Mint tea: beneficial properties and contraindications. The benefits and harms of mint decoction, tincture, tea for women, men, children, pregnant women

The easily recognizable aroma of mint accompanies us everywhere in the form of mint candies, invigorating chewing gum, toothpastes, etc. In addition to the refreshing properties that peppermint has, the use of this plant is based on its healing qualities, which can be successfully used for our beauty and health.

For digestive problems

If you are constantly being pestered, it means it's time to learn how to brew mint tea. Pour one cup of boiling water over a spoonful of mint. Leave for a quarter of an hour, then strain, drink 4 times during the day. If you drink tea half an hour before meals, you are guaranteed a clear increase in appetite.


Mint leaves are suitable for nausea as a fast-acting medicine, incl. toxicosis of pregnancy or seasickness. Brew mint tea according to the recipe above, but do not filter it. After drinking the tea, eat the leaves.

Any other product with a minty scent, such as chewing gum or candy, will also work. Make sure you have suitable food items with you if you expect your walk to be longer.

For colds

Mint will help with colds in the following ways:

  • The same mint tea, only warm, will definitely be useful for colds.
  • If you dissolve a little salt, no more than a teaspoon, in a glass of mint tea, you will have an effective solution for gargling.
  • with mint will provide an invaluable service for inflamed respiratory organs. To do this, pour boiling water over a handful of mint leaves in a small saucepan. When the water boils again, let it sit for a couple of minutes to let off the steam slightly - to cool down. A little bit. Then take a sheet of paper, loosely roll it into a funnel and place it over the broth so that the sharp corner of the funnel is on top, and the wide part is aligned (loosely) with the edge of the saucepan. This will be a structure similar to a lid, with a hole in the place where the handle should be, from where steam will begin to flow. Now all that remains is to inhale the mint vapor through your nose or mouth. Carry out the procedure for about 5-10 minutes. Immediately after inhalation, stay at home for a while.

Carefully! It is very easy to burn yourself with steam, so adjust its intensity by moving slightly away from the hot jet.

Home cosmetology

Facial skin care

By including mint in your list of beauty favorites, you will soon realize that the depressing thought “I look bad today” will begin to appear much less often. Take note of the cleansing mask recipe.

For the oral cavity

There is no doubt that mint, being a bactericidal substance, prevents the activation of bacteria in the oral cavity, cleaning the tongue and teeth. Chew fresh leaves of the plant from time to time to keep your mouth fresh and get rid of unpleasant odor.

In the arsenal of wise women, mint tea takes pride of place. Peppermint tea simultaneously soothes and replenishes vitality, delighting with a fresh aroma and mild taste.

There is no life without problems, but this is not a reason to bend under their weight! It is important to learn how to relieve nervous tension in a timely manner and not allow stress to affect your well-being. Get into the healthy habit of brewing an aromatic mint infusion after a hard day at work or an emotionally difficult situation - your body will thank you

The healing properties of mint have been improving women's health for centuries:

  • Strengthening the immune system. Peppermint tea perfectly strengthens the immune system, so doctors recommend drinking it for colds. A strong mint infusion combined with honey relieves inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat and makes breathing easier.
  • Analgesic properties. What are the benefits of mint tea? The ability to normalize blood pressure and improve vascular tone, as well as relieve excessive intramuscular tension. These properties make mint tea indispensable for patients suffering from migraines. You should not drink mint if you have hypotension, as it further lowers your blood pressure.
  • Improving digestion and metabolic processes. Strong black and delicate green tea with mint have a beneficial effect on digestion. Mint gently improves intestinal function - beneficial substances are well absorbed, and toxins are eliminated from the body faster. It also helps reduce appetite, therefore, it is actively used in various weight loss systems.
  • Hormonal stability. Soothing tea contains a large amount of menthol, which is necessary for the production of female hormones. Mint tea, included in the daily diet, helps to properly regulate the menstrual cycle and significantly facilitate adaptation to menopause. In addition, women experience a decrease in hair growth in unwanted places (armpits, legs and arms).
  • Mental balance. Among the people, mint tea is known primarily as a natural sedative. The relaxing properties of mint are extremely useful for city dwellers who have difficulty relieving nervous tension and restoring strength.

