How to remove coffee stains from clothes: effective methods. How to remove coffee stains - a list of effective remedies and methods

Traditionally, most people start their morning with a cup of hot, invigorating drink to wake up, but, alas, sometimes unpleasant incidents happen. It's easy to spill coffee in a hurry. This raises the question of how to wash coffee.

Many people believe that it is impossible to remove stains from coffee. In fact, you need to act quickly and follow the tips outlined below, and you will know how to clean coffee quickly and forever.

The very first action should be to remove the stain. But it happens that at this moment you are outside the house and do not have the necessary funds at hand. What to do?

In such a situation, use hot water. Place the area where there are fresh traces of the drink under the stream, but do not wash it off. Such stains easily spread and grow on fabrics.

Your task now is to prevent the coffee from drying out. You can also sprinkle salt on the fresh stain; these two options will prolong the freshness of the stain and increase your washing time.

Remember that the water should not be boiling water. Its temperature should not exceed 60 degrees Celsius.

The faster you start cleaning the stain, the easier and faster you will be able to remove it.

If you intend to wash the stain as quickly as possible, then you should blot the contaminated area with a napkin, towel, or cotton pad. This way, less coffee will be absorbed into the fabric.

You can also immediately use a stain remover. Just check whether it is suitable for this type of fabric, this is indicated on the label. The product should usually be applied to the stain, left for about 10-15 minutes and rinsed thoroughly in water. Never overuse stain remover as it may damage the fabric or leave stains. See below for how to remove coffee stains without effort or special products.

Proven ways to deal with coffee stains

  1. White items made from natural fabrics such as linen and cotton can be washed using ordinary washing soap. After washing, it is recommended to boil the clothes, which should not be done with colored items made from natural fabric. This is the first option for how to remove coffee from white clothes, but there are others.
  2. For wool and silk clothes, a method using a solution of soap and ammonia is suitable. You will need to make soap shavings, mix them with 3-6 teaspoons of ammonia and 1 liter of water. Wash the stain in the solution you prepared yourself, then wash the item in.
  3. If it turned out that you didn’t have time or you simply didn’t have the opportunity to wash away the fresh traces of coffee, and they dried up. You should soak the item in cool salted water for 20-30 minutes, depending on how much the stain is absorbed into the fabric. Then wash with soap and rinse thoroughly in water at the temperature recommended on the label.
  4. There is also a method that is popular among the people. The contaminated area is rubbed with dry soap, then cleaned with a brush, and rinsed in water with a two percent ammonia content. It can be used to remove coffee from jeans.
  5. Silk will help clean a solution of 20 grams of alcohol, 20 grams of water and 1 gram of ammonia. Rub the mixture onto the stain, then dry it with a towel or napkin and rinse in water.
  6. Fresh stains can be removed with glycerin. Warm it up and apply it to the dirt, leave it for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.
  7. If the stain is already old and dry, then there is another recipe for using glycerin. 1 teaspoon of water and exactly the same amount of glycerin are mixed with a couple of drops of ammonia. Rub with this solution until the stain disappears before your eyes. Then wash the item in the usual way.
  8. Another effective method for cleaning coffee stains is a paste of table salt and glycerin. Apply it to the stain and rub it until it loses its color, then throw the item in the washing machine on a regular wash cycle.
  9. Another proven method is hydrogen peroxide from white coffee. It is good for bleaching stains, especially on white or light-colored fabrics. This makes it very convenient to remove stains from carpets and sofas, because washing them completely is not easy, and sometimes impossible.
  10. Do not forget that on a white shirt you can use bleaches such as peroxide, bleach, and other special products that contain bleach.
  11. But vinegar will help to remove stains even from colored fabrics. A solution of vinegar and water is prepared in a ratio of 1 to 1. The item is soaked in vinegar water for 5-15 minutes, and then washed off or washed with a damp towel or napkin. This method is suitable even for colored carpets and furniture.

Drink coffee in the morning

Don't be afraid to spill your favorite drink; there are many effective, time-tested methods to remove these types of stains.

