What are the benefits of blue potatoes? Potatoes with purple pulp: characteristics, care, cooking methods

Variety name Gypsy
general characteristics popular traditional potato with purple skin and tender flesh
Maturation period 70-90 days
Starch content 12-14%
Weight of marketable tubers 100-130 gr
Number of tubers in a bush 6-14
Productivity up to 250 c/ha
Consumer qualities excellent taste and high content of microelements
Keeping quality 92%
Peel color violet
Flesh color white or cream, possibly with purple streaks
Preferred Growing Regions zones with continental and temperate climates
Disease resistance resistant to potato, gray rot
Features of cultivation requires nutritious soil and constant
Originator the name of the breeder and the year of the first harvest are unknown

Main characteristics of the potato variety “Gypsy”:

  • large tubers, weighing from 100 to 130 g;
  • round-oval shape;
  • the tubers are neat, smooth, without bumps or potholes;
  • the peel is bluish-violet, plain, thin, glossy;
  • eyes are superficial, small, few, uncolored;
  • the pulp is white or cream when cut;
  • the starch content is average, ranging from 12 to 14%;
  • high content of protein, vitamins, iodine, and other valuable microelements.

The potato variety “Gypsy” belongs to or, depending on the climate zone. The variety got its name from original purple shade of the peel. The tender white flesh creates a beautiful contrast and makes the tubers ideal for cooking. The yield is good, reaching 250 centners per hectare.

In the table below we have compiled several important characteristics of different potato varieties so that you can compare them with Gypsy:

Variety name Productivity (c/ha) Keeping quality (%)
Gypsyup to 25092
96-168 92
90-160 96
90-116 97
100-200 95
100-130 96
60-100 97
120-150 95
110-140 85-90

However, the tubers are not equal in weight; large potatoes and unsalable small items are tied under one bush. The appearance and quality of root crops is greatly influenced by soil fertility, air temperature, and watering.

In the table below you will find information about the mass of tubers of other potato varieties:

The peculiarity of the variety is its very thin and delicate peel. It makes mechanical cleaning difficult, tubers are quickly damaged when harvested by a combine. This reduces the value of the variety for large farms. But in small fields, potatoes grow and are harvested without problems, delighting farmers and amateur gardeners with their excellent taste. Undamaged potatoes are excellent, do not wither or dry out. Does not tolerate long transportation well.

The bushes are not too tall, compact, not spreading. The formation of green mass is average. The leaves are medium-sized, dark green, with slightly wavy edges and clearly defined veins. The stems are dark, with a bluish tint. Bright blue large flowers are collected in small corollas; berries are rarely set. The root system is well developed.

Plants resistant to many dangerous:, ordinary, gray rot, various viruses:, . Good resistance. Defeat is possible.

The pulp is tender, delicate, with a rich, not watery taste. The thin, soft skin is rich in iodine and vitamins. The white or creamy flesh does not darken when cut; when cooked, the potatoes retain a delicate texture, but do not become overcooked. Suitable for baking, preparing beautiful side dishes or salads.

Here are some more photos of the Gypsy potatoes:


“Gypsy” is a variety of folk selection, the prototype for which was the famous Dutch hybrids Black Baron and. The variety is not included in the State Register; potatoes are widespread. Not suitable for industrial cultivation, as it suffers greatly during mechanical cleaning. It is most often planted on small farms, as well as in private plots.

It is preferable to grow Gypsy potatoes in regions with a temperate or continental climate.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the variety include:

  • high taste qualities of tubers;
  • early maturation;
  • good yield;
  • unusual blue-violet shade of the peel;
  • resistance to major diseases.

The variety has practically no disadvantages. A feature can be considered demanding soil nutrition and moderate moisture.

One more problem - peel too thin, which makes it easier to cut tubers, but eliminates the use of a combine when harvesting.

Features of cultivation

Can be used to control weeds.

A week before the start of harvesting, it is recommended to cut off all the tops; this will allow the tubers to gain weight and also accumulate useful substances. Potatoes should not be allowed to lie in the ground. It's better to remove it a little earlier. This approach will help avoid diseases (for example,).

Diseases and pests

The “Gypsy” variety is insensitive to many dangerous diseases: potato, common, and various viruses. Quite resistant to, rarely affected by gray rot. For prevention, it is necessary to soak the tubers with disinfectant solutions before planting.

