So that the house smells clean. How to create a pleasant smell in your home: simple tips and secrets

We all know that unpleasant odors should not be hidden, but... But what does a house smell like when there are no longer forgotten garbage, unwashed dishes, rotten vegetables or damp shoes in the hallway? That's right, it smells like something.

Now is the time to create smells in it that will be pleasant to you. We will now tell you how to create a pleasant smell in your home.

Fast way

Place a saucepan with water and a slice of lemon or grapefruit over low heat. Add your favorite herbs - mint, lavender or rose flowers. Do not cover with lid. The house will be filled with a soft, pleasant aroma. This method is suitable when you want to create the mood for a party or just for yourself or your loved one. If you cooked food before, of course, you must first ventilate it to remove extraneous odors.

Place scented candles

Wax scented candles can emit a scent even when not lit. Place the printed candle on a shelf in your clothes closet or linen drawer. The fabric absorbs aromas well, and every time you take out your laundry you will feel a slight wave pleasant smell. And your bedding will store it too.

Ideas for the bathroom and more

What should you do if you can’t find candles with your favorite scent on sale? You can purchase aromatic oils and apply them to a cotton pad, or better yet, a cotton ball. A small vase or bowl with scented cotton balls looks aesthetically pleasing and is suitable for any place in your home, be it a bathroom or a living room.

Car air freshener

You can hang the air freshener you like near the window or intake ventilation grille through which air enters your home. Then the whole room will be filled with an unobtrusive smell. You should not hang it on the ventilation grilles in the bathroom or kitchen; they serve to exhaust air, so most of the smell will simply fly away into the chimney.


If you like to care for flowers, you can plant fragrant plants such as geranium, Arabian jasmine, indoor eucalyptus, gardenia or Cuban oregano on the windowsill. They will make your home smell nice!

Turn on the oven

Nothing beats the aroma of freshly baked goods. You don't have to come up with something complicated. Simple buns with cinnamon, cupcake ready mixture or banana cookies will fill your home with warmth and comfort. If you don't like cooking at all, you should... help will come frozen puff pastry. Simply sprinkle the defrosted sheet of dough with sugar and cinnamon, roll it up and cut it into curls with a knife. This will take you one minute. You can bake for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. In addition to making your home smell nice, these simple cookies are also very tasty.

Keep fresh sheets in more than just your dresser

Everything is simple here. If you wash your bedding with conditioner, the sheets and duvet covers will absorb most of the odor. They will become, as it were, his batteries. The aroma from them will take longer to dissipate than from smaller items. And if you place them after washing not only in the linen drawer, but also, for example, in the clothes closet, they will be able to transfer the aroma to other things. And every time you open the cabinet doors, you will fill the room with a new portion of freshness.

Compliance simple rules will bring the desired result. Nice smell the apartment will become like home for you and your loved ones.

Before entering your home delicious aroma, it is necessary to expel all unpleasant odors. And none chemicals can't do a better job natural substances. Household chemicals often replaces bad smell its own, stronger one, which is also not safe for health.

  1. Ventilation is the key to success. Arrange “through ventilation” three times a day. It prevents unpleasant odors from being absorbed into upholstered furniture, curtains, carpets. Be sure to provide additional ventilation after cooking, vacuuming, or working with strong-smelling substances. In addition, properly installed hoods in the bathroom and kitchen and fans are assistants in the fight for freshness.

  2. Let's get rid of the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator using baking soda. We dilute 2 tablespoons of soda in a glass of water and put it in the refrigerator. You can pour dry soda into a plastic container with holes and place it in the far corner. It is advisable to change the soda once every three months.

  3. After fish, rinse the dishes with vinegar.

  4. The smell from water pipes can be easily removed with a mixture of: soda, salt, vinegar in a ratio of 1:1:2. First, pour salt and soda into the pipe, and then pour in vinegar. After 15 minutes, rinse with hot water.

  5. Once a week, place a bowl of water with the juice of one lemon in the microwave for 30 seconds at full power.

  6. If something burns during cooking, boil it with open lid a pan of water with the juice of one lemon and five cloves for thirty minutes.

But when the unpleasant odors are eliminated, you can fill your home with your favorite pleasant aromas.

