DASH diet. Effective diet for hypertension

The main requirement of diet No. 10 for hypertensive patients is to limit or refuse salt intake and reduce the volume of liquid drunk (maximum 1.2). In addition, table number 10 implies a reduction in calorie intake.

Thanks to this menu, the body is saturated with magnesium, potassium, alkaline compounds that reduce acidity, and lipotropic elements. The latter are involved in the metabolism of fats, preventing them from being deposited in the liver.

Diet No. 10 states that the best way to process food is baking, steaming and boiling. And foods that are difficult for the stomach to digest are best removed from the diet altogether.

Table No. 10 for hypertension implies strict adherence to the regularity of meals - 5-6 times a day. The calorie content of dishes eaten per day is a maximum of 2500 kcal. And the amount of salt that can be consumed during the day is 4-6 grams.

According to the chemical composition, the daily menu scheme is as follows:

  1. fats – 70 g, of which 20% are vegetable;
  2. carbohydrates – 400 g;
  3. proteins – 90 g, of which 50% are animal.

To understand what table number 10 allows for hypertension and what you need to avoid, you need to consider the following food products. So, regarding baked goods, then it is better to eat yesterday’s slightly dried bread, baked from 1-2 grades of wholemeal flour.

Table No. 10 does not allow the inclusion of puff pastry products and baked goods in the diet, because they are made from premium flour, which contains a lot of sugar and margarine. You still can’t eat pancakes and pancakes, as they are fried in more oil during the cooking process.

The meat should not be fatty:

  • chicken;
  • beef;
  • veal;
  • turkey;
  • rabbit meat.

Goose and duck meat should be abandoned. In addition, it is not advisable to eat offal (animal entrails).

Moreover, it should be prepared only after preliminary cooking. That is, the meat must be cleaned of fascia and tendons, and then slightly cooked and the fatty water drained. Afterwards the product is prepared according to the chosen recipe.

You can make meatballs, cutlets from the meat, bake it or throw it into soup and even fry it a little in a minimal amount of fat. But it is advisable to avoid sausages, canned food and smoked meats altogether.

For hypertension, diet No. 10 allows you to eat no more than 1 egg per day. You can make a baked or steamed omelette from it or soft-boil it. It is advisable to avoid fried or hard-boiled eggs.

You can also eat fish, but only lean fish. It should be prepared as follows:

  1. fry after cooking;
  2. bake;
  3. cook;
  4. give in to steam treatment.

And caviar, fatty, smoked or salted fish should not be included in the diet. The same rule applies to all legumes.

Regarding dairy products, the main requirement is that they should not be fatty, not salty, without spices and sugar. According to this rule, for hypertension, diet number 10 prohibits including in the daily diet:

  • cream;
  • salted cheese;
  • sour cream;
  • fatty cottage cheese;
  • sweet cheeses;
  • store-bought yoghurts.

Vegetables are best baked or boiled, but sometimes they can be eaten raw. At the same time, green peas and white cabbage can be eaten in limited quantities. In addition, if you have hypertension, you should avoid:

  1. sorrel;
  2. pickled and salted vegetables;
  3. spinach;
  4. onions;
  5. garlic;
  6. mushrooms;
  7. radish.

Table No. 10 allows the consumption of pasta and cereals, but subject to proper preparation. Therefore, salt, fat and sugar should not be added to such food, and it is better to cook everything in milk or water.

If you have hypertension, you can eat fruits, but it is better to choose soft varieties that do not irritate the gastrointestinal tract. Dried fruits are allowed, but products with coarse fiber are undesirable.

Diet No. 10 does not prohibit eating sweets, but in moderation. But you should avoid certain desserts:

  • buns;
  • chocolate;
  • cakes with cream and buttercream.

If desired, hypertensive patients can pamper themselves with mousses, jam, sweets (not chocolate), honey, marmalade and jelly.

Butter and vegetable oil are allowed in minimal quantities. Lamb, beef and pork fat should be abandoned.

If you have hypertension, you can eat sauces, but not more than 150 grams per day. Thus, tomato, dairy, vegetable and sour cream dressings are allowed. And you should avoid sauces made from mushrooms, fish, meat and mayonnaise.

Diet No. 10 does not prohibit seasoning food with spices such as cinnamon, bay leaf, vanillin and citric acid. However, hot peppers, horseradish and mustard are not allowed.