Peppermint tea strengthens the mental ability to cope with stress and negative experiences, promotes sound sleep and restoration of physical strength. Therefore, you should not drink it early in the morning, so as not to impair the natural vigor of the body. The ideal period for mint drinks is the afternoon.

Why are mint drinks contraindicated?

Should you drink mint tea? The benefits and harms of the drink have long been studied. In women, moderate consumption of mint usually does not cause any side effects. But for men, it is better to avoid mint leaves in tea, since they significantly reduce testosterone production. However, for men with a restless libido, such contraindications can only be to their advantage.

photo:, klenova, Anna_Shepulova

Mint is a fragrant herb that has found its use both in everyday life and in cosmetology. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Perhaps this is the most popular and beloved herb. Among the large number of its types, pepper and curly are more often used. What are its beneficial and medicinal properties associated with?

  • Firstly, mint consists of 60% menthol essential oil, as well as ascorbic acid, tannins, carotene, etc.
  • Secondly, it contains vitamins A, C and B.
  • Thirdly, it includes macro- and microelements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, etc.

Mint - beneficial and medicinal properties and contraindications for men and women

  1. Relieves headaches, nervous agitation, relieves insomnia and improves mood
  2. Has bactericidal properties: used for the prevention and treatment of colds, relieves inflammation of the gums
  3. Reduces intestinal flatulence, feelings of nausea and vomiting, and also relieves constipation, colitis and diarrhea
  4. Able to heal minor wounds, eliminate skin inflammation and relieve itching
  5. Has a diuretic and choleretic effect
  6. Normalizes the functioning of the cardiac system - improves blood circulation and dilates blood vessels
  7. Tones the body and improves appetite

IMPORTANT: like any medicinal product, mint has contraindications for use. And you shouldn’t abuse them!

Women, Those suffering from a disease such as varicose veins should not consume mint in any form. For men It’s worth limiting your weed consumption so as not to compromise your sexual health. But both the female and male half are contraindicated to use mint for hypotension. Also, you should not use mint if you feel constantly lethargic and drowsy.

How does mint affect testosterone in men?

There is a belief that mint negatively affects potency in men, reducing testosterone levels. There is no consensus among experts on this issue. But what any doctor will say with confidence is that only its daily use, and not in small quantities, can lead to a decrease in potency. On the contrary, mint increases the sexual function of men, especially those who suffer from neuroses and constant depression.

Mint: lowers or increases blood pressure?

Menthol in mint, namely in the leaves, has a relaxing and tonic effect. It dilates blood vessels and relieves their spasms, calms the increased heartbeat and thereby normalizes blood pressure. Thus, mint lowers blood pressure.

IMPORTANT: people with hypotension should not drink mint tea, so as not to worsen their condition

Mint - beneficial and medicinal properties and contraindications during pregnancy

Not every pregnant woman wonders whether it is possible to drink mint tea or eat products containing mint. It's delicious! Doctors have different opinions on this question. Some warn, others, on the contrary, advise. What are the benefits of mint during pregnancy?

  • eliminates nausea
  • relieves heartburn
  • fights intestinal flatulence
  • treats constipation and diarrhea

Peppermint contains steroid hormones such as estrogens. They can stimulate labor, thereby leading to premature birth. That is why some doctors do not recommend consuming this fragrant herb. But until now, there have been no reviews or cases that would indicate any negative consequences for the child and the pregnant woman. The only contraindication- use mint essential oil.

IMPORTANT: for preparing drinks, pharmaceutical mint must be used, which does not contain impurities or flavoring additives

The benefits of mint during breastfeeding

Mint and GW

When lactation begins, it is very important to include in your diet those foods that will help this. Peppermint tea is a great remedy for this. But When breastfeeding, you need to brew the drink with curly mint. It does not contain menthol, and thus does not have any effect on the child’s condition.
But if you are a lover of aromatic mint tea, then you can afford to drink a cup once a week. In this case, lactation will also increase.

