Hipp tea for children from 1 month. Hipp tea for newborns: preparation instructions

The HIPP brand is famous for its quality products sold at an affordable price. A special place is occupied by Hipp tea, which has gained great popularity among young mothers due to its natural and effective action.


Hipp tea is presented on the Russian market in a wide range. Its types differ from each other not only in composition, but also in purpose. Some types can be used from 1 month of a child’s life, and some - from the age of 6 months.

The advantage is that these products are presented in many online children's stores, and are also actively sold via the Internet. Therefore, you can try different flavors and find the best tea for yourself and your child:

  • Chamomile tea for children.
  • Tea with rose hips and raspberries.
  • Fennel.
  • Apricot tea.
  • Drink made from forest berries.
  • Linden blossom with lemon balm.
  • Apple with lemon balm.
  • Fruit children's tea.

In addition to teas for children, the Hipp brand also produces products for nursing mothers that help increase breast milk production and calm the nervous system.

It is widely prescribed by both pediatricians and gynecologists immediately after childbirth, as it helps the young mother cope with fatigue and constant stress.

Chamomile HIPP

For the little ones, the company has invented a soothing children's tea based on medicinal chamomile. It can be given to a child from 4 months of age. The peculiarity of the drink is its natural composition and the absence of preservatives and dyes, which makes it environmentally friendly. Chamomile soothing tea is recommended for use if a child has trouble falling asleep and often tosses and turns in his sleep. Often children become overexcited after active games, after which they become very capricious. In such cases, Hipp chamomile tea will also be effective.

Fennel Hipp

The company's most popular product is fennel tea, which can be used even for newborns from 1 month of life. Fennel is known for its medicinal properties - it helps improve digestion and increases the flow of breast milk in the mother. Babies often suffer from increased gas production, so fennel tea perfectly relieves a baby from colic. It is actively recommended by pediatricians, because this drink easily replaces antispasmodics and enemas, while it acts gently and has a natural, safe composition.

Fennel has a pleasant taste and a light herbaceous aroma, so it is easy to drink and does not disgust the child. You can make different drinks based on this tea or combine it with other pharmaceutical herbs.

Surely, many have heard about dill water, which our grandmothers used. Fennel has similar properties, but, among other things, it affects the strengthening of the immune system. Thus, Hipp children's tea with fennel, with its unique highly beneficial properties, can become your baby's favorite drink, which can be used instead of dill water.

How to use

Tea must be used in strict dosage according to the instructions. For 200 ml of water take 1 teaspoon of tea leaves. You should use boiled water, pre-filtered. The dosage is taken depending on age. For children aged 3 to 6 months, 150 ml of drink per day is enough. And when you reach 6 months, you can increase the dose to 200 ml per day.

For the first time, it is enough to let your baby taste the tea in a teaspoon so that he gets used to the unusual taste.

Hipp tea can be mixed with breast milk or water to make it easier for your baby to drink

Fennel tea is also prescribed to children in case of a viral disease, as it contains tannins and a natural antiseptic. However, before using it as a medicine, consult your pediatrician.

For nursing mothers

Many women suffer from a lactation crisis, when the baby begins to lack milk and becomes increasingly moody. To improve lactation, Hipp tea was developed for nursing mothers. This drink is safe for both women and children, as it is developed on the basis of pharmaceutical herbs.

Of course, tea alone is not enough to increase breast milk production, but it is a good stimulating supplement. Due to the production of oxytocin, tea ensures the flow of milk to the nipples and makes it easier for the baby to suck.

The tea contains:

  • Nettle extract – strengthens blood vessels and helps the body recover after childbirth.
  • Anise – improves digestion and has a calming effect.
  • Fennel - ensures the flow of milk to the ducts, which facilitates the feeding process and improves lactation.
  • Melissa is a natural sedative that has a calming effect and helps improve sleep.

Hipp Natal tea is very popular and more than 80% of women note that it really works. The benefits speak for themselves:

  • Does not contain protein.
  • Not allergenic.
  • No added artificial colors or flavor enhancers.

A special feature of Hipp tea is its unusual consistency in the form of compressed granules, which quickly dissolve in water and retain the aroma and taste of herbs. Hippie tea can be used for preventive purposes twice a day, replacing caffeine-containing drinks with it. If you need to establish lactation, drink the drink 20 minutes before breastfeeding your baby.


The retail price for Hipp teas varies between 120-150 rubles per 200 g jar. You can also find a packaged version of these teas on sale, which costs a little less - from 80 to 100 rubles per package.