It is advisable to change the planting site once every 2-3 years, this will prevent unpleasant diseases and strengthen the plants’ immunity.

Ideal predecessors for potatoes are phacelia, oilseed radish, or. These crops will saturate the soil with useful microelements and prevent the occurrence of infections typical of nightshades.

Like many blue-skinned varieties, "Gypsy" is often attacked by click beetles. The former spoil the tops, the larvae of the latter () attack the tubers, making tunnels in them and reducing the commercial quality of the root crops.

Pre-planting tillage of the soil and bushes will help get rid of pests. Possible use non-toxic biological products, they are especially needed during the formation of tubers. It is often recommended to use it to obtain a better harvest.

“Gypsy” is an interesting and promising variety that is best grown on farms or in private plots.

With proper care, the tubers will turn out very beautiful, they will be stored for a long time. not subject to degeneration, it can be collected from year to year on your own site.

Purple potatoes appeared on store shelves not long ago, but have already gained popularity. The vegetable differs in the color of the peel and the tubers themselves - deep purple, in some cases reaching black. The culture was developed in South America.

The culture belongs to the bindweed family. Purple potatoes have several other names: “French blue truffle potatoes”, “negress”, “Chinese truffle”. The length of the tubers is approximately 10 centimeters. Weight reaches 70 grams.

The main varieties of the crop are Purple Peruvian, Purple Majesty, Purple Viking.

Beneficial features

There is one rule that says that darker colored fruits are the most valuable. Purple potatoes are no exception. It contains a huge amount of antioxidants. Anthocyanins have anti-cancer properties and are excellent for improving immunity. Among other things, they are responsible for the integrity of the DNA structure.

Since purple potatoes are high in antioxidants, they help slow down the aging process in the body. The high content of ascorbic acid helps strengthen the functions of the entire body, especially during infectious diseases.

In the course of research, it was revealed that the purple vegetable of the described type perfectly reduces high blood pressure. The thing is that potatoes have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, including capillaries. Potatoes also contain chlorogenic acid, which is responsible for blood pressure in mice.

It is important to remember that purple potatoes are quite high in calories due to their high starch content. Its taste is reminiscent of regular potatoes, but the texture is creamy and has a subtle nutty flavor.

Many useful substances are found in potato peels - these are polyphenols, vitamin C and potassium.

Clinical studies show that consistent consumption of purple vegetables can improve vision. Among other things, the risk of atherosclerosis is reduced several times. The walls of blood vessels become stronger and more elastic, and the incidence of a number of cancer diseases decreases.

Features of the view

What is the difference between purple potatoes and regular potatoes?

  • Its tubers are oblong in shape, the pulp is purple, and the peel is dark purple. Even after boiling or frying, the fruit does not lose its unusual color.
  • The beneficial characteristics that purple varieties have make it possible to use them in folk medicine to prevent stroke and reduce blood pressure. Medicinal properties appeared due to the content of starch, anthocyanins, potassium, carotenoids, calcium, and phenolic acids.
  • Since the variety is distinguished by the presence of a thick peel, it can be stored for a long time. The scope of use of unusual potatoes is very extensive: they are boiled, fried, baked, used as an ingredient for salads, stews and casseroles.


Those who suffer from hypotension – low blood pressure – should not eat purple potatoes. Among other things, people with individual intolerance to the product should refuse the tuber. It is worth monitoring how many potatoes you consume per day - you should not overdo it.

Rules for planting and care

First, you should get some seeds. They are germinated. You can find out by reading the corresponding article on our website. Be prepared that about half will rise. Seeds are planted in April. They are placed in open ground only in May.

It is necessary to carry out hilling. Lawn grass or pre-weeded weeds are laid out between the bushes. When it comes to fertilizing, preference should be given to vermicompost.

Use only high-quality soil for seedlings and monitor watering, otherwise mold will form and you will have to treat with special preparations.

The harvest begins at the end of August. At the same time, the weather should be good.

Where is it currently grown?

Recently, non-standard colored potatoes have become increasingly popular. It is grown in Canada, Scotland, USA, South Korea. Moreover, tubers in these countries can be easily found on store shelves. The success of the vegetable is due to the exhibition that was held in 2007.

