Stuffed oranges. Stuffed oranges "golden balls" in the air fryer

There is a long holiday week ahead, the New Year holidays, you can go to visit and host friends. I love it, and you probably do too. And you always want to surprise your guests! Let's please our friends with an elegant and light dessert! On holidays, you will probably have chocolate, nuts, and a couple of oranges. Pay attention to a dessert that does not require long cooking, is tasty and easy to prepare.

Stuffed oranges

Serves 4-8.

You will need:

Oranges - 4 pieces;

Walnuts - ½ cup;

Banana - 1 pc.;

Dark chocolate - 1 pc.;

Cream 33-38% - 200 ml;

Honey - 2 tbsp.

· Wash the oranges and cut them crosswise into two halves, remove the pulp from the halves. This is convenient to do with a small knife or the handle of a teaspoon - just run it along the partitions and the pulp will separate. Hold the oranges over a bowl to catch any juice that runs out. All bones must be removed and discarded. Also remove the remaining partition films. We will fill the resulting cups with filling, so they need to be given stability - cut off a little peel from the bottom of each half to make a bottom.

· The cups are ready, now let's prepare the filling. Chop the nuts coarsely and fry in a dry frying pan until golden brown and a pleasant aroma appears. Cut the banana into cubes.

· Break the chocolate into a small bowl, add honey and orange juice, heat gently in a water bath or microwave until the chocolate melts, and stir until smooth. Chocolate should not be overheated; under high temperature it will curdle.

· Whip the cream into a thick foam.

Add nuts, orange pulp and banana cubes, and half the chocolate mass.

Divide among the orange cup halves and pour the remaining chocolate on top.

Bon appetit!

For help in filming we thank:

Ekaterinburg manufacturer of seasonings, herbs and spices "Aidigo"

I also decided to make stuffed oranges, firstly, you only need 4 ingredients, and secondly, I wanted to try what kind of exotic taste it would be.

When my husband saw what I was cooking, he immediately said that he wouldn’t eat “that.” I think we'll see more...

I took MJK mayonnaise, which is fatty, since the chicken is dietary, oranges and cucumbers are also low in calories. Only 3 oranges fit on the photo tray, but, again, you need 4 oranges.

First I cut the chicken, I just boiled it in salted water, without seasoning:

I add fresh cucumber to the chicken. I had a large one, so I took half:

The most time-consuming part is cutting the oranges. The juice flowed, I had to constantly pour it from the board into the salad bowl, and there were too many seeds in this variety. Next time I will pay attention to the fact that the oranges are not quite orange-ripe, better sour:

And finally - mayonnaise:

After mixing all the ingredients in the salad bowl, I started working on the orange baskets. Using regular scissors, I make teeth along the edges (I had to hold the camera in one hand, so the shot is somewhat illogical):

Now I fill the baskets and let it brew for about 1 hour:

Lovers of meat in sweet and sour sauce will love this dish, we liked it, especially my husband :) And the citrus taste of oranges disappears somewhere, it is mixed with chicken and cucumber, and the result is something juicy and tasty.

Have you tried stuffed oranges? If not, then I advise you to definitely try it! "Golden Balls" not only look interesting on the table, but are also very tasty.

Ingredients for “Golden Balls Stuffed Oranges in the Air Fryer”:

Recipe for “Golden Balls Stuffed Oranges in the Air Fryer”:

Wash the chicken fillet, dry it with a paper towel and cut into small cubes.
Lightly grease the air fryer pan with vegetable oil. Place the chopped meat in the form. Then place the form with meat on the middle rack of the air fryer. Set the temperature to 205 degrees, fan speed to medium. Time - 20-25 minutes (depending on the size of the chopped meat).

While the meat is frying, finely chop the herbs, onion, and garlic.

P.S. According to your taste, you can add more garlic than indicated in the ingredients.

Add fried chicken to greens, onions and garlic.

Mix everything well. Add spices and 1.5 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise. Add salt to taste (when I cook with mayonnaise, I don’t add salt). And if desired, add a handful of chopped walnuts.
And mix everything well again.
If "golden balls" are made with pork or turkey, then walnuts are not added.
p.s. According to the original recipe, butter is added to the mixture of meat with herbs, onions and garlic; this is done to soften it and, if the meat is lean. But for many years I have been adding mayonnaise instead of butter. I don’t see any softness from the oil, just a fatty feel. And with mayonnaise, to my taste, the meat really becomes softer. Moreover, it is more tender and juicier.

Wash the oranges (you can use grapefruits, but I prefer oranges) thoroughly and wipe off moisture. Then carefully cut off the top part (do not throw it away, these will be “lids”). Using a sharp knife or scissors, cut out the middle inside - we do not completely cut out all the pulp, but leave a little pulp along the “walls”. Gently and lightly press down the remaining pulp with a teaspoon. If there is a lot of juice inside the orange, drain it.

Spread the meat filling over the oranges, close with the lids and place the oranges on the bottom rack of the air fryer.
Set the parameters:
temperature - 235 degrees
fan speed - high
time - 15 minutes.

P.S. According to the original, oranges are placed on the middle grid, but then my oranges do not fit and I have to install an expansion ring. I somehow don’t like the expansion ring. And I don’t feel any difference))