As for drinks, you cannot drink natural coffee and cocoa, but black tea is acceptable in small quantities. Alcohol and sweet carbonated drinks are also prohibited. It is best to drink low-fat milk, rosehip decoction, fresh juices, compotes and jelly.

Table No. 10: menu for 7 days

Using approved products, you can create an approximate menu for a week for hypertension.


  1. For breakfast, you can drink a drink with chicory and eat a steamed omelette with oatmeal.
  2. Lunch – fruit puree.
  3. Lunch – meatless soup with noodles, 150 g of baked beef, 1 piece of bread (dried), uzvar.
  4. Afternoon snack – persimmon.
  5. Dinner – vegetable stew, steamed fish cutlet, rosehip drink.
  6. Before going to bed, you can drink 200 ml of low-fat kefir.

On Tuesday, diet No. 10 suggests having breakfast with rice porridge with vegetables (cauliflower, carrots), cottage cheese casserole and weak tea. For lunch you can eat one banana, and for lunch buckwheat soup, boiled chicken breast, toast and fruit compote.

An ideal afternoon snack is “Maria” cookies (3 pcs.) and rosehip decoction. Baked fish, mashed potatoes and uzvar are suitable for dinner. Before going to bed, you can drink 250 ml of yogurt.

  • Breakfast – 1 soft-boiled egg, pasta with sour cream sauce, drink with chicory.
  • Lunch – baked pear and apple.
  • Lunch – barley soup, a piece of bread, pork roll with vegetables, jelly.
  • Afternoon snack – 1 non-chocolate candy, rose hip decoction.
  • Dinner – steamed turkey cutlet, stewed zucchini, tea (not strong) and casserole with fruit.
  • Before going to bed, you are allowed to eat a few pieces of fruit.

On Thursday for tomorrow, Diet No. 10 offers baked rabbit, barley porridge with vegetable gravy and fresh juice. Berries are suitable for lunch, and fish, beetroot soup, 1 piece of bread and uzvar are suitable for lunch.

During the afternoon snack, diet No. 10 allows you to eat a jelly dessert, and for dinner - 1 soft-boiled egg, baked potato, boiled cabbage (broccoli, cauliflower) and wash it all down with weak tea. And before going to bed, it is advisable to drink 250 ml of kefir.

On Friday, table number 10 offers breakfast with a baked omelette, semolina porridge with pieces of fruit and rosehip decoction. For lunch - 1 banana, and for lunch buckwheat soup, baked meat and jelly.

Afternoon snack – a piece of biscuit and rosehip decoction. During dinner, you can drink weak tea, eat pilaf and boiled beets. Before going to bed, it is better to eat low-fat cottage cheese with dried apricots or prunes.

  1. Breakfast - oatmeal, fresh juice, boiled chicken fillet.
  2. Lunch – weak tea, toast with jam.
  3. Lunch – vegetable stew, millet soup, steamed fish cutlet and compote.
  4. Afternoon snack – fruit.
  5. Dinner – 1 soft-boiled egg, barley porridge and seaweed.
  6. Before bed – rice porridge with milk.

On Sunday, table number 10 offers to repeat the menu of any of the days described above. A specialist will tell you what it should be like in the video in this article.

Hypertension (arterial hypertension)– the most common pathology of the cardiovascular system. People over 60 years of age are most susceptible to the disease. Hypertension is characterized by a persistent increase in blood pressure above 140 to 90 mmHg.

The exact causes of hypertension are unknown. But doctors say that there are a number of predisposing factors to the development of the disease. Thus, people suffering from excess body weight are most susceptible to hypertension. Bad habits also have a negative impact on the cardiovascular system.

Alcohol addiction and smoking increase the likelihood of progression of arterial hypertension by 30-60%. An equally important aspect is nutrition. According to cardiologists, people who consume excessive amounts of pickles, black tea, coffee, and fatty foods are most susceptible to hypertension. It happens that arterial hypertension is a consequence of diseases of the urinary or endocrine systems.

Characteristic symptoms of hypertension are:

  1. Pain in the chest area. Often the pain syndrome is accompanied by rapid heartbeat and a tingling sensation.
  2. Dizziness and headaches. Moreover, the patient has increased sensitivity to external stimuli. Even minor noises can cause increased dizziness and pain in the back of the head.
  3. Swelling. Usually the arms and legs swell. An interesting fact is that swelling is much more common in women with hypertension.
  4. Noise in the head. Typically, this symptom appears only when blood pressure rises. If blood pressure levels in a hypertensive patient return to normal, the symptom will disappear.
  5. Memory impairment, increased fatigue, blurred vision.
  6. Nausea.

