Mascarpone desserts without baking. Mascarpone - delicate Italian cheese

Italian mascarpone cheese has a light creamy taste and a pleasant creamy texture. That is why chefs all over the world prepare original fillings from it. Today we will offer you simple recipes with mascarpone that you can easily repeat in your kitchen.

Cream dessert with strawberries

The famous one is used to prepare many desserts. Recipes with mascarpone are simple, do not require a special approach, and are especially popular among housewives. Therefore, we suggest you prepare a special sweet dessert that does not require you to spend too much time and effort.


  • Mascarpone - 500 grams.
  • Sugar - 100 grams.
  • Three egg yolks.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Cookie.
  • Strawberry.

How to cook:

  • Using a mixer, beat the yolks and sugar. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, transfer it to a water bath and continue stirring, removing the residue from the sides of the pan with a spoon.
  • Cover the finished cream with film and cool.
  • Place the mascarpone in a bowl and mash the cheese with a fork. Add the egg cream to it and mix with a mixer at low speed.
  • Mash the strawberries, sprinkle them with lemon juice and mix with two tablespoons of sugar.
  • Grind the cookies into crumbs.
  • Take the bowls and fill them one-third with cream. After this, add a layer of strawberries. Repeat the sequence again.

Before serving, the dessert should be sprinkled with cookie crumbs.


Perhaps this is the most popular Italian dessert in our country. Classic recipes with mascarpone cheese (simple and complex) call for mascarpone cheese and savoiardi cookies. However, many cooks use regular sponge cake for this dessert or prepare cookies themselves. What products are needed for a homemade cake? You can read their full list below:

  • 400 grams of mascarpone cheese.
  • 300 grams of savoiardi biscuits.
  • 250 ml strong coffee.
  • 150 grams of powdered sugar.
  • 5 eggs.
  • 2 tablespoons of cognac.
  • 2 teaspoons cocoa powder.

We will prepare a delicious dessert according to the following recipe:

  • Brew strong coffee and combine it with cognac.
  • Separate the whites from the eggs and put them in the refrigerator. Beat the yolks with powdered sugar until smooth.
  • Combine the resulting mass with the mascarpone and stir.
  • Salt the whites and beat them into foam. Add the finished product to the cream and mix.
  • Take a deep form for dessert and place a layer of cookies on its bottom, which should be dipped in coffee beforehand.
  • Spread half the cream and cover it with another layer of savoiardi.
  • After this, finish the job by placing and smoothing the remaining cream.

Place the dessert in the refrigerator for six hours (or overnight). Sprinkle tiramisu with cocoa before serving.

A simple recipe for cheesecake with mascarpone

Prepare an original American dish for your loved ones. Since today we offer you simple recipes with mascarpone, this time we chose a dessert that does not require baking. Take the following products for him:

  • Cookies - 300 grams.
  • Butter - 150 grams.
  • Mascarpone - 500 grams.
  • Cream - 200 ml.
  • Sugar - 150 grams.
  • Gelatin - 20 grams.

The recipe for a delicious dessert is very simple:

  • Soak the gelatin in water as described on the package.
  • Grind the cookies with a blender.
  • Melt the butter.
  • Combine the crumbs with the cooled butter. Place the resulting mass in a springform pan, level and press firmly to the bottom.
  • Dissolve gelatin over heat.
  • Using a mixer, beat the cream and sugar. Add mascarpone to the cream and mix again.
  • Combine the filling with gelatin.
  • Place the cheese mixture on the base, smooth it out and put it in the refrigerator for four hours.

Cut the finished dessert into portions and serve.

Fruit salad with mascarpone

Simple, unsweetened recipes with mascarpone are also very popular among chefs. Therefore, we would like to invite you to try an original light dish of cheese and fruit. This time we will need:

  • 250 grams of mascarpone;
  • fruits and berries to taste (apricots, peaches, blackberries, kiwi, blueberries, currants);
  • nuts to taste.

The salad recipe is quite simple:

  • Chop the fruit with a knife.
  • Mash the cheese with a fork.
  • Combine all prepared products and mix.

with mascarpone

We will prepare this dessert without flour. This means that the finished treat is airy and light. Take for him:

  • Almonds for cakes - 150 grams.
  • Sugar - 150-200 grams.
  • Egg whites - three pieces.
  • Vanillin - to taste.
  • Mascarpone cheese - 250 grams.
  • Powdered sugar - 100-150 grams.
  • Vanillin for cream - to taste.
  • Chocolate shavings for decoration.

