WITH beneficial due to the high metabolic rate in the eyes. A university in Oregon published information according to which dill extract is a source of enough vitamin C to meet the needs of the eyes of people who wear contact lenses. This reduces the risk of cataract formation. In general, an important organ and all its structures, under the influence of fennel seed products, are strengthened and become resistant to inflammatory processes.

  7. Normalizes hormonal balance

    Research by Italian scientists suggests that natural phytoestrogens from fennel provide a balance of hormones in the human body. American studies confirm their effectiveness in therapy for polycystic ovary syndrome in women planning to become pregnant. This tea also normalizes the hormone progesterone, which is important for problems with the thyroid gland and other glands.

  8. Relieves symptoms of arthritis

    This fact is due to the antioxidant properties of the plant, which reduce the inflammatory process. The information is confirmed by research by Iranian scientists.

  9. Benefits of fennel tea for women

    Dill relieves painful spasms, helps get rid of weakness and nausea during this period. The statement is confirmed by Iranian scientists who have conducted numerous studies on this problem.

  10. Strengthens gums

    Being an antimicrobial agent, dill has therapeutic effect with inflammation in the oral cavity.

  11. The mild laxative property of dill tea helps remove worms and their eggs from the body. The ability to put worms to sleep, according to some studies, prevents them from reproducing.

  12. Fennel tea helps treat diabetes

    An Indian study found that fennel is one of the top ten foods that provide relief for diabetics. It does not contain starch, which affects low glycemic index. According to other data, just a glass of dill tea reduces the level of glucose in the blood of rats with abnormalities similar to humans. The presence of a high concentration of vitamin C and other substances is effective for patients with diabetes mellitus 2 types and in their formation diet menu. The sensitivity contained in the potassium to insulin, the presence of magnesium is also useful for diabetics. Scientists at the University of Maryland conducted a study on a group of 2,000 people. As a result, it was found that Normalizing the amount of magnesium in the diet prevents the risk of type 2 diabetes.

  13. Reduces the risk of cancer

    This fact is confirmed by American scientists in studies of the prostate gland. The multicomponent composition, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, prevents the transformation of human body cells into malignant ones. Biologically contained in the plant also influence this. active ingredients, quercetin that have anticancer activity. This is facilitated by its powerful fiber content. A report from a representative of the University of Tennessee speaks of suppressing the growth of cancer cells in the lungs and colon, limiting the activity of a protein responsible for many inflammatory processes, including cancer. An antitumor effect was noted in relation to cancer cells of the liver and breast. Fiber and vitamins also help with the risk of colorectal cancer.

  14. Benefits of fennel tea for men

    Fennel improves the sexual qualities of men and prolongs orgasm. In addition, it alleviates problems with the genitourinary system.

  15. Acne treatment

    The presence of essential oils (anethole, myrcene, limonene) has an anti-inflammatory effect, which was appreciated by cosmetologists in the treatment of skin diseases, in particular acne. In addition, fennel removes water from the skin, which stimulates the appearance of acne.

Important! Before starting to take fennel tea for children, it is better to consult your pediatrician.


Let's look at the dosage options for fennel tea recommended for daily use: acceptable dose for humans is 5-7 grams per day, brewed as tea. Exceeding the dosage of 500 mg per kilogram can lead to loss of appetite and piloerection.

Fennel tea with cumin and coriander


  • 1.5 glasses of water;
  • 2 small spoons each of fennel seeds, coriander, cumin.

Cooking rules

  1. pour seeds into hot water;
  2. cover the container and leave for 5 minutes;
  3. strain and drink.

Fennel and mint tea


  • 2 small spoons of peppermint;
  • Half a small spoon of dill.

Cooking rules

  1. grind the mixture;
  2. add hot water;
  3. cover, leave for 5 minutes;
  4. strain, drink.

Tea with fennel and ginger


  • 2 small spoons of fennel seeds;
  • one spoon at a time fresh ginger and dry lemon verbena.


    grind the seeds until an oily substance forms;

  1. pour into a container, add water, heat 90 degrees;
  2. simmer for 10 minutes;
  3. cool and drink.

