What does extra virgin oil mean? How to choose extra virgin olive oil? Hot potato quality test

About 400 companies supply olive oil to Russia. Most of the approximately 80 thousand tons of its exports come to us from Spain, Italy, Greece, Tunisia and Portugal. How to choose a truly high-quality product from this variety?

The most juice

The best and most expensive olive oil is the one with the inscription extra virgin (vergine, vierge) on the label. This term means that we have a completely natural product, produced exclusively mechanically, without the use of chemicals, and there are no flaws or shortcomings in the taste of the oil. It differs from just virgin, ordinary virgin and lampante virgin by its higher content of oleic acid.

Extra virgin oil is made using ancient technologies, only slightly modernized. For example, even today in many farms olives are harvested by hand. The maximum of mechanization is the use of a special device, similar to a rake, with which olives are shaken from the branches. The fact is that due to mechanical damage, raw materials quickly deteriorate, which worsens the taste of the product. The olives are washed, crushed together with the pits, placed under a press and the oil is squeezed out of them.

Taste and color

The color of olive oil depends on the region of growth, variety and degree of ripeness of the olives and ranges from greenish to golden. There is no single standard for its taste. Thus, Italian tasters count about 400 “versions” of extra vergine - according to the number of olive varieties. The most refined oil is the one with a slight artichoke flavor. The uninformed consumer should know: the best types of oil are slightly bitter! But oil can be really bitter if it is made from unripe olives. Disadvantages also include the taste of canned vegetables, fermentation, the smell of earth (if the raw materials are poorly washed), as well as the lack of a specific taste and smell inherent only to olives. The most common defect is a rancid smell, which appears if the oil was stored incorrectly.

The main criterion for the quality of olive oil is its acidity. The lower this figure, the better. Manufacturers, as a rule, do not display this parameter on the label. And if they do this, it is solely for advertising purposes.

You can test olive oil for naturalness at home. Place the product in the refrigerator for two to three days. If a white precipitate appears - stearin - you have made the right choice. When stored at room temperature, olive oil will regain its original clarity and you will be able to enjoy the natural taste of “liquid gold”.

To the last drop

To literally squeeze every last drop out of the olives, the pomace is re-pressed under high temperatures and chemical agents. The resulting oil is suitable for cooking, but in terms of beneficial properties it is inferior to extra virgin. On labels such oil may be designated as “pure”, “for frying”, Pure, Pomace. Often this oil is a blend of olive oil with cheaper varieties of vegetable oils, in particular sunflower oil, which should be indicated on the label.

Useful facts

✓ Frying in unrefined oil causes a lot of controversy. The “flash” temperature of extra virgin, at which the oil begins to decompose, forming harmful substances, is 160ºС. However, all of Europe fries with extra virgin! The fact is that housewives mainly use sauteing, in which the oil is heated to a completely harmless 120ºC. The transition through the “critical line” occurs only when deep-frying, and this method is used infrequently.

✓ Researchers from the University of Philadelphia believe that olives have the ability... to reduce pain. Scientists made a similar conclusion after they discovered that fresh olive oil irritates the walls of the throat in the same way as the painkiller ibuprofen does.

✓ In 100 g of butter there are 32 g of unsaturated (“good”) fats, and in 100 g of olive oil there are 84 g!

Expert opinion

Tatyana ANOKHINA, head of the testing center GEAC "SOEX" of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation:

The quality of any vegetable oil is determined by its fatty acid composition. According to this indicator, all today's competitors meet the requirements for olive oil. Another important indicator of quality and safety is the peroxide value (active oxygen content). Our oils are not only normal, but significantly below the maximum permissible level. No toxic elements, pesticides, benzopyrene, radionuclides or GMOs of plant origin were found in the samples. And the organoleptic indicators of the subjects (appearance, taste, color and smell) turned out to be beyond praise. Let's admit, choosing the winners was very difficult! But a competition is a competition. And the first place in it was taken by MONINI olive oil. Silver went to BORGES oil, and bronze to ITLV oil.

