Diet recipe for lula kebab at home. Lula kebab recipe

I suggest preparing an interesting minced meat dish using the lula kebab recipe at home. Often these sausages are cooked over an open fire, but my recipe for lyulaki bab involves using an oven and a frying pan. It is very comfortable.

With the onset of the first warm days, everyone is eager to get out into nature. No picnic is complete without meat roasted over a fire. Every company has experts who can perfectly fry kebabs, steaks and a variety of sausages over a fire. But not everyone knows how to cook babka lyulaki at home using an electric grill or oven instead of a barbecue.

Fried meat sticks are called both lyulaki bab and lyulya kebab. I assure you that it is the same thing. Regardless of the name, the dish turns out very tasty and satisfying.

I will cook the lula on an electric grill. The advantage of using a kitchen device is that no additional oil is used when cooking. Usually, to make tasty fried meat, choose pork with fat. For dietary purposes, this choice should not be made; an excellent alternative to fatty pork neck would be lean meat with a bright taste.

Lula kebab recipe at home


  • 500 gr. lean minced meat (for preparing dietary lulyaki bab, beef is the most suitable meat, but you can also use mixed minced meat)
  • 2 large onions
  • small bunch of cilantro
  • 3-4 sprigs of parsley and dill
  • salt, black pepper
  • mixture of spices – utskho-suneli, ground coriander, hot pepper; can be replaced with purchased Abkhaz adjika

Lula kebab calories per 100 g - 161 kcal

proteins/fats/carbohydrates - 22/ 6.2/ 2.7

How to cook lyulaki bab from beef

For this recipe for lyulaki bab, any lean meat with a pronounced taste, such as lamb, is suitable. Meat sausages on skewers, another option.

  1. Grind the meat in a meat grinder, add salt, add all the seasonings, and mix. The onion is finely chopped with a knife, the smaller the pieces, the better. Under no circumstances should you use a meat grinder or blender to chop onions. Heavily chopped onions produce a lot of juice, which makes the minced meat liquid. Because of this, the formed cutlets will not stick to the skewers.
  2. The greens are sorted out, washed under running water, the leaves are torn off and finely chopped. There should be as much cilantro as parsley and dill combined. Fresh spicy herbs will give homemade lula kebabs a special aroma, so you should not skimp and add more.
  3. The meat is mixed with onions and herbs. Now comes the most crucial moment - the minced meat needs to be beaten. This technique helps to make it dense and uniform in structure, in this case the beaten lula-kebab cutlets will hold well and will not fall apart. Beating is done by throwing the total volume of minced meat onto the table or into a large bowl, the process must be repeated several times. You can beat not the entire volume, but each portion separately. Divide all the meat into equal balls, prepare skewers or wooden skewers. We transfer a portion of minced meat 4-6 times from hand to hand, at the same time forming an oblong cutlet.
  4. Carefully thread the formed sausage onto a skewer and place it on a preheated grill. The same must be done with the remaining portions. According to the recipe, women's lulyaki are grilled for about 15-25 minutes - depending on the power of the device. The degree of frying should be such that clear juice is released from the meat sausage at the break.

Lula kebab recipe in the oven

Since it is not always possible to grill lula kebab at home, sausages on skewers can be baked in the oven.

  1. When using this option, first fry the baba lulyaki in a lightly greased frying pan (heat above medium).
  2. As soon as the meat is slightly browned, place the lula kebab in the oven, preheated to 180-190 degrees. Bring the dish to readiness, this will take about 25 minutes.
  3. You need to pay close attention to the frying process, as it is easy to dry out the meat. Cutlets on skewers must be turned regularly so that they brown evenly on all sides.

No matter what recipe you used: Baba lyulyaki is served only hot.

An excellent addition to the dish would be satsebeli sauce; it will perfectly complement the taste of fried meat with herbs.

If there is some minced meat left, it can be used to prepare tomato sauce. Don’t know what else to cook from minced meat for your diet? - pay attention to the recipes for preparing something quite tasty and satisfying.

Lula kebab from Stalik

What associations do you have when you see the dish lula kebab - fried meat sausage on a skewer?! For example, for me - the sea, the gentle sun, relaxation, Türkiye. And not in vain, because it was the Turks who came up with this recipe. And to be more precise, the Turkish warriors who, while on a campaign, chopped sheep meat into pieces and fried it, strung on a sword, over a fire. Eh, well done!