Where to buy fennel tea

For sale natural tea from fennel in online stores and pharmacies. Convenient packaging in bags makes it easier to prepare, because you don’t have to strain it and monitor the dosage.

Possible side effects and contraindications

Like any product, fennel, in addition to its beneficial properties, also has contraindications, ignorance of which can harm the human body. Among them are the following:

  • individual intolerance. People with allergies to carrots, wormwood, and celery, also members of the Apiaceae family, are at risk of developing an allergy to fennel. TO characteristic symptoms include dizziness, swelling of the face, difficulty breathing;
  • risk of burns. Drinking dill tea increases skin sensitivity to the sun, which can lead to sunburn;
  • undesirable consequences for pregnant. Pregnant women are at risk of bleeding and miscarriage. Nursing mothers should use it carefully;
  • Use with caution in children. According to one source of information, there was a case where 2 infants were injured after using the described drug. To prevent such an incident, it is important to consult a doctor before taking it;
  • negative effect on the endocrine system. If a person has a disease associated with endocrine system, you should avoid drinking fennel tea due to the high concentration of plant-derived phytoestrogens.

Interactions with drugs

Fennel tea, when taken together with certain medications, may interfere with their metabolism. These include drugs containing ciprofloxacin and fluoroquinolones. In this case, drinking tea should be avoided or a break of at least 2 hours should be taken.


Fennel tea is a healthy, affordable, easy-to-use product. It has many benefits, but before consuming it is important to consider the specific effects of the plant on the human body.

Sometimes, everything simple can turn out to be special and take its rightful place on the shelf in the kitchen cabinet.

What else is useful?

Fennel copes so well with a number of children's problems that it can be used without fear, naturally, following the instructions and dosages according to age.



Fennel is a real storehouse of nutrients. The list is impressive: vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B9 and PP, antioxidant - vitamin E, ascorbic acid (up to 90%).

In addition to the above: calcium and potassium, magnesium and copper, phosphorus and sodium, iron and manganese. Fennel seeds contain essential (up to 6%) and fatty oils, which give them a characteristic taste and aroma, flavonoids and carotene.

The nutritional value of fennel is as follows (content per 100 grams of product):

  • Carbohydrates – 52.3.
  • Proteins – 15.8.
  • Fats – 14.9.
  • Omega-9 – 9.91.
  • Omega-6 – 1.69.
  • Sterols – 0.066.
  • Saturated fatty acids – 0.48.

Harm and contraindications

Drinking drinks with fennel does not harm the child's body. The only contraindication may be individual intolerance, expressed in the form of intestinal disorders or allergic reactions (skin rashes, rashes, itching).

A preliminary consultation with your child’s pediatrician is required before introducing a new product into your baby’s diet!

How to use and for what?

For preventive purposes or for routine use

IN for preventive purposes experts advise using fresh fruits. A small spoon of finely chopped fennel is infused in boiled water (200 ml) for half an hour, then cooled and given to the baby in a volume of 10-15 ml.

For colic

The so-called “dill water”, which in fact turns out to be fennel essential oil mixed with water, will help cope with a child’s colic. In a liter of cooled boiled water 0.05 oil dissolves; before use, you need to warm it up a little.

This composition can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks. In all other cases, drinks must be prepared immediately before use.

For vision

The plant's help in the treatment of glaucoma has been proven for a long time. In addition, it can be dripped into the eyes or applied as compresses - the antioxidants contained in the plant relieve inflammation.

Rinse fresh leaves thoroughly, chop finely, pour a glass of boiling water and leave covered for 15-20 minutes. Moisten cotton pads with the cooled solution and apply to the eyes for several minutes.

To improve digestion

To stimulate digestion and improve liver function, you should prepare the following drink: mix chamomile flowers and fennel seeds in equal shares, pour a glass of hot water, leave for 15-20 minutes. The seeds should first be crushed in a mortar, removing the outer shell.

For immunity

5 grams of fresh or dried fruits are boiled for 30 minutes over low heat, the broth is filtered, cooled and given to the child 3-4 times a day (10 ml).

