Homemade cottage cheese from sour milk recipe. Secrets of simple pleasure - delicious cottage cheese made from sour milk

It has long been known that cottage cheese is healthy and needed by the body product. It contains a lot of calcium and valuable protein.

Pediatricians allow children to introduce complementary foods with cottage cheese after five months. But you can rarely find it in the store quality cottage cheese at an affordable price.

We suggest you prepare this yourself milk product from sour milk. The taste of such cottage cheese cannot be compared with its industrial counterpart, but the benefits are much greater. Recipes using the microwave, multicooker and useful tips read below.

The benefits and possible harm of homemade cottage cheese

We have already talked a little about the benefits of cottage cheese. These are not all the advantages of this white fermented milk miracle.

The protein in this product is equally beneficial for people of all ages. Contains B vitamins, retinol, vitamin E.

Dairy products can be harmful due to failure to eat in moderation and allergic reactions. Of course, to home product brought only benefits, you need to monitor storage and expiration dates.

The cottage cheese in the recipe, which uses heating of sour milk, is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours. Provided there is a container with a tightly closed lid.

Do not risk eating cottage cheese after the expiration date, even if it does not have a strong odor and its taste has not changed. Poisoning from fermented milk products has serious health consequences.

Classic recipe for cottage cheese made from sour milk

Making cottage cheese is not as labor-intensive as it might seem. We'll tell you how grandmothers in the villages did and continue to do this.

To prepare you will need real cow's milk, turned into curdled milk.

Three liters of milk ultimately yields 750-950 grams of product. Add honey, jam or fresh berries and enjoy the taste of homemade cottage cheese.

There is another way of cooking without heating the yogurt. You need to prepare thick fabric in advance and make a bag out of it. Pour sour milk into it and leave the whey to drain.

As soon as the liquid stops dripping, you can eat the product. This cottage cheese turns out tender, soft, but runny. Not suitable for filling pancakes, pies and cheesecakes.

An ancient recipe in a Russian oven

Cottage cheese is also one of the most ancient products. This is how they prepared it in the old days in Rus'. If you have a stove, you can repeat the preparation of cottage cheese according to the recipe of our ancestors.

  • Pour the curdled milk into the clay pot;
  • Place in a warm oven (but not very hot) for several hours;
  • When separation occurs, drain the whey and place the curd in gauze under any heavy object.

After 2-3 hours you can try fermented milk product.

How was cottage cheese stored in the old days without a refrigerator? To do this, after the press, the cottage cheese was sent back into the oven, and then under weight, and so on several times. Ready flatbread poured melted butter and stored for months.

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk in the microwave

This is the fastest and easy way preparations. You can take any sour milk and add kefir, sour cream or yogurt.

With experience will come knowledge of how much of this or that ingredient to add to get the cottage cheese to your liking. According to reviews delicious product It is obtained from a mixture in a one to one proportion of kefir and milk.

Pour the mixture into a suitable cup and place in the microwave. Turn on at full power, set the timer to approximately 9-11 minutes.

Place gauze or cotton cloth in a colander and strain the mixture through it. Leave the cottage cheese like this for 5-10 hours.

Homemade cottage cheese in a slow cooker

A multicooker is a convenient thing for making cottage cheese - you don’t need to dirty a lot of dishes and you can free up time for other things.

To prepare, take sour milk and pour it into a bowl. Select the “warm up” mode.

As a rule, this option heats the contents of the bowl at a temperature of 40 degrees. This is just what you need to prepare delicious and proper cottage cheese. We choose the time from 40 minutes to 1 hour.

Then proceed as in the first recipe. You can take a colander with gauze and place a pan underneath. Pour the contents of the multicooker onto layers of gauze and leave for 5-8 minutes for the whey to drain.

The product will be ready in 4-12 hours. This is enough time to prepare whey-based pancakes and then fill them with homemade cottage cheese.

Children's cottage cheese at home

There are two recipes for making baby cottage cheese:

  1. Sour curd prepared with kefir,
  2. Fermented milk product using calcium.

For the first the recipe will do kefir from dairy cuisine or high-quality children's kefir. Kefir is heated in a bowl.