Real lula kebab is cooked on skewers on the grill. But since the weather dictates its conditions, you can cook lula kebab at home on skewers in a conventional oven. Of course, the taste and aroma will be a little different, but that won’t stop us! Also, the traditional lula kebab is made from lamb, but culinary experts have gone further and now prepare it from all types of meat and even mushrooms.

According to this recipe, the meat turns out to be tender, aromatic, soaked in tomato juice, just melting in your mouth... Turn on Turkish music and start creating a piece of Turkey at home. And as the Turks say: “Afiyet olsun!”

Recipe Information

Cuisine: Turkish.

Cooking method: in the oven .

Total cooking time: 45 min.

Number of servings: 10 .


  • minced meat (beef and pork) – 600 g
  • onion – 1 piece
  • sweet red pepper – 1 piece
  • dill greens – 1/2 bunch

for salad:

  • fresh tomatoes – 3-4 pieces
  • red onion – 2 pieces


  • vegetable oil – 4-5 tablespoons
  • grape vinegar 6% – 1.5 tablespoons
  • ground coriander – 1/4 tablespoon
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves
  • salt - to taste
  • black pepper - to taste


  • bamboo skewers.


  1. Cut the red sweet pepper and onion into small pieces, finely chop the dill.

  2. Add chopped onions and sweet red peppers, dill to the bowl with minced meat, season with salt and black pepper to taste.

  3. Mix the minced meat well with your hands. This is where you have to work hard, since when preparing lula kebabs, long-term kneading of the minced meat is the main condition. Prolonged mixing and beating makes the minced meat more viscous and dense, which means it will hold tightly on the skewers and will not fall apart. If time permits, the minced meat should be placed in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

  4. Divide the well-kneaded minced meat for lula kebabs into 10 portions, about 65 grams each. Form “sausages” about 20 centimeters long, thread them onto bamboo skewers, which are ideal for making lula kebab at home. Bamboo skewers must be pre-soaked in cold water for about 10 minutes. Press down the lula kebabs so that they are pressed more tightly to the skewers. Place the formed lula kebabs on skewers on the grill. Bake in a preheated oven for about 25 minutes at 200 degrees. Be sure to place a baking sheet or a sheet of foil under the grate with the lula-kebs, as juice will drip from them. A baking sheet or foil will protect the oven from contamination.

  5. While the lula kebab is browning its sides in the oven, it’s time to prepare the tomatoes and red onions for it. To do this, you first need to make a marinade: pour vegetable oil and grape vinegar into a cup, add spices: ground coriander and black pepper, as well as garlic, cut into thin slices, and salt. Beat the marinade vigorously with a fork.

  6. Add red onion, cut into half rings, and tomato slices to the marinade. Mix well. Let soak for 5 minutes.

  7. Place half of the cooked tomatoes with red onions on a dish, top them with lula kebab from the oven, and again tomatoes and onions and pour over the remaining marinade.

  • It is recommended to shape kebabs on a skewer with hands dipped in cold water;
  • do not add egg and bread to the minced meat for this dish;
  • classic lula kebab is made from lamb, a meat grinder is not used, and the meat is finely chopped with special knives to maintain juiciness;
  • the fattier the minced meat, the tastier the final dish;

This dish can also be served at

Externally, lula kebab resembles oblong cutlets. This dish of Eastern and Caucasian cuisine is actually prepared from minced meat, but that’s where its similarity to cutlets ends. Minced meat for lula kebab is made without adding eggs, potatoes, bread, semolina or other binding ingredients. Its composition is simple, but the proportions must be observed, and it is also important to strictly adhere to the traditional technology for making minced meat for lula kebab. Otherwise, it will not be dense enough to hold onto the skewers and retain its shape when baked in the oven or frying in a pan.

Cooking features

Without knowing some subtleties, the correct minced meat for lula kebab cannot be made. If you adhere to the traditional technology of its preparation, lula kebabs will come out appetizing and crispy on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside, but will not fall apart or lose their shape.

