What to do if there is no soda. What can you replace baking soda with?

Baking soda is an excellent leavening agent that is used to add fluffiness to foods. More often it is used to prepare dough. But there are times when suddenly it is not at hand and the main question becomes - what to replace soda in baking with. In fact, there are several proven and effective options that help, without compromising the finished result, replace this important ingredient for chefs.

What makes quality baked goods

An alkaline compound - sodium bicarbonate, reacting with an acid or fermented milk product, demonstrates a result that many have known since school years. Its result is the release of a large amount of carbon dioxide, the bubbles of which give the dough looseness and airiness.

In the modern food industry, there are enough options to choose what to use instead of soda. On the open market you can buy the so-called artificial baking powder, which consists of soda and acid, as well as an additional inert substance, which is often flour or starch.

This is a very convenient ingredient, which, when added to the dough, causes a mandatory one hundred percent reaction that occurs under the influence of high temperature and humidity. The same effect occurs as with soda and acid - bubbles appear and the dough will become loose and fluffy.

Baking soda by itself will not give a positive result affecting the quality of baking; it requires an acidic ingredient, therefore, in recipes where baking soda is used, there must be an acidic product - kefir, whey, berry juices, etc.

What options should you not experiment with?

Often in the recipe for some types of baked goods it is recommended to quench, i.e. pour soda with vinegar or diluted citric acid outside the dough. The effectiveness of this method is questionable, since carbon dioxide begins to be released with this method even before it gets into the dough.

Nor should you hope that the combination of citric acid and soda will give the desired result immediately when it gets into the dough.

>Soda and citric acid come in different qualities, so the desired result may not always be observed.

It is worth remembering that sodium bicarbonate and baking powder are completely different ingredients, so they cannot be used interchangeably.

If the recipe specifies the use of these products together, you should not refuse one of them if desired. It is better to use both, this will enhance the reaction.

In order to get a positive result, you must use only fresh, high-quality baking soda. Despite the fact that its shelf life is unlimited, it must be stored properly - only in dry places protected from light.

How to replace soda in cooking

Currently, sodium bicarbonate in the food industry, as well as at home, is perfectly replaced by new spices and additives. One of these is ammonium carbonate, which is solid, dense, colorless, crumbly salt plates. This type of product is used to raise yeast-free dough. When finished, it is added to baking powder.

Ammonium carbonate is one of the substances common in the food industry that can replace soda in baking. It decomposes easily when exposed to high temperatures and quickly dissolves in water. In air, it begins to react with it and turns into ammonium bicarbonate, which cannot be used in food.

Since ammonium carbonate breaks down into water, ammonia and carbon dioxide, this substance is stored in a closed container in a dark place. Use it immediately before preparing the dough. Ammonium is used only for the preparation of those products in which the moisture level drops to 5%; if this figure is higher, ammonia will be present in the composition, which is harmful to the human body. As a rule, ammonium is used for baking thin cakes, cookies, crackers, etc.

Ammonium carbonate, despite its popularity in the food sector, is an unsafe product, since at home it is difficult to strictly adhere to all the rules for its use. Government consumer supervision organizations in many countries categorically prohibit the use of ammonium, as they consider it a substance hazardous to health. In the designation classifier, this component is defined as a food additive with the following names:

  • ammonium bicarbonate;
  • E-503;
  • ammonium carbonate and others.

Experts recommend using this substance only strictly according to the recipe specified in the preparation of a particular product. An excess can lead to such negative health effects as: increased sweating, breathing problems, mental and physical inhibition.

Homemade baking powder

In the culinary business, housewives often use proven personal methods for replacing baking soda as a leavening agent for dough. Making your own baking powder turns out to be not that difficult. This method was used by bakers back in Soviet times, and it also works great for housewives these days.

You can prepare baking powder or homemade baking powder yourself, the main thing is to follow the proportions. So, we offer method of homemade baking powder No. 1:

  1. Combine sifted premium flour in an amount of 10 tsp. with 5 tsp. baking soda, 3 tsp. citric acid. Mix everything well.
  2. Store the mixture in a dry place in a tightly closed container.

In addition, to achieve a crispy crust on baked goods, you can add 1 tsp to this baking powder in the dough. vodka.

