Whole oat grain. Oatmeal - recipe

Calories: 692
Cooking time: 40
Proteins/100g: 10.32
Carbohydrates/100g: 64.77

- 1 cup whole grain oats,
- 3 glasses of water,
- a handful of raisins,
- 1 tsp. honey per serving
- a pinch of salt,
- a handful of any nuts.

How to cook at home

Oats must be washed several times. If necessary, then sort through, excluding low-quality grains.

Pour clean water over the washed oats and leave overnight.

This water, in which the oats have been infused all night, should not be poured out under any circumstances. It contains almost half of all the benefits of future oatmeal.
Therefore, put a pan with oats and water on the fire, add a little salt and bring to a boil. Whole grain oats should be cooked for 30-40 minutes. With pre-soaking, 30 is enough.

While we prepare the raisins. Rinse it in hot water and leave to swell for 15 minutes.

Peel the nuts and cut them randomly. I took almonds, walnuts and sunflower seeds.

When the oats are ready (they will become soft, but not boiled like rolled oats), add raisins and nuts to them and mix.

It is better to add honey to taste, let everyone add as much as they need to their plate. Sweet whole oat porridge is ready. We also recommend watching how to cook

Oatmeal is an amazing healthy breakfast option. This is a high fiber food that will quickly fill you up and give you energy. As a rule, today means soaked or boiled for several minutes. However, no one will argue that natural whole grains are much healthier. In this case, you will have to spend more time preparing the dish, but the result will be amazing. So, below are various recipes for oat porridge.

Milk porridge in a slow cooker

This is one of the easiest ways to cook whole oats. To do this you will need:

How to cook it?

A serving of whole oat porridge is a complete and healthy breakfast, but the long cooking time creates difficulties on weekdays. In this case, a multicooker with delayed start will help, which will do everything for you. Before you go to bed, grease the bowl of this device with oil, then add oats, water, coconut or whole milk and brown sugar. Mix all the ingredients, set the cereal cooking mode for an hour and a half, delay the start for the time you need and wake up when the hot breakfast is ready. Sprinkle dried fruits, nuts or maple syrup on top of the finished porridge. As you can see, the recipe for oat porridge in a slow cooker is very simple.

Porridge with filling in a slow cooker

As noted above, whole oats require a long cooking time. Using a multicooker, you can save this time by setting a delayed start. As a result, such porridge becomes tender and soft, and the grains are completely boiled.

The simplest recipe for making porridge from oat grains looks like this. Grease the multicooker bowl with a small amount of oil. Place oat grains in it and fill with any liquid you prefer. This can be water, cow's milk or plant milk (soy or almond). Calculate the proportion as follows: you should use the ingredients in a ratio of 2 cups of cereal to 2.5 cups of water.

Then add your favorite seasoning, sweetener, or chopped fruit. Ideal additions include cinnamon, nutmeg, diced apples, dried fruit, raisins, honey or maple syrup. Mix everything thoroughly. Close the multicooker lid, set the mode for cereals and cook for one and a half to two hours. This completes the recipe for whole oat porridge.

After this time, open the lid and stir the finished porridge. Add additional liquid if necessary.

Pressure cooker option

It has a hard texture, so its cooking time increases significantly. To reduce it, you can use a pressure cooker. Once pressure cooking begins, it only takes 12 minutes to prepare a delicious porridge. And if you pre-fry the oat grains in oil, you will get a pleasant, intense aroma. This will also help prevent the cereal from sticking to the bottom of the pan. For this recipe for oat porridge with water you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter;
  • one and a half cups of whole oats;
  • 4.5 glasses of water;
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt;
  • brown sugar and cream for serving.

How to cook porridge in a pressure cooker?

Melt the butter in the bottom of a pressure cooker. Add the oats and cook, stirring frequently, for about five minutes until the oats are fragrant and lightly browned. How to cook oat porridge after this?

Add water and salt and stir to combine all ingredients. Make sure all the oats are submerged in the liquid. Secure the lid and turn on pressure cooking. Cook the oatmeal like this for ten minutes, then release the steam and cook for another two minutes. Uncover the pan and stir the oatmeal to add any additional liquid. Then portion the porridge into bowls and serve with brown sugar and cream.

This oat porridge recipe can be supplemented with various ingredients. The most preferred options are the following:

Soaking option

How to cook porridge from whole oats if you don’t have a slow cooker or pressure cooker? You can soak the grains overnight and then quickly cook them on a regular stove. So, you will need:

  • 1 cup whole oats;
  • half a glass of boneless dates;
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon.

How to cook porridge on the stove?

How to cook oat porridge? Soak the grains overnight in water. In the morning, drain the water and add the grains to a small saucepan along with 2 cups of water. Heat over low heat. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Then add the oats and dates to the food processor and blend until smooth. Put cinnamon in it and stir.

