Nutritionist: Cheap candy is very harmful for children. What sweets can I have? List of safe sweets

Sweet foods are rightly considered almost the main cause of excess weight. Therefore, those who watch their figure try to avoid them. But our life cannot consist of continuous restrictions. Fortunately, there are low-calorie sweets that will allow you to enjoy the sweet taste, but are also relatively safe for your figure. What sweets can you eat without fear of gaining weight?

Fruits and berries

Fruits and berries are also sweet foods. It is not only , but also low-calorie.

For example, the calorie content of raspberries, plums, apricots, watermelon, kiwi, apples and even relatively high-calorie bananas does not exceed 65 kcal per 100 g. For comparison: the calorie content of milk chocolate is 547 kcal, puff pastry - 544 kcal, waffles - 530 kcal, sunflower halva – 516 kcal per 100 g.

Fruits and berries can be eaten fresh, or you can prepare a variety of desserts from them - jellies, mousses, smoothies, sorbets, fruit salads. These healthy sweets will satisfy your sweet tooth and provide your body with vitamins and minerals.

Reader Questions

18 October 2013, 17:25 Good afternoon Are there any restrictions on the amount of fruit you can eat in one day? I really love fruit, but I recently read that you can only eat half a kilo a day in total. Is this true? Is it necessary to limit yourself? and one more thing: if the soup is stored in the refrigerator, does it retain its beneficial substances? And after the second boil? Thanks a lot!

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Dried fruits

The calorie content of dried fruits is much higher than that of fresh fruits and berries - approximately 200-270 kcal. But still, sweet foods are lower-calorie sweets than candies, chocolate or gingerbread.

Dried apricots, raisins, prunes, figs and other healthy sweets in the form of dried fruits improve digestion, help cleanse the intestines, and are rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances. If you eat a handful of dried fruits every day as dessert, you don’t have to worry about your figure.

Natural dairy desserts

Now you know what sweets you can eat without fear of gaining weight. But, of course, in the case of low-calorie sweets, everything depends on their quantity. Do not forget that half a kilogram of such a healthy sweet as marmalade is more dangerous for your figure than, for example, one “harmful” waffle.

Elena Kukuevitskaya

Rospotrebnadzor told us what sweets to give to a child for the New Year. “Proper” sweets should contain a minimum of food additives and preservatives. You should not give sweets with a high content of homogenized fats and oils, since additives in sweets often lead to children's allergies.

Doctors also remind that a baby can choke on small candy. You cannot give a child candy if it contains more than 0.5% alcohol. The safest confectionery products for children are biscuits, marshmallows and marshmallows. At the same time, doctors note that a child’s consumption of any sweets must be limited.

MIR 24 asked nutritionist Elena Solomatina which sweets to buy for children and which to avoid.

- Personally, what sweets do you buy for children?

E.S.: I try natural ones, those that contain . It also depends on the age of the child. If the child is small, then milk chocolate. The less cocoa powder in chocolate, the better. Cocoa butter should be present, but cocoa powder should be less. But this only applies to children; adults can have any chocolate.

Now let's discuss the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor. The first is to strive to ensure that the content of food additives and preservatives in confectionery products is minimal. What sweets are we talking about? What does the department advise not to buy?

E.S.: These are cheap sweets, caramels, which contain a lot of dyes. This may be a “healthy” (many people actually consider it healthy) marmalade. It would be beneficial if it were made without additives or flavorings. These are other cheap candies that are also very harmful to children.

There is probably not a single child who would be indifferent to sweet. Today, the range of sweets is so wide that it is very difficult to understand which ones are beneficial and which ones should be excluded from a child’s diet.

Every sweet product contains carbohydrates, which are necessary to replenish energy reserves, for normal growth, the formation of new tissues and cells. Carbohydrates play a particularly important role in brain function.

If there is a small amount of carbohydrates in the child’s body, energy is produced at the expense of fats and proteins, resulting in metabolic disorders.

Besides sugar is the most effective antidepressant. A child who does not receive sweets can be very irritable, capricious, and stressful situations are guaranteed for him.

