What to do with raspberry pomace. Homemade raspberry liqueurs and tinctures

For those who love sweet alcoholic drinks with a hint of berries, you can try making raspberry liqueur at home: a recipe with vodka, with or without sugar, based on jam or fresh berries. There are a lot of options. The soft-tasting raspberry liqueur has pleasant aroma and will appeal to all connoisseurs good alcohol. The great advantage of this drink is its ease of preparation and many beneficial properties.

Be careful! Alcohol in raspberry liqueur is almost not felt. Because of this, you may not even notice how drunk you become.

Raspberries are not only tasty, but also very healthy berry, so it is not surprising that it is often used to prepare a variety of drinks and dishes. A drink based on vodka and raspberries is called tincture or liqueur. Thick and sweet, it will be an excellent decoration for the holiday table, and will also help improve your health. Raspberry tincture has many beneficial properties and can be used as medicine.

  1. The drink helps effectively fight influenza and acute respiratory viral diseases. Perfect option- use the tincture in combination with medication prescribed by the doctor.
  2. An effective remedy against seasonal colds.
  3. Raspberry tincture will help with illness.
  4. This drink can be used in the treatment of sore throat and laryngitis.
  5. The tincture will help relieve inflammatory and infectious processes occurring in the throat.
  6. Also used for various pathologies of the larynx.
  7. The drink is also often used to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Helps cope with inflammatory processes oral cavity, stomatitis.
  9. The drink has an immunostimulating effect and helps increase the body's protective functions.

In addition, raspberry liqueur, prepared at home, is an excellent sedative that can calm the nerves well. Consuming in small doses will help improve the functioning of the central nervous system.

The healing properties of the liqueur are explained high content the berry contains salicylic acid, due to which the product will help with high temperatures. It also has a diaphoretic and expectorant effect. Raspberry juice stimulates the functioning of the intestinal muscles, which prevents constipation and various problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

Beneficial influence on nervous system due to high content in raspberry copper. But such healing properties characteristic only for a drink that is prepared on the basis of berries, and not a chemical concentrate. For medicinal purposes, it is better to use the liqueur that was prepared at home in compliance with all proportions. Then there will be no doubt about its quality.

For raspberry tincture to help cope with the disease, the main thing is to use it in complex therapy, and not as a monotherapy. In addition, before use, be sure to consult with your doctor.

On vodka

The taste of the liqueur will depend on the amount of sugar in it. The more you add, the more cloying the taste will be, and vice versa. When preparing this drink at home, it is important to be guided by your taste preferences, and also strictly follow the recipe.

To prepare raspberry tincture, you can use the simplest recipe:

When preparing raspberry tincture at home, a simple recipe will allow you to get a delicious aromatic drink using a minimum of resources and effort.

With added sugar

There is another simple recipe for making raspberry liqueur. The drink is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 5 kg raspberries;
  • 1 kg granulated sugar;
  • 1.5 liters of good vodka;
  • 1 liter of clean water.


For storage, the drink is filtered again and bottled. Store the liqueur at air temperatures from +6°C to +16°C.

Based on raspberry jam

The liqueur can be prepared even in the absence of fresh berries. Instead, you can take the usual raspberry jam, which was prepared for future use. It ferments very well and will be an excellent raw material.

When preparing raspberry liqueur at home, a simple recipe will allow you to get a flavorful drink from just 2 ingredients: jam and vodka. To make the drink tasty, you must adhere to the general rules:

Improve taste qualities You can drink this drink with a few mint leaves.

To prepare a sweet alcoholic drink with raspberry flavor You can even use fermented jam. With this option, the liqueur is prepared according to the following rules:

  1. The ingredients are raspberry wort (fermented jam) and vodka in a 1:1 ratio. To enhance the aroma use vanilla sugar. For 1 liter of alcohol you will need 30 g of this sugar.
  2. All ingredients are mixed in a large glass container, which is then tightly closed and left for a while in a dry and dark place.
  3. After 7 days, you can taste the tasty and aromatic drink, but first you need to strain it.

Raspberry tincture should be stored in an airtight container. closed bottles in a cool place.

Cooking secrets

You can get a tasty and aromatic drink even the first time. To do this, you should follow the recommendations:

When planning to prepare a tincture at home, you should remember that it is better not to mix raspberries with other berries. Firstly, the drink will not have a very appetizing color, and secondly, the liqueur will lose its unsurpassed aroma and taste.