Every mother has to deal with a situation where babies develop excessive gas or colic. Therefore, we have to seek help; more and more often, parents are choosing hipp tea for newborns. This does not mean at all that the mother is not feeding the baby correctly or that she herself is not eating as she should. The whole point is that the child’s gastrointestinal tract is very weak, auxiliary substances are needed to normalize functions. Sometimes you have to resort to drug treatment, but even this method cannot guarantee a positive result. Hippie tea has already earned positive reviews from mothers, which makes it more in demand.

Why choose this brand?

When mom selects products for children y, one of the main priorities is the quality of products and benefits for the body. did not appear in one day, he deserved his popularity for many years, since 1956. The farmer started production; he used his own grown products to prepare baby food. They were environmentally friendly, which became a key point in the company's development. From year to year production developed producing food for children that is tasty and has healing properties.

Now this brand is known all over the world and can offer a wide range of food for children of different age categories. Hipp children's tea has a composition that includes only organic ingredients. When developing, the characteristics of the child’s body were taken into account, and the slightest possibility of causing harm was excluded.

A wide range of

Nowadays hippie tea can be found in two types: granulated tea and tea bags. Regardless of the form of release, the composition consists only of natural ingredients. In addition to medicinal herbs, hipp tea for babies is produced with the addition of:

This made it possible to significantly expand the range, making it varied, tasty, and healthy. Such teas rich in vitamins, microelements, which helps strengthen the baby’s immunity.

When choosing a drink, you need to pay attention to the instructions for what age hippie tea is intended. This can be a mixture for newborns (from 1 week), for 4, 5 month old babies. There is a variety of flavor solutions:

Features of drinking tea

If we talk about tea intended for babies born 7 days ago, then it should be said that special standards and quality requirements have been put forward for this product. The raw materials that are used are grown under the supervision of the institute. The products undergo strict control, only after which the goods are delivered to pharmacy shelves. If mom cooks hippie food, then each of them has a quality mark.

A refreshing, soft drink for children's bodies does not contain:

  • dyes;
  • preservatives;
  • flavorings;
  • gluten;
  • milk protein.

In order for hippie tea to bring maximum benefits to the body, you must follow some rules:

  • For the first time of cooking, the mother can give the baby 1 tsp. drink Be sure to monitor the reaction of the baby’s body. If nothing bothers you and no negative reaction occurs, the dose is increased to 2 tsp. The daily dose until the child is 3 months old is 100 ml of the drink.
  • From 3 months of age to 6 months, dose – 150 ml of drink.
  • After 7 months of age, it is allowed to increase the dose to 200 ml.

Children over one year old can also drink the drink, but to prescribe the correct dose, you must consult a doctor.

Useful properties of fennel

At birth, the baby does not have enough bacteria in the intestines, necessary to participate in the digestion process. Their number increases gradually as the organism develops. This is accompanied by a disruption of the process, which in turn causes symptoms - discomfort, colic, spasms. To normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, a mixture containing fennel is used. In addition, this drink will help:

  • Get rid of pain in the intestines;
  • Get rid of bloating;
  • Strengthen the skeletal system, as the drink contains calcium;
  • Strengthen the immune system;
  • Positively influence the nervous system.

The properties of fennel are very similar to dill, and as you can remember, many grandmothers and mothers brewed dill for little children so that they would not be bothered by pain and discomfort. But the mixture is not only more convenient in many ways, but also healthier.

Cooking processes

You can prepare a fragrant, healthy drink very quickly, which is a big plus. After all, when a child is tormented by something, he is capricious, there is no way to leave him alone, and you want to relieve him of unpleasant sensations as quickly as possible. To prepare you will need:

  • In a children's container, bring water to a boil;
  • Place a tea bag (with herbs) in a cup, pour 200 ml of boiling water;
  • Cool to 37°, it is better if the drink is infused for 5 minutes before drinking, then it can bring maximum benefit;
  • Pour into a baby bottle, give to the baby, monitor the norm.

If you are preparing a drink from granules, then you will need 1 tsp per 100 ml of water. granules The only difference is in proportions and that when preparing granules there is no need to infuse the drink.