In Korea, a special diet was even developed based on the vegetable. The culture is also actively used in the field of cosmetology. It is used to produce anti-aging masks and soaps with a delicate texture. In America, purple potatoes were used to produce chips.

In Russia, the presented potatoes have been grown in Tomsk since 2011. In 2007, one of the employees of the Siberian Research Institute of Agriculture received original tubers as a gift from breeders from South Korea, who came to Russia for an exhibition where amazing varieties were presented. At the same time, not only purple, but also orange and pink varieties were put on display. However, the more intense the color, the healthier the vegetable, which is why Russian scientists gave preference to purple potatoes.

It is known that the presented variety was also bred in the Urals. But so far it is not on sale and is not actively grown. You can also see amazing tubers in private gardens. This means that in just a couple of years, healthy vegetables may appear on store shelves and become commonplace.

There are several varieties of purple potatoes. All of them are very healthy and have the original color of the peel and pulp. The homeland of this exotic vegetable is South America, but at the moment you can find tubers in many Western and Asian countries and in Russia. The hardest part about growing potatoes is germinating the seeds. Otherwise, care is exactly the same as for ordinary standard varieties of the usual color.

It is very difficult to surprise with anything unusual today. Purple potatoes are an exception. This is justified by the fact that after heat treatment, the color of its pulp does not change.

This species was obtained by crossing a common potato variety with an “American relative”. Don't worry about it being modified. It appeared first in America, then in Russia.

The Siberian Research Institute of Russia was also involved in breeding potatoes with purple flesh. There are several variations, the color of which ranges from pink to dark purple. Sometimes there are lilac shades

Basic Views

The characteristics of potatoes are slightly different from ordinary varieties with standard colors. In addition, different varieties have different properties from each other. The distinctive features common to all are:

  1. The color of the pulp remains the same even after processing.
  2. The shape of the vegetable is elongated-oblong.
  3. High content of nutrients in the tubers.
  4. Due to the thick skin, it can be stored for a very long time.

Two potato tubers contain as much vitamin C as 1 lemon.

Root composition

As the description shows, potatoes are rich in components:

  • Vitamins: A, B, C, E, H, PP and others.
  • Macroelements: Potassium, Chlorine, Phosphorus, Calcium, Magnesium and others.
  • Microelements: Iodine, Lithium, Fluorine, Chromium and many others.
  • Starch.
  • Sucrose.
  • Glucose.
  • Fructose.
  • Acids.
  • Amino acids.

For 100 gr. Potato varieties account for: 2 gr. proteins, 16 gr. carbohydrates, 0.4 g. fat


The intermediate result is about 120 potato samples. The main varieties widespread everywhere are:

  • "All blue." Its flesh is not blue, but more blue-violet. The skin and pulp are separated by a white ring. Reaches full maturity in 80 days. The tuber weighs 200 grams. Basically, heat treatment preserves the color. It only becomes paler when boiled.
  • "Explosion". The color of the pulp and peel is completely the same and has a blue tint. The tubers of the variety are considered early ripening. Potato weight 120 g. Very productive and immune to diseases.
  • "Lilac". Ready to eat in 95 days. The weight of the tubers is approximately 80 grams, they store well. The flesh and skin are the same shade. Lilac miracle of selection.
  • "Peruvian purple" Breeders worked on its breeding for 200 years. Considered a late species. Maturity occurs in 100–110 days. Weight 80 gr.
  • "Adirondack Blue." Potatoes weigh 100 grams and ripen in 95 days.
  • "Vitelot". Very popular among many summer residents, it has a second name “Negress”. The average weight of one tuber is 70–100 grams. Color with a hint of blue and purple. Ripening period is 110 days. Keeps for a long time.

Summer residents call all varieties simply like blue potatoes. To make it clear what we are talking about. The beneficial properties of tubers are not disputed by anyone, but on the contrary, they are only praised.

Who is indicated and contraindicated for its use?

  1. Reduced pressure. Good for those who suffer from hypertension and bad for those with hypotension.
  2. Antioxidants. Their presence in large quantities slows down the aging process.
  3. Of the many vitamins found in purple potatoes, E and C are the most important for humans.
  4. Strengthening vision. Useful for nearsighted people. Slows down the development of cataracts and glaucoma.
  5. Digestive system. Helps remove toxins from the body. Normalizes stool, relieves abdominal pain.
  6. Vessels and heart. By clearing toxins, potatoes reduce the risk of blood clots. Accordingly, it reduces the possibility of developing a heart attack and stroke.
  7. Immune support. Helps absorb iron and, thanks to folic acid, increases hemoglobin.