Read the cake recipe here:

  • Grind the almonds using a blender or meat grinder.
  • Mix the resulting crumbs with egg whites, vanilla and sugar.
  • Place the bowl of food in a water bath and heat over medium heat. When the sugar has completely dissolved and the almonds have acquired a lighter shade, the dishes can be removed from the stove.
  • Line a baking dish with parchment and pour one third of the dough into it. Bake the crust in a preheated oven until done.
  • After this, bake two more cakes.
  • For the cream, beat the cheese with vanilla and powdered sugar.
  • Place the skins on top of each other, generously lubricating each with cream.
  • Trim the uneven edges with a sharp knife, and then cover them with impregnation.

Place the dessert in the refrigerator for several hours and sprinkle with chocolate chips before serving.

As you can see, simple recipes with mascarpone do not take much time and effort. Therefore, you can safely cook not only on a holiday, but also on an ordinary day.

with cheese

We continue to tell you simple recipes with mascarpone. For a delicious Italian pie, stock up on the following products:

  • Cookies - one and a half glasses.
  • Sugar - a quarter cup.
  • Oil - six tablespoons.
  • Mascarpone - three packs.
  • Ricotta - 250 grams.
  • Eggs - three pieces.
  • Sugar for filling - one glass.
  • Sour cream - one cup.
  • Vanilla extract - one teaspoon.

We will prepare a delicious dessert according to the following recipe:

  • Grind the crackers into crumbs, combine them with soft butter and sour cream.
  • Transfer the resulting mass into the mold and press it with your hands.
  • Using a mixer, beat the mascarpone and sugar. Add vanilla seeds, ricotta and a pinch of salt. Gradually add the eggs into the cream, remembering to constantly stir the mixture.
  • Place the filling on the base and bake the pie in a preheated oven. To prevent the dish from drying out, place a bowl of water on the wire rack (underneath it).
  • After an hour, when the cheese mixture has hardened, turn off the heat and open the oven door.

When the pie has cooled slightly, brush it with cream made from whipped sour cream and sugar. This pie can be safely stored in the refrigerator - it will not lose its taste.


And now here is a recipe that even the harshest critics will appreciate. Prepare the following products:

  • Mascarpone cheese - 600 grams.
  • Eggs - three pieces.
  • Sugar - 1 glass.
  • Vanilla sugar - a teaspoon.
  • Salt - one pinch.
  • Zest half a lemon.
  • Flour - two tablespoons.
  • Lemon juice - a tablespoon.
  • Any soft fruits or berries - to taste.
  • Gelatin - ten grams.

The recipe is not at all difficult to execute:

  • Beat the cheese with a mixer, and then add sugar, vanilla syrup, zest, salt and flour.
  • Add the eggs one at a time, without ceasing to mix the ingredients.
  • Pour the dough into silicone molds, filling them two-thirds full.
  • Bake the treat until ready, and decorate it as you wish before serving.

Muffins will look great on the table if you first pour them with jelly and decorate them with pieces of fresh fruit.


We will be glad if you find our simple mascarpone recipes with photos useful. Use them to prepare delicious dishes and delight your loved ones with new original tastes. Don't forget that if you don't have real mascarpone, you can prepare a product that tastes like it from full-fat cottage cheese, vanilla, sugar and a little lemon juice.

Not every fatty cottage cheese can boast such a delicate creamy texture. But Italian mascarpone curd cheese is an exception to the rule, created on the basis of heavy cream.

The true birthplace of the production of delicate mascarpone cheese is the Italian province of Lombardy (more precisely, the southwestern part of Milan). It was here that cheesemakers found direct use for the cream that remained after the milk had settled overnight and had to be skimmed off before it was to be used to make the famous extra-hard Parmesan. The skimmed cream was fermented with citric or acetic acid, heated, and this is how the now world famous mascarpone curd cheese was obtained.

Mascarpone is a soft cheese with a very high fat content, ranging from 60 to 75 percent. The resulting cheese is the main ingredient in famous Italian recipes such as tiramisu and cheesecakes.

The texture of the cheese varies from smooth, creamy, without grain, to buttery, depending on how it was prepared. Externally, mascarpone looks like well-whipped cream, from which butter should be made.

If the cheese is made in compliance with all standards, then its color should vary from white to cream. The taste should be soft and milky with the aroma characteristic of full-fat milk.

By the way, undergoing gentle heat treatment, it retains all the properties of fresh milk, has no preservatives and is not salted at all. Rennet is also not used in production.