For the flu

Here’s how a mother can overcome the flu in a child: Pour crushed seeds (5 grams) with water, cover with a saucer and leave to steep for 10 minutes. Give the child water for several days, observing proportions according to age.

For a cold

Helps cope with cold symptoms next recipe: Pour 2-3 grams of crushed seeds into a glass of hot water and leave to steep for 25-30 minutes. If you have it on hand essential oil, it can also be used, but the dose should be carefully measured - 0.5 g per liter.

Where to get?

You can purchase the plant in the seasoning section of a large grocery store or at a pharmacy.. The latter option is preferable: you can be sure that the collection and preparation of raw materials is carried out in accordance with all the rules, and expiration dates are strictly controlled. The stems of the plant should be elastic and hard to the touch, the seeds should be brown, with smooth, not dried out edges, and the aroma should be fresh, with a clearly noticeable note of anise.

A package of common fennel weighing 100 grams costs 140-150 rubles. The plant should be stored in a glass or porcelain bowl in a dry, dark place. Polyethylene cannot be used for this!


Packaged herbal Hipp (Hipp) for a child

Tea from the Hipp brand contains exclusively fennel fruits. It contains no sugar, flavorings or preservatives. It can also be given to newborns, but it is important to follow the prescribed dosage:

  • For newborns, packaged Herb tea(package contains 30 bags). A child can be given no more than 100 ml of drink per day.
  • Starting from 1 month, you can drink a drink made from fennel extract (100 g per package). The recommended daily dose is 150 ml per day.
  • After 4 months and up to a year - granulated tea with a small amount of sucrose, which is convenient to dissolve in water. Sufficient volume – 200 grams.
  • One-year-old toddlers are allowed to give 2-4 tea cups per day.

The drink is easily digestible and is made from products with low allergenic properties, however, judging by the reviews, in half the cases it does not have the desired effect and parents have to resort to additional measures. The average price in Moscow and St. Petersburg is 230-250 rubles.

"Granny's Basket"

The composition of “Babushkino Lukoshko” tea is similar to the product described above and there are no additives. The highly crushed raw materials are packaged in convenient sachets (1 gram of powder each) and are easily brewed.

Consumers like “Babushkino Lukoshko” for its effectiveness, affordability and natural composition. The cost of packaging in stores ranges from 90 to 110 rubles.


Excellent quality – that’s what can be said about this product from Germany. Manufacturers specializing in the development of baby food for more than 60 years have created a mixture of high-quality materials - caraway extracts, fennel oil and maltodextrin.

The drink has a mild pleasant taste, helps reduce intestinal spasms and colic, reduces gas formation in the intestines. One caveat - it can only be used from the first month of a child’s life.

Important! Since the composition also includes lactose - for children intolerant to this substance this tea is strictly contraindicated.

To prepare, you need to dissolve 1 teaspoon of the dry mixture in 100 ml of warm boiled water (up to 37 degrees) and stir thoroughly.

Bebivita (Bebivita)

Instant tea, which comes in pale yellow granules, or in bags. Contains a small percentage of dextrose. It has a pleasant taste and smell, but the shelf life of an open tube is limited (2-3 months). According to the instructions, the proportions are as follows:

  • Babies under one year old need to dissolve 3.75 g. (1 tsp) in 100 ml of warm water.
  • For older children, the amount increases: 2 spoons per 200 ml of liquid.

The average price in pharmacies in St. Petersburg and Moscow is 150 rubles per pack.

Fleur Alpine Organic

Another tasty helper in the fight against colic. One filter bag contains 1.5 grams of fennel fruit; there are 20 such bags in a package. There are no sugar or other excipients. This tea can be given to a child from one month of age.

How to brew for newborns: pour 1 filter bag of fennel tea with a glass of hot water (200 ml) and brew for 5-10 minutes. It is not recommended to give babies under 5 months of age more than 50 ml of tea per day; in the future, the amount should be increased to 200 ml.