07/12/2017 1 3 286 views

Dirt spoils things, and some are very difficult to remove. To enjoy cleanliness, find out how to remove coffee stains from white or colored clothes?

What methods can be used?

You can remove coffee stains using different means:

  1. Machine washable. This method is the most obvious and simple, but it is not always effective, since coffee stains are considered difficult to remove, especially old ones. Still, it’s worth trying the method, but you need to use a high-quality powder that can cope even with complex stains.
  2. Specialized stain removers such as Antipyatin or Vanish. They work well on a variety of stains, including coffee stains. Before use, be sure to read the instructions and follow all instructions therein.
  3. Salt is an effective adsorbent that quickly absorbs liquids and, accordingly, draws them out of materials. But such a product can only be used to remove dirt left recently. Salt can be used in two main ways. First: sprinkle it on fresh dirt, wait a little, and then shake off the product. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated. Second method: pour warm water into a bowl and dissolve salt in it (a third of a glass per liter). Immerse the soiled item in this solution, leave it for several hours, after which rinse thoroughly.
  4. Ammonia will help if you treat the contaminated area with it, leave the product for a while, and then wash it. You need to moisten the fabric in alcohol generously, especially if the stain is complex.
  5. A proven remedy is lemon juice. Carefully treat the coffee stain with it, wait half an hour or an hour, and then simply wash the product as usual: by hand or in a washing machine.
  6. Coffee stains can be removed from light-colored items using glycerin. It needs to be heated in a water bath, and then applied generously to the stained area and left for an hour. Next, the item should be rinsed in warm water. If the contamination is not removed the first time, the procedure can be repeated.
  7. Mix glycerin and table salt in equal proportions and apply this composition to the contaminated areas, leaving for half an hour. When the stain becomes almost invisible, you can proceed to regular washing with powder.
  8. Glycerin can be used in another way by mixing it with ammonia (the proportions will be approximately equal). This mixture is used to thoroughly treat problem areas and is left for half an hour or an hour, depending on the degree and complexity of the contamination.
  9. Try removing coffee stains with high-lying laundry soap. First, a 50-gram piece of it is grated, then the shavings are dissolved in a glass of warm or hot water. The resulting soap solution is used to treat dirty areas or soak the product if it is heavily soiled.
  10. Prepare turpentine oil and ammonia and mix these two components in equal proportions. Soak a cotton pad, swab or piece of soft cloth well in the mixture. Work the problem area until it is completely damp. After half an hour or an hour, the item can be washed with powder or soap.
  11. If a synthetic item is dirty, try using ethyl alcohol to clean it. They need to wet the stain well, leave it for an hour, and then simply wash the item by hand or in a washing machine.
  12. Experienced housewives know that vinegar is an effective and affordable natural stain remover and cleaner. If you have essence, then you need to dilute it with two or three parts of warm water. This solution treats a coffee stain. If it is old, then you need to wait an hour or two. Then the item is washed with soap or powder and rinsed. You can use weak 9% vinegar in its pure form.
  13. Another effective remedy is ammonia with ordinary laundry soap. Grate or finely chop about two tablespoons of soap and dissolve this amount in half a glass of ammonia. To enhance the effect, this mixture can be heated. Then apply it to the stain left by the coffee, wait thirty to forty minutes, rinse off the composition and wash the product in the usual way.
  14. You can prepare a kind of paste to remove stains. To do this, mix the usual laundry detergent powder with vinegar until you get a not very thick paste. Apply this mixture in a dense layer to the stained area and leave for an hour so that the material is well saturated and the dirt is dissolved. Then wash and then rinse.
  15. Boiling, well known to our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, can also help, as it copes with a wide variety of stains. The item needs to be immersed in a basin and boiled for about ten to fifteen minutes. If the product is slightly dirty, simply place it in freshly boiled water.
  16. Prepare a mixture of equal parts of alcohol (ethyl or ammonia), salt and glycerin. Treat stains with it, leave for a while until the stains dissolve, and then wash the item.
  17. Try washing the product with bleach added. But remember that such a product is considered quite aggressive and can damage delicate materials.
  18. Whey contains acid, which makes it good at removing stains, including coffee stains. It is applied to the dirt, left for at least an hour and washed off with cool water. Next, the product needs to be washed well.
  19. Try using powdered borax. Dilute it with warm water until you obtain a homogeneous, thin composition and apply it liberally to the soiled material. After thirty to forty minutes, rinse off the product and wash the item.
  20. Use hydrogen peroxide: in pure form or mixed with alcohol (both regular ethyl and ammonia will do). Treat the item with the product, wash off the mixture after half an hour, and then start washing.

