Classic cheesecake recipe made from cottage cheese without baking. Curd cheesecake without baking

I often hear that the main ingredient for making cheesecakes - cream cheese - is now an expensive pleasure. But there is, I won’t say that it is an adequate replacement, but still a replacement - cottage cheese.

Today we are preparing a no-bake cottage cheese cheesecake with gelatin. Of course, this is not quite a cheesecake, more of a cottage cheese dessert, but it turns out very tasty!

I draw your attention to cottage cheese. Its fat content can be anything. I have 3%.

The cookie crumbs you will see in the steps are different: chocolate and regular. This is because the packets of biscuits had to be disposed of. You can take only chocolate cookies, or just regular ones.

We use a mold with a diameter of 21 cm.

To prepare cottage cheese cheesecake, we will prepare the ingredients.

Fill the gelatin with water and leave for the time indicated in the instructions.

Let's start preparing the base. Grind the cookies in a blender or crush them using a rolling pin. Melt the butter and add to the crushed cookies. Mix well. The result will be a mass resembling wet sand.

Place the cookies in the mold. We compact it. Let's put it aside.

Punch the cottage cheese with a blender or rub it through a sieve. Add powdered sugar and vanillin. Mix. We work with a silicone spatula or a wooden one. No whisks and no beating! We don't want air bubbles in the finished dessert.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath and add it to the bowl with the curd mass. Mix.

Dissolve the gelatin in a water bath or in the microwave. Add to the curd mass. And mix again.

Whip the cream to soft peaks and place in a bowl. And mix again.

Place cottage cheese on a sand base.

Then my son and I decided to recycle Oreo cookies and did this: we laid out part of the curd mass, cookies on top of it, and covered with the remaining curd mass.

Level the surface. Cover with film and put the cheesecake made from cottage cheese with gelatin without baking in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Maybe overnight.

The finished cheesecake can be decorated as desired. I whipped the cream with powdered sugar.

Enjoy your tea!

Hello! I'm the kind of man who loves making delicious no-bake cheesecake! In this article we will learn how to cook cheesecake.

This baking recipe came to us from Europe; it is prepared there very often. Cheesecake is very similar to regular cheesecake. If you want to save time, then this baking recipe is just for you!

The basis of this dish is regular shortbread cookie dough; cakes use sponge cake, but this recipe contains only shortbread dough! The cheesecake is prepared in layers, a layer of dough, a layer of curd filling. The filling can be cottage cheese or Philadelphia cheese.

You can also get creative with this recipe! For example, you can use gelatin; you can use some fruits or berries for the filling. If you think carefully, you can make a dietary recipe from this baking. Instead of sugar, you can use berries or raisins to sweeten our cheesecake.

This pie is made without baking; you can still decorate it with whipped cream! The cheesecake sits in the refrigerator for several hours and is served cold!

You need cottage cheese of any fat content (300 grams), boiled condensed milk (300 grams), any shortbread cookies (250 grams), a pack of butter (standard weight 200g), 1.5 table. spoons of gelatin, heavy cream (100 ml)

Let's not chat, but let's start cooking! This recipe is ideal for those who have a sweet tooth, because... We will prepare it much sweeter and tastier than the original cheesecake.

Let's start preparing the recipe!

  1. You need to pour half a glass of water and add gelatin there to swell for 15-20 minutes. The cookies need to be ground into crumbs and mixed with butter; the butter must first lie at room temperature so that it becomes soft.
  2. Next, you need a mold, lay out the shortbread dough so that you get the bottom and sides. Place cottage cheese in a separate container, pour in condensed milk, cream and beat well with a blender, add our soaked gelatin there and mix well again.
  3. Now pour the curd mass into the same mold, smooth it out and put it in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours to thicken.

Let's explore another cheesecake below!

Let's make another great cheesecake dessert! This cheesecake will be absolutely amazing because... we'll make it with peaches! In appearance, the cake turns out very beautiful, it looks quite rich. If you want to surprise your guests, then this pastry will be just right!

