What can you do with the cake? Pumpkin juice and pumpkin pancakes - no waste

This year there is a huge harvest of fruits, apples too. Many people make juice using modern juicers, but few know that the remains of apples after squeezing, the so-called pulp, also have many uses.

Apple jam from pulp

  • apple pulp - 1 kg
  • sugar - 800 g
  • water - 1 glass

Fill the apple pulp with water. Cook for about 5 minutes. Add sugar, stir and cook, stirring constantly, over low heat until thickened. Then cool, put into jars, close with airtight lids and store in a cool place. Apple pulp jam is ready!


The finished marshmallow looks like this (this is ready-made, cut into portions into strips and “woven” for beauty):

The recipe itself is outrageously simple. We take our cake, pour it into an enamel pan, add 2-3 tablespoons of water there and evaporate for 5-10 minutes. After this, place it on a baking sheet, having previously spread parchment there. The layer of “apple dough” should not be too thin, but not too thick. After this, put the baking sheet in the oven for “baking” at about 100 degrees and with the door ajar. As a result, after 15-25 minutes you will get a very tasty mass, suitable for dessert. Due to the fact that we do not use any additives (including sugar), the dessert is low in calories and healthy! :)

Cake cake

Beat sugar and eggs into a stiff, fluffy foam. Add vegetable oil. Without ceasing to stir, add flour little by little. First add baking powder to the flour. At the end, add the cake, add nuts and raisins. Line a baking dish with special paper, grease it with butter and pour the dough into it. Bake at 180-200 degrees for 40 minutes.
The pie is ready when a dry wooden stick inserted into it comes out clean.
There is no need to immediately remove the cake from the mold; let it cool slightly, otherwise it may settle. If desired, the cake from the cake can be cut into two parts and coated with jam or sour cream.

There are no problems with disposal of “waste” from the juicer. Now you will know what you can make from orange, apple or other vegetables and fruits cake.

Fresh juice should be drunk within 30 minutes after preparation. It is during this period that the greatest concentration of useful elements is found.

Orange pulp

After fresh orange juice, you can prepare a lot of pleasant delicacies with orange pulp. For example:

  1. Milkshake, smoothie.
  2. Curd dessert (cottage cheese+orange cake+milk+sugar/condensed milk).
  3. Paste.
  4. Candies (baby dry formula + orange pulp. Dry and cover with chocolate).
  5. Baking (orange pulp is perfect for almost any cookie or pie or cupcake).
  6. By adding vodka, you can make a tincture for holiday parties or soaking baked goods.

Advice! Before squeezing the orange, wash it and rub the skin on a fine grater. Orange zest is very suitable for any baking. When dried, it can be stored for weeks.

A very tasty and original orange pomace cake requires only 2 fruits, 2 eggs, a little potato starch, sugar and baking powder. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 potato starch to the pulp of 1 orange. This puree is poured into a microwave-safe mold, previously lined with baking paper. Bake for 2 minutes at maximum power. Remove the pan and let the puree harden. Beat 2 eggs and 3-4 tablespoons of sugar using a blender or mixer. Add 50 grams of melted butter, orange zest and a little juice (you can add juice from a whole orange - this will give you a juicier taste). Mix 3 tablespoons of flour, 1 baking powder and 1 starch. Add to eggs. The result is a dough similar in consistency to pancake dough. It should be poured on top of the cooled 1 cake layer into the mold and placed in the microwave for 4-5 minutes. If the top is wet, that's okay, underbake! Remove from the mold after half an hour.

Apple pulp

The second most popular fresh juice is apple. Basically, with apple pomace, you can do everything with it that you can do with orange pomace. With the exception of alcoholic tincture, but this is rather for everyone. How to make delicious candies or cookies from apple pulp? Prepare according to the following recipe. You will need:

  • 1 kg apple pulp;
  • 100 grams of dates;
  • 50 grams of almonds;
  • 50 grams of walnut kernels.

Making sweet cake cookies is very simple. First, soak the dates in plain water for 2 hours. We do the same with nuts, but they can be soaked longer. Before further processing, the nuts should be dried (you can use an oven or microwave) and crushed until smooth along with the dates (a blender, meat grinder, food processor or coffee grinder will help). Then gradually add apple pulp and mix until smooth. The cookies are laid out on a baking sheet in a thin layer up to 0.5 cm and baked at low temperature. If such cookies are coated with coconut, icing or chocolate, they will become very similar to candy. Additionally, you can add raisins or berries to the dough to add sourness. Note that thanks to the ingredients you will get a surprisingly healthy sweet that you can give to a child without a twinge of conscience!

