What is bone fat where to buy. Rendered bone fat

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Fat is produced from different bones, but the vertebrae and ribs are not involved in this process. Since the amount of fatty acids in the product is different, the melting and cooling temperature is completely different for rendered bone fat. In the USSR in the sixties, fat was made only in accordance with GOST 1288–55 - for the highest grade. The color of the highest grade was necessarily white, but sometimes it could be greenish - this was considered the norm. Heated fat becomes transparent. If the temperature is kept at 18 degrees, then the fat is creamy, at higher temperatures it is liquid. It has no extra smell, only the inherent smell of this fat. At the same time, the smell of the broth is of high-quality 1st grade fat. Fats are stored in wooden containers.

Bone fat contains the following vitamins: beta-carotene - 0.03 mg/100 g, vitamin A - 5 mg. Nutritional value of bone fat: saturated fatty acids - 41.9 g/100 g, unsaturated fatty acids - 3.2 g, cholesterol - 100 mg.

If we consider the composition of bone fat in more detail, we can note the presence of active phospholipids and sterols.

Beneficial features

Bone fats contain oleic acid, which is an emollient. This product is perfectly absorbed by the body, improves the immune system, prevents the accumulation of cholesterol, and is responsible for the beauty of the skin.


Rendered bone fat can be used for frying vegetables, soups, and in culinary products. It is used in the manufacture of lipstick, semi-liquid soap, cigarettes, and cosmetics.

Let's look at how to properly prepare bone broth. Before cooking, soak the bones in water for several hours, then put them in the oven for roasting. Then place the roasted bones (1 kg) in a cauldron and fill with cold water (1.25 l). Cover the cauldron and place on high heat to boil the bones faster. When the water boils, open the lid, skim off the foam and some fat. Reduce heat to minimum. Pork bones are cooked for 3 hours, beef bones for 5 hours. The longer the bones cook, the tastier the broth will be. After boiling for 2 or 4 hours, add salt, onion, celery, parsley, and carrots. The broth will be aromatic and tasty. In order for the bones to release as many useful substances as possible, they are prepared a second time in autoclaves. The bones that have been boiled are placed in an autoclave, lightly filled with water, and boiled for 2 hours. Then you need to take out the contents and strain through a thick cloth. The resulting bone fat, as well as the broth, can be used to prepare the following dishes.

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100g of melted bone fat contains:

  • Water – 0.3.
  • Proteins – 0.
  • Fats – 99.7.
  • Carbohydrates – 0.
  • Kcal – 897.

Characterizing the quality of bone fat, we can distinguish the following categories that exist on sale: highest, 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade. The appearance of bone fat is similar to ghee.


  • The color of bone fat is related to its grade. The highest and first grades have light yellow or yellow tints, while the second and third grades have a greenish-gray tint.
  • In the molten state, bone fat of the highest and first grade is transparent. It is also used in cooking. The taste of this type of fat resembles the taste of fried pork, and the smell is reminiscent of rich broth.
  • Low grade bone fat has a paste-like consistency. This type of fat is used in the production of technical compounds as a lubricant.

Receipt and use

  • Bone fat of the highest grade is obtained from fresh and clean bones, which are freed from the remains of meat, tendons and cartilage of slaughtered pigs and cattle using special vibratory extractors.
  • Low grades of bone fat are obtained from secondary raw materials (crushed bone remains) by digestion. The emulsion that formed after digestion is separated from water and fat by centrifugation. The fat is subjected to purification (flaking, salting, filtration, separation, neutralization, bleaching and deodorizing).
  • The combination of bone fat with vegetable fats is used for the baking and confectionery industries.

Harm from eating bone fat

As you know, saturated and trans fats are considered harmful, since their consumption increases the risk of many diseases, but polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats protect the heart and prevent diseases. It is important to maintain a balance of these substances in your diet. Saturated fat should be 7% of calories, trans fat should be 15%, and the rest should be polyunsaturated and monounsaturated.

  • Trans fats and unsaturated fats increase cholesterol levels, which leads to heart disease.
  • Harmful fats contribute to the development of cancer and lead to obesity, so they should be consumed in small quantities or eliminated altogether.

The benefits of rendered bone fat

  • The beneficial and nutritional properties of bone fat are due to the vitamin-mineral complex, which contains oleic acid, biologically active phospholipids and stearins.
  • Bone fat contains polyunsaturated acids that can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Helpful information

How to determine whether a fat is good or bad? Look at the plate you are eating from. If the fat on the plate hardens, then most likely it is unhealthy fat. If fat becomes liquid at room temperature, it is healthy fat.

