Etiquette for visiting a restaurant. Modern rules of restaurant etiquette

06.09.2016 healthy entertainment 7352

Today, more and more often wecelebrating children's holidays V where you can useanimator servicesand don’t worry about preparing the festive table.

However, one concern still falls on our shoulders, namely, teaching our child how to behave in public places.Etiquette for children, visiting the cafe, includes several important rules: rules of behavior at the table, communication with peers and elders, cultural behavior in an unfamiliar place.

At the table

A child under 7-10 years old should not at all understand which knife is used to cut meat and which knife is used to cut fish. Our goal is simple rules:

Need to It is forbidden
- sit at the table neat and clean; - slurp while eating;
- wash your hands before eating; - lick fingers;
- use a napkin; - pick at food with your hands;
- eat in small pieces; - stuff your mouth with food;
- start eating with everyone; - place your elbows on the table;
- remain silent while chewing food; - spit out food;
- ask to pass the dish you like; - swing on a chair;
- thank the cooks and owners of the house after eating. — to fall apart at the table.

Among people

Exist general rules behaviors that a child should be able to observe no matter where he is. In a crowded place like a cafe, ignoring these rules can cause unpleasant embarrassment. And although society is usually lenient about children's mistakes, it can be very uncomfortable for the child himself to be the cause of laughter or condemnation.

So, you can't:

- fight;

- throw tantrums;

- play with food;

- comb your hair at the table;

- adjusting things on yourself in front of all people;

- blow your nose loudly, itch, touch wounds, etc.;

- asking loudly to go to the toilet;

— bring your own toys, especially large ones, to the cafe;

- look closely at people at neighboring tables.

When and how to study?

Children are taught rules not in “ field conditions"When the guests had already gathered and the holiday began. This is best done at home using the form of a game. Children really enjoy practicing various aspects of behavior with the help of dolls, watching themed cartoons, reading poems and fairy tales, and playing “like adults” and “like princesses and princes” with their peers.

Get involved in the process and develop the appropriate skills. And if the baby makes some mistake at the holiday, it is better to tactfully inform him in his ear. Or calmly talk about mistakes when you get home.Etiquette for childrenwill become something important only when he is convinced of its significance by your example. Respect a little person - and he will learn to respect others.

Rules of behavior need to be taught from the very beginning. early age. The sooner the baby learns to behave, the easier it will be for him to express himself in society, make friends and find a common language with representatives of the older generation. And then annoying misunderstandings will not overshadow his holidays and weekdays. Subscribe to our blog updates and receive new articles directly to your email.

Etiquette in a restaurant refers to a type of rules of conduct in public places, and it has its own specific norms characteristic of a given establishment.

When going to a restaurant, you should look impeccable. In general, this place suggests evening wear. If the invitation takes you by surprise, it is enough to look neat, clean and ironed.

Entrance to the restaurant

At the entrance to the establishment, visitors are usually greeted by the head waiter, who will also lead you to a free or reserved table.

If you accidentally break a plate or glass during dinner, don’t fuss - the cost of the broken dishes will simply be included in the bill.

When you visit, you will be given chopsticks instead of a fork. If you are using them for the first time and are in doubt, then you have the right to ask the waiter to bring you a fork. You will be treated with understanding.

Don't reach across the table for a pepper shaker or salt shaker. Just ask your neighbor or the waiter to serve you the item. Conversation at the table should not be loud and disturb other visitors. According to etiquette, you cannot bend low over a plate, lounge on a chair, or put your elbows on the table. Eat leisurely, savoring every bite, enjoying the aroma. Do not blow on a hot dish. Wait until it cools down a bit.

Remove fish and fruit bones from your mouth with a fork rather than spitting them out. If you absolutely do not like the dish, spit it out discreetly into a napkin held tightly to your mouth.

If you suddenly receive a call, apologize to those gathered, move away if the issue is urgent. For all other non-urgent situations, tell the caller that you will call him back later. According to the rules, to step away for a couple of minutes, you need to ask permission from your friends. It is considered indecent to talk to friends sitting at another table. If you need to talk, either sit next to them or go out into the hall together to talk.

When your friends enter a restaurant, greet them while sitting. Men stand up if new arrivals join their table. Women don't need to get up.

