What to cook from fresh boletus mushrooms. What to cook from boletus mushrooms quickly and tasty

The boletus is a wonderful representative of wildlife from the family. It grows in deciduous forests and fully lives up to its name, as it creates mycorrhiza with birch. It has its own pleasant calm aroma and the same taste.

This mushroom belongs to the second food category, and before consumption it requires preliminary heat treatment. Many housewives are interested in how to cook boletus mushrooms. The answer is simple. Mushrooms are boiled in salted water, periodically skimming off the resulting foam. Moreover, this must be done throughout the entire cooking process. To the question “How long to cook boletus mushrooms?” the answer is just as crystal clear. It all depends on which one you get. There are four of them in total - pinkish, white (or swamp), black and ordinary. This mushroom has the best taste, the cap of which reaches 12-15 centimeters in diameter, and the flesh does not change color after cutting. These mushrooms are cooked for about 20-30 minutes. They have excellent taste and are ready to eat without further frying. Black boletus is much smaller in size and lives on the edge of marshy areas, on the border of pine and deciduous forests. How long should you cook boletus mushrooms collected in such places? A little longer than usual. The fact is that, thanks to its tubular structure, this mushroom absorbs a huge amount of moisture and everything it contains. When cooked, harmful microelements that were in the air and soil are released. As you understand, there are much more such harmful substances in swampy areas.

There, on the edge of the swamps, there is another variety of boletus - white, or marsh. It's more black. Its cap reaches 15 centimeters in diameter. The pulp is white. The taste is worse than ordinary. How long to cook As in the case of black ones, they should be cooked for 30 to 40 minutes. The cooked mushrooms will sink to the bottom of the pan. Well, and finally, the fourth variety of boletus - pinkish. It is named so due to the fact that gradually, when cut, its flesh changes its white color to pink.

Boletus mushrooms are consumed both boiled and fried. How long should boletus mushrooms be cooked before frying? Since frying is an additional heat treatment, it is enough to boil the mushrooms for 20-30 minutes before frying and then fry them in a frying pan. If you decide to make soup, how and how long should you cook the boletus mushrooms? To do this, pre-boil them for 20-25 minutes, then drain the water. The soup is prepared with broth, which is formed during subsequent cooking of mushrooms.

Boletus mushrooms have a special nuance. This mushroom darkens with any processing. But despite the resulting unsightly appearance, its taste is not inferior to many first category mushrooms, such as porcini mushrooms. Very often, cooks use mushroom caps for cooking, completely losing sight of their legs. They are considered tough and tasteless. In vain. The legs, perfectly maintaining their structure (due to their fibrousness and hardness), look great in soups and sauces.

I hope that, having learned how to properly prepare dishes from boletus mushrooms, you will be able to discover all the splendor of the taste of this representative

Beginning mushroom pickers will be especially interested in learning how to cook boletus mushrooms, and experienced fans of quiet hunting will not refuse to add new ideas to their recipe box. Any dish with such mushrooms turns out aromatic, tasty and nutritious.

How to clean boletus mushrooms?

Preparing boletus mushrooms for actual consumption or storing mushrooms for the winter is not complete without first cleaning them. Knowing how to perform this stage correctly, you will be able to cope with the task quickly and efficiently.

  1. Initially, the mushroom mass is sorted, selecting wormy or substandard specimens.
  2. If present, cut off the mycelium from the legs and clean the scaly legs by scraping them with a knife, brush or rubbing with a clean cloth.
  3. The hats do not require cleaning: any dirt is quickly and easily washed off under running water.
  4. If boletus mushrooms are intended for drying or freezing, wipe both the legs and caps with a cloth or paper towels, avoiding contact of the mushrooms with water.

How to cook boletus mushrooms?

If the prey of a quiet hunt is boletus mushrooms, recipes for preparing these valuable mushrooms will help you efficiently process them and feed your family with delicious and undoubtedly nutritious culinary masterpieces.

