What to bring from Oslo. What to bring from Norway

Cod caviar in tubes- sold in supermarkets, costs about 3 Euros. May be stored for several weeks. Very convenient packaging and very tasty.

From Norway, tourists most often bring troll figurines which are sold literally everywhere. To select a figurine, you need to perform a small procedure. You need to remember the person to whom you want to give the troll, and then peer into the faces on the shelves and the troll will wink at you, it will, which means that this is exactly what you were looking for

Various products fromdeer skins. On the market, the cost is 2-3 times less than in the store, but the dressing is appropriate. Fur from the market begins to "peel off" after a few months.

Smoked fish.

The best gift can be Norwegian knitwear, but the price of one real Norwegian sweater can go up to 1500 crowns ($200)

Knives local production.

If you want to bring something "purely Norwegian", but are not ready to part with the last money, buy set of paper clips because they were invented in Norway.

fishing rods- Expensive but very good quality

Meat products from venison or other similar "wild" meat, sausages, cuts, ham - because this is rare for us.

For lovers to bring brown cheese from gulbrandal, as well as gravlax, this will definitely not be tried anywhere else.

Good aquavit (Akvavit, aquavit, akevit - these are variations of the name of the same drink) - this is such a Norwegian alcoholic drink (Linier) - a very good gift. It comes with anise, dill, coriander... They drink it chilled, straight from the freezer.

Beautiful christmas tableware(porsgrunn) and Christmas souvenirs.

You can also mention spatula for cutting cheese, this is also purely Norwegian

Cognac Brostad, which is produced in France by a Norwegian (expensive, like all alcohol)

Sports and touring clothing, in my opinion, one of the best, but VERY expensive.

Cloudberry liqueur(cloudberry is one of the symbols of Norway, to be more precise, northern Norway).

wall calendars with wonderful views of Norway, in my opinion, one of the most wonderful and affordable gifts, especially since they are sold in various sizes and prices accordingly. A wonderful decoration for any room, both at work and at home. The memory of a trip to Norway for the whole next year.
baseball hats with embroideries of Norwegian flags, deer, elk, fishing paraphernalia, very popular among the male population.

Norwegian yarn I take every year, the recipients of the gifts want even more. A skein is 50 gr., and 10 skeins in Nille stores will cost 120-140 kroons (500 rubles somewhere);

Goat milk brown cheese made on cream. He really is an amateur and you need to get used to his taste. But it goes well with jam. I do not remember the price, but something in the region of 30-40 crowns for 400 gr. packaging, (130 rubles);

trolls must be given in pairs. There is a belief that the troll yearns alone. When buying souvenirs, pay attention to made in...., because. you can find a "Norwegian" souvenir made, for example, in China.

From products - fish, you can buy at any store smoked trout vacuum-packed, I do not recommend herring.

goat cheese for an amateur, similar to boiled condensed milk, but not so sweet

Candles- the Norwegians are simply driven by candles, they make them in various shapes and types, plus very original candlesticks. The price is from 10 crowns and more.

scandinavian jewelry from silver and metal, they are made according to sketches vintage viking jewelry,

Viking hats, etc. with this theme. it is expensive at least 300-500 kroons and more.

wood crafts- from a butter knife to a camping flask for vodka. From 25 kroons and more.

Deer skins don't buy, better buy sheep skin, it is very soft from 300 CZK, put it in a baby stroller - and walking in the cold is not terrible, beautiful and decorative as well.

If you are going for Christmas, you can buy traditional lollipops with anise, marshmallow and so on, and pepper kaki are like our Russian roe deer, only thin and painted, they make gingerbread houses for children here at Christmas.

waffle iron for thick waffles.

Norway, known as the country of the Vikings, has a rich cultural (if I may say so) heritage of those times .. You can bring as a gift figurines of the Vikings, silver and wooden models of galley ships: goblets, dishes and other cutlery items, as well as women's jewelry(pendants and brooches) with a national pattern or other symbols, made of Norwegian silver, covered with ornaments depicting water and land battles of the Vikings...

Norwegians claim invention cheese knife, which looks like a spatula with a longitudinal hole for cutting thin slices .. they are sold in any design, starting from 50 kroons (200 r) for the usual kitchen version and up to 150 kroons (600 r) for engraved silver ..

Norse runes for divination and writing (for girls),

Horned helmets and swords children

Available for girls a doll dressed in national Norwegian clothes(Norwegian costumes are varied, and not only each region, but each clan has its own color and pattern) ....