In this material you will find a classic recipe for making raspberry liqueur., as well as several new ones interesting recipes raspberry liqueur.
Pouring – alcoholic drink, the recipe for which has survived to this day from the time Ancient Rus'. To prepare the sweet liqueur, only fruits, sugar and vodka of the strongest and purest varieties are traditionally used.

The liqueur is a natural low alcohol drink, which for a long time preserves the aroma of berries and fruits. The following technology is used in the production of homemade liqueurs. Pre-prepared ingredients are poured into a wide-necked bottle. ripe berries(four-fifths of the container’s volume), which are covered with a layer of granulated sugar on top. The neck of the bottle is covered with gauze, and the container itself is placed in the sun and shaken periodically.

Next, the drink “matures” as follows. As soon as the fermentation process begins (after about four days), the workpiece should be stored in a dark place for several months. The shelf life of the drink in a dark place depends on the speed of the liqueur’s maturation process. Thus, early ripening liqueurs, for the preparation of which raspberries, wild strawberries or blackberries were used, will be ready in just one month, and for the ripening of mid-ripening liqueurs from plums, cherries, lingonberries or currants it will take up to five months.

Now let's find out in detail how it's done homemade liqueur from raspberries.

Step-by-step recipe with photos:


Classic recipe preparing raspberry liqueur:

To make a flavorful drink, you need to prepare ripe raspberries, quality vodka, honey This low-alcohol drink differs not only great taste, but also a therapeutic effect.

Berries must be collected in an ecologically clean area away from industrial production, landfills and highways. Suitable for infusing the drink only medical alcohol or very high quality vodka.

Otherwise, you can ruin the taste of the liqueur or, even worse, get poisoned by it. Fresh raspberries must be thoroughly washed and dried. To do this, they are placed in a colander and left for a while so that the water drains from the raspberries. Washed berries need to be cleaned of stalks and sepals.

Prepared raspberries are poured into a bottle with a wide neck and covered with a layer of sugar on top. Then the container is placed in a warm and bright place for four days. After the fermentation process begins, the gauze is removed from the neck of the bottle and a water seal is installed until fermentation is complete.

The finished tincture should be filtered (for example, through a nylon colander), poured into prepared containers and sealed. From the leftovers, the so-called pulp, you can make raspberry wine. Today

It reaches a height of one and a half meters and bears tasty and useful fruits. Raspberries ripen in different terms, which depends on weather conditions and its variety.

In our country it grows almost everywhere, excluding the northern regions. The very first raspberry garden in Rus' appeared in the 12th century, it was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky.

At the moment on garden plots growing great amount all sorts of this plant. Its berries are larger than those of the wild one. Although it is wild raspberries that stand out with their special aroma, they healing properties most clearly expressed.

Healing properties

Raspberries have a huge number of different useful substances, including nitrogenous, tanning and pectin substances, essential oils, fiber, vitamins A, C and B, iron, potassium, zinc, copper, cobalt and magnesium. The berry has anti-sclerotic properties and the ability to strengthen capillaries.

It contains salicylic acid, reducing high temperature and not having any side effects. It is useful to use for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and anemia.

Alcoholic drink recipes

You can prepare various alcoholic drinks from it, while homemade tincture from raspberries will have great taste and will be a decoration for the holiday table.

Raspberry tincture with vodka

You will need:

  • 0.5 liters of good, high-quality vodka;
  • raspberries (one liter jar);
  • 100 ml filtered/boiled water;
  • a glass of sugar.


Raspberry liqueur

You will need for preparation:

  • 1.3 kg sugar;
  • raspberries - 3.5 kg.

This is a very simple raspberry liqueur recipe. Pour ripe, clean berries into a five-liter jar, add sugar, cover with gauze and leave for 3 days. Next, remove the gauze and leave the resulting mixture for a couple of weeks until the fermentation process stops. Next, filter the liqueur through paper or thick cloth. Pour into bottles and seal them.

Raspberry tincture with alcohol

To prepare it you will need:

  • 0.5 l of alcohol;
  • 3 kg of berries;
  • 7 liters of water.

Mix all ingredients in a ten-liter bottle. Cover it loosely with a lid and cover it with canvas, then place it near a window for two weeks. Every day, shake the bottle in which our raspberry tincture with alcohol is prepared. After 14 days, our berries will begin to “play”: move around the jar from top to bottom and bottom to top. This means that raspberry tincture ready. It must be strained through cheesecloth and left to infuse for another couple of days. Then bottle it.