Pear pomace

It’s quite rare to make fresh pears, but this fruit is quite suitable for this. What can you make from pear pulp? Everything is the same as from orange! The following recipe will make a cake with pear pulp especially delicious. You will need:

  • 250 grams of pear pulp;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 300 grams of flour;
  • 175 grams of butter;
  • 2-3 eggs;
  • baking powder or soda slaked with vinegar;

How to make cake from cake? Grind sugar and butter to a whitish mass, beat in eggs, add baking powder or slaked soda. Then gradually add vanilla sugar and flour along with the cake.

Cake cakes can be prepared either in portions, in separate forms, or in one large mass. They are baked in the oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

Carrot pulp

It's hard to find a person who doesn't like fresh carrots. But it takes quite a lot of carrots and produces a decent amount of cake. What to do with carrot cake? Here are some ideas:

  1. Use as an additive for borscht or soup. Put all the pulp that remains in a bag or container and hide it in the freezer until the next time you prepare the first dishes.
  2. Cook vegetable puree soup.
  3. Make a casserole.
  4. Carrot pulp in minced cutlets adds an interesting twist.
  5. Carrot cutlets.
  6. Make a filling for roasting poultry, fish or meat.
  7. Bake a vegetable, mushroom or meat pie with carrot cake.
  8. Bread.

What to cook using carrot pulp? One of the pleasant, healthy and tasty recipes is carrot cutlets. You'll need:

  • 2-3 cups carrot cake;
  • 150 ml 2.5% kefir;
  • about 6 tablespoons of flour;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of soda;
  • salt;
  • cinnamon;
  • vanilla sugar.

Mix carrot pulp with kefir, add salt, soda, sugar, vanilla sugar, cinnamon. Mix thoroughly and add flour to form cutlets. These vegetable cutlets should be fried over medium heat on both sides, first rolled in flour.

Pumpkin cake

There are not many fans of pure pumpkin juice, but if you squeeze carrot juice into it in a ratio of 1 to 1, or add cream, then it acquires a completely different, richer and more pleasant taste!

On a pleasant note: pumpkin is a very juicy vegetable, so for 1 glass of fresh juice you only need a couple of pieces of pumpkin.

What to cook from pumpkin pulp?

  1. You can bake a delicious pie or pancakes.
  2. Cookies or cupcakes.
  3. Pumpkin makes a very tasty puree soup.
  4. Pasta with pumpkin (how to prepare tagliatelle pasta with pumpkin pulp? To do this, add 1.5 tablespoons of mashed baked pumpkin puree to the text. This will add flavor and color to the finished pasta).
  5. Ice cream sorbet (200 grams of water + 4 tablespoons of sugar + 200 pumpkin pulp on fire for 15 minutes. Beat the cooled mass with a blender, add 1 tablespoon of lemon and the same amount of cream cheese. Leave in the freezer for 3-4 hours, stirring occasionally with a fork).
  6. Paste.
  7. Rice porridge with pumpkin is a favorite treat for many children and adults.

How to prepare vegetable puree soup from pulp? You will need cake, water, herbs, garlic, salt and sour cream. First, soak the pumpkin pulp in water for 15 minutes. Then put it on the stove to cook. If all the water has been absorbed, you should add a little more. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for another 5-10 minutes, add salt. If you are not satisfied with the consistency of the resulting puree, then beat it in a blender. This soup can be seasoned with garlic, herbs and sour cream, then the taste will be more interesting and rich. Cake is not just “waste” from fresh juices, but a full-fledged product from which an experienced and savvy housewife can prepare a lot of delicious and healthy dishes!

Calories, kcal:

Carbohydrates, g:

Bulk, strong and juicy are loved by all age categories and segments of the population without exception. Of course, everyone has their own preferences - some adore the sour Antonovka, others cannot live without gnawing on the honey Golden. Apples are great on their own, tasty and healthy, especially when fresh. Considering that vitamins are lost during any heat treatment, let’s pay attention to those products that fresh apples give us. Natural apple puree and apple pulp retain all the advantages of the original fruit. Today on the agenda is apple pulp.

Calorie content of apple pulp

The nutritional value of apple pomace will depend on the variety of apples from which it is produced. Sweet and sour, hard and fluffy apples vary in the amount of calories and dietary fat, but on average, apple pulp is a low-calorie product. The calorie content of apple pulp is approximately 45-47 kcal per 100 grams of product. The percentage ratio of proteins / fats / carbohydrates looks like this: 3% / 5% / 87% (calorizator). The nutritional value of dishes prepared from apple pulp should be calculated taking into account the products used.