IMPORTANT: if you regularly drink peppermint tea in small doses, it will lead to cessation of lactation

Why is it better to drink spearmint tea rather than peppermint?

  1. It does not lower a child's blood pressure
  2. Does not affect his hormonal system, which is important when feeding boys

How to use mint and ginger for weight loss: recipes

Ginger contains an active substance - gingerol, which regulates metabolism and promotes weight loss. Mint in the drink improves digestion and heals the intestinal mucosa and stomach.

Ginger and mint tea recipe

Ingredients for the drink, per 400 ml of water:

  • 4 cm ginger root
  • 2 sprigs of mint
  • 3-4 lemon slices
  • 1 tbsp. honey


  1. Ginger cut into slices or grated
  2. Place in water and bring to a boil
  3. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes. and turn off the stove
  4. Add mint, lemon and honey
  5. Let it brew for 20 minutes.

For visible results, drink the finished drink 4 times a day, half an hour before meals. Drink 100-150 ml for a month. Warm in winter, chilled in summer.

Sassi ginger water


  • 2 liters of clean drinking water
  • 1 tsp ginger
  • 1 cucumber
  • 8-10 mint leaves
  • 1 lemon

Cooking method:

  1. Ginger finely chopped or minced
  2. Peel the cucumber
  3. Lemon cut into slices
  4. Place all ingredients in a glass container
  5. Place in the refrigerator until morning

How to improve blood circulation with mint: recipe

Blood supplies nutrients and oxygen to the body's cells. Poor circulation leads to the development of hypertension and atherosclerosis, which can later lead to stroke and heart attack. For prevention and improvement of blood flow, it is recommended to use herbal infusion.


  • 25 ml mint tincture
  • 30 ml Corvalol
  • 50 ml eucalyptus tincture
  • 100 ml tincture of evasive peony
  • 100 ml hawthorn tincture
  • 100 ml valerian root tincture
  • 10 pcs cloves


  1. Mix all ingredients in a glass container
  2. Put it in a dark place for a couple of weeks
  3. Shake occasionally

Before use, dilute the tincture with water (30 drops/100 ml). Drink within 30 minutes. before meals 3 times a day.

Recipe for using mint for hypertension and high blood pressure

To reduce high blood pressure, you will need the following ingredients:

  • fresh mint leaves (2-3 pcs) or 1 tsp. dry pharmaceutical mint
  • glass of boiling water
  • 1 tsp honey (if desired)

Cooking method:

  1. pour boiling water over mint
  2. let it brew for 10 minutes.

To prevent hypertension, the drink is consumed in a course of 2 weeks. You should drink half a glass at lunch and in the evening.

Recipes for using mint for colds, coughs, runny nose, fever, tonsillitis

A decoction or syrup of mint has a bactericidal effect against colds and tonsillitis, reduces fever and improves sputum discharge. This will help with dry cough milk drink with mint:


  • about 5 liters of milk
  • 20 grams of pharmaceutical mint


  1. Brew mint with boiled milk in a kettle
  2. Wrap in a towel and put in a dark place
  3. Leave for 30 minutes.

You should drink the prepared infusion three times a day, preheated.

Mint syrup facilitates breathing during rhinitis and eliminates cough. Adults are recommended to consume no more than 5 tbsp. per day, children 1 tsp. and only after consulting a doctor.

Mint Syrup Ingredients:

  • Bunch of fresh mint


  1. Take the mint and fill it with cold water, rinse it 3 times (change the water each time).
  2. Then you need to dry the mint and then chop it (its volume should be 1 cup).
  3. Pour water into a container and add mint, bring to a boil. Add sugar to taste. Boil for 20 minutes.
  4. Cool and strain. The syrup is ready.