Once clots begin to form, turn off the stove. The resulting mixture is filtered through cheesecloth. The curd should be stored in a glass container with a closed lid for no more than a day.

For the second recipe, you need to boil milk and add calcium chloride solution to it. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. Next, bring the solution to a boil. Remove from stove and cool. Squeeze out the clot in gauze without much effort. Store in the same way as in the first recipe.

From milk in an amount of 300 ml you get 50 g of cottage cheese. This amount requires 3 ml of 20% calcium chloride solution.

To achieve an airy and homogeneous consistency, beat the curd with a mixer. You can add bananas, peaches, berries or jam.

  1. If you want to get grainy and dry cottage cheese, then increase the time for draining the starter. For those who like soft curds, it will be enough to keep the dough in gauze for 4-5 hours;
  2. Any sour milk is suitable for preparation, but it is better to choose homemade milk;
  3. Do not use milk that has soured after the expiration date in the refrigerator;
  4. Do not throw away the whey, it is also valuable and useful product. Can be consumed as a drink or added to pancake batter. There are recipes for facial skin care based on serum;
  5. If sour milk no, but you need cottage cheese in the near future, then a knowledgeable recipe will help. Pour milk into a saucepan and put on fire. As soon as a little foam appears on the surface, you need to add lemon juice and stir everything. Sour milk must be removed from the heat immediately. Next, you can prepare cottage cheese by simply throwing the curdled milk into cheesecloth. But you will still have to wait at least 4 hours;
  6. For your first attempt at making cottage cheese, you need to take a little milk. So that later, if something goes wrong or you don’t like the final product, you can correct your mistakes on the next portion of milk;
  7. It is important not to overcook the curdled milk, otherwise the curd will turn out hard like chewing gum.

Homemade cottage cheese makes delicious casseroles, dumplings and cheesecakes. Don’t be lazy in the evening to work a little on the yogurt so that you get a healthy and tasty breakfast in the morning.

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk at home? This question interests a large number of housewives whose dairy product has gone bad and it’s a pity to throw it away.

Of course, you can make not only cottage cheese from it, but also, for example, knead delicious dough for pancakes or pancakes. However, this option is only suitable for you if your a small amount of milk. But what to do if about 2-3 liters have spoiled? Of course, delicious and nutritious homemade cottage cheese!

It should be especially noted that such a product, prepared independently, can not only be eaten together with sour cream and sugar, but also baked into cheesecakes, cheesecakes, pies and other products.

Step-by-step video recipe

If you want to enjoy delicious cottage cheese, but don’t want to go to the store, then we suggest making a homemade product yourself. But in order to carry out your plan, you must have a sufficient amount of sour milk available. It is from this that you can make natural and very tasty coarse-grained cottage cheese.

So, we need:

  • sour milk - about 2 liters;
  • large wide pelvis;
  • 3 l saucepan – 2 pcs.;
  • multilayer gauze – 1 pc.;
  • cold water (from the tap) – about 1.5 liters;
  • colander and large spoon.

Cooking process

Before preparing cottage cheese from sour milk at home, you should prepare all the necessary equipment in advance. To do this, you need to take a large and wide basin, and then pour regular water into it. cold water from the tap. After this, you need to place a smaller pan in the liquid. You need to first pour all the sour milk into it.

After the described actions have been completed, the entire structure should be placed on strong fire. After waiting for the liquid to boil between the walls of the dish, you need to regularly stir the fermented milk product and make sure that it does not boil. If this happens, then most likely the curd made from sour milk will turn out dry, hard and tasteless. In this regard, this process should be carefully monitored.

Final stage

Once you notice that whey begins to separate from the sour milk, the pan must be immediately removed from the water bath. Next, you need to place a colander on another (empty) dish. It should be covered with multi-layer gauze. After this, the heated sour milk must be completely poured into a colander and the liquid allowed to drain into an empty pan. If desired, the gauze can be tied with a string and hung over the dishes.

