What do we know about chocolate? Presentation "secrets of chocolate" Presentation on the topic of advertising Alenka chocolate.

Lylova Yaroslava

Presentation about chocolate. Where did chocolate come from, what is it made from, what types of chocolate exist, what harm and what benefits does chocolate bring to the human body.



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Chocolate is a confectionery product made using cocoa fruits. What is chocolate?

Etymology According to one version, the word “chocolate” comes from the Aztec word “xocolātl” (“chocolatl”) - the name of a drink made from cocoa beans, lit. “bitter water” (Nahuatl xocolli - “bitterness”, ātl - “water”).

When did the first chocolate appear? Christopher Columbus was treated to a drink by the inhabitants of the island of Guyana at the beginning of the 16th century (in 1502). Columbus tried to draw the attention of King Ferdinand to the beans of the cocoa tree, but, unfortunately, to no avail. But, years later, the conqueror of Mexico, Hernan Cortez, having entered the land of the Aztecs, was also greeted by a previously unknown drink: a mixture of boiled cocoa beans with spices, pepper and honey, whipped to foam. Hernan liked the drink so much that he brought it to his home in Spain. From that moment on, the gradual spread of the first type of chocolate began among the Spaniards - the conquistadors.

Types of chocolate: Dark chocolate is made from cocoa, powdered sugar and cocoa butter. By changing the ratio between powdered sugar and cocoa mass, you can change the taste characteristics of the resulting chocolate - from bitter to sweet. The more cocoa mass in chocolate, the more bitter the taste and the brighter the aroma of the chocolate and the more valued it is. Milk chocolate with additions is made from cocoa mass, cocoa butter, powdered sugar and milk powder; film powder milk with a fat content of 25% or dry cream is most often used. The aroma of milk chocolate is given by cocoa, the taste is made up of powdered sugar and milk powder. White chocolate is made from cocoa butter, sugar, film powdered milk and vanillin without adding cocoa powder, so it has a creamy color (white). Chocolate gets its unique taste from milk powder, which has a caramel flavor. Porous chocolate is obtained from dessert chocolate mass, which is poured into molds, placed in vacuum boilers and kept in a liquid state for 4 hours. In a vacuum, due to the expansion of air bubbles, a porous tile structure is formed. Diabetic chocolate is intended for patients with diabetes. Sweeteners are used instead of sugar.

Chocolate Manufacturing Process The first step in modern chocolate production is cleaning, sorting and roasting the cocoa beans. This allows us to obtain exactly the final processing of cocoa beans, on which the taste and aromatic qualities of chocolate will depend. The second step in chocolate production is cooling, winnowing and grinding the cocoa beans. The fineness of the cocoa beans will depend on the fineness of the chocolate. At the third stage of production, cocoa butter, which plays a leading role in the recipe of real chocolate, is separated from the grated cocoa by pressing. Secondary grinding will affect the delicate taste of the chocolate. The fourth stage is conching the resulting chocolate mass, that is, thoroughly kneading it at high temperatures. At this stage, cooks have the opportunity to form chocolate into any shape of any complexity. The fifth stage of chocolate production allows confectioners to imagine the final result: solid chocolate with or without filling and with an appetizing surface shine.

What kind of chocolate do they prefer at our school? I conducted a survey among 100 people - teachers and students of our school, the survey showed the following results: 17 people. – dark chocolate, 44 people. – milk chocolate, 39 people. - White chocolate.

What harm and benefits does chocolate have on human health? Harm: 1. Sweetness provokes the formation of acne and pimples. 2. Chocolate harms tooth enamel, harms gums and teeth. 3. Chocolate bars cause an allergic reaction. Benefits: 1. Daily consumption of up to 50 g of delicacy prevents the development of peptic ulcers and cancer 2. Drinking a cup of strong chocolate helps heal wounds faster, improves body tone and eliminates fatigue. 3. Aspirin has a similar effect on the body, but it is much better to consume chocolate.

What's in real chocolate? The composition of real chocolate should include: 4 main components: cocoa butter, cocoa mass, powdered sugar, lecithin (an emulsifier, a worthy addition to expensive cocoa butter, prepared from soybean or sunflower oil).

Nowadays chocolate is a favorite treat of children and adults.