An excellent remedy when first signs of a cold, will take a bath with oils. To do this you will need: dissolve 4 drops of mint and eucalyptus essential oil in 1 tbsp. milk and add to water.

The use of mint for gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis: recipe

Mint tincture improves the functioning of the digestive system, normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines. It is useful to drink for the prevention of gastritis, pancreatitis and cholecystitis. This recipe for making tincture is the simplest.

For the prevention of gastritis:


  • 5 grams of mint
  • glass of boiling water


  1. Pour boiling water over mint
  2. Close tightly and let sit
  3. Drink 1/3 glass in 30 minutes. before meals, three times a day

For pancreatitis and cholecystitis a herbal mixture is being prepared. Ingredients:

  • 1 part dill seeds
  • 1 part chamomile
  • 3 parts peppermint


  1. Pour the ingredients into 1 liter of boiling water
  2. Place the tincture in a cool place for a day and let it brew
  3. Strain and drink 200 ml per day, warm

Store the collection in the refrigerator for no more than a week so that it does not lose its properties.

The use of mint for poisoning, diarrhea, vomiting in children: recipe

A child may vomit due to poisoning, infectious diseases, or as a result of long-term use of any medications. In order to stop the attack, the child can be given an infusion of mint, which is very simple to make: 1 tbsp. brew with 1 cup of boiling water. The decoction should be infused and given 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

Using mint for bloating

Constant flatulence causes discomfort, this is primarily due to nutrition. Mint infusion will help reduce gas formation. To do this, brew fresh crushed mint with a glass of boiling water and drink instead of tea. You can add lemon or honey.

The use of mint for toxicosis, nausea: recipe

Perhaps every woman has experienced toxicosis during pregnancy. It can manifest itself in varying degrees of severity. You can help yourself not only with medications, but also with folk remedies. For this, mint tea is suitable.

Recipe: Brew 15 grams of mint in 200 ml of boiled water. Let it brew for a while and drink in small sips if nausea occurs.

But not only pregnant women are familiar with the feeling of nausea. To get rid of this feeling, mint tincture with vodka is suitable.


  • 10 grams of fresh mint or 30 grams of pharmaceutical mint
  • 200 ml vodka


  1. Pour vodka over mint
  2. Put the mixture in a dark place for a week
  3. Take 20 drops per glass of water 1-2 times a day

The use of mint for cystitis

A sitz bath made from herbs such as calamus root, hop cones, chamomile flowers, St. John's wort and mint will help relieve pain from cystitis. Take 5 tbsp of each herb. and pour 2 liters of boiled water. Let it brew for 1 hour. Strain and add to a bowl of water. You should take this bath 3 times for 15 minutes.

Using mint for swelling

The diuretic property of mint helps remove excess fluid from the body, and thereby relieves swelling, and also normalizes kidney function. To do this, prepare a dry collection of herbs:

  • 2 tbsp. peppermint
  • 2 tbsp. calamus rhizomes
  • 2 tbsp. black elderberry flowers
  • 3 tbsp. linden flowers
  • 1 tbsp. nettle leaves

Add 2 tbsp to 250 ml of boiling water. mixture, immediately remove from heat and leave for 1 hour. Drink 1/2 glass 2 times a day.

The use of mint for hangovers and alcoholism

As a rule, a hangover is relieved with folk remedies: broth, brine, soda, etc. A mint drink will relieve headaches, normalize the functioning of the digestive tract and relieve nausea. A mint tincture diluted in water (20 drops per glass of water) or mint tea brewed according to a classic recipe will help to quickly alleviate the condition.

Mint not only helps with hangovers, but also helps get rid of alcohol addiction. Removes toxins from the body, and thus heals its organs. One of the recipes, the following herbal mixture:


  • 3 parts mint
  • 3 parts St. John's wort
  • 3 parts thyme
  • 3 parts dandelion roots
  • 1.5 parts wormwood leaves
  • 1 part centaury
  • 1 part angelica roots
  • 1 part juniper fruit


  1. Mix all parts
  2. Take 1 tbsp. collection and pour 250 ml of boiling water
  3. Wrap the container and leave for 30 minutes. strain

Take 1-2 tbsp decoction. up to 10 times a day. The course of such treatment is 2 months

Decoction of rosehip and mint for liver hepatosis

It is possible to cure liver hepatosis in the early stages using folk remedies, but it is important to follow a diet and drink herbal mixtures, and not herbs separately.