Rendered bone fat is intended for frying vegetables when preparing first courses. Considering the calorie content of this product, it is necessary to control the amount of its consumption. Don't forget about vegetable fats, which are healthier than animal fats, and eat a balanced diet.

How much does bone fat cost (average price per 1 kg)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

In cooking, as well as the food industry in general, various types of animal fats are actively used. In turn, animal fats are understood as a variety of natural fat-containing compounds that are obtained from the adipose or bone tissue of various types of vertebrate animals. In addition, animal fat is obtained from fish, birds, and reptiles.

Bone fat refers to a type of animal fat that is a mixture of different animal fats. Bone fat is extracted from spongy and tubular bones of domestic animals. As a rule, tissue from cattle and pigs is used to produce bone fats. The distinctive taste and consumer properties of bone fats depend primarily on the type of product.

It is worth noting that bone fats are classified depending on the quality characteristics of the product. Bone fat is classified into the highest or first, second and third grades. In its appearance, as well as its distinctive consumer properties, first-grade bone fat resembles ghee. The color of bone fat also depends on the type of product.

For example, first-grade bone fat is usually distinguished by its light or rich yellow color. When spread, premium grade bone fat becomes transparent. The second or third grade of bone fat is characterized by a darker greenish-gray color. It is worth noting that the consistency of bone fat also depends on the type of product.

Bone fat of lower grades can be in a liquid or ointment-like state. For culinary purposes, first grade bone fat is used. Bone fat of other types can be used for the manufacture of lubricants and other technical compounds. Edible bone fat tastes like roasted pork, and the aroma of the product can be compared to the characteristics of a rich broth.

The distinctive nutritional and beneficial properties of bone fats are primarily due to the vitamin and mineral composition of the product, which contains a significant amount of oleic acid, as well as vitamin A and beta-carotene. In addition, bone fat contains a large amount of biologically active phospholipids, as well as sterols.

Edible bone fat or a first-grade product is obtained from fresh bones of cattle or pigs, well cleaned of meat. Bone fat of the second and third grades is obtained from pre-crushed bone remains. Edible bone fat is subjected to a refining process, i.e. double cleaning. Most often, bone fat mixed with other types of animal fats is used in baking, as well as in the manufacture of various types of culinary products.

Calorie content of bone fat 897 kcal

Energy value of bone fat (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bzhu):

: 0 g (~0 kcal)
: 99.7 g (~897 kcal)
: 0 g (~0 kcal)

Energy ratio (w|w|y): 0%|100%|0%

Recipes with bone fat

No recipes with Bone Fat found

Product proportions. How many grams?

1 teaspoon contains 5 grams
1 tablespoon contains 17 grams
in 1 glass 240 grams


Bone fat is classified as animal fat. It is boiled from clean, fresh bones, freed from the remains of meat, tendons, etc. In appearance, this product resembles ghee. The consistency of bone fat is liquid, ointment-like or dense.

In the molten state, grade 1 fat is transparent, grade 2 is cloudy. The taste and smell are pleasant, with a slight aftertaste of fried greaves.

In cooking, as well as the food industry in general, various types of animal fats are actively used. In turn, animal fats are understood as a variety of natural fat-containing compounds that are obtained from the adipose or bone tissue of various types of vertebrate animals. In addition, animal fat is obtained from fish, birds, and reptiles.

Under bone fat understand a type of animal fat that is a mixture of different animal fats. Bone fat is extracted from spongy and tubular bones of domestic animals. As a rule, tissue from cattle and pigs is used to produce bone fats. The distinctive taste and consumer properties of bone fats depend primarily on the type of product.

It is worth noting that bone fats classifies depending on the quality characteristics of the product. Bone fat is classified into the highest or first, second and third grades. In its appearance, as well as its distinctive consumer properties, first-grade bone fat resembles ghee. The color of bone fat also depends on the type of product.

For example, first-grade bone fat is usually distinguished by its light or rich yellow color. When spread, premium grade bone fat becomes transparent. The second or third grade of bone fat is characterized by a darker greenish-gray color. It is worth noting that the consistency of bone fat also depends on the type of product.

Bone fat of lower grades can be in a liquid or ointment-like state. For culinary purposes, first grade bone fat is used. Bone fat of other types can be used for the manufacture of lubricants and other technical compounds. Edible bone fat tastes like roasted pork, and the aroma of the product can be compared to the characteristics of a rich broth.