Text: Evgenia Danilova

Test: olive oil*

Delicato Monini Carapelli ITLV Oliveta Borges Spainolli
Extra virgin Extra virgin Extra virgin Extra virgin Extra virgin Extra virgin
Italy Italy Spain Spain Spain Spain
Extra virgin olive oil Unrefined olive oil of the highest quality. First cold press Olive oil. First cold press Extra virgin olive oil of the highest quality Extra virgin olive oil
Compliant Compliant Compliant Compliant Compliant Compliant
OLEIC ACID CONTENT, % (at a norm of 56−83%)
71 79,9 66 68,8 67,4 79
PEROXIDE NUMBER (norm - no more than 10.0)
less than 0.2 less than 0.2 less than 0.2 less than 0.2 less than 0.2 0,3
Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected
Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected
PRICE (rub.)/VOLUME, ml
290/250 460/250 250/250 220/250 350/250 250/250
This oil wins our test primarily due to its taste - thick, rich, juicy, a little bitter in a masculine way. Give him a solo role in salads and fresh appetizers -
you will not regret!
If we were holding a competition “Where is the most oleic acid,” then Carapelli oil would win this competition. All other parameters are also excellent. But the taste was not as bright as we would like. Therefore, Carapelli was not in the top three. This oil will complement fish and meat dishes well - making them more interesting and aromatic. But you should add it little by little to green salads: it has a pronounced bitter taste. Oliveta is average in all respects. And also in terms of taste: it is not as bright as that of the test winners, but quite pleasant. Add to this a reasonable price and we get a decent product for daily use. This brand has very good marketers. Just look how they “decorated” the bottle! “BORGES oil - the taste of the Mediterranean”, “Recommended by the Russian Academy of Sciences”... However, the taste and quality of the oil are truly excellent. Compared to other contestants, this one does not seem so memorable. Well, it’s better to season the salad with another oil. But Spainolli is quite suitable for everyday fried and baked dishes.

* Thank you for your help in conducting the GEAC “SOEX” test


Although extra virgin olive oil has become a common staple on pantry shelves, there is still a lot you don't know about it. Here is some information about this oil:

1. What exactly does the name Extra Virgin mean?

Usually this expression means oil with a special high-quality taste. If we go deeper into this issue, Extra Virgin means the following. Firstly, the acidity level of the oil does not exceed 0.8%. Keep in mind that this does not refer to the taste of the product, but rather its chemical composition. Low acidity means the oil is not oxidized, which means it will taste good.

Secondly, this term means that the oil was extracted from the olives mechanically, that is, using a press or by grinding. Chemicals and solvents are often used to extract and purify oil. And finally, the Extra Virgin label means that the taste of the oil is free of any flaws or shortcomings.

2. Why does oil taste hot (and why is it good)?

Do you feel a burning sensation in your throat after sipping high-quality olive oil? Scientists say this is an indicator of the presence of beneficial polyphenols.

3. Color doesn't matter

Olive oils can vary in color from golden to dark yellow-green depending on the variety of olive.

4. How can you tell if this is a fake?

Many manufacturers label olive oils as Extra Virgin, although they are not. The composition of the oils is not of such high quality that they are awarded the title Extra Virgin, or the oil is a mixture of high-quality and cheap, refined. These oils are purified using chemical solvents to remove unpleasant odors, tastes and pigments.

5. Why is it necessary to avoid counterfeits?

The chemical solvents used to refine cheap olive oils are not harmful to your health, so why not buy the fake ones? Firstly, the Extra Virgin mark on the packaging automatically increases the price of the oil, so even if you buy it at a reduced price, you are still overpaying quite a lot. Secondly, taste! Cheap oil and tastes cheap, you will notice a characteristic smell while cooking. And finally, due to chemical processing, oils lose all the beneficial properties inherent in Extra Virgin oil, for example, the previously mentioned polyphenols.

6. What to look for on the label?

What is written on the label is not always true. Therefore, even if you find a brand whose taste and quality you like and prefer to buy only, there is still no guarantee that you are paying for the real Extra Virgin category. We may advise you to look for oils that have one country of origin on the label (preferably Spain, Greece or Italy), an expiration date and, ideally, an acidity level (remember: no more than 0.8%). We have seen many poor quality products in beautiful bottles with a lot of unnecessary information written on them. Don't be fooled!

Thanks to our extensive experience communicating with our customers, we know the dilemma they face when choosing olive oil. There are many manufacturers on the market - but whether the high cost, expensive packaging and well-known brand meet high quality standards is a big question. We won over our many customers by dispelling established myths in the olive oil market. If you can answer at least half of these questions, then either you are a true expert in the field of olive oil, or you have talked to one of our consultants! So…

Why is Greek olive oil better than olive oils from other countries?