Composition of apple pulp

The well-known saying that eating one apple a day guarantees a person’s health is not just nice words, but the truth, confirmed by many years of research. Few people will eat apple pulp just like that, but its vitamin and mineral composition will not change.

It is calculated that on average, from a kilogram of apples (weighed already peeled, without seeds and tails) of average juiciness, 280-300 grams of pulp are obtained. In this case, a little more than 600 grams of juice comes out, and the rest is foam that forms on top of the juice. If you strain it, the resulting mass will be nothing more than the most delicate applesauce, which is recommended to be immediately consumed as food - for joy and benefit to the body.

The benefits and harms of apple pulp

The dietary fiber in apple pomace helps maintain normal weight, as it perfectly normalizes intestinal motility. The blood cleansing properties of apples fully apply to apple pomace, which is why it is useful for people with problems with the cardiovascular system.

Apple pulp can cause harm only to people with high stomach acidity, and then only if you eat a kilogram of fresh pulp in one sitting, which is problematic purely physically - dryish pulp is uncomfortable to eat. When cooked, apple pulp is absolutely harmless.

Properties of apple pulp

In the days of manual juicers (called juice squeezers and resembled a meat grinder in shape and operating principle), the remains from preparing apple juice were usually thrown away or used to feed poultry. Few housewives bothered to peel apples from seeds; only broken and rotten areas of apples were removed. The labor-intensive process of squeezing juice did not leave time to worry about the purity of the pulp.

Having any model of electric juicer in their arsenal, modern housewives know that after spending some time peeling fruit, they will end up with clean pulp that is ready for further use. So, apple pulp is the dry remains of apples after the juice has been squeezed out of them. If the apples are very juicy, the pulp will be damp, but ideally, juice should not be obtained from it.

Using apple pulp in cooking

The simplest solution for consuming apple pulp is to add it when cooking compotes or jelly. Please note that any baked goods, especially those with cottage cheese, will become fluffy and airy if you add apple pulp to it. It has been noticed that baked goods with apple pulp remain soft for a long time and do not become moldy. If you are making juice on stream and there is too much pulp, you can freeze it by placing it in freezer bags.

Moonshine made from apple pulp is gaining popularity, since the raw materials are used almost 100% without waste. When apples are processed into juice, pomace remains, from which you can prepare mash for good apple moonshine.

Apple chacha is a natural alcoholic drink, harmful impurities are kept to a minimum. Alcohol does not need to be purified if all technologies are followed and it is distilled two or more times.

Due to the small amount of fructose in the pomace, it is necessary to add sugar; moonshine from the remaining apple pomace will retain the taste and smell of apples.

Tip: to prepare mash with apple pulp, do not squeeze the apples dry. A small amount of juice increases the fructose concentration, improving the taste and aroma of the alcohol.


It’s easy to prepare mash for moonshine at home, adhering to the minimum requirements. Unused pulp after making juice, cider or Calvados is an excellent raw material that does not have to be thrown away.


  • Apple pulp – 10 kg
  • Granulated sugar – 5 kg
  • Water – 35 l
  • Yeast – 350 g pressed or 100 g dry

Making mash

  1. Place the apple pulp in a container prepared in advance where the mash will ferment. Calculate the container in such a volume that there is free space for the foam released during the fermentation process; for this recipe you need a container with a volume of 60-65 liters; recalculate for yourself depending on the amount of ingredients
  2. Fill the cake with water at a temperature of 30 degrees
  3. Add sugar, but preferably already diluted in the form of sugar syrup, so the sugar will dissolve faster and better. Mix well.
  4. Dissolve yeast in water in advance, add to wort and stir
  5. Close the container tightly and install a water seal or medical glove; make a hole in the fingers in advance
  6. Place the mash in a dark, warm place, the temperature should be at least 18, but not more than 28 degrees
  7. For the first five days, stir the mash, settling the rising cake cap; after the cake stops floating, you don’t have to stir it.
  8. The duration of fermentation is from 6 to 10 days. It depends on the fermentation conditions. The end of fermentation can be determined by the deflation of the glove or the cessation of the release of gas bubbles by the water seal, as well as the bitter taste of the mash
  9. When the mash is finished, filter it from the cake through several layers of gauze

Getting moonshine

  1. Distill the mash for the first time almost dry to strength in a stream of 5-7% alcohol
  2. Measure the strength of the resulting raw alcohol and calculate the amount of absolute alcohol
  3. Dilute with water to 30% and distill again
  4. Collect the head fractions of the first 10% of absolute alcohol and pour
  5. Collect the drinking fraction, the so-called “body” of moonshine, select it until the temperature in the cube is 92 degrees
  6. Collect the rest of the “tails” separately for further processing.
  7. Apple moonshine will be ready after you dilute it to 40 degrees with clean drinking water and let it stand for at least 7 days in a glass container.