  1. Any hot dish cooked with boletus mushrooms will delight you with its magnificent aroma and rich mushroom taste. However, you should always remember that you can use the first broth for this only if you are confident in the quality of the base product.
  2. Frying boletus mushrooms gives excellent results. In this case, mushrooms are often supplemented with onions, potatoes or other vegetables.
  3. Like other species, boletus mushrooms combine perfectly with sour cream, fully revealing their taste and creating dishes that are delicious in all respects.

How to cook boletus mushrooms?

When learning how to cook boletus mushrooms, you first need to understand the technique of cooking them. The majority of recipes involve preliminary boiling of forest inhabitants, which allows not only to bring the product to readiness, but also to negate any negative consequences associated with the consumption of mushrooms, which, like a sponge, absorb various and not always useful substances.


  • boletus;
  • purified water – 2 l;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. spoon.


  1. Prepare, sort and clean boletus mushrooms.
  2. Wash the mushrooms thoroughly and place them in a pan of boiling salted water.
  3. When heating and during the boiling process, be sure to remove the rising foam with a spoon.
  4. How long to cook boletus mushrooms will depend on the size of the mushrooms, their maturity and quality. Typically, the cooking process takes from 30 to 50 minutes and is considered complete when the mushroom specimens have sunk to the bottom of the pan.

Fresh boletus soup

The richness will amuse the taste buds of fans of mushroom creations and will effectively satisfy the feeling of hunger. In this case, noodles are used as a filling for hot dishes, which can be replaced with rice, millet, buckwheat, other cereals or mixed vegetables if desired.


  • boletus - 0.5 kg;
  • carrots and onions – 150 g each;
  • noodles – 80 g;
  • potatoes – 4 pcs.;
  • purified water – 2 l;
  • butter and vegetable oil – 40 g each;
  • bay leaf, allspice and black pepper, herbs, sour cream - to taste.


  1. Boil the chopped boletus mushrooms until tender, place on a sieve, and rinse.
  2. Brown the mushroom mass in butter.
  3. Potato cubes, onions and carrots sautéed in vegetable oil, and fried mushrooms are placed in boiling water.
  4. Boil hot for 15 minutes, season to taste with salt and pepper, throw in the noodles and cook the dish until the last one is done.
  5. Serve the soup with herbs, seasoning with sour cream if desired.

How to fry boletus mushrooms?

Fried boletus mushrooms can be served with dignity at any table, but such mushrooms are especially tasty with boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes. It is preferable to start frying on the first day after collecting the gifts of the forest, having first cleaned them and cut off the lower part of the legs of mature specimens. They can be dried, ground and used as a seasoning.


  • boletus mushrooms – 900 g;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • onions – 250-300 g;
  • salt, pepper, oil.


  1. Fry crushed garlic cloves in hot vegetable oil and butter until golden brown, take them out and throw them away.
  2. Add prepared mushrooms and fry until moisture evaporates.
  3. Add chopped onion, fry the ingredients until soft, seasoning the mixture to taste in the process.

Mushroom caviar from boletus

The following recipe is for those who do not know how to cook ripe boletus mushrooms, harsh trimmed legs or other substandard ones. From such raw materials you can make delicious mushroom caviar. The taste of the appetizer will become more delicate if you add carrots poached until ready, more piquant with garlic and more original with tomatoes.


  • boletus - 1 kg;
  • onion – 300 g;
  • salt, pepper, vegetable oil.


  1. Fry chopped onion in oil.
  2. Add pre-boiled mushrooms and fry until the moisture evaporates.
  3. Transfer the slightly cooled mass into a blender and grind to the desired texture.
  4. Season the caviar to taste and let it brew.

How to fry boletus mushrooms with potatoes?

Incredibly delicious. Ideally, you should use young mushrooms or only the caps of mature ones for cooking, cutting them into pieces. At the end of frying, the dish can be seasoned with dry aromatic herbs or finely chopped herbs, and chopped garlic can be added instead of onions.


  • boletus mushrooms – 750 g;
  • potatoes – 1.2 kg;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil.