Mascarpone cheese composition

Many cheeses, which are completely different from cottage cheese, cannot boast such a fatty, buttery taste, as well as a huge amount of chemical components beneficial to the body. This type of cheese contains:


Essential amino acids (the largest amount is the antioxidant tryptophan);

Vitamin A;

B vitamins (in particular, this contains the daily requirement of nicotinic acid);

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C);

Phylloquinoane (hematopoietic vitamin K);

Important minerals such as potassium, calcium and phosphorus.

The amount of fat in it can reach up to 50 percent, 3 percent protein and 5 percent carbohydrates. With such a fat content, it cannot be a low-calorie product. Therefore, the calorie content of such a soft cheese delicacy is quite high and amounts to 412 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.

Benefits of mascarpone cheese

The beneficial properties of Italian cream cheese, which is not at all similar to curd mass, are invaluable.

True, there is a certain list of the most striking qualities, which includes:

  • Reducing the level of increased irritability;
  • Normalization of mood (sudden swings can be avoided);
  • Getting rid of insomnia;
  • Effective fight against depression;
  • Preventing the negative effects of stress on the body;
  • Strengthening the immune system;
  • Stimulation of active hematopoiesis;
  • Protection from the negative influence of a polluted environment;
  • Relieving pain from arthritis and arthrosis;
  • Strengthening the skeletal system;
  • Formation and improvement of the functioning of ligaments and muscles;
  • Giving elasticity to blood vessels;
  • Lowering blood cholesterol levels;
  • Strengthening the heart muscle.


Due to its high fat content (despite its exceptional naturalness), mascarpone has a fairly wide range of contraindications for direct consumption. Among them it is necessary to highlight:

What is mascarpone cheese eaten with and where is it used?

Mascarpone has a soft, delicate structure, which is why many chefs call it creamy butter cheese.

Naturally, it can easily be spread on a flatbread or a piece of bread. They add it to soups, dumplings, risotto, and sometimes replace butter in baked goods.

Mascarpone cheese can be used:

  • In tiramisu or as a filling for desserts such as pies and cheesecake. The rich, soft, creamy taste of the cheese is an important property for preparing these dishes.
  • In pasta sauces.
  • To thicken and add richness to dishes such as soups or risotto.
  • Instead of butter or margarine. The advantage of this replacement is the lower fat content of mascarpone compared to butter or margarine.
  • As a dessert, like whipped cream, served with fruits and berries.
  • You can freeze it like ice cream by replacing cream in the recipe.

How to make mascarpone cheese at home

Cream, not milk, is used to make cheese. This is a cheese that every housewife can make. No special cheese rennet is used for its preparation. All you need is cream, citric acid or vinegar. But first, let’s look at the technology for making cheese in its homeland – Italy.

  • Fresh cream;
  • A certain amount of tartaric acid (or rather, white wine) or lemon juice was added to them;
  • Then this whole mass was heated, but not brought to a boil;
  • Then it was placed in small linen bags and hung to drain the whey.

The result was a creamy “cottage cheese” (this is how the word “mascarpone” is translated), which had to be consumed within a day at most.

Today in dairy factories everything is simpler:

  • The cream is heated, but not boiled, along with a certain amount of citric acid;
  • The whey is drained;
  • The resulting curd mass is mixed and packaged in vacuum plastic packaging of 80-500 grams.

Homemade cheese production works in exactly the same way. The cream, to which citric acid is added, is heated to a temperature of 85 degrees. At this temperature they ferment, forming a curd mass. Now you need to separate the curds from the whey. The resulting curd mass in gauze is placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

How to replace mascarpone cheese

A similar substitute for mascarpone cheese in recipes can be ricotta cheese, which is made from cow's milk, or creamy soft cheese.

How to store mascarpone cheese

Mascarpone cheese is a highly perishable product. Therefore, it should only be stored in the refrigerator. After opening the vacuum packaging, it is best to consume it immediately. Shelf life in the refrigerator is no more than three days. Then the cheese begins to separate and spoil.

Mascarpone is not exactly cheese, but rather a creamy cheese product. It has been made in northern Italy, in Lombardy, for 5 centuries. Translated from the local dialect, the word “mascarpia” means “cream”. Mascarpone was originally made from heavy cream skimmed from buffalo milk. Nowadays, Mascarpone is mainly made from pasteurized cow's milk. Buffalo milk is a very rare product, which is entirely used in the production of the equally famous Italian fresh cheese - Mozzarella. The Italian Ministry of Agriculture has recognized Mascarpone as a traditional Italian product, which means that the quality of this cheese is controlled and the country is proud of its unique product.

