What are the specifics of making bone broth? Making cabbage soup from sauerkraut

There are myths about broth made from the bones of beef, lamb, pork, poultry or fish; it is endowed with many healing properties, the ability to heal the stomach, strengthen joints, help the body fight infection, and improve overall well-being. Not all of these properties have been confirmed by doctors, but nutritionists agree that bone broth is a nutritious and healthy product. However, this is only true for a dish that is prepared correctly.

Cooking features

Inexperienced housewives think that making bone broth is simple: pour water over the bones and boil them for a while. However, such a dish will not only be unappetizing and tasteless, but also unhealthy or even harmful. Making bone broth requires knowing a few things.

  • The more useful elements get from the bones into the broth, the more beneficial it will be. It is believed that complete digestion occurs only after 24–72 hours, depending on which animal bones were used. Ideally, beef and lamb bone broth should be cooked for 3 days. It will take 48 hours to cook broth from pork bones, from chicken bones the dish will be ready in a day, and it only takes 8 hours to cook fish bones. It’s rare that a housewife is willing to spend so much time cooking broth, so you can focus not on the optimal, but on the sufficient cooking time. It is enough to cook broth from the bones of large animals for 5-6 hours, from poultry bones - 1.5-4 hours, fish - 1 hour.
  • Different types of bones contain different sets of nutrients, so it is advisable to use assorted bones to make bone broth.
  • Some bone broth recipes include vinegar. It is needed for leaching, that is, the release of nutrients and beneficial substances. It can be replaced with any acid, including lemon juice.
  • If you want to give the broth an appetizing brown tint, you can roast the bones for 30–45 minutes in the oven.
  • Bones contain large quantities of not only useful substances - they accumulate toxins and heavy metals. Along with beneficial substances, harmful substances, including lead, are also digested from the bones. A little trick helps minimize the harm: after bringing the water in which the bones are cooked to a boil and boiling them for a quarter of an hour, drain the water, pour a new portion of water over the bones and continue cooking until the dish is ready. Harmful substances are released first, you will get rid of them with the first portion of water. As a result, the bone broth you brew will have only beneficial properties.
  • To improve the taste and aroma, spices, vegetables, and fresh or dried herbs are added to the bone broth. These ingredients are added to the broth 30–60 minutes before readiness, with the exception of fresh herbs, which are added 5 minutes before removing the pan from the stove.
  • Roasting vegetables before adding to the broth will make it even more delicious.
  • Use enough water to cook the broth. Make sure it always covers the bones.

If you do not eat all the prepared broth at once, it can be stored in the refrigerator for 5 days or in the freezer for six months. By adding just a little of this product to a soup or main course, you will enhance its taste.

Bone broth made from beef, lamb, and pork bones

  • bones (tubular, brain, articular) – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 7 l;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • onions – 100 g;
  • celery root – 100 g;
  • apple cider vinegar (6 percent) – 40 ml;
  • salt, bay leaf, hot and allspice - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the bones. Place in a large saucepan, add 3 liters of water and place over medium heat.
  • Cook for 15 minutes after boiling, skimming off any foam that appears on the surface.
  • Remove the bones and discard the water.
  • Add vinegar to the remaining water and stir.
  • Return the bones to the pan and cover with water acidified with vinegar.
  • Place on low heat and cook for 4-5 minutes. If foam appears on the surface, it must be removed with a slotted spoon.
  • Peel the carrots, cut them into several large pieces, and place them in a saucepan where the bones are cooked.
  • Peel the celery, cut it into one and a half centimeter cubes, and add to the rest of the products.
  • Wash the onion and add it whole to the soup. It is not necessary to peel it - it will give the dish an appetizing shade.
  • Pour seasonings into the pan and add bay leaves.
  • Continue cooking for 30–40 minutes.
  • Add salt, stir, cook for another 10 minutes.
  • Strain the broth into a clean saucepan. Discard bones, vegetables and seasonings.

If you want to make the finished broth even more tasty and satisfying, you can add vegetables fried in butter or vegetable oil. For this you will need carrots, onions and celery root - 1 each. They need to be cleaned, chopped with a knife and sautéed. If you don't want to use oil, brown the vegetable pieces in a dry frying pan or bake them. After adding vegetables to the broth, bring it to a boil and cook for a quarter of an hour.

Chicken bone broth

  • chicken bones – 1 kg;
  • carrots – 0.2 kg;
  • celery stalks – 0.25 kg;
  • leek – 100 g;
  • onions – 100 g;
  • water – 5 l;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • cloves – 2 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns – 5 pcs.;
  • allspice peas – 5 pcs.;
  • salt, thyme - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • After washing the bones, place them in a saucepan. Fill with 2 liters of water and bring to a boil. Cook for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam, drain in a colander.
  • Wash the bones again, place them in a clean pan, and cover with the remaining water.
  • Put it on fire. When the water boils, skim off the foam again, then reduce the heat and simmer, lightly covered, for an hour.
  • Wash and peel the vegetables. Cut the leeks and celery stalks into 2–3 cm pieces and place in the pan with the bones.
  • Scrub the carrots, rinse, cut into thick slices, and also put in a saucepan with the broth being prepared.
  • Add 2 small onions without peeling them.
  • Continue cooking the broth for another hour. Half an hour before it’s ready, salt it and add spices.
  • Strain the finished broth and serve.

When serving, the broth can be sprinkled with chopped herbs. Wheat croutons or pies with filling will successfully complement the dish, making it more satisfying.