To diagnose hypertension, the patient needs to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis. The examination involves monitoring the stability of blood pressure increases. This is necessary in order to exclude secondary hypertension. Diagnostics is complemented by an ECG, chest x-ray, urine and blood tests. You definitely need to take a blood test for cholesterol, HDL, and LDL.

Treatment of hypertension– complex and symptomatic. It involves the use of hypotonic medications. Thiazide diuretics, sartans, ACE inhibitors, calcium antagonists, and beta-blockers are usually used.

The patient must follow a diet. Diet therapy involves avoiding alcohol, fatty meats, fried foods, pickles, smoked foods, any processed foods and some spices. The diet should consist mainly of vegetables, fruits, berries, fresh herbs, lean meat, legumes, and cereals. Drinking green tea and freshly squeezed fruit drinks is allowed.

To increase the effectiveness of therapy, you need to supplement it with moderate physical activity. Exercise therapy, walking, yoga, breathing exercises, and swimming are perfect. It is advisable to avoid increased physical activity, and during exercise monitor your heart rate and general well-being.

Developed by American scientists specifically for hypertensive patients, the Dash diet is not widely used in the post-Soviet space. Nevertheless, it really works and, with the right approach, allows you to control blood pressure within normal limits.

The Dash diet for hypertension is an affordable way to effectively control blood pressure. The Dash diet can be used both to treat hypertension and to prevent its development.

In addition, hypertension is not the only indication for diet therapy. The Dash nutrition method is effective for the following diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus type 2;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • recovery after a stroke;
  • metabolic disease.

All of these conditions are common in older people, so it is fair to say that the Dash diet is recommended for all people over the age of 65.

Following the Dash diet can effectively reduce excess weight, improve metabolic rate and normalize the functioning of the urinary system. All this has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels and allows blood pressure to return to normal.

Following this diet will have a beneficial effect on all body systems

Nutrition principle

The dash diet for hypertensive patients is based on the following principles:

  • complete refusal of fast food;
  • minimizing fatty and fried foods in the diet;
  • refusal of sweets, carbonated drinks and confectionery;
  • introducing foods that normalize blood pressure into the diet.

Nutrition on the Dash diet is balanced in such a way as to ensure the supply of all the substances necessary to control blood pressure. The focus is on foods that are rich in calcium and potassium, antioxidants, protein and dietary fiber. Unlike other diets, there are no restrictions on meat consumption. Products of animal origin are necessarily present in the daily diet along with fruits, vegetables and grains, which are rich in dietary fiber necessary for normalizing intestinal motility.

At the same time, the diet imposes a restriction on salt consumption while simultaneously increasing the daily volume of clean water. This ensures the absence of edema and improves the body’s urinary function, thereby normalizing blood pressure.

Less salt and more water - the principle of the diet

How to start a diet correctly?

Despite the fact that the Dash diet cannot be called strict, you should switch to such a diet gradually. The need to control the caloric content of the daily diet is left to the discretion of the patient and his attending physician. If you are overweight, portions and calories should be reduced in such a way as to ensure gradual weight loss. If you are of normal weight, this is not necessary; you can eat as much as you want.

To switch to the Dash diet, you must adhere to the following rules.

  1. Introduce 1 fruit or vegetable into your diet daily. For example, on Monday, add cabbage salad to the menu, on Tuesday, in addition to cabbage, eat a few apples, and on Wednesday add baked beets or fresh tomatoes.
  2. Limit salt intake to one teaspoon per day. Over time, reduce consumption to half a teaspoon. It should be borne in mind that salt is contained in some foods. The permissible dosage applies to both salt hidden in products and used during cooking.
  3. You should gradually give up butter and vegetable oil. For example, if a person ate a salad dressed with two tablespoons of olive oil, only one spoon should be used for dressing during the diet.
  4. Fatty dairy products should not be consumed. Instead, low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese, and kefir with a low fat content are recommended.
  5. Any fast food and snacks that a person is used to snacking on must be replaced with nuts and dried fruits. A handful of raisins will be an excellent alternative to chips and crackers, while raisins improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and help eliminate cholesterol.

