Hibiscus tea recipe. How to brew hibiscus

Hibiscus is a drink made from hibiscus flowers, which has a distinct red color. This plant belongs to the mallow family and came to us from India.

There are approximately 150 species of hibiscus, with both annual and perennial plants found. It is used for various purposes: as an indoor flower, for cooking, for medicinal purposes.

Hibiscus is drunk instead of tea; it perfectly helps quench thirst. The drink is also valued for its medicinal properties - many take hibiscus for blood pressure, both high and low. A popular question is which hibiscus to drink for blood pressure: hot or cold.

It is believed that a cold drink tends to lower blood pressure, while a hot drink tends to increase it. But according to another opinion, hibiscus lowers blood pressure regardless of whether it is drunk hot or cold. Therefore, it is not recommended for hypotensive patients to take it.

The beneficial properties of the plant are determined by its composition. The hibiscus contains the following components:

  • fruit acids(lemon and ascorbic acid), which give the drink a sour taste. Hibiscus is not a record holder for vitamin C content (for example, it is found in greater quantities in), however, thanks to the combination of several types of fruit acids, the resulting drink has a tonic effect on the body and is a dietary product;
  • pectins, helping to cleanse the intestines of toxins and regulate its activity;
  • anthocyanins, which take part in the formation of cells and vascular tissues of the body. They help improve the structure of blood vessels, making their walls stronger and more elastic. Anthocyanins are antioxidants and prevent the development of cancer.

Unlike the first three components, pectins are practically insoluble in water, so they are contained in the drink in small quantities. They are preserved in hibiscus leaves left at the bottom of the brewing vessel. Nutritionists recommend eating them.

Beneficial features:

  • metabolism stimulating. The drink has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, promotes better absorption of nutrients and the breakdown of fats contained in food. Can be used as an effective means for weight loss, which has an effect even with no physical activity, proper nutrition and diets;
  • anti-inflammatory and mild diuretic effect. Hibiscus helps improve the condition of patients with acute respiratory infections, has a diaphoretic effect, and reduces fever. Recommended for use as an aid in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • antioxidant, due to the high content of anthocyanins. Antioxidants dissolve well in liquid and give the drink its characteristic ruby ​​color. These substances suppress free radicals, which contribute to the formation of cancer cells. Hibiscus is the only plant in which anthocyanins are found in such a high concentration;
  • vascular wall strengthening property. Hibiscus is very useful for pressure. Tea helps cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol and prevents the formation of this substance harmful to the body. Scientists have proven that regular consumption of the drink helps dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure.

Many people are interested in the question before drinking hibiscus tea with high blood pressure: what effect does it have? Scientists from the USA were able to establish which properties of the drink are beneficial for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Property to lower blood pressure

More recently, studies were conducted that involved volunteers aged 30 to 70 years.

Each of the experiment participants suffered from hypertension of varying degrees.

The subjects were divided into two groups, with participants in the first taking “dummy pills” (pills that lack active ingredients), and the second taking a hibiscus drink.

After six weeks, scientists noted an improvement in the condition of people who took hibiscus tea with high blood pressure. It ranged from 7.6 to 13.2 percent, while for those taking placebo it was 1%.

Based on the results of the experiment, it can be argued that it is definitely worth using hibiscus to lower blood pressure. It was noted that both hot and chilled drinks exhibit the same properties. Regarding the question of how to drink hibiscus: hot or cold, it follows from the research results that you can drink the drink in any form, depending on the preferences of the hypertensive patient himself.

How to brew hibiscus correctly at high pressure?

There are three main ways to brew hibiscus tea at high blood pressure. The fastest way is to brew the drink directly in a cup, when dried flowers are poured into a vessel and filled with hot water.

Dry hibiscus leaves and petals

It is recommended to take one teaspoon of the plant and fill it with water at a temperature of no higher than 80 degrees. If you use boiling liquid for brewing, the finished drink will be deprived of some of its beneficial properties. The second preparation method is somewhat more complicated, but the resulting tea has a more pronounced taste and aroma.

The traditional way to brew hibiscus tea to lower blood pressure (this is how the Egyptians prepare it) is as follows:

  • a dry plant at the rate of one tablespoon per glass of liquid is placed in a ceramic vessel (teapot);
  • Add cold water to the dry leaves and leave for several hours. It is better to do this before bed so that the drink infuses all night;
  • then the resulting mixture is brought to a boil, the heat is reduced to low and heated for another three minutes;
  • remove from heat and strain.