At the end of the meal

Ask the waiter for the bill. He will bring it to you, enclosed in a folder. You put the money there and give it to the waiter.

The question that causes a lot of stumbling blocks is who pays for whom. Domestic etiquette assumes that the gentleman pays for the lady. Western feminists vehemently oppose this and often pay the price for themselves.

If the dinner is friendly, then the bill is usually divided in half or asked to be counted separately for everyone.

Restaurant etiquette prohibits:

  • Call the waiter loudly and snap your fingers.
  • Knock the device on a glass or plate for the same purpose. The waiter's attention is attracted by a nod of the head or a wave of the hand.
  • Tell the bartender how to prepare drinks.
  • Find out who will pay in the presence of the waiter. Agree on this in advance.
  • Express dissatisfaction with the waiter and cause a scandal if something goes wrong. Quietly and politely express your thoughts to the head waiter. Most issues can be resolved calmly and quietly.
  • Slurping, eating untidy, crumbling bread or swinging your legs is bad manners. As well as slurping and licking your fingers.

For a very long time I wanted to write an article about restaurant etiquette. Our Company is called " Russian feast culture“And a modern person simply must know the basic rules of behavior at the table. So let's get started.

As part of my work, I often have to go to restaurants (don’t be jealous, it’s an ordinary job and nothing more), and I regularly watch simply fantastic scenes of how people don’t know how to behave. That's why I decided to write about etiquette. About the rules of behavior at the table.

Just write, and not copy, what has been replicated on the Internet by people who visit restaurants once a year, and even those of the “quick service” variety. Add your comments and observations.

For several weeks, on scraps of paper or on my phone, I wrote down everything I learned, remembered, and read.

It turned out to be a lot, but I’ll start with main rule behavior in a restaurant!

When entering a restaurant, stick your fancy smartphone as far or deep as possible!!!

It doesn’t matter where: in a jacket pocket or in a purse, and ideally turn it off altogether. Unless you're a seller of stolen phones and want to sell them to pay for food.

If you think that by taking out your smartphone you are showing how cool you are, then I will disappoint you. Apple alone has sold 700 million smartphones in 7 years, so you are one of several tens of millions.

Now I will explain why.

You came to a restaurant for one of two reasons: either to communicate with a person, it doesn’t matter who it is, a business partner, or a girlfriend, or a friend, or someone else. Yes and communicate and talk. In life there are very few events that can interrupt your meeting. Or are you looking for an excuse not to communicate, so why did you come?

I watched the picture once. A group of 6 people came to the restaurant. All they said during the evening was asking for a menu, placing an order, asking for the bill and muttering something as they left. Throughout the evening, not one of them let go of their smartphone.

The second reason is to eat deliciously, so try it, eat it, enjoy your food. A lot of people worked for this moment, starting from the farmer who grew meat or vegetables. Skipping the long chain, let me remind you about the team of cooks who prepared this dish and, ending with the waiters, who, often arguing with the kitchen, tried to ensure that you received your food on time.

And even no need to take pictures of food. For what? Boast of? This is a bad trait. Repeat at home? Try it! Photographing food reminds me of photographing paintings in galleries, their series, and I saw the same “Alyonushka” in the Tretyakov Gallery live.

Behind for a long time I even made up typical scenario of behavior of ill-mannered people in a restaurant.

Logged in – search for availableWI-Fi networks.

I need to check my email and Social media. Check in. The menu is studied at the same time as glancing at the smartphone screen. We need to see what others have written and posted in the last 10 minutes (that’s exactly how much time has passed since the previous login to the network).

Take a selfie. Post it.

They brought snacks - we need to take a photo and post it in the SS. At the same time, some, instead of starting their meal after this, sit and wait for the first comments on the photo.

Ate snacks - reply to comments.

They brought hot food. We take pictures. We post it. Some people film not only the food, but also how they eat it!!! Not the most appetizing sight.

Ask the waiter to warm it up, or eat it cold.

While they are warming up, you can watch the “seals” on Instagram.

Dessert arrived. Why, without a photo, without a selfie, and there were a dozen more messages attacking, I need to answer everyone.

So we ate. So we talked...

What am I talking about? Besides, if you don’t get into the habit of putting your phone away when entering a restaurant, everything else that I write for you is absolutely useless. Why do you need to know how to sit, what device and how to use it, when to start eating, when you can leave the table, if all your attention is in the virtual world.