The culture of using olives for food has been known for thousands of years and originated in Mediterranean countries. Many countries in this region produce and export olive oil. And in many of these countries you can find the highest quality olive oil. However, several factors set Greek olive oil apart from the rest.

Firstly, Greece managed to preserve traditional production methods. Olive oil in Greece is produced by small farms, the way it has been done for many thousands of years, by hand picking the olives and mechanically pressing them. After this process, farmers hand over their oil for sale to local storage centers, from where they are resold to larger companies. Thus, Greece is a leader in the production of extra virgin olive oil of the highest quality category, producing 85% of this category of oil from 400 thousand tons annually! In comparison, Spain, while the world leader in olive oil production by volume, produces only 30% of its extra virgin olive oil due to its industrial approach to production.

Secondly, the growing conditions for olive groves in southern Greece are unique - they combine the optimal ratio of growing height (200-300 meters above sea level), climate (abundance of sunny days) and soil composition. Thus, the largest buyer of Greek olive oil is Italy, which during the time of the Venetian Empire secured Greece as the producer of the most sustainable and high-quality varieties of olive oil. Buying up to 50% of all Greek olive oil, large producing companies mix it with lower quality oils (from African countries, refined, etc.) and sell them under their own name.

What is Extra Virgin, and what does acidity have to do with it?

Extra Virgin is a quality category of olive oil. The main evaluation criterion for this classification is acidity - a chemical indicator that indicates how quickly olive oil deteriorates. That is, the lower the acidity, the less the oil reacts with the environment and the higher quality it is considered. Olive oil with an acidity of 0.2 – 0.8 is assigned the Extra Virgin category. Next from 0.8 to 1 is Virgin Olive Oil. Olive Oil is an oil with an acidity ranging from 1 to 1.5. However, this only applies to virgin oil. There are also refined olive oils and Pomace oils, which may have even lower acidity. Of course, this does not mean that such oil is healthier.

An attentive buyer should be confused by this circumstance. Firstly, where is the guarantee that olive oil labeled Extra Virgin is not itself a mixture of refined oil and virgin oil, while corresponding to the Extra Virgin category in terms of acidity? Unfortunately, in most cases, the hesitant buyer will be right. And sometimes he even underestimates the scale of the disaster. After all, it is difficult to recognize other vegetable oils in olive oil - cheap sunflower, rapeseed and palm. Many well-known manufacturers take advantage of this gap in assessing the quality of oil and sell a fake product under expensive labeling. Real olive oil of the highest quality can be recognized by the fresh smell of olives and freshly cut grass and by the piercing taste of essential oils and a tart, burning aftertaste.

Is olive oil really that healthy?

The average life expectancy of Greeks is the highest in the world - 90 years. And this is explained not only by a measured lifestyle and good ecology. Olive oil, a staple of the Greek diet, has been known as a healing product for as long as humanity can remember. It contains a unique combination of vitamins and is mentioned here and there as a remedy for any disease. Cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, oncology, gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal disorders - olive oil is your best friend in the fight against many ailments. Olive oil contains biologically active elements that trigger the immune system and cleanse and restore the body well. Olive oil is also used for burns, bruises, for cosmetic purposes, during pregnancy and is given to the youngest gourmets. But only if the olive oil is real. Knowing how tasty and healthy it is, we carefully check the quality of the oil at all stages of production and transportation, and guarantee compliance with what is written on the label.

How to properly store olive oil and how long does it last?

Olive oil itself is a natural preservative. This means that if stored properly, it does not lose its properties. However, it begins to lose its properties when bottled, when it interacts with oxygen, and if it sits on shelves for a long time in transparent or translucent packaging. Therefore, the packaging often indicates the bottling date, and not the production date. We bring olive oil from the latest harvest and bottle it from bulk containers every day, thus preserving its valuable properties until it reaches your hands.

It is correct to store olive oil out of reach of light and in a closed container. For long-term storage, metal packaging or an ancient Greek amphora are best suited, but glass and food-grade plastic are quite suitable for temporary storage. We believe that olive oil should be used, not stored, and we offer it in PET containers, which significantly reduces its cost while always providing better quality.