Mascarpone, along with Mozzarella, Ricotta and Feta, belongs to the category of fresh, spreadable or curd cheeses. According to the European classification, traditional Russian cottage cheese can also be included here. All of them have a delicate texture and neutral taste, cook quickly and do not sit out. Fresh cheeses are not pressed or salted; they are valuable for their freshness and softness. The advantages of soft cheeses are overshadowed by only one drawback - they quickly spoil.

Unlike most cheeses, Mascarpone does not use enzymes in its production, only acids that ferment the cream. According to the traditional recipe, hot fresh cream with a fat content of 25% to 35% is fermented with tartaric acid or white wine vinegar; modern technology allows the use of lemon juice and even citric acid. Acid is necessary for clotting (coagulation) of milk protein. The fermented cream is cooled and hung in a cool place in linen bags. In 12-18 hours, the whey drains, and a soft, delicate cream-colored mass with a sweet milky taste remains in the bags.

The absence of rennet makes Mascarpone more “ethical” than other cheeses. This is important for vegetarians who do not eat meat but cannot give up dairy products.

Mascarpone is a very fatty and high-calorie cheese. In terms of dry matter, its fat content is about 75%, and its calorie content is about 450 kcal per 100 g. For comparison, the fat content of most hard cheeses varies between 40% and 55%. However, Mascarpone cannot be called harmful: it is rich in saturated and monounsaturated fats, contains proteins, carbohydrates, potassium, phosphorus, B vitamins and vitamin A. If you control yourself and do not overeat, Mascarpone can easily fit into a balanced diet.

Due to its high fat content and inexpressive taste, Mascarpone is almost never used in its pure form, but is mixed with other products or added to dishes to give them creamy tenderness.

In northern Italy, Mascarpone is combined with Gorgonzola, the famous local blue cheese. The result is Torta di Gorgonzola - a kind of layer cake in which spicy aged cheese alternates with delicate creamy cheese. Torta di Gorgonzola is served as an appetizer with light wine and can easily replace dinner. There is also a simpler option: Mascarpone Torta. This is a very filling appetizer, consisting of several layers of Mascarpone with layers of pesto sauce and pine nuts.

Mascarpone cheese is widely used in Lombardy cuisine as a substitute for cream or butter. It is spread on sandwiches, mixed with anchovies, olives, mustard and spices, and added to risotto and puree soups. But the main and most delicious use of Mascarpone is in sweet dishes. It is impossible to imagine Tiramisu without Mascarpone; cheesecakes and delicate creams are prepared with this cheese. The peculiarity of Mascarpone is that it does not lose its shape when exposed to high temperatures, and therefore it can be added to sweet casseroles and fillings for pies or ravioli. In Italy, desserts from Mascarpone are prepared simply: they mix it with fruits, berries, syrups and liqueurs.

Unfortunately, you can’t always find fresh Mascarpone on sale everywhere, and it’s not cheap. But it doesn’t matter - you can prepare Mascarpone yourself, and “Culinary Eden” will tell you how to do it.

You will need to find quality cream. The amount of cheese obtained depends on the fat content of the cream. So, from 1 liter of cream with a fat content of 15%, about 500 ml of Mascarpone comes out, and from full-fat homemade cream - more than 800 ml. True, there is a risk that homemade cream will harden and turn into a kind of butter. To avoid this, do not use too fresh homemade cream to prepare Mascarpone; leave it in the refrigerator for 1-2 days. If during this time the cream remains liquid, you can prepare Mascarpone. As a rule, such confusion does not occur with store-bought cream.

How to make homemade Mascarpone

1 liter of cream (15-33%),
2-3 tbsp. lemon juice
(or 0.3 tsp citric acid and 1 tsp water).

Heat the cream in a heavy saucepan until it bubbles (about 75°C). Dilute the acid in water, pour into the cream, stir and cook over low heat for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Line a colander with two layers of linen cloth, pour in the cream and leave at room temperature for 1-1.5 hours to drain the whey. Cover the colander with the cheese mixture with a napkin and refrigerate for several hours, or better yet, overnight. The mass will thicken and acquire a creamy structure. If the Mascarpone turns out to be grainy, lightly beat it with a blender.