The amount of ingredients in the recipe gives about 5 liters of high-quality, tasty and aromatic apple moonshine with a strength of 40 degrees.

Carrot juice is a tasty and healthy drink that you have probably not only ever tried, but also prepared yourself at home. Packaged juice (even in glass jars, which is considered healthier and of higher quality) cannot be compared with freshly squeezed juice - fresh juice. Especially with something that is prepared with your own hands, with love!

Most likely, when you prepared juice at home for the first time, you were surprised by the amount of pulp that remains after squeezing the juice. But the cake has a large amount of fiber, which you simply cannot throw away!

What to cook from carrot cake (or other vegetable or fruit) is a question that is of interest not only to you. The network has many recipes for preparing various dishes, ranging from salads and appetizers to full-fledged main courses: vegan cutlets, soups, burgers, pies, muffins, pates and even sushi! It turned out that carrot cake does not need to be thrown away; from it, like from whole carrots, you can prepare a considerable number of healthy, and at the same time tasty, dishes. Let's get to know them.

Guacamole with carrot cake, herbs and avocado

Guacamole is a thick sauce or paste, which is originally prepared from the pulp of a ripe avocado with lime or lemon juice, salt and red hot pepper. Often tomato pulp, onion, garlic, parsley, cilantro, bell pepper, and spices are added to guacamole.

The recipe for our guacamole is slightly different from the original. We will need:

  • 1/2 bunch fresh cilantro (or parsley)
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 2 tbsp. l. carrot cake
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice or to taste
  • salt, ground black pepper

Finely chop the greens. Puree the avocado (with a fork or blender). Mix greens with carrot cake, avocado, lemon juice and salt. To stir thoroughly. You can put it back in the blender to give the guacamole a uniform, smooth texture.

Serve the sauce on croutons, tortillas, tortillas, vegan burgers, and fresh vegetables. Guacamole is a great pasta dressing.

Carrot pulp cutlets

Making carrot cutlets is no more difficult than squeezing juice out of carrots! Vegetable cake (you can use a mixture of carrots, potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, etc.) should be mixed with mashed potatoes and spices. Then form cutlets and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.

In the recipe, potatoes replace eggs - they serve to hold the remaining ingredients together.

You can serve cake cutlets with any vegetable side dish, cereals or pasta.

Carrot pulp sushi

Everything ingenious is simple. How to replace rice in sushi and rolls to create a raw food dish? Of course with carrot cake! Nori seaweed, carrots, cucumber, avocado, pickled hot pepper, a little soy sauce (raw) and wassabi - all you need to enjoy delicious live rolls.

Dietary, low-calorie, aromatic and tasty carrot cake soup. By analogy, you can prepare pumpkin soup.

We will need:

  • 2 tbsp. vegetable cake
  • 2 tbsp. coconut milk (almond milk is fine)
  • 0.5 tsp. fresh ginger, grated
  • 1 tsp. curry spices
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • salt pepper

Pour the cake into 1 tbsp. coconut milk, add a clove of finely chopped garlic, curry. Add salt. Cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. When the cake has boiled and becomes tender and soft in taste, pour in the 2nd glass of milk, add ginger, ground pepper and bring to a boil. As soon as the carrot soup starts to boil, turn off the stove.

The soup will be hot, spicy, with a smoky flavor thanks to the fresh ginger.

Gingerbread cupcakes made from carrot cake

It makes no difference whether you make muffins from fresh grated carrots or use the cake left over from the juice. In any version - muffins or vegan ones - they will turn out incomparable!

Free from eggs, yeast, milk and other animal products. Eggs are replaced with ground flax seeds.

Spices include ginger, cloves, cinnamon, vanilla, which gives lean muffins an incredible aroma and taste. This is an autumn recipe, hearty and warming.

Carrot cake

A similar recipe - . There are some differences in ingredients and preparation technology. Carrot cake is made without eggs and is completely vegan.

Spices: cinnamon. Addition to the pie - walnuts.

Compared to carrot cakes, the cake is a cheaper and easier option for vegetarian baking.

Raw food cakes made from pulp

To make crackers, you will definitely need a dehydrator (dryer for vegetables and fruits) or a summer sun. Just like the muffins, ground flax seeds are used to hold the dough together. Thanks to flax, the dough will have a dense texture and easily roll out on the table surface.