To get rid of a coffee stain without harming the contaminated product, you need to follow a few simple rules.

  • First, remember that the sooner you take action, the higher the chances of completely removing the contaminants. Fresh stains are easier to remove than old and deeply ingrained ones.
  • Secondly, before cleaning, study in detail the information on the item’s label (if there is one). Strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions.
  • And thirdly, the chosen product must be tested first to eliminate the possibility of damage and deterioration of the material. Apply a small amount of it to the wrong side of the item: if nothing happens, proceed to full cleaning. If the fabric changes properties, use another product.

Funds table

To understand which product is best suited in different cases, study the table:

Means What items and materials is it suitable for?
Hydrogen peroxide Light, white things
A mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia White products
Glycerol Silk and wool items, including light ones
Vinegar Cotton products
Serum Silk colored items
Borax Products in different bright colors
Bleaching Light or white cotton items
Boiling water Linen products
Laundry soap Light-colored items made from dense materials
A mixture of alcohol, glycerin and salt White clothes and colored ones
Alcohol Suitable for all fabrics (diluted even for delicate ones)

How to remove coffee stains from white?

It is not easy to remove coffee stains from white clothes, because the stains on them are very noticeable and can remain after washing. The most obvious way is to wash with bleach or white: such products will not only remove dirt, but also return the product to its snow-white appearance.

Try using weak solutions of acids: oxalic or citric: dissolve one or two teaspoons in a full glass of warm water and pour this mixture over the problem areas. After ten to fifteen minutes, rinse everything off and wash the product.

For items made of dense fabrics, bleach is suitable: it should be dissolved in warm water until all lumps disappear. Use this product to treat stained areas. The item must be washed and rinsed very thoroughly. Hydrogen peroxide and soda can also be used to remove coffee stains on white items.

Cleaning Colored Clothes

The main tasks when cleaning colored items are stain removal and color preservation. And therefore you need to use effective, but not very aggressive means. The first is borax. A teaspoon of powder should be dissolved in 50 ml of warm water. Treat the material with the solution, rub it, and then wash the product.

You can use gentle acid-containing products such as lemon juice or whey. They are applied to the product and left on it for a maximum of half an hour, then washed off. Then the item needs to be washed.

Many people are familiar with the situation when, with a slight wave of the hand, a cup tips over and splashes of coffee end up where they should not be at all: on a snow-white blouse, tablecloth, upholstery, carpet or car seat. The natural desire in this case is to get rid of traces of your carelessness as quickly as possible. But how to do it correctly?

A little about coffee stains

Coffee stains are considered difficult to remove. This means that it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of stubborn stains by simply washing them; this will require pre-treatment. What makes coffee stains last is the oils and tannins (tannins) contained in the drink. Tannins are used in ink and dye production to stabilize dyes, and oils oxidize over time when exposed to oxygen and sun.

Coffee leaves stubborn stains

Green or brown coffee spilled on the fabric - this does not matter much for stains. The beans turn brown after roasting the green ones, which means there is no difference in the methods of dealing with stains from both. The story is different with cappuccino, mochaccino and other coffee-based drinks with added milk. Such stains require a special approach, because in addition to coffee, milk fats remain on clothes.

Getting rid of stains

To remove coffee stains, use water, organic solvents, and products for insoluble stains.

In the office, the risk of coffee stains on clothes is greatest.

The sooner you start cleaning up coffee spills, the better. But don’t rush to rub the stain - this will only smear it and rub it into the fabric.

Algorithm for removing fresh stains:

Further actions depend on the fabric with which the problem occurred. Carefully examine the label on the back of the product.