It should be taken into account the fact that every organism is individual and reacts to foods differently. This is especially important when it comes to young children, their bodies are more sensitive and receptive to various substances. The production took into account all possible reactions

Problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract occur in almost all newborns. Even drug treatment cannot guarantee a 100% result. Hipp tea for newborns is a modern solution to problems with colic and excessive gas formation. The manufacturer carefully developed the composition, so it cannot harm the baby. Additional benefits include speed of preparation. That is why a woman does not necessarily have to leave a capricious child for a long period. The healing infusion will help the baby improve the functioning of the stomach or intestines. The composition contains exclusively organic components. The release form is convenient, so the tea receives only positive reviews from nursing mothers.

Brand popularity

Hipp tea is the result of many years of product development. Its production began in 1956 in Germany. At the first stage of production, the farmer used exclusively environmentally friendly home-made products. He had complete confidence in the quality as he used his own raw materials. Unfortunately, his compatriots did not immediately believe in the prospect of his idea. It took about 10 years to achieve high quality and maximize the healing properties of the product. During this period, he began to produce tasty and healthy baby food.

Today, the company offers a wide selection of high-quality products for nursing mothers. For its production, exclusively environmentally friendly raw materials are used. The company has more than eight thousand of its own farms. The brand closely monitors its reputation, so it offers the client only excellent food products for babies.

Delicious and healthy Hipp tea

Hipp offers its customers to choose from delicious and healthy types of teas. For ease of use, it is produced in bags and granules.

The tea drink made from granules contains only natural herbal components. It was possible to improve the basic properties by adding fruits, vegetables, juices and natural vitamin C. Thanks to this, it is possible to strengthen the infant’s immunity. Parents should pay attention to the fact that the product is divided into several groups depending on the age of the child. On pharmacy shelves you can see a drink for children aged 4, 5 and 6 months. Several flavor solutions are also presented. Among them, teas with fennel or chamomile are very popular. Among other flavors, rosehip, sea buckthorn, and fruit are very popular.

Mommy is guaranteed to be able to choose a drink depending on individual preferences

Features of drinking tea at the age of one week

A children's drink can be prepared by brewing a bag that has a special quality mark. Its composition is ideal for a baby born seven days ago. For mothers, it is suggested to choose between chamomile and fennel. Additionally, it should be noted that this product is subject to increased quality requirements. They are checked by a special body of the European Union.

Raw materials for tea are grown on farms that are under the control of the Institute of the same name. That is why mothers can be completely confident in its high quality and the absence of toxic components.

The instructions will help you get the maximum properties from the tonic drink. To do this, during the cooking process you must adhere to the following rules:

  • At the first stage of use, you are allowed to try only one teaspoon of the drink. If a negative reaction was not detected in the child, then the portion can be doubled. The maximum daily volume should not exceed 100 ml. This rule must be followed until the baby is three months old.
  • During the period from three to six months, it is allowed to drink no more than 150 ml of decoction.
  • The volume can be increased to 200 ml after seven months.

A baby over one year old can also drink it. However, the advisability of taking it can be assessed by a pediatrician depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

Fennel - aromatic and healthy ingredient

This component has long been used to normalize the functioning of the digestive system in infants. Fennel tea reduces gas formation and reduces colic. After the baby is born, there are no bacteria in his intestines necessary for proper digestion. Settlement is carried out gradually, so the process occurs with the occurrence of spasms and discomfort. Hipp mixture will help reduce irritation and improve your baby's overall well-being.

A calming drink helps your baby cope with a lot of problems. It has a positive effect on several organs and systems at once:

  • Quickly and effectively relieves spasm in the smooth muscles of the intestines. Thanks to this, it is possible to get rid of colic and excessive gas formation.
  • Tea contains calcium, which is directly involved in the formation of the baby's skeletal system.
  • Helps strengthen the basic functions of the immune system. Has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

Fennel tea for newborns can be used from a week old baby

The mixture contains fennel, which is similar in properties to dill. However, it is most convenient for a child to prepare a drink from granules than to brew a bag. That is why many mothers choose this option.

Fennel drink can be drunk in the first months of a baby’s life. It is considered a completely environmentally friendly and natural product. During the production process, the presence of harmful and toxic components is checked at each stage. It is recommended to drink tea if there are disorders and improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The composition helps to get rid of bloating and colic within a short time.

You can start drinking tea when the baby is already one week old. The bags contain only fennel without harmful dyes and preservatives. The herbs are incredibly aromatic, so they will appeal to everyone.

The composition helps overcome colic and intestinal spasms

How to prepare tea correctly?

The drink is not only healthy, but also incredibly easy to prepare. The process will take mommy no more than two minutes. Each individual sachet contains a certain number of granules or seeds that are necessary to prepare one mug of drink.