To prepare we need to buy the following products:

Shortbread cookies (200 grams), 400 grams of cottage cheese (any fat content), 100 grams of plums. butter, half a glass of sugar (100 grams), 200 grams of cream, 1 can of canned peaches, gelatin (30 grams)

  1. Making cheesecake always starts with gelatin. Half of the gelatin is diluted with ordinary warm water, you need 1/3 of a glass of water (remove for 25-30 minutes for swelling), dilute the rest of the gelatin with peach juice. If you use fresh peaches, then soak all the gelatin in half a glass of water.
  2. Soften the cookies into crumbs and mix with butter, the butter must be soft, keep it warm first. You will get a kind of dough, you need to level it in the mold and make sides, put it in the refrigerator to harden.
  3. Beat the cream with sugar and add it to the cottage cheese, mix well with a blender.
  4. Heat the gelatin slightly and dissolve, after dissolving, add them to the cottage cheese and mix again.
  5. We take out the form with the dough from the refrigerator, lay out our cottage cheese, level it and put it in the refrigerator again for a couple of hours
  6. .Dissolve the remaining gelatin soaked in syrup over the fire, do not boil it, cool to room temperature.Cut the peach pieces, place them on the cottage cheese and pour in the gelatin.

Our cheesecake is ready! All that remains is to keep it in the refrigerator for at least 3-4 hours and you can serve it.

Let's explore the next cheesecake!

Let's make another funky cheesecake and we'll call it a day! This cooking option seems to me the most relevant and more interesting.

To make cheesecake, we will need to buy the following products:

Chocolate shortbread cookies (400 grams), a pack of butter (200 grams), for the filling you will need 0.5 kg of cottage cheese, 300 ml of fat sour cream (from 20 to 30%), 150 grams of granulated sugar, 30 grams of gelatin. For decoration, take berries or cream.

Let's start preparing the recipe:

  1. We need to pour half a glass of water and add gelatin there to swell, leave for about half an hour.
  2. Shortbread cookies must be kneaded and ground into crumbs. Add soft butter to the cookies and mix, it should be at room temperature.
  3. We will need a cake mold or something else, put the dough there, level it, and make sure to make the sides. Place in the refrigerator until the dough sets and begins to harden.
  4. Pour cottage cheese, sugar and sour cream into a container. Grind well with a blender until smooth. The pre-soaked gelatin has already swollen, we need to slightly heat it on the stove and dissolve it. Pour the solution into the cottage cheese and beat with a blender again.
  5. We take the cake out of the refrigerator, pour the curd mixture into it, smooth it out and put it in the refrigerator again.
  6. You can decorate the cheesecake with berries or fruits, it will turn out very beautiful! The cheesecake should sit in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours.

These are the simple recipes we have studied, modern no-bake cheesecake is very easy to prepare, read other recipes on my website!

we will prepare recipes without baking, usually cheesecake with cottage cheese falls into this category, in the West it is also common to add mascarpone cheese, you can try it too!

Let's look below at the different variations of no-bake cheesecakes with photos. The cottage cheesecake, which we will look at below, is prepared with cottage cheese, followed by a cheesecake with mascarpone cheese.

The basis of any cheesecake is its instant crust and cottage cheese with gelatin, usually mascarpone cheese is also used. As you understand, these two components are the most important thing in a no-bake recipe! Mascarpone is not included in this cottage cheesecake!

Full list of required ingredients:

For the crust: 300 g cookies, in principle, any cookies will do (preferably shortbread), 150 g plums. butter, if desired, you can add 50 g of chopped nuts.
For the base: 0.5 kg of cottage cheese, 6 table. spoons of sugar, 15 g gelatin, 200 g of any berries (you can do without them)

Curd cheesecake without baking step by step:

The crust is always prepared for the cheesecake, only then everything else, because... it needs to harden and sit in the refrigerator.

  1. To begin, grind the cookies until crumbly, preferably through a food processor or blender.
  2. Add soft butter, nuts to it and mix well.
  3. Now put the mixture into the mold, lightly compact it and put it in the refrigerator for at least an hour.

Now let's prepare the base and the cheesecake itself:

  1. It is advisable to beat the berries with a blender; if you don’t have a blender, you can mash them well with a fork.
  2. Add berries, sugar to the cottage cheese and mix.
  3. Gelatin initially needs to be soaked in water, about half a glass of water will be enough, maybe a little less.
  4. Next, slightly heat the gelatin in a water bath and pour into the cottage cheese, beat well with a hand blender.
  5. The curd base needs to be poured into our mold, leveled and put back in the refrigerator to harden for at least two hours; it is advisable for the cheesecake to stand overnight.