Are you ready to bet? I will answer for every word!

for example +79131234567

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Travel etiquette (seating arrangements in cars, buses, trains, airplanes). Rules of behavior on the street

Woman and man on the street: There are special rules when accompanying a woman

Rules of conduct in a restaurant (cafe). Dance night

Rules of behavior in the restaurant

Lately more and more places are opening Catering- for every taste and income. Moreover, for some, visiting a restaurant is a good old tradition, for others, going out into the world, for others, a real necessity.

So, if you decide to go to a restaurant with someone, it is better to make your choice in advance. The choice of establishment should be coordinated with the people you invite, since you need to take into account the tastes of your companions and their eating habits.

It’s no secret that the behavior of visitors is determined by the level of the establishment: that’s why in the city they are found like restaurants high class, and ordinary canteens.

But there are also general rules of behavior that a visitor to any cafe or restaurant must follow. Knowing them will allow you, without looking around in horror, to communicate correctly with the waiter, pay a tip and generally stay on top, without dropping oysters on the tablecloth and without causing other troubles to others - that’s why everyone should have at least some idea of ​​​​restaurant etiquette.

1. Remember that a man is always the first to enter an establishment, warning a woman of the possible danger lurking, but the main reason is that based on this sign, the head waiter has the right to draw conclusions about who is the initiator of coming to the establishment and who will pay. In the case when there are only women or men in the circle of visitors, the order is always the same - the one from whom the invitation to the restaurant came first enters and pays. But if a doorman meets visitors at the entrance, the man must let the woman through first. After which the gentleman finds empty seats.

2. If the meeting was scheduled in advance, then the man should arrive a little earlier than the woman, undress in the wardrobe and ask the waiter where the reserved table is. Moreover, all this must be done before the invited lady arrives. After this, you meet a woman, help her undress and escort her into the hall.

3. It happens that a table in a restaurant is reserved for several people, in this case those who arrived on time wait for the others for about 20 minutes, after which they do not bind themselves to obligations in relation to them. Those who arrived late must apologize and, without attracting attention, special attention, join the others.

4. A gentleman who comes to a cafe or restaurant and accompanies a lady must give the latter a more comfortable place at a table, for example, overlooking the stage. However, the most convenient places are usually considered: near the wall - facing the hall, in the middle of the hall - facing the entrance. In this case, the man should take a place to the left of the lady or opposite her if the table is small. If two men and one lady are having lunch (or vice versa), then she/he is recommended to have a network between them.

5. A man must help his lady sit down at the table. He pulls out a chair from the table and then helps his companion move it. It should be noted that almost no one follows this old rule of etiquette today. Women usually take the initiative into their own hands: they independently choose a place at the table and sit on a chair. Also, the rules of good manners say: a man should stand up a little if a lady has risen from the table. If several men are sitting at a table, they may not get up when a woman gets up.

6. According to the rules of etiquette, the man is responsible for choosing the menu. At the same time, he must offer his companion a choice of one or another dish indicated on the menu. Not surprisingly, some upscale restaurants have separate menus for men (with prices) and women (without prices), so diners can independently choose the food they like without risking limiting the freedom of choice of their companion. At the same time, when choosing dishes, a woman should not settle on overly expensive or too cheap. It would also be considered inappropriate and impolite to say: “The same dish as yourself” or “Order what you want.”

7. In restaurants and cafes it is not customary to talk loudly, laugh, or put your elbows on the table, but, nevertheless, you should behave at ease. The meal begins only when all guests have received the ordered dishes. But if between serving various dishes If there are long periods of time and the brought dishes are cooling down, then those who have not yet received their order can invite others to start eating. Also, at the table, you should not comb your hair, wipe your face with a napkin, check whether the plates and cutlery are clean, much less wipe them with napkins, blow on food or smell it, cool the soup, or vigorously stir it in the plate.

8. When addressing service personnel, try to call them by name. Do not make a scandal or quarrel with the waiters, because if you are not satisfied with something, you have the opportunity to replace it with another, and also ask for a new dish if the quality of what you ordered does not suit you. If you have finished eating your dish, place the fork and knife on the plate parallel to each other with the handles to the right; if the meal is not finished yet, place the cutlery on the plate crosswise - this way the waiter will understand you correctly during non-verbal communication.