Bone broth made from fish bones

  • fish bones, including backbone, fins, head without gills - 1 kg;
  • water – 2 l;
  • lemon juice – 20 ml;
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.;
  • parsley root – 50 g;
  • onions – 100 g;
  • black and allspice peas, parsley, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Mix water with lemon juice, pour over prepared fish bones, and put on fire.
  • After the water boils, add the onion, peeled and cut in half, and parsley root, peeled and cut into circles, into the pan. Continue cooking for 40 minutes.
  • Add salt, add spices, cook for another 10 minutes.
  • Strain and add chopped parsley. Bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes.

Fans of fish dishes will love this broth. You can complement it with pies with fish filling.

Bone broth, cooked correctly, is a tasty and healthy dish. It can serve as a basis for preparing other dishes.

There are broths in the cuisines of many countries around the world. These dishes are considered budget-friendly, and they are also very healthy for people. Every person needs to include them in their diet to always feel good. The benefits and harms of bone broth are discussed in the article.

What it is?

Bone broth is a product made from bones. Moreover, it is obtained from animals, birds and fish. Animal and poultry broths are popular in Russia. In Asian countries - fish. Bone broth is used not only for first courses; it is needed for stewing vegetables, meat, and preparing sauces. In any form, the product is useful.


What are the benefits of bone broth? The product, boiled for several hours, has benefits ranging from improving immunity to maintaining youth. Although only seeds are used to obtain it, it is still necessary for humans. This is due to the valuable composition:

  1. Minerals. The product contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. Moreover, the components are in an easily digestible form. There are other necessary substances: silicon, sulfur, etc.
  2. Collagen and protein. Broths contain proteins that do not dissolve in liquid. The main component is gelatin. During cooking, it comes out of bones, tendons, cartilage and ligaments.
  3. Amino acids. The product contains 3 important components: proline, arginine and glycine. These amino acids reduce pain and inflammation in the joints.

Proline is necessary for the formation of cellular structure and its strengthening. This amino acid is considered an important component of collagen. Thanks to the strength of the collagen structure, cellulite will be reduced, the condition of the skin and blood vessel walls will improve.

Glycine is necessary to cleanse the body of harmful components. The substance is involved in digestion and secretion of gastric juice. In addition, glycine, which has a calming effect, will improve sleep. The amino acid arginine supports the strength of the immune system and cleanses the liver of toxins.

Beneficial features

Bone broth includes glucosamine and chondroitin, which relieve joint pain and inflammation. These substances are necessary for all people. Dietary supplements with glucosamine are taken to preserve joints for a long period. But in the broth this substance is found in large quantities. Compared to tablets, the product includes many other valuable components to maintain healthy joints. Chondroitin sulfate protects against osteoarthritis.

Eating this dish strengthens your bones. It requires components such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus. These substances are contained in the broth. And gelatin affects the condition of hair and nails: they gain strength.

Benefits include immune support. Bone broth contains minerals in high concentrations. Bone marrow, located in the bones, strengthens the immune system. The product is ideal for recovery after illness.

Chicken broth has healing properties and softens the course of the disease. The beneficial components are in an easily digestible form, so a weak body does not need to waste energy for digestion. The product includes the amino acid cysteine, which allows you to thin mucus and successfully remove it from the lungs and bronchi.

A useful dish for digestion. People's health depends on the condition of their stomach. The product is easily digestible, heals intestinal tissue, and restores digestion. In addition, it contains medicinal nutritional components. Gelatin is able to attract and retain liquid, which is necessary for proper digestion.

Broth is considered a source of gelatin. It is necessary to nourish connective tissues and protect against premature sagging of the skin and the appearance of cellulite. Proline is required to create collagen.


Is bone broth harmful? The product may be harmful to those with intolerances. It must be borne in mind that many farmers give antibiotics and drugs to animals and poultry to quickly gain weight. Even if the products are purchased on the market.

Private households use antibiotics. Therefore, after cooking the first dish for half an hour, it is advisable to drain and fill the bones with new clean water. During this period, antibiotics are released from their bones, after which they pass into the broth mass.

Cooking features

How is bone broth made? You should not rely on a specific recipe and proportions. Place a few bones in a saucepan and then add water. You should not pour a lot of liquid; it is important that it covers the product a little.

It is better to cook on low heat for several hours. Add 2 tbsp to the pan. l. apple cider vinegar. This is necessary to extract nutritional components. Before cooking, the bones must be fried in the oven for 25-30 minutes at 180-190 degrees. Thanks to this, the broth will have a rich color and aroma.

You can mix bones of different animals and birds. Meat and bone broth will be useful, since meat also contains many nutrients. With boiling, you need to remove the foam, and if this is not done, then you should strain through a sieve.

Cooking duration

The bone broth recipe will help you prepare the dish correctly. The cooking time is determined by the type of seeds. Chicken broth requires a minimum of 4 hours. Chicken bones are considered more fragile and may crumble with prolonged cooking.

For pork and beef broth - at least 6 hours. To completely extract the beneficial components from the bones, you should cook the product from 24 hours to 2-3 days. When preparing this way, it is important to ensure that the water does not boil away; add more if necessary. Some recipes use vinegar. You can use citric acid or lemon juice instead.