  1. If you tolerate it well essential oils, then drop a few drops of lavender oil into your bed linen, perhaps not on the pillow, but closer to your feet, so that the smell does not seem too strong. By the way, it is advisable to change your bedding at least once every two weeks. Maybe once a week.

  2. Immediately after cooking in the oven, put the orange peel in there. Let it sit there until the oven cools completely.

  3. For ironing, pour not water into the iron, but a solution of violet or lily of the valley essence.

  4. Place linen bags with aromatic mixture in the closet and chest of drawers with linen. You can buy them or make them yourself from dry mint, shavings orange zest, dried in the oven, vanilla pods, coffee beans, cinnamon sticks.

  5. Fresh flowers will not only fill your home with a pleasant aroma, but will also delight the eye.

  6. And of course, scented candles. Choose a scent that is pleasant to you and your family. Just don’t forget that too much is never a good thing.

Haven’t you updated the paint on the walls for a long time, and has the furniture been over ten years old? Of course, you keep your apartment clean and tidy, but over the years old things still cease to smell delightfully new. And then the cat adds aromas to the “cocktail”, and the neighbors are always frying something completely stupefying... And how you want the house to smell fresh! Don't be upset, there is a way out. There are many old ones, but effective methods that will help you get rid of unpleasant odors in your home.

1. Universal lemon

Cut the lemon (or orange, or other citrus fruit) into squares and place on a saucer. That's all. After a couple of minutes, the smoke from your neighbor’s cigarettes entering your apartment through the ventilation pipe will be neutralized. In the warm season, place citrus zest on radiators - essential oils will slowly evaporate, and fresh aroma will stay in the home for days. And the dried zest is an ideal source of a pleasant and, most importantly, long-lasting smell in the linen closet.

2. Lavender

Lavender, mountain lavender... There is no other herb with such a strong, pleasant and lasting aroma - 50 g of dried lavender flowers can provide an excellent deodorizing effect for at least 3-4 years.

Place the dry inflorescences in a linen bag and place them throughout the apartment. Not only will there always be a delicate smell, but moths won’t have a chance.

3. Oatmeal against odors in the refrigerator

If your refrigerator smells like something sour, then here is one of the most incredible ways to get rid of it. If you leave a bowl of ground oatmeal on one of the shelves, it will even help get rid of the smell of missing tomatoes. The protein structure of oats, like a sponge, attracts foreign odors. Change the plate every two days.

4. Shoes in the freezer

Now attention! Extreme! Do not read for the faint of heart! But you won't believe it - what you're about to learn works. Question one, excuse me for being indiscreet: do people run from the room when you take off your shoes? It happens that this happens. And no branded deodorants help. Take regular soda and pour it inside the shoes (it should, of course, be washed). Then place it in a sealed bag and place it in freezer. Leave it overnight and in the morning you will smell like new shoes again. Baking soda neutralizes all unpleasant odors, and cold kills germs.

5. Boiling vinegar

Vinegar neutralizes many odors, but usually we either use it when washing, or just pour it in and wait for the smell to go away. If your kitchen stinks of burnt food, fish, or other unpleasant miasma, pour a full cup of vinegar and boil it. Yes, the smell of vinegar will remain in the kitchen for a long time, but when it disappears, other, more unpleasant odors will also disappear.

This product will soon disappear from sale altogether as a type - all sorts of electrical gadgets have long since entered our everyday life. Nevertheless, we still dearly love old matches and, when the dollar fluctuates, we habitually buy hundreds of boxes of them. And there is probably not a single person who does not know about the miraculous ability of matches, or rather, a match flame, to destroy in a matter of seconds any unpleasant odors of an organic nature. It's all about a banal chemical reaction. Or, more precisely, completely unbanal. When a match burns, several chemical reactions occur one after another. The first is the combustion of red phosphorus, which covers the sides of the box. Next, sulfur and Berthollet salt, which are contained in the match head, come into play. Then the barrel of the match, soaked in wax, burns, and oxygen burns in the air. It’s no wonder that all the organic matter in such a cocktail burns without a trace. So don't ignore good old penny matches.