Recipes with Mascarpone cheese

Spicy sandwich paste

100 g Mascarpone,
2-3 anchovy fillets,
2-3 sprigs of fresh basil,
2-3 tsp. Dijon mustard,
Salt, black pepper to taste.

Finely chop the basil leaves and place in a blender bowl along with Mascarpone and other ingredients. Beat for a few seconds and serve immediately with toast.

Broccoli and Mascarpone soup

2 tbsp. olive oil,
2 medium sized onions
2 cups broccoli florets,
2 liters of chicken broth,
200 g Mascarpone cheese,
pepper, salt, herbs, croutons - to taste.

Heat oil in a heavy saucepan or wok and fry finely chopped onion until golden brown. Add broccoli florets, simmer for a few minutes, pour in hot broth, salt, add spices, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 7-10 minutes. Cool the soup slightly, add Mascarpone, reserving a few spoons for serving. Using an immersion blender, puree the soup, pour into bowls, add a teaspoon of Mascarpone to each serving, and garnish with herbs or croutons.

Peaches with Mascarpone cream

Ingredients for 4 servings:
300 g Mascarpone,
100 g sugar,
3 eggs,
2 tbsp. l. cognac or amaretto liqueur,
2 large peaches
1 lemon,
Cocoa, chocolate - for decoration.

Beat the yolks with sugar. Add cognac or liqueur, add Mascarpone and stir until smooth. Beat the whites into a strong foam, add to the mixture of yolks and Mascarpone and mix gently.
Peel the peaches, cut into slices, pour in lemon juice and place in bowls. Place cream on peaches and sprinkle with cocoa or grated chocolate. Keep dessert in the refrigerator until serving.

Quick Tiramisu without eggs

500 g Mascarpone,
2 tbsp. powdered sugar,
2 tbsp. coffee liqueur,
250 ml of strong freshly brewed coffee,
250 g savoiardi biscuits,
Grated chocolate for decoration.

Beat mascarpone with powdered sugar. Mix cooled coffee with liqueur. Dip the cookies into the coffee for a few seconds and place them on the bottom of the mold. Place Mascarpone on top of the cookies, repeat the cookie layer and the Mascarpone layer. Cover the tiramisu with film and refrigerate for several hours. When serving, sprinkle with grated chocolate.

Mascarpone is a cream cheese originating in Italy. It can also be used as a regular spread on bread, but it is better to prepare wonderful and interesting dishes, including desserts.

They are varied and always delicious. Recipes for making desserts with mascarpone can be quite complex and labor-intensive, or quite simple.

But the main advantage of all dishes is their amazingly airy and delicate taste.

Dessert with mascarpone - general principles of preparation

Mascarpone cheese is the main component of desserts. You can buy it, or prepare it yourself.

In order for homemade mascarpone to be no worse than store-bought, you need to use cream with a fat content of at least 33%.

A variety of fruits are added to desserts. They can be fresh or frozen (depending on the season).

To prepare the tiramisu dessert, savoiardi biscuits are used. You can also buy it or bake it at home. Or replace it with domestic “Lady fingers”.

Shortbread cookies are also added to the dessert, preferably chocolate.

The ingredients of the recipes are chicken eggs. Since they are mainly used raw, they must be washed in hot water and soda.

It is advisable to put the yolks in the refrigerator for a few minutes.

We use natural coffee beans. Using a coffee grinder, grind it and brew it in any way.

Mandatory tools are: whisk, blender, mixer.

1. Dessert with mascarpone Tiramisu

The famous dessert is airy, tender and very pleasant to the taste.

Lift me up - that's what this name means.


Five eggs.

0.500 kg mascarpone cheese.

0.400 kg savoiardi biscuits.

0.250 l cream 33%.

0.175 kg powdered sugar.

0.400 l of brewed natural coffee.

0.100 kg cocoa powder.

A pinch of salt.

Mint leaves.

Cooking method:

Separate the yolk from the egg white and place in the refrigerator.

After two minutes, pour the powdered sugar into the cold yolks. Whisk with a whisk until the powder is completely dissolved.

Use a blender to turn the cream into a thick mass, not forgetting to add a little salt.

Place the yolks in a bowl with mascarpone cheese and mix with a wooden spatula. Add cream after the mass becomes completely homogeneous. They are laid gradually in small portions.

We make coffee. Let it cool down. Immerse the cookies in coffee for two seconds. Then place it on the prepared pan. Gently cover the top with a ball of cream and level it.