It is worth noting that it is better to take the bottles in which our raspberry tincture with vodka will be stored from champagne so that it does not burst due to internal pressure. There is no need to top up all the way to the neck. Leave 3 cm of air. In this case, the corks need to be tied with wire or rope, as if on champagne. This raspberry tincture with vodka is stored in a cool, ventilated place with the neck down. After a month and a half, it will be fully ripe, after which it can already be consumed. Don’t be upset if one of the bottles bursts, because the remaining liquor is already ripe. It will be suitable for Christmas or New Year's table. It can be stored for no more than six months.

and raspberries

To prepare you will need:

  • 200 cherry leaves;
  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • vodka - 1 l;
  • citric acid - 3 l.

Boil cherry leaves and berries for 5 minutes over low heat. Then place gauze on the bottom of the colander, place the leaves and berries on it and squeeze it out. Place in a large saucepan, add sugar, and pour in vodka. After this, boil it, and only then pour it into bottles prepared in advance.

On cognac

So, now let’s figure out how to make raspberry tincture with cognac. Its taste goes well with berries. It is recommended to make the drink without sugar in order to preserve the natural aroma.


  • 1 liter of real good cognac;
  • 750 g raspberries.


  1. The raspberries are washed and cleaned, after which they are put into a jar.
  2. Next, it is filled with cognac so much that it protrudes above the raspberry layer.
  3. The jar is sealed and kept warm for two months.
  4. The tincture is filtered and bottled for storage in convenient bottles.

With jam



  1. The jam is poured with vodka, after which the lid is tightly closed.
  2. The jar is put in a warm place for 4 days, and it must be shaken every day.
  3. When the specified time has passed, you need to strain the resulting syrup, diluting it clean water.



  • 500 grams of sugar;
  • 2 cups raspberries;
  • 2 liters of citric acid;
  • 0.5 l of vodka;
  • 40 cherry leaves.


  1. The leaves and berries are poured with a liter of clean water, after which they are boiled for 5 minutes.
  2. The tincture is filtered and cooled, then added granulated sugar, citric acid, and boil again.
  3. As soon as the mixture cools, vodka is added to it. The resulting liqueur is bottled into convenient bottles and left to infuse for a month.


Of course, all these drinks can be used during feasts, as well as to keep warm chilly winter and cool autumn. Raspberry tincture with vodka is most often used for entertainment purposes, although this does not mean that it does not have beneficial properties. For example, it copes well with coughs, sore throats, improves immunity and warms.


Due to the fact that all the tinctures given in the article contain alcohol, they are not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. Such tinctures should not be given to children. Although it is better not to abuse them for adults, they are pleasant and sweet in taste and may surprise you with their alcoholic effect.

Homemade alcohol made with raspberries is very tasty. It has a rather rich, intoxicating aroma. Besides this natural product, which cooks quickly. And in winter it’s very nice to get raspberry wine or liqueur and remember the bright summer.

How is raspberry liqueur different from tincture?

Today there are a huge number of recipes that help you prepare a variety of vodka tinctures at home, as well as flavored liqueurs on sweet raspberries. These two types of drinks are very different from each other:

Those who like to prepare alcoholic drinks at home will certainly appreciate the variety of raspberry recipes. All that remains is to choose exactly the option that you like the most.

Raspberry liqueur recipes

Low-alcohol raspberry liqueurs made at home attract both women and men. They are easy to drink and will be a wonderful addition to festive table.

All of these liqueurs are very easy to make at home. This will not require much expense. A experienced winemakers they can add some of their own flavors to the recipes (a few berries or cherry leaves, bright spices, citric acid or something else).

Raspberry liqueur recipes

It’s even easier to prepare tinctures at home. They are also made with different alcoholic drinks.

  1. On cognac. This tincture is made at home without adding sugar. Therefore, the finished drink retains its unusual cognac flavor. The composition includes a liter of cognac and 750 g. raspberries The washed berries are poured into a jar, cognac is added there. Cover the container with a lid and put it in a warm place for 60 days. Next, the drink is bottled very carefully from the sediment.
  2. With vodka made from jam. The tincture is prepared not only from fresh berries. Spoiled (mouldy) raspberry jam will also come in handy. You only need 300 grams of it, vodka? 300 ml, water? half a glass. The jam is poured into a jar, filled with vodka, closed with a lid and put away in a dark place for 4 days. The drink is filtered. If you want to reduce its strength, just dilute the tincture with clean water, and only then bottle it.