Seasonings and spices

To make bone broth soup tasty, seasonings, spices, and herbs are added to it. Fresh herbs are added 10 minutes before the end of cooking. Fresh herbs should be included in the dish an hour before. Vegetables should be added at the right time to allow enough cooking time.

Carrots, onions, and celery go well with broth. They produce wonderful taste and aroma. They need to be cut into cubes. Among the spices, it is better to choose thyme, bay leaf and rosemary. They are placed in a bag or tied together.

Add turmeric, oregano, basil, dill seeds, and nutmeg to the broth. Avoid adding broccoli, turnips, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, green peppers and lettuce. These products make the broth bitter and not tasty. If the dish is prepared for medicinal purposes, then salt should not be added.


How to make broth? To do this you need to prepare:

  1. Bones - 1.5-1.8 kg.
  2. Ribs - 800-900 g.
  3. Apple cider vinegar - 0.5 cups.
  4. Water - 4 liters.
  5. Petiole celery - 3 stalks.
  6. Carrots - 3 pcs.
  7. Bulbs - 3 pcs.
  8. Parsley - 1 bunch.
  9. Salt - to taste.

Place the seeds in a saucepan, add apple cider vinegar and water. Everything is left for 1 hour. If there is not enough water and the bones are not covered with water, you need to add more. Celery is cut into several parts, carrots into halves, onions into 2.4 parts.

Add vegetables and bring to a boil. Then the foam is removed when the broth boils. It is important to reduce the heat so that the product simmers gently. The lid must be tightly closed. It cooks for 24-72 hours. In 10 minutes, add parsley, spices, spices. The broth must be left until it cools, after which it requires straining. From large seeds, you need to select bone marrow and add it to the broth. This completes the preparation of the dish. The broth can be used to make soup.

Making chicken broth

Chicken broth itself is considered healthy. But if you add other components to it, it will be even tastier and more nutritious. For cooking, it is advisable to take a soup set, although the dish is cooked from fillet. To make the dish golden and transparent, it must be strained through cheesecloth. It is usually served with greens, croutons or boiled eggs.

You will need to prepare the dishes. You need a large 2-3 liter saucepan, a cutting board and a knife. For vegetable dressing you need a frying pan. The soup set should be washed with cool water and put on fire to cook. You need to peel and cut the potatoes, grate the potatoes, and chop the onion. The greens should be chopped.

For the dish you will need:

  1. Soup set, breast or drumstick.
  2. Salt.
  3. Black pepper.
  4. Greenery.

Pour 2 liters of water into the pan. Bones and meat should be rinsed and placed in a container. You need to put the pan on the fire. After boiling, drain the broth into the sink. This allows you to remove harmful components. The dishes need to be washed, put the chicken out and pour water again. After boiling, you need to reduce the heat, cover the container and cook for a little more than 30 minutes. It is important to remove the foam.

Some time before the end of cooking, you need to salt the product and add pepper. If the broth is being prepared for treatment, then the second component should not be added. To obtain a clean and transparent liquid, repeated filtering is necessary. If desired, add greens with serving. The result is a delicious broth that can be consumed by everyone.


The finished product can be refrigerated for up to a week. To do this, cool it by placing the pan in a bowl of cold water. Freezing is also possible: the broth is left in this form for up to six months. The product is suitable for preparing soups, main courses, and sauces.

Broth and weight loss

Modern diets often use soups to help you lose weight. Moreover, the product can be created using bone broth. This is due to several useful properties:

  1. A high-quality, low-calorie product. At the same time, it is very satiating and contains a lot of gelatin. Consumption of broth reduces the daily calorie intake, but the person will not suffer from hunger.
  2. Collagen glycine restores sleep. But you need it if you constantly want to eat. The calming effect of glycine helps combat snacking and overeating habits.
  3. The broth restores the intestinal microflora, without the proper functioning of which it will not be possible to lose weight. After all, the composition of the biocenosis is different for a person with normal weight and for someone who wants to lose weight.
  4. The product has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. The amino acid arginine is required for growth hormone.

The broth has detoxifying activity and allows you to remove heavy metals from the body. This is especially important for people with large body weight, since toxins accumulate in fat tissue. The larger the fat, the more toxins it contains. Such a valuable product as broth should be consumed regularly.

Bone broth


500 g meat with bones, 1 onion, 1 carrot, a piece of leek, celery, parsley, 1 bay leaf, 10–15 peppercorns, 3–3.5 l. water, salt.


White meat and bone broth is the basis for many meat soups. Meat and bones of various animals are suitable for preparing this broth: beef, pork, veal, lamb, etc.

Logic circuit

Before cooking, meat and bones should be washed with cold water. Then chop the bones into small pieces 5-6 cm in size, put them together with the meat in a pan, add cold water, cover the pan with a lid and cook over high heat. When the water boils, open the pan, skim off the foam, add salt and, without covering the pan, cook over low heat for 2–3 hours... Beef and lamb bones should be cooked for 4.5–5 hours, and veal and pork bones for 2–3 hours. With longer cooking, the taste of the broth deteriorates. Fats that appear on the surface must be skimmed off several times. Some of the fats should be left in the broth to preserve the aromatic substances of the vegetables contained in them, which give the broth a pleasant taste. The skimmed fats can be used to roast vegetables. When the meat in the broth is cooked and becomes soft (if the inserted fork fits freely into the meat, it is ready), it should be taken out, add roots and spices fried in fat into the broth, then continue to cook the broth. The finished broth should be allowed to settle, then strain through a sieve.