9. In the old days, only men had the right to choose alcoholic drinks in a restaurant. It was to them that the waiters brought the wine list. Today the situation has changed. Both men and women can order alcoholic drinks. The waiter must present the wine to the person who ordered it. The visitor carefully examines the label, then the waiter pours a small amount of wine in a glass, the customer takes a sip to taste the wine. Only after receiving the seal of approval for the quality of wine or other alcoholic beverage does the restaurant hall employee fill the glasses. It is worth noting that wine tasting is of a conditional, so to speak, ritual nature. Therefore, it is considered not quite decent to refuse the ordered alcohol, except in cases of poor-quality goods. A poorly chilled drink can also be a reason for refusing the ordered wine.

10. As for smokers, a natural question may arise: is it possible to smoke in restaurants and cafes? It is worth remembering that in some establishments smoking is strictly prohibited, as evidenced by the absence of ashtrays on the tables. But there are cafes and restaurants that allow their visitors to smoke. However, when lighting a cigarette, you should remember those around you. It is quite possible that among them there are people who cannot stand the smell of tobacco smoke. Therefore, before you smoke, ask permission from those sitting next to you. The rules of etiquette prohibit smoking between serving the next dish and in the event that one of the neighbors at the table is eating.

11. By the time you pay for the meal, it should already be known who and how is paying for the reception - everyone for himself, the head of the family for his family, or the inviter pays for everyone. IN modern society a woman can pay for herself if she was not invited to a restaurant, but met an acquaintance already on the spot. Discussions about who pays should not take place in front of the waiter. If a woman pays herself, she simply reminds the waiter what dishes she ordered and receives a separate bill; the man in this situation receives his own bill. The man can bear the cost of the wine. When paying, you need to look at the bill and put the required amount on the plate on which it was served. Tips can be 10 - 15% of the bill.

12. When leaving the restaurant hall, a man, as when entering it, must walk ahead of the lady. He opens the doors for his companion, lets her go ahead, then goes out himself, closes the doors and again walks in front of his companion, as if showing the way to the lobby. According to the rules of etiquette, the man puts on his outerwear first, after which he helps his lady get dressed. Restaurant visitors go outside, and only after that the man can put on a hat and gloves.

Dancing etiquette

Since ancient times, people have loved to dance. This love has not disappeared in our time.

Man in drunk should not ask you to dance. The woman, in turn, will do the right thing if she does not accept the invitation of her drunken partner. You need to choose a partner discreetly, without looking every woman from head to toe. It is not customary to invite someone to dance from afar, using some kind of sign. Naturally, a well-mannered woman will never respond to a nod or a wink.

When inviting a woman to dance, a man approaches a woman and asks her permission to invite her to dance, bowing slightly. This can be done silently, only by bowing. The woman expresses her agreement with a friendly nod or smile. It is best to refuse calmly and modestly. There is also no need to express special joy about the invitation. Stand up calmly and behave with dignity.

If suddenly a woman promised this dance to someone else, then she should thank her for the invitation and say: “Unfortunately, I already promised this dance.” At open evenings, you can refuse to dance to a stranger without explaining the reason.

If the woman refuses to dance, the man bows and leaves.

The promised dance is obligatory for the one who promised it. If the woman did not come alone (with a brother, friend, husband, etc.), then the inviter must bow to the accompanying person and ask: “May I invite your lady?”

Heading to the dance floor, the man lets the lady go first, and if there is room, he walks next to her on the right hand.

The dance is led by a partner. Your posture should be straight. It is ugly when a girl’s figure is too curved back or the distance between the dancers is too large.

During the dance, a woman should not hold anything in her hands except a handkerchief, if she needs one.

You can dance silently, but it is still more polite to express your respect and talk a little.

A conversation started during a dance can be completed by the partner standing next to the partner.

If they are sitting at a table, then before inviting a lady from the next table, the man dances with all the women at his table. By inviting a woman to a public entertainment place, a man can dance not only with her if she went to dance with someone else.

At the end of the evening, the man usually escorts home the lady with whom he danced the last dance. If the lady agrees, then the gentleman must take care of her outerwear and help her get dressed.