July 11 World Chocolate Day Chocolate Day was first coined by the French in 1995. It is believed that the Aztecs were the first to learn how to make chocolate. They called it "food of the gods." The Spanish conquistadors, who first brought it to Europe, dubbed the delicacy “black gold” and used it to strengthen physical strength and endurance. Somewhat later, chocolate consumption in Europe was limited only to aristocratic circles. Only at the beginning of the 20th century, with the advent of industrial production, people outside the aristocracy could enjoy chocolate. As established by modern science, chocolate contains elements that promote relaxation and psychological recovery. Dark varieties of chocolate stimulate the release of endorphins - happiness hormones that affect the pleasure center, improve mood and maintain body tone. There is also a hypothesis according to which chocolate has an “anti-cancer” effect and can slow down the aging process. But what scientists are unanimous about is denying the ability of chocolate to reduce body weight! After all, it is well known that chocolate is rich in nutrients, including fats, and therefore calories.

The world's first monument to chocolate was opened on July 1, 2009 in the city of Pokrov, Vladimir region.

Information about chocolate on the website: http://animalworld.com.ua/Fito/news_779 Pictures from the website: http://images.yandex.ru/

Thank you for attention!

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CHOCOLATE - (English Chocolate, French Chocolat), a term denoting various types of confectionery products made using cocoa fruits.

According to one version, the word chocolate comes from the Aztec word “chocolatl” - the name of a drink made from cocoa fruits, literally “bitter water”.

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History of chocolate

Chocolate, like the cocoa tree, is native to Central and South America. For many centuries, chocolate was consumed as a drink - the Indians mixed ground and roasted cocoa beans with water, and then added red pepper (chili) to this mixture. In the middle of the 16th century, the scientist-monk Benzoni presented a report to the King of Spain on the beneficial properties of liquid chocolate. The report was immediately classified, and chocolate was declared a state secret. Dozens of people were executed for violating it.

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The main raw material for the production of chocolate and cocoa powder is the seeds of the cocoa tree, which grows in tropical regions of the globe.

Based on their origin, cocoa beans are divided into 3 groups:

American African Asian

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Cocoa growing centers

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The names of commercial varieties correspond to the name of the area of ​​their production, country or port of export


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Based on quality, cocoa beans are divided into two groups: noble (varietal), which have a delicate taste and a pleasant subtle aroma with many shades (Java, Trinidad, etc.); consumer (ordinary), having a bitter, tart, sour taste and strong aroma (Bahia, Para, etc.). Cocoa beans are found in the pulp of the fruit of the cocoa tree, 30-50 pieces each, have an almond shape, about 2.5 cm long. The bean consists of a hard core formed by two cotyledons, an embryo (sprout) and a hard shell (cocoa shell). Freshly picked cocoa beans do not have the taste and aroma properties characteristic of chocolate and cocoa powder; they have a bitter-tart taste and are pale in color. To improve the taste and aroma, they are subjected to fermentation and drying on plantations.

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The main components of the dry matter of cocoa beans are fats, alkaloids - theobromine, caffeine (in small quantities), proteins, carbohydrates, tannins and minerals, organic acids, aromatic compounds, etc. Fat (cocoa butter) is contained in an amount of 52-56% dry substances. At a temperature of 25°C, cocoa butter is hard and brittle, and at 32°C it is liquid, so it melts in the mouth without leaving a trace. In the process of technological processing, the main semi-finished products are obtained from cocoa beans: cocoa mass, cocoa butter and cocoa cake. Cocoa mass and cocoa butter with powdered sugar are used to make chocolate; Cocoa powder is obtained from cocoa cake.

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Depending on the processing method, chocolate mass is divided into dessert and ordinary. Dessert chocolate mass has high aromatic qualities and fine dispersion. It acquires these properties as a result of particularly careful and lengthy processing. The sugar content in it is no more than 55%. Ordinary chocolate mass has lower taste and aroma qualities and less fine dispersion. The sugar content in it is no more than 63%. Porous chocolate is obtained mainly from dessert chocolate mass, which is poured into molds of ¾ volume, placed in vacuum boilers and kept in a liquid state (at a temperature of 40 ° C) for 4 hours. In a vacuum, due to the expansion of air bubbles, a porous tile structure is formed


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GOST 6563-69

The taste and aroma are clearly expressed, characteristic of this species. The color ranges from light brown to dark brown, for white chocolate it is creamy. The shape is correct, without deformation, in the form of tiles, loaves and various shapes, both with and without a pattern. The front surface of the chocolate should be shiny, without sugar or fat bloom; in chocolate with milk it should be slightly dull; in chocolate with uncrushed additions, the underside of the bar has an uneven surface. The consistency should be solid, the structure should be homogeneous, the break should be matte, and for porous chocolate, cellular. Additions that are not introduced in finely ground form are evenly distributed in the chocolate mass.