Lay out the cookies in three layers. You can not even the cream on top, but decorate it using a culinary syringe. Leave the mold in the refrigerator for at least fifteen minutes. During this time, the cream will soak the cookies.

Sprinkle with cocoa powder just before serving. Decorate with a mint leaf.

You can additionally sprinkle with grated chocolate.

2. Dessert with mascarpone “Liquid tiramisu”

The dessert with rum is aromatic, airy and very piquant. Suitable for an evening for two


50 ml rum.

150 grams of cream 33%.

150 grams of brewed black coffee.

Three teaspoons of mascarpone cheese.

Three ice cubes.

Two pieces. savoiardi cookies.

Cocoa powder.

Cooking method:

Brew coffee using any method. Let it cool until warm.

Place the cookies in a plastic bag and crumble them using a rolling pin.

Combine cream, ice cubes and coffee in a blender. Add cheese and rum. Turn on the blender for a couple more minutes.

Transfer the mixture to a bowl and sprinkle with cookies.

Crush cocoa and garnish with raspberries.

3. Strawberry-banana mascarpone dessert

It cooks quickly and is suitable for the holiday table. Guests will undoubtedly like it with its sweet and sour taste.


0.200 kg mascarpone cheese.

Two spoons tbsp. 10% cream.

Four tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar.

Fresh or frozen strawberries.

One banana.

50 grams of cookies.

Cooking method:

Place the cheese in a cup and beat with a mixer for five minutes.

Add powdered sugar and beat again.

Pour in the cream and continue to mix for another minute.

Crush the cookies using a rolling pin.

Cut the banana and strawberries into thin pieces.

Place in a dessert bowl one by one: cookies, banana, strawberries. Sprinkle cheese on top.

You should get at least two layers.

Level the top layer of cheese well and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

4. Dessert with mascarpone in the oven

An airy dessert filled with the aroma of cream and vanilla will improve any mood.


400 grams of cookies and mascarpone cheese.

100 grams of Vologda butter.

Three eggs.

200 milliliters 20% cream.

140 grams of powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

Place the cookies on cling film, cover and crush into crumbs.

Place butter, softened to room temperature, on top and grind with cookies.

Transfer the mixture to the prepared baking dish and make two centimeter sides. Place in the refrigerator.

Combine mascarpone with powdered sugar using a whisk.

Gradually add cream to the cheese, remembering to stir.

Place eggs into the mixture and add a teaspoon of vanilla. Stir.

Pour the cheese mixture into the cookie pan. Wrap the form itself with foil in two layers.

Bake in the oven for 80 minutes (160 degrees).

Place the cooled dessert and leave in the refrigerator for two to three hours.

Serve garnished with your favorite fruit.

5. Dessert with coffee mascarpone

You can prepare this dessert for a weekend breakfast and leisurely enjoy its coffee and chocolate taste.


0.400 kg mascarpone.

Six yolks.

A quarter kilo of chocolate chip cookies.

80 grams of powdered sugar and chocolate liqueur.

100 grams of black coffee.

Cooking method:

Pour powdered sugar into the yolks, wait until it is absorbed a little, and begin beating with a mixer.

Pour the yolk cream into a container with mascarpone and add chocolate liqueur. Mix and beat at low speed.

Dip the cookies into cold coffee for a couple of seconds and transfer to a glass.

Pour creamy mixture on top.

Place cookies and cream one at a time until the glass is full.

It needs to be filled so that there are cookies on top. Place in the refrigerator for at least twenty minutes.

6. Dessert with mascarpone “Quick”

The dessert is filled with sweet raspberries and fluffy buttercream. It cooks quickly and is eaten instantly.


0.200 kg cream 33%.

250 grams each of fermented milk cottage cheese and mascarpone cheese.

Half a kilo of raspberries.

0.400 kg of full-fat sour cream.

0.250 kg granulated sugar.

0.100 kg planed almonds.

Cooking method:

Whip the cream and sugar as usual.

Add sour cream, cream cheese, fermented milk cottage cheese and continue beating.

Place the dessert in a bowl in layers: first the berries, then the cream.

Sprinkle the top cream layer with almonds and leave in the refrigerator for twenty minutes.

7. Dessert with mascarpone and lemon

The dessert is rich in lemon flavor and almond aroma. Tiny cakes sprinkled with chocolate will delight you at any time of the day.


Two eggs.

According to Art. a spoonful of powdered sugar and butter.

0.200 kg mascarpone.

Art. a spoonful of almond flakes and candied lemon peel.