Flax seeds are an optional ingredient. You can make it from carrot cake with herbs and spices, adding a little water. However, when dried, the bread may crack slightly and look less appetizing.

By the way, you can serve these crackers with guacamole with avocado and the same carrot cake!

Carrot pulp jam with lemon

  • 500 gr. carrot cake
  • 500 gr. Sahara
  • 1 finely chopped lemon
  • 1/3 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp. ground cloves

Mix all ingredients in a saucepan and cook over low heat. Stir the jam constantly. After 15-20 minutes. the carrots will soften and become saturated with the aroma of spices and lemon.

And after another 10 minutes. The jam can be removed from the stove and poured into pasteurized glass jars.

If you have your own options for preparing vegetarian dishes from carrot cake, send them by email or write in the comments.

Bon appetit!

Today, every second family has a juicer, and for every owner of this wonderful device, the question of what can be prepared from the cake remaining after squeezing the juice from vegetables, berries and fruits is relevant. Today we will talk about how to use cake.

Throwing away the pulp remaining after squeezing juice from vegetables, fruits and berries is not advisable for a number of reasons. Firstly, what we sometimes unknowingly consider waste is actually a lot of useful substances - vitamins, minerals, fiber, pectin, etc., secondly, from such “waste” you can prepare a lot of tasty and delicious dishes. It becomes obvious that you shouldn’t throw away the cake; it’s better to take an interest and find out what can be prepared from it?

There are actually quite a few dishes for which cake can be used as a basis: soups, cookies, candies, pies, pancakes, porridges, sweet and savory rolls, mousses, muffins, casseroles!

Recipes for cooking dishes from cake

First of all, the type of dish that can be prepared is determined by the type of cake you have available: for example, from vegetable cakes you can prepare excellent soups, casseroles, rolls with minced meat, and the optimal solution for fruit and berry cakes is to prepare sweet cupcakes, pies, rolls, etc. Let’s not beat around the bush for too long and get straight to the recipes.

Recipes for dishes made from vegetable pulp

If you have cake from celery, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, beets, etc., first of all, you can prepare a delicious casserole.

Vegetable pulp casserole recipe

You will need: 250g vegetable cake, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. sour cream, 1 tbsp. semolina, salt.

How to cook vegetable casserole from pulp. Lightly beat the egg, mix with the cake, adding salt, semolina and sour cream, knead until smooth, put the mixture in a greased form, level, bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 20 minutes until ready, you can sprinkle this casserole with cheese.

If the cheese that you sprinkle on the casserole is mixed with breadcrumbs, it will turn out with a crispy crust.

Another type of dish that can be prepared using pulp from the same vegetables is pureed soups.

Recipe for vegetable pulp soups

You will need: cake, water, salt, herbs, garlic, sour cream for serving.

How to make puree soup from pulp. Pour the cake with a small amount of water and leave for 15 minutes so that it absorbs the liquid, based on the resulting consistency, add or not add more water, put the pan on the stove. Bring the mixture to a boil, simmer for 5-10 minutes, add salt to taste. Before serving, the cake soup can be seasoned with garlic, herbs and sour cream.

These soups are a great option for a light dinner.

In addition, the cake is perfect for making pancakes.

Recipe for making cake pancakes

You will need: 250g of cake, 150g of flour, 2 eggs, slaked soda or baking powder with kefir, spices to taste, salt.

How to make pancakes from cake. Knead the dough, the consistency of which is similar to thick sour cream, spoon the pancakes into a frying pan with hot oil and fry the golden brown pancakes on both sides.

In the same way, you can prepare sweet pancakes from fruit cake - pear, apple, citrus, etc.

And the next dish may well become part of the festive table.

Recipe for meatloaf with vegetable pulp

You will need: pulp from beets/cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage, zucchini, etc., 1 egg, 1-2 tbsp. sour cream, minced meat, pepper, salt, spices to taste, “dough” - rice flakes, 1 egg, salt.

How to make vegetable meatloaf. Lightly beat the egg, mix it with the cake and sour cream, leave for 10 minutes, then pepper and salt, add spices to taste (basil, cumin, etc.), mix. Cook a thick porridge from rice flakes in water, let cool, beat in an egg, add salt, beat the mixture, flatten it on cling film or foil so that you get a small rectangle, put a mixture of minced meat and vegetables on it, roll the roll with the minced meat inward. Place the roll on a greased baking sheet, brush the egg on top, bake in an oven preheated to medium temperature for 30-40 minutes, and before serving, cut the roll into portions.