However, a large amount of carbohydrates in the body is a negative factor. Their excess is converted into triglycerides, which contribute to the formation adipose tissue. In addition, excess sugar in the body leads to disturbances in the hormonal function of the pancreas, which can subsequently cause diabetes. Therefore, even healthy sweets should be consumed in certain quantities.

The most harmful sweets for a child's body.

The most delicious thing is always the most harmful. Such sweets include carbonated drinks, various candies and lollipops reminiscent of Chupa Chups.

Of course, it is very difficult to forbid a child products, which are so beautifully advertised on TV. However, this must be resisted. Many experts recommend completely eliminating such “goodies” from a child’s diet. What is the reason for this? Carbonated drinks contain huge amounts of sugar and sugar substitutes. Moreover, when you quench your thirst with such a drink, you don’t feel the sugar. And this, by the way, is 5 teaspoons per 1 glass of water. In addition, the sugar in “pop” interacts with various acids – citric, malic, and so on. As a result drink It is absorbed into the blood quite quickly, putting an incredible burden on the pancreas and other digestive organs. Also, such drinks include various dyes and flavors, which have a negative effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

Lollipops do not differ in composition from drinks. The sugar contained in them burns vitamin B, which causes obesity, diabetes and the development of various bacteria in the body. The teeth also suffer from such sweets, since the enamel is destroyed under the influence of various substances, and this leads to caries.

Sweets that can be consumed in limited quantities.

This group includes sweets such as chocolate, marshmallows, marmalade, and halva.

They are quite useful, because such sweets help enrich the child’s body with essential nutrients. vitamins and elements. In addition, sugar, for example, in halva, is only 30%. Children who love this product receive vitamins B, FF and E, so they rarely complain of headaches, stomach pain and have strong bones.

However, quite often halva can cause allergies. For this reason, it can only be given to children over five years of age and in small quantities.

Until the age of three it is better to refuse chocolate. Because it contains various stimulants that are stimulants of the nervous system. Be sure to carefully study the composition of the chocolate. It is very important that its composition does not include preservatives and antioxidants.

Marshmallows and marmalade can be given to children from two years of age. These sweets contain pectin, which has a beneficial effect on the child’s stomach and intestines. But even with such healthy sweets you shouldn’t get too carried away.

Sweets that benefit the child's body.

There are sweets that are very useful for a child: honey, berries, fruits and dried fruits. These products natural, so there is practically no harm from them. The listed sweets not only strengthen the immune system, but also help speed up metabolism. In addition, berries and fruits are a rich source of vitamins and microelements that are necessary for the normal growth and development of a child. Therefore, pamper your child only with sweets that can be eaten without restrictions and at the same time receive enormous benefits for the child. body.

1. Toffees, sweets, chewing candies. Any viscous and sticky sweets are a real killer for your teeth. The harm to your figure from them may not be greater than from ordinary lollipops, but the chances of getting caries are many times greater. By sticking to teeth and clogging the spaces between them, soft candies create excellent conditions for the development and nutrition of bacteria. And they successfully eat your enamel. The same goes for caramel and chocolate with liquid fillings.

2. Cakes and cookies. Especially if they are sold not in a first-class confectionery, but in a supermarket, in closed packaging. For reasons of economy and hygiene, manufacturers generously flavor their baked goods with margarine and other unhealthy fats.

3. Chocolate bars. You will be surprised, but chocolate in a bar is really much more harmful than bar chocolate, despite the fact that a standard bar is almost 2 times larger (a bar weighs 100 g, a bar weighs from 40 to 65). The fact is that the bars contain a minimum amount of chocolate as such, and the rest is made up of nougat, caramel and other fillers that are harmful to teeth and contain a large amount of fat.

4. Dried fruits. Mostly harmful because of the trust that for some reason many dieters have in it. It is believed that if it is a fruit, it means it is not harmful. In fact, dried fruits sometimes contain more sugar than chocolate, and we are ready to safely eat as much of them as we like.

What to replace:

1. Sugar-free lollipops. Don't be alarmed, they are still sweet, but the taste is achieved through components other than sugar. This makes the candy much safer for both your figure and your teeth. Finding them is not difficult: as a rule, manufacturers use such a product and put the “Sugar Free” label in the most visible place of the packaging.

2. Chewing gum. Naturally, also without sugar. You just need to chew wisely - no more than 1 pack per day and no longer than 5-7 minutes in a row. Otherwise, you risk getting gastritis and stomach ulcers.