What kind of oil should it taste like and why is it bitter?

High-quality olive oil can be easily distinguished if you have ever tried it in a small family tavern somewhere in the south of Greece. It has an unforgettable combination of piercing essential oils, the smell of freshly cut grass, the taste of olives and a tart, burning aftertaste. Some varieties have a subtle fruity or spruce flavor. Olive oil is bitter due to its high content of monounsaturated acids, which is why it is considered so healthy. However, at first, many cannot get used to its taste, including “thanks” to low-quality olive oil, which is most often found in our stores. Olive oil should not have a putrid taste, but it should not taste like refined sunflower oil.

Can you cook with olive oil?

Certainly! Olive oil is ideal for preparing hot dishes. Thanks to its structure, the combustion temperature is extremely high, which avoids the release of carcinogens when frying vegetables and meat. It is precisely because the Greeks cook primarily with olive oil (for lack of anything else) that their life expectancy is one of the highest on the planet. Olive oil is perfectly absorbed and takes on the taste of the dish. However, many in Russia are unfamiliar with the smell of heated extra virgin olive oil, and therefore we provide a second type of olive oil “for frying” - refined olive oil. It is also well suited for frying, does not have a pronounced smell or bitterness, and is a third cheaper!

Updated: 07/31/2018 17:13:36

Residents of Russia are familiar with olive oil not so long ago, so few know the varieties, categories and other selection criteria. Since the product is useful not only as a food additive, but also as a cosmetic product, interest from buyers is high. In this article we will talk about the main characteristics by which you should choose olive oil, and also provide a rating review.

Based on user reviews, our experts compiled a ranking of the 13 best olive oils.

How to choose olive oil

  1. Method of obtaining. Oils are distinguished by markings that indicate the method of preparation, and therefore the taste of the product. Virgin – cold first pressed. Nutrients, vitamins and minerals are preserved. The shelf life is modest, but despite this drawback, most housewives are convinced that this oil is the best. Divided into: Extra virgin olive oil - the best product with an acidity of 0.8 percent; Virgin olive oil is an oil with an acidity of 2 percent that has been subjected to physical, temperature and mechanical stress. Cleaning is carried out exclusively with natural ingredients; Ordinary virgin olive oil – acidity is 3.3 percent. Refined – purified using chemical and physical processes. The ground fruits are poured with hexane, after which the oil is released. Residues of the solvent are removed with water vapor and alkali. At the end, bleaching and deodorization are carried out. Divided into: Refined olive oil – lower quality with an acidity of 0.3 percent; Olive-pomace oil – a mixture of oils: refined and first-pressed (acidity – 1 percent); Refined olive-pomace oil - made from oil cake using refining (acidity - 0.3 percent). Pomace is a second pressing using chemical-physical technologies.
  2. Olive growing area. The color, taste, aroma and other characteristics of the finished product depend on this criterion. Before purchasing, consult with the seller or search for information on the Internet to become better acquainted with the characteristics of a particular variety of olives grown in different areas of Spain, Italy, and Greece.
  3. Color. The parameter is influenced by the variety, maturity and method of processing the fruit. There are green and yellow shades.
  4. Acidity. Shows the level of oleic acid in 100 g of product. It doesn’t affect the taste, but experts believe that the highest quality olive oils have low acidity.
  5. Aroma. Hydrocarbons, alcohol, ethers, aldehydes are special substances that determine odor. It’s bad if there is no aroma at all, because this means that the oil has most likely been exposed to sunlight for too long.
  6. Taste. Natural olive oils have an intense, rich, bittersweet or salty taste. Avoid purchasing any product that has a watery, rancid, metallic or vinegary taste.
  7. Best before date. Look at the spill date. The fresher, the better the quality. It is not recommended to buy olive oil in reserve.
  8. Presence of sediment. Large flakes at the bottom that appear when the product is stored in the refrigerator should not be taken as an indicator of spoilage. On the contrary, this indicates that the oil is real and of high quality. When warmed, the flakes will disappear.
  9. Packaging material. Buy the product only in glass or metal containers. Olive oil can break down the top layer of polyethylene, causing harmful substances to get into your food. Therefore, plastic bottles are not used for packaging and storage.