That's the whole cooking process! Let's study the following recipe.

What I love about these baking recipes is that they can be prepared in so many different ways. Some people like cheesecake with berries, some with apples, and some without berries or fruits at all. You can also make cheesecake without baking, or some with baking, like this one, which I described below on the page!

What products need to be purchased:

For the test:¼ cup sugar, 50 g butter, a pinch of salt, one cup flour.
For filling: 5-6 apples, 0.5 kg of cream cheese (mascarpone is ideal), half a glass of sugar, 2 eggs.
Decoration:¼ cup sugar, a teaspoon of cinnamon, some nuts 50 grams (preferably almonds)

Baking step by step:

  1. Let's prepare the dough! Pour flour into a container, add butter, a pinch of salt and of course sugar, beat very thoroughly with a mixer.
  2. Place the dough in a mold and bake for about 10-15 minutes until golden brown at 200 degrees, cover with foil to prevent it from burning.
  3. Peel the apples and cut them into small cubes or slices, place them in the baked dough, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. You need to put eggs, sugar, a little cinnamon and nuts into the mascarpone cheese, beat well with a mixer and put it on the apples.
  4. We bake the cheesecake at about 200 degrees, literally until golden brown.

The cheesecake must cool; according to tradition, it is served cold. Let's study the following cottage cheese recipe, which includes mascarpone cheese!

This type of cheesecake is very common in the West and beyond! It includes the famous mascarpone cheese. It is also simple and easy to prepare!

What we need for our recipe:

For the test: Any cookies, approximately 300 g, approximately 80 g plums. butter, soft and 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar.
For filling: half a kg of cream cheese (preferably mascarpone), 1 faceted glass of sugar (this is 200 g), 3 table. spoons of flour, 1 glass of sour cream, 3 chicken eggs, approximately 300 g of cherries or berry jam.

How to prepare a no-bake cheesecake with mascarpone step by step:

  1. The cookies need to be ground into fine crumbs or done using a blender. Add soft butter, sugar and mix well with the crumbs, place in the mold.
  2. Place the cheese in a container, add a glass of sugar, flour, sour cream, eggs and beat well with a hand blender.
  3. Place it all on the crust and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.
  4. After cooking, put berries, jam or preserves on top.

Let the cheesecake rest for about 3-4 hours in the refrigerator. Enjoy your tea! Let's explore the following recipes!

Another interesting recipe for today! I hope you like it too and enjoy it! As you understand, there are a huge number of cheesecakes, what’s most interesting is that you can even come up with your own optimal recipe according to your taste.

For example, I very, very rarely use mascarpone cheese in my cheesecake baking recipes; I replace it with regular homemade cottage cheese. I believe that cottage cheese is much healthier than simple cheese, for example, take the same calcium, you yourself understand how beneficial it is for us!

We buy the following set of products:

For the test: 250-300 g cookies, 80 grams butter, 3-4 table. tablespoons roasted nuts (preferably almonds)
For filling: 300 g cottage cheese or mascarpone cheese, one teaspoon of vanillin, 2 eggs, 2/3 cup sour cream.

Baking step by step:

  1. Let's prepare the crust without baking. We need to be very good at turning the cookies into crumbs. How can this be done? Well, for example, with a blender, or by hand using a rolling pin.
  2. When everything is ready, add the soft drain. butter, and nuts fried in a frying pan, but they also need to be ground. When we mix everything, put it in a mold, make the bottom and sides from this dough.
  3. Let's prepare the filling! You need 300 g of cottage cheese, add sugar, eggs, vanillin and sour cream, mix well with a blender.
  4. We spread this entire mass onto a pre-prepared crust and bake in the oven for about 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

As you understand from my article, cheesecake can be prepared without baking. Same with baking in the oven. Honestly, I like it best without baking with the addition of gelatin.

You can make it even cooler and tastier! You can prepare the dough separately and bake the crust in the oven, and make the filling itself without baking, this combination will be the best option!

Thank you for reading me to the end! Read my other useful articles on the site.

In order for cottage cheesecake to take its rightful place among the desserts that you often prepare at home, write down its recipe. First of all, buy the right products and measure out the right quantities. This:

200 g of Yubileiny cookies; half a stick of butter (100 g); 400 g cottage cheese (soft, grain-free); 200 ml heavy cream; 150 g granulated sugar; a bag of vanilla sugar; half a glass of water; 40 g gelatin; one can each of canned peaches and pineapples.