  • High sugar.
  • Constipation.
  • Obesity.
  • Low pressure.
  • Gastritis.

For each person, the benefits and harms are calculated individually, depending on the state of health. In any case, you can eat purple potatoes, but at the same time carefully monitor your well-being.

Growing Potatoes

Potatoes with purple flesh are more difficult to grow yourself than regular varieties. The main problems encountered during the growing process:

  1. Susceptibility to late blight and scab.
  2. Insect pest attacks. The purple potato variety is more susceptible to attacks by Colorado potato beetles than others.
  3. It is better not to propagate with eyes. Because the tubers are getting smaller.

Otherwise, everything is the same as with ordinary types of culture. Timely watering, fertilizing, hilling and pest control.

How to prepare the soil for planting

First you need to choose a place for the garden bed. Purple potatoes love light; it is best to choose a site on the south side. It is demanding on the composition of the soil; the following types of soil are suitable:

  • Floodplain.
  • Soddy-podzolic.
  • Light loamy.
  • Neutral sandy loams.

In order for the potatoes to take root and develop correctly in the future, the soil must be dug very deeply in the fall. You can immediately add fertilizers, potassium salt (KS), superphosphate (S.) and humus (P).

  • KS–15 gr.
  • C–30 gr.
  • P–0.5 kg.

It is better to leave the earth in clods; this will not give pests the opportunity to hide in the depths. They will freeze.

After the soil warms up to + 5 ⁰C, you can re-dig and loosen the bed.

Planting and care

Before planting potatoes, pour a little wood ash into the holes. The distance between the holes is 30 cm, their depth is 10 cm, row spacing is 60 cm.

If you want to get an early harvest, purple potatoes are left to germinate in a warm room. The temperature must be at least +15⁰С. This must be done 3 weeks before planting in the ground. You can cover it with film and remove it only when the sprouts are about 10 cm.

Watering is required, abundant and frequent, mandatory periods:

  • After germination.
  • During bud setting.
  • After the flowers fall.

It is recommended to monitor the flow of moisture to the roots. Its excess contributes to the development of rot, and its deficiency leads to the death of the plant variety itself. The resulting crust must be loosened, the roots must breathe.

Weeding and treatment against insects and diseases must be carried out in a timely manner; the crop is sensitive to their development and attacks. The bushes may die. If there is no rain for a long time, it is recommended to irrigate the plantings.

Opinion of people who tried to grow purple potatoes

Having studied the reviews of summer residents, you can understand what is special about growing potatoes, and whether it is worth spending time on planting them at all.

  • Irina. I experienced strange feelings when I simply held the tuber in my hands. I peeled it, but the color of the pulp did not change. Later I found out that there was no need to clean it. Overall, I was amazed by the color of the finished dish.
  • Faith. The first potato harvest has been harvested. It turned out to be a bucket with 4 bushes. He considers this a good result. Since the planting material was small. We tried baking it in the microwave. The taste is ordinary, practically no different from the usual potato taste. Blooms white, but stems are purple. He recommends planting purple potatoes less frequently than the regular variety, approximately 70*70.

Growing exotics on the site is not uncommon. But if it is also a useful product, then its importance increases several times.

On the plots of some summer residents you can meet potato, which not everyone knows about. We are talking about black potatoes. The reason for such an unusual name for the tuber is the dark peel. One of the obvious advantages of this is that it almost does not shrink, the downside is that the tubers are very attractive to people. When cleaning, where the tail of the tuber is, there are green spots or stains. These are places where poisonous solanine accumulates. Almost black takes longer to cook than regular tubers. Many novice gardeners are interested in whether dark fruit is harmful and what its features are. Let's try to answer this question together.

From year to year, the popularity of black varieties is only growing. There are several reasons for this dynamics, and one of them is passion and the desire to grow something exotic and unusual in your garden. And in this regard, black has no equal. Originality is good. But this factor motivating summer residents to plant dark varieties of potatoes is not the only one. The reason for the increase in demand in our case is also explained by the composition of the vegetable.

Most experts say that black came to us from South America. There, even today, this variety of root crop is cultivated more actively than anywhere else.