When switching to diet food, you should learn to study labels every time before purchasing any food products. Be sure to pay attention to hidden salt, which is often found in seasonings and canned food.

Since the amount of sodium in canned food is very difficult to track, such foods should be avoided completely. The same is true for baked goods and confectionery products, which always contain salt.

Permitted and prohibited products

The Dash diet favors fruits and vegetables, grains, seafood and lean meats. You should definitely include fermented milk products in your diet, which are rich in calcium and have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

Fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts and dried fruits, will help provide your daily requirement of vitamins and essential microelements. Despite the predominance of vegetarian dishes in the diet, the Dash diet does not force you to completely give up meat and seafood. It is allowed to eat no more than 180 g of lean meat daily. The amount of sea fish can be increased to 300 g.

Instead of fatty meat, it is better to cook sea fish

You need to avoid the following products:

  • smoked meats;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fried food;
  • confectionery products with rich cream;
  • chocolate;
  • coffee;
  • full-fat milk, sour cream and cream.

Food should be steamed, boiled or baked in the oven. Vegetable oil is not used for cooking; it should be used as a salad dressing.

Approximate diet

Dietary products recommended for consumption on the Dash diet are calculated in portions. In this case, one serving is considered to be the amount of food that fits in one human palm. This can be half a glass of any cereal (cooked, but not raw), one slice of bread or a hundred-gram piece of meat or fish. For liquid products, one serving is equal to one glass.

The ideal daily diet for hypertensive patients:

  • 4 cups of any porridge or pasta;
  • 5 large cups of any vegetables and fruits;
  • 3 glasses of fermented milk products (cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir);
  • up to 200 g of meat and up to 300 g of fish;
  • seeds and nuts are allowed to eat 3 glasses per week;
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil per day.

If food is fried or stewed with the addition of vegetable oil, the permissible portion cannot be increased. Thus, if 2 tablespoons of oil are used during cooking, you can eat another one during the day, but no more.

You can eat any porridge, including buckwheat and rice. The main thing is not to exceed the permissible portions. Vegetables and fruits can be consumed both raw and cooked. Grilled vegetables or baked fruits will be a tasty and healthy addition to your diet.

Fermented milk products should be eaten daily. This can be about 750 ml of yogurt or kefir, or 400 g of low-fat cottage cheese.

Meat and poultry are allowed in the daily diet, but preference is given to low-fat varieties. No more than 200 g per day is allowed, it is better to limit it to 150-180 g. Low-fat sea fish - up to 300 g per day. It is recommended to eat such products for lunch; for dinner you should choose something light and dietary.

The allowed amount of food is calculated in servings

Menu for the week

With the dash diet, the weekly menu can be adjusted according to your own gastronomic preferences. A sample menu will allow you to create combinations of dishes that will suit the patient’s taste.


  • Breakfast: a portion of oatmeal, half a grapefruit, a mill of yogurt;
  • Lunch: broth with 200 g of chicken fillet, vegetable salad, rice with two tablespoons of corn kernels;
  • Dinner: baked potatoes with green beans or a plate of low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Breakfast: toast with sour milk cheese, two tablespoons of any nuts, a portion of any porridge without butter.
  • Lunch: baked sea fish with grilled vegetables, stewed beans.
  • Dinner: baked apples with cinnamon (3 pieces), a glass of yogurt with berries.
  • Breakfast: turkey fillet toast, half a glass of corn flakes with low-fat yogurt;
  • Lunch: vegetable salad, spaghetti with Parmesan and tomato sauce, baked apples;
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, cottage cheese with herbs.
  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with a minimum of butter, orange;
  • Lunch: vegetable stew, boiled sea fish and rice;
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, whole grain unsweetened bun.
  • Breakfast: corn porridge with cheese;
  • Lunch: baked potatoes with a piece of salmon, vegetable salad;
  • Dinner: toast with turkey fillet, any fruit.

On weekends, any combination of dishes is available to choose from. It is recommended to have snacks between main meals. At this time you should eat nuts, berries, and fruits.

For dessert, you should eat frozen yogurt with bananas or any fruit you like. You can eat nuts and seeds every day, but in small quantities. These foods can add a touch of flavor to any salad or breakfast oatmeal.

The menu can be changed and supplemented to suit your taste, adhering to the main principle of the Dash diet - a balanced diet.