  1. Prepared chopped mushrooms are placed in a frying pan, water is added and simmered under the lid for 40 minutes.
  2. Add peeled and medium-sized potatoes, fry the ingredients, stirring occasionally, until the vegetable slices are ready.
  3. Season the dish, stir in the chopped onion, and heat the contents of the pan for another 5 minutes.

Boletus mushrooms with sour cream

You can cook boletus mushrooms in a frying pan with the addition of sour cream and thoroughly enjoy the result. The excellent taste and nutritional characteristics of the dish will be appreciated even by picky eaters or picky gourmets. At the end of cooking, you can season the dish with garlic or green onions.


  • boletus mushrooms – 900 g;
  • sour cream – 200 g;
  • onions – 200 g;
  • flour – 20 g;
  • salt, ground black pepper, butter.


  1. Prepared and chopped mushrooms are fried in oil until the moisture evaporates and a slight blush occurs.
  2. Add onion, fry for 10 minutes, add flour.
  3. After a minute, add sour cream, season the dish to taste, heat over low heat, stirring, for 5 minutes.

Julienne of boletus

The next mushroom dish is an invention of French chefs. Julienne prepared from boletus mushrooms in a frying pan followed by baking in the oven has long won the hearts of consumers all over the world. The rich, harmonious taste of the resulting dish is achieved through simple technology.


  • boletus mushrooms – 800 g;
  • sour cream – 300 g;
  • onion – 300 g;
  • butter – 70 g;
  • cheese – 250 g;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings, herbs.


  1. Fry onions in oil.
  2. Add finely chopped boletus mushrooms and fry for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Add sour cream, season the dish to taste, simmer, stirring, under the lid for 25 minutes.
  4. Place the mixture in cocotte makers or molds, sprinkle with grated cheese, and bake at 190 degrees for 10 minutes.
  5. Before serving, decorate the dish with herbs.

Boletus mushrooms for the winter

  1. Versions of preparing pickled mushrooms are always relevant. A jar of delicious snacks will make any meal more appetizing and allow you to enjoy the excellent characteristics of boletus mushrooms.
  2. If you have free space in the freezer, mushrooms can be frozen.
  3. An equally effective harvesting method is drying boletus mushrooms. If necessary, you just need to soak a portion of dried mushrooms for a couple of hours, and then use them for their intended purpose.
  4. A practical way to process boletus mushrooms would be mushroom hodgepodge prepared for the winter. You can quickly cook rich soup, stew or other boletus dishes from it.

Boletus mushrooms marinated for the winter - recipe

They are leaders in taste and nutritional properties among this kind of preparations, along with boletus mushrooms. The only difference from the latter is the darkening of the mushrooms during heat treatment, which does not affect their other characteristics. The proposed recipe can be used as a basis for experimentation, adapting it to your taste.


  • boletus mushrooms – 2 kg;
  • purified water – 1 l;
  • salt and sugar – 40 g each;
  • vinegar – 125 ml;
  • cloves – 2-3 pcs.;
  • bay leaves – 2 pcs.;
  • allspice – 8-10 pcs.


  1. Prepared mushrooms are poured with water and boiled until fully cooked and sinking to the bottom.
  2. Pour the mushroom mixture into a sieve and let it drain.
  3. Prepare a marinade for boletus mushrooms by boiling a liter of water with the addition of salt, sugar, spices and vinegar.
  4. Place the mushroom mixture in a pan, boil for 15 minutes, place in jars, seal and wrap thoroughly until cool.

How to freeze boletus mushrooms for the winter?

The optimal preparation of boletus mushrooms for the winter if there is free space in the freezer is freezing. A prerequisite for its implementation is the processing of the product within the first four hours after collection and compliance with certain rules.

  1. Selected quality specimens cannot be washed. Existing dirt should be removed with a brush or wiped with a clean cloth.
  2. The mushroom mass is laid out on the shelves of the chamber in a continuous layer for several hours, after which it is poured into bags and stored until the next season, using as needed.

How to dry boletus mushrooms at home?