Varieties of interest to Russian and Belarusian dacha owners:

1. “Chinese truffle.”
2. "Negress."
3. “Purple Peruvian.”
4. "Black Prince".
5. "Purple Viking."

Each of this variety has its own pros and cons. At the same time, they have a similar appearance and composition.

What unites white and dark? The light aboveground part of plants. True, in the second case, the plant can be identified by the dark purple stems of the tops.

The extreme variants of dark colors are almost black and purple. Regardless of color, the skin of the tubers is thick, which is positively associated with shelf life. The inside of the tubers is most often bright purple, with white streaks. Their average length is ten centimeters, and their weight is seventy grams.

If you are planning to grow dark varieties of tuber crops, you should know that they do not shine in terms of yields compared to light potatoes. This is the main disadvantage of the bed dweller we are considering. Although, this drawback does not stop summer residents who love to experiment and surprise their neighbors, their friends and loved ones with dishes made from such an unusual vegetable.

This one cooks faster than usual. Due to their original taste, dark varieties are also popular among gourmets. By the way, dishes prepared from dark fruit have notes of nuts.

It is impossible not to note the enormous benefits of the vegetable. It contains a lot of useful minerals and vitamins, antioxidants, phenolic acids, carotenoids, and anthocyanins. Including dark foods in your daily diet helps:

Slow down aging
. improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract,
. restoration of vision.

Unfortunately, dark vegetables also contain harmful substances, including solanine. However, here you need to pay attention to two very important points:

1. This natural poison can be found in small quantities in absolutely any product. Its content increases with improper storage, when root crops begin to sprout and become covered with green spots. Therefore, in order to minimize possible harm to the body, it is recommended to cut off these green areas.

2. A high concentration of solanine, which can cause any damage to health, is found only in the above-ground part of the plant, which includes stems, leaves, and berries formed after flowering. In the tubers themselves, it can only be found in the peel and sprouts. And since we usually do not consume any of these components as food, the risk of poisoning is extremely low.

Thus, we can safely say that the harm of black is no more than that of its traditional counterpart.

Important point: Violation of the storage conditions of tubers leads to a deterioration in the quality of potatoes, the use of which as food can negatively affect health.

A guide to the experience of experienced gardeners

If you remove the sprouts from the tubers in time, they will be stored longer and will not turn green.

Regarding the stability of black

In Colorado State University, plant breeders set out to create domesticated potatoes with purple-blue flesh by crossing traditional varieties with a wild relative native to South America, specifically the Andean highlands. Scientists in Latin American countries have also been breeding cultivars, for example, the Purple Peruvian variety was developed in Peru. Moreover, in obtaining new potatoes, no genetic modification methods were used - only classical selection.

This is how purple potatoes appeared first on the American continent, and then they reached Europe and Asia.

In Russia, breeders at the Siberian Research Institute of Agriculture also produced tubers with different color intensities, ranging from pink to dark purple. The first successful experiments conducted by Russian scientists gave their results in 2011 in Tomsk, and the source material was obtained in 2007 from South Korea. At the exhibition of the First International Congress “Potatoes. Russia 2007”, held in the city of Korenevo, unusual South Korean tubers were demonstrated.

Today, many varieties of purple potatoes have already been bred, for example, French purple truffle, Negro, Chinese truffle, Vitelotte, Gurman, Russian blue (aka Russian black), etc. They differ in the richness of the color of the pulp, but they have one thing in common - all these varieties much healthier than the usual one we are used to.

Unfortunately, domestic seed material has not yet been created in a volume sufficient for industrial cultivation, but you can already buy an unusual vegetable for your summer cottage at agricultural markets and in online stores.

What's so attractive about purple potatoes?

Well, Firstly, purple-colored potato varieties allow you to create new and interesting dishes, which is highly valued by lovers of exotic cuisine.

Secondly, despite the fact that boiled potatoes (and experts recommend boiling rather than frying these tubers to preserve their nutritional value) are blue in color, their taste is completely no different from traditional white-cream varieties. Therefore, although the dish turns out to be original in appearance, its taste properties do not suffer from this.