  • Traditionally, lamb is used for lula kebab, but today the minced meat for this dish is made from all types of meat, often even mixing them. The taste of the finished dish depends on this, but in any case it will be wonderful if the meat used is high-quality and fresh. That is, it is best to take the pulp, ideally tenderloin or meat from the shoulder blade. If you use poultry meat, it is better to combine breast and leg meat to make the minced meat juicier.
  • Minced meat for lula kebab is not made from frozen meat, as it turns out loose and dry.
  • To prepare minced meat, you need to chop the meat with a special hatchet or a heavy knife. To do this, the meat is usually cut into flat pieces about 1 cm wide. The pieces are placed two or three on top of each other. Then they are cut in one direction, then in another - perpendicular to the previous one, you can also cut them diagonally. Then the chopped meat is collected towards the center, compacted and chopped in this way again. The process continues until all the meat is ground into mince. As a last resort, you can use a meat grinder, but then you should turn the meat through a grate with large holes. This labor-intensive method of preparing minced meat for lula kebab is not just a tribute to tradition. If you turn the meat through a grate with small holes, it will lose a lot of juice during the chopping process, resulting in the lula kebab not being juicy enough. That’s why you shouldn’t use store-bought minced meat for lula kebab – you’ll have to make it yourself.
  • As already mentioned, the composition of minced meat for lula kebab does not include those products that hold together the minced meat for cutlets. They are replaced with fat tail fat or lard. Ideally, for 1 kg of meat you need to take 300 g of lard or fat, although you can reduce their amount to 100–200 g, especially if you are going to bake lula kebabs in the oven or fry them in a frying pan. Minced beef is prepared with the addition of a significant amount of lard; you can put less of it in pork. Sometimes lard is not added to minced chicken at all, although for cooking lula kebab on the grill it is better if lard is included in the minced meat.
  • Fat tail fat or lard must be thoroughly chopped before mixing with minced meat. They can be chopped in the same way as meat, but they can also be chopped in a different way. For example, cool tail fat and grate it on a coarse grater. Cut the lard into small pieces and grind with a blender. If it takes on a paste-like consistency, that’s even better: it will spread evenly and hold the minced meat together.
  • An important component of minced meat for lula kebab is onion, and you should not give it up, even though it produces a lot of juice. You just don’t need to chop the onion in a blender or turn it through a meat grinder - just finely chop it with a knife. Moreover, when adding onions, it does not hurt to observe the measure. For 1 kg of meat, 200 g of onions is quite enough, although sometimes more is added.
  • Salt, ground pepper, cumin, turmeric, coriander, dried herbs, and fresh herbs are also added to the minced meat for lula kebab. You can focus on your taste, it’s just important not to overdo it. Additionally, you can put in the minced meat, deviating from the traditional recipe, cheese, sweet peppers instead of onions, boiled and finely chopped eggs, but there should not be too much of these ingredients in the minced meat, since they are not in the traditional recipe.
  • Kneading is important when preparing minced meat for lula kebab. You need to knead the base component by hand for quite a long time, at least 15 minutes, usually 20–25 minutes. After this, it’s a good idea to beat the minced meat, placing it in a bag to protect it from splashes. As a result, the meat base should be very dense and viscous.

It is recommended to cool the finished minced meat for at least an hour before preparing lula kebab. Thanks to this, it will become even denser, it will be easier to form lula-kebabs from it, and they will sit on skewers more firmly.

Minced meat recipe for lula kebab

  • meat (lamb, beef, pork, chicken) – 1 kg;
  • tail fat or lard – 0.2–0.3 kg;
  • onions or bell peppers – 0.2–0.25 kg;
  • fresh herbs (cilantro, parsley, dill, basil) – 100 g;
  • hard cheese (optional) – 50–100 g;
  • garlic (optional) – 2–4 cloves;
  • salt, spices and spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash and dry the meat. Chop it with a special hatchet until it becomes minced meat or grind it through a meat grinder using a grid with large holes.
  • Pass through a meat grinder or grind in any other way fat tail fat or lard. Mix with minced meat.
  • Peel the onion (or pepper). Cut into small cubes. You can take 100 g of pepper and onion. The traditional recipe involves using only onions, but modern recipes allow it to be replaced with peppers. The latter is especially often added to minced chicken.
  • Mix the minced meat with the vegetable component.
  • If you decide to use garlic, squeeze it into the minced meat. It goes well with minced pork and poultry.
  • If you want to add unusual notes to the dish, grate hard cheese and mix it with minced meat. It is preferable to use cheese only in cases where lula kebab is cooked in the oven. When cooking on the grill, it is better to stick to the traditional recipe with a minimum of ingredients (meat, lard, onions and herbs).
  • Chop the greens and add them to the minced meat along with salt and spices.
  • Knead the minced meat well with your hands (you need to knead for 20 minutes).
  • Place the chopped meat in a bag and pound it on a cutting board.
  • Transfer the minced meat from the bag to a bowl, cover and refrigerate.