Hypertension is often accompanied by excess weight, and success in the fight against the disease is a properly organized diet. The Dash diet for hypertensive patients was developed in the USA to provide a balanced diet for patients with hypertension, diabetes, and various forms of obesity. The diet is also used for general health purposes.

What is the dash diet?

A healthy diet plays an important role in the treatment of hypertension. The dash diet is considered one of the best for hypertension. It is well tolerated, rich in vitamins and minerals, and similar in principles to a vegetarian or Mediterranean diet. It was developed by doctors from the American National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Enter your pressure

Move the sliders

The basis of the Dash diet is the inclusion in the diet of substances necessary for people suffering from hypertension (potassium, calcium, B vitamins, plant fiber and easily digestible proteins). The diet for hypertension is composed of fermented milk products, fresh milk products, fruits and vegetables, nuts, cereals, seeds and vegetable oils. Your daily diet should be free of unhealthy foods:

  • fatty meats;
  • smoked products;
  • semi-finished products;
  • carbonated drinks.
  • sweets and baked goods;
  • coffee;
  • alcohol.

Diet principles

The diet requires you to reduce your salt intake.

The Dash diet for hypertension does not provide for strict restrictions on food intake. The food is quite varied. When the diet is carried out correctly, the body receives enough vitamin B12, D, potassium, calcium, magnesium, proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and plant fiber for full functioning. The basic principles of the Dash diet are given in the table.

Dash Diet Principles
Gradually limiting the amount of salt you consumeThe difficulty of the diet is to minimize salt intake. It is better to use sea salt and no more than 1/2–2/3 tsp. in a day.
Limiting animal fat intakeIt is necessary to limit the consumption of fatty meats and fatty dairy products. Animal fats are replaced by vegetable fats.
Fats in the diet are replaced with dietary varieties of fish and meatIt is recommended to follow a vegetarian diet. But avid meat eaters can include lean meats in their diet, steamed, in a slow cooker, or baked in the oven. The diet should be limited to 180 g of meat, divided into 2 servings.
The diet should include vegetablesVegetables are added to every main meal, and fruits are consumed in between. Your daily diet should include 5 servings of vegetables.
It is necessary to exclude confectionery and baked goodsIt is recommended to replace sweets with dried fruits, natural yoghurts and nuts.
The diet excludes strong tea and coffeeThey retain fluid in the body, and the caffeine they contain increases blood pressure.
The diet should be rich in whole grainsContains B vitamins, useful for normal metabolism.

Diet components

Eating sea fish is good for hypertensive patients.

The diet is high in calories. Its developer limits the energy value of daily food intake to 2000-2500 kcal. The diet consists of legumes, protein products, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, cereals, and nuts. Nutritional efficiency is enhanced by the consumption of high-quality fish oil in capsules or sea fish. The main components of the diet, examples and norms of their consumption are given in the table.

Main components
ComponentsProduct examplesConsumption standards
VegetablesBroccoli3 inflorescences
Radish13 pcs.
Bulgarian pepper1 PC.
Corn1 PC.
Beet2 pcs. small
Mushrooms7 pcs.
Green onion10 feathers
Carrot8 young root vegetables
Corn1 PC.
Cucumber1/2 medium vegetable
Asparagus6 shoots
Tomato1 medium
FruitsApple, orange, pear, banana, peach, kiwi1 fruit
Fruit juice3/4 cup
Apricot2 pcs.
Dried apricots9 pcs.
Raisin5–6 pcs.
Dried fruits1/4 cup
Strawberry7–10 berries
Grape10–15 pcs.
Cherries10–12 pcs.
Frozen fruit100–120 g
CerealsCereal flakes30 g
Pasta, rice, porridge0.5 cups
Bread3 pcs.
Popcorn2 cups
Crackersup to 5 pcs.
Galette cookies9 pcs.
Bread, bun30 g
Protein productsLean ham30 g
Canned fish50–85 g
Baked beans1/2 cup
Peanuts or walnuts1/3 cup
Shrimps6 – 10 pcs.
Crab meat1/3 cup
Boiled or steamed fish50–90 g
Pork or beef dietary meat50–90 g
White chicken meat (breast)50–90 g
Pumpkin and sunflower seeds1/4 cup
Boiled sausages1–1.5 pcs.
Canned or steamed salmon1/4 cup
Egg1 PC.
Soy cheese1/2 cup
Dairy productsMilk or drinking fermented milk product1 glass
Hard cheese50 g
Pressed cottage cheese100–150 g
Processed cheese50–60 g

Dietary nutrition for hypertensive patients is part of the treatment of the disease.