Method number 2:

  1. Mix 5 tsp. sodium bicarbonate, 3 tsp. citric acid, 12 tsp. starch.
  2. This homemade baking powder recipe can be used in baking recipes that do not contain fermented milk products or natural acids.
  3. The proportion of baking powder added to the dough should be 10 g per 400 g of flour.

Other types of soda substitutes

You can replace sodium bicarbonate with animal fat - lard, margarine or butter, which should be placed in 1 tbsp. l. more than indicated in the recipe, but sift the flour several times. It is better if the fats are softened and whipped to a fluffy foam with salt and sugar.

Alcohol is also an excellent leavening agent. Cognac, whiskey, vodka, and liqueurs are often added to baked goods, which can replace soda. In proportion 1 tbsp. l. alcohol can replace 2.5 g of baking soda. Alcohol increases the porosity of the dough.

The effect of soda can be created by adding kefir and highly carbonated mineral water to the dough, which is added in equal proportions with the fermented milk product specified in the recipe - sour cream, whey, kefir.

It is worth paying close attention to the fact that soda cannot always be replaced by alternative components. Please note that it cannot be fully replaced if the recipe contains honey, chocolate or fruit puree. Also, replacing soda with yeast will not give the desired result.

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is a safe and completely non-toxic substance that is found in most baking recipes. There are situations when there may be a need (in its absence) or simply a desire (due to the specific, barely noticeable taste of soda) to replace it with some other product with similar properties. Let's see if this white powder can be replaced with something else.

The main property of soda

In order to understand why we add soda to baked goods, let's look at its qualities. Its main “strength” is the ability to give the dough airiness, friability and porosity. This is achieved due to the fact that the product decomposes into water, salt and carbon dioxide when the white powder interacts with an acidic environment. Then the carbon dioxide expands as a result of heating and gives the dough the desired fluffiness.

Baking powder will replace baking soda

Baking powder is a product that is a mixture of food additives: soda (5 parts), citric acid (3 parts), flour or starch (12 parts) - ideal for replacing baking soda. This ingredient is convenient because it is good to use in dough that does not contain “fermented milk” (sour cream, curdled milk, kefir, yogurt, whey). The amount of baking powder added to the dough instead of soda should exceed the initially required amount of soda twice or at the rate of 10 g. powder per 400 gr. flour.

Margarine or butter will replace soda

No less fluffy and tasty baked goods can be obtained by adding butter or margarine to the dish instead of soda. It is worth considering that you should add more of these products than required by the recipe.

Alcohol will replace soda

Alcoholic drinks (rum, cognac, vodka, beer, flavored liqueurs) can make the dough porous. 1 tbsp. l. alcohol is proportional to 2.5 g. soda

Kefir or mineral water instead of soda

To prepare fluffy pancakes, pancakes, biscuits, pies, you can add regular kefir or highly carbonated mineral water to the dough, half with milk or plain water (if such ingredients are included in the recipe).

If you decide to replace soda, the addition of which is required according to the recipe, with another product, be careful, as your baked goods may not turn out as a result. For example, if your dough contains honey, chocolate, fruit puree or juice, soda is simply necessary, and yeast added to the biscuit will not replace soda in any way.

Sodium Bicarbonate – Baking soda is a safe, non-toxic substance found in many baking recipes. Sometimes it is necessary to replace it in a dish due to its absence or specific taste with another product that has similar properties. We suggest you look at what you can replace this white crumbly powder with.

Properties of baking soda

Before you understand why soda is added to confectionery products, it is worth understanding its quality. The qualitative property of soda is that it gives baked goods airiness, porosity and friability. This happens due to the fact that when interacting with a fermented milk or acidic environment, soda breaks down into water, carbon dioxide, and salt. The carbon dioxide then heats up and expands, giving the dough the necessary fluffiness and fluffiness.

You can replace baking soda with baking powder. The baking powder contains: citric acid 3 parts, starch or flour 12 parts, soda 5 parts. It is ideal for dough in a recipe that does not contain fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour milk, whey and yogurt. Baking powder is added to the dough in the amount of 10 g of product per 400 g of flour or twice as much baking soda, which is prescribed according to the recipe.

Butter or margarine can be an excellent substitute for soda. It will make the dough perfect, fluffy, loose and tender. You need to add more of this product than indicated in the recipe.