The most popular and effective methods for removing coffee stains

Different fabrics have their own characteristics and fiber composition. Based on these characteristics, select a stain remover.

What to consider when choosing:

  1. Wool and silk are animal fibers and are not recommended to be treated with strong alkalis. But they are not afraid of solvents (gasoline, kerosene, acetone and others).
  2. Linen, cotton (plant fibers) destroy strong inorganic acids. But they are not afraid of high temperatures; they can be boiled.
  3. Acetate, triacetate, chlorine, polyvinyl chloride fibers are dissolved by acetone. Nylon, acetate and triacetate fibers are destroyed by acetic acid.
  4. Alcohols and acids are used for white or light-colored items. For colored people, be sure to do a dye fastness test.
  5. Bleaching agents (chlorine, a mixture of hydrogen peroxide with ammonia, and others) can only be used on white fabrics; on colored fabrics, discolored spots will remain.

You can remove coffee stains from household chemicals:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • ammonia;
  • soap;
  • purified gasoline (for lighters);
  • fine salt;
  • stain remover (oxygen, special, and on white natural fabrics - chlorine);
  • window cleaning liquid;
  • glycerin;
  • alcohol.

The simplest and most accessible method to start with is washing with soap.

Photo gallery: coffee stain removers

Under the influence of hydrogen peroxide, stains disappear without a trace Ammonia effectively removes difficult stains Lighter gasoline will remove milk drink stains The composition of window cleaning liquid is similar to stain remover Glycerin is safe for fabric Alcohol will help remove fresh stains Proven anti-stain product - industrial stain remover Salt quickly absorbs coffee from the surface of the fabric


Often, timely washing in a soapy solution is enough to restore cleanliness to clothes. In addition, this method is suitable for any fabric, and is especially good for synthetic ones. How to do it:

This product, which is available in every kitchen, can easily deal with coffee stains:

The method is safe for any fabric.

Peroxide works well on these types of stains:

  1. Place a dry cloth under the fabric.
  2. Spray the stained area generously with peroxide.
  3. Remove excess liquid with an absorbent cloth or paper.
  4. Wait 5-10 minutes, the stain will disappear. Under sunlight, the reaction goes faster.

Video: how to remove coffee stains with hydrogen peroxide

The drug will save a white blouse and other light-colored clothing. It will remove even dried stains, but you will need to repeat the treatment several times. The best result is achieved by adding ammonia to the peroxide.

Peroxide and ammonia

How to remove a stain:

  1. Wet the cotton wool first with one liquid, then with the other, or drop them onto the stained area.
  2. Wait a little and wipe off the residue - the stains will disappear without a trace.
  3. Rinse with clean water.

The mixture has a strong bleaching effect, use it only on white fabrics.

Video: how to quickly remove coffee stains


Drinks containing milk leave stains that require two-step cleaning:

  1. Moisten the stain with gasoline to dissolve the milk fat.
  2. Blot the fabric on both sides.
  3. Treat the stain with a mixture of peroxide and ammonia.

The described express methods will help out if trouble happens in an office or cafe - salt is easy to find, peroxide and ammonia are in any first aid kit, and gasoline for lighters can be found at the nearest household chemicals store. There are more opportunities at home.

Wet the stain with water and don't let it dry until you get home. This will make it easier to get rid of it.

White vinegar

The tannin found in coffee is an acid, so vinegar is suitable for removing stains. Use only table white; apple or balsamic will stain the fabric.

Add vinegar to the water (1 tablespoon per glass of warm water) and rinse the affected clothing.

You can find stain removers on the market that are specifically designed to remove tannin-containing products. Buy it, and all you have to do is follow the recommendations on the package. Cleaning with stain remover consists of the following steps:

  1. Apply a stain remover suitable for the fabric to the affected area and leave for the recommended time.
  2. Apply a little washing gel to a damp sponge.
  3. Rub the sponge onto the dirt.
  4. Rinse in clean water.

Liquid for cleaning glass surfaces

Window cleaning liquid is similar in composition to stain remover; it contains surfactants (surfactants), regular alcohol or ammonia. This cocktail has a deadly effect on many stains, including coffee stains. What should be done:

  1. Spray the liquid onto the stained area or apply it with a cotton pad.
  2. Remove any remaining coffee and product with a dry cloth.