Tips: Bone broth may be clear or cloudy due to the presence of proteins and fat; there should be glitter of fat on the surface of the broth; The aroma of the broth should match the aroma of the vegetables added during cooking.

Meat broth

Ingredients: To prepare meat broth, you need to use those parts of the meat that contain a significant amount of connective tissue (shoulder, brisket, trim).


Cook the broth from meat and bones in the same way as bone broth, but place pieces of meat on top of the chopped bones. 1–1.5 hours before the end of cooking, add roots and salt to the broth. The readiness of meat can be determined by piercing it with a chef's needle: the needle enters freely into well-cooked meat. Beef intended for main courses should be placed in the cauldron during the cooking process so that the meat is juicy. Place the finished meat in a bowl and cover it with a lid to protect the surface of the meat from drying out during storage.


The meat broth should be transparent, yellowish in color, with glitter of fat on the surface (excess fat should be skimmed off). It has a pleasant taste and smell characteristic of freshly cooked meat and vegetables.

Concentrated meat broth

Ingredients: 1 kg of meat, 1 small onion, 1 carrot, 1 bay leaf, 10 allspice peas, celery, parsley, 1 liter of water, salt.


To cook concentrated broth, take 1 liter of water per 1 kg of meat. The meat is cut into large pieces and cooked in the same way as meat and bone broth for 2-5 hours depending on what kind of meat is used. With longer cooking, the taste of meat and broth deteriorates. When preparing soups from concentrated broth, it is diluted with water, ordinary broth or vegetable broth.

Strong Regency broth

“It is prepared from a piece of beef and a piece of lamb brisket. Place them in a saucepan and let the juices release. Moisten with broth and transfer to a large saucepan with pieces of rabbit back, old chicken, one or two partridges; fill to the top with broth, skim off the foam and simmer over low heat for several hours.”

Strong broth according to an old recipe

“If this broth is reduced by half, it can replace meat juice in all sauces. Remove the fat from a shoulder of mutton, half-roast it on a spit, put it in a saucepan with a good piece of beef, an old fat capon, a few carrots, onions, turnips, parsnips and celery root, and cover with yesterday's broth."

Strong broth in a modern way

“Put a piece of beef, a veal shank, a chicken, an old rooster, a domestic rabbit or an old partridge into a pan, pour in a little broth, boil a strong broth - consommé, skim off the foam, cool from time to time, add vegetables (carrots, onions, celery, parsley , small onion, garlic and cloves). Simmer over low heat for five hours. Strain through a thin cloth."

Big broth

“This broth will come in handy if you have a special dinner coming up and you need enough broth to make sauces and soups. To prepare it, place a piece of beef (rump or brisket) in a large pan, add pieces and trimmings of beef, veal or lamb, poultry giblets, heads, legs, necks, poultry and game bones. Place a saucepan over moderate heat, which should be only three-quarters filled with water. Carefully skim off the foam until the broth is completely clear. Add salt, turnips, carrots, onions, three cloves and leeks. Bring to readiness as slowly as possible and strain through a thin cloth.”

Quick broth

“Take 600 grams of beef, cut into three parts, add one carrot, onion, celery, cloves, mix all this with meat cut into small pieces, put in a saucepan, pour salted water on top, boil for half an hour, skim off the foam, strain and You can cook the most delicious rice soup with this broth.”

Veal broth


400 g veal, 800 g veal bones, about 500 g roots, 400 g beef, 3 egg whites.

Preparation: Boil three times, straining the broth with veal roots and veal bones. Prepare the guy as described above in the “Chicken Consommé Broth” recipe, replacing the chicken fillet with beef (400 g).

Lamb broth

Ingredients: 400 g of lamb for the broth and 400 g for the draw, saffron, dry barberry, roots.


It is prepared in the same way as veal broth; the lamb is stuffed with 5-6 cloves of garlic. Clear the broth with 1 pound of lamb. In addition to the usual roots, a pinch of saffron is added to the broth; instead of crushed pepper, crushed dry barberry is served on the table.

The taste of the soup largely depends on the quality of the broth in which it is prepared. Therefore, the basic broth is of great culinary importance.

Soups are mainly prepared with meat, fish or mushroom broth. Moreover, to prepare them it is not necessary to take the highest quality products. Typically, meat broth is prepared either from bones only or from meat on the bone. For fish broth, they also take products that are unsuitable for second courses - tails, heads, fins, skin, etc. For real mushroom broth, you need dry porcini mushrooms. Other types of mushrooms can be used both dry and fresh, but broths from them are prepared based on the recipe of a particular dish.

In addition to meat, fish and mushroom broth, you can cook soups using vegetable broths, which are absorbed by the body much easier. Potato, cabbage, turnip and many other decoctions are often used to prepare dietary dishes.

Bone broth (basic)

Bone broth is made using bones left over from cutting up meat or poultry. Before cooking, they need to be washed several times and then filled with cold water at the rate of 1.25 liters of water per 1 kg of bones. For better extraction of nutrients, the bones need to be crushed before cooking. Vertebral bones and heads of long bones should be cut crosswise. It is not recommended to touch the tubular bone itself, otherwise small fragments will be found in the broth. Flat bones are chopped into pieces 5–6 cm in size. If the broth is prepared from tender veal or pork bones, then they should be lightly fried in the oven before cooking.