Collected mushrooms can be stored for future use by drying them using one of the time-tested methods. This preparation is especially effective for preparing soups and adding to other mouth-watering dishes.

  1. The mushroom mass is sorted, selecting only high-quality specimens.
  2. It is forbidden to wash mushrooms before drying: any dirt should be wiped off with a cloth or scraped off with a knife.
  3. In sunny and warm weather, boletus mushrooms can be dried whole, strung on skewers or threads and hung in a ventilated place.
  4. The most effective drying methods are in the oven or electric dryer. To implement the idea, the mushrooms are cut into plates, laid out in one layer and dried at 60 degrees.
  5. Store dried boletus mushrooms in a dry place in bags, fabric bags or jars.

Solyanka from boletus for the winter

The following recommendations will help you understand how to prepare boletus mushrooms for the winter in the form of hodgepodge. The resulting appetizer is good for serving on its own or for using in soups and rich main courses. Fresh tomatoes can be replaced with tomato paste, sauce or tomato juice diluted in water.

The boletus mushroom is one of the most common edible mushrooms in our forests and loved by many. Boletus mushrooms are found in forests where there are many birch trees, and it is under these trees that they grow. These mushrooms are light-loving and reach for the sun, so they are easy to find in clearings and forest edges; they like to grow along paths. And you can cook boletus mushrooms in a variety of ways.

In different regions, boletus is called differently: obabok, birch mushroom, black mushroom. This is true, because the mushroom cap can be colored from light brown to almost black. Boletus gained its popularity because it is easy to prepare, it does not require lengthy preparatory procedures, it does not need to be soaked, boiled, etc. for a long time. Rinse the collected boletus mushrooms well with cold water and cook for about 45 minutes. And then do whatever you want with them, including putting them in the freezer for the winter.

Finding boletus in the forest is quite easy. If you see a cushion-shaped, dark mushroom cap with a diameter of 15-20 centimeters, and under it a scaly brown stem, it means that you have a mushroom in front of you. It grows very quickly and reaches its peak of maturity on the sixth day. However, it is better not to wait until the boletus grows and becomes unsuitable for food; it is better to cut it off in the middle of growth. Since boletus mushrooms are quite large mushrooms, you can collect a whole basket of them in a fairly short time.

Composition and properties

For those who do not eat meat at all, it is useful to know that they can get the protein the body needs from mushrooms, including boletus mushrooms. In addition, they are rich in vitamins B, C, D and E. The fibers contained in it absorb and remove toxins from the body, in addition, obabok is an excellent antioxidant.

Boletus mushrooms can improve the condition of a person suffering from diabetes, as well as diseases of the nervous system and kidneys. These mushrooms are useful for bone diseases, as they contain phosphoric acid.

At the same time, boletus mushrooms are low in calories, so they can be safely consumed by girls who want to lose weight and are on a diet.

How boletus mushrooms are prepared

Boletus mushrooms are versatile mushrooms; they can be boiled, fried, dried, pickled and pickled. There are many recipes! In this case, you can use almost any utensils and appliances: a slow cooker, microwave, as well as a pot or frying pan. The oven is suitable for drying mushrooms for the winter.

Some experienced housewives grind dried boletus into powder and then add it when preparing mushroom gravies and sauces. This spicy addition makes any dish taste excellent!

Fried mushrooms with potatoes is another delicious dish loved by many. Try adding them as a topping for pizza, potato rolls or pies, you won’t regret it.

Cooking rules

  1. Boletus mushrooms spoil very quickly, so process them and start cooking as soon as you bring them home. The mushrooms need to be washed thoroughly, the stem should be cut off somewhere in half, and the sticky cap should be cleared of any debris.
  2. Place the mushrooms in a saucepan, add cold water and wait until it boils. This first water must be drained, new water added and the mushrooms boiled again. This way we will get rid of all the toxic substances accumulated in the mushrooms.
  3. Cook the mushrooms for about an hour. If you are going to cook them right away, add a little salt, but if you are going to freeze them, you don’t need to add anything. It is better to remove the resulting foam. As soon as the entire mushroom mass sinks to the bottom, you can consider that the boletus mushrooms are cooked.
  4. Remove the finished mushrooms from the pan, and then add them, as desired, to a roast, hodgepodge, potatoes or casserole.
  5. If you are going to cook mushrooms in a slow cooker, turn on the “baking” mode for half an hour.