A decoction of rosehip and mint. Ingredients (in equal parts):

  • Rose hip
  • Birch buds
  • Immortelle
  • Corn silk


  1. Grind the ingredients
  2. Brew in 1 liter of water
  3. Leave for about 3 hours, strain and drink instead of tea

Use of mint for type 2 diabetes

For diabetes mellitus, use the usual mint infusion, but stronger. You need to add 3 tbsp to a glass of boiling water. pharmaceutical mint. Infuse and drink 3-4 times a day before meals.

The use of mint for tachycardia, arrhythmia

Herbal remedies and tinctures will help you get rid of problems with heart disease, such as tachycardia and arrhythmia, at home. To restore the rhythm and frequency of heart contraction, you can do the following:


  • 1 tbsp leaves of watch trifoliate
  • 1 tbsp. peppermint leaves
  • 1 tbsp. valerian root


  1. Mix ingredients
  2. Brew 1 tbsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water
  3. Insist

Take 1 tbsp infusion half an hour before meals.

IMPORTANT: treatment of arrhythmia and tachycardia is a long process, so it is important to follow the course of treatment.

Recipe for medicinal collection for tachycardia.

Ingredients (in equal parts):

  • Mint leaves
  • Valerian root
  • Melissa inflorescence
  • Hawthorn inflorescence
  • Yarrow


  1. Connect components
  2. Pour boiling water over
  3. Leave for 40 minutes. and strain

Drink the medicinal mixture 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

Using mint for heavy periods

For heavy and painful periods, mint infusion will help. To do this, you need to brew 20 grams with a glass of boiling water and leave. After 2 hours, squeeze out the leaves and drink 1 tbsp every three hours throughout the day.

Using mint for headaches

A decoction of basil, cloves and mint will help relieve headaches. The ingredients are mixed 1:1. You can make an alcoholic tincture from mint and smear it on your whiskey.

Ingredients for alcohol mint tincture:

  • 40 g mint
  • 300 ml triple cologne

Preparation: mix the ingredients and put in a dark place for 10 days. Then squeeze out the leaves and apply the infusion.

Mint for insomnia: recipe

Phytotherapeutic herbs, one of which is mint, will help overcome insomnia. If you choose to drink mint tea, then the course of treatment is from 2 weeks to a month. You can use mint in combination with other herbs. For example, a scented pillow helps very well with insomnia in both adults and children. For this, the van will need herbs such as mint, valerian, yarrow, sage and lavender. Grind all the ingredients and place them in a pillowcase. You can sleep on such a pillow or put it next to it.

Mint for itchy skin: recipe

Taking a bath with fresh mint leaves and a couple of drops of its essential oil will help relieve itching. You can also apply peppermint essential oil to the affected area of ​​the skin or wipe it with a decoction of the herb.

Mint for acne: recipe

A cleansing mint mask will help dry out acne on your face and relieve inflammation.


  • 1 tbsp. yellow clay
  • 2 tsp grape oil
  • 2 tsp almond oil
  • 1 drop lemon oil
  • 2 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 1 tbsp. water


  1. Dilute the clay until it becomes creamy
  2. Add oil
  3. Apply the mixture to your face for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer

Mint for dandruff: recipe

A mint rinse will help fight dandruff and also make your curls soft and silky. It will strengthen the roots and eliminate the process of their loss, improve blood microcirculation and cleanse the skin of sebaceous deposits.