Without proper experience, not everyone can immediately create a menu suitable for themselves. Below is a sample menu for the week. But you shouldn’t repeat it week after week, since a variety of foods consumed is important for the body. When preparing your diet, you can adhere to the following scheme:

  1. Breakfast consists of a cup of rice with honey, a piece of cheese and butter.
  2. After 2-3 hours, eat fruit and nuts.
  3. Lunch should contain the bulk of calories. This may include a cup of vegetable broth-based soup, bread and boiled meat. For the second course you can prepare porridge with salad.
  4. The second snack may consist of fruit and juice.
  5. Dinner consists of dairy products.
Approximate menu
EatingMonday ThursdayTuesday FridayWednesday SaturdaySunday
BreakfastCereal flakes with kefir or milk, bread with butter and cheese, 250 ml apple juiceCottage cheese, bread and butter, herbal teaMilk oatmeal with prunes, fruit drinkCottage cheese casserole, herbal tea
LunchBananaYogurt with kiwiCottage cheese with peachSmoothie with fruits
DinnerVegetable soup, steamed chicken cutlets, vegetable salad, a piece of black bread, dried fruit compoteUkha, millet porridge with fish cutlets (bake in the oven)Borsch, a piece of black bread, boiled chicken, saladChicken broth with egg, carrot puree, slice of bread, rosehip compote
Afternoon snackCottage cheese with fruitJelly with fruitsFruit saladKefir
DinnerFish baked with vegetables, fruit jellyTurkey cooked in a slow cooker, vegetable salad, compotePotatoes baked with a piece of lean meat, teaBoiled fish with potatoes, tea with milk

One of the most important factors that is included in complex therapy for high blood pressure is a non-drug method. Negative factors contribute to a decrease in the body’s adaptive capabilities and provoke persistent chronically high blood pressure.

According to studies, properly selected nutrition helps stabilize blood pressure, allowing blood pressure levels to be lowered to age-appropriate levels. The Dash diet for hypertension, developed by American nutritionists, is considered the most effective and gives amazing results. Let's analyze the basis of the blood pressure diet together.

Description and Application

At the end of the last century, US cardiologists developed a special nutritional system for treating people suffering from high blood pressure and called it the dietary approach to stopping hypertension, or the Dash diet for short. So, what is this diet, what are its features and why is it recommended for hypertension?

Features of the Dash diet:

  • balanced diet;
  • emphasis on fiber;
  • enrichment of the body with K, Mg, Ca;
  • salt restriction;
  • fat consumption is kept to a minimum;
  • the daily food intake is strictly prescribed;
  • a gradual transition to a new power system has been ensured.

How is the Dash diet beneficial?

  1. Lowers cholesterol levels.
  2. Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Normalizes blood circulation and glucose levels.
  4. Prevents the risk of developing cancer and type II diabetes.
  5. Dulls hunger.
  6. Lays the foundation for proper nutrition.
  7. Guarantees weight loss.
  8. Stabilizes blood pressure.


The dash diet purposefully works to improve well-being and health, so most people think that it has no contraindications for use, however, this is a big mistake.


  • Hypotension. It is this category of people that opens the list of contraindications, since the main goal of the diet is to fight hypertension.
  • Diabetes. Due to the fact that the diet menu includes sweets and it contains a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, it is prohibited for diabetics to use it without special adjustments, adhering to the classic form.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. Women during lactation or carrying a fetus are prohibited from using a diet that limits animal fats to a minimum. This threatens the development of pathologies in the fetus.

The list has also been expanded to include people with poor eyesight, joint diseases and nervous disorders. The use of a diet in which the content of animal fats is minimized can provoke:

  • dry skin;
  • aggression;
  • joint pain;
  • decreased attention;
  • prostration;
  • vision problems.

Diet Basics

The dash diet does not exclude the consumption of lean meat - it is a source of protein. However, the diet should contain vegetables, fruits and grains in sufficient quantities. They are the sources of vitamins and microelements, and also supply plant fibers for active intestinal function.

Consumption of sugar and animal fats is minimized, as they contribute to the formation of cholesterol deposits and provoke the occurrence of diseases of the circulatory system and provoke an increase in blood pressure.