Video: how to remove a coffee stain from a tablecloth with glass washing liquid

Remove the stain from the edges to the center so as not to smear it across the surface.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Mix glycerin with fine salt until you get a paste.
  2. Apply the mixture to the stain and rub in lightly.
  3. Wait until the stain fades.

Both components are not aggressive, the method is applicable to any fabric. After treating with any product, wash the item in a mode suitable for this fabric.

When the moment is lost

Quickly taken measures are half the success; removing fresh contamination will not be difficult. The situation is different with stubborn stains, but in this case you shouldn’t despair. In this case, you can do the following:


Stains on woolen items should be treated as follows:

  1. Rub the stain with dry laundry soap.
  2. Dampen a sponge or soft brush with ammonia and scrub the soaped area.
  3. Rinse the item in water and dry with a towel.
  4. Apply a few drops of hydrogen peroxide.
  5. Rinse again with water.
  6. Dry in the sun.

You can also use the following methods:

  1. Lightly heat the glycerin, soak a cotton swab or cloth in it and rub the coffee stains. Wait 15 minutes and rinse with warm, but not hot water.
  2. Moisten a napkin with ammonia and wipe the stain from the edges to the center. Rinse off any remaining residue with water.


Dip the stained area into the whey and leave until the stain fades. Rinse clothes and wash as normal.

Lactic acid will replace whey:

  1. Dilute 4 grams of lactic acid in 20 ml of water.
  2. Dampen the stain with the mixture and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Reapply the solution.
  4. Rinse with a wet sponge and dry the fabric with a towel.

Place a plastic bag under the stained area to prevent the stain from imprinting on the clean fabric.

If traces of coffee remain after processing, moisten them with a borax solution and leave for several hours. Rinse off the reagent with clean water and apply a light solution of citric acid and salt. The spots will not resist such an attack.


Hot boiling water will help remove fresh stains. Stretch the cloth over a basin or pan and water until the marks disappear. Linen can be boiled and machine washed by setting it to boiling.

Oxalic acid is effective even on old stains

Old stains can be removed with a solution of sodium hyposulfite or oxalic acid (for light-colored fabrics):

  1. For 1 glass of water, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of reagent.
  2. Dampen the cloth and leave until the stain disappears.
  3. Wash by hand with soap and a few drops of ammonia.
  4. Rinse thoroughly.


In this case, hyposulfite will also help:

  1. Wash your clothes by hand with soapy water and a few tablespoons of baking soda.
  2. Rinse in clean water.
  3. Soak in the solution:
    • 3 liters of water;
    • 1 tbsp. spoon of soda;
    • 1 tbsp. spoon of hyposulfite.
  4. Leave until results are achieved.
  5. Wash as usual.

White fabric made of pure cotton can be boiled with laundry soap and soaked with bleach and bleaches containing it. But it is better to resort to this method in extreme cases, since the aggressive composition destroys the fibers.


Coffee is not absorbed into synthetic fibers, so it is easier to wash than other fabrics. And alcohol will help with this:

  1. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of alcohol in 0.5 liters of water.
  2. Wash the stain or wipe it off with a cotton pad or napkin.
  3. Rinse in clean water.

Often it is enough just to wash the item with soap and the stain will disappear.


If trouble happens to your favorite costume, the following method will help:

  1. Blot any coffee spilled on your suit with a napkin and cover it with salt; it will absorb most of the liquid.
  2. Shake off the salt and treat the fabric with purified gasoline, the stain will disappear.


Coffee penetrates denim well and is fixed in it just as well. To deal with stains, dilute 1 tbsp in a glass of water. spoon of dishwashing gel, 1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar and soak for 15 minutes. If the stain remains, scrub it with rubbing alcohol and soak in an enzyme stain remover for 30 minutes. Wash your clothes as usual.

Coffee stains must be removed immediately before the drink has time to soak into the fabric.