After 2-4 hours, the sour milk cottage cheese will be completely ready. It needs to be put on a plate and served along with sour cream and sugar.

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk using a multicooker?

Many people know how to make cottage cheese at home from sour milk using a stove. After all, this method was recently used by our mothers and grandmothers. However, modern housewives are increasingly using a popular kitchen device for these purposes - a multicooker.

If you don’t have such a device, then it’s time to think about purchasing it. This is due to the fact that using a multicooker to make cottage cheese at home is much easier and simpler. You don't need to spend a lot of time organizing water bath, and then carefully ensure that the product does not boil, but only slightly warms up.

So, before making cottage cheese from sour milk using a device such as a multicooker, we need to prepare the following:

  • sour milk - about 2 liters;
  • multicooker with heating function;
  • 3 l saucepan – 2 pcs.;
  • multilayer gauze – 1 pc.;
  • colander and large spoon.

Cooking method

To thermally treat a sour product, you will not need much time if you use a multicooker. Pour about 2 liters of sour milk into its bowl (if the volume does not allow, then you need to take a smaller amount of the main ingredient), and then close it tightly and set the heating mode. It should be noted that almost all modern multicookers have such a program.

The temperature of this mode is ideal for making homemade cottage cheese. However, you should not keep sour milk in such a program for too long. Fifteen to twenty minutes will be enough.

After the specified time has passed, open the multicooker and see if the product flakes have separated from the whey. If not, then it is advisable to continue heating for another 5-8 minutes. If you have achieved the desired result, then you can proceed to the next stage.

Strain the product

While the sour milk is being heated in the multicooker, you should take a deep saucepan and place a colander in it, on which you need to lay out multilayer gauze. After the product is completely ready, it must be poured onto the mesh and allowed to drain. When the bulk of the whey is in a kind of tray, you can make a bag out of gauze and hang it over a colander.

After keeping the product in this state for about 3-5 hours, it should be removed from the mesh and placed on a plate. This completes the preparation of homemade cottage cheese. It can be served together with sour cream, sugar and tea, and can also be used as additional ingredient to create delicious and nutritious baked goods.

How to make sour milk?

We talked about how to make cottage cheese from sour milk using a multicooker and a stove. However, some housewives are often interested in the question of how to make a fermented milk product. After all, not everyone this drink sours in large quantities (in best case scenario- 1 glass). It should be noted that facilitating this is not so difficult.

Thus, to get sour milk, you need to buy it in an amount of 2 liters (preferably homemade), and then pour it into glass jar, cover with a plastic lid and leave at room temperature for 2-3 days. After the specified time has passed, you will definitely notice that the dairy product has curdled. After this, you can safely use it to make delicious homemade cottage cheese.

What could be healthier and tastier than homemade dairy products? Today I want to talk about how to make cottage cheese from sour milk at home. My mother-in-law shared her cooking secrets with me - the taste cannot be compared with anything else.

Repeatedly buying cottage cheese in the store, each time I was convinced that the smell, taste, and even color of store-bought cottage cheese was inferior to homemade cottage cheese. Therefore, when the opportunity arises, I cook delicious and healthy cottage cheese.

To make cottage cheese from sour milk at home you will need:

Milk - 3 liters

Cooking method:

To prepare cottage cheese you need to take fatty homemade milk- it should be left in a warm place so that it sours.

After almost two days, the milk will sour and become thick. The time it takes for the milk to sour and turn it into curdled milk will depend on the temperature in the apartment - the warmer it is, the faster the souring process will occur.

Now pour the yogurt into a saucepan with a thick bottom, put it on the fire and heat it over low heat for about 10 minutes. Gradually, the whey will begin to drain and curds will form. During heating, you need to stir the milk mass periodically. The mass should be heated to no more than 40 degrees, otherwise our future cottage cheese will be dry and not as tasty as it should be. The curdled milk should become warm, but under no circumstances hot.

Remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool for 10-15 minutes. Then line a colander with several layers of gauze and pour out the milk mass.