Rendered bone fat: Useful properties.

The distinctive nutritional and beneficial properties of bone fats are primarily due to the vitamin and mineral composition of the product, which contains a significant amount of oleic acid, as well as vitamin A and beta-carotene. In addition, bone fat contains a large amount of biologically active phospholipids, as well as sterols.

Edible bone fat or a first-grade product is obtained from fresh bones of cattle or pigs, well cleaned of meat. Bone fat of the second and third grades is obtained from pre-crushed bone remains. Edible bone fat is subjected to a refining process, i.e. double cleaning. Most often, bone fat mixed with other types of animal fats is used in baking, as well as in the manufacture of various types of culinary products.

Owners of patent RU 2336882:

The group of inventions relates to medicine, namely to traumatology and orthopedics, and can be used in endoprosthetics, as well as in the treatment of traumatological, orthopedic and rheumatological patients, in particular for the treatment of joints. A method for obtaining bone fat is proposed, which includes the formation of a channel into a cavity filled with bone marrow, selection of bone marrow, while the selection of bone marrow is carried out by vacuum, then by centrifugation the bone fat is separated from the selected bone marrow. A device for obtaining bone fat is proposed, which includes a tip for collecting bone marrow from a channel formed in the cavity, connected to a flexible hose configured to transport bone marrow into a bone marrow collection, connected to a vacuum line configured to pump out bone marrow by vacuuming into a storage container placed in a centrifuge for subsequent separation by centrifugation of bone fat from the bone marrow. The proposed method and device make it possible to obtain bone fat, which is used as a lubricant for joints. The invention does not require large material costs; all components for the device are mass-produced and do not require the organization of special production facilities. 2 n. and 7 salary f-ly, 1 ill.


The invention relates to medicine, namely to such areas of medicine as traumatology and orthopedics, and can be used in endoprosthetics, as well as in the treatment of traumatological, orthopedic and rheumatological patients, in particular for the treatment of joints.


One of the causes of pain in the joint is a disruption of the lubrication mechanism, leading to abrasion of cartilage and the development of various joint diseases, such as arthrosis.

A known “Method for the treatment of arthrosis” includes intra-articular administration of a drug, characterized in that in order to increase the effectiveness of treatment, a bone marrow preparation is used as a drug in a dose of 1.0-1.5 ml per 100 kg of live weight 1-3 times per day. at intervals of 3-4 days. In addition, in order to increase efficiency in severe forms of the disease, a 20% solution of camphor oil is administered simultaneously with bone marrow at a dose of 1.0-1.5 ml per 100 kg of live weight. However, this method is used in veterinary medicine.

Known “Method of treatment of deforming arthrosis of the knee joint”. This method of treating deforming arthrosis of the joint by constantly supplying a lubricating fluid into the joint cavity is characterized in that bone marrow is used as a lubricating fluid, which is supplied from the diaphysis of one of the articulated bones along a biocompatible artificial tape, which is passed from the diaphysis of the above-mentioned bone into the joint cavity, in an area that does not interfere with the normal functioning of the joint. Bone marrow can also be supplied to the joint cavity through a tube, which is installed in the axial canal of one of the articulated bones, and the canal is made from the intermuscular zone to the diaphyseal part of this bone. It is also possible to supply bone marrow into the joint cavity using the autotransfer method.

However, with such a supply of bone marrow into the joint cavity, there is a fairly high probability that small bones and parts of soft tissue will enter during reaming of the bone tissue, which is an undesirable fact.

The technical result to which this group of inventions is aimed is the creation of a method for obtaining bone fat and a device for obtaining bone fat for the use of these inventions in such fields of medicine as traumatology and orthopedics, in endoprosthetics, as well as in the treatment of traumatological, orthopedic and rheumatological patients , in particular for the treatment of joints.


The technical result is achieved by the following:

2. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that centrifugation of the bone marrow is carried out in the interval from 10 to 15 minutes at room temperature.

3. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that bone marrow centrifugation is carried out at a rotor speed of 100 to 2800 rpm.

4. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that centrifugation of the bone marrow is carried out in the interval from 10 to 15 minutes at room temperature at a rotor speed of 100 to 2800 rpm.

5. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the separated bone fat is used as a lubricant.