Carpet, upholstery

The method for cleaning old stains depends on the fiber composition of the carpet. If you just spilled coffee, clean water is enough. Do the following:

  1. Immediately blot up moisture with dry wipes.
  2. Wet the affected area generously with clean water.
  3. Dry the area to be treated again. Change wipes until they are dry.

If this doesn't help, use a special carpet cleaner. You will find the rules for its use on the packaging of this product. When choosing a product, pay attention to what carpets it is intended for.

After removing the stain, the carpet can be cleaned completely so that no difference from the cleaned area is visible.

Talcum powder or baby powder can help clean a fresh stain:

  1. Sprinkle fresh dirt thickly and rub in gently.
  2. Wait until the liquid is absorbed and the talc dries.
  3. Shake off the powder, brush or vacuum off any remaining residue.

Use a dish sponge to clean the carpet

If all your efforts were in vain and the outline of the coffee stain did not disappear, you still have one more option - dry cleaning.

How to avoid mistakes - repeating what has been learned

So, to remove a coffee stain without any problems, you need to:

  • Proceed with liquidation as quickly as possible.
  • Do not rub the liquid, but blot it.
  • Process from the edges to the center.
  • Before using an unfamiliar product, test on an inconspicuous area.
  • When choosing a product, take into account the fiber composition and color of the product.

Video: Several ways to remove coffee stains

Those who like to drink espresso on the go, late for work, and in the evenings sit comfortably in a chair with a cup of aromatic drink should be prepared for the fact that one careless movement - and now a dirty brown stain is already spreading along the sleeve of a snow-white shirt, instantly absorbed into the new carpet or spreads across the light tabletop. The main thing is not to panic! Next, we will look in detail at how to remove coffee stains using improvised means.

General rules:

  • Coffee is quickly absorbed, and after drying it seems to firmly eat into any material, coloring it. Therefore, the main thing in this fight is efficiency.
  • The simplest option is special stain removers. If you don’t have such a remedy at hand, use the folk methods described below.
  • To avoid permanently damaging your clothes or furniture, test the product on a small area first. If after 10-15 minutes the color has not changed, proceed to treat the contaminated area.
  • If you have a stain on your clothing, first try washing the problem area with powder or laundry soap.
  • Before you begin removing stains, remove excess coffee with a clean napkin or rag. Do not rub the stain - this will cause it to “spread” even more.

Removing coffee stains from clothes

Do not wash clothes damaged by coffee in hot water: the dyes will penetrate even deeper into the structure of the fabric. Maximum temperature - 60°C.

To remove a fresh stain, use regular table salt: blot the moisture with a napkin, cover the area with a dense layer of salt for a few minutes. Remove any residue, rinse the clothes, then wash. Remove the remaining barely noticeable trace with soap.

Removing coffee stains from cotton or linen clothes is simple: use glycerin. Heat a small amount of this substance over steam, apply to the damaged area for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

To remove stains from silk, pour hydrogen peroxide over the stain. Remove traces of coffee on items made of fine fabric with hydrogen peroxide, but with an admixture of ammonia (in a 1:1 ratio).

For synthetic fabric, use pure ethyl alcohol (2 tablespoons per liter of water). Soak the item for 10 minutes, then wash.

Glycerin and salt give a good effect on light-colored items (dilute 1 teaspoon of fine salt with glycerin until a paste forms). Apply the mixture for 10-20 minutes, then rinse the clothes thoroughly.

Coffee stains on clothes should not be washed at temperatures above 60 degrees

Rub loose wool with laundry soap. Apply ammonia on top, gently rub it in with a brush, then rinse with water. Remove the yellowish trace with hydrogen peroxide. A paste of washing powder and vinegar (one tablespoon each) is effective. Apply the product to both sides of the fabric, rub gently in a circular motion, and rinse the clothing.

For white items, choose powder with bleaching granules, and for colored items, choose regular powder.

Soak clothes made of mixed fabric in a solution of soda ash (half a teaspoon per liter of water) for several minutes. Rinse several times, the last time with the addition of vinegar (half a teaspoon per liter of water).