Can buy Norwegian moose (soft toy) in a Norwegian sweater...

Deer antler knives and stainless steel with and without engraving.

Before Christmas, on the shelves of many stores, and especially souvenir shops, there are amazing plates, cups and Christmas decorations depicting a gnome feeding a horse in a stable or peeping at people decorating a Christmas tree (12 varieties in total) ... the drawing is made in the classic Norwegian style, the frame is made with traditional Norwegian painting, somewhat reminiscent of Gorodets.

For needlewomen worth bringing boxes for threads etc., also painted with Norwegian folk painting ..

Worthy of a gift mugs with photos Norwegian photographer, especially with the image of cloudberries or moose ...

Norwegian sweaters, scarves and mittens always go with a bang in Russian harsh winters

lacrisse- but it's not for everybody. These are bitter-salty sweets, although they are commercially available in different flavors. Try it yourself first...well, then decide if any of your friends will like it. At least as a joke, but maybe someone will like it. Tastes could not be discussed.

thick warm norwegian socks and to them as a pair of Norwegian sabbo for men. They wear them in winter (and summer too) here, and it would be so exotic for us!

In the north of Norway, fishing and the production of traditional dried cod, which is eaten like dried roach in Russia... clipfisk(salted cod), which is used in the preparation of the Spanish-Italian-Portuguese dish "Bacalao". When buying these products, I can advise you to buy where the cod is dried under the roof, in the cold in winter (the quality is much better)!!! The tradition of drying cod dates back to Viking times, thanks to which the Vikings could cross such long distances, because dried cod consists mainly of protein (a small piece is enough to replenish the body with energy), thanks to its low fat content, it can be stored for years ... Very popular with athletes (kind of natural doping), rock climbers (doesn't take up much space in a backpack and enough for many days of travel) and the local population (natural "Viagra").

The cod that was dried in the open air is rather gray in color (precipitations wash out the color, taste ...), the one that was dried under the roof - the color and pattern of the skin of the fish are visible .... In general, this is also quite difficult, it is best to ask seller ... I do not think that the information is on the label. There is another method of producing dried cod - drying in ventilation tunnels (mainly in Iceland). This method is not traditional in Norway and the product has a completely different taste.

If you decide to purchase smoked salmon, I advise you to buy the one that grew by itself in the sea and not on the farm ... Natural Atlantic salmon is surprisingly tasty and does not contain all kinds of antibiotics that salmon from the farm are stuffed with ... But it also costs at least twice as much ... Salmon from the farm from the Atlantic quite difficult to distinguish, the only thing that can be seen is that the salmon from the farm contains more fat (it floats in a limited space) and is more loose in consistency. It differs in price. But usually information about salmon can be obtained from the seller. In literal translation, the name is used: "wild salmon".

Crab "Kamchatka" I advise you to try!!! But not cooked and frozen from store packaging, but in local restaurants.

Books and photo albums about Norway, and fridge magnets.

At the music store mug with the image of Edvard Grieg

In general, gifts can be bought inexpensively. Fretex. Fretex is a chain of Salvation Army stores where people donate things they don't need but still good. Something like English Charity.

What to bring as a gift? This is an eternal problem that usually worries tourists from the very first days of travel.

Jewelry and folk art related to the Vikings

Known as the country of the Vikings, it has a rich cultural heritage of those times. As a gift, you can bring figurines of the Vikings, silver and wooden models of devices from ships - hearths, goblets, bowls, crockery and other cutlery.

Also women's jewelry (such as pendants and brooches) with a national design or other symbols, made of Norwegian silver, covered with ornaments depicting Viking water and land battles. Scandinavian jewelry made of silver and metal, made according to sketches of ancient Viking jewelry. Parts of the bunad (also spelled "bunader"), the Norwegian national costume, the use of which has increased in popularity in recent years, are silver brooches (because their design is special). Viking hats and other things with this theme will be a good gift. But it's expensive, at least 300-500 crowns and more.


From Norway, tourists most often bring troll figurines, which are sold literally everywhere. To select a figurine, you need to perform a small procedure. You need to remember the person to whom you want to give the troll, and then peer into the faces on the shelves and the Troll will wink at you, this will mean that this is exactly what you were looking for.