Delicious boletus dishes

Mushroom soup

Every housewife can prepare boletus soup for her household. There is nothing complicated about this recipe. Boil the mushrooms until fully cooked, add chopped potatoes, and add lightly stewed onions and carrots. At the end of cooking, add grated cheese, which goes very well with mushrooms.

Pickled boletus mushrooms

This recipe is very simple: cook peeled and prepared mushrooms for about an hour, at the end of cooking add a little vinegar, salt and sugar to taste and keep on the stove for a few more minutes. After this, place the mushrooms in jars, fill them with the brine in which they were boiled, and cover with plastic lids. Under no circumstances should pickled boletus be stored under iron lids.

Mushroom solyanka


  • medium head of cabbage, about a kilogram,
  • half a kilo of boletus mushrooms, carrots, onions and tomatoes,
  • a few peas of allspice,
  • 2-3 bay leaves,
  • glass of water,
  • half a glass of any vegetable oil,
  • 3 tablespoons of 9% vinegar,
  • 2 tablespoons each of sugar and salt.


  1. Lightly boil the mushrooms first, no more than 10-15 minutes.
  2. Carrots and onions also need to be prepared in advance by cutting and lightly frying them in a frying pan.
  3. Cut the cabbage and tomatoes as desired as you like.
  4. Place all ingredients in a saucepan and simmer for about half an hour.
  5. At the very end, add a little vinegar.
  6. Place the resulting hodgepodge into jars, screw on the lids, wait until your preparation has cooled completely and put it in the refrigerator.

Boletus casserole


  • 1 kg mushrooms,
  • 1-2 onions,
  • 1 tablespoon mustard,
  • 250 ml cream,
  • 2-3 tablespoons olive or any other oil,
  • 200-300 gr. cheese,
  • 1 tablespoons flour,
  • salt and pepper to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Process the boletus mushrooms thoroughly, chop the onion, grate the cheese as you like.
  2. Grease the mold with any vegetable oil, first add the mushrooms and onions, salt and pepper them.
  3. Place in the oven at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
  4. When the boletus mushrooms are lightly browned, sprinkle the casserole with grated cheese and top with a batter of flour, cream and mustard.
  5. Simmer in the oven for a few more minutes.

That's it, the dish is ready! Your guests will surely appreciate your culinary delights. Bon appetit!

Our forests are rich in all kinds of mushrooms. Among the shady thickets you can find boletus mushrooms - tasty high-grade mushrooms. We recommend preparing delicious, delicious and at the same time simple dishes from boletus mushrooms, the recipes for which we have collected in this article.

Recipe No. 1. Delicious pancakes: boletus dishes

Pancakes with mushrooms are a favorite dish for many housewives, because both adults and children love them. These delicacies can be served with mushroom sauces, sour cream or cheese, depending on the preferences of your household. In any case, the preparation of boletus mushrooms deserves the lion's share of attention, which we will discuss separately.


For filling:

  • boletus - 15 pcs. medium size
  • half an onion
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream
  • vegetable oil
  • small onion

For pancakes:

  • 0.5 liters of milk
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 6 tbsp. spoons of flour
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil

Cooking method:

  1. Take the mushrooms, wash and chop them.
  2. Finely chop the onion and fry it in vegetable oil. Once golden brown, add the mushrooms and fry until most of the moisture has evaporated.
  3. Then add sour cream and salt to taste and simmer a little more.
  4. While the filling is cooling, you can bake the pancakes. To do this, mix all the ingredients except the butter with a mixer, then add the butter and bake thin pancakes.
  5. Each pancake, depending on the size, is filled with one spoonful of mushrooms and sealed with an “envelope”.