The manufacturer conveys the following instructions to its consumers:

  • Boil water in a special container.
  • One sachet is designed for a cup of about 200 ml.
  • Pour the prepared material with the required amount of liquid.
  • It is recommended to drink the drink at a temperature of no more than 37 degrees.
  • To obtain the maximum properties of the product, it must be allowed to brew for five minutes.
  • It is most convenient to give tea to a newborn from a special bottle.

The daily dosage is calculated depending on the month of birth of the child. To prepare a granulated version of the drink, it is advisable to use a different scheme. In this case, one teaspoon of powder is dissolved in 100 ml of water. After this, the drink is cooled and poured into a bottle for the baby.

Product Disadvantages

Each child has his own individual characteristics of the body. This is why some foods may not be suitable for the digestive system. Among the negative reviews about tea, the main points can be highlighted:

  • proved ineffective in the fight against colic;
  • began to spoil tooth enamel;
  • causes an allergic reaction in case of predisposition to its development;
  • Some mothers use the drink extremely rarely, so they do not have time to empty the jar before the end of its expiration date.

Even with all these shortcomings, tea is widely used to eliminate problems in the gastrointestinal tract in infants. It is recommended to consult a pediatrician before using it.

From birth, children face a lot of problems related to adaptation to the world around them. The world is big and sometimes quite aggressive, but the child’s body is not yet strong and needs support. Infant colic, restless sleep are replaced by torment from teething, then a period of stress begins from attending kindergarten and school, numerous viral infections... In many situations, fennel tea comes to the aid of parents - a natural remedy that is suitable for children of any age from birth.

What it is

A plant with the beautiful name “fennel” is dill. Not the one that grows in the country, but its close relative, similar, but still a little different. It grows wild in the Caucasus and Krasnodar Territory, but is quite successfully cultivated in other regions.

Despite the similarity in appearance, fennel differs from ordinary dill in composition, which determines its widespread use in traditional and folk medicine. And it is rich in essential oils, saturated fatty acids, flavonoids, vitamin C, carotene, B vitamins, minerals, and this is not a complete list.

Housewives love fennel for its wide use in cooking; fashionistas respect the plant for the use of fennel essential oils in perfumery. Young mothers know that fennel is a real salvation for newborns who suffer from colic.

All parts of the plant, stems, roots, and leaves are used. However, only fennel fruits and the oil that is extracted from them are used for medicinal purposes. That's just an approximate a list of diseases for which this umbrella plant has an effective effect:

  • ENT diseases(fruit oil is included in the licorice elixir, effective for coughs and in chest collection).
  • Digestive problems(fennel is an important component of a laxative collection that can be given to children for constipation. Dill water (this is also a preparation from fennel) helps reduce flatulence and gas formation in the intestines, and therefore is the main medicinal weapon for young mothers with infant colic).
  • Nervous system problems(the plant is part of sedative preparations that are allowed to be given to children for insomnia, sleep disturbances, increased moodiness, neuroses, and stress).
  • Skin diseases(essential oil of fennel fruit is used as a component of external preparations, including homemade ones, which relieve irritation, inflammation, soothe the skin and promote rapid healing).

Release form

Fennel tea is a multifaceted concept. This can be a ready-made herbal mixture, granulated, in sachets or in the form of dry herbal raw materials for brewing. In the concept of “tea with fennel”, many parents include multi-component recipes, which, in addition to the useful umbrella plant, include other equally useful herbs and fruits.

If you don’t want to experiment with medicinal plants, you can buy specially prepared raw materials for making drinks for children - “Babushkino Lukoshko”, HiPP, Fleur alpine, Bebivita. They differ in price, release form and only slightly in composition.

Instructions for use

Grandma's basket

Fennel tea from the Babushkino Lukoshko brand is intended for the little ones - it is given to infants for colic. It will be convenient for parents to prepare such a drink, since Fennel does not have to measure or weigh anything. The raw material is packaged in bags, highly crushed, resembles a powder, you just need to brew it.

The composition contains exclusively fennel seeds and no dyes, flavors, stabilizers or preservatives. One sachet contains 1 gram of plant material. One sachet requires about 200 ml of water. You should not give too much of this drink. The daily need for it is equal to the volume of one feeding. In other words, if a child eats 120 ml at a time, then the amount of drink with fennel should not exceed this figure. The daily amount is divided into several doses.

Children under one year old can drink tea with fennel every day for 2-3 weeks, then be sure to take a break for the same period. Children who are already one year old are given this drink to improve appetite and digestion, 2-3 tea cups a day.