Attention! A child up to one year old can be given drinks containing fennel every day for 2-3 weeks, after which a break for the same period is required.

The average cost per package is 200 rubles.

Seeing your child's serene smile is the greatest happiness for parents. Therefore, when faced with adaptation problems in new conditions for your baby, do not panic. Pay attention to the products that have been tested by time and many generations of moms and dads. Fennel is an indispensable medicinal drug, affordable and safe, for your baby.

Read in this article:

Fennel tea is becoming an increasingly common remedy for many health problems in newborns. Its beneficial properties were first discovered by ancient Greek doctors: it perfectly calms the nervous system, strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on bone development in babies and relieves intestinal colic.

Fennel tea for newborns has a pleasant mild taste, and therefore kids accept it with pleasure. Young mothers will confirm: this good remedy to calm the baby when he cries. In addition, mothers themselves use it, since fennel stimulates lactation quite well, which helps with breastfeeding.

What's included

Fennel is often called " pharmaceutical dill" It really looks very similar to this plant, and even has a number of the same properties. For example, it copes very well with intestinal colic, which often occurs in newborns. However, fennel tea tastes more like anise, and some gourmets even claim that it tastes of mint and tarragon.

It is no coincidence that tea with fennel has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system in children. It contains a large number of vitamins useful to the growing body - C, E, group B. It is thanks to this that fennel tea perfectly fights cramps and colic in children's tummies, and all mothers know that they happen quite often in newborns. And in the first three months of life, these colics are a common occurrence. In this case, Fennel tea can become a kind of home ambulance.

Tea for newborns often includes the prebiotic inulin. It also has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to this, it helps to better absorb calcium in children's body, improving the development of the skeletal system, which is especially important at this age.

Fennel helps strengthen the baby’s immunity quite well due to the vitamin C it contains, and is also an excellent diuretic and antibacterial agent. Children's tea does not contain sugar, all kinds of dyes and preservatives, and therefore young parents do not have to fear for their baby.

How to drink fennel tea

Fennel can be given to babies different ways: this is plantex, dill water and tea. All this is available in pharmacies without a prescription, but it is better to follow medical recommendations. Fennel tea has become the most popular lately. It is brewed very simply: a spoonful of crushed fruits is poured with boiling water and infused for about half an hour. Sometimes tea is sold in ready-made bags, which makes it even easier to drink.

Fennel tea can be given to newborns by adding it to milk or baby formula, but you can also give it on its own, in small quantities. Usually they start using this infusion one teaspoon three times a day, but gradually it can be increased up to six times.

Usually fennel is given to children from two weeks of age. It is at this time that colic in the tummies most often begins. A newborn is trying to get used to food that is new to him (after all, everything was different inside the mother) and does not always cope with it right away. Therefore, tea with fennel can be an excellent panacea, because it eliminates colic and helps eliminate gas from children's bodies. In addition, pediatricians advise putting a warm diaper on the tummy along with the tea, so the baby will calm down faster.

Who shouldn't have fennel tea?

Despite the fact that fennel is usually tolerated very well by newborns, there are a number of contraindications for its use. Usually, mothers are advised to monitor their babies very carefully after the first use of tea. In rare cases, it can cause an allergic reaction: for example, the baby may develop a rash. In this case, drinking tea should be stopped immediately. Discussing this issue with your pediatrician will also not be superfluous.

Sometimes fennel tea for newborns can be used as an enema. It also promotes the passage of gas and eliminates colic. Tea is brewing in the usual way: several seeds are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, infused and cooled.

Together with the baby

Fennel is useful not only for newborns, but also for their mothers. Many scientists believe that drinking this tea promotes milk production, so mothers often drink it with their children. True, the doses differ significantly. If a few spoons a day are enough for the baby, then the mother can have several glasses. The main thing in this matter is not to overuse, so it is best to carefully read the instructions indicated on the tea pack.

The use of fennel tea is very popular today. We inherited this remedy from our grandmothers, and therefore has stood the test of time. And most importantly, this drug is completely natural, so you don’t have to worry about the baby’s health. But his smile and good mood- the best reward for parents.