These recipes can be served at the table. But their main purpose? treatment at home for various types of ailments with the stomach, kidneys, etc.

Raspberry wine: recipe

Raspberry wine enjoys incredible success for its bright taste and a beautiful shade. It can be prepared at home, it does not require much effort. Need to:

  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 1.5 kg raspberries;
  • 1 kg sugar.

The technology is divided into several main stages:

Each of these drinks created at home? a real masterpiece. The result will surprise everyone. And the efforts that were made in the process of preparing raspberry liqueurs or tinctures will certainly be justified. And it doesn’t matter what recipe it will be? with cognac, moonshine or with the addition of cherries and other berries. The main thing is that it is made with love!

One of the most attractive drinks due to its fragrant aroma and pleasant sweet and sour taste. tart taste is raspberry liqueur, which is prepared at home. It can be made at home by pouring berries strong alcohol or prepare it like liqueur wine, when fermentation occurs berry juice with sugar.

Useful properties of raspberry liqueur

Home raspberry liqueur can be drunk as an alcoholic drink, for example, with sweet desserts, fruits, and pastries. And if you wish, you can stock up on a bottle or two of liqueur to use it in medicinal purposes. This liqueur is especially relevant during the cold season, in the spring and autumn, when the body needs to be supported with a natural vitamin remedy. Raspberry liqueur contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, C, PP. The drink is rich in iron, calcium, sodium, manganese, cobalt, phosphorus, and copper. The healing liquid contains salicylic acid, essential oils, and tannins.

Raspberry liqueur is used as remedy at elevated temperature, vitamin deficiency, iron deficiency. The liqueur removes toxins in cases of viral and bacterial illnesses. And this is also beautiful (and tasty remedy) to increase the level of immunity and strengthen the body after suffering illnesses of any nature. For treatment, raspberry liqueur is drunk in very moderate doses - only 2 tablespoons before meals three times a day. If desired, you can drink the liqueur in pure form or add to warm tea (black or herbal) or water.

But you can prepare raspberry liqueur as a delicious drink for the holiday table. It will honorably replace any store-bought drink, especially if you used berries from your own garden - ripe, high-quality, grown without harmful chemicals. You can prepare a drink even in cold weather if instead fresh fruits take frozen ones.

Raspberries for making liqueur

It doesn't matter which raspberries you use - early, mid-ripening or late. The size and color of the berries also does not matter, however, the liqueur from yellow varieties (for example, Yellow Giant, Beglyanka, Zlatoglavaya) will come out light, often less aromatic (usually the smell of red varieties is brighter). True, allergy sufferers appreciate the liqueur from yellow-fruited raspberries (such varieties contain less anthocyanins - plant coloring substances). Popular varieties in Russia are those that bear fruit well, are resistant to diseases, and whose berries have a sweet-sour or sweet taste (for example, varieties Patricia, Scarlet Sails, Meteor, Vera, Mirage, etc.).

Raspberry berries are collected from the end of June (for early varieties) to August-September. In the morning, as soon as the dew subsides, you can collect the berries in a small container with a hard bottom. It is advisable that the container volume is no more than 2 liters, otherwise the berries may be damaged. It is better not to pick raspberries in the rain, otherwise they will disintegrate and become watery. In addition, if you plan to make liqueur by fermenting berries with sugar, there must be yeast on its surface. And after precipitation they will be washed away, so this wort either will not ferment or will ferment weakly. If the liqueur is made from purchased raspberries, you need to consider the integrity of the berries and their color. It is advisable to ask the seller about the place where the berries were collected. Rotten, unripe or disease-damaged berries should not be used. By the way, wild raspberries are also suitable. Its aroma and taste are often even stronger than that of the garden variety. True, the opportunity to get out into the forest is not available to everyone.

As soon as the raspberry harvest is harvested, you should decide on the recipe according to which the liqueur will be prepared. In some cases the berries are washed, in others they are not. If the recipe calls for washing the berries, they are sorted out, poured into a colander in a small layer and washed with cool running water. All accidentally picked leaves and stalks are removed. Raspberries are processed immediately, since they are stored even in the cold for only a short time - they release juice and become wilted.

In most cases, when raspberries are poured with strong alcohol (, diluted alcohol or pure moonshine), granulated sugar is added for sweetness. Although you can make an unsweetened tincture, focusing on sourness and pleasant smell drink By the way, without that delicious liqueur You can add a special “zest” to raspberries by adding a pinch of spices (cumin, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, ginger) or some fresh mint leaves to the berries.

