What does corn starch do? Starch: benefits and harms

Corn starch is a starch obtained from corn, sometimes also called corn flour. To obtain it, the endosperm - the white part of the corn grain - is ground to form a fine white powder. Apart from the fact that cornstarch is a carbohydrate, it has virtually no nutritional value on its own, which has led to controversy over its usefulness.

Just like anything, using cornstarch has its pros and cons. There are many unique cooking options and home remedies that use cornstarch as an alternative to traditional products. However, there are different opinions regarding its use, and some believe that it is a harmful and unnecessary additive to both food and cosmetics.

Some vitamin supplements contain cornstarch instead of simple sugars. The reason for this is the fact that starch takes longer to break down and therefore provides the body with sugars for a longer time. The slow release of sugars helps maintain stable blood sugar levels, whereas consuming simple sugars can cause sudden spikes. This is especially important for those with diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

Also, corn starch can serve as an alternative to other products and be used as a natural thickener in the preparation of various foods. It is gluten free Therefore, it often serves as a substitute for flour in recipes that require its addition. The question about using cornstarch is whether using it as a flavoring additive is a good solution when it comes to weight. Corn in any form contains substances known as phospholipids, which are derivatives of fat, and starch consists of a huge number of glucose or sugar molecules. And, as you know, starch and fat, according to research, contribute to weight gain.

Weight gain is the main problem with regular consumption of cornstarch.

Corn starch is said to be used to fatten domestic animals such as pigs and cattle before they are slaughtered. Considering that it is used as a thickener, weight gain may be a side effect. For some, gaining weight is a desirable goal, while for those who struggle with weight, weight gain is unnecessary and undesirable, regardless of any possible health benefits of starch.

There are other areas of activity in which corn starch can be useful due to some of its qualities. Since he naturally absorbs moisture, it can be used as an alternative to talc in various body powders. Talc has long been associated with some forms of cancer and diseases of the circulatory system. Since cornstarch is not associated with these health problems, it is often used as a substitute for talc and is considered preferable, especially in baby powders.

Probably every person uses starch from time to time in everyday life. Most often we use it in the kitchen - when creating certain dishes. But at the same time, few people think about what this product is and what it gives to our body. Of course, the most popular type of such a substance is potato starch, but at the same time, you can easily find corn starch on store shelves. Let’s try to figure out what benefits and harms its use can bring to our body, and also consider its calorie content in more detail. composition and application.

Cornstarch appears as a white, but not transparent, powder. In general, its aroma is very similar to the smell of corn. The distinctive ability of this product is the ability to actively increase in size, even when using cool water.

To prepare starch, corn kernels are placed inside a solution of sulfurous acid, then they are crushed, releasing the germ. The resulting cereal is ground again, resulting in the formation of so-called starch milk. It is placed in a centrifuge where the starch is separated from the insoluble protein. Afterwards the product is simply washed and dried.

Why do we need corn starch, what is its use in life?

Most often, corn starch, as we have already said, is used in cooking. It is used as an excellent natural thickener. Due to the fact that it does not contain gluten, it can be used as a good alternative to flour. In production, corn starch is added to mayonnaise, ketchup, jelly, as well as meat, dairy and bakery products.

It is also actively used in cosmetology in the preparation of a wide variety of body care compositions. This product is also great as a replacement for talc in body powders. Since talc is often associated with certain types of cancer and diseases of the circulatory system, many experts consider the use of starch to be much safer, especially when it comes to products for children.

Many vitamin supplements contain cornstarch instead of the usual simple sugars. This replacement is explained by the ability of starch to break down over a longer period of time, thanks to which it supplies sugar to the body over a significant period of time, which helps maintain glucose levels at a stable level. This feature will be especially useful for patients suffering from diabetes or cardiovascular diseases.

Corn starch - calorie content and composition

Corn starch is a fairly high-calorie product. One hundred grams of this substance contains about three hundred and forty-three calories.

For one hundred grams of starch there is also one gram of protein, six-tenths of a gram of fat and eighty-three and a half grams of carbohydrates.

This product contains a significant amount of calcium and sodium, phosphorus and potassium, in addition it contains a certain amount of magnesium. Corn starch is a source of vitamin PP, a small amount of fatty acids, ash and dietary fiber. This is what corn starch is, its composition.

How to choose which one to buy?