Within an hour, you can form lula kebabs from the minced meat and cook them in any of the chosen ways.

All over the world there are fans of Oriental and Caucasian cuisines. Fragrant, spicy, spicy dishes appeal to many tastes. One of the most versatile dishes is lula kebab. These oblong cutlets made from minced meat are fried in many countries around the world. They are especially popular among our compatriots, who borrowed many culinary recipes from their neighbors during the Soviet period. Most chefs know that lula kebab should be fried over coals, but not everyone has the opportunity to cook outdoors, especially in the cold season. Therefore, the recipe was interpreted taking into account Russian conditions, and many housewives learned to cook lula kebab in a frying pan without leaving the warm walls of the kitchen.

Cooking features

Lula kebab only superficially resembles cutlets of an unusual oblong shape. In fact, there are much more differences and they are more significant. If you want to fry a lula kebab in a frying pan that will taste as close as possible to the original one, you need to know a few subtleties.

  • Most of the peoples of the Middle East, who were the first to cook lula kebab, are Muslims, and therefore the traditional recipe involves preparing this dish from lamb and fat tail. However, today this is not a requirement. Many peoples prepare lula kebab from chicken, turkey, beef and even pork. For example, in Georgia, where the overwhelming majority of the population professes the Christian faith, mixed ground beef and pork are most often used for minced meat. The only thing that matters is the quality of the meat. Therefore, it is better to make minced meat at home, and when purchasing a finished product, you need to pay attention to its appearance, composition, and shelf life.
  • The minced meat for lula kebab should not be too tender, so it is preferable to chop the meat by hand with a heavy knife. If you use a meat grinder, grind the meat using knives with large holes.
  • Eggs are rarely used to prepare lula kebab. To increase the viscosity of the minced meat, so that the lula kebab does not lose its shape during frying and does not jump off the skewers or skewers, fat tail fat, lard, and chicken meat are added to it. In addition, before forming the sausages, the minced meat must be cooled by placing it in the refrigerator for an hour.
  • To make it easier to chop the fat with a knife, it needs to be cooled.
  • Fry lula kebab in a frying pan as follows: first fry in boiling oil over high heat for several minutes until a crust forms, then continue frying for about 10 minutes, turning occasionally, over medium heat. In this case, oil is used only at the first stage and in small quantities; there is no need to add it.

Lula kebab is considered an independent dish; it does not need to be served with a side dish, although this can still be done. But it is preferable to use pickled onions and vegetable salad. Tomato sauce wouldn't hurt either.

Lula kebab in a frying pan: a classic recipe

  • lamb – 1 kg;
  • tail fat – 0.3 kg;
  • onions – 100 g;
  • fresh cilantro – 50 g;
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Rinse a piece of lamb in warm water and dry it with napkins. Remove veins and films. Chop the pulp with a heavy knife so finely that you get minced meat. As a last resort, you can grind the meat through a meat grinder, but this will be a departure from tradition.
  • Also thoroughly chop the cooled tail fat using a knife, add to the meat and mix vigorously.
  • Remove the film from the onion, cut it with a knife into as small pieces as possible, and add to the minced meat.
  • Place fresh cilantro there, finely chopping it with a knife.
  • Salt and pepper the minced meat, mix it well with your hands. You need to stir for at least 15 minutes, that is, until it becomes viscous.
  • Place the minced meat in the refrigerator for an hour.
  • Remove the minced meat. Dipping your hands in warm water to prevent the minced meat from sticking to them, form oblong cutlets, tapering at the ends. For one lula kebab you need to take a lump of minced meat approximately the size of a tennis ball. If you are wearing gloves, it is better to wet your hands with cool water.
  • Attach a wooden skewer to each lula kebab and press down until it is submerged approximately halfway through. Mold the ends of the minced meat in the slot area.
  • Heat oil in a frying pan and place skewers on it. Fry over high heat, turning over, until the kebabs are golden brown on all sides.
  • Reduce heat and fry for another 10 minutes, remembering to turn the skewers.