For hypertension, it is necessary to reduce the amount of salt and increase the amount of fluid you drink. This reduces the risk of swelling and improves kidney function, stabilizing blood pressure.

Complete elimination or excessive restriction of NaCl is dangerous. The salt regime of a healthy person is 5-6 g/day.

Strict adherence to the principles of the diet guarantees success and healing of the body. To do this you need:

  • divide the diet into 5-6 servings. This will: facilitate the functioning of the digestive system, increase the speed of metabolic processes, prevent surges in blood pressure and lower blood glucose levels;
  • give preference to dietary meats;
  • exclude saturated fats of animal origin from the menu;
  • When cooking, use vegetable oils: olive, linseed;
  • dose the amount of salt. For hypertensive patients, reduce its consumption to 1.5-3 grams per day. Give preference to the marine analogue;
  • increase your drinking regime by drinking at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day;
  • give up fried foods in favor of boiled, baked or steamed ones;
  • completely exclude from the diet: fast food, confectionery, carbonated drinks, factory-produced meat and fish products, as well as semi-finished products and marinades;
  • increase the emphasis on legumes, cereals, grain foods, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • do not exceed the daily norm - 2000 calories.

A few days before starting the Dash diet, it is advisable to keep a notebook in which to write down everything that was eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and also in between meals. By analyzing the records, it is easier to make adjustments to the menu, gradually replacing your favorite dishes until they fully comply with the principles of the blood pressure diet. As you can see, you don’t have to suddenly start changing your habits and life. Here are some examples of tips that will help you change your diet:

  • There are few vegetables in the diet, add one serving for dinner or lunch;
  • no fruits, add them to your snack between lunch and dinner;
  • When reading the composition of products, choose those that do not contain preservatives, dyes or flavors;
  • gradually introduce dairy products with a low fat content - kefir;
  • replace instant cereals with whole grains;
  • in winter, use frozen vegetables, fruits, berries;
  • add nuts, seeds and legumes to your menu.
  • eat more fruits instead of the usual sweets. This will save 200 kcal;
  • use vegetables as a side dish - 50 kcal;
  • low-fat or low-fat foods will reduce calorie content by 70 kcal.

You can reduce calorie content by changing portion sizes, using smaller plates and drinking up to 1.5 liters of water throughout the day.

Grocery list


  • fruits of the legume and cereal family;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • nuts, seeds;
  • dairy products with a fat content of no more than 1.5%;
  • lean meat, fish and seafood;
  • bread: rye, whole grain, yeast-free, with bran;
  • lemon juice, mustard, vinegar in the form of spices and salad dressings.


  • alcohol and carbonated drinks;
  • marinades and pickles;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • fatty meat, sausages, lard, canned food, smoked food;
  • fatty fish;
  • cheeses;
  • baked goods, wheat bread;
  • sugar and sweets;
  • fast food and semi-finished products;
  • coffee and cocoa.

Limit consumption

  • salt and spices;
  • of bread;
  • butter;
  • fish eggs

Dash diet menu for hypertension

Despite the fact that the Dash diet is excellent for weight loss, its main purpose is to combat hypertension. In this regard, it is not surprising that its menu is varied. The daily diet for high blood pressure should not exceed 2500 kcal.

Below is the menu for the week:

Monday and Thursday

Tuesday and Friday

Wednesday and Saturday

Sunday is considered free, but corresponds to the diet. Compose it yourself using the menu examples above. The main condition is that all mentioned lactic acid products should not exceed a fat content of 1.5%.

Foods with a high fat content provoke an increase in blood pressure.

In order for the Dash diet to be beneficial and you can adapt faster and stick to it constantly, when preparing dishes, try to use herbs and spices that will give the food a unique taste.

Alcohol consumption increases blood pressure, causing the development of diseases of the heart and vascular system, liver, and brain. However, the diet allows you to drink alcohol in limited quantities, but not more than one drink for women and two for men.

Useful video

In the video below you can find out more information about the Dash diet:

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the Dash diet does not carry strict restrictions and does not contradict medical recommendations. Of course, as with any diet, there are restrictions, and you will have to give up some of your favorite foods.

The examples of daily menus given above speak for themselves: food is rich in fiber, can provide satiety and contains a minimal amount of calories. This is what helps stabilize blood pressure and get rid of hypertension.