Allow the serum to drain as much as possible - this will take several hours. Do not pour out the serum under any circumstances, there are many wonderful recipes for its use.

Then free it from the gauze, put it in a bowl and you can try it. Cottage cheese made from sour milk at home is not only tasty, but also healthy. From specified quantity The milk yielded 450 grams of cottage cheese, the weight may be different - it all depends on the density of the milk and how much the whey has separated from the cottage cheese.

This kind of cottage cheese is delicious on its own, but you can also make a lot of things out of it. various dishes: cottage cheese casseroles, cheesecakes, filling for pancakes and pies, dumplings with cottage cheese and much more.

Bon appetit!

Hello, dear visitors, I’m glad that you visited the blog page “about treats”!

Recently, after watching TV, I doubted the benefits of one of my most beloved and respected products - cottage cheese. Store-bought goods began to cause concern. After spending traditional methods Checking the composition, I found that seven out of ten items are of insufficient quality. Manufacturers, in pursuit of profit, sacrifice the benefits of their products and our health. I won’t dwell on specific brands; we’re not really talking about them here.

There is a proverb: “if you want to do something well, then do it yourself.” And indeed, no one wants to deceive themselves. So I set out to make cottage cheese myself. This process seemed to me something very complex, lengthy and financially costly. But in reality everything turned out to be exactly the opposite.

Therefore, I strongly advise you not to be afraid and try it. Just rely on my experience, follow the instructions, and you will prepare a wonderful, healthy, budget-friendly and very tasty homemade product, the composition of which is known for sure.

So let's get to the recipe...

Nutritional value of the dish per 100 grams.

BJU: 13/17/10.

Kcal: 240.

GI: average.

AI: high.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Number of servings: 700 g.

Ingredients of the dish.

  • Sour milk or curdled milk - 4 l.

Recipe of dish.

If you accidentally have a large amount of milk sour, like me, this product can be revived and you can make very tasty and healthy homemade cottage cheese from it.

Place our main and only ingredient in a thick-walled saucepan and heat over low or medium heat, avoiding burning. To separate the whey evenly, stir the liquid for 5-10 minutes until it warms up. Do not bring the milk to a boil under any circumstances, otherwise the curd will turn out rubbery.

Now let’s prepare the equipment for expressing the whey: place a colander in a deep container, and on top of it we place gauze folded several times (I have four layers of fabric).

When curdled flakes begin to appear on the surface, turn off the stove.

The product remaining inside the bag is our homemade, tender and very delicious cottage cheese.

It has a slightly sour taste, so it can be used on its own, seasoned with sour cream and herbs, or spread on a piece of bread, or as the main ingredient curd dough For lazy dumplings or cottage cheese cookies.

Did you want to pamper your household with morning porridge, but the milk turned sour? No need to be upset! They will get porridge next time, and today they will have homemade cottage cheese or cheesecakes. By the way, our grandmothers specifically tried to make milk sour, and you already have this product in stock! And, most importantly, it is much more useful than that variety curd products on the shelves of stores called “home” stores. They have nothing in common with cooking at home, except for the name.

Ideally, making cottage cheese at home looks like this. Cow or cow's milk is poured into a large jar or container. goat milk, put in a warm and dark place. And when the product sours, wrap it in gauze and hang it so that the whey drains from the formed curd. But this process lasts a day! And we will look at several options on how to make cottage cheese from sour milk in the shortest possible time.

Cottage cheese cooked in a water bath

This recipe requires a little patience, three liter jar and 2 liters of sour milk. Pour the third “ingredient” into the jar and place it in large saucepan with water poured to the bottom. Place on low heat. Don't let the milk boil! At 50-60°C it will begin to separate into two components: a protein (cottage cheese) and a yellowish liquid (whey). This process cannot be confused! The main thing is not to miss it.