Also, soda powder can be replaced with alcoholic drinks, for example: vodka, cognac, wine, beer, rum, flavored liqueur. One tablespoon of alcohol is equivalent to 2.5 g of soda.

Mineral water and kefir will replace soda. You can prepare pancakes, pancakes and pies using kefir or carbonated mineral water diluted with plain water or milk.

If the recipe indicates that soda is a required ingredient, then baking may not work out, since the composition of the products may be calculated accurately. For example, when confectionery products contain chocolate, juice, puree, honey, soda must be added, but when baked goods contain yeast, then soda should not be added, it will not play the same role as the yeast composition of the product.

Just a few decades ago, many housewives did not even know about the existence of baking powder (baking powder). This indispensable ingredient for any baking was in great short supply. But now you can buy a packet of baking powder at any stall. Without baking powder, the dough does not rise and the baked goods remain gummy.

When kneading the dough, carbon dioxide is released due to the addition of baking powder, which literally makes the baking base “loose.” In other words, baking powder allows you to make any cake fluffy and beautiful.

How can I replace baking powder?

It is worth noting that the housewife does not always have a bag of baking powder at hand. In this case, you can replace the baking powder in baking with regular baking soda, which in itself is an excellent baking powder. And in the right proportion with an oxidizing agent, it turns into baking powder.

To prepare baking powder at home, take a dark glass jar, add 12 teaspoons of flour, 5 teaspoons of baking soda and 3 teaspoons of citric acid. Mix all ingredients with a wooden spatula. Do not use a metal spoon to avoid an oxidation reaction. Store baking powder in a dry, dark place. When necessary, add 2 teaspoons of baking powder to the dough. This mixture can be used for making muffins, pancakes, biscuits, pancakes, pies and other baked goods.

If the situation is such that you didn’t take care of baking powder in advance, but you really want to bake something, you can replace the baking powder at home with slaked soda, which is familiar to all housewives. In this case, a large amount of carbon dioxide will also be released, which will loosen the dough. The only difference is that homemade baking powder can be stored, and slaked soda must be added to the dough immediately.

Soda should be extinguished with vinegar - preferably wine or apple vinegar. It is enough to put 1 spoon of slaked soda into the dough to make the baked goods fluffy. However, if you are making dough with kefir, then you can add quicklime soda, since fermented milk products are natural oxidizing agents, which means that the process of releasing carbon dioxide when kefir and soda come into contact will proceed without vinegar.

How to replace baking powder and soda

Sometimes situations arise when there is neither baking powder nor soda in the house. However, you can bake a delicious pie in such a situation.

So, when baking charlottes and strudels, you can add a few spoons of beer to the dough.

If water is added to baked goods according to the recipe, it can be mixed in equal proportions with any highly carbonated mineral water. Finally, to make fluffy baked goods, yeast can be substituted for baking soda and baking powder.

Surprisingly, even vodka can replace soda. Each tablespoon of strong drink replaces 2.5 g of soda. In addition, flavored liqueurs can replace baking powder and make baked goods more fluffy and tasty.

Strongly beaten chicken eggs also make an excellent alternative to baking soda and commercial baking powder.

Or simple soda - this is a safe, completely non-toxic substance, which is present in many cooking recipes.

Soda is familiar to all housewives as an indispensable ingredient when working with dough. What to do if it is not at hand? How to replace this component in baking? What other foods or substances have similar qualities? Let's figure out what to replace soda with and whether it will give the desired result.

What is soda needed for?

In order to understand what can replace soda, let’s figure out what role it plays in the dough.

Everything is very simple here. Interacting with an acidic environment, soda breaks down into two elements:

  • Water.
  • Salt.

It is thanks to these components that the dough does not stick together and becomes fluffy and airy.

Baking soda is the most popular product that saturates the dough with carbon dioxide, but it is easy to replace it with components of similar properties. What are these components? We'll tell you.

Soda and its food analogues

Is it possible to replace soda? Yes! As the reader has already understood, not only it is capable of giving the dough fluffiness and real airiness.

Culinary experts advise replacing soda with dry or live yeast, which can be easily purchased at any store.

Also, quite often, alcohol can act as a similar component - this is rum, simple beer, cognac and even alcohol.

Another way to replace soda in baking? Foreign housewives recommend using ammonia in the process of culinary creativity, but, of course, only food grade.