Dance etiquette also includes some rules of behavior and relationships between men and women. Therefore, you need to be as concentrated and collected as possible.

  • A woman and a man on the street: When accompanying a woman, there are special rules. Rules behavior V restaurant (cafe). Dance evening.

  • Rules behavior V restaurant (cafe). Dance evening. Rules behavior V restaurant Lately more and more are opening up. Rules behavior at an exhibition, in a museum, in a theater, in a library.

  • Rules behavior V restaurant (cafe). Dance evening. Rules behavior V restaurant Lately more and more are opening up. Loading. Download Receive on your phone.

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    Table V cafe or restaurant ordered in advance and usually served with fruit, sausages, dairy
    Official lunch usually starts at 20 o'clock evenings.

  • Office etiquette refers to the norms and rules behavior V the process of communication with colleagues, order.
    Table V cafe or restaurant ordered in advance and usually served with fruit, sausages, dairy
    Official lunch usually starts at 20 o'clock evenings.

  • Office etiquette refers to the norms and rules behavior V the process of communication with colleagues, order.
    Table V cafe or restaurant ordered in advance and usually served with fruit, sausages, dairy
    Official lunch usually starts at 20 o'clock evenings.

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An invitation to a restaurant is pleasant and significant event. But don’t relax; preparing for a visit to a cultural institution requires special care. And it’s not about the hairstyle and festive attire. The first thing that the guests present and the person responsible for the planned event will pay attention to is your manners. Make sure you know the rules of restaurant etiquette.

Etiquette is not a whim of aesthetes, but a social necessity, expressed by respectful attitude towards each other.

Who meets whom and where?

The initiator of the event should greet guests at the restaurant, and not vice versa. Therefore, he simply must be the first to arrive at the appointed place. If the inviter is late, guests can sit down at their favorite table and wait for the “intruder” over a cup of tea. At the same time, the latecomer must voice the reason for the delay, of course a valid one.

Modern couples usually go on a romantic date together, meeting outside the restaurant. Some companies also prefer to enter the establishment not individually, but in a group. Especially closed or located in an unfamiliar place. In these 2 cases, it is extremely indecent to be late. And the meeting place is chosen to be the one that is more convenient for the female half to get to.

IN big company It is customary to wait for latecomers no more than a quarter of an hour, after which you need to sit down at a table and start the event. Guests arriving later should apologize, being careful not to interrupt the speech or toast, take their place and remember to introduce themselves to their neighbors or drop a polite phrase.

In the lobby

And so, a young couple enters the restaurant. The gentleman must hold the front door and let the lady go forward. Then help her take off her coat and give her time to preen herself in front of the mirror. At this time, you can undress yourself and put your outerwear in the wardrobe.

A man must remove his hat at the entrance. And put it on after leaving the restaurant.

In front of the mirror in the lobby, you are only allowed to straighten your hair with your hands. If more significant manipulations are necessary, you can go to the ladies' room for a while. Or men's if you need to straighten your tie.

On the way to the table

The door to the restaurant hall itself is also opened by a man, letting the woman in first. Then he must overtake her and be the first to greet the approaching head waiter.

If a large company enters the hall, the initiator of the banquet usually goes first. The waiter will contact him when ordering and paying the bill.

On the way to the table, the man again lets the lady go ahead, allowing her to follow the head waiter. But he chooses the table himself or, if there is no choice, the head waiter will point to a free one.

Having proceeded to the indicated table, the woman independently chooses the place she likes. And the man helps keep him occupied by pushing and pulling a chair. He himself takes a place to the left of the lady or opposite for a more comfortable conversation.

It is not cultural to move a chair to the table while sitting. If you are uncomfortable, it is better to just sit on its edge.

It happens that a lady is delayed. In this case, the gentleman must inform the head waiter that he is expecting his companion. Then the administrator will be able to meet the guest and escort her to her table. The man stands up and helps her sit down.

A napkin from the table is placed on your lap. At the end of the meal - on the table, without folding.

Contacting the waiter and ordering food

The menu is usually served to each guest, but there are exceptions. If there is only one copy, the lady chooses the first course. And here there are several points that many prudes stumble over:

  • You can’t limit yourself to the cheapest dishes, this indicates doubts about the man’s wealth.
  • The most refined and unjustifiably expensive dishes is also not an option, because you are not one of those people who would take advantage of the opportunity. It is better to give preference to the golden mean.
  • The phrase “Order to your taste” is not acceptable at all. But you can get away with asking, “What do you recommend?”