Serve lula kebab, just removed from the pan, with spicy tomato sauce and pita bread. If desired, you can serve it with a salad of fresh vegetables.

Lula kebab in a frying pan in lavash

  • minced meat (from pork and beef in any ratio) – 1 kg;
  • onions – 0.5 kg;
  • lard – 0.2 kg;
  • dried cilantro – 5 g;
  • hops-suneli – 10 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • fresh cilantro – 50 g;
  • fresh parsley – 50 g;
  • wine vinegar (3 percent) – 50 ml;
  • water – 100 ml;
  • vegetable oil - as much as needed;
  • Armenian lavash – 5 pcs.
  • Set aside a couple of onions, peel the rest of the onion, grind through a meat grinder and add to the minced meat.
  • Chop the lard with a knife and also add it to the minced meat.
  • Add suneli hops and dried cilantro to the minced meat, add salt to taste and stir with your hands. Knead the minced meat until it becomes sticky.
  • Chop fresh greens with a knife, add to the minced meat, mix thoroughly with your hands so that the greens are distributed evenly. Place the minced meat in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  • Peel and cut the set aside onions into half rings, place in a bowl and cover with a mixture of water and vinegar.
  • Remove the minced meat from the refrigerator and shape it into sausages. It’s optimal if you make 10 lula kebabs from the specified amount of ingredients.
  • Heat oil in a frying pan. Place lula kebabs in it, fry them over medium or high heat until they brown. The crust will prevent loss of juiciness.
  • Reduce heat and fry lula kebabs, turning occasionally, until cooked. This will take approximately 15 minutes. When you pierce it with a knife, the finished lula kebab releases clear juice.
  • Cut each pita bread in half. Place a lula kebab on each sheet, cover with a layer of pickled onions and wrap it in pita bread, like minced meat in a pancake.

Serve with homemade sauce or ketchup, preferably spicy. One serving usually requires 2 lula kebabs in pita bread, although men can eat more, and children and women on a diet will fill up on one.

Lula kebab in a frying pan on skewers

  • mixed minced meat – 0.8 kg;
  • lard – 100 g;
  • onions – 0.2 kg;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • green onions – 50 g;
  • bell pepper (red or yellow) – 0.25 kg;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - as much as needed.
  • Grind the lard and minced meat through a meat grinder. If desired, the lard can be chopped with a knife and simply mixed with the prepared minced meat.
  • Set aside one large onion, finely chop the rest of the onion and add to the minced meat.
  • Chop the green onion with a knife and pour it into the bowl with the minced meat.
  • Add the minced garlic, salt and pepper to the minced meat.
  • Mix the minced meat thoroughly with your hands and beat it on a cutting board. Place in the refrigerator for an hour.
  • Wash the pepper, remove seeds, cut into large squares.
  • Peel the remaining onion and chop coarsely.
  • Remove the minced meat from the refrigerator and form it into small sausages about 5–6 cm long and one and a half times less wide.
  • Thread a piece of pepper, a meat sausage, an onion, then another sausage onto a wooden skewer and complete the composition with pepper.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan and place a skewer with lula kebabs on it. Fry over medium heat for 12-15 minutes.

When serving on a plate with lula kebabs, place fresh vegetables, cut into large pieces and sprinkled with lemon juice. Serve hot without removing from the skewers. Instead of bread, put pita bread on the table.

Lula kebab cooked in a frying pan, of course, does not smell like real smoke, but the taste is in no way inferior to it. In addition, any housewife can make it without much hassle.

Lula kebab: technology and cooking secrets

It is difficult to say to which cuisine of the world such a dish as Lula kebab belongs. When traveling through the countries of the Balkan Peninsula, Asia, and the Caucasus, you will definitely be offered to try this wonderful delicacy.