The bones treated in this way should be placed in a pan, poured with cold water, taking into account evaporation during boiling, cover the dish with a lid and bring the liquid to a boil over high heat. When the broth boils, skim off the foam and some of the fat, then cook over low heat, avoiding boiling. It is not recommended to remove all the fat, as it tends to retain aromatic substances.

Lamb and beef bones should be boiled for 4.5–5 hours, pork and veal bones – from 2 to 3 hours. Cooking longer will degrade the flavor of the bone broth.

1–1.5 hours before the end of cooking, add white roots (parsley, celery, parsnips), carrots and onions to the broth, and add salt half an hour before the end of cooking.

The finished bone broth should be clear or slightly cloudy, with droplets of fat visible on its surface. The aroma should match the smell of the roots and vegetables added during cooking.

Sample Basic Bone Broth Recipe:

Water – 1.25 l

Bones – 1 kg

Carrots – 1 piece

Onions – 1–2 pieces

White roots – 1–2 pieces

You can use individual roots: for example, only the root of parsley, or celery, or parsnip.

Meat and bone broth (basic)

To prepare this type of broth, it is necessary to use those parts of the carcass that contain a large amount of connective tissue: the trim, shoulder or brisket. Ideally, the meat should be separated from the bone, as the cooking time varies. First you need to put the bones in the pan, and then, 2-3 hours before the end of cooking, the meat. In this case, the meat should be cooked in large pieces. An important detail: the meat is not cut from the brisket, but cooked in large pieces along with the bones.

Roots and carrots are added to the broth an hour and a half before the end of cooking. After the meat is cooked, it should be removed from the broth and cut into portions.

The finished meat and bone broth should be amber in color, transparent, with glitter of fat on the surface.

Sample recipe for basic meat and bone broth:

Water – 1.25 l

Meat with bone – 1 kg

Carrots – 1 piece

Onions – 1–2 pieces

White roots – 1–2 pieces

Only available white roots can be used.

Fish broth (basic)

The tails, fins, skin and heads of fish must be thoroughly washed, the gills removed from the heads, large heads - catfish, sturgeon, etc. - cut into several parts. The prepared ingredients should be placed in an enamel pan, filled with cold water, added onions and parsley and brought to a boil over high heat under the lid. Then remove the lid from the pan and continue to cook the broth over low heat for 55–60 minutes. During the cooking process, it is necessary to remove the resulting foam and fat from the surface of the fish soup. It is recommended to strain the finished broth.

Sample recipe for basic fish broth:

Water – 1.25 l

Processed fish waste – 1 kg

Onions – 2 heads

Parsley root – 2–3 pieces

Dried mushroom broth (basic)

Dry porcini mushrooms should be thoroughly washed, filled with cold water and left to swell for 3-4 hours. After the specified time has passed, put the pan on the fire and cook the mushrooms in the same water until soft. Strain the prepared mushroom broth and rinse the boiled mushrooms again.

Sample recipe for basic mushroom broth:

Water – 1.25 l

Dry mushrooms – 140 g

Broths (clear soups)

In cooking, the word “broth” has two meanings: the first is “a base for soups”, the second is “independent dishes”. In this section of the book we will talk specifically about broths as independent dishes with a side dish. In professional culinary literature, such broths are called clear soups.

In this case, meat and fish broths are most often used for cooking. Broths made from game and chicken are considered the best, as they contain the greatest amount of nutrients.

For fish broth, small perches, ruffs and pike perch waste are used. To make the broth transparent, you need to prepare a special draw, which at the same time saturates the dish with extractive substances. So, for example, to clarify 1 liter of meat broth you need one egg white and 75 g of meat.

Transparent broth is usually served either in broth cups without a side dish, or in deep plates, where a separately prepared side dish is placed, after which the broth is poured over it. Below is a small list of side dishes that are usually served with different broths according to established culinary traditions:

The broth in a cup is accompanied by pies, pies with rice, carrots, cabbage or meat, as well as kulebyaki, croutons, profiteroles and other baked goods.

It is customary to serve game broth with game fillet and pieces of boiled turnips or carrots.

Chicken or game broth is served with profiteroles and lettuce, homemade noodles and scalded parsley leaves.

In addition to all of the above, artichoke bottoms, boiled champignon caps, green peas, cucumbers poached with butter, and chicken or game dumplings are suitable as a side dish for broths.

Meat broth

Water – 1.25 l

Meat on the bone – 800 g

Meat for pulling (neck, shank) – 75 g

Egg white – 1 piece

Carrots – 1 piece

Parsley or celery root - 1 piece

Onions – 1 piece

Vegetable oil – 1–2 tbsp. l.

Salt to taste

1. Cook the main meat and bone broth. If you need it to be stronger, you can boil additional meat in it for the second course.

2. To prepare the guy, pass the shank pulp or the cut through a meat grinder, add 200 ml of cold water and place in the refrigerator.

3. After 1.5–2 hours, when the meat has cooled, add salt, egg white to the draw and mix everything thoroughly.

4. Peel white roots, carrots and onions, chop and fry in vegetable oil until light golden brown.

5. Strain the hot broth, add the extract and prepared roots and onions, mix everything thoroughly and bring to a boil under the lid.

6. When the broth boils, remove foam and excess fat from its surface, reduce heat and continue cooking for 1–1.5 hours.

7. Let the finished broth settle, then strain through a fine sieve.

8. Properly cooked meat broth should be transparent and have a light brown tint. The taste and smell of such a broth depend on the type of meat (beef, pork, lamb, etc.) and the aromatic vegetables added to it.