Hydrogen peroxide will help remove coffee stains on white. Pour a small amount of the substance onto the stain. As soon as the mark fades, rinse the clothes. For colored items, use kefir or milk: apply to the dirty area and leave for half an hour.

How to remove coffee stains from furniture

Moisten the stain on light-colored furniture with water, apply a mixture of 9% vinegar and water (1:1 ratio). After 15 minutes, remove any remaining product with a clean napkin. If the stain has lightened but remains, repeat the procedure.

To remove a coffee stain from upholstered furniture, first blot off excess moisture with a sponge soaked in soapy water, then sprinkle the problem area with salt and leave for 10 minutes. An alternative option is to treat the damaged surface with a window cleaner: the active ingredients in the composition work well with coffee.

On upholstered furniture, the stain has to be removed in several passes.

If you spill Americano on a wood countertop or similar surface, take baking soda and gently rub it over the affected area. Another method: treat the affected surface with a mixture of glycerin and ammonia (2 and 0.5 teaspoons, respectively). Leave the mixture on the dirt for half an hour, then wipe the furniture with a dry, clean cloth.

Getting rid of coffee stains on carpet

Blot up any remaining liquid. Moisten the stain with glycerin solution (1 teaspoon per 500 ml of cold water). Leave for 10-15 minutes, then remove the mixture, rinse the area with water and dry with a hairdryer.

Remove stubborn stains using ammonia (1 tablespoon per liter of water). Wet the affected area, treat it with the mixture and leave for 30 minutes.

Apply 9% table vinegar (mixed in equal proportions with water) to the coffee stain, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse and dry the area.

Coffee stains quickly ruin a wool rug or an expensive high-pile item. Don't experiment - go to the dry cleaner.

Features of removing stains from coffee with milk

Before you start removing cappuccino or latte stains, degrease the surface. Use laundry soap: rub the damaged area with it, then rinse off the foam. Alternatively: treat the stain with glycerin heated in a steam bath, leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with water and dry (a towel or napkin will do).

Before removing a café au lait stain, you must first degrease it.

Potato starch helps a lot: make a paste by mixing it with water, treat the area of ​​contamination, and rinse.

Cafe au lait stains cannot be removed with hot water: due to the high temperature, the protein will coagulate, and it will be difficult to completely get rid of the ingrained stain.

Removing old coffee stains

Method #1: Soak your clothes in salt water for at least two hours. After normal washing, rinse thoroughly, changing the water several times.

Method number 2. Cold milk will help. Soak the clothes first in milk and then in soapy water, then wash them as usual.

Method number 3. Pour a 10% solution of borax (sodium tetraborate, sold at the pharmacy) for 10-15 minutes, then rinse the clothes thoroughly.

The method used to remove coffee stains depends on the type of fabric, as well as how long ago the stain occurred. Usually salt, ammonia, acids and other means are used. After their application, the fabric is washed by hand or in a machine.

The choice of methods and means for removing coffee stains depends on the fabric, as well as the type of stain. It is clear that recent contamination is much easier to remove, but old stains will have to be dealt with. In addition, removing traces of coffee with milk has its own characteristics, as well as removing stains from documents, carpet and other surfaces.

Soda or salt

You can remove coffee stains (as well as chocolate) using the following means:

  • salt;
  • baking soda;
  • acids (acetic, citric, oxalic);
  • borax;
  • glycerol;
  • ammonia alcohol.

From ordinary clothes (T-shirt, T-shirt, dress, shirt, sweater, trousers, robe, etc.), marks are cleaned with a stain remover.

But for it to work most effectively, first of all, sprinkle the stain with salt and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then wash by hand. Another option is to sprinkle the stain with baking soda and citric acid (ratio 2:1). Then proceed in the same way - just wash in warm water with detergent.

Vinegar and salt

To remove fresh stains, use the following instructions:

  1. Mix 70% acetic acid with water in the same ratio.
  2. Wipe the cloth and rinse with warm water.

If the contamination is old, first apply this solution to it, and then add salt for 15 minutes. After this, you need to wash it by hand in warm water with a stain remover.

Washing clothes

When removing stains from clothes, you need to take into account the composition of the fabric and its color.