Rating of the best olive oils

Nomination place Name of product price for 1 liter
The best Italian olive oil 1 RUR 1,139
2 1,428 RUR
3 RUB 1,344
4 853 RUR
The best Spanish olive oil 1 909 RUR
2 1,149 RUR
3 990 ₽
4 870 RUR
Best Greek Olive Oil 1 1,280 RUR
2 949 RUR
3 1 400 ₽
4 1,250 RUR
5 1,260 RUR

The best Italian olive oil

The first in the ranking category is unrefined olive oil from Sicily. Made from the first October olive harvest. It is poured into containers immediately after spinning, which preserves its pleasant aroma and excellent taste. The product is recommended for a healthy diet, as well as for use in cosmetology. The title “best” is confirmed by a gold medal received in 2017. Experts highly appreciated the quality of the oil, recognizing the product as exemplary. Users in the reviews also do not skimp on praise, noting the correct aroma and delicate, bittersweet taste.


    excellent organoleptic data;

    acidity is not higher than 0.8 percent.


  • relatively expensive - 1140 rubles for 250 ml.

The second place in the ranking goes to unfiltered olive oil from a place called Puglia. The product belongs to the elite category, since the maximum content of saturated fatty acids is quite high, and the acidity, on the contrary, is low and amounts to 0.8 percent. The product is not subjected to chemical and/or thermal treatment during production, therefore it retains beneficial substances. Users note that the oil is thin, fluid, and despite its bitterness, has a pleasant taste that complements meat and vegetable dishes.


    natural product;

    cold pressed;

    does not contain artificial additives and GMOs;

    reasonable price - 1300 rubles for 500 ml.


  • bitter taste, which not everyone likes.

The third position in the ranking goes to unrefined extra virgin olive oil. Made from fruits that are grown, harvested and processed in a specific region, as indicated by the DOP abbreviation. Due to the absence of transportation and the minimum period of time elapsed from the moment of collection directly to bottling, the product retains its nutritional value. The Italian company Alce Nero has been producing natural products for decades. The company is the holder of a European quality certificate, which makes it possible to put the EU Organic Bio mark on products. Genetic engineering is not used in production, and the use of pesticides and dangerous chemical fertilizers in the fields is unacceptable.


    delicate taste with a slight bitterness and a hint of fresh herbs;

    packaged in cans or glass bottles;

    reasonable cost - 1400 rubles for 750 ml.


  • not found.

The fourth is unrefined extra virgin olive oil. Monini remains a family company to this day, which is reflected in its approach to manufacturing and, as a result, in the quality of its products. The owner tastes and selects the oils before bottling and sending them for sale. No harmful chemical fertilizers or pesticides are used in the fields where olives grow. The fruits are picked by hand and then pressed using cold pressing. Monini is a flagship of the Italian food industry with a rich history dating back to 1920. Products are supplied to more than fifty countries. A special feature is the addition of natural spices, mushrooms, dry vegetables, herbs or nuts.


    spicy taste due to natural additives;

    acceptable cost - 600 rubles for 250 ml.


  • not found.

The best Spanish olive oil

The first in the rating category is extra virgin olive oil. Belongs to the premium class. According to Spanish standards, the product is considered medicinal. The oil is made from the fruits of an early harvest in the Baena region. The Picual variety was used. Suerte Alta was founded in the early twenties, and in the late nineties it officially began to conduct organic farming, which is confirmed by the certificate of the organic farming council of Andalusia, as well as similar documents from Japan, America and the Council of Europe.

The second line goes to extra virgin olive oil. It features a new taste from a blend of Picual and Arbequina varieties. The acidity of the product is 0.2 percent (medicinal). Users note a soft, delicate, sweet taste with notes of artichokes and almonds. The oil is produced in Spain, on a family farm in the Murcia region. Olive groves grow in an area located at an altitude of 800 m above sea level. Environmental friendliness is confirmed by a certificate from the regional government and the European Committee on Organic Agriculture.

The third position goes to extra virgin olive oil. During the production process, olives are not exposed to temperature, which maximizes the preservation of valuable nutrients. The taste, neutral or bitter, depends on the climate of the area where the collection and pressing took place, as well as on the variety of olives. The product is ideal for salad dressings and ready-made meat or fish dishes. It is packaged in tin containers if the volume is over 1 liter or in glass containers if the volume is less than a liter. The company was founded in 1914, but to this day is one of the recognized leaders. Borges products account for 60 percent of the domestic market in the olive oil segment.


    rich, intense and deep taste;


  • not found.