Rinse aid ingredients:

  • dry mint leaves
  1. Pour hot water over the leaves in a ratio of 1:4
  2. Let it brew for 30 minutes.
  3. Rinse hair without rinsing

Mosquito mint: recipe

Adding a couple of drops of mint essential oil to your body cream will get rid of the “annoyance” of midges and mosquitoes. But if the insect still bites, then this recipe will help relieve an allergic reaction to the bite:


  • 10 drops tea tree oil
  • 10 drops peppermint
  • 5 drops bergamot

Preparation and use: mix the components and apply to the affected area, repeat several times.

Mint for fleas, in the apartment: recipe for use

Fresh peppermint stems will help drive fleas out of your apartment. They should be placed throughout the house, especially under carpets and furniture. If it is not possible to use fresh mint, you can make a sachet from dry mint.

Mint against mice in the apartment: recipe for use

Rodents cannot tolerate the persistent smell of mint essential oil, so it can be safely used to combat them. Let's talk about a couple of recipes.

Recipe No. 1. Ingredients:

  • 50 ml fatty vegetable oil
  • 20 drops peppermint essential oil

Preparation and use:

  1. Moisten a cotton pad or piece of cotton wool with the mixture
  2. Place cotton wool in the place where the animal goes out and secure it with tape.

Recipe No. 2. Ingredients:

  • 15 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 400 ml water
  • 10 ml alcohol

Preparation and use:

  1. Mix the ingredients and pour into a spray bottle
  2. Use it to treat all possible crawl spaces, baseboards and food storage areas.

IMPORTANT: do the procedure 2-3 times a week, once is not enough

In conclusion of the article, I would like to note the wide range of uses of mint. If you don’t already have essential oil or dry mint on your shelf, be sure to buy it.

Video. Unusual properties of mint

Natural mint tea is a drink with a long history that nourishes, refreshes, heals, and has a fragrant aroma. The taste and smell of the medicinal herb are determined by menthol and numerous essential oils. The unique properties of mint tea were noted by respected doctors of antiquity, who used mint to treat numerous diseases.

Mint tea: healing, cleansing, relaxation

To prepare fragrant tea, fresh or dry mint leaves are brewed with boiling water, taken hot or cold when overworked, nervous overexcited, tired. Tea with mint goes well with honey and lemon - this decoction is recommended for colds and acute respiratory viral infections. A simple, affordable, natural drink filled with useful substances such as:

  • tannins;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • phytoncides;
  • copper;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium.

Peppermint tea is good for women: by promoting the production of estrogen, the infusion stabilizes hormonal levels, regulates the menstrual cycle, improves skin condition, and helps cope with unpleasant symptoms during menopause.

The effect of mint tea on children has not been fully studied, so it is advisable to give herbal infusions to a child starting from 4-5 years old (in small quantities). Pay attention to the reaction of the child’s body (are there any rashes, itching, allergies), consult a specialist.

The effect of mint tea on men is controversial and debated. Occasionally, in small quantities, a mug of brewed mint can help representatives of the stronger sex cope with overstrain, depression, and neurosis. In large quantities, mint can reduce the level of male hormones (testosterone), leading to a decrease in potency.

Area of ​​application of fragrant herb

Due to its healing properties, mint tea is used as:

  • sedative and analgesic for nervous exhaustion, insomnia, migraines, hypertension;
  • antiseptic for runny nose, cough, sore throat (helps relieve pain, clears mucus);
  • antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory agent for stomach cramps, intestinal disorders, nausea;
  • a choleretic drug to improve the flow of bile and reduce high acidity of the stomach.

Many representatives of the fair sex effectively use mint tea for weight loss, noting its remarkable ability to reduce hunger and cravings for sweets. By taking this drink before meals, you can speed up your metabolism and improve the functioning of your digestive system. Peppermint tea is especially useful during times of stress.

There are mixed opinions about the benefits of mint tea during pregnancy. It is known that mint:

  • helps fight early toxicosis;
  • eliminates constipation, dizziness;
  • tones the muscles of the uterus;
  • relieves swelling and heartburn symptoms.