When choosing corn starch, you should take into account its consistency, because there should be no lumps in its composition. It is extremely important that the packaging of the product is completely sealed, and it is advisable to give preference to a transparent bag, because in it you can fully examine the state of the starch.

Store the purchased product in a tightly closed container, as contact with air will lead to the loss of its thickening properties.

What else is corn starch valued for? What are its benefits?

Experts say that the external use of corn starch in combination with other products helps eliminate a variety of skin problems. When taken orally, this product quite well activates the formation of muscle tissue and has a positive effect on the functioning of nerve cells. In addition, corn starch has choleretic and diuretic properties. It is believed that eating it helps reduce appetite and increase bile synthesis. And the systematic inclusion of this substance in the daily diet (in a limited amount) helps remove “bad” cholesterol from the body. Experts also say that corn starch is good at lowering blood sugar levels, which will benefit patients with diabetes.

A distinctive feature of this product is the absence of gluten in its composition, which makes it possible to consume it even if it is necessary to follow a gluten-free diet.

Can corn starch be dangerous? Is there any harm from it?

Corn starch can be harmful to people with individual intolerance to such a product, which can manifest as allergic reactions, skin rashes, and asthma attacks.

It is not recommended for patients with gastrointestinal diseases, namely gastritis, ulcers, heartburn, etc. In addition, it is worth considering the high calorie content of this product and limiting its consumption in case of obesity.

Experts strongly advise avoiding products with cornstarch if you suffer from increased blood clotting.

Also, some scientists claim that starch from genetically modified corn can be harmful to health, but this has not been confirmed by scientific research.

Thus, proper and moderate use of cornstarch can actually benefit human health.

Ekaterina, www.site

P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

September 15, 2018

Among us, perhaps, there are many lovers of boiled or canned dessert corn. Corn starch is produced from dried grains using a special technology. The benefits and harms of such a product are of interest to many ordinary people, since starch is used not only in the food industry, but also in alternative medicine and cosmetology.

The production of corn starch occurs according to a certain technology. The germs are removed from the grains of the crop and softened to obtain the so-called milk. It is then dried and crushed.

We are used to buying corn starch in the form of a white powder with a viscous consistency. The benefits and harms of such by-products for children and adults have recently attracted unprecedented interest. After all, starch is used not only as a thickening agent for preparing sauces or fruit and berry jelly. Today, corn starch has gained enormous popularity in the cosmetic field, and traditional healers have paid close attention to it.

Why is corn starch so valuable? The benefits and harms to the body of this by-product are directly related to the chemical composition, and it can safely be called multifaceted.

Component composition:

  • ash;
  • filtered water;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • vitamin B4;
  • calcium;
  • ferrum;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • sodium;
  • essential amino acids;
  • omega-6;
  • mono- and polyunsaturated acids.

As you can see, the composition of a product such as corn starch is quite rich and varied. As for nutritional value, it is relatively high. There are about 382 kilocalories in 100 g of starch. True, no one eats this amount of offal as food. By adding just a couple of spoons to the sauce or jelly, the calorie content will be much lower and will in no way affect your body weight.

The benefits and harms of corn starch for humans

Corn starch can be eaten not only in its pure form. This powder is added to various foods. Most often, corn by-product is added to the food basket of people suffering from diabetes.

The active components contained in corn powder have a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole. In addition, starch helps control blood sugar concentrations as well as the need for insulin.

Beneficial features:

  • prevention of infectious diseases and inflammatory processes;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • promoting muscle building;
  • sedative effect on the body;
  • protection of nerve cells;
  • fight against depression.

Traditional healers noted the healing properties of corn starch. Based on it, many miraculous remedies are prepared that are used in the treatment of ailments of the reproductive, urinary, and cardiovascular systems.

Let's turn again to the component composition. Corn starch is fortified with iron. Accordingly, its use helps to increase hemoglobin levels, prevent anemia and anemia.

On a note! Starch is made from the germ of corn kernels and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract. In this regard, such an offal can be added to dietary dishes.

  • removing accumulated toxins and waste from the body;
  • increased appetite;
  • promoting weight loss;
  • lowering harmful cholesterol levels;
  • improvement of blood clotting;
  • stabilization of the condition of blood vessels;
  • treatment of dermatological diseases.

Any product, like a coin, has two sides. Cornstarch is no exception. If you purchase a low-quality by-product made from grains of a crop treated with pesticides, there will certainly be no benefit from consuming such starch.