To remove coffee stains from white, proceed as follows:

  1. Wash natural fabric with bleach and laundry soap. If the traces are old, boil them.
  2. In all other cases, immerse the item in a solution of soda ash (a tablespoon per liter), then wash as usual.

Clothes made from bright fabrics

Removal instructions are as follows:

  1. Immerse in soapy solution.
  2. Stretch a section of fabric (for example, over a bowl).
  3. Wipe off marks with a brush.
  4. Wash in warm water.

To remove coffee color from jeans, follow these steps:

  1. Mix a teaspoon of citric acid with the same amount of oxalic acid.
  2. Apply to the contaminated area for an hour.
  3. Rinse with warm water and wash.

Remove coffee stains from synthetic clothing as follows:

  1. Dissolve a tablespoon of alcohol (or 2 times as much vodka) in a liter of water.
  2. Soak the item in this mixture for 15–20 minutes.
  3. Rinse under running water and, if necessary, wash by hand or machine.

Cotton and linen

Cotton fabrics are particularly delicate, so proceed as follows:

  1. Dissolve a bar of regular soap in warm water.
  2. Get a concentrated solution and soak the fabric in it for an hour.
  3. Wash by hand.

Note! Natural fabrics can be boiled, but this should not be done with colored items - they may fade.

Wool and silk

In this case, remove the coffee stain using the following methods:

  1. Wipe with a clean cloth soaked in a solution of soap and ammonia (only 4 dessert spoons per liter of water). Then wash by hand.
  2. Another way to remove a coffee stain from clothing and wool is to mix water with regular alcohol (equal amounts) and take 20 times less ammonia. Apply for half an hour and wash.

Removing coffee stains from carpet and sofa

In this case, proceed like this:

  1. Remove fresh stains with a dry cloth, blotting the surface with it. Then wipe with another cloth with detergent - for example, Vanish.
  2. If the marks are old, add a few drops of dishwashing detergent to the water. Apply this mixture to the surface for 5 minutes and then rinse with clean water.

Note! , carpet, sofa or mattress must be removed especially carefully. You should not scrub these surfaces with a brush - stains can be removed manually, without additional equipment.

Removing coffee from paper and wallpaper

To remove stains from paper surfaces (documents, pages in a book, wallpaper), use the following instructions:

  1. Prepare a solution of 9% vinegar (1 part) and water (3 parts).
  2. Carefully immerse a piece of paper in this solution (if it is a book, you will have to hold it).
  3. After 15–20 minutes, remove the sheet and place it on a flat surface.
  4. Gently remove moisture with a towel and napkins, then hang on a line until the paper is completely dry.

How to remove an old coffee stain

You need to remove old stains using the following means:

  1. Apply a solution of borax or glycerin to the fabric for half an hour, then wash it by hand using ordinary laundry soap (preferably in a sink under running water).
  2. It is also common to remove old coffee stains with hydrogen peroxide. The product is used for white natural fabrics (cotton, linen, knitwear). You can remove old stains with chlorine bleach. First, apply the product to the stain for half an hour, then wash again by hand.
  3. It is customary to get rid of dirt on synthetics using ammonia. Pour it onto the stain for 20 minutes, then wash it off.
  4. To remove old coffee stains from wool and other dense fabrics, pour heated glycerin onto the fabric for 10 minutes, then wash it again by hand. Similarly, you can clean not only woolen clothes, but also remove dirt from a carpet, plush soft toy, etc.

How to remove a café au lait stain

If a trace is left by coffee with milk, it is removed with gasoline. Moreover, take gasoline from a lighter - you can vouch for its purity. Apply a few ml of gasoline to the surface for half an hour, and then wash the fabric by hand. Instead of gasoline, you can try regular salt.

Thus, there are quite a few simple ways to remove coffee stains. However, if they do not help or the fabric is delicate, it is best to contact a dry cleaner. It is also advisable to resort to the help of professionals if we are talking about expensive products (silk bed linen, expensive dress, jacket, leather, etc.). In such cases, in the absence of skills, the fabric can be damaged.

Even more popular tips on how to remove coffee stains in the video:

Larisa, August 21, 2018.