Another dish that can be prepared with both sweet and vegetable cakes is semolina porridge: just cook regular porridge in milk, then add the cakes and let the porridge brew for a few minutes: during this time the porridge will thicken and acquire a beautiful color (for this it is better use carrot, beet or apple pulp).

Recipes for cooking dishes from sweet cake

Cupcakes, pies and pies, sweet rolls, casseroles - you can also make a lot of dishes from berry and fruit pulp.

In exactly the same way as unsweetened meatloaf with vegetable cake, you can make a sweet roll, just boil the rice in milk instead of water and add sugar to it, not salt; instead of seasonings, you can use honey, raisins, jam, and nuts.

From carrot pulp you can make delicious candies with coconut flakes and dates, the same thing from apple pulp, however, you can make cookies, not candies.

Recipe for sweet cookies or cake candies

You will need: 1 kg of apples, 100 g of dates, 50 g of almonds and walnuts.

How to make sweet candies or cookies from cake. Pour water over the dates and leave for 2 hours, squeeze the juice out of the apples using a juicer, rinse the nuts and, if you have time, soak them in water for several hours, then dry and chop. Add dates to the nuts and grind everything with a blender or food processor until a homogeneous grainy mass; you can also use a meat grinder for this. Mix all ingredients until smooth, form cookies no more than 5 mm thick from the mixture, placing them on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Bake the cookies in the oven at the lowest temperature until they dry out.

If desired, you can form balls from the prepared dough and bread them in ground nuts or coconut flakes, also dry them (optional) and you will get candies.

Another delicious dessert for which we need cake is a pie.

Oilcake pie recipe

You will need: 200g cake, 150g sugar, 150g vegetable oil, 1 cup flour, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. baking powder, zest of 1 lemon, 1 tsp. grated ginger, if desired - nuts, coconut flakes, raisins.

How to make sweet cake from cake. Using a mixer, beat the eggs with sugar, pour in the vegetable oil in a thin stream, continuing to beat for another 4-5 minutes, then gradually, while kneading the dough, add flour and baking powder, add the cake, ginger, grated lemon zest, nuts, knead the dough. Line the mold with parchment, pour the prepared mass into it, bake in the oven for 40-45 minutes, preheating it to 190 degrees. When the pie has cooled, cut it into 2-3 layers, spread with jam or any cream to taste, and you can decorate it like a cake.

You can also use the cake to make sweet mini-cupcakes or one large cupcake.

Recipe for cakes from cakes

You will need: 300g flour, 250g cake, 200g sugar, 175g butter, 2 large eggs, slaked soda with vinegar (a little - up to 0.5 tsp), vanilla sugar to taste.

How to make cakes from pulp. Grind the sugar with softened butter until a homogeneous whitish mass, beat in the eggs, beat, add slaked soda, gradually adding flour mixed with vanilla sugar, knead the dough, add the cake and mix well. Grease the molds or one large cake pan with vegetable oil, lay out the dough, bake the muffins in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for half an hour.

As you can see, cake is not a waste product at all, but a completely complete product that can become the basis for preparing many delicious dishes, both main and dessert. And your family will also praise you for such yummy and practicality. Good luck in mastering new heights of culinary skill - waste-free cooking!

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In the last issue we talked about.

Do you like freshly squeezed juice? If yes, then most likely you often use carrots to prepare it. So you have repeatedly thought about how you can use the carrot pulp left after squeezing the juice. She is so attractive to look at and there is so much of her left that I can’t bring myself to throw away this beauty. And it is not necessary! We invite you to adopt several recipes in which you can use carrot cake.

Carrot pancakes


  • 1 cup carrot pulp
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 glass of kefir
  • 1.5 cups flour
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  • sugar, vanilla sugar, salt - to taste

Mix all ingredients in a deep bowl. The result should be a dough with a consistency similar to thick sour cream. If the dough turns out liquid, add flour. Place the frying pan on gas and lightly grease it with vegetable oil. We carry out this procedure only before frying the first batch of pancakes. We fry the next batches of pancakes without oil, since it is already in the dough.

Cottage cheese casserole with carrots


  • 0.5 kg carrot cake
  • 1 kg cottage cheese
  • 4 eggs
  • 4 tbsp semolina
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup raisins
  • zest of one lemon

Set aside 1 egg. Mix the remaining ingredients thoroughly. Take a baking dish, grease it with butter and lay out the dough. Now take the previously laid egg and beat it thoroughly with a whisk. Brush the casserole with beaten egg and sprinkle with semolina or breadcrumbs. Place the pan in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 40 minutes.