The third method is considered the most correct, since it allows you to preserve all the beneficial properties of the plant. To prepare hibiscus tea to reduce blood pressure, use water at room temperature, which is poured over the dry leaves of the plant. The drink is infused for six hours. The proportions correspond to those indicated in the previous cooking method.

For both high and low blood pressure, it is extremely important to know. Indeed, in both cases, a mug of tea can become both a panacea and a destructive drink.

Indicated for both hypertensive and hypotensive patients. In general, the advantages of this drink are invaluable if brewed and consumed correctly.

How to drink hibiscus with high blood pressure?

For healthy people who do not have problems with blood pressure, it is enough to drink 1-2 cups of the drink per day.

However, you should not drink the drink immediately before bed due to its diuretic properties.


As already mentioned, the substances contained in hibiscus help dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure. It does not matter whether the drink was drunk hot or cold.

That is why it is recommended to drink hibiscus at low blood pressure extremely rarely or completely stop taking it. People whose work requires increased concentration should drink hibiscus in small doses, as it has sedative properties.

The drink is contraindicated:

  • for gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis or ulcers caused by high acidity.
  • if you have problems with the gallbladder and kidneys.
  • people who may experience an allergic reaction: allergy sufferers, children under 12 years of age, nursing mothers.
  • women during pregnancy, since the drink increases estrogen levels, which can lead to miscarriage.
  • together with taking various medications, such as antibiotics, antivirals, painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs.

Many nutritionists recommend hibiscus for weight loss, and you need to drink the drink three times a day. You should be aware of contraindications and possible side effects such as decreased blood pressure (dangerous for hypotensive patients) and allergic reactions.

Video on the topic

You will learn about this from this video:

Hibiscus – hibiscus tea for blood pressure and just an excellent drink that has an overall positive effect on the body. If you don’t like its sour taste, you can add a little tea rose petals, rose hips or other ingredients that have varying degrees of usefulness. The most valuable property for hypertensive patients is lowering blood pressure. Despite the fact that some sources recommend taking hibiscus cold for hypertension, this information has not been confirmed by scientists. Both hot and cold hibiscus tea can help lower blood pressure.

Hibiscus tea: how to brew? We will answer this and other questions regarding the presented drink in the materials of this article. In addition, you will learn which plant is the basis of this brewing component, as well as its beneficial properties and contraindications for use.

What it is?

Before we talk about how to brew delicious, healthy and aromatic tea, you should find out what hibiscus is? Sudanese rose, or the so-called hibiscus sabdarifa, is an annual plant of the Malvaceae family. It was its dark red petals, cups and calyxes that became the main raw material for the preparation of the mentioned drink.

Where does it grow?

Hibiscus, the benefits and harms of which will be presented in the following sections of the article, belongs to traditional Egyptian teas. This nuance is evidenced by its more ancient name, which sounds like “the drink of the pharaohs.” During excavations of various burials of noble Egyptians, its flowers were more than once discovered in tombs among other valuable attributes. Today, hibiscus is industrially grown in such tropical regions of the world as Sudan, India, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Thailand, etc.

How are they prepared and sold?

So that in European and Asian countries people can drink the healing drink hibiscus, millions of workers work on plantations where the Sudanese rose grows. The preparation of raw materials for the brewing component is very simple. To do this, only large petals (up to 10 centimeters in diameter) are manually picked and then dried in the open air or in a special room. Currently, both large-leaf hibiscus and powder form are available for sale. The first form of release is of higher quality. Indeed, in powdered brew you can often find various additives that significantly worsen the taste of the drink.

Hibiscus tea: benefits and harm

This drink gained its popularity due to the presence of a large amount of vitamins and other useful substances. Even in Ancient times, the presented tea was considered a cure for all ailments. Let's consider its beneficial properties in more detail:

Contraindications for drinking tea

Now you know what the hibiscus drink is. The benefits and harms of this tea are known to almost all residents of Arab countries. After all, they very often use Sudanese rose to treat various ailments. But, despite many positive aspects, such a drink still has its contraindications. Thus, hibiscus tea can increase the acidity of gastric juice. In this regard, it is not recommended to drink it for people with gastritis and gastrointestinal ulcers. In addition, the presented drink is contraindicated in patients with acute cholelithiasis or urolithiasis.