Chicken bouillon

Chicken with bones – 800 g

Water – 1.25 l

Egg white – 1 piece

Carrots – 1 piece

Onions – 1 piece

Parsley root – 1 piece

Butter – 1–2 tbsp. l.

Strippings and chopped bones for guying - 75 g

Salt to taste

1. Cook chicken broth according to the recipe for basic meat and bone broth. If chicken meat is chosen, the cooking time should be reduced to 45–60 minutes.

2. If the broth turns out to be cloudy, you should prepare a guy for it. To do this, pass the heads of tubular bones and chicken strips (films, skin) through a meat grinder, add 200 ml of cold water and refrigerate for 1.5–2 hours.

3. Peel parsley, carrots and onions, chop and fry in butter until light golden brown.

4. Strain the hot broth. Add salt, egg white to the cooled strippings and mix everything thoroughly.

5. Then add the mixture for pulling, fried onions, carrots and roots into the broth, cover the dish with a lid and bring to a boil over low heat.

6. Skim the foam and excess fat from the boiling broth and continue to cook over low heat for 45–60 minutes.

7. Remove the finished broth from the stove, let it settle, and then strain through a fine sieve.

8. Properly cooked chicken broth should have a characteristic golden hue, smell and taste. The broth must be heated before serving.

Game broth

Water – 1.25 l

Meat on the bone (beef, pork) – 800 g

Hazel grouse – 0.5 pieces

Egg white – 1 piece

Onions – 1 piece

Carrots – 1 piece

Parsley root – 1 piece

Butter – 1–2 tbsp. l.

1. Boil meat and bone broth and lighten it with a guy.

2. To prepare the hazel grouse guy, grind it using a meat grinder, add 200 ml of cold water and put it in the refrigerator.

3. Fry peeled and chopped onions, carrots and parsley root in butter.

4. Add the cooled guy to the meat and bone broth along with sautéed vegetables.

5. Place the bowl with the mixture on the stove, bring the broth to a boil, skim off the foam and excess fat and continue to cook over low heat for 1–1.5 hours.

6. Let the finished broth settle, then strain it through a fine sieve.

You can use chicken broth as a base for game broth.

Natural broths from game are cooked only if it is available in sufficient quantities.

In addition to hazel grouse, you can use the meat of black grouse, partridge or pheasant to prepare the guy.

Broth with croutons

Chicken, meat or game broth – 1.6 l

Wheat bread or loaf – 200 g

Hard cheese – 60 g

Butter – 20–30 g

1. Cut the bread or loaf into slices 0.5 cm thick, place on a dry baking sheet, drizzle with melted butter, sprinkle with grated cheese and lightly brown in the oven.

2. Pour the finished broth into cups and serve along with hot croutons.

Broth with noodles

Noodles (or vermicelli) – 160 g

Salt - to taste

1. Boil the noodles in plenty of salted water, drain in a colander and let the water drain.

2. Place the finished noodles in a deep plate and fill with clear broth.

Broth with semolina dumplings

Meat, chicken or game broth – 1.6 l

For the dumplings

Semolina – 120 g

Butter – 20 g

Chicken egg – 1 piece

Broth – 240 ml

1. Prepare semolina dumplings in the usual way and boil them in 240 ml of broth.

2. Place the finished dumplings in a deep plate and fill with clear broth.

Broth with profiteroles

Meat, chicken or game broth – 1.6 l

For profiteroles

Wheat flour – 60 g

Butter – 30 g

Chicken egg – 0.5 pieces

Water – 60 ml

Sugar – 2 tsp.

1. Prepare choux pastry from the ingredients indicated in the recipe and place it in a pastry syringe.

2. Using a small diameter tube, place small balls with a syringe on a greased baking sheet and bake them in an oven preheated to 180°C.

3. Pour the broth into cups. Serve the finished profit rolls separately on a pie plate.

Broth with vegetables

Meat, chicken or game broth – 1.6 l

Carrots – 250 g

Turnip – 100 g

Parsnip – 100 g

Celery root – 50 g

Leek – 120 g

Spinach – 50 g

Butter – 50 g

1. Peel carrots, parsnips, turnips, celery and leeks, wash, cut into strips and simmer in butter in a deep saucepan.

2. After 12–15 minutes from the start of stewing, add finely chopped spinach leaves to the vegetables and simmer for another 5–6 minutes.

3. Place the finished vegetables in a deep plate along with the sauce in which they were stewed, and pour in clear broth.

4. You can serve this dish with an additional side dish: boiled cauliflower, asparagus or young beans.

Broth with omelette

Meat, chicken or game broth – 1.6 l

Chicken eggs – 2 pieces

Butter – 10 g

Milk – 100 ml

Boiled spinach or scalded parsley leaves

Salt - to taste

1. Beat raw eggs with a whisk, gradually pouring cooled milk into them.

2. Season the resulting mixture with salt and pour into a small saucepan or cake pan.

3. Cook the omelette in a water bath for 12–15 minutes, without allowing the water in the main pan to boil.

4. Cool the omelet to room temperature, place in a deep plate and pour in clear broth.

5. When serving, add boiled spinach or scalded parsley leaves.

Broth with meatballs

Meat, chicken or game broth – 1.6 l

Beef pulp – 300 g

Water or broth – 40 ml

Butter – 20 g

Onions – 0.5 pieces

Chicken egg – 0.5 pieces

Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.