The fourth place goes to extra virgin olive oil. Made from selected fruits grown in the Mediterranean. It has a rich aroma and taste: soft, without bitterness, with nutty notes. Ideal for dressing salads or preparing dishes. According to user reviews, it does not interrupt, but complements the taste of vegetables. When frying, it does not give off any foreign odors and does not change color. No harmful chemicals or pesticides are used in the fields where olives grow. Olive oil retains beneficial substances. Packaged in tinted glass bottles or tins.


    thick consistency;

    reasonable cost - 300 rubles for 250 ml.


  • not found.

Best Greek Olive Oil

In first place in the rating category is extra virgin olive oil. It has the right to a guaranteed region of production. The fruits are grown, harvested, pressed and packaged in one geographical region. In this case, in Greece, on the island of Crete, in the Messara area. The product is not a mixture of oils. As experts and users note, the oil has a rich taste with a pronounced bitterness, indicating that the production was done without taste-improving impurities and dangerous chemicals.


    high quality;

    low acidity – 0.6 percent;

    acceptable cost - 700 rubles for 500 ml.


  • not found.

The second line goes to unrefined extra virgin olive oil, which has an optimal ratio of price, quality and volume. The fruits are grown on the Peloponnese island, in the Kalamata region, which is considered the main place for the growth of excellent varieties of olives. Buyers consider the advantages of the product to be a pleasant taste without bitterness, which is so inherent in Extra Virgin. The oil is suitable for preparing sauces, dressings, marinades, ready meals and for frying. Adherents of dietary and proper nutrition note the affordability, which does not affect the quality of the product.


    packaging in cans or glass bottles;

    reasonable price - 950 rubles for 750 ml.


  • not found.

The third position goes to extra virgin olive oil. It has a fruity bouquet with an aftertaste of ripe olives and a slightly peppery aroma. The product is designed for true connoisseurs of fine cuisine. The fruits are selected by hand, their extraction and bottling of the finished oil takes place in one region - City, in eastern Crete. The place is one of the most famous for the production of olive oils, as the fertile soil, mountainous terrain and long daylight hours create conditions for the formation of a unique microclimate. The brand has received the most awards and is a member of the Extra Virgin Alliance.


    neutral carbohydrate release rate;


    • packaging in cans or glass bottles;

      reasonable cost - 300 rubles for 250 ml.


      heat treatment is applied;

      poor taste and aroma.

    Fifth place is occupied by another olive oil from the Greek island of Crete. Unrefined, first cold pressed product. Made from the Koroneiki olive variety, it has a greenish-golden color, rich aroma and mild taste with slightly bitter notes. For full disclosure, the manufacturer recommends using olive oil for salad dressing. No pesticides or hazardous chemicals are used on the fields. The composition contains no additives that improve the taste, since the product is one hundred percent natural. Glafkos Extra Virgin is supplied to 17 countries.


      acidity not higher than 0.8 percent;

      beneficial substances are preserved;

      reasonable cost - 600 rubles for 500 ml.


    • not found.

    Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Olive oil is the juice squeezed from the olive fruit.

Real olive oil is a healthy and tasty product with a unique composition. Although oil appeared on our market relatively recently, due to its popularity, a lot of fakes have appeared. In the store we often come across a large selection of bottles, with different names and prices, and we don’t know which one to choose. The variety of packaging and brands is confusing and your eyes widen. But different types of olive oil have different properties and prices. Let's figure out how to choose olive oil so that it turns out to be real: tasty and healthy.


Despite the variety of names on the labels, there are 2 types of olive oils on the market:

Extra Virgin
cold pressed oil. The olives for the production of this oil are collected by hand. It is not subjected to any thermal or chemical treatment and retains all useful substances. The acidity index does not exceed 0.8%. It has a bright smell and taste. Suitable for dressing fresh vegetables, salads and ready-made dishes, as well as for frying at a temperature not exceeding 180 degrees. Adds new notes of taste to dishes and is very good for health. It is also used as a cosmetic product.