Canned fruits are usually rolled up in 450 g portions; pay attention to the label if you want a no-bake curd cheesecake with excellent taste.

Cheesecake recipe:

  1. Pour some gelatin (20g) with water and let it swell, setting aside for half an hour.
  2. Drain the syrup from the canned fruit, measure 100 ml and add the rest of the gelatin. Let it swell in the same way.
  3. Let's start preparing the cheesecake. Grind “Yubileinoe” cookies or any other cookies that crumble well (no-bake curd cheesecake is made from exactly this). You can use a food processor, blender or rolling pin, it is important that the cheesecake is smooth.
  4. Melt the butter, but not over a fire, but in a water bath.
  5. Add liquid butter to the cookies you are making the cheesecake from and mix well. Your baking base is ready; it is a mass whose structure resembles wet sand.
  6. Place the first layer of dessert in a springform pan, the bottom and sides of which do not forget to line with parchment paper or film. This will allow you to remove the cheesecake without damaging the outside.
  7. The cookie dough needs to be compacted; an ordinary potato masher will come to your aid.
  8. Place the mold containing the cheesecake in the cold.
  9. In the meantime, prepare the cream recipe. Whip the cream with the addition of sugar and vanilla to form a stable mass that does not drip from the whisk.
  10. Add soft cottage cheese (this condition is necessary for the cheesecake to turn out super tender) and mix again.
  11. Heat the gelatin, which you previously filled with water, until completely dissolved and pour into the cream in a stream.
  12. Fill the no-bake cheesecake with the curd and cream mixture, smooth the surface and put it back in the refrigerator. There, the curd cheesecake with gelatin will spend one hour.
  13. Cut the peaches into slices and place them on the no-bake cheesecake after the previous layer has set. Do not occupy the center of the baking, place pineapples or other canned tropical fruits, cut into cubes, so the cheesecake will look beautiful.

Now fill the curd cheesecake with jelly filling. The recipe for its preparation is very simple: melt the gelatin, which has swollen in syrup, over the fire, add another glass of syrup.

Pour the mixture over the fruit that you covered the cheesecake with. Place the cheesecake in the refrigerator for several hours, maybe even overnight, it won’t harm it at all.

In the morning, remove the tender pastry from the mold and use a wet knife to divide it into portions. Now you know the recipe for a delicacy that, I have no doubt, will often grace your table.

Cheesecake- curd (cheese) pie, a dish of European and American cuisine, one of the main ingredients of which is cream (or curd) cheese. Typically, Philadelphia cream cheese is used to make cheesecakes. We used Arla Natura curd cheese in our recipe. You can also use such curd cheeses as: Buko, Almette, etc., the main thing is that it is without additives and does not contain vegetable fats.


For the base
  • shortbread cookies 300 g
  • butter 80 g
For filling
  • cream cheese 500 g
  • cream 33-35% 200 ml
  • sugar 150 g
  • fresh strawberries 400 g
  • gelatin 18 g
For jelly
  • Strawberry juice 250 ml
  • gelatin 10 g


Pour gelatin for filling (18 grams) into 100 ml of cold boiled water and leave for an hour.

Pour gelatin for jelly (10 grams) with strawberry juice and leave for an hour. Instead of strawberry, you can use any other red juice (for example, cherry), but it will be tastier if the jelly has a strawberry flavor.

Grind the cookies in a blender, you can also pass them through a meat grinder or simply roll them out with a rolling pin.

The result should be a homogeneous free-flowing mass; there should be no large uncrushed pieces of cookies left.

Melt the butter in the microwave or on the stove. If you heat oil in the microwave, be careful not to let the oil overheat and boil, otherwise you will have to wash the microwave later. Add ghee to the cookies and mix thoroughly with your hands until smooth.

Place the resulting mass in a springform pan with a diameter of 22-24 cm (you can use a pan with a larger diameter, but then the cheesecake will be lower). Distribute it evenly over the entire area of ​​the mold and compact it well. Place the pan in the refrigerator while you prepare the filling.

Wash the strawberries. It is better to wash strawberries together with the stems; if you tear them off before washing, the berries without stems will absorb moisture and become watery and tasteless.

Separate 200-250 gr. the most beautiful berries for decoration, separate the remaining strawberries from the stalks and cut into small pieces.