The method of obtaining bone fat is carried out as follows. The direction and depth of immersion into the cavity filled with bone marrow is determined, for example, using an x-ray. A small incision is used to access the bone tissue. A channel is formed into a cavity filled with bone marrow. If necessary, the immersion depth and channel formation are adjusted under an electron-optical converter. A tip for collecting the bone marrow is screwed into the channel prepared in this way, which is connected to a vacuum line using a flexible hose for transporting the bone marrow through the bone marrow collector. Using a vacuum, the bone marrow is drawn through the bone marrow collection tip into the bone marrow collector. After selecting the required amount of bone marrow, the vacuum is turned off. The bone marrow from the collection is placed into a bone marrow storage container, which is then placed in a centrifuge. After centrifugation for 10 to 15 minutes at room temperature, the bone marrow storage container containing the bone marrow is removed. The upper part of the contents of the specified container, namely bone fat, is selected using a syringe for collecting bone marrow and is used in such fields of medicine as traumatology and orthopedics, in endoprosthetics, as well as in the treatment of traumatological, orthopedic and rheumatological patients, in particular, as natural lubrication, for example, for the treatment of joints, bone fat can be used as a lubricant for joints.

The method of selecting and processing bone marrow into bone fat to obtain joint lubricant is characterized in that bone marrow is for the first time purposefully used as a source of bone fat, which in turn can be used, in particular, as a natural lubricant, for example - as a lubricant for joints.

To restore the joint lubrication mechanism, it becomes necessary to select a small amount, for example a few milliliters, of bone marrow for further processing into joint lubricant.

The initial processing of bone marrow into a lubricant for joints includes, first of all, the purification of the selected bone marrow from small bones and particles of soft tissue, the ingress of which is possible during drilling of bone tissue and the presence of which in the lubricant is an undesirable fact.

The selection and processing of bone marrow, the separation of bone fat from it, which is used as a lubricant for joints, is carried out in compliance with sterility requirements.

The technical result is achieved in that a method for obtaining bone fat is proposed for using the method in such fields of medicine as traumatology and orthopedics; the method can be used to obtain bone fat necessary for endoprosthetics, as well as in the treatment of traumatological, orthopedic and rheumatological patients, in particular for the treatment of joints.

The technical result is also achieved by the following:

7. A device for obtaining bone fat, characterized in that it includes a tip for collecting bone marrow from a channel formed in the cavity, connected to a flexible hose configured to transport bone marrow to a bone marrow collection, connected to a vacuum line configured to pump out bone marrow brain by vacuuming into a storage container placed in a centrifuge for subsequent separation by centrifugation of bone fat from the bone marrow.

8. The device according to claim 7, characterized in that the centrifugation time is from 10 to 15 minutes.

9. The device according to claim 7, characterized in that during centrifugation the rotor speed is from 100 to 2800 rpm.

The drawing shows a diagram of a device for obtaining bone fat.

The device includes:

1 - tip for collecting bone marrow;

2 - flexible hose for transporting bone marrow;

3 - bone marrow collection;

4 - vacuum line;

5 - container for storing bone marrow;

6 - centrifuge;

7 - syringe for sampling bone fat;

8 - container for storing bone fat.

Any device that allows sampling of bone marrow can be used as tip 1.

The flexible bone marrow transport tubing 2 is a polymer tube made of a biocompatible material such as polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene or silicone rubber.

For example, a burette flask can be used as a bone marrow collector 3, which allows the bone marrow to be transferred into a bone marrow storage container 5, which is then immersed in a centrifuge 6 with a rotor rotation power of, for example, from 100 to 2800 rpm, time centrifugation is 10 to 15 minutes.

By centrifugation, the selected bone marrow is divided into fractions. The upper fraction - the resulting bone fat - is taken into a container for storing bone fat 8 with a syringe for collecting bone fat 7 and is used in such fields of medicine as traumatology and orthopedics, in endoprosthetics, as well as in the treatment of traumatological, orthopedic and rheumatological patients, in particular in As a natural lubricant, for example, for the treatment of joints, bone fat can be used as a lubricant for joints, the remaining fractions are used for biomedical research.

The technical result is achieved in that a device for obtaining bone fat is proposed, the device can be used in such fields of medicine as traumatology and orthopedics, the device can also be used to obtain bone fat necessary for endoprosthetics, as well as in the treatment of traumatology, orthopedic and rheumatology patients, in particular for the treatment of joints.