The price is relatively low - about 90 rubles.

A short excerpt from Dr. Komarovsky’s program on the topic of infant colic and whether tea with fennel or dill water helps can be seen below.

Fleur alpine

Fleur alpine fennel tea contains only fennel fruits, no sugar or other excipients. The drink is intended for babies from colic and older children for comfortable digestion. One filter bag contains 1.5 grams of fennel fruit. This amount of water requires 200-250 ml. After brewing, it is recommended to leave the drink for 5-10 minutes.

Instructions for use prescribe giving children from 1 month of age no more than 50 ml of the drink per day, and six-month-old babies - no more than 100 ml.

The average price of tea in Russia is about 200 rubles per package, which contains 20 filter bags.


The drink “BIO-fennel tea” from HiPP also contains only fennel and nothing extra. However, manufacturers offer different cooking methods. For babies from birth there are herbal tea bags (30 bags per package). Manufacturers offer a drink made from fennel extract (100 g pack) for children aged 1 month and older. For children aged 4 months and older, you can buy HiPP-200 g, granulated tea that can be conveniently dissolved in water. This version of fennel tea contains sucrose.

The recommended daily dose of the drink is 100 ml if the child is from 0 to 3 months. At the age of 3 months to six months, a child can drink 150 ml per day, up to a year - about 200 ml. After a year - 2-4 tea cups per day.

The average cost of tea in the country is about 250 rubles.


Bebivita fennel tea can be purchased in both tea bags and granules that dissolve easily in hot water. In addition to fennel seeds, the composition includes dextrose. Reviews from parents about this tea are mixed.

Some mothers complain that children do not like the taste of the drink. Almost all parents note that the instructions for using the tea are compiled incorrectly, without an exact indication of the daily dosage. Pediatric practice implies that the amount of drink per day should not exceed 100 ml for a child under 4 months, and 200 ml for a child under one year.

The price of such tea in pharmacies and specialized children's stores is from 150 rubles.

Home Recipes

To make fennel tea at home, you will need about 2 grams of fennel seeds and 250 ml of water. Boiled water needs to be cooled to 80-90 degrees, pour in the plant seeds and let it brew in a container under a lid for about 15 minutes. In another container, separately in the same way you need to brew lemon balm and thyme. You need to infuse these herbs for about half an hour.

Strain the fennel drink and carefully add decoctions of other herbs to a single serving for the child so that the proportions are as follows: for 1 dose of fennel tea - half a dose of thyme and a dose of lemon balm.

This tea is useful for sleep disorders, anxiety, and during teething. The baby will sleep better, eat better, and behave much calmer while awake. Newborns are given tea with fennel without the addition of decoctions of other herbs.

For children over 2 years of age, for constipation, fennel tea is prepared with the addition of a spoonful of honey, and the concentration of seeds for brewing can be doubled, so the laxative property of fennel will be revealed more fully and will help to cleanse the intestines as quickly as possible.

You can watch a video on how to properly brew fennel tea in the next episode.

  • The first dose of tea should be a “test”. The child is given a very small amount of the drink to find out if he has an allergic reaction to the plant components. If an inadequate reaction does not appear within 24 hours, tea can be given.
  • It is not advisable to give multi-ingredient teas that contain more than two plants to children under 6 months of age. This significantly increases the risk of developing allergies.
  • Drinking tea should not be hot or cold. It is better to give your child warm tea, only this way fennel and other components of the drink can “reveal” the maximum of their beneficial properties.
  • Herbal teas should not be brewed with boiling water. It is better if the temperature of boiled water is about 80 degrees. Before each use, fresh tea should be brewed.
  • Herbal tea does not imply constant consumption. Parents must give it to their child in courses, with breaks.
  • Before you start brewing this drink for your child, be sure to consult a pediatrician.

Fennel has been used as a medicinal herb for many years. Many doctors believed that fennel could restore vision and cure a huge number of different diseases. Today, due to the fact that fennel resembles anise and dill in appearance, smell and methods of use, it is used in a similar way. For example, everyone knows very well that tea with dill or fennel can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This tea can relieve irritation, bloating and, of course, directly improve digestion itself. In women who are breastfeeding, fennel increases milk supply. And absolutely all parents without exception, even those who have absolutely no experience, know what benefits a newborn child receives from fennel tea. Of course, you can use not only fennel for tea, but also the entire plant: infusions, eye lotions, fennel tea for adults and for newborns. It is also worth paying attention to this plant for those who want to lose weight, because fennel is able to establish metabolic processes and restore normal intestinal microflora in a short time.