But it is necessary to remember that the lack of soda cannot always be compensated for by adding yeast. Most often, yeast is used to prepare delicious baked goods from yeast dough, but this component is not suitable for sponge cakes.

Ammonium carbonate

This substance, which decomposes at high temperatures, can release carbon dioxide as well as ammonia, so this product is used in large-scale baking.

In the process of preparing food with such a component, you have to behave very carefully, strictly observe all the proportions, but at home, in a hurry, when everything is done “by eye,” it is not always easy to maintain all the proportions.

Therefore, use this ingredient in baking if you are a true professional, otherwise you risk ruining all the products.

Baking powder as a substitute for sodium bicarbonate

What can replace soda in baking? Of course, baking powder. It is also called What is it? This is a product containing such additives as:

  • Soda.
  • Lemon acid.
  • Starch, flour is also possible.

This component is ideal for dough. Its convenience lies in the fact that if there are no fermented milk products on hand, for example, sour cream, kefir, whey, yogurt or even yogurt, it will still loosen and fluff the mass.

The dose of baking powder added to the dough instead of the usual product is usually twice as much. For example, ten grams of baking powder per half kilo of flour. I would have to add five grams of soda.

But one piece of advice: always sift the flour, otherwise the dough may not rise and you won’t be able to make fluffy, rich pastries.

Margarine or butter - soda substitute

Do you want to get luxurious pancakes or don’t have soda on hand? Ordinary margarine or butter will come to the rescue.

They will give the dough softness, airiness, make it porous and incredibly tasty. Here you need to remember that this fatty product must be added in larger doses than indicated in the recipe. Do not skimp on margarine or butter, then the result of your work will delight you with its taste.


What else can you replace soda with? As mentioned a little above, almost any strong alcohol-containing drink can replace it. When we run out of soda, we go to our minibar and take out a bottle of vodka or cognac. Wine, absinthe and martinis are no help in these culinary matters.

So, one tablespoon of strong alcohol corresponds to 2.5 grams of sodium bicarbonate. No vodka, take alcohol, beer, aromatic liqueur (then the dough will smell fragrant) or rum.

Mineral water

If the suggested components are not at hand, there is no beer, no butter with margarine, no baking powder, use mineral water, preferably highly carbonated.

A simple sponge cake will become taller and fluffier, and the pies will become incredibly airy if you use this simple component.

Fermented milk soda substitutes

What else can you replace soda with? When you have kefir or yogurt on hand, or simply sour milk, then its absence will not be so critical.

The fermented product will give the baked goods elasticity, but it will need to be slightly heated for fermentation to proceed actively.

Kefir and milk make very tasty pancakes, and no soda is needed here.

So, if you decide to replace sodium bicarbonate, which according to the recipe is a necessary component, always be prepared for the fact that the baking result will not please you. This is not a fact, but, nevertheless, the dough is a capricious thing, and it is not clear how it will behave when replacing soda with a surrogate. Perhaps the resulting buns will exceed all possible expectations. But, for example, if the dough recipe contains ingredients such as chocolate, fruit or fruit juice, marmalade, honey, then soda is indispensable here, and even yeast will not help make the sponge cake tasty.

Therefore, before you start preparing your next culinary delight, make sure that all the ingredients are on hand, and soda is no exception. Bon appetit.

Baking soda is overwhelmingly used in baking, home cooking, medicine, and fire extinguishers. Since it is sodium bicarbonate, when it gets into the dough or pancake mixture, it plays the role of a leavening agent, reacting with acids and forming bubbles of carbon dioxide, making it spongy and fluffy. But not everyone likes the peculiar taste that soda gives to the finished product, and sometimes it happens that there is simply no soda in the house and nearby stores.

What can you replace soda with?

If you don’t have soda at home, or for other reasons, soda can be replaced with simple products. You can take baking powder (baking powder), but you need to know that the baking powder is taken twice as much as the soda prescribed in the recipe. Baking powder also contains soda, but in tiny quantities, and the base is starch and citric acid.

Butter or margarine replaces soda well, but you also need more of them than soda. Strong alcohol fluffs the dough quite well - vodka, cognac, and liqueur works well in sweet baked goods. The dough can also be raised by ordinary carbonated water, sweet or plain, depending on what kind of product you want to get.

Beer also replaces soda in baking, but it produces a unique taste that not everyone likes.