Line a clean colander with two layers of gauze of such a size that the ends can easily cover the contents. Place a colander in a bowl where the whey will drain. Carefully pour the hot contents of the pan into a colander so that the gauze remains in place. Twist the gauze with cottage cheese and hang it for an hour (some housewives leave the gauze bag visible until the morning) so that all the liquid drains from it.

That's all - the most tender cottage cheese you have! You can make cheesecakes from it or serve it to the table:

  • with sugar;
  • with jam;
  • with condensed milk.

And don’t rush to throw away the serum - this valuable product rich in lactose, minerals and vitamins. It is used to make kvass, carbonated drinks, okroshka, nutritional supplements. Whey is involved in the production of cheeses, bread, confectionery. If you are planning to bake pancakes or pancakes, add whey to the dough and see for yourself that they are more tasty and tender than usual. You can pamper your hair with the serum by rubbing it into the roots while washing, wipe your face, neck and hands in the morning or evening. It is useful to drink it on an empty stomach.

Cooking in a slow cooker

When the sour milk becomes “thick”, you can proceed to the next stage - preparing cottage cheese from it in a slow cooker. This miracle unit - indispensable assistant modern housewife in the kitchen. He cooks, fries, bakes, and stews. And in the “multi-cook” mode it will cook gourmet salads, main courses, snacks and yoghurts. (If you haven't purchased yet this device, think about how much delicious food you could make).

Turn on the multicooker. Pour our “yogurt” into the bowl, close the lid of the unit, set the “heating” mode on the display and set the timer for 60 minutes. By the way, you don’t have to sit and watch the process! The multicooker itself will carry out the program that you set for it.

When the timer beeps, an hour has passed. If the whey has separated, the curdling is complete. You need to remove the multicooker bowl and place the cottage cheese in a prepared colander with gauze (as described in the first block). Some are educated protein mass put a saucer and something heavier, for example a jar of water. This way the whey will drain faster, and the curd will be grainy and crumbly.

How to make sour milk

In summer the process of souring naturally will naturally happen faster. In villages, milk is specially placed on a cooling stove. In winter, this whole procedure can take several hours. Then the milk needs to be “helped” to sour, that is, flavored with leaven - a product that contains bacteria that create an acidic environment under favorable (warm) conditions. As a result of this process, which lasts up to 8 hours, the protein is converted into a curdled mass.

The classic option is to put it in a warm place, such as an oven. Rapid souring is also facilitated by:

  • dry bacteria for yogurt;
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream, kefir or unsweetened yogurt;
  • a piece of black bread;
  • other sour milk.

Lemon juice is also suitable as a handy oxidizing agent. But its taste will then be present in ready-made cottage cheese, so many people do not recommend this option.

The most gentle way of souring is to add warm milk sour cream (kefir), place in a warm place in the house, and wait for the product to ferment. “Why not buy ready-made yogurt or kefir?” - you ask. But we are talking about useful things. finished product, so it is important to choose milk from an already trusted supplier so that it sours CORRECTLY. Alas, some milk in stores does not turn sour, but simply spoils.

An alternative to a water bath is to prepare the cottage cheese using the “cold method”. True, it is made from kefir or curdled milk in a bag. But we definitely need to talk about it, since the curd turns out to be very tender and creamy.

Cooking steps:

  1. Place the bag in the freezer for several hours (or overnight).
  2. Remove the bag and defrost the contents at room temperature.
  3. Open, pour kefir into a colander with gauze or pass through a sieve.
  4. Wrap the curd mass in gauze and hang it to settle the liquid for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Serve the finished cottage cheese with jam, raisins or candied fruits, or just like that.
  6. Whey that has been glassed can be used for baking.

Why is it better to make cottage cheese than to buy it?

Cottage cheese is a unique bioproduct that Nature gave us. The ancient Romans and the ancient Slavs ate it. It contains calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, vitamins, folic acid. It is one of the most popular sources of complete protein. However, the production process of its preparation is very different from that at home. And the taste of the second one is more tender and less spicy than that of the factory product.

It is not as difficult to prepare as it seems at first glance. The result is a useful product that can be consumed as independent dish or use as an ingredient for delicious desserts.