But the most important thing that made breeders so interested in purple potatoes is the anthocyanin pigments, which give the tuber pulp this amazing color. Anthocyanins have enormous healing potential, which has been used since ancient times in folk and now traditional medicine. The sources of anthocyanins were blueberries, grapes, pomegranates, blackberries, black currants, mulberries, beets, peppers and other fruits that have a violet-blue, purple and red color.

Anthocyanins are substances of a glycosidic nature, the color of which is determined by the pH of the environment. In an acidic environment they acquire red tints, in an alkaline environment - yellow-green, in a neutral environment - purple. Therefore, people who introduce purple potatoes into their diet should not be surprised if suddenly, when adding citric acid or vinegar, the vegetable changes its color. At the same time, heat treatment does not destroy these substances, so the tubers can be boiled, fried, stewed, or steamed.

Purple potatoes are indicated for people suffering from the following diseases:

  • diabetic reticulopathy;
  • hypertension;
  • cardiovascular pathologies (atherosclerosis);
  • poisoning;
  • reduced immunity;
  • inflammatory diseases of bacterial and viral etiology.

Antioxidants in purple potatoes can slow down the aging process, destroy free radicals that cause cancer, and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

In addition to antioxidants, these unusually colored tubers contain a large amount of vitamin C. According to some data, its content is only half that of a lemon, that is, two tubers can replace one fruit of this citrus fruit. However, unlike lemon, purple potatoes do not contain essential oils, which often cause allergies.

In addition, scientific research has proven that purple potatoes reduce blood pressure due to the increased content of chlorogenic acid and are involved in the regulation of hormonal balance (affecting the production of estrogens - female sex hormones). Carotenoids (which include provitamin A) were also found in the pulp of this vegetable. And what’s most surprising is that, despite the high starch content, amethyst-colored potatoes do not increase the risk of obesity. The latter is explained by the high metabolic activity of other substances that make up blue-violet potatoes.

Soil preparation, planting and care

A prerequisite for proper development of tubers and high yields is proper care. The place for planting purple potatoes must be chosen in such a way that the planting is well lit, preferably the southern or southwestern section of the plot.

The soil should be light enough to provide easy access of oxygen to the roots and not allow water to stagnate, but it should not be allowed to retain moisture at all. Thus, neutral sandy loam, soddy-podzolic, light loamy and floodplain soils are best suited for growing this type of potato. For good rooting and proper development of tubers, you need to dig deep into the place where you plan to plant the plants.

It is better to carry out rough initial digging before frost, when it is already quite cold.

Due to the fact that large clods of earth turned out with a shovel will be on the surface, the pest larvae in them will die with the onset of cold weather.

If the clods are crushed, then it will be easier for insects to burrow into the depths and overwinter under a fluffy layer of soil, like under a blanket. Also at the same time, it is advisable to apply fertilizers per 1 m2 - 30 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium salt. It is possible and even necessary to add humus (half a kilogram per 1 m2), which will provide the growing tubers with valuable microelements.

In the spring, when the ground warms up by at least 5°C, it will be possible to plant. At this time, repeated digging is done, but with the soil loosened, holes are dug, and wood ash is poured into the bottom. The latter is not only a source of minerals, but also a good antiseptic that prevents the development of bacterial diseases. The holes must be at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other in the same row, and a gap of 60 cm wide must be left between the rows. If the soil is heavy, then the soil with which the tubers will be filled must be mixed with sand. The depth of the holes is approximately 10 cm.

If you want to get the harvest earlier, you can plant already sprouted purple potato tubers. To do this, they are left in a lighted room at a temperature of about 14-18 ° C above zero, about three weeks before planting. After the potatoes are planted, it is better to cover them with film, which is removed when the sprouts are already about 10-13 cm tall.

Dry soil is watered abundantly several times:

  • after the plants have sprouted;
  • after tying the buds;
  • after the flowers fall.

It is advisable to irrigate the plantings once a week, provided there is no rain. If a crust forms on the surface of the soil, it must be loosened. Excessive soil moisture can lead to putrefactive diseases. At the same time, lack of moisture leads to dehydration and drying out of purple potatoes.

Do not forget to weed the beds with plants and treat them with preparations against late blight, Colorado potato beetles and other pests and diseases.

By the way, our breeders tried to develop varieties that are resistant to many types of potato diseases. Therefore, before purchasing, try to read the recommendations of professionals, and then this valuable and tasty vegetable will give you all its healing potential.

Video review of purple potato varieties