Two spoons tbsp. flour.

Cooking method:

Separate the yolks from the whites. Place them in separate cups.

Beat the egg whites until strong with a mixer. Add powdered sugar and beat a little more.

Place butter and cheese into the yolks. Mix thoroughly and pour into a large bowl.

Grate the lemon zest finely and add it to the cheese mixture.

Add the whites and gradually stir everything again.

Pour the finished mixture into separate silicone molds and bake for about half an hour in the oven (180 degrees).

Cool the finished dessert, transfer to plates and sprinkle with milk chocolate.

8. Dessert with mascarpone and raspberry liqueur

Dessert is more suitable to complete dinner. It contains very little strong alcohol. Raspberries soaked in sweet vodka, savoiardi and mascarpone cream are sure to be a delight


100 grams of powdered sugar.

Vodka – 50 ml.

Half a kilo of raspberries.

Three eggs.

Heavy cream – 100 grams.

250 grams of mascarpone cheese.

Several savoiardi cookies.

Cooking method:

Generously pour half of the powdered sugar with vodka. Leave for a few minutes until the powder is completely dissolved.

Separate the yolks from the whites and place them in different bowls.

Beat the whites in the usual way.

We wash the raspberries, remove the water and fill them with vodka solution.

Beat the yolks, add the remaining powdered sugar and continue working until the mixture turns white.

Whip chilled cream.

Pour the yolk mixture into a large bowl and add the mascarpone. Mix and beat lightly.

First add the whipped cream, then the whites. After each new ingredient, mix the mass.

First put a few spoonfuls of cream into the bowl, then the cookies. If it is too long, break it in half. You will get several layers.

Sprinkle generously with raspberries soaked in sweet vodka on top.

9. Walnut-chocolate mascarpone dessert

When preparing dessert for children, the liqueur must be removed from the recipe. Without Baileys the dish will be no less tasty


500 grams of mascarpone cheese.

400 grams of lady fingers cookies.

¾ cup powdered sugar.

Six eggs.

Ground nuts – 50 grams.

300 ml brewed coffee.

Two spoons tbsp. Baileys liqueur.

50 grams each of white and dark chocolate.

Two spoons tbsp. cocoa.

Cooking method:

Melt the chocolate and place it in a bowl with mascarpone. The chocolate should be warm. Stir until you get a light coffee-colored mass.

Separate the yolks from the whites and beat each separately in the usual way. Don't forget to add powdered sugar to the yolks.

Mix cheese and whipped yolks. Place the egg whites on top and mix carefully.

Add liqueur to coffee and stir.

Place a little cream in a serving glass. Place cookies on top. But before that you need to dip it in coffee and liqueur.

Continue adding in the same order until the glass is full. There should be a thick layer of cream on top.

Cover the cups with cling film and leave in the refrigerator for two hours.

Before serving, sprinkle with cocoa powder (through a sieve).

    If you prepare mascarpone yourself, pour the cream into a cold bowl.

    In order for the tiramisu dessert to be dense and not fall apart, the cheese must also be cold.

    It is better to beat the whites with a blender. He will make them magnificent.

    It doesn’t hurt to add a pinch of salt to the whites when whipping. It will help complete the process faster.

    The whipped whites should be so thick that when you turn the bowl where they are located, not a drop will fall out.

    The speed of beating the whites should be increased gradually.

    It is advisable to beat the yolks with a whisk. They are brought to the desired density if a furrow can be drawn with a knife.

    To properly soak the cookies in coffee, just dip them in there for two seconds. The coffee should be at room temperature or slightly warm.

    It is better to prepare desserts with powdered sugar - it dissolves faster than sugar.

Mascarpone dessert with orange jelly Soak gelatin in water until the grains swell, then dissolve in a water bath. Combine orange juice with liqueur and dissolved gelatin and mix. Pour into glasses or wine glasses and cool until cold. Combine mascarpone and cream. Add powdered sugar...You will need: mascarpone cheese - 400 g, heavy cream - 200 g, powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon, orange juice - 400 g, orange liqueur - 1 tbsp. spoon, gelatin - 16 g, orange - 1 pc.