7. Ground coffee

Whether you're dealing with a bad refrigerator odor or any other odor, coffee can help! By pouring coffee grounds onto a hot baking sheet and placing them near the stinky area, you will get rid of them and enjoy the aroma of the coffee instead. One nuance - you need to change such a “deodorant” as its aroma disappears.

8. Tea spray

Brew weak tea (preferably green) and add a little lemon juice. Cool, pour into a spray bottle and spray where there is an unpleasant odor. A quick method and such a soothing smell.

A great product for those who have problems with dogs that like to wipe their faces and paws on your favorite sofa.

Nowadays, selling potassium permanganate in our country can even lead to imprisonment. This universal antediluvian substance was equated to especially dangerous chemicals. But it seems like there is a bottle with dark purple crystals in every home.

A couple of crystals on a container of water, the solution is pale pink in color - and the Mr. Propers rest languidly on the sidelines. Manganese copes well with a variety of odors of organic nature, and its own damp smell quickly disappears, taking away all the stench. In addition, potassium permanganate, as you know, is an excellent disinfectant. Therefore, buying for hundreds of hryvnia home chemicals, sometimes think that there is a cheap, effective and safe remedy for health.

This is, of course, not entirely the old way- in terms of the fact that ionizers have recently come into use in our everyday life. But Mother Nature herself made sure that positively and negatively charged ions cleanse the space around. We don’t know a single person who would not enjoy the smell of ozone during rain, which fills the air with its purity and freshness so much that literally physical level you feel the ease of breathing. Ionizers work on a natural principle, so by purchasing such a device, you can easily maintain fresh smells in your apartment.

Do your refrigerator and microwave have an unbearable odor? Has the smell of burnt food permeated every room of the house? Or maybe you can’t stand the smell of fresh paint on the walls, or you just want to bring more freshness into your home during the hot season? Find out how to freshen the air in your apartment without special effort, from our article.

Natural products for fresh air in the apartment

It is noteworthy that just with the help of some natural ingredients that are easily found in every kitchen, you can refresh your home and make the atmosphere in it pleasant and comfortable. Coffee, lemons, oranges, spices and vanilla are essential air fresheners. We will use them to remove all unpleasant odors.

How to freshen the air in your apartment using ground coffee

To eliminate unpleasant odors in the kitchen, bathroom or other room, just grind the coffee beans and leave the fresh mixture in an open container for several hours.

Ground coffee is also very effective in removing odor from coffee. Fill two small containers with fresh coffee grounds or ground coffee and leave them in the refrigerator overnight. For a stronger aroma, you can add a few drops of vanilla essence to your coffee.

Cotton balls for a fresh smell in the house

Apply a few drops of your favorite perfume to a cotton ball and place it in a vacuum cleaner bag. When it works, a gentle, pleasant smell will fill the room and freshen the air in the room where you vacuum.

Cotton balls, like coffee, can also be used to freshen the refrigerator. Often the refrigerator does not smell very pleasant. In such cases, place a cotton swab soaked in vanilla extract on a shelf in the refrigerator.

Use fresh citrus fruits to freshen the air in your apartment

It is the smell of citrus fruits that will do the best job of eliminating unnecessary unpleasant “odors” and you will no longer have to think about it. how to freshen the air in an apartment.


In order to neutralize the unpleasant odor that comes from a cat's sand box or from the bathroom, it is not necessary to use special aerosols. Place lemon slices on a plate and leave on the problem area. In just a few hours the air will become fresh and fragrant.

To remove odor from the refrigerator, wet a sponge lemon juice and leave it in it for several hours.

To freshen the air throughout your home, office or apartment, hot water add lemon zest, cinnamon, cloves and apple peel. A pleasant smell will reach all rooms.


To freshen the air in the kitchen after cooking, you can use fresh oranges. Boil in a saucepan orange peel and leave the container open for several hours. The air in the kitchen will be freshened immediately and very effectively.

How to refresh your apartment - spices and herbs

Skip the special room scents and make your own wonderful air fresheners. Boil cinnamon sticks and cloves in a saucepan for 30 minutes. Also, to freshen the air, you can put a few tablespoons of spices on a tray covered with parchment paper. Place the tray in hot oven for 30 minutes. Leave the door ajar.