However, mint tea brings not only benefits, but sometimes harm. Obstetricians and gynecologists advise taking the herbal infusion with caution, in doses, and in moderation. Large quantities of female hormones contained in the plant can affect the course of pregnancy or provoke premature birth. Therefore, before using medicinal herbs, it is advisable for the expectant mother to consult with her doctor.

Important: The use of essential peppermint oil during pregnancy is strictly prohibited!

It is not advisable to consume mint tea excessively while breastfeeding. , due to its pronounced hypotonic effect. The presence of menthol in the herb can lead to a decrease in blood pressure and interruptions in heart rate for both mother and baby. Peppermint is known to affect lactation by reducing the amount of breast milk. Mint tea can be taken with problems of hyperlactation and during weaning of the baby.

How to brew delicious, refreshing mint tea?

The proportions and combination of ingredients indicated in the recipes are not critical; they can be varied depending on personal preferences.

Mint tea with ginger and honey

3 tbsp. spoons of grated and mint are brewed in a liter of hot water, add 4 tbsp. spoons of honey. Can be mixed with regular black tea of ​​different varieties.

Soothing tea with mint and lemon balm

2 tbsp. spoons of mint leaves and pour 0.5 liters of hot water, leave for 5-10 minutes, take with the addition of sugar and honey to taste.

Moroccan classic tea

2 teaspoons are brewed with 200 g of water in a small teapot or a special glass. Fresh mint leaves (1 bunch) are brewed separately in another container with added sugar. After 5 minutes, the infusion of green tea is mixed with mint and poured into small glasses.

Mint tea with cranberry and honey

Mint leaves are brewed with boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Cranberries are ground with honey, placed on the bottom of glasses, poured with mint decoction, and infused for 5 minutes under a closed lid. In summer, you can serve the cooling drink with ice cubes.

Spiced tea with cinnamon and lime

Place on the bottom of the glass: a leaf of fresh mint, a little black tea, a pinch. The ingredients are poured with boiling water, covered with a lid, infused for several minutes, and before drinking, the glass is decorated with a slice of lime.

Are there any contraindications for mint tea?

Mint leaves contain active substances that can also have a negative effect on the human body. Therefore, it is not advisable to take mint tea:

  • persons with individual intolerance, allergy sufferers;
  • pregnant women, women during lactation;
  • children under 5 years old;
  • hypotensive patients with low blood pressure;
  • men with problems in the intimate sphere;
  • with varicose veins.

An aromatic and pleasant drink that can be consumed regardless of the season is mint tea, the beneficial properties of which were described by Avicenna.

In those distant times, when the terms “hyperexcitability”, “hyperactivity”, “neurosis” were unknown to humanity, and all this was considered somewhat increased emotionality, doctors advised patients who noticed deviations from the norm to put their mental state in order with a bowl of mint tea.

Centuries have flown by, and many new “fashionable” diseases caused by stress have appeared. To get rid of them, a lot of new ones have been developed. But before taking them, try brewing a cup of mint tea, relax, think - maybe this is not what you need, this is an expensive medicine, maybe an amazing drink made from aromatic mint will be enough?

Equanimity is your middle name

There are moments when you are fed up with everything - work, the road to the office, rush hours with their eternal traffic jams or hustle and bustle on public transport, everyday conversations that one way or another have to be had with friends or friends, even your own family does not provide what you need. Usually in this state I want to lash out at someone, shout out, free myself from negativity, which is what most of us do, loading those around us with the same negativity.

You can free yourself in different ways: break dishes or use them for their intended purpose - brew, for example, tea with mint, the beneficial properties of which primarily lie in the ability to quickly bring the nervous system into order.

With constant use of the drink, after a few weeks you may be surprised to find that former irritants practically do not bother you. Crowds of people, queues, bright lights, city noise, morning lectures from the boss - everything is taken for granted and does not cause indignation.

Well, peppermint tea has successfully completed its mission, and you are already on your way to the title of "Mr. (Miss) Equanimity."