Ground black pepper, salt - to taste

1. Pass the beef pulp through a meat grinder several times. Sauté finely chopped onions in vegetable oil.

2. Mix the prepared minced meat with butter, egg and sautéed onion, add salt, season with ground black pepper and mix everything thoroughly.

3. If the minced meat is too thick, you can dilute it with cold water or chilled broth.

4. Form meatballs into balls from the prepared minced meat and cook them in water for 5–6 minutes.

5. Place the finished meatballs on a plate and pour clear broth over them.

Fish broth (ear)

Water – 1.25 l

Perches or ruffs – 600 g

Pressed caviar – 30 g

Parsley root – 1 piece

Celery root – 1 piece

Onions – 1 piece

Salt - to taste

1. Peel and wash celery, parsley and onion.

2. Pour cold water over the gutted fish, bring the broth to a boil and remove the resulting foam.

3. Then put the prepared roots and onions into a saucepan with broth and cook over low heat, without covering the dishes with a lid.

4. After 40–50 minutes, remove the broth from the heat, strain and clarify with a pull.

5. To prepare the guy, grind the caviar with a pestle, gradually adding 1-2 tbsp. l. cold water.

6. Salt the resulting homogeneous mass, pour it into the broth, mix thoroughly and put it back on the fire.

7. When the broth boils, remove the foam and continue cooking over low heat for 15–20 minutes.

8. Let the finished broth settle and strain it through a fine sieve.

9. Along with the guy, you can add celery stalks to the broth, which will give the ear a pleasant aroma and a beautiful greenish tint.

Sterlet soup

Fish broth – 1.6 l

Sterlet – 400 g

Butter – 10 g

Carrots – 0.5 pieces

Lemon – 1 piece

Spicy herbs (parsley, dill) – 2 bunches

Salt - to taste

1. Clean a small sterlet, gut it and rinse with cold water. Then scrape off the mucus from the skin, pour boiling water over the fish and after half a minute lower it into cold water.

2. Pour the main fish broth into a thick-walled container (saucepan) and bring to a boil.

3. Cut the sterlet into portions, place in boiling broth along with black peppercorns, add salt and cook for 10–15 minutes, removing the foam.

4. In order for the soup to be sufficiently fatty, you need to grate the peeled carrots on a fine grater and sauté in butter. Strain the hot mass, add the liquid part to the broth and mix thoroughly. When the sterlet is cooked, remove it from the broth and separate the meat from the cartilage.

5. When serving sterlet fish soup, the fish broth should be poured into a deep plate and a piece of sterlet should be placed in it. Serve the broth with lemon slices and chopped herbs on a separate plate. Pies with fish or kulebyaka with viziga are most suitable as a side dish for sterlet fish soup.

Burbot soup

Purified burbot and burbot liver – 400g

Lemon – 1 piece

Spicy herbs (dill, parsley) – 2 bunches

Salt - to taste

1. Rinse the prepared fish thoroughly with cold water, cut into portions, pour over boiling water, and then cool in cold water. Pour the main fish broth into a thick-walled bowl, bring to a boil and place the prepared pieces of burbot and black peppercorns into it.

2. After boiling the fish soup, remove the foam from its surface, add salt and cook for 10–15 minutes, depending on the size of the fish portions.

3. Cook the burbot liver separately in a small amount of boiling salted water.

4. Remove the finished fish from the broth, separate the flesh from the bones, place it on plates and pour in the broth. Place a piece of burbot liver in each plate. Separately, serve lemon and finely chopped herbs on a shallow plate.

5. As a side dish for burbot fish soup, pies with viziga are most suitable.

Fisherman's soup

Basic fish broth – 1.6 l

Fresh pike perch – 120–150 g

Potatoes – 600 g

Onions – 1 piece

Butter – 20 g

Black peppercorns – 3–5 pieces

Bay leaf, finely chopped herbs, salt - to taste

1. Peel the potatoes and onions and leave them uncut.

2. Peel the pike perch, gut it, rinse with cold water and cut into portions.

3. Pour boiling water over the prepared fish, then cool under cold water.

4. Bring the main fish broth to a boil, add potatoes, onions and pieces of pike perch into it, bring to a boil, skim off the foam and cook for 25-30 minutes.

5. 10–12 minutes before the end of cooking, salt the fish soup and season with spices. Remove the finished fish soup from the stove and add butter.

6. When serving, place a piece of fish, potatoes, boiled onion and finely chopped spicy herbs into each plate with fish soup.

Common ear

Water – 2 l

Fish (any) – 900 g

Potatoes – 400 g

Onions – 1 piece

Carrots – 1 piece

Parsley root – 1 piece

Millet – 100 g

Bay leaf, salt - to taste

1. Clean the fish, gut it, wash it, separate the heads and tails, add cold water and cook the main broth, then strain it and pour it into another bowl.

2. Cut the fish flesh with bones into portions.

3. Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into 2–4 pieces.

4. Peel parsley root, onion and carrots, rinse thoroughly, and cut into halves (except for onions).

5. Bring the strained main broth to a boil, add pieces of fish, vegetables and roots into it and cook until tender for 15–25 minutes (depending on the type of fish).

6. 7-10 minutes before the soup is ready, add salt, add the washed millet and add a bay leaf.