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Depending on the processing method, chocolate mass is divided into dessert and ordinary. The dessert chocolate mass has high aromatic qualities and a fine dispersion. It acquires these properties as a result of particularly careful and lengthy processing; the sugar content in it is no more than 55%. Ordinary chocolate mass has lower taste and aromatic qualities and less fine dispersion, sugar content does not exceed 63%. Porous chocolate is obtained mainly from dessert chocolate mass, which is poured into molds ¾ of the volume, placed in vacuum cauldrons and kept in a liquid state at a temperature of 40 degrees for 4 hours. In a vacuum, due to the expansion of air bubbles, a porous tile structure is formed.

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Dark chocolate is made from cocoa mass, powdered sugar and cocoa butter. By changing the ratio between powdered sugar and cocoa mass, you can change the taste characteristics of the resulting chocolate - from bitter to sweet. The more cocoa mass in chocolate, the more bitter the taste and the brighter the aroma of the chocolate and the more valued it is.

Depending on the composition, chocolate is divided into bitter, milk and white.

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Milk chocolate with additions is made from cocoa mass, cocoa butter, powdered sugar and milk powder; film powder milk with a fat content of 25% or dry cream is most often used. The aroma of milk chocolate is given by cocoa, the taste is made up of powdered sugar and milk powder.

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White chocolate is made from cocoa butter, sugar, film powder and vanillin without adding cocoa powder, so it is creamy in color (white) and does not contain theobromine. White chocolate gets its unique taste from special milk powder that has a caramel flavor.

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Diabetic chocolate is intended for patients with diabetes. Instead of sugar, sweeteners such as sorbitol, xylitol, and mannitol are used. Powdered chocolate is made from cocoa mass and powdered sugar without or with the addition of dairy products.

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Interesting Facts

30 g of milk chocolate contains about 140 kilocalories. The average fat content in 37 g of chocolate is 9 g (about 55% of the total calorie content). Expensive varieties have more fat. chocolate contains substances from the flavonoid group. Similar components are found in red wine, grapes, and some other foods. They are extremely beneficial for the heart and blood vessels. in 1200-1000 BC, the people of Central America drank "chocolate beer", which was made from fermented cocoa fruits

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July 11 - World Chocolate Day. Chocolate Day was first created by the French in 1995. You can't buy a chocolate egg in the US. There is a law there that prohibits putting inedible items in food. Japanese students eat Kit Kat chocolates before exams, as the name is similar to the words “kitto katsu” (“certainly win”). According to experts from the German Institute of Dietetics (DlfE) in Potsdam, 6 grams of chocolate per day reduces the risk of hypertension by 39 percent and is a good means of preventing myocardial infarction and stroke (affects the condition of blood vessels, helps lower blood pressure

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Thank you for your attention!

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The younger generation chooses a healthy lifestyle. To be cheerful and happy means to be healthy. Our mood depends on many reasons. It is very important what we eat. Chocolate, cocoa, fats and sugar help the brain produce hormones of joy and pleasure - serotonin - and the hormone of happiness - endorphin. Without them, not only the brain, but the whole body would begin to mope. These substances promote proper metabolism, rapid restoration of strength, improve mood, and prevent depression from developing.

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Goal of the project: Research chocolate Prove that chocolate, especially dark and bitter, is a product that gives happiness, joy, pleasure and good mood We put forward a hypothesis: Do our mood and positive emotions depend on the composition, quality, nutritional and energy value of chocolate? Can chocolate be considered a product that brings happiness?

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We set the following tasks: Study the literature on the topic of the project. 2. Find out: General requirements for the composition and quality of chocolate Raw materials and recipe for preparing chocolate Classification of chocolate Nutritional and energy value of different varieties 3. Conduct an experiment with chocolate to identify the presence of the main components - serotonin and endorphin.

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The word "chocolate" refers to a genus of raw and processed foods made from the seeds of the tropical cocoa tree. It is quite common in a wide variety of desserts: chocolate bars, candies, ice cream and other sweets. This is the most popular sweet in the world. Chocolate was created by the Inter-American civilization from cocoa beans. Historical reference:

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But American civilizations cultivated it long before the discovery of Columbus. Among them were the Mayans and Aztecs, who used chocolate as a base for numerous sauces and drinks. These drinks were reserved specifically for the inter-American priestly elite. Chocolate was made from fermented roasted beans, from the pods of the cocoa tree, which grew in the lowlands of the tropics of South America, Central America and Mexico. Now these plants are cultivated throughout the tropics.

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Today, the word “chocolate” most often refers to bars made from a combination of proteins, cocoa, fats, sugar and other ingredients. Chocolate can also be used in drinks.