In some cases, soda is replaced with dry yeast, but here the proportions must be especially observed, otherwise dry baked goods and biscuits may not work out.

Some recipes recommend using slaked soda. To do this, the soda is first quenched with vinegar and then combined with the dough. This is wrong, because the effect of airiness is created by carbon dioxide bubbles, and when extinguished they release 70-80% into the air. Experienced cooks advise mixing baking soda with dry ingredients, and vinegar with liquid ingredients, and then combining everything together. Then the effect will be many times greater. But if there is no soda or vinegar, then they can be successfully replaced with kefir, corn starch, bran flour or bran; they will also make the dough airy and crumbly.

Baking powder (baking powder) for dough allows you to make homemade baked goods airy and appetizing, thanks to the carbon dioxide released during the cooking process. Therefore, if it is not at hand, the question: what to replace the baking powder with, interests every housewife.

The industrial baking powder recipe includes:

  • ammonium carbonate
  • baking soda
  • rice flour
  • cream of tartar

It is very difficult to reproduce an industrial recipe at home. But several methods presented will allow you to successfully replace the missing baking powder, making the dough airy.

Baking powder made from soda and acid

To prepare 1 serving of baking powder you will need:

  • 1/4 tsp. citric acid
  • 1/2 tsp. soda
  • 1 tsp. flour

The ingredients are mixed and the resulting powdered mixture is added to the dough during kneading.

On a note! Since moisture introduced into this mixture can trigger a reaction, all required ingredients should be stored in a dry place.

Homemade baking powder can be prepared in reserve and used as needed. To do this, put in a jar:

  • 1 part citric acid
  • 2 parts soda
  • 4 parts flour

The mixture is placed in a dry, hermetically sealed jar.

Potato or corn starch can replace soda in the homemade baking powder recipe. The recipe for baking powder with starch will look like this:

  • 1 part citric acid
  • 2 parts soda
  • 4 parts starch

The components are mixed, and the resulting composition is added when kneading the dough at the rate of 5 g of baking powder per 200 g of flour.

Advice! Starch-based baking powder is perfect for making charlottes, pancakes, and pancakes.

Baking powder can be replaced by adding baking soda to the dough. When heated to 60° C, it itself begins to act as a leavening agent. To get an airy dough, soda is used:

1. Unextinguished.

This method is used if the recipe contains products that cause a soda reaction:

  • kefir, yogurt and other fermented milk products
  • apple and citrus juices or berry puree
  • honey, dark chocolate, cocoa
  • citric acid, vinegar, wine

On a note! Shortbread dough is usually prepared without adding soda. But there are a number of recipes where it is recommended to add quicklime soda to the shortbread dough.

2. In the extinguished state.

Before introducing soda into the dough recipe, it is quenched with table vinegar, lemon juice, and acid. This method will allow you to make airy biscuit dough, while saving the number of eggs used.

On a note! If baking soda is added to the dough instead of baking powder, then it should be put in half as much.

  • When baking cakes, muffins and pies, 2 tsp. homemade baking powder can replace 1 tsp. soda
  • When making homemade baking powder, citric acid is completely replaceable with any liquid acidic product: vinegar, wine, juice. This baking powder should be used immediately.
  • When preparing homemade baking powder for future use, it is recommended to pour all the ingredients into a storage container in layers, separating the alkali (soda) and acid (citric acid) with a layer of a relatively neutral substance - flour. This will prevent the mixture from reacting prematurely.
  • The dough, which contains soda, must be baked immediately after kneading, otherwise the dough will not rise and the loosening effect will not work.
  • The more fat the dough contains, the more baking powder is added to it. For example, a muffin recipe includes not only baking powder, but also baking soda.
  • Since citric acid is sometimes not able to completely neutralize the taste of soda when preparing dough, therefore, in some cases it is recommended to add vinegar.
  • You should put half as much soda in chocolate, nut or honey dough, otherwise the baked goods will acquire an unpleasant soapy taste and smell, as well as a dirty yellow color.
  • Dough prepared on the basis of fermented milk products: whey, kefir or yogurt requires more soda or baking powder.
  • Baking powder can be replaced with regular soda if the baking recipe contains citrus ingredients. In this case, soda does not require preliminary quenching.