Pomas- refined oil. It is obtained from olive pressings using physical and chemical processes under the influence of temperature. Without taste, color and smell. To add color, 5% to 15% Extra Virgin is added to it. Well suited for frying - can withstand temperatures up to 260 degrees.

NThe Extra Virgin label always guarantees quality. To eliminate the taste defects that appear as a result of mechanical harvesting of olives, Extra Virgin oil is sometimes refined (purified by physical and chemical processes). It falls under the Extra Virgin classification, but loses its bright and fruity smell and taste and is deprived of its beneficial properties.

I often squeeze olives not immediately after picking, but after several days, when they have already begun to oxidize and, if necessary, are refined. The oil is categorized as Virgin, Virgin Extra or Pure. The acidity of such oil will be greater than 2 and there will be little benefit in it.

Which olive oil is best? Refined or unrefined? Both types are good for different purposes. Refined oil is better for frying food because it can withstand higher temperatures and does not decompose. Extra Virgin is suitable for salads and dressings due to its rich taste. The price of refined oil is lower, and this is also an important aspect. In terms of benefits, aroma and taste, extra virgin olive oil has no equal. So if you want to buy oil just to fry potatoes in it, then refined oil will be an excellent choice, but if you want to enjoy the taste and aroma and get benefits for the body, then your choice is Extra Virgin.

How to choose quality extra virgin olive oil

Many olive oils are labeled as “Extra Virgin” and have an acidity value of “0.2”, but in reality they do not meet the standards of a true Extra Virgin. To choose a high-quality and healthy product, you need to carefully choose!

We look at the harvest dates or expiration dates

Only fresh olive oil is beneficial. A product stored for more than a year and a half becomes less useful and does not fully retain its taste and nutritional characteristics. Conscientious manufacturers indicate that their products have a shelf life of no more than 2 years, although if stored properly, olive oil can retain its taste and not become rancid for up to 5 years! But it is better to choose a product with harvest dates from the last season.

If there is no harvest date on the label, you risk buying old, possibly rancid oil.

An open bottle should not be stored for more than a month, as the oil will oxidize and lose its taste and beneficial qualities. Buy the amount you can use in a month.

Choosing the right packaging

Light, oxygen and heat are the three main enemies of olive oil. They contribute to the oxidation of the product and change its taste and nutritional characteristics.

To maintain the quality of the product for a long time, choose dark glass or opaque tin packaging. They help protect the product from light. Avoid plastic packaging.

If you don't have a dark corner in your kitchen where you can store a bottle, just buy the oil in a tin and don't worry about the light. But you still shouldn’t leave the bottle in the sun!

We read the label. Badges and awards

The label tells you a lot about olive oil. If the label contains the DOP (Protected Designation of Origin) or PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) marks, this means that the oil is produced according to European Union standards. Counterfeiting of these signs is strictly punishable.

The “Country of Manufacture” note must be clearly visible. The name of the variety and awards from international competitions are two more indicators of high quality.

The Italian text on the packaging does not always indicate that the olive oil is produced in Italy, and the Greek name does not always guarantee Greek quality.

Moreover, the label often states “Packed in Spain, Italy or Greece” to raise the price, but the olives for the oil were not always grown in this country. It just spills out there.

To be sure of the quality of the oil and where it was produced, always buy oil labeled PDO, PGI or Organic with the certificate number underneath the label.

The acidity of olive oil should not exceed 0,8% , but according to European standards this value is not indicated on the label, since it may change over time depending on storage conditions. Acidity indications on the label are just marketing. To know the acidity of an oil, look for the above signs.
The signs mean that the acidity during production did not exceed 0.2-0.3%. Read more about

Pressing method

Extra Virgin olive oil must be pressed mechanically using a cold press, without the use of chemical or heat treatments. During cold pressing, the temperature at all stages of processing does not exceed 27 degrees Celsius. This helps maintain nutritional characteristics, taste and aroma.

“Extra Virgin” is the first cold press.

How much does good olive oil cost?

Due to the production method, the price of extra virgin olive oil cannot be low.

For example, an olive of the “Koroneiki” variety, from which olive oil is most often produced in Greece, weighs only 1.5 grams. A person can collect the maximum per day by hand 150 kg olives From 100 kg of olives, depending on ripeness, you can get from 12 to 20 liters oils One tree produces 30 - 40 kg of olives, and olive harvesting occurs only during 4 months of the year from October to January.