Heat the gelatin for the filling on the stove until completely dissolved. Cool.

Beat the cream with sugar until stable peaks form. In order for the cream to whip, firstly, of course, it must be of good quality, and secondly, the cream must be very well cooled. It’s even better that the whisks and the container in which you will beat are also cooled.

Add cream cheese, mix thoroughly.

Pour gelatin into the resulting mass, mix well.

Add the strawberries cut into pieces and mix the mixture very carefully with a whisk. Do not use a mixer, otherwise you may damage the berries and they will give juice. You need to stir until the strawberries are evenly distributed throughout the mass.

Spread the mixture onto the cookie base.

Level the mass and place the mold in the freezer for 7-10 minutes. The mixture should just set a little so that you can put strawberries on it for decoration and it won’t sink.

While the mass is setting, heat the gelatin for jelly, soaked in juice, on the stove until completely dissolved, but do not bring to a boil. Cool.

Cut the remaining strawberries for decoration into thin slices.

Carefully spread the strawberries over the entire surface of the cheesecake. Using a tablespoon, carefully pour a thin layer of jelly that has cooled to room temperature between the berries and place the mold back in the freezer for a few minutes. This is necessary so that the berries set and do not float when we pour all the jelly onto the cake.

Pour the remaining jelly on top and refrigerate the cheesecake for 3-4 hours, or better yet, overnight.

To ensure even edges of the cheesecake, heat the springform pan with a hairdryer before opening.

Strawberry cheesecake is ready. Bon appetit!

Cheesecake (cheese cake) is a very popular delicacy. Despite the fact that this is a cake, an oven is not always needed to prepare it. American cheesecake is certainly baked, but the British came up with the idea of ​​adding gelatin to the curd filling. The result was a no-bake cheesecake made from both cream cheese and regular cottage cheese.

Although it is quite possible to make a cottage cheese cake from cream cheese and fermented milk cottage cheese (both products in English are called the same word “cheese”), it is better to take mascarpone, and if you use cottage cheese, then it is soft and fatty without grains or grains.

To prepare a classic version of dessert without heat treatment, the kitchen must have:

  • 400 g shortbread cookies;
  • 155 g butter;
  • 620 g cream cheese (or cottage cheese);
  • 500 ml cream;
  • 155 g powdered sugar;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • 24 g gelatin.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Grind the cookies to small grains, to which add the melted butter. You can quickly carry out this manipulation using a blender or walking over the cookies with a rolling pin. In the first case it is more effective. Press the oiled crumbs into a springform pan.
  2. Fold the cheese, sweet powder and cream into the most homogeneous mixture.
  3. Pour water into a small container with gelatin. Heat the milk until hot, without letting it boil. Pour it into the swollen gelatin. Stir until all grains are completely dissolved.
  4. Add the dissolved gelatin to the cheese whipped with cream and beat well again so that the gelling component does not settle on the bottom.
  5. Transfer the soufflé into a mold and let it set quietly in the cold. The finished cheesecake can be topped with a layer of berry or fruit juice jelly, as well as chocolate glaze, and decorated with berries or chocolate or coconut shavings.

Curd dessert with cookies

It’s not difficult to make curd cheesecake without baking. In a nutshell: you need to mix all the ingredients, put them in a container for assembly, and place them on the refrigerator shelf.

To make this outrageously simple dessert you need to take:

  • 400 g cottage cheese;
  • 320 ml sour cream;
  • 255 g powdered sugar;
  • 4 g vanilla powder;
  • 4 yolks;
  • 42 g gelatin;
  • 250 g shortbread crumbs;
  • any berries for decoration.

Cooking steps:

  1. Grind the fermented milk cheese with the yolks, add powdered sugar, vanilla powder and sour cream. Beat the mixed products thoroughly, then pour in the gelatin dissolved in water (or milk).
  2. Press the sand crumbs well at the bottom of the mold and place the curd soufflé on top. After this, hide the dessert from yourself and other sweet lovers for four hours in the refrigerator to thicken and stabilize. Before serving, garnish with whole berries.

With added strawberries

The combination of bright juicy strawberries with snow-white curd soufflé will make the dessert tasty and impressive.

  • 1 prepared sponge cake;
  • 300-400 g of fresh strawberries;
  • 500 g cream cheese;
  • 220 ml cream;
  • 155 g powdered sugar;
  • 21 g gelatin.