Ukha "Homemade"

Water – 2 l

Small fish (perches, ruffs) – 800 g

Large fish (pike, pike perch, burbot) – 500 g

Celery (root and stems) – 1 piece

Potatoes – 400 g

Onions – 1 piece

Bay leaf – 1–2 pieces

Lemon – 1 piece

Allspice peas – 2 pieces

Black peppercorns – 2–3 pieces

Finely chopped spicy herbs (dill, parsley) – 2–3 tbsp. l.

Salt - to taste

1. Clean both types of fish, gut them and rinse under cold water.

2. Separate the head, tails and fins of large fish, cut the flesh into portions. Leave small fish uncut. Cook the main broth from small fish and fish waste, strain and pour into another container.

3. Peel and wash potatoes, celery and onions.

4. When the broth boils, add pieces of large fish and vegetables into it. Bring the liquid to a boil, skim off the foam and cook for 25–30 minutes.

5. 5-7 minutes before the end of cooking, salt the fish soup and season with spices.

6. Sprinkle the finished fish soup with finely chopped spicy herbs and serve with lemon slices.

Sea fish soup

Water – 2 l

Sea fish (fatty) – 1.5 kg

Onions – 2 pieces

Leek – 1 piece

Potatoes – 4–5 pieces

Parsley roots – 2 pieces

Carrots – 0.5 pieces

Bay leaf – 2–3 pieces

Black peppercorns – 5–6 pieces

Saffron – 5 stamens

Lemon – 1 piece

Finely chopped dill and parsley - 2-3 tbsp. l.

Salt - to taste

1. Clean the fish, gut it, rinse with cold water and cut into large pieces.

2. Peel and wash onions, leeks, potatoes, parsley root and carrots.

3. Cut the potatoes into cubes, carrots into strips, leeks into rings, cut the parsley roots into halves lengthwise.

4. Pour water into an enamel pan, boil and place the prepared vegetables in it.

5. When the water boils, skim off the foam, add salt to the broth and cook until the potatoes are half cooked.

6. Then add pieces of fish and cook the fish soup until done. 5-7 minutes before the end of cooking, season the fish soup with spices and add salt if necessary.

7. Remove the finished dish from the stove, sprinkle with finely chopped spicy herbs and serve with lemon slices.

The liquid base of soups is broths, milk and milk drinks (kefir, yogurt), decoctions of cereals, vegetables, fruits, kvass. The liquid part of the soup contains flavoring and aromatic substances that stimulate appetite and promote better absorption of food.

For garnish or filling, a variety of products are used: vegetables, mushrooms, cereals, legumes and pasta, fish, meat, poultry, etc. The dense part of the soup contains nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins.

Soup serving bowl

The calorie content of the liquid base is insignificant - only 15–20 cal per 1 liter of broth, but the dense part (garnish) increases the calorie content of many soups.

Soups are classified:

by serving temperature – hot and cold (dispensing temperature for hot soups is 75–80 °C, cold soups – 10–14 °C);

according to the method of preparation - dressing, transparent, puree and different;

on a liquid basis - for soups based on broths, vegetable and cereal decoctions, milk, bread kvass, fruit decoctions. Hot soups are prepared in the soup shop, and cold soups are prepared in the cold shop.

Preparation of broths

Broth is a decoction obtained by boiling meat, bones, poultry, fish, and mushrooms in water. Extractive substances, proteins, fats, minerals and aromatic substances pass into the broth. The taste of the broth depends on the ratio of water and product in it, the degree of its grinding, and the duration of cooking.

Broths come in normal and concentrated varieties. To obtain a normal broth, take 3.5–4 liters of water per 1 kg of product, and 1.25 liters for concentrated broth. Concentrated broths are more rational: they save fuel and time, and allow you to use smaller containers. From 1 kg of product you should get 1 liter of concentrated broth. Then 1 liter of concentrated broth is diluted with 3-4 liters of hot water.

Bone broth

To obtain it, processed tubular, pelvic, thoracic and vertebral bones are used. The bones of small livestock are pre-roasted in the oven to improve the taste and appearance of the broth. The prepared bones are placed in a cauldron, filled with cold water and brought to a boil over high heat. When the broth boils, remove the foam from the surface. After this, the broth is boiled at low boil with the lid closed. During cooking, remove excess fat as it emulsifies and hydrolyzes, so the broth may have an unpleasant taste and smell. The duration of cooking broth from beef bones is 4 hours, from pork and veal bones - 2-3 hours. 30-40 minutes before the end of cooking, add fried roots and onions, stems of spicy vegetables, tied in a bunch. The finished broth is salted and filtered.

Meat and bone broth

To prepare it, use the bones and meat of brisket, shoulder, subscapular and trim weighing 2–2.5 kg.

Pour cold water over the bones, bring to a boil and cook at a low boil for 2–3 hours, then add the meat, bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook at a low boil, periodically skimming off excess fat. The duration of cooking the meat is 1.5–2 hours. 30–40 minutes before the end of cooking, add fried roots and onions, and a bunch of spicy vegetables. At the end of cooking, the broth is salted, the cooked meat is removed, the broth is drained and filtered.

The broth can be prepared in another way. The bones are placed in a cauldron, meat is placed on them, poured with cold water, brought to a boil, the foam is removed and cooked at a low boil, periodically skimming off the fat. After 1.5–2 hours, the meat is removed and the bones continue to be cooked. 30–40 minutes before the end of cooking, add fried roots and onions, a bunch of spicy vegetables. At the end of cooking, the broth is salted, drained and filtered.