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Chocolate is a confectionery product made from cocoa products and sugar. To produce it, mashed and crushed nuts, powdered milk, cream and other additives can be used. Cocoa fruits contain 35-50% cocoa butter, 1-4% theobralin, 0.2-0.5% caffeine, tannin and other substances. Cocoa butter consists of oleic (approximately 35%) and stearic (35%) glycerides. Chocolate composition:

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Chocolate classification: I. Depending on the composition:

Bitter (dietary) Semi-bitter

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II. Depending on processing:

Dessert chocolate. Ordinary chocolate. Chocolate is porous. Chocolate powder. Chocolate figure. The main raw materials for production are granulated sugar and cocoa beans. The main producers of cocoa beans are African countries: Ghana, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, etc.

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I. No additions. Made from grated cocoa, granulated sugar, cocoa butter. (Alenka, Russian) Dessert Chocolate figured Ordinary Main varieties of chocolate.

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II. With addition. It is made from cocoa mass, cocoa butter, powdered sugar and various nutritional, flavoring and aromatic substances. Additions: Powdered milk Powdered cream Nut kernels Coffee Food essences, etc.

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III. With filling. Made from chocolate mass with and without the addition of milk, with various fillings, the amount should not exceed 50% of the total mass of the product. (Nut, fondant, cream and fruit, jelly fillings are often used.) IV. Diabetic chocolate. Instead of sugar, sorbitol, xylitol and other additives are introduced to replace sugar. V. White chocolate. Prepared according to a special recipe from cocoa butter, sugar, milk powder, vanillin, without adding cocoa butter, does not contain theobromine, which is the main alkaloid in chocolate.

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Chocolate production:

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Production consists of a number of technological operations for processing cocoa beans into basic semi-finished products - cocoa mass and cocoa butter. This is followed by the chocolate mass stage. The base is cocoa mass and powdered sugar; in addition, other food additives are added: nut mass, milk powder, etc. Mixing is the longest continuous mechanical processing for 10-45 hours. At t0 45-50 degrees for milk masses, for the rest at t0 65-80 degrees.

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In the next stage, the optimal characteristics of chocolate are prepared (hardness, dispersion, taste, aroma, color). Then, with continuous stirring, the chocolate is cooled to 38-30 degrees. Forming chocolate: portions of chocolate mass are poured into molds heated to 34 degrees, the molds are subjected to vibration for uniform distribution.

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What's on our label?..

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GOST Choose chocolate produced in accordance with GOST. Ingredients: Chocolate must contain sugar, cocoa beans and their butter. There should be no soybeans and vegetable fats! If they are indicated, be wary - you are no longer buying chocolate, but something completely different.

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Additives Don't be intimidated by the ingredients marked "E" (by international standards they are considered harmless and increase shelf life). “Flavors identical to natural ones” were also allowed. Natural flavors would make chocolate prohibitively expensive to produce. Manufacturer The choice of manufacturer is a matter of buyer taste.

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The surface of a high-quality chocolate bar is smooth and shiny. The best chocolate breaks well with a dry crack, it does not crumble, bites easily and melts in the mouth. “Whitish” cracks are a sign of “old” chocolate. Real chocolate doesn't stick to your teeth. Chocolate does not like temperature changes. Ideal storage ±18o C, relative humidity no more than 75%. Store treats in a kitchen drawer or cupboard away from fragrant foods. This noble dessert instantly absorbs foreign odors and loses its aroma.

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Chocolate is a popular sweet that has long been considered a favorite food product. The first Europeans to try chocolate were the Spanish conquerors who arrived in Mexico almost 500 years ago. Dessert is very popular in South America.

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Cocoa fruits grow on the trunk. First, they are cut with a special knife. It is from these bitter beans that a very tasty sweet is made. You can harvest 30 fruits per year from one cocoa tree. And it turns out only 400 grams of chocolate!!! Cocoa beans are taken out of the yellow skin and placed in boxes with holes. Beans love air. So they should stand for 8 days. A great adventure awaits them ahead.

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Now the beans need to be grated. The result is a viscous mass. She became wet because cocoa butter was released. Without it, no real chocolate can be made! They go to a candy factory. Everything is done there by machines. To make a fragrant and tasty chocolate, the beans need to be fried. But they are not yet tasty.

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Sugar and vanilla are added to this mixture. If you make milk chocolate, you need to add milk powder. Large machines mix this mixture for a long time. To prepare 3 tons of this chocolate mass, you need about 12 hours. It is stored in special containers. There is a little left and the mass will turn into chocolate. But in order for the tile to be shiny and break with a crunch, it is cooled and then sharply heated.

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The first chocolate factory of the ball is opened in Berlin. There, industrial production of chocolate began in 1756. Today, the cocoa tree, which originally grew in the American tropics, is grown in all tropical countries of the world.

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There are many types of chocolate: confectionery, for glazing, bitter, semi-sweet, sweet, white and even salty.