If you have dried mint, rub the leaves in your hands and place on a saucer. In addition, it would not hurt to grow such aromatic and fragrant herbs on the windowsill as mint, thyme, basil - they can grow on yours all year round, delighting with its freshness and aroma. Plus, you can use these greens for your cooking recipes.

How to freshen the air in the kitchen

Vanilla extract for freshness in the home

If you don't like the smell of freshly painted walls, add a teaspoon of vanilla after you open the paint box. The smell is intoxicating.

If your refrigerator smells bad, soak a sponge in vanilla extract and wipe the inside of the refrigerator. Also, if your microwave smells bad, rinse it out and place a bowl of vanilla extract inside for a minute.

Freshen the air with aromatic oils

If fresh fruits, especially citrus fruits, are not always on hand, so get used to keeping a couple of jars of essential oils with you at all times. Lemon, grapefruit and orange aromatic oils will do a great job of freshening the air in your apartment if you add a couple of drops of any of them to a bowl of slightly warmed water. Grapefruit oil is especially effective at freshening the air.

Time-tested folk ways to refresh an apartment

There are a few more proven good housewives ways to freshen up your apartment and remove unpleasant odors, in particular those coming from the kitchen. This is vinegar and baking soda. You can simply open soda (several packs) and place it in the room that needs to be refreshed. Dilute vinegar with water (3:1) and spray it in the apartment using a spray bottle.

Ventilate and freshen the air in the house more often so that odors do not absorb into upholstered furniture, decorative items and even walls. And don’t forget about them, which not only refresh, but also cleanse the air of bacteria and other impurities.

And remember that first of all you need to find the source of the unpleasant odor in the apartment and try to get rid of it. It is necessary to do a general cleaning, especially in kitchen cabinets and other food storage areas, completely defrost, wash and ventilate the refrigerator. Only after this, use all the listed methods to freshen the air in your apartment, and your home will always be filled with pleasant aromas.

The easiest way to make your home feel cozy is to use scents. The aroma of your home should always be pleasant and welcoming. Smell is the main component of a comfortable and cozy home. The mood of its inhabitants and the attitude of guests towards the house depends on how the house smells. If there will always be standing in the house nice smell, everyone will return there with pleasure.

Each person has his own and unique perception of smells, and when choosing a scent for your home, you need to be guided by the preferences of all its inhabitants. With the help of aroma, you can bring harmony into your home and improve relationships between household members. A lot depends on the smell, you just need to learn how to skillfully use the aroma. And then nice smell will create an atmosphere of calm and mutual understanding in your home.

You can create comfort in any home, even a poorly furnished one, with the help of various essential oils. Not only will the house be filled with a pleasant aroma, but essential oils will also provide healing effect on your health condition. The best thing to do is create a unique scent for each room in the house.


The hallway is the first place we find ourselves in the house. Of course, the aroma of the hallway should be inviting and certainly pleasant. The most suitable scents for the hallway are oranges, lemons, bergamot and fir. You can also prepare a mixture of scents for the hallway - mix 4 drops of cinnamon oil, a drop of eucalyptus and 2 drops of lime.


The kitchen is rich in various, sometimes not very pleasant, aromas. The kitchen should smell like bread, coffee and fruit. The aromas of mint leaves, lemon balm, basil and cloves will make the kitchen more cozy. In order to eliminate an unpleasant odor in the kitchen, for example, from cooking fish, simply prepare a mixture of oils - mix 5 drops of cloves with 4 drops of lime.

You can also fill your kitchen with the unique aroma of coffee by dropping a drop on ground coffee 4 drops of any citrus essential oil. And in order to avoid an unpleasant odor on your kitchen utensils, you need to add a couple of drops of rosemary to the dishwashing liquid.


Peace and quiet should reign in the bedroom. Therefore, avoid stimulating things in the bedroom. nervous system, strong odors. The ideal, most suitable scents for the bedroom are ylang-ylang, lavender and rose. Light scents of apple, vanilla and juniper will also be good in the bedroom.


The smell in the bathroom largely depends on what powders you wash, what shower gels and bath foam you use. In the bathroom you can use the scents of cedars, fir trees, rosemary, lemons or bergamot. If you want to relax in the bath, then use the scents of lavender, rose, jasmine or tea tree.

Try these little tricks and let nice smell will never disappear from your home!