Is it possible to drink while pregnant?

You can drink hibiscus tea during pregnancy, but only in the form of a weakly brewed drink and not in the last stages. It should be completely abandoned only if the expectant mother has toxicosis.

Hibiscus tea: how to brew?

They knew how to prepare such a healthy and tasty drink back in Ancient Egypt. The Egyptians placed several tea leaves in a clay pot, and then filled them with cold water, brought to a boil and cooked for about 3-5 minutes. Such a short digestion made it possible to extract their entire flavor range from the petals.

Today, not everyone knows how to brew hibiscus so that the drink turns out to be as tasty and healthy as possible. Housewives usually prepare tea as follows: place powder or dried petals in a teapot, then pour boiling water over it and infuse for 5 minutes.

A somewhat labor-intensive, but more effective method of preparing such a drink is offered by experienced cook V. Pokhlebkin. He does not recommend brewing hibiscus tea for a long time using high temperatures. After all, this treatment destroys beneficial substances. The culinary expert recommends taking 10 dried hibiscus petals, placing them in a porcelain vessel, pouring boiling water into them, and then keeping the dish on a gas stove with the oven on. This method of brewing hibiscus will allow you to preserve all the beneficial substances of the plant and the best quality of the tea.

Another way to prepare the drink hibiscus

How to brew tea without using boiling water? Many people use exactly this method. To do this, place hibiscus petals in a teapot, then pour water at room temperature into it and leave for about an hour. This method allows you to preserve all trace elements and vitamins in the drink.

What should you pay attention to when brewing hibiscus?

When preparing such a healing drink, special attention should be paid to water. To make truly tasty and healthy tea, you only need to use a very soft liquid. After all, if you brew hibiscus with hard water, your drink will eventually acquire an incomprehensible brown color. You will never be able to enjoy this tea and all the variations of its taste.

It should also be noted that to independently prepare the presented drink, you must use only ceramic, porcelain or glassware. This is due to the fact that if you use a metal or aluminum container, your tea will lose not only its taste, but also its rich, bright color.

Today we’ll talk about the benefits and harms of hibiscus tea from Sudanese rose. Or whatever they call it hibiscus hibiscus tea.

Title g hibiscus tea received because of its scientific name, namely Hibiscus (hibiscus). This is a plant of the Malvaceae family. Egypt is considered its homeland; these plants were found in the tombs of the pharaohs, which were highly revered among the nobility.

In fact, hibiscus is flower, and people call it tea because it is often brewed like regular tea. But it has nothing to do with tea, although we will call it tea, it’s closer to us.

Where does hibiscus come from and where does it grow?

Hibiscus tea is grown in Egypt and Sudan These varieties are called Hibiscus sabdariffa (hibiscus sabdariffa) or Sudanese rose.

Hibiscus also grows in places such as:

— Chinese rose, which grows in China.

— Syrian rose, native to western Asia, India and China.

— The plant can be found in Thailand, Sri Lanka and Mexico.

And there are many more different types of this plant, but only Sudanese rose is used as tea.

Hibiscus tea - what is it made from?

So, what is hibiscus tea made from, and what is beneficial in the hibiscus plant? Traditionally, hibiscus tea that ends up in our stores contains flower leaves. However, besides them, in food can be eaten stems, leaves, seeds, i.e. they are suitable for food. There have also been cases of local people making decoctions from hibiscus root.

However, everything except the flowers remains in their homeland, because we only drink tea made from flowers, which is a pity. After all, the remaining parts also contain many useful elements. So they make it, or it ends up in bags labeled hibiscus tea, namely hibiscus flowers.

Beneficial composition of hibiscus tea

Let's look at the benefits and harms of hibiscus tea, namely its composition. Hibiscus tea contains anthocyanins, this is one of the main beneficial elements of tea. It is anthocyanins that give the drink its bright red color and sour taste. They can reduce the risk of developing cancer.

It contains rutin, which increases the permeability of our capillaries and prevents them from becoming brittle.