Recipe for raspberry liqueur with vodka (about 15% strength)

If the raspberry season passes, you can turn your attention to frozen fruits. Berries from freezer must first be defrosted at room temperature.


  • Raspberries – 2 kg;
  • Vodka (or other 40% alcoholic drink) – 1 l;
  • Sugar – 0.5 kg;
  • Water – 500 ml.

Cooking process

  1. Sort and wash the raspberries. Lightly mash it with your hands (with a masher) in a bowl with high sides so that the juice does not leak out. Pour the mashed raspberry mixture into glass bottle, pour vodka on top. The alcohol should completely cover the berries by several centimeters;
  2. Close the container hermetically, shake it and take it to a warm place where there is no access to light for a week. Shake daily raspberry vodka;
  3. Filter the infusion through clean gauze, carefully squeezing out the pulp (you don’t need to throw it away yet). Set aside the container with the filtered drink for a while;
  4. Place the raspberry pomace (cake) into a saucepan, add water, add sugar. Bring to a boil over low heat, simmer for about 5 minutes, skimming off any foam that appears. Remove from heat, cool;
  5. When the temperature of the sweetened raspberry liquid is about 25-30 degrees, pour the raspberry vodka obtained earlier into it;
  6. Stir the contents of the pan and then filter through cheesecloth. Pour into a clean container, seal and leave for 1 month in a cool place;
  7. After the month allowed for aging, filter the drink again, pour into bottles of the desired volume, seal and place in a cool, dark place without light. Raspberry liqueur prepared according to this recipe can be stored for 1 year.

Classic raspberry liqueur recipe (about 10% strength)


  • Raspberries (fresh, unwashed) – 2 kg;
  • Sugar – 1 kg;
  • Water – 200 ml.

Cooking process

  1. Sort out the unwashed raspberries, pour the first layer (about 3 cm) into a container, and cover with the same layer of sugar. Alternate raspberries and sugar until the ingredients are gone. Pour in water (necessarily unboiled, otherwise there will be no oxygen in it, which will negatively affect fermentation). It is important that there is free space in the container for the foam that will soon appear;
  2. Taking a wooden masher, gently mash the berries in sugar and water;
  3. Place a water seal (or a pierced medical glove) on the neck of the cylinder. Move the container to a sunny place for 20-50 days;
  4. Fermentation will be completed when bubbles stop coming out of the shutter (the previously inflated glove should fall), and a sediment will appear. Then you will have to pour the liqueur into another clean container, filtering through cheesecloth. To ripen, move the container with the liqueur to a cool place (refrigerator, basement) for 1-3 months. Store for up to 2 years in a cool, dark place.

A simple recipe for raspberry liqueur without sugar (about 25% strength)


  • Raspberries – 1.5 kg;
  • Vodka – 2 l.

Cooking process

  1. Sort and rinse the raspberries. Place it on the bottom of the container and fill it with alcohol. Close tightly and shake well a couple of times;
  2. Move the container to a dark place with room temperature for a period of 1 to 2 months;
  3. Filter the liqueur through a sieve or cheesecloth. Store in a cool place for 2 years. If desired, after filtering, you can add a little honey to the drink (about 250-300 g), stir and let it brew for another 2-3 days.

Quick raspberry liqueur recipe

The strength of raspberry liqueur quickly depends on the amount of alcohol added. Sometimes you want to please yourself and your family or friends delicious drink, but there is no time to prepare it. Then you can make raspberry liqueur like this simple recipe.


  • Raspberries – 1 kg;
  • Vodka – 1.5 liters (less or more, depending on the desired amount of the finished drink);
  • Sugar - 250 g (if you want the drink to be sweet, the amount of sugar can be doubled).

Cooking process

  1. Place clean berries in a heat-resistant glass container and seal;
  2. Place in a saucepan (large basin) cold water, place the container with raspberries in the center of the container. Boil over medium heat. Reduce heat and cook for another 1.5 hours. If necessary, add a little water;
  3. Remove the pan (basin) from the heat, let the water cool (as the water cools, the contents of the container with the resulting berry juice will also cool);
  4. Strain raspberry juice(the cake can be thrown away). Pour it into glass containers(bottle or container), add vodka and sugar, shake well, seal;
  5. Let the liqueur brew for a day.