Microwave option

This is one of the simplest recipes for making oat porridge. You can easily adapt it to your family's tastes. You can serve this porridge with chopped berries or bananas. You can also sprinkle some granola on top for better texture. Chopped almonds add some healthy fats and a little crunch to the porridge. For one serving of this porridge you will need:

  • 25 grams gluten-free whole oats;
  • 4 tablespoons coconut water;
  • 2 tablespoons coconut cream;
  • 50 grams frozen mixed berries;
  • half a banana, chopped;
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds.

How to make oatmeal in the microwave?

The recipe for porridge from oat grains in the microwave is as follows. Soak them for at least 7-8 hours. Then place the oats in a bowl with the coconut water, cream and frozen berries. Place in the microwave and cook on high for three minutes until heated through and liquid has reduced. Mix the porridge well and serve with pieces of fruit, chia seeds and so on.

Why are oat grains so beneficial?

Oats are a gluten-free whole grain and an excellent source of important health vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. Research shows that porridge made from this grain has many beneficial properties. These include losing excess weight, lowering blood sugar levels and reducing the risk of heart disease. The benefit of oat porridge also lies in the fact that it is incredibly nutritious, and its chemical composition is well balanced. These grains are a good source of carbohydrates and fiber, including powerful beta-glucan. They also contain more protein and fat than most other grains.

Oat grains contain a lot of soluble and insoluble fiber, so you get double the benefits. Insoluble fiber moves along the digestive tract, picking up water from the intestines, thereby adding weight to the waste material and facilitating its passage through the digestive system. Soluble fiber turns into a gel-like consistency that slows digestion and keeps you feeling full for longer.

One of the main soluble fibers found in oats is beta-glucan, which slows down the absorption of food, causing the body to take longer to digest it. This means you feel full for a long time. One serving of oatmeal contains about 5 grams of fiber. Adults should get 25-38 grams of fiber daily, so eating this cereal every morning is a good boost to stay healthy.

Reduces cholesterol levels

Not only do oats have a critical impact on digestive health, but they are also directly linked to maintaining heart health. Thus, beta-glucans are indigestible, so they have to pass through the entire gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to this, they capture and remove harmful cholesterol molecules from the body.

Great for preventing and treating diabetes

Since oatmeal is a good source of fiber, it can slow down the digestion of sugar. Beta glucans ensure that glucose is not absorbed into the body too quickly. This reduces blood sugar levels and keeps them stable. According to some studies, the fiber contained in oats helps improve glucose metabolism.

Helps in losing excess weight

One serving of oatmeal has less than 150 calories and only 2 grams of fat (no matter which oatmeal recipe you use). This is surprising, but this calorie content is only beneficial. Because oats have so much fiber, they actually help keep you full for a long time. When you feel full, you won't have the constant urge to snack. Therefore, you will not overeat. If you're trying to lose weight and limit your calories a little, oatmeal is the perfect snack to help you get through your diet.

In addition, one serving of oatmeal contains about 5 grams of protein, which is quite a lot. If you're on a diet, it's best to use low-calorie oatmeal as an alternative to other protein options.

For example, make steel cut oats using the recipes above and add some cheese, red beans, salsa and a poached egg. This healthy breakfast contains more than 10 grams of protein. Nuts will also add extra protein to your oatmeal.

Prevents cancer

Oat grains contain enterolactone, a compound with phytochemical properties that behaves as an antioxidant and helps prevent and fight cancer. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals caused by our environment, which damage cells' DNA and can lead to cancer. There have been several studies linking oatmeal's high fiber content and colon health to a reduced risk of colon cancer.

Whole oat porridge is a slow-digesting carbohydrate and protein-rich source of energy for your body. Oatmeal is full of healthy carbohydrates that make your body feel great.

Oatmeal digests sugar at a slower rate than other foods (such as processed sugary cereals), so your energy levels remain the same. According to one study, eating a low-glycemic grain like oatmeal three hours before starting a run improves endurance. Eating oats at night can be a great source of nutrition until the morning.

Is oatmeal a gluten-free grain?

Oats themselves are a gluten-free product, but sometimes they are processed using equipment that has previously contained other gluten-containing products. If you have celiac disease or want to avoid gluten for another reason, look for commercially certified gluten-free cereals.

How to make porridge tastier?

Any oat porridge recipe can be subject to additions, since not everyone likes the taste of grain without additives. One of the simplest and most accessible fillers is jam. But sometimes this is not enough, especially if whole milk was not used when preparing the porridge. From time to time you can eat oatmeal in its pure form, but if consumed daily it can get boring. Be that as it may, you can diversify this dish endlessly.

One such trick is to add banana to boiling cereal. So it slowly melts and turns the grain into a pudding-like mush. The bonus here is the natural sweetness. Adding banana will not require the use of additional sugar. Plus, a medium banana gives you an extra 3 grams of fiber. This fruit also contains 422 mg of potassium, a mineral and electrolyte that many of us don't get enough of.