First fennel tea for newborns

If we talk directly about the benefits of fennel tea for a newborn baby, many questions may arise on this matter. This tea helps solve a lot of problems that a child may have: it calms the baby’s nervous system, and is great if the child has colic. It is worth noting that fennel tea solves the problem of colic much better than any other remedy known today. Of course, this is not all the benefits of this tea, because it also affects the strengthening of the immune system, which is very important for a weak newborn child who must grow and strengthen.

It is worth paying special attention to the constituent elements of this healthy tea. Fennel tea contains a huge amount of ascorbic acid, a huge amount of vitamins, carotene, sugar, protein and, of course, many useful microelements that are simply irreplaceable in the body of a newborn. The smell of this tea is very delicate and children like it; it can resemble the slight sweetish smell of anise. Experts have long noted the fact that newborn babies are very sensitive to smells and may refuse something just because they don’t like the smell.

Real children's tea with fennel

The most important point in the case of fennel tea is that it contains the prebiotic inulin, which in a short period of time can fully improve the functioning of the child’s digestive system. Special fennel tea for newborns helps to absorb calcium normally, and this, accordingly, has a very positive effect on the formation of bones in the child and the proper development of the baby’s entire body.

Since fennel tea contains a huge amount of vitamins, microelements and other useful substances, it has a beneficial effect on the normalization of all processes in the child’s body. Thanks to the fact that the immune system is supported, the child is protected from many diseases and viruses, and accordingly grows up healthy and strong. If you buy ready-made fennel tea for children, you should pay attention to the fact that it does not contain preservatives or dyes. Firstly, they are not needed there, and, secondly, such substances are prohibited from being used in children's products, especially those intended for newborn babies.

Modern fennel teas for newborns

This tea was created with the help of pediatricians and nutritionists. Hipp tea, which contains fennel, is very beneficial for newborns. In addition, it has a pleasant smell that may resemble the smell of anise, a delicate taste that children really like. This brand of tea contains no sugar and can be given to newborns a few days after their birth. Since it contains no harmful substances and preservatives, it is completely safe. If we talk about the composition of the tea, it contains fennel and dextrose, which will very quickly help you solve all problems with digestion and colic, and also strengthen the child’s immunity. In just a few days, hipp tea with fennel will become your child’s favorite drink, which he may not want to change for several years. In addition, this tea can replace the well-known dill water, because their effect on the body is identical. It can even be noted that tea is a more acceptable option for solving the problem of colic.

To make tea, only pure and natural extracts of fennel specially grown for this purpose are used. It is also worth noting that there is significantly less estragole in this type of plant, which is used for children’s tea, than in ordinary types of fennel. This is why fennel tea is an ideal option for a newborn baby. Many parents really like the fact that tea is very practical and quick to prepare. To do this, just stir a spoonful of extract in boiled water and you can safely give it to your child. After opening, you can store fennel tea for 2-3 months and it will lose its beneficial properties.

Excellent humana tea with fennel

For many years, people have used fennel and fennel teas to relieve cramps, colic, and other digestive problems. Humana tea for a newborn baby becomes a faithful assistant immediately after birth or from the moment colic begins to occur. Humana fennel tea was created specifically to solve such problems, and it can also be used to prevent dysbiosis, which has recently increasingly worried newborn children.

This tea contains maltodextrin and lactose, and they are responsible for the normal development of bifidobacteria. In addition, humana tea, which contains fennel, is very rich in vitamins and nutrients, which is especially valuable for a newborn. It is worth noting that fennel can be taken in any form and it will bring great benefits not only to the body of a newborn baby, but also to an adult.

Healing hippie tea with fennel

You can take drinks that contain fennel at any age: from birth to old age. It is worth noting that the beneficial effects on the human body are enhanced several times. If you add other herbs and components to the composition of the drink, or in our case tea. For example, you can drink tea with fennel and chamomile, peppermint, lemon balm, and so on. In winter, this drink helps to quickly cure a cold by strengthening the immune system. If you have a dry cough, then fennel tea will be your salvation.

Fennel is very useful for women: it improves the menstrual cycle, activates milk production, and is very useful during the period when a woman begins menopause. At the same time, doctors do not recommend that women drink fennel tea during pregnancy, but during this period it can be replaced with any other equally tasty and healthy herbal tea.