List of contraindications:

  • obesity of any degree;
  • increased level of blood clotting;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • gastritis;
  • dysfunction of the digestive tract;
  • heartburn.

As practice shows, in case of individual intolerance, corn starch can cause an allergic reaction. In some cases, a person develops symptoms of bronchial asthma.

Recipe box

Today, corn starch is very popular among traditional healers. On its basis, products are made whose action is aimed at combating various ailments and pathological conditions. Let's look at the most popular recipes.

Recipe No. 1

Corn starch, due to its unique composition, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It can be used to cure diarrhea.


  • corn starch - 1 table. spoon;
  • iodine – a few drops;
  • filtered water – 100 ml.

Preparation and use:

  1. Bring filtered water to a boil.
  2. Add corn starch to boiling water and stir thoroughly until the offal is completely dissolved.
  3. Add a few drops of iodine and consume it in its pure form. As a rule, one serving of this drink is enough to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Recipe No. 2

Proponents of alternative medicine also use cornstarch externally as a remedy for bruises and contusions. Literally a couple of spoons of this by-product are mixed with water to obtain a porridge-like consistency. The prepared product is applied to the sore spot and left until completely dry. During the day, the procedure should be repeated every three hours.

In culinary recipes and many finished products you can find a substance such as corn starch. It is used as a thickener when flour or potato starch cannot be used. Corn has special properties and qualities. But there has been heated debate about its effect on the human body for several years. Let's try to figure out what the benefits and harms of corn starch are.

What is starch?

Starch is essentially an energy accumulator for plants. During the process of photosynthesis, glucose is formed, which becomes the building material for this substance. It is starch, which is part of many plants, that is the main source of energy for all herbivores, which includes humans. Corn starch is a unique nutritional element that is used as a food additive in the production of confectionery and bakery products.

It is much softer than potato, it can dissolve even in cold water, but it does not allow you to achieve a jelly-like consistency. Therefore, such a powder is completely unsuitable for sausage production and for making jelly. But confectionery creams, dough and soft candies on it turn out to be very tender.

Mineral composition

In its pure form without additional processing, corn starch contains:

  • Carbohydrates – 37% of the daily value. Of 100 grams of this product, 91g are carbohydrates, so it is very nutritious;
  • Proteins – 0.6%;
  • Minerals: iron, manganese, zinc, copper, selenium, phosphorus, sodium and magnesium. All minerals are included in the composition in small quantities, not exceeding 5% of the daily requirement.

The mineral composition may differ in different varieties. Based on color, purity, acid and ash content, there are three main varieties:

  • Amylopectin, which is obtained only from waxy corn;
  • Higher;
  • First.

The calorie content is 381 kcal, higher than potato (300 kcal). With absolutely insignificant nutritional value, corn starch has a very high calorie content, which has given rise to controversy about its benefits for humans.

Is there any benefit?

Regardless of how starch enters the body - naturally along with plant foods or as a supplement - it is a valuable source of carbohydrates, without which life is impossible. Among other things, it helps to build muscle mass and normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

Since the carbohydrates in this plant substance are slow or heavy, they do not cause a sharp rise in blood sugar, which means they are completely safe for people with diabetes. Using starch as a source of carbohydrates reduces the risk of hypoglycemia and cardiovascular diseases.

The amylopectin variety deserves special attention. Amylopectins are very poorly broken down by gastric juice enzymes, so they enter the intestines almost unchanged, where they help bind all digestive products and remove them. Amylopectin starch stimulates intestinal activity, aids digestion and prevents the absorption of cholesterol.

Great harm

With all these benefits, the harm of corn starch is also considerable. Like other artificially obtained products, it is devoid of everything except practical benefits for production. A small portion of this powder contains a lot of calories, but there is practically no dietary fiber, which is so necessary for the body. All this contributes to weight gain and obesity. The formation of deposits of excess fat on internal organs leads to very serious disruptions in their functioning and serious illnesses.

Nobody uses the additive as food on their own, but it is found in ketchups, mayonnaise, confectionery, cheap sausages, and some dairy products. That is, in those products that fill the shelves and our refrigerators. Moreover, corn starch is used as a thickener in large dosages, so the caloric content of products increases by an order of magnitude.

These products themselves cannot be called healthy either; they contain salts, sugars, preservatives, etc. If you exclude only cornstarch from your diet, but leave other foods that are not related to a healthy diet, your body will not experience significant benefits.