How to assemble strawberry cheesecake:

  1. Prepare cream cheese soufflé. Bring the cream with powdered sugar to the state of a weightless delicate cloud, add gelatin dissolved according to the recommendations given on the package and beat again.
  2. Wash the strawberries and dry them. Enough berries to arrange around the circumference of the mold, cut in half. Cut the remaining strawberries into medium cubes.
  3. Place a few tablespoons of cream in a separate bowl, and add diced strawberries to the larger portion and mix.
  4. Place the finished sponge cake on the bottom of the springform pan, trimming it with a knife if it is a little larger. Spread some of the reserved cream around the perimeter of the cake and place halves of berries on it, with the cuts facing the walls of the mold. Fill the form with the bulk of the curd soufflé with strawberries.
  5. Spread the remaining cream without berries from the bowl on top. This way the surface of the dessert will be perfectly smooth. After stabilization, carefully remove the dessert from the mold, showing the beautiful side.

Banana treat

Banana curd dessert is very easy to prepare, especially if you use a blender. Then the duration of all processes will be calculated in a matter of minutes, and the list of components for this delicacy will be as follows:

  • 365 g sugar cookies;
  • 130 g butter;
  • 460 g of non-grain cottage cheese;
  • 3 medium bananas;
  • Art. cream;
  • 50 g powdered sugar;
  • 15 g vanilla flavored sugar;
  • 25 ml lemon juice;
  • 28 g instant gelatin granules.

We act step by step:

  1. Make a sweet base for the pie from cookies and butter, similar to the previous recipes: grind the cookies into crumbs with a blender, mix with butter and press into the mold with a potato masher.
  2. After this, the peeled bananas are sent to the blender. To prevent them from darkening, they need to be sprinkled with lemon juice.
  3. Add cottage cheese to mashed bananas, pour in cream, sift powdered sugar and vanilla-flavored sugar. After running the blender for a few minutes, mix everything.
  4. Add prepared liquid gelatin into the resulting paste. After mixing, pour the cream onto the base and refrigerate to stabilize and harden. To ensure that the gelatin is evenly distributed in the soufflé and does not harden into separate clumps, all products must be no colder than room temperature.
  5. Before serving, this sweet dish can be decorated with banana slices, chocolate chips or other topping.

Chocolate cheesecake

A delicate curd dessert with a velvety chocolate taste is prepared from the following set of products:

  • 310 g cookies (short variety, as in previous versions);
  • 110 g butter;
  • 34 g cocoa;
  • 600 g of any cream cheese;
  • 150 g milk chocolate;
  • 100 g dark bitter chocolate;
  • 50 g white chocolate;
  • 100 g powdered sugar;
  • 30-40 ml cream or milk.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Refine the cookies into crumbs by sequentially adding cocoa powder and butter. Make a base from this mixture - a layer of compacted oiled crumbs.
  2. Beat the cheese with powdered sugar. Melt 100 g milk and 50 g dark chocolate. Add cheese to the liquid chocolate, a tablespoon at a time. Mix.
  3. Transfer the chocolate and curd filling onto the base crust, smooth it out and refrigerate for two hours.
  4. Prepare glaze from the remaining chocolate (milk and dark) by melting this product with milk. Cover the top of the frozen cream with the resulting mixture, and draw a patterned decoration on top with melted white chocolate. Once the glaze has hardened, the chocolate cheesecake is ready.

With condensed milk

Delicate sweetness with the taste of your favorite toffee can be prepared in the shortest possible time from cottage cheese and boiled condensed milk. The most difficult part of the cooking process will be waiting for the cream to harden.

For the base and curd soufflé you need to take:

  • 370 g boiled condensed milk;
  • 300 g fat cottage cheese;
  • 100 ml cream;
  • 30 g instant granulated gelatin;
  • 310 g shortbread cookies;
  • 150 g melted butter.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Take shortbread cookie crumbs combined with butter to form the base of the dessert. To do this, distribute and compact the butter crumbs along the bottom and sides of the baking dish, and put them in the refrigerator to harden.
  2. Place cottage cheese, condensed milk and cream in a blender bowl. Mix these products until smooth. Then add gelatin prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions. Mix.
  3. Transfer the resulting cream soufflé into the frozen cookie base, smooth it out and put it back in the refrigerator to stabilize and harden. This will take on average 3 hours.