The dish can be served either hot or cold, seasoned with sour cream, grated cheese, herbs or other additives. We hope that now, when you want something tasty, cooking boletus mushrooms will not be a problem.

Recipe No. 2. How to cook boletus mushrooms with potatoes: recipe

Vegetable dishes are famous for their invaluable benefits to the body and excellent taste. If you have a question about how to cook boletus mushrooms with potatoes, below we will provide a step-by-step guide. Using this recipe, you will soon be able to pamper your household with a wonderful dish that is perfect for an everyday or holiday table. The recipe for this dish is quite simple and straightforward, but its taste is quite unusual.


  • potato;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • onion;
  • salt pepper;
  • boletus mushrooms

Cooking method

  1. First, you need to carefully peel the mushrooms and cut them into small slices, after rinsing them with running water.
  2. Next, fry them in a frying pan until almost done.
  3. At the same time, peel and chop the potatoes and add them to the frying pan with the mushrooms, mixing thoroughly. In the future, until the dish is ready, you must stir it very carefully; it is advisable to use a wooden spoon for this.
  4. Cover the dish with a lid and fry until the potatoes are cooked.
  5. After this, you need to add the onion, cut into thin half rings, add salt and pepper and leave to brew for a while in the pan.

If you are wondering whether it is necessary to boil boletus mushrooms before cooking, then the answer to this question will be unequivocal - no, it is not necessary. This mushroom has excellent taste, but when cooked, it is lost, as is its nutritional value.

Recipe No. 3. Winter harvesting of boletus mushrooms in brine

Delicious salted boletus mushrooms, the recipe for which we will present below, are very simple to prepare. At the same time, the mushrooms remain elastic and beautiful throughout the winter season, so they can be put on the table at any time.


  • boletus
  • 1 liter of water
  • salt and sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • 1 cup vinegar
  • peppercorns
  • a couple of cloves of garlic
  • cloves - 2-3 pcs.

Cooking method

  1. Mushrooms must be cleaned of dirt, compactions, wormy and damaged areas.
  2. Next, they are crushed, but not too much, so that the resulting pieces are convenient to take.
  3. Before preparing the marinade, the mushrooms must be boiled for 10 minutes and drained.
  4. Next, cooking boletus mushrooms comes down to heating the marinade. All ingredients are mixed with boiling water, into which the mushrooms are immersed and cooked for about half an hour.
  5. Then pour vinegar and garlic into the container and cook for another 10 minutes.
  6. After this, remove from the heat and roll into pre-sterilized jars.

We hope that boletus recipes with photos are presented in an understandable form and will be useful to every housewife. As you can see, you can prepare many delicious treats from boletus mushrooms for the whole family or prepare them for the winter and then put them on the holiday table. Please note that small, young mushrooms are best suited for pickling, but for cooking potatoes, for example, any mushrooms are suitable, the main thing is that they are not wormy or rotten.

In this recipe, selected and prepared young mushrooms, diced, are stewed in a frying pan over low heat and then fried with onions. The total cooking time is approximately 30 minutes, then salt is added.

After they are cooked, add the potatoes. Stir and re-add salt to taste. Close the lid and continue cooking over medium heat. Cooking time depends on the type of potato. Later, open the lid and fry the dish over high heat for several minutes, stir again, cover with a lid and turn off the heat, leave to stand for 5-7 minutes.

Do not stir too often; if the potato variety is soft, you may end up with a mashed potato. Decorate the dish with herbs.

Bon appetit!

If you have porcini mushrooms, make a delicious soup with porcini mushrooms

How to cook fried boletus mushrooms

This type of mushroom is quite hard, so to prepare it as an independent dish and to make it soft, it is boiled. In addition, during the cooking process, additional cleaning occurs from all contaminants and worms.

After boiling, foam forms and must be skimmed off. Add salt and continue cooking. Many people drain the first water after boiling and finish cooking it in another, clean water. Next, remove the mushrooms from the water and cool. Slice and fry over medium heat.

Bon appetit!