Carrot soup


  • 1 liter of meat broth
  • 400 g carrot cake
  • 1 onion
  • 100 grams of processed cheese
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil
  • greenery
  • ground black pepper

Finely chop the onion and lightly fry it in vegetable oil along with the carrot pulp. Next, pour 1 cup of broth into the pan, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Pour the remaining broth into the pan and bring to a boil. Then add onions and carrots to the pan, grated processed cheese, salt and pepper to taste and, stirring continuously, bring the soup to a boil again. Now season it with chopped herbs and remove the pan from the heat. All that remains is to let the soup cool for 15-20 minutes and beat it with a blender.

Lenten carrot cookies


  • 2 cups carrot pulp
  • 0.5 glasses of water
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1.5-2 cups flour
  • a pinch of salt

Pour carrot pulp, sugar, salt into a bowl, add water and mix thoroughly. Add flour little by little until we have a soft, elastic dough. Divide the dough into portions and roll them into layers 1.5-2 cm thick. Cut out the cookies using baking molds or a regular glass. We take a baking sheet, cover it with parchment and lay out our cookies, then place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 10 minutes.

And finally, a little advice. If you have much more carrot cake on hand than you need to prepare a dish, do not rush to throw it away. Divide it into portions and freeze. And you will definitely need it!

This recipe can be called "zero-waste pumpkin."

There is no need to write about the benefits of pumpkin juice - it contains useful pectin substances, potassium, calcium, magnesium salts, iron, copper and cobalt, vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6, D, E, K, T.

Pumpkin juice cleanses the body and digestive system, it is recommended for metabolic disorders, obesity, diabetes, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes bile secretion, is recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases accompanied by edema, for diseases of the kidneys and liver, bladder, skin, for constipation, for men it is recommended for inflammation of the prostate gland, for women - for inflammation of the appendages, for anemia and to improve blood clotting, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, improves the structure of nails and hair.

You need to take it 1/2 cup once a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 10 days.
You can add carrot or apple juice and honey to pumpkin juice.

There are practically no contraindications for taking pumpkin juice, only individual intolerance. Drink with caution if you have gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, or severe diabetes.

Also, don’t forget about the benefits of pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds have been used since ancient times in folk medicine as an anthelmintic, as well as for diseases of the genitourinary organs, especially for spasms that make urination difficult.

Pumpkin seeds contain an important element - zinc, which affects the sexual sphere. It is good to eat pumpkin seeds for prostatitis, as well as menopause in women. Improves blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels...

About the benefits of zinc
“Zinc acts like a street traffic cop, directing and monitoring the efficient flow of processes in the body, maintaining enzyme systems and cells. Necessary for protein synthesis. Controls muscle contractility. Helps in the formation of insulin. Important for maintaining blood consistency and acid-base balance in the body.
It has a normalizing effect on the prostate and is important for the development of all reproductive organs. New research suggests an important role for zinc in brain function and in the treatment of schizophrenia. There is strong evidence for its importance in DNA synthesis.
Accelerates the healing of internal and external wounds. Eliminates white spots on nails. Helps eliminate loss of taste. Helps in the treatment of infertility. Helps avoid problems with the prostate gland. Promotes growth and mental activity. Helps reduce cholesterol deposits. Diseases caused by zinc deficiency: possible prostate hypertrophy (non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland), atherosclerosis.
The best natural sources: steak, lamb chop, pork fillet, wheat ovary, brewer's yeast, pumpkin seeds, eggs, low-fat dry milk, mustard.
It is best to take chelated zinc. Zinc can be found in combination with vitamin C, magnesium and B vitamins."

Important!- You should drink freshly squeezed juice; with every minute of inactivity, a huge amount of useful elements in the juice are lost.

So, peel the pumpkin from the skin and core, separate the seeds. Seeds - for drying. And juice is made from the pulp.

To enhance the effect of the juice and improve its taste, I usually make juice from pumpkin with carrots (about 2/3 pumpkin and 1/3 carrots).

Since modern common juicers leave a lot of waste - semi-dry cake, I came up with the idea of ​​​​making pancakes from it. Also, pumpkin and carrot squeezes are good to add to baked goods -. This additive only improves the gingerbread - it rises better and becomes fluffier.

Pumpkin and carrot pancakes

  • 1 egg
  • 3-4 tablespoons flour
  • about 1 cup milk(can be replaced with any fermented milk product - fermented baked milk, kefir, sour cream - add half a glass to a glass of boiled water, etc.)
  • 1.5-2 cups squeezes pumpkins With carrots(small pieces, discard large pieces)
  • 1/3 tsp. spoons soda slaked with vinegar
  • 2-3 tsp. spoons of sugar (to taste)
  • salt(pinch), you can add vanillin And cinnamon
Beat the egg with a pinch of salt and sugar and vanilla (by hand or using a blender). Add milk (kefir), flour, extinguish the soda. Add the pumpkin and carrot pulp left over after preparing the juice. You should get a thick substance, like pancakes. If it is very liquid, add more cake or flour.