The higher the oil extraction temperature, the more oil is produced at the outlet. But at high temperatures, acidity increases. To obtain Extra Virgin olive oil, the pressing temperature does not exceed 27 degrees Celsius. Much less oil is squeezed out than at higher temperatures, which means the price increases.

To preserve the unique shades of aroma and taste of olive oil, olives are pressed within 10 hours after harvest. The result is a thick and shiny oil. The resulting oil is only 10% from the volume that could be obtained using other methods of extraction, with the addition of chemicals and increasing temperature.

Choosing a color

Don't mind the color, as it comes in a variety of shades, from bright green to gold and pale straw. It all depends on the ratio of ripe and green olives during the production process. Official tasters use colored glasses to avoid preference for the color green. The main thing is that there is no sediment in the oil. Moreover, when buying oil, you won’t see the color, since good oil will have dark packaging made of glass or tin!

Remember – olives are fruits with pits, like cherries and plums. Olive oil is freshly squeezed fruit juice. Unlike wine, which improves with age, butter is perishable and does not improve with age. The younger the olive oil, the more benefits it has!

Choosing the right flavor

A good olive oil should have three taste characteristics: fruitiness (a bouquet of flavors and aromas), pungency and bitterness.

There are more than 700 varieties of olives and 1000 varieties olive oils. Each variety of olive has its own taste characteristics, which artisan producers have mastered over many generations. The aroma, smell and color can change radically depending on the country and even region, the type of olive, the method and time of harvest. It has been noticed that the hotter the country, the stronger and brighter the aroma and taste of the oil. Sometimes varieties are mixed to create even more flavor profiles.

Simple example. If you squeeze the juice of different apples, sour and sweet, the taste of the juice will also be different. The same is the case with olives. Depending on the variety, microclimate and degree of ripeness, they have a different taste, which means the taste of the oil squeezed from them will be different.

As with wine, choose the oil that best suits your taste preferences and the dishes you're preparing.

A quality product will always contain a description of taste and aroma. Extra virgin olive oils described as “early harvest,” “rich,” or “peppery” are suitable for full-flavored dishes, while descriptions of “mild flavor” or “mild fruitiness” suggest a good pairing with gourmet dishes.

You can flavor the oil with herbs and spices by soaking them in the oil for ten days.

Hot potato quality test

First you need to bake or boil the potatoes in their skins.While the potatoes are hot, you need to put them on a plate, make a cut on top and pour a little oil into the resulting space.

If the olive oil is truly Extra Virgin, then the bright smell of freshly cut grass, berries or green olives or any other fresh smells will appear. Well, if the smell is heavy and unpleasant, it means the oil is of low quality.

So, in order to choose the right high-quality olive oil, you should pay attention to:

  • First and most important. Labeled Extra Virgin, that is, first cold pressed
  • Unrefined (the word “refined” should not appear in any form)
  • Signs present
  • Acidity does not exceed 0.8%
  • Packaging made of dark glass or tin. No plastic!
  • No sediment
  • The country of origin, addresses of the manufacturer and distributor are indicated
  • The expiration date is not half past

Myths and truth about olive oil

“Olive oil is not suitable for frying.”
This is actually a popular myth. Due to the many antioxidant components it contains, such as phenol and tocopherol, extra virgin olive oil is more stable than other edible oils.

For example, it has been proven that the quality of vegetables or meat improves when fried in olive oil because it is enriched with phenols. (It should be noted that oil that does not withstand high temperatures breaks down into substances that are harmful to our health.)

Extra virgin olive oil remains stable at 180°C. Although this is not a very high temperature, it enough for cooking.

“Light oils have fewer calories.” In stores you can find many different oils with the names Pure or Light.Remember! There is no such thing as “light olive oil.” A light color with yellow-green tints is no lower in calories and no simpler in taste than dark green. All fats and oils, including olive oil, contain 9 calories per gram.

“All olive oils are equally beneficial.” Not really, it all depends on the class of oil. As mentioned earlier, refined olive oils are not beneficial. Extra Virgin oils are considered the best. And among them, oils that have lower acidity, richer aroma, are more beneficial due to their higher content of nutritional components and antioxidants. High-quality Extra Virgin oil always has an outstanding aroma and rich taste, and is always bitter.