Trolls must be given in pairs. There is such a popular belief that the troll yearns alone. Norse runes for divination and writing (for ladies) are also a very unusual gift. If you want to bring something "purely Norwegian", but are not ready to part with the last money, buy a set of paper clips, because they were invented in Norway. Norwegians love candles, they make them in various shapes and types, plus they offer very unique original candlesticks. Price from 10 crowns and above. Great fridge magnets. In general, gifts can be bought inexpensively in Fretex. Fretex is a chain of Salvation Army stores where people donate things they don't need but still good. Something like the English Charity. Before traveling, we advise you to look at the websites of some stores that offer goods at lower prices than others. Of course, definitely not a complete list of goods, but you can get some ideas: - everything for the house, souvenirs, sparkjop.no - everything for the house, children, clothes, bed linen, underwear. Often these shops are located on the outskirts and in the suburbs. Goods can be bought at a low price and yet discounts are provided. www.nille.no - a wide selection of household utensils, souvenirs, toys. The prices are very low! But it is worth noting that the quality of goods is average. Always located in shopping malls. When buying souvenirs, pay attention to “made in...”, as you can find a "Norwegian" souvenir made, for example, in China.

Goods for children

For those who are expecting a baby, or for relatives who are expecting a baby, we advise you to buy bodysuits and panties made of natural wool in Cubus or H&M - thin and warm. The child will not sweat and will feel comfortable - this is a good gift. Sleeping envelopes for children (from 0 to 3 years) on duck down in leather for the cold season. Price from 1300 kroons and for sheep down from 1900 kroons. It is possible to buy a very soft sheepskin blanket from 300 kroons, put it in a stroller and walks in the cold will become safe and pleasant, in addition to the above, we can add that it looks beautiful and unusual. Or in special stores selling children's toys, purchase unusual wooden toys of the brightest colors. One of these shops is located near Fleyen - it really is a treasure trove of interesting souvenirs for both children and adults. For girls, you can buy dolls dressed in national Norwegian clothes (Norwegians have different costumes and not only for each region, but also for each clan, family colors and patterns are different). You can also buy Norwegian moose (soft toys) dressed in Norwegian sweaters. Horned helmets and swords for children.

Fishing tackle for fishing lovers

You can buy fishing rods - expensive, but their quality is good. For lovers of fishing, you can be advised to buy special fisherman's hats. They are bright, rubberized and with wide brim. They protect from the rain and are very colorful. Even the queen wears such a hat (perhaps to maintain tradition) during bad weather, excursions or visits to the provinces when it rains. These hats can be one of the best souvenirs.

Sporting goods

Let's not talk about simple, easy-to-make souvenirs that can sometimes be of interest to someone for the first five minutes. We will rely on the experience of giving gifts to friends in Russia, on the recommendations of friends who have visited Norway and simply relying on intuition. Norwegians are passionate about sports; therefore, sports stores have a wide selection of quality items. From the finest wool sports beacon and leggings (from 450 CZK) to windproof and windproof stylish quality jackets from 3000 CZK. Prices are high, but it is. Sportswear and travel clothing is considered to be one of the best, but the price is very high. Baseball caps with embroidered Norwegian flags, deer, elk, fishing paraphernalia and the like are very popular among men. You can also give a sports T-shirt with the flag of Norway.


Norwegian knitted clothes can be a great gift, however, the price of one real Norwegian sweater can reach 1,500 crowns ($200). A knitted sweater can cost 800-2500 crowns. Women's jumpers can have not only excellent quality, but also be very modern. Such clothes never go out of fashion and are inherited. Norwegian sweaters, scarves and mittens always go with a bang in Russian harsh winters. Women's clothing made of felt in trendy designs and amazing colors. They are very expensive, but the price matches the quality. Men can be offered thin, warm Norwegian socks and a pair of Norwegian clogs. They wear them both in winter and in summer, which will be a real exotic for us! There is another useful thing that is hardly known outside of Norway. The so-called Brodder (available at shoe stores or among home goods) are removable, spiked shoe covers for winter walks when the sidewalks became an endless skating rink. There is no way without them, since Norway has a mountainous landscape. In Russia, they would also be useful. Price from 70 to 200 kroons.


Textiles can be seen in the shops Princess (Princess) and KID (KID) - tablecloths, napkins and similar things. These goods for every taste are in abundance, they will delight you for a long time and remind you of the trip. There are many needlewomen in Norway. They knit beautiful things. Good fabrics are open to the imagination. From Norway, you can bring any “patchwork trifle” (towels, kitchen container holders, etc.). A quilt is a good woolen blanket of fluff, starting at 850 kroons. Since many people are allergic to it, therefore, the product is subjected to special processing, after which it can also be used by people with allergies. Warranty - 10 years.