We usually fry the pancakes in a frying pan with vegetable oil, on both sides until golden brown.

Pancakes are delicious with sour cream, jam and honey. They are good piping hot or can be eaten cold. Tasty, profitable, convenient.

Bon appetit!

This recipe can be called "zero-waste pumpkin."

There is no need to write about the benefits of pumpkin juice - it contains useful pectin substances, potassium, calcium, magnesium salts, iron, copper and cobalt, vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6, D, E, K, T.

Pumpkin juice cleanses the body and digestive system, it is recommended for metabolic disorders, obesity, diabetes, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes bile secretion, is recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases accompanied by edema, for diseases of the kidneys and liver, bladder, skin, for constipation, for men it is recommended for inflammation of the prostate gland, for women - for inflammation of the appendages, for anemia and to improve blood clotting, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, improves the structure of nails and hair.

You need to take it 1/2 cup once a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 10 days.
You can add carrot or apple juice and honey to pumpkin juice.

There are practically no contraindications for taking pumpkin juice, only individual intolerance. Drink with caution if you have gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, or severe diabetes.

Also, don’t forget about the benefits of pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds have been used since ancient times in folk medicine as an anthelmintic, as well as for diseases of the genitourinary organs, especially for spasms that make urination difficult.

Pumpkin seeds contain an important element - zinc, which affects the sexual sphere. It is good to eat pumpkin seeds for prostatitis, as well as menopause in women. Improves blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels...

About the benefits of zinc
“Zinc acts like a street traffic cop, directing and monitoring the efficient flow of processes in the body, maintaining enzyme systems and cells. Necessary for protein synthesis. Controls muscle contractility. Helps in the formation of insulin. Important for maintaining blood consistency and acid-base balance in the body.
It has a normalizing effect on the prostate and is important for the development of all reproductive organs. New research suggests an important role for zinc in brain function and in the treatment of schizophrenia. There is strong evidence for its importance in DNA synthesis.
Accelerates the healing of internal and external wounds. Eliminates white spots on nails. Helps eliminate loss of taste. Helps in the treatment of infertility. Helps avoid problems with the prostate gland. Promotes growth and mental activity. Helps reduce cholesterol deposits. Diseases caused by zinc deficiency: possible prostate hypertrophy (non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland), atherosclerosis.
The best natural sources: steak, lamb chop, pork fillet, wheat ovary, brewer's yeast, pumpkin seeds, eggs, low-fat dry milk, mustard.
It is best to take chelated zinc. Zinc can be found in combination with vitamin C, magnesium and B vitamins."

Important!- You should drink freshly squeezed juice; with every minute of inactivity, a huge amount of useful elements in the juice are lost.

So, peel the pumpkin from the skin and core, separate the seeds. Seeds - for drying. And juice is made from the pulp.

To enhance the effect of the juice and improve its taste, I usually make juice from pumpkin with carrots (about 2/3 pumpkin and 1/3 carrots).

Since modern common juicers leave a lot of waste - semi-dry cake, I came up with the idea of ​​​​making pancakes from it. Also, pumpkin and carrot squeezes are good to add to baked goods - Lenten honey gingerbread. This additive only improves the gingerbread - it rises better and becomes fluffier.

Pumpkin and carrot pancakes

  • 1 egg
  • 3-4 tablespoons flour
  • about 1 cup milk(can be replaced with any fermented milk product - fermented baked milk, kefir, sour cream - add half a glass to a glass of boiled water, etc.)
  • 1.5-2 cups squeezes pumpkins With carrots(small pieces, discard large pieces)
  • 1/3 tsp. spoons soda slaked with vinegar
  • 2-3 tsp. spoons of sugar (to taste)
  • salt(pinch), you can add vanillin And cinnamon
Beat the egg with a pinch of salt and sugar and vanilla (by hand or using a blender). Add milk (kefir), flour, extinguish the soda. Add the pumpkin and carrot pulp left over after preparing the juice. You should get a thick substance, like pancakes. If it is very liquid, add more cake or flour.

We usually fry the pancakes in a frying pan with vegetable oil, on both sides until golden brown.

Pancakes are delicious with sour cream, jam and honey. They are good piping hot or can be eaten cold. Tasty, profitable, convenient.

Bon appetit!