Necessary ingredients for making lula kebab

At first glance, lula kebab is very reminiscent of traditional shish kebab, but this is far from the case. If we usually cook whole pieces of meat over coals, then lula kebab is a juicy cutlet that simply melts in your mouth. Anyone can thread barbecue meat onto a skewer, but to prepare lula kebab you need to have certain culinary skills.

So, if you want to treat your friends to an original dish at a picnic, feel free to start cooking lula kebab. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • meat - 1kg;
  • lard - 0.3 kg;
  • onion - 0.3 kg;
  • salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon;
  • dried basil - 1 teaspoon.

The most important ingredient of this dish is, of course, meat. Southerners traditionally use lamb, the youngest and freshest, and in no case frozen. But if it is absent, then you can use chicken, beef, pork and even cold cuts for cooking.

Preparation of minced meat

The critical stage is to clean the meat from all veins and films. This is necessary to ensure that the minced meat is tender and homogeneous, and that there are no hard lumps during eating. The same requirement applies to lard. We pass the meat through a meat grinder with a large grid - this is a prerequisite.

The second ingredient is lard. Traditional recipes use fat tail fat. But if there is none, then regular unsalted lard will do. It needs to be slightly frozen first, which will make slicing much easier. Then chop with a sharp knife into very small pieces. The viscosity of minced meat depends on lard, so its amount should be approximately 1/3 of the total mass.

The third ingredient is onion, which we also finely chop. To prepare lula kebab, its pieces must be dry and release their juice only inside the cutlet during frying, so you cannot grind the onion through a meat grinder or cut it too finely. Wet onion gruel will make the minced meat more liquid, and it will be impossible to attach it to the skewer.

Next, we begin kneading the ingredients. This is a responsible procedure that takes at least 10 minutes, but it is what helps to form a mass of the desired viscosity. During the kneading process, protein is released, which forms a kind of fibers that give the minced meat the desired consistency.

Next, pepper and salt. We add spices in moderation, as there is a risk of losing the juiciness of the meat. No fillers are used. All the viscosity of the minced meat is provided by lard. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly again.

Thorough kneading is the culinary secret that helps you easily cope with such a dish as lula kebab. During this time, the mass thickens, becomes homogeneous, and lard and onions are evenly distributed in it. The mixture is considered ready when it easily separates from the palms. Be sure to refrigerate the minced meat for several hours (but do not freeze) so that the lard hardens. This will allow you to thread the cutlets without any problems.

Rules for skewering and frying procedure

Now you can form the lula kebab. Prepare flat skewers and warm salted water. Wetting our hands in it, we form cutlets weighing 120-140 g, then place them on a skewer. At the same time, turning it slightly, we distribute the mass along the plate, forming something like a sausage. It is very important that the edges of the cutlet fit well to the skewer, and that there are no voids in the middle, otherwise the juice may boil in them and the kebab will tear. The thickness of the meat sausage should be approximately 3.5 cm, then it will be well cooked.

To speed up cooking outdoors, you can pre-shape portioned sausages and wrap them individually in film, which is removed just before frying.

Now the lula kebab is ready to go to the grill. The frying process lasts 10-12 minutes, and you should often turn the skewers so that the cutlets cook evenly and remain juicy inside.

The readiness of the dish can be determined by the golden brown crust. You need to make sure that the coals do not smoke from melted lard, otherwise the meat will become saturated with a pungent odor. You can also fry tomatoes and bell peppers on a skewer and use them as a side dish along with lettuce, onions, olives, fresh tomatoes and pita bread. Any hot sauce will be a great addition to your culinary masterpiece.

Secrets of making lula kebab at home

If you can’t go out into nature and cook lula kebab over an open fire, don’t worry. It is quite possible to fry it at home in the oven by stringing the cutlets using the technology described above on wooden skewers. To prevent them from burning in the oven, they must first be soaked in water.

Using these little tricks, you can safely take on the preparation of lula kebab. And family and friends invited to the table will undoubtedly appreciate your culinary skills. Bon appetit!

Bottom line

Knowing the secrets of making lula kebab, you can easily replace your usual kebabs with an unusual and interesting dish and surprise your friends on your next trip to nature or while relaxing at your summer cottage. By selecting high-quality products and properly frying the minced meat, you will receive an exquisite delicacy that can be prepared even at home.

Video of making lula kebab at home

Video: expert recommendations for preparing lula kebab on the grill