Chocolate cream with mascarpone and rosemary Remove the zest from the orange, remove the pulp from the membranes and cut into slices. Mix mascarpone with cream and beat. Add finely chopped leaves of 1 sprig of rosemary, grated orange zest on the tip of a knife, chopped...You will need: mascarpone cheese - 270 g, rosemary - 2 sprigs, dark chocolate - 70 g, orange - 1 pc., honey - 2 tbsp. spoons, thick cream - 4 tbsp. spoons

Mascarpone cheese terrine Pour 2 cups of boiling water over fish fillet, cut into 4x12 cm slices, add salt, vinegar, bay leaf, dill and simmer over low heat for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and cool the fish in the broth. Cut the heads off the asparagus...You will need: mascarpone cheese - 250 g, curd cheese - 150 g, salmon fillet - 250 g, green asparagus - 500 g, red sweet pepper - 2 pcs., butter - 1 tbsp. spoon, thick cream - 150 g, dill - 2 sprigs, chopped chervil - 4 tbsp. spoons, chives rub...

Ice cream with mascarpone Beat the yolks with sugar until foamy. Add mascarpone, cognac, milk and mix well for a few minutes. Transfer the resulting mass into a freezer container and place in the freezer for 1 hour. Place the mixture from the container into the mixer bowl and...You will need: mascarpone cheese - 350 g, sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons, egg yolks - 2 pcs., milk - 1/2 cup, cognac - 2 tbsp. spoons

Lavash rolls with mascarpone and smoked salmon Makes 48 pieces Cut the salmon fillet into 8-10 thin slices. Spread the pita bread evenly with mascarpone so that the flatbreads are completely covered with cheese. Place salmon slices on top. Sprinkle with chopped herbs and pepper. To give the dish a special piquancy...You will need: lavash - 4 pcs., mascarpone cream cheese - 110-170 g, smoked salmon fillet - 340 g, chives, arugula, watercress or shiso (perilla) leaves, chopped, ground black pepper, wasabi paste or canned ginger upon request

Mascarpone cream with raspberries 1. For the mascarpone cream, beat with vanilla sugar and milk until smooth, cool. 2. Mix 150 g of raspberries thoroughly with lemon juice and powdered sugar, rub through a sieve. Add another 150g raspberries and chill for 30 minutes. 3. Lay out I...You will need: raspberries - 450 g, mascarpone cheese - 500 g, milk - 3-4 tbsp. spoons, lemon juice - 2-3 tbsp. spoons, powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon, vanillin - on the tip of a knife, crushed meringues - 4 tbsp. spoons

Chocolate coffee ice cream with mascarpone Combine cream and milk with chocolate, heat without boiling, stirring until chocolate dissolves. Remove from heat and cool (you can put the pan in cold water to speed up the process). ***Cream, I think, is completely 23% (take 600 ml, exclude milk...Required: 500 ml. 33-35% cream, 500 gr. mascarpone, 100 ml. milk, 100 gr. chocolate (here with almonds), 3 tbsp. powdered sugar (or to taste), 50 ml freshly brewed coffee

Crostini with egg, asparagus and mascarpone Preheat the oven to 200°C. Cut the baguette in half lengthwise. Place the bread cut side up on a baking sheet, drizzle with olive oil and fry in a preheated oven until golden brown. Remove the rough stalks from the asparagus and cut it into large pieces...You will need: 1 small baguette, 3-4 stalks of asparagus, 1 egg, several sprigs of cilantro, 1 green onion, 1 tbsp. spoon mascarpone, 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of softened butter, a pinch of freshly ground black pepper, 2/3 teaspoon of sea salt

Shell pasta with salmon mousse, mascarpone, arugula and red caviar Fry the salmon over medium heat with a small amount of olive oil (or cook in a double boiler). Remove bones and skin, divide into small pieces. Stir in mascarpone. Add crushed pink and green peppers, lime zest and juice and mix well...You will need: For the paste: Pasta “shells” of the largest possible size (here are 25 pieces), 600-700 gr. salmon (fillet), 3-4 tbsp. mascarpone, A large handful of arugula, Zest and juice of 1/4 lime (you can use lemon), 1 tsp. pink and green peppercorns (grind), sea salt...

Pasta with aromatic herbs, green peas, mascarpone and pine nuts Boil the pasta as directed on the package. 3-5 minutes before cooking, add green peas to the pan. Fry the pine nuts in a dry frying pan for 3-5 minutes. Drain the pasta and return it to the pot or pan. Add finely chopped...You will need: 450 g pasta (spaghetti or tagliatelle), 220 g frozen green peas, +-3 red chilies (amount to taste, I have a little chili paste and chili powder), 200 g mascarpone, a handful of basil leaves, a handful of mint leaves, 2 large handfuls of pine nuts,...