As noted above, adding a protein product to a serving of porridge doubles its benefits. You can use any such product, but the optimal additions are almond butter or a tablespoon of tahini per serving of oatmeal. Shredded coconut pulp can also be a good filler.

Oatmeal is a healthy, balanced breakfast for the whole family! It can be prepared in different ways - with water or milk, as well as with the addition of other ingredients.

Oatmeal with milk: recipes

Cooking oatmeal with milk is very simple, the most important thing is to follow the correct proportions.

Classic oatmeal with milk in a saucepan

Basic recipe that can be modified and combined with other ingredients.

Required Products:

  • 2 large spoons of sugar;
  • half a glass of cereal;
  • 0.25 liters of milk;
  • seasonings

Cooking process:

  1. Pour milk into the pan, wait for it to boil, add oatmeal.
  2. Season with sugar and salt, lower the heat and cook for about five minutes.
  3. Remove the porridge and leave it to rest for a quarter of an hour before serving. If you wish, you can put a little oil in it.

In a slow cooker

In a multicooker bowl, your favorite porridge turns out even tastier than on the stove, and there is no need to constantly monitor its contents.

Products you will need:

  • one multi-cooker cup of cereal;
  • butter – 40 grams;
  • seasonings;
  • milk – 2 multi-cups.

Cooking process:

  1. Place the oatmeal in a bowl, cover it with cold milk, add spices and butter, at your discretion.
  2. Find the “Porridge” option or something similar, setting the time to 15 minutes. After this time, let the finished dish stand for about 5–7 minutes.

Whole grain milk oatmeal

Whole grain oatmeal retains almost all the nutrients, unlike those made from regular cereal.

Required Products:

  • a glass of oats;
  • 0.5 liters of milk;
  • seasonings and spices.

Cooking process:

  1. Before further cooking, oats should be placed in a container with cold water and left for about 10 hours. After this, rinse it, remove the husks if any appear, and grind in a blender.
  2. Bring the indicated amount of milk to a boil, add ground oats, season with spices to taste and cook for several minutes.
  3. We wait until the mixture boils, turn off the stove, and leave for three minutes.

With apples

Porridge with an apple is a good way to slightly diversify the taste and make it more interesting.

Required Products:

  • a glass of milk;
  • apple - one piece;
  • sugar to taste;
  • about 50 grams of oatmeal.

Cooking process:

  1. Let's prepare the apples in advance. We wash, remove the skin and cut out the hard core.
  2. We wait until the milk begins to boil, combine it with oatmeal, diced apples and sugar. Cook for another five minutes on low heat.

Hearty oatmeal with banana

Oatmeal with a banana for breakfast will make you forget about hunger at least until lunch.

Required Products:

  • ripe banana;
  • 0.25 liters of milk;
  • spices;
  • half a glass of Hercules.

Cooking process:

  1. We wait until the milk boils, pour the cereal into it, reduce the heat and cook for about five minutes.
  2. Season with spices, sugar and salt. I put in a banana. You can knead it with your hands or cut it into pieces in advance.
  3. Keep it on the stove for another minute and remove it.

Healthy breakfast with honey

Everyone knows that porridge is a healthy dish. And if you also season it with honey, it will become twice as valuable.

Required Products:

  • 0.2 liters of milk;
  • two spoons of honey;
  • approximately 40 grams of flakes;
  • seasonings

Cooking process:

  1. Pour the milk into the pan and wait until it boils. Add Hercules, add honey and sugar. Stirring the contents occasionally, cook for several minutes over low heat.
  2. Remove from heat, add butter if desired and let sit for five minutes before serving.

With dried fruits

Porridge with raisins and other dried fruits is an excellent option for those who do not want to consume sugar.

Required Products:

  • five pieces of dried apricots;
  • about 50 grams of raisins;
  • spices and oil to taste;
  • 0.4 liters of milk;
  • half a glass of cereal.

Cooking process:

  1. We put the milk on the stove, wait for it to boil, add a little salt.
  2. Add oatmeal there and cook over low heat for about five minutes.
  3. Add finely chopped dried fruits, turn off the stove, leave for five minutes and serve.

Step-by-step recipe with pumpkin

Oatmeal with pumpkin is another recipe that diversifies your morning menu. The dish turns out to be low in calories, but very healthy.

Required Products:

  • salt, sugar, butter to taste;
  • 0.3 kg pumpkin;
  • 200 grams of oatmeal;
  • 0.6 liters of milk.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the pumpkin, remove the skin from it, and cut it into small pieces. Fill with water and cook for about 25 minutes over medium heat until soft, then puree with a blender.
  2. Pour the cereal into this mixture, pour milk over everything and season with spices. Bring to a boil again and cook over low heat for 20 minutes.

Before serving, if desired, you can add a little butter.

Unusual milk porridge with chocolate

Chocolate is not the healthiest treat, but it’s delicious! With this addition, even those who don’t like it at all can eat porridge.

Required Products:

  • 35 grams of chocolate;
  • a glass of milk;
  • sugar and salt to