There is a lot of hibiscus in tea vitamin C, not much inferior in quantity to rose hips. If anyone doesn’t know, rosehip contains more vitamin C than lemon.

There are microelements such as sodium, potassium, which are necessary for our body. And also contained in the petals themselves 12 amino acids, 6 of which are essential. And the muscles of our body are built from amino acids. Although not in such quantities as in traditional food rich in amino acids, we will not ignore this fact either.

Benefits of red hibiscus tea

1) The enormous benefit of red hibiscus tea lies precisely in the content of anthocyanins, which help lower blood pressure by dilating blood vessels. It also creates a slight diuretic effect, which also helps lower blood pressure. That is, it can and should be recommended primarily to people with high blood pressure.

2) Due to rutin, the strength of our capillaries improves; it prevents the passage of formed blood elements out. Which is very important, because the main function of capillaries is to saturate our body with the most useful substances from the blood, and plus they are not elastic. Therefore their strength is very important.

3) Thanks vitamin C, it is useful to drink tea for colds. Since during colds it is very important to take the vitamin in sufficient quantities to recover faster. We also need vitamin C to boost our immunity.

4) He has beneficial effect on the genitourinary system. Therefore, hibiscus definitely useful for men, but you shouldn’t drink too much of it either because of its mild diuretic effect.

5) Hibiscus also has a slight relaxing effect. So take it after a hard day at work or to relieve stress.

For all its beneficial properties, hibiscus tea can also cause harm.

How is hibiscus tea harmful?

With its undeniable positive effect, how can red tea be harmful to hibiscus?

2) Hibiscus can also be harmful for people with high blood pressure or people predisposed to low blood pressure. Since the effect of this tea will reduce blood pressure even more.

3) So the drink has a slight diuretic effect. It is not recommended for people with bladder problems.

5) Well, of course, you need to be careful with tea if you suddenly have allergies.

Hibiscus tea benefits and harms during pregnancy

A very common question among girls is: hibiscus during pregnancy, its benefits and harms? There is no clear answer. After all, it can be useful or harmful, as we discussed above. However, if there were no obvious contraindications before pregnancy, and they did not appear during it.

Hibiscus is useful during pregnancy and you can drink it, but we still keep an eye on our well-being. It helps some expectant mothers cope with nausea, while in others, on the contrary, it causes a gag reflex. So there is only one recommendation - to monitor your condition individually.

Hibiscus tea for weight loss

Very often you can find words that Hibiscus drink is beneficial for weight loss. And there are even special diets. But losing weight without changing your usual diet is myth, since no product can cope with excess fat if you eat the rest of your food at the wrong time and incorrectly.

For weight loss, hibiscus, of course, will help, but you also need a proper and balanced diet from a different set of foods and physical activity. The topic of losing weight without proper nutrition is inflated either by people who are poorly versed in it, or by those who know the basics of marketing and advertising well.

Imagine how tea can help you if you continue to eat fatty and sweet foods throughout the day? Naturally, a strong positive effect cannot occur. No matter how people try to dispute this.

Naturally, if you suddenly consume little junk food and drink the unusually healthy hibiscus tea drink, the effect will be achieved not only due to the fact that you drink tea, but because of the reduced calorie content. But this effect will be temporary if you overdo it (I mean cutting calories).

For a proper diet, even with hibiscus, you need to balance proper nutrition, and a drink from Sudanese rose will good help, in order to remove waste products from the body, due to its mild diuretic effect.

How to brew hibiscus tea correctly

In order to properly brew hibiscus tea, both the usual methods known to us and special recipes are suitable.

For example, the most traditional: pour boiling water over hibiscus tea and leave for 10 - 15 minutes. All is ready. This is how a huge part of the population, not only our country, are accustomed to brewing tea.

In the homeland of tea, there is such a recipe. Put the tea in a saucepan or Turk, two teaspoons per cup is enough. Pour hot water and bring the drink to a boil. Wait in this state for exactly four minutes and forty seconds. Then pour the broth through a strainer or gauze into a cup. And you can drink.

How to drink hibiscus correctly

However, there is another opinion that when brewing Sudanese rose hot water, the effectiveness of tea decreases. Referring to the fact that during heat treatment tea loses some of its properties.

Therefore, it is most beneficial to drink hibiscus by preparing the drink in a slightly different way than described above. It needs to be poured with boiling water that has cooled to room temperature and left for two days. This drink will reveal the full potential of tea's benefits.