Cheesecake with mascarpone without baking

Mascarpone is a delicate cheese that is prepared by curdling cream. This product has found its wide application in cooking, including for making cheesecakes.

In this case, the following components will be required:

  • 300 g brittle shortbread cookies;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 500 g mascarpone cheese;
  • 200 ml heavy cream (from 30%);
  • 150 g powdered sugar;
  • 100 ml cold water;
  • 21 g edible gelatin.

No-bake cheesecake with mascarpone step by step:

  1. Pour edible gelatin with water and set aside to swell according to the method of use indicated on the package.
  2. Turn the cookies into fine sand, mix it with melted butter. Compact the resulting crumbly mixture, similar to wet sand, in a dense layer on the bottom of the springform pan. Refrigerate.
  3. Beat the chilled cream with powdered sugar together with a mixer into a fluffy mass. Add mascarpone to them. Mix.
  4. Heat the gelatin in a microwave or steam until it completely dissolves, and then add it into the cream in a thin stream.
  5. After this, coat the frozen crumbs with cream. Place in the refrigerator for a few hours or better until the next day.

Original recipe with marshmallows

In this recipe, the cream is stabilized by chewing marshmallows rather than gelatin. Thanks to this, the soufflé turns out to be unusually airy and tasty; even the most ardent opponents of cottage cheese will swallow it for dear souls.

The proportions of the components required for dessert will be as follows:

  • 300 g shortbread cookies;
  • 115 g melted butter;
  • 500 g of tender non-sour cottage cheese;
  • 400 g white marshmallows;
  • 200 g fat sour cream;
  • 50 g powdered sugar;
  • 20 ml lemon juice;
  • 50 ml of thick concentrated berry syrup.

Dessert creation process:

  1. Crush the cookies into fine crumbs using any available method (rolling pin, blender or food processor). Add melted butter, mix everything thoroughly.
  2. The result should be a mass resembling wet sand. Press it tightly around the perimeter (bottom and walls) into a mold 22 cm in diameter. Next - cooling in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Grind cottage cheese, sour cream and powdered sugar with an immersion blender into a homogeneous creamy mass.
  4. Heat the marshmallows in the microwave until they double in volume and are soft. Combine cottage cheese, marshmallows and lemon juice. Beat the resulting mass thoroughly.
  5. Place the soufflé on the base and level the surface. From the top in a spiral from the center to the edge, use a syringe or pipette to make a path of syrup droplets. Then use a toothpick to draw the same spiral, passing through the center of each droplet. Place the cheesecake in the refrigerator overnight to allow the soufflé to set.

Quick raspberry dessert

This raspberry cheesecake, although it consists of three layers (cookie crust, curd soufflé and raspberry jelly), is prepared quite quickly due to the fact that the layers are sent to the freezer to stabilize and harden. Another twist to the recipe is that while cookie cheesecake is usually made with shortbread, this one uses an oatmeal treat.

In the cooking process we use:

  • 300-340 g oatmeal cookies;
  • 200 g soft butter;
  • 500 g cottage cheese;
  • 300 g raspberries;
  • 20 g vanilla sugar;
  • 125 g sugar;
  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • 24 g edible gelatin;
  • 100 ml ice water;
  • a package of raspberry jelly and raspberries for decoration.

Prepare as follows:

  1. In a kitchen food processor, beat the oatmeal cakes with butter until they form crumbs, which are distributed over the bottom of the pie container and compacted. Place in the freezer for 10 minutes.
  2. Use a blender to turn half the raspberries along with cottage cheese, sour cream and sugar (including vanilla) into a creamy paste. Pour in the dissolved gelatin and distribute it evenly with a rotating motion with a spoon or spatula.
  3. Place half of the soufflé on top of the layer of oat crumbs, the remaining raspberries on it, and again the curd cream on top. Place everything in the freezer for 20 minutes.
  4. Place berries for decoration on top of the set cream and pour raspberry jelly on top, then add the refrigerator. The cheesecake can be served immediately after it has set.
  5. Finally, many housewives will find one very useful trick that will help them easily remove any no-bake cheesecake from the mold without separating it from the walls with a knife. For a few minutes, wrap the mold with the dessert in a terry towel soaked in hot water, and the cake will easily come away from the walls.