It just so happened that it was the man who communicated with the waiter. And the woman expresses her wishes to her companion, this is another great opportunity to show her care and resourcefulness to the lady. But just don’t call the waiter to place an order. He himself will understand that the guests have already made their choice.

If a large group of guests is sitting at the table, the waiter will approach the initiator of the banquet. To the one who reserved a table or was the first to enter the restaurant. In this case, the inviter must consult with others and place the order independently, taking into account general wishes.

Once the waiter has opened the wine brought for testing, it is already indecent to refuse it. You can afford such a step only if the drink turns out to be spoiled.


The way a person eats food, what utensils he uses and how he holds them in his hand speaks about his culture and upbringing. Therefore, everyone should know the general ones by heart. And even more so if we're talking about about the restaurant.

The meal begins when the dish is in front of each guest. If the banquet is too large and the food takes a long time to arrive, waiting guests may offer to start without them. Or you can politely ask if you can start eating.

An excellent excerpt from etiquette - not to keep your elbows on the table - is gradually becoming a thing of the past. In a friendly company, no one will focus on this, but at a banquet with the older generation, it is better not to risk your reputation.

You need to eat slowly and calmly. You cannot grimace, slurp or bang with a fork or spoon. Naturally, you can’t talk while eating. But at a banquet you can be approached at any second; in such a situation, it is better to quietly apologize and finish chewing your food rather than muttering with your mouth full.

When a man and a woman are dining at the table, the lady should start eating earlier, but finish after the gentleman. According to the rules of restaurant etiquette, you cannot rush a man through a meal, much less ask the waiter to bring the bill before the end.

Different situations during a banquet

Even people knowledgeable about the rules etiquette from A to Z, may find themselves in an awkward situation while dining at a restaurant. Help you avoid them following rules behavior in the establishment:

  1. Do not pick up appliances that you have dropped on the floor. The waiter will do this himself and replace them with new ones.
  2. Broken dishes in a restaurant are not a reason to fuss. You just need to ask the waiter to remove the fragments, and the cost of the damage will automatically be included in the bill.
  3. It is not civilized to lounge on a chair, talk loudly, or bend over a plate.
  4. If the dish is absolutely not to your taste, discreetly spit the food into a paper napkin and not into a plate, so as not to spoil the appetite of other guests.
  5. Talking on the phone right at the table is the height of indecency. It is better to apologize and leave the table if the conversation is urgent.
  6. If necessary, leave, even for a short time, you need to politely ask your friends for permission.
  7. Don't shout at people from the next table. Need to talk? Invite a friend to your table or sit at his, asking permission from your friends.
  8. If a familiar person enters a restaurant, you can greet him with a nod. As a rule, no one lingers at the table. If the fleeting conversation drags on, it is better to leave the table and go into the hall. Or invite a person to sit at your table, but only if you organized the banquet yourself.
  9. When late guests approach the table, the men stand in greeting, while the women remain in their places. If a lady has joined the banquet, everyone stands up.
  10. People who loudly call for the waiter make a negative impression. Hint about your need in his presence with a simple nod of your head.
  11. The organizer of the evening announces the end of the banquet. Romantic dinner the man ends, but if the lady urgently needs to escape, she can do this by apologizing to the gentleman.

Who pays the bill

It is better to discuss payment of the bill in advance; doing this in the presence of a waiter is unacceptable. After he brings the bill, you need to look at it and pay immediately.

Large banquets are most often paid for by the organizer, and it is not nice to display the amount spent for everyone to see. You can pay for a friendly dinner together or ask for a separate bill for everyone. In this case, men can pay for alcohol for the ladies, which will serve as a sign of good manners.

If a couple dined at a restaurant, the man pays the bill himself. And the lady should not feel awkward and obligated. And in combination, when the man and woman are friends, you can share the costs.

How to leave gracefully

At the end of the meal and payment of the bill, you must thank the waiter and head waiter. After this, the man escorts the lady to the exit, opening the door for her. He takes outerwear from the wardrobe, dresses himself and only then helps the lady get dressed. She is patiently waiting for help.