Bone fat is obtained in the following way: the direction and depth of immersion into the cavity filled with bone marrow are first determined using an x-ray. A small incision is used to access the bone tissue. A channel is formed into a cavity filled with bone marrow. The immersion depth and channel formation are adjusted under an electron-optical converter. A tip for collecting bone marrow is screwed into the channel prepared in this way, which is connected to a vacuum line using a flexible hose through a bone marrow collector. Using a vacuum, the bone marrow is drawn through the tip into the bone marrow collector. After selecting the required amount of bone marrow, the vacuum is turned off. The bone marrow from the collection is collected into a test tube, which is then placed in a centrifuge. After centrifugation for a period of 10 to 15 minutes at room temperature, the tube containing the bone marrow is removed. The upper part of the contents of the tube, namely bone fat, is separated into another tube using a syringe for collecting bone marrow and is used in such areas of medicine as traumatology and orthopedics, in endoprosthetics, as well as in the treatment of traumatological, orthopedic and rheumatological patients, in particular in as a natural lubricant, the remaining fractions are used for biomedical research.

For example, for the treatment of joints, bone fat can be used as a lubricant for joints, while the remaining fractions are used for biomedical research.

To obtain bone fat, a device is used, including a tip for collecting bone marrow, connected to a flexible hose, configured to transport bone marrow into a bone marrow collector, connected to a vacuum line, configured to pump out bone marrow into a storage container placed in a centrifuge for processing to obtain bone fat, which, through a syringe for selecting bone fat, enters a storage container with its subsequent use in such fields of medicine as traumatology and orthopedics, in endoprosthetics, as well as in the treatment of traumatological, orthopedic and rheumatological patients, in particular in as a natural lubricant, the remaining fractions are used for biomedical research.

A device that allows selection of bone marrow is used as a tip.

A flexible hose is a polymer tube made of polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene or silicone rubber.

A burette flask is used as a bone marrow collector, allowing the bone marrow to be transferred into a test tube, which is then immersed in a centrifuge with a rotor speed of 100 to 2800 rpm.

The bone fat obtained by centrifugation is collected with a bone fat collection syringe into a second tube and used, in particular, as a natural lubricant, for example as a lubricant for joints, and the remaining fractions are used for biomedical research.


The invention relates to medicine, namely to such areas of medicine as traumatology and orthopedics, and can be used in endoprosthetics, as well as in the treatment of traumatological, orthopedic and rheumatological patients, in particular in the treatment of joints.

The technical result was achieved by proposing a method and device for obtaining bone fat for use in such fields of medicine as traumatology and orthopedics in the treatment of traumatological, orthopedic and rheumatological patients, as well as in endoprosthetics and in the treatment of joints.

The specified method and device are industrially applicable, do not require large material costs, all components for the device are mass-produced and do not require the organization of special production facilities.

The method and device for obtaining bone fat have been successfully tested in practice.


1. Gavryushenko N.S., Bulgakov V.G. "Identification and assessment of the role of the artromedullary connection in the functioning of the human joint (experimental study)." Orthop Bulletin. traumatol. - 2001. No. 2, pp. 72-75.

2. Patent SU No. 1578877, “Method for the treatment of arthrosis,” A61K 35/28, publ. 1995.04.10.

3. Application RU No. 94008728 “Method of treatment of deforming arthrosis of the knee joint”, A61B 17/56, A61K 35/28, publ. 1997.06.20.

1. A method for obtaining bone fat, including the formation of a channel into a cavity filled with bone marrow, the selection of bone marrow, characterized in that the selection of bone marrow is carried out by vacuum, then the bone fat is separated from the selected bone marrow by centrifugation.

2. Method according to claim 1, characterized in that centrifugation of the bone marrow is carried out in the range from 10 to 15 minutes at room temperature.

3. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that centrifugation of the bone marrow is carried out at a rotor speed of 100 to 2800 rpm.

4. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that centrifugation of the bone marrow is carried out in the range from 10 to 15 minutes at room temperature at a rotor speed of 100 to 2800 rpm.

5. Method according to claim 1, characterized in that the separated bone fat is used as a lubricant

6. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the separated bone fat is used as a lubricant for the treatment of joints.

7. A device for obtaining bone fat, characterized in that it includes a tip for collecting bone marrow from a channel formed in the cavity, connected to a flexible hose configured to transport bone marrow to a bone marrow collection, connected to a vacuum line configured to pump out bone marrow brain by vacuuming into a storage container placed in a centrifuge for subsequent separation by centrifugation of bone fat from the bone marrow.

8. The device according to claim 7, characterized in that the centrifugation time is from 10 to 15 minutes.

9. The device according to claim 7, characterized in that during centrifugation the rotor speed is from 100 to 2800 rpm.