Natural or modified

For many, the scary word “modified” is associated with great harm and serious health consequences. Modified does not mean made from GMOs. In the case of starch, modification consists only of processing methods that improve the quality of the finished product. Therefore, modified starch is no worse than regular starch, it contains slightly less proteins and carbohydrates, practically no minerals, and lower calorie content - only 328 kcal.

Application in cosmetology

Perhaps the only area in which starch is not harmful is cosmetology. White powder, capable of absorbing fats and other skin secretions, is used in the preparation of powders, powders, ointments, creams, pastes, and other products for external use.

Most modern housewives are accustomed to using potato starch, but they do not think about the fact that there is an alternative option - corn starch.

This product is more popular in Western European countries, but is now becoming in demand here too.

Unusual properties, nutritional value, high degree of applicability, benefits for the body - have made corn starch one of the favorite ingredients of bakers and cooks.

True, there are also manufacturers, unfortunately, who abuse the use of corn starch, and its excess in food can harm the body.

What is the difference between corn starch and potato starch?

Corn starch is less viscous and does not “squeak” when rolled in a bag, like potato starch. When added to a dish, it does not “clog” it, maintains a delicate texture, and makes baked goods porous and at the same time dense, not like a sponge.

Today, such starch is often used in the production of sausages as a moisture-binding substance, which makes the product cheaper.

But a large amount of corn starch is harmful to the body, especially when combined with other “natural” ingredients that are used to flavor sausages.

How is corn starch made?

The production of corn starch is a complex chain of operations for processing corn grain.

First, grain of a certain maturity is separated from the base, then soaked for a while in a solution of sulfurous acid so that the protein that binds starch breaks down and the starchy substances are released.

Then the grain is crushed and passed through a special centrifuge, which allows you to sift out the protein undissolved by acid and separate pure starch.

The resulting mass is removed from toxic components, washed, dried and sent for packaging for sale.

What benefits can you get from cornstarch?

Starch is not rich in its chemical composition. It consists of more than 90% complex carbohydrates, and a small part of ash components, protein, and fats. And, nevertheless, it has high benefits for the body.

1. Promotes muscle growth, therefore, corn starch is useful to eat for athletes, weightlifters and exhausted people who require recovery.

2. The product is a valuable source of slow carbohydrates, which, even in small doses, quickly and for a long time saturate, which is indispensable for increased physical activity.

3. It is a safe binding ingredient in pharmacy, used for the production of powders and ointments.

4. Successfully replaces talc in the treatment of diaper rash in children and adults.

5. Corn starch is widely used in cosmetology - a harmless substance for removing excess sweat, sebum, and other derivatives of external secretion organs.

6. It has the property of binding scattered fragments of digested and undigested food in the intestines, removing them from the body - improves peristalsis, promotes timely and complete emptying.

7. Nourishes nerve cells.

8. Corn starch does not raise sugar, so it is recommended for use by diabetics.

9. There is a recipe based on corn starch to lower blood pressure: dilute a tablespoon (20 g) of starch in 120 ml of water, drink every day for two weeks in a row in the morning before meals.

10. If the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, brew a spoonful of starch with half a glass of boiling water, add 2 drops of iodine, cool and drink.

11. Compresses with corn starch They cope well with bruises and wounds: 2 tablespoons of powder, pour 1 spoon of boiling water, stir and apply to the sore spot, hold until it hardens.

12. The product will help relieve bladder inflammation, if you take a suspension of 30 g of starch and 300 ml of water three times a day for a week.

13. Corn starch is an ideal product for external use.

As a face mask, it has an amazing Botox effect, smooths out wrinkles, cleanses clogged pores, refreshes aging skin, and increases its elasticity.

14. Amylopectin, a type of corn starch produced from waxy corn, interferes with the absorption of cholesterol.

In general, starch has an enveloping, soothing, wound-healing effect, nourishes and maintains the hydrobalance of the skin.

What are the harms of corn starch?

Starch is high in calories and is contraindicated for obesity.

Excess corn starch in the diet (especially if it is used in sausages and creams) causes metabolic disorders.

Allergic reactions.

Individual intolerance.

Don't Be Afraid of "Modified" Cornstarch. Despite the alarming name, it is only an improved version of regular starch - cleaner, more active and less caloric.