Women's drink

And yet, this aromatic drink is more popular among the fairer sex. And not only because ladies prefer mint tea to other varieties. Its beneficial properties are most noticeable by the female body.

By relieving spasmodic pain on days of menstruation that are not the most comfortable for any woman or relieving the symptoms of menopause, mint tea becomes an effective and affordable pain reliever.

It can and should be drunk by pregnant women suffering from toxicosis. But at the same time, one should observe the measure - no more than one cup per day, since what is beneficial for the mother can harm the fetus, especially if the unborn baby is male.

But this does not end the list of physiological problems that mint tea helps fight. The beneficial properties for women also include the ability of this rather simple drink to lower the level of male hormones. The property is very valuable for women suffering from excess body hair.

Peppermint tea is an indispensable aid for anyone losing weight or dieting: the abundance of essential oils in the mint herb that dulls the feeling of hunger allows you to use the drink as a “main drink” if you need to lose a few extra pounds.

In the process of losing weight, there are options for drinking mint tea - a pure drink or well-known mixes: green tea + mint, + mint.

So is it sedative or invigorating?

Like any other mint, it has its own beneficial properties and contraindications. Not without it. But the main dilemma remains which properties are more inherent in mint tea - soothing or invigorating.

According to herbalists, a mint drink is universal: it can be used both as a sedative and as an invigorating remedy, the only difference is in the quantity.

For example, if you need to calm down, you don’t have to limit yourself to drinking a drink. If you want to cheer up, then two cups a day will be enough.

Why are men afraid to drink mint tea?

With regular consumption of mint tea, it is possible not only to calm the nervous system, but also to reduce male libido, which is undesirable for the stronger sex. Moreover, many men consider this process irreversible and refuse the drink even if necessary (to relieve severe nervous tension).

There is no need to be afraid, because mint tea, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which have been studied so well, affects male potency temporarily. It is enough to stop drinking the drink, and everything will be restored.

Mint as a supplement

Not only pure mint tea is favored by its fans. Many people enjoy using this plant as an additive to other teas. Linden, thyme, currant leaves, chamomile, herbal teas - these are the most common teas, drinks and infusions in which mint may be present. Tea, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which must be taken into account in each individual case, should be used with caution, but never deny yourself the pleasure, or, moreover, the need, to drink a cup of healing drink.

One of the recipes that has come down to us from time immemorial consists of mint, thyme, St. John's wort, rose hips and currant leaves and is the best remedy for malaise and loss of strength.

It's not just the aroma that comes from tea with thyme and mint - the beneficial properties in this case are focused on the antiseptic and analgesic effects of herbs. A double blow to pain - this is mint and thyme tea.

Take during an epidemic

It is impossible not to feel the bright menthol aroma with one touch of a mint sprig. The plant is indispensable not only as a natural air freshener (although if there is a sick person in the room, mint bouquets can be used as an oxygen purifier from pathogens), but also as a powerful antibacterial agent.

During the period of increased incidence of acute respiratory infections or the onset of a flu epidemic, consume as much mint as possible and breathe it. Ideally, if mint grows in a flowerpot, it can be used fresh all year round.

An excellent remedy for raging colds is green tea with mint, the beneficial properties of which are to improve the body's defenses and relieve muscle spasms and headaches - the first symptoms of the disease.

What else can mint do?

A useful plant that contains healing powers and which can be grown without hassle in a summer cottage, can stimulate the functioning of the brain and cardiovascular system, activate the body’s metabolic processes, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improve appetite (but also reduce it - all again depends on the concentration of the drink).

Tea with mint, the beneficial properties of which have been tested for more than one generation, is drunk for migraines, nervous overexcitation, the first signs of a cold, and given to hyperactive children (but it is not a strong drink - two leaves per liter of boiling water). Peppermint tea is used as an external remedy for itchy skin rashes.

Those who need to be careful about drinking the drink are people suffering from low blood pressure, varicose veins, and those who have an individual intolerance to mint and allergic reactions to it.