So, we will receive benefits from hibiscus tea, and not harm, only with competent and rational use in our kitchen. Knowing all its negative and positive qualities, we will be able to use it with maximum benefit for our health. I hope this article will help you in matters related to this wonderful and ancient drink.

Sudanese rose or hibiscus sabdariffa is an annual herbaceous plant of the mallow family. Its dark red petals, calyxes and subcups are the raw material for making hibiscus flower tea.

Hibiscus is considered a traditional Egyptian drink, as evidenced by its other, ancient name - the drink of the pharaohs. Hibiscus flowers were discovered during excavations in tombs among other burial attributes of noble Egyptians.

Currently, hibiscus is grown industrially in many tropical regions of the globe - in Sudan, India, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Thailand, etc. and is supplied to almost all countries of the world.

The preparation of raw materials for hibiscus is quite simple. Large petals up to 10 cm in diameter are collected by hand and dried. Both large-leaf hibiscus tea and powdered tea are sold. Large-leaf tea is of higher quality; powdered tea often contains various additives that impair the taste and quality of tea.

Hibiscus gained popularity due to its unique properties (in the Arab world it is considered a cure for all ailments).

Useful properties of hibiscus

  • Sudanese rose petals are rich in fruit acids - malic, tartaric, ascorbic, citric, linoleic, etc. At the same time, they do not contain oxalic acid, which promotes stone formation in the kidneys and urinary tract.
  • Hibiscus is rich in biologically active substances, such as flavonoids, anthocyanins, polysaccharides, pectin and mucous substances.
  • Anthocyanins have pronounced P-vitamin activity, which implies the ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, regulating their permeability. In addition, these substances have antitumor activity and the ability to reduce the rate of formation of fatty deposits.
  • Hibiscus flavonoids (quercetin) actively cleanse the body of toxins, stimulating the gallbladder and protecting the liver.
  • Polysaccharides also help remove toxins from the body. In addition, they activate the body's protective functions and are effective natural immunostimulants.
  • Flowers steamed in tea leaves, with a sweet and sour taste, are an excellent vitamin supplement and contain a lot of pectin, which promotes the active removal of toxins from the body.
  • Vitamin C, contained in large quantities in hibiscus, helps lower cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Hibiscus tea normalizes blood pressure and is recommended for use by both hypertensive and hypotensive patients. To increase blood pressure, drink hot hibiscus, to lower it - cold.
  • Hibiscus extract has a powerful antibacterial effect on bacilli, intestinal bacteria, various strains and staphylococci, without damaging the intestinal microflora.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of hibiscus are successfully used to treat diseases such as laryngitis, bronchitis, and tracheitis.
  • The drink is used to improve the general condition of the body, improve blood circulation, prevent blood clots, relieve general fatigue and even relieve hangovers.

How to brew hibiscus correctly

The Egyptians knew how to cook hibiscus. They were the ones who prepared it, i.e. Cooked for some time, or rather 3-5 minutes. Dried hibiscus petals were poured with cold water and brought to a boil. Boiling allows you to extract the full range of flavors from the petals.

You can brew hibiscus in the usual way, like tea, pour boiling water over it and leave for 5 minutes.

A somewhat troublesome, but most effective method of brewing is suggested by culinary master V. Pokhlebkin. According to his recipe, the hibiscus is not boiled, because... Under the influence of high temperatures, many useful substances are destroyed.

Hibiscus recipe from Pokhlebkin: Pour 10 dried hibiscus petals with boiling water in a porcelain vessel and keep it on the stove with the oven on, i.e. on a hot surface. This brewing method allows you to preserve the best qualities of the drink as much as possible.

And finally, you can not brew the hibiscus at all, but infuse it in water at room temperature. True, this will take a little longer - about an hour. This drink preserves all vitamins and microelements.

With any brewing method, you must remember that you cannot use metal utensils. Otherwise, the drink turns out tasteless and colorless.

You can brew hibiscus petals only once, as they completely release their juice.

Reading time: 4 minutes


Hibiscus is made from the Sudanese rose (hibiscus). A prepared red drink from dried flowers is very beneficial. It is customary to call hibiscus tea, but in general it is a herbal infusion. It is very popular due to its beneficial properties. Hibiscus is a natural drink because it consists only of hibiscus petals. Now we’ll find out how to drink hibiscus and how to brew it correctly.