The advantages of homemade baking powder include efficiency, safety and reliability, but there is only one drawback - it contains more calories than an industrially produced product. It’s not at all difficult to prepare a leavening composition yourself, and the ingredients included in its recipe are always available in the kitchen. Baking powder prepared by yourself can make homemade baked goods airy and appetizing, not inferior in quality to industrial baking powder.

The only pagan holiday that has been successfully adopted by Christians is Maslenitsa. It ends with the ritual of burning an effigy, symbolizing the cold winter. And a week before this, housewives begin baking pancakes using all kinds of fillings. And they always want to surprise their family using a recipe for making pancakes that will please everyone. To do this, various types of flour are used, yeast is added to the dough, and pancakes are baked, both custard and lacy. But there is one wonderful recipe, suitable even for beginner cooks - delicious pancakes with soda.

How to extinguish soda correctly

Housewives often wonder why they should extinguish soda, and whether it is worth doing it at all. The answer from professional chefs in this case is categorical - it is not only necessary, but even necessary. Proper use of soda will give baked goods an airy, porous texture and a large increase in volume. You can extinguish soda:

  • vinegar (not to be confused with essence!);
  • lemon juice;
  • fermented milk liquid products.

There is no need to increase the proportions given in the recipe; excess soda can ruin the taste of the baked goods. A little advice - do not dissolve baking soda in a spoon over a container with dough, there is a high risk of spilling vinegar or juice, which also does not improve the taste of the finished pie or cookies. It is best to use a small glass, this will ensure that nothing extra gets into the dough.

Why use soda when baking?

The first thing every novice cook needs to understand is that only baking soda can be used when kneading dough! When baking in an oven, in a frying pan or in a slow cooker, carbon dioxide is released, which helps to loosen the dough.

We should not forget that the correct dissolution of soda plays an important role. Without this process, acid will be released into the dough during baking, which will significantly spoil the taste. Without baking soda, baked goods will certainly turn into a flat, unpleasant to the touch and compressed substance, which, at a stretch, can be called a pie or cookies.

What is the best substitute for soda?

The situation when the stomach demands a holiday in the form of a rosy delicacy, but the necessary and important ingredient - soda - is not at hand is familiar to everyone. Can it be replaced, and with what?

It turns out that instead of soda you can use:

  • mineral water with gas;
  • dry yeast);
  • alcoholic drinks (vodka, rum, cognac);
  • beer (preferably light);
  • baking powder (which contains the same soda).

Another option is ammonium carbonate, but in the absence of experience it is better to resort to this substance as a last resort if there is no other choice. It is worth considering that when exposed to temperature, an unpleasant, pungent odor is released, but it will quickly disappear.

“Ideal” thin pancakes with milk

We will need:

  • wheat flour – 2 cups;
  • milk – 4 glasses;
  • eggs – 3 pcs;
  • butter, melted - 4 large spoons;
  • soda - half a spoon;
  • citric acid and vanillin - on the edge of a knife blade;
  • salt and sugar - to taste.


  1. The specified amount of flour is poured into a container and diluted with a heated milk dose.
  2. Eggs, granulated sugar, butter are added, everything is salted, and kneading the dough begins.
  3. You need to take empty glasses and pour a couple of tablespoons of water into them. In them we dilute soda and lemon separately. Having combined the contents, add fizzy soda to the dough.
  4. The pan needs to be very hot and the surface coated with oil.
  5. We begin to bake thin pancakes, frying them on both sides.

Pancake dough with milk

Required Products:

  • milk – 400 ml;
  • flour – 250 gr;
  • granulated sugar – 1.5 spoons;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs;
  • lard (you can use ghee or vegetable oil instead) – 40 g;
  • soda – 0.5 spoons;
  • salt - to taste;
  • vinegar for diluting soda.


  1. To prepare, thoroughly beat the eggs mixed with sugar. As soon as the mass becomes lighter, add milk, salt, and add sifted flour.
  2. The mass is whipped with a mixer until a homogeneous consistency is formed.
  3. Add vinegar to the soda and pour into the dough.
  4. Heat a frying pan on the stove, grease the surface with lard, start cooking, pouring the pancake mixture in small portions, distributing evenly and frying until golden brown.

Pancakes prepared according to this recipe are served with filling to taste and can be eaten as an independent dish.