3. Dark chocolate bar. Dark chocolate generally has much less fat than milk chocolate. In addition, it is full of antioxidants and is considered a good means of preventing cardiovascular diseases.

4. Bananas. Banana is one of the sweetest and most satisfying fruits. It will not only quench your thirst for sweets, but also relieve hunger for a long time. But keep in mind that if you suffer from heartburn, you should avoid bananas.

5. Fruit bars. Go to any pharmacy and you will see a huge selection of different muesli and fruit bars. Can be found. For example, a 30-gram bar containing only 100 kilocalories and made with honey and natural fruits.

6. Mini chocolates. Many of the chocolates we are used to have “gone” to a different format and are sold in the form of candies, 15-20 g each. Psychologically, it is much less dangerous for your figure. It is much easier to train yourself to eat one candy bar than to force yourself to eat only half a candy bar.

Many people cannot imagine their life without sweets. However, according to doctors, addiction to sweets can harm your health. It’s important to know which ones are healthy, and then you can eat them to your heart’s content! Of course, it is important not to overuse even healthy sweets; everything should be in moderation.


It is prepared on the basis of pectin, which apples are so rich in. This is a very useful substance that reduces cholesterol in the blood, and also stimulates intestinal function, restores the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, adsorbs toxins and removes them from the body. Gelatin, which is also included in marmalade, relieves us of harmful substances and heavy metal salts and helps cleanse the body. Agar-agar, used in marmalade, has the ability to swell in the stomach and create a feeling of fullness. Marmalade has a natural taste, and the desired color is achieved by adding juices of various vegetables or fruits to its composition. Often in the store we buy not marmalade, but a jelly product, which is also good for us. Jelly-chewing delicacies are prepared on the basis of sugar-treacle syrup, gelatin and pectin. Gelatin, obtained from animal connective tissue, is beneficial for muscles, skin, hair and blood vessels. And pectin, consisting of dietary fiber from fruits and berries, removes waste and toxins, cleanses the intestines, prevents cholesterol from accumulating, and is good for the heart. These sweets also contain fruit juice and vitamin C and are the lowest calorie sweets.

It is important to choose the right marmalade - it should have a beautiful shape, not stick to the box or hands, be transparent in cut and elastic. Before purchasing, be sure to study the composition of the product, date of manufacture and expiration date.

Pastila and marshmallows

The airiness and apparent lightness of these healthy sweets is given by the proteins from which they are prepared. Marshmallows and marshmallows also contain pectin, calcium and iodine, which are beneficial for hair, nails and the brain, and they also help strengthen the walls of blood vessels. It is better when the marshmallows and marshmallows are creamy in color. This means that it contains applesauce, which is very beneficial for the intestines.

It is worth reading the packaging carefully before purchasing. Avoid buying sweets that contain chemical additives.

Dark chocolate

A wonderful treat for those with a sweet tooth! Chocolate is a tonic, it improves your mood and gives you vigor. It is important to choose it correctly; it must contain at least 75% cocoa. You should not take chocolate that has a white coating. “Proper” chocolate has a smooth and shiny surface. It should break well, but not wrinkle in your hands.

It is important to remember that frequent consumption of chocolate can lead to addiction, which can lead to worsening mood and irritability.

Dried fruits

Dried fruits are very healthy because they contain fiber, which improves digestion. They contain vitamins, amino acids, and minerals.

You should not buy glossy dried fruits; it is better if they look darker and drier. They should be treated with boiling water before use. Dried fruits should also not be overused, since they are high in calories, but much lower in calories than flour products.

Honey is a very healthy and tasty delicacy, it is natural, it contains many useful substances: antioxidants, vitamins, minerals. However, honey should be consumed with caution. This is an allergic product, so people who are intolerant to bee products should avoid taking it.


This product is fatty, but despite this, halva is healthy. The fats included in its composition help reduce cholesterol levels. Halva is rich in vitamins E and B, they are beneficial for the nervous system, as well as the vascular system and stimulate the immune system.

Eating healthy sweets will allow you not only to look good, but also to lose a couple of kilograms, since they are low in calories compared to baked goods and cakes.