The Sudanese rose grows in India and is very popular in Egypt and Sudan. There, tea from the flower is called “the drink for the pharaohs.” To produce hibiscus, hibiscus flowers are collected and dried. The brewed infusion has a bright red color, a delicate sour taste and brings great benefits to the body. Tea is prepared from the flowers of the plant, and the leaves are used in cooking.

Useful properties of hibiscus

  1. If used correctly, it can lower blood pressure.
  2. Improves bile production, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Thanks to its red color, it helps strengthen blood vessels.
  4. The presence of antioxidants in the flower produces a rejuvenating effect on the body.
  5. Contains citric acid, which makes tea indispensable for colds. Fights viruses and infections well.
  6. Linoleic acid contained in the plant is an excellent fat burner, so the drink is recommended for weight loss.
  7. The presence of vitamins and beneficial elements in tea relieves fatigue, nervous tension, relieves headaches, and gives vigor.

Hibiscus tea has many more beneficial properties; taking it also strengthens hair, making it soft and silky. It is good to brew an infusion to relieve a hangover. If you have a hangover, you should drink tea in the morning on an empty stomach; it will immediately relieve intoxication and remove alcohol products from the body. Helps women with irregularities in the menstrual cycle. How to drink hibiscus tea correctly, can you drink it if you have high blood pressure?

How to drink the drink correctly

Depending on the temperature, hibiscus has a special effect on the body. Therefore, knowing the properties of hibiscus, we will determine in what form it is best to drink it.

  • If you suffer from high blood pressure, you need to take a hot or cold drink;
  • You should eat hibiscus hot if you have hypotension;
  • It is not recommended to drink tea if you have a stomach ulcer, gastritis, or if you have urolithiasis;
  • An infusion with the addition of rose hips or lemon will help during colds.

How to cook hibiscus

According to the classic recipe, it is prepared like this:

Pour one teaspoon of dry petals into a container and pour 200 milliliters of cold water. Leave the mixture to steep for about 12 hours. After the time has passed, place the container on the fire and boil for about five minutes. The strained broth can be drunk warm or cold, adding sugar or honey to taste.

Other hibiscus recipes

  1. Place two tablespoons of dried hibiscus petals into a teapot. Pour one glass of boiling water. Place the lid on the kettle and cover it with a warm blanket for five minutes. Strain and enjoy the aromatic, delicious drink.
  2. Pour one tablespoon of the plant's flowers into a cup, pour in 250 milliliters of cold water, cover and leave to steep for 8-10 hours. The finished infusion can be drunk.

Hibiscus and ginger

This infusion is recommended to drink when it’s cold; it invigorates and strengthens the immune system. Pour 400 milliliters of water into a saucepan and place on the stove; when the water boils, add two tablespoons of dried Sudanese rose flowers. Remove from heat, cover and let the mixture sit for 20 minutes. Add sugar, lemon juice and a piece of fresh ginger root to the strained drink.

If you want to brew real red healthy tea, follow some rules:

  • To prepare a tasty drink, it is advised to choose tea leaves with whole flower petals; it is not advisable to buy hibiscus in disposable bags;
  • To prepare red tea, it is recommended to use glass, porcelain or ceramic dishes;
  • To preserve vitamin C in the infusion, the flowers should be filled with cool water.
  • The decoction should not be boiled for more than five minutes, because this will destroy the beneficial properties of hibiscus and the color of the finished hibiscus will turn gray;
  • It is possible to drink tea with additives: with fresh currants, cranberries or rose hips;
  • To diversify the sour taste of the broth, you can add honey, cinnamon or fruit to it.

How hibiscus is brewed in other countries

This floral drink is very tasty and popular all over the world. But in each country there are different secrets for preparing hibiscus.

In European countries they drink it with lemon and sugar. Many people are fond of infusion with the addition of rose hips. Thais prefer to take the infusion with ice during extreme heat. Hibiscus is also added to alcoholic cocktails. Africans love to drink the drink hot. The decoction is brewed in a special way in Jamaica. Hibiscus flowers are boiled in boiling water and drunk with the addition of cloves, ginger, sugar and rum.