Lenten thin pancakes on water


  • buckwheat and wheat flour – 200 g each;
  • water – 0.5 liters;
  • soda - half a spoon;
  • citric acid and salt - a quarter spoon each;
  • vegetable oil for cooking.

Cook together:

  1. In heated water, dilute salt and citric acid, pour flour with water (mix buckwheat and wheat).
  2. Place baking soda before baking and wait 10 minutes for the dough to rise.
  3. Grease the heated frying pan and begin cooking, frying each pancake until golden brown.

On eggs and sour cream with soda

A simple recipe that prepares the dough quickly. The thickness of the pancakes depends on the consistency of the pancake mass. If there is a need to make the pancakes even thinner, you can add water or heated milk. It is very important to sift the flour before kneading and add liquid in small volumes, stirring constantly so that lumps do not form.


  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • sour cream, which can be replaced with any fermented milk product - half a glass;
  • salt - half a spoon;
  • granulated sugar – 4 spoons;
  • milk – 2 glasses;
  • flour – 1.5 cups;
  • sunflower oil – 3 tablespoons;
  • butter – 100 gr.


  1. The milk needs to be slightly warmed.
  2. Combine sour cream with eggs and stir. The mass is salted, granulated sugar and half a glass of milk are added to it.
  3. Sift the flour (at this point add baking soda), add it to the egg-milk mixture, and stir to form a thick dough. Add the rest of the milk, add three tablespoons of butter, stir again.

Ready-made pancakes are served with different fillings.

A wonderful recipe using kefir, soda and eggs

Many people believe that kefir is used only for making fluffy pancakes. But it is not so. There is also a recipe for pancakes on kefir with the addition of soda. Making them turns out tasty and quite filling.

Required set of components:

  • kefir – 1 liter;
  • eggs – 3 pcs;
  • soda and salt - one spoon each;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tablespoons;
  • flour – 0.3 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 spoon;
  • butter (to grease prepared pancakes).

Let's remember the sequence of actions:

  1. Combine eggs, sugar, salt and kefir and stir thoroughly. The container with the mixture is placed on the tile and slightly heated.
  2. Now you need to add flour in small portions and stir using a mixer.
  3. The soda must be quenched in a glass of boiling water. The mixture is quickly poured into the dough and everything is mixed. The prepared pancake mixture should be left alone for about thirty minutes so that it can “rest.”
  4. Let's start frying. If you feel that the dough is liquid, you can add flour. Yes, and don’t forget to pour a little vegetable oil into the dough-like mass - this will make it possible to fry pancakes without greasing the surface of the pan.

Lacy pancakes with soda

Pancakes prepared according to this recipe are considered an excellent option for a good breakfast and are suitable as a snack for lunch.

We will need:

  • chicken eggs – 5 pcs;
  • wheat flour – 2 cups;
  • granulated sugar – 2 spoons;
  • salt - to taste;
  • soda – 1 spoon (teaspoon);
  • milk – 1.5 liters;
  • vegetable oil – 150 gr.

Cook together:

  1. Beat eggs into a container, add granulated sugar and salt. I stir to get a homogeneous mass. This can be done with a regular fork.
  2. Extinguish the soda with boiling water (not vinegar!), pour into the egg mixture and shake with a mixer.
  3. Pass the required amount of flour through a sieve, add to the container in parts, stir so that no lumps form.
  4. Milk should be slightly warmed and poured into the dough-like mass in small doses, stirring thoroughly. For convenience, you can use a regular kettle. It is believed that if you add liquid to a thick consistency, then lumps will definitely not appear. Focus on a consistency somewhat thinner than fermented baked milk. If there is some milk left, there is no need to add it; it is better to do it later, if necessary.
  5. Now it’s the turn of the oil, which should also be poured into the dough.
  6. Before baking the first pancake, grease the frying pan, then this will not be required - some of the oil is present in the dough.
  7. Place the oiled pancakes in a stack. If they seem thick, add unused milk, stir and continue frying.

According to this recipe, the pancakes will be thin and low-fat; you can put any filling in them.

Recipe for pancakes with soda (video)

Early ripening pancakes with soda (video)

Don't be afraid to experiment. It is allowed to replace milk with water - this will not make the pancakes any worse; they will remain just as thin and with holes. The use of filling is at your discretion. For those who have a sweet tooth, honey or jam are recommended; salmon or caviar should not spoil the taste.