Gifts for skilled needlewomen

Norwegian yarn is a great gift and usually those who receive such a gift want even more. A skein is 50 grams, and 10 skeins in the Nille store will cost you 120-140 kroons (about 500 rubles). Needlewomen need to bring boxes for threads and other things that are decorated with Norwegian folk paintings.

Christmas presents

Beautiful Christmas tableware (porsgrunn) and Christmas souvenirs. Before Christmas, on the shelves of many shops, especially souvenir shops, amazing plates, cups and Christmas tree decorations appear with the image of a gnome feeding a horse in a stable or peeping at people decorating a Christmas tree (12 varieties in total).

The picture is made in the classic Norwegian style and traditional Norwegian decorative patterns, somewhat reminiscent of Gorodets, the frame is made with Norwegian painting. Also, a triangular electric candlestick for a Christmas wreath (triangles are called adventslyustakar or advent kendelstiks) worth 50 crowns (250 rubles) will be a nice gift. Typically, a Scandinavian dish with several variations in Sweden and Norway is pressed pork with spices (cloves and other seasonings rich in extraordinary flavor). You can buy before Christmas, namely from November. It is called "Sylte" or "Julesylte", that is, "Christmas". If you are going for Christmas, you can also buy traditional candies with anise, marshmallow and so on. It will also be great to buy pepper kaki (pepperkaka (also spelled: pepperkakor, pepparkakor, pepparkaka) - it's like our Russian roes, only thin and painted, they make gingerbread houses for children here at Christmas.

Natural Pharmaceutical Health Remedies

For those interested in natural remedies, we advise you to look into the stores of the Helsekost retail chain (Helsekost), something like the pharmacy store “Health” (in Russian it is written as “Health”). Here are both vitamins and minerals, and much more that you can rely on for quality.

If you are visiting in November, you should familiarize yourself with the pharmaceuticals while you are looking for gifts. A wide selection of small nice tasty or healthy vessels with saffron, roasted almonds, anise, mustard, cinnamon and spices for meat (from 50 CZK), this can be a great souvenir.


Smoked fish, e.g. herring, etc. Among the products, preference should be given to fish. In any store you can buy vacuum-packed smoked trout, but there is an opinion that you should not take herring. If you decide to buy smoked salmon, we advise you to buy salmon grown in natural conditions, and not on a farm ... Real Atlantic salmon is surprisingly tasty and does not contain various antibiotics that are usually obtained on a farm ... But it is very expensive, at least least twice as much. It's hard enough to tell farm-raised salmon from Atlantic salmon, the only thing you can see is that farm-raised salmon contains more fat (floats in a tight space) and is looser in texture. Also differs in price. But usually information can be obtained from the seller. The literal translation is “wild salmon”. Of course, you need to pay attention to grocery stores. Perhaps the most interesting purchase here will be salmon of a special preparation, it is softer than smoked. Called "Gravet Laks" (Gravet Laks) and sold in vacuum packaging. Gravlaks or gravad laks (Gravlax, gravad lav - Swedish), gravad laks (gravad laks - Danish), gravlaks (gravlaks - Norwegian, Danish), gravaviohi (graavilohi - Finnish), graflax (graflax - Icelandic) - a Scandinavian dish of raw salmon marinated in salt, sugar and dill. Gravlax is usually served as an appetizer. Prices are completely different, since salmon can be wild or farmed, but both types are very tasty.

Klippfisk (Klippfisk (dried cod)) is used in the preparation of the Spanish-Italian-Portuguese dish “Bacalhau” (Bacalhau (also spelled as “bacalao” (bakalao, bacalao). In the north of Norway, fishing and the production of traditional dried cod, which is eaten as dried vobla in Russia (Russian word for Caspian roach, i.e. rutilus rutilus caspicus).When buying these products, I can advise buying where the cod is dried under the roof in the cold in winter (the quality is much better)!!!

The tradition of drying cod dates back to Viking times, thanks to which the Dikings could cross such long distances, because dried cod consists mainly of protein (a small piece is enough to replenish the body with energy), thanks to its low fat content it can be stored for years...

Very popular among athletes (kind of natural doping), climbers (does not take up much space in a backpack and enough for many days of travel) and the local population (natural "viagra", i.e. sildenafil citrate). The cod, which was dried under the open sky, is rather gray in color (because precipitation washes out the color, taste ...), on the contrary, the one that was dried under the roof - the color and pattern of the skin of the fish is visible. In general, this is also quite difficult; best to ask the seller.

There is hardly any information on the label. There is another method of producing dried cod - drying in ventilation tunnels (mainly in Iceland). This method is not traditional in Norway and the product has a completely different taste. Cod caviar in tubes is sold in supermarkets, it costs about three euros. May be stored for several weeks. The caviar is very tasty and the packaging is very convenient. We advise you to try the Kamchatka crab!! But not cooked and frozen from store packaging, but in local restaurants.

Other products

Deer or other similar “wild” meat products, such as sausages, cold cuts and ham, will be an exclusive snack, as this is rare for us. Pressed pork with spices (cloves and other seeds with a sharp taste, roots, etc. used as seasonings). You can buy before Christmas, namely from November. It is called "Sylte" or "Julesylte", that is, "Christmas". Brunost (Brunost) - Norwegian brown cheese will be a good offer for lovers, because you can hardly try it anywhere else. The Norwegian name "brunost" means "brown cheese". The so-called brown cheese, often referred to as traditionally Norwegian, can be either cow or goat, so look at the packaging.

For those who do not like goat cheese, the smell will be unpleasant. We do not recommend taking fat-free, because according to some opinions, it is not so tasty. The two most popular types in Norway are Gudbransdsdalsost, which means "cheese from Gudbrandsdal", the village of Gudbrands (made from 24% goat and cow's milk), and the more traditional version, Geitost, which simply means "goat cheese" , wholly or partly prepared from goat's milk.

Brown cheese made from goat's milk is made exclusively with cream. But its smell is not for everyone and you need to get used to its taste. Goat cheese is somewhat reminiscent of boiled condensed milk, but not as sweet, but it is also not for everybody. Also goes well with jam. 400 grams of packaging costs about 30-40 crowns (130 rubles). There are also regional options that differ in both color and taste, it depends on the content of caramel. Geitosta has a strong, sweet, slightly spicy flavor with hints of caramel and goat milk, while gudbrandsdalsost has a similar but sweeter taste.

Among the products it is reasonable to buy classic Norwegian thin bread. Sold in boxes in the form of thin slices of crispy bread. Served at the dinner table, you can eat with cheese, pate, sausage, and other products. Baked from wholemeal flour. Lakris - bitter-salty sweets, although they are on sale with different tastes, but not for everyone. Try it yourself first... Well, then decide if any of your friends will like it. At least as a joke, but maybe someone will like it. Tastes could not be discussed. Chocolate can also be a gift. Although Russian chocolate is considered delicious, some of your relatives and friends may like Norwegian! Some people like milk chocolate; others prefer bitter. You can buy in boxes, both bitter and milk tiles. Who has not tried it yet - freeze the worm, then you will probably agree with this opinion!

Alcoholic drinks

Good Akvavit (Akvavit, aquavit, akevit - these are variations of the name of the same drink) - this is such a Norwegian alcoholic drink (Linie) - which can be categorized as very successful gifts. Traditionally, it comes with anise, dill, coriander, cumin and other herbs; Drink it chilled, straight from the freezer.

Cognac Braastad (Braastad), which is produced in France by a Norwegian (expensive, like all alcohol) can also be presented. El assortment from the cognac factory Tiffon. The name Braastad was introduced when Sverre Brrastad (1879-1979) from Gjøvik, married the daughter of Tiffon cognac manufacturer Edith Rousseau, in 1913, and took over the management of Tiffon, founded by Meredic Rousseau in 1875. Manor Braastad and Tiffon - Chateau de Triac (Chateau de Triac). Located in the Petite Champagne region, the “cognac region” in France. Cloudberry liqueur (cloudberry is one of the significant symbols of Norway, more precisely, northern Norway).

Kitchen accessories and related products

As an exclusive kitchen accessory, you can point to a kind of cheese-cutting spatula, as it is actually a Norwegian item. The Norwegians claim to have invented a cheese knife, which looks like a spatula with a longitudinal hole for cutting thin slices. They are sold in any design, starting from 50 kroons (200 rubles) for the usual kitchen design and up to 150 kroons (600 rubles) for engraved silver. In general, a wide selection of locally produced knives. It is also possible to purchase knives made of deer antler and stainless steel with or without engraving. Beautiful handmade wooden things - from a cheese knife to a camping flask with well-known vodka. Cost from 25 crowns and above. Probably in every Norwegian house there is a wooden dish, a candlestick, a bread box and the like, decorated with dark red roses on a dark green background. A waffle maker for making thick waffles will also be a nice gift. Worthy souvenirs are mugs with photographs of some Norwegian photographers, especially with the image of cloudberries or deer. In the music store you can buy a mug with the image of Edvard Grieg.

Glass goods

Many Norwegian craftsmen work professionally with glass. Sculptures and plates made of multicolored handmade glass.

Deer skin and antler products

Various products from deer skins. On the market, the cost is 2-3 times less than in the store, but the dressing is appropriate. Fur from the market begins to “peel off” after a few months. There is an opinion that there is no need to buy a deer skin - it is better to buy a sheep skin, it is softer and costs from 300 crowns; put in a baby stroller and walks in the cold will not be scary, it looks beautiful and decorative. You can also buy real deer antlers. It is also possible to purchase knives made of deer antler and stainless steel with or without engraving.

Printed products

Wall calendars with wonderful views of Norway, we think this is one of the most wonderful and affordable gifts, especially since they are sold in various sizes and prices. A wonderful decoration for any room, both at work and at home. The memory of a trip to Norway for the whole next year. You can also buy books and photo albums about Norway.

Tips on what to bring from Oslo as a gift or souvenir

Woolen handicrafts
The capital of Norway, Oslo, is a beautiful city in the south of the country, which is visited by millions of tourists every year and all these tourists are sure to try to bring handmade knitted items. Warm white sweaters with recognizable traditional Norwegian ornaments are known all over the world, and although the price is high, the demand for them remains stable. Buyers appreciate their quality, discreet beauty and heat-shielding characteristics. For those who cannot afford to buy an expensive sweater, white hats, mittens, socks and very long scarves of similar quality, ornaments and warming characteristics are offered. Long voluminous white scarves with ornaments, the same symbol of Norway as sweaters. You can buy real knitted items for yourself or as a gift in any souvenir shop, and the largest selection is in Dale of Norway and Oslo Sweater shop.

Troll figurine and norg doll
Trolls - the heroes of Norwegian folk tales, also belong to the symbols of Norway. They are so revered and loved by the Norwegians that it is simply impossible to visit Oslo and not bring a few troll figurines as a gift to friends and relatives. Moreover, they are made of wood, ceramics, soft trolls are sewn, funny and scary, of various sizes and costs. But if for some reason the tourist does not like any of the trolls, he can choose another souvenir - the most popular Norga doll in Norway named Ludwig - a mischievous little man with a long nose and a yellow scarf around his neck.

Vikings and everything related to them
Norwegians, like all Scandinavians, see themselves as descendants of the Vikings and are very fond of this topic. In any store and souvenir shop in Oslo, a huge number of Viking figurines, their ships, horned helmets of various sizes are sold. These products are made from various materials, including the most expensive - silver and gold. Such a souvenir will take its rightful place in any collection or become the most expensive and memorable gift. You can buy a Viking-themed souvenir at any gift shop.

cheese knife
A cheese knife is an exceptionally handy tool with which cheese is cut into neat, thin, almost transparent plates. Not a single Norwegian house can do without it. Any tourist visiting Oslo can buy such a knife for himself or to bring as a gift to loved ones in souvenir shops or large shopping centers.

Rosemaling painting
Rosemaling is a traditional Norwegian decorative flower painting on crockery, musical instruments, kitchen utensils and more. Rosemaling painting is very original and recognizable, so it is necessary to bring any object, at least a plate, with this painting. Such a souvenir, with its spectacular pattern, will remind you of your vacation in Oslo and will decorate any home. Products decorated with floral paintings are sold in large shopping centers and in souvenir shops in the city.

A little about other souvenirs
In addition to all the souvenirs and gifts already listed, in Oslo you can buy for yourself and your loved ones: items made of tin, wood, fur, ceramics, porcelain, elk and deer skins. Slippers from various skins and skins - elk, seal, seal. The usual souvenir trifle: figurines of moose, magnets, badges with national symbols and the Norwegian flag. All this is sold in numerous souvenir shops and shops.

Brunost cheese
Sheep or goat cheese Brunost can be safely called the symbol and taste brand of Norway. Its original taste, reminiscent of boiled condensed milk, to which salt has been added, a person who is not accustomed to this type of cheese will not like Brunost. But as a reminder of the taste preferences of Norwegians, it is worth buying. Sold in the markets, in all supermarkets and grocery stores.

Oslo - travel tips

    • It is very convenient to rent apartments in the cities of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries with the Sutochno.ru website, and including far abroad countries on the famous Airbnb website
    • It is very convenient to search and book hotels with the help of this Hotellook service, or you can also try RoomGuru - I set out in more detail.
    • I recommend looking for flights using this site.
    • Tickets for intercity and international buses can be found

Norway is a country of Vikings and trolls. Every tourist who comes here thinks what to bring from Norway as a gift to their relatives and friends.

  • Alcoholic drinks.

Linie Aquavit is a famous Scandinavian drink. It is made from alcohol obtained as a result of the fermentation of fruits and berries. Then alcohol is insisted on spices: dill, cumin, coriander, cinnamon and anise. The resulting drink is transported in cherry or oak barrels across the Equator and back. Thanks to this, the drink acquires a rich tart taste.

Cloudberry liqueur. This liqueur is another national drink of Norway. Liqueur is an alcohol infused with cloudberries.

  • Cheese. Don't miss the opportunity to bring home the unique brown cheese Brunost from Norway. In addition to the unusual color, the cheese has a sweetish taste. There are three types of Brunost cheese: Gudbrandsdalsost, Fletemusost and Geitost. Geytost is considered a more traditional goat cheese.
  • Seafood. Norway has always been famous for its fish. Here you can find fish for every taste - dried, salted, smoked, marinated. Cost to buy pickled salmon and dried cod. Cod has been very popular in Norway since Viking times. It contains a lot of protein and little fat, so it can be stored for a very long time.
  • cod roe. This delicacy is very convenient to take home. Caviar is sold in tubes.
  • cheese cutter. The cheese slicer was invented in 1925 by Norwegian Thor Bjorklund. This product was patented, and a few years later Thor Bjorklund and Sonner began mass-producing cheese slicers. Now they also produce other kitchen utensils. Such a cheese cutter will be a useful gift for any housewife.
  • Woolen things. A lambswool sweater with a traditional Norwegian pattern is a great option for those who like to give practical gifts. The clothes depict patterns, silhouettes of trolls and deer. These are very warm and durable.
  • Silver jewelry. Check out Scandinavian silver and metal jewelry. They are made according to the sketches of the Vikings. Especially beautiful women's jewelry - brooches and pendants.
  • Troll figurines. You can't go to Norway and not bring back a troll. They are sold everywhere here. In Norway, the troll is considered to be something like our brownie. They say you need a pair of trolls, as they get bored alone. When choosing trolls, carefully look at their faces. The troll that suits you should wink.
  • Candles and candlesticks. Norwegians love them very much.
  • Deer skins and antlers. Such products are sold in markets and shops. Market prices are lower, but the quality is worse.
  • Viking rooks.
  • Toys. Toy gnomes, deer, horses, Tilda doll are great gifts for a child. Also in Norway they make excellent wooden toys.

Norway is known to be an expensive country. To save money, shop at stores with a Tax Free sign. Upon departure from the country, you will be refunded a certain percentage of the cost of purchases. Specify the minimum purchase amount and the return percentage in stores.

Norway is known as the country of trolls and fjords. Everyone has heard about the fjords, but not everyone can describe the trolls. In general, all Norwegians, from young to old, are literally obsessed with the troll, because these creatures are the main ones in Norwegian folklore.

According to ancient beliefs, trolls live in mountains and dense forests, and in size they can be both small and huge. Thanks to the love of Norwegians for trolls, figurines of these characters have become the most popular type of gift among tourists visiting the country.

In the assortment of souvenir shops there are troll figurines of various shapes and sizes, usually they are made in the form of a gnome with a lot of warts on his face and a large potato nose. The process of buying a troll is a whole ritual. First you need to choose the troll who will wink at you, then choose a suitable name for him and a dark, calm place in the house.

In fact, the Norwegian troll plays the role of our brownie, so you can’t throw it away, otherwise you will bring trouble to your home and relatives. And yet, trolls need to be bought in pairs, as it is believed that he alone will be bored.

Average cost of a troll figurine = NOK 50.

Wool sweater

Woolen items with traditional Norwegian ornaments are considered the most expensive and exclusive gift in Norway. According to tradition, things are spun from 100% sheep's wool, which is why they are so soft and pleasant to the touch.

Patterns, ornaments, silhouettes of deer and trolls predominate among the patterns on Norwegian woolen sweaters. The cost of a sweater starts from 700 crowns (4000 rubles). And if you decide to buy a sweater from Dale of Norway, the most famous wool brand in the country, you will have to fork out twice as much.

A sweater from Norway will be not only a pleasant souvenir, but also useful: sweaters are of very high quality, they can be worn for years before they become unusable.

Alcohol "Line-Akvatit"

The main alcoholic drink of the country "Linen-Akvatit" will be a great gift for an adult. Every Scandinavian country has its own akvavit. However, from similar Swedish or Danish, the Norwegian aquavit is unique. Uniqueness in the process of its preparation.

"Linje" in Norwegian means the equator, and this is no coincidence. 200 years ago, Norwegian merchants brought a lot of goods and products to Indonesia, among which were barrels of this drink.

Long travel times, pitching, constant temperature changes have affected the taste of this drink. The barrels were lowered onto land only upon arrival in Norway. Thus they crossed the equator twice. The resulting drink was to the taste of the Norwegians.

Throughout all these years, the drink has been prepared according to the scheme: they take potatoes, add cumin, boil them, then pour them into oak barrels and send them on a journey to Austria and back. The label of each bottle contains a map of the route, the name of the ship and the date of arrival/departure from Norway.

It is better to buy Linier-Aquatit in Duty Free. The price for a bottle is 80-100 crowns.

Real Norwegian cheese

Speaking of gastronomic souvenirs, one cannot fail to mention the famous brunost cheese. This Norwegian cheese is one of the most unusual cheeses in the world. It is made from cream and whey.

Sometimes sour cream can be added to it. A distinctive feature of brunost cheese is its brown color (in fact, thanks to which it was named so) and caramel taste. No meal in Norway is complete without a brunost sandwich.

Brunost is an important element of national Norwegian cuisine. Currently, several varieties of cheese are produced: geytost, fletemyusost and gudbrandsdalzost. Brunost can be bought at any grocery store.

The cost of cheese starts from 100 crowns per 1 kilogram.

Norwegian cheese cutter

Did you know that the Norwegians invented the cheese cutter? In 1925, carpenter Thor Björklund, while cutting cheese with a knife, decided to make his life easier and invented a cheese planer, which was later patented as an invention.

A couple of years later, the mass production of cheese slicers by Thor Bjorklund & Sonner began. She produces them to the present, as well as many other kitchen utensils. During the existence of the company, it has produced more than 50 million cheese slicers.

A cheese slicer is a practical souvenir that will come in handy in any kitchen. An excellent addition to the Norwegian cheese cutter will be a package of brunost cheese, because it is customary to cut it into thin slices.

A woman can bring a waffle iron for making thick waffles as a gift

A cheese slicer and waffle maker are available at any mall or hardware store.

Figurine in the form of a Viking boat

Many people associate Norway with the Vikings, and we consider it not right not to bring a figurine of a boat from this wonderful country. In many souvenir shops of the country you can find various pendants and bronze or tin figurines of Viking ships.


Norwegian flower painting on wood - Rosemaling originated in the 18th century in the countryside. In translation, it means "drawing of a rose", which is the main element of the painting. Among the primary colors, blue and bright red predominate. Under the painting is furniture, kitchen utensils, shoes, watches and much more.

A small decorated trinket will be a good gift.

Candles are a great souvenir. Norwegians are obsessed with candles. In stores you can find a wide range of different types and shapes, as well as original candlesticks. The price starts from 10 crowns.

In Norway, you can buy Scandinavian jewelry made of metal and silver. They are made according to sketches of ancient jewelry worn by the Vikings. You can also bring Viking hats and other clothes with this theme from the country. Cost from 300 kroons and more

As a souvenir from Norway, children can bring a soft toy of an elk in a sweater with a national ornament. A girl can buy Norwegian runes for writing and divination as a gift, or a doll in national clothes.

A man will appreciate a knife made of deer antler and steel of the highest quality.

And of course, a fridge magnet will be a standard souvenir. You can also bring a mug with photographs of local artists, with images of moose or cloudberries. A donated calendar with the nature of Norway will please the owner for a whole year.

If the budget for gifts and souvenirs is limited, then you can go to any Fretex store and buy inexpensively. This is a chain of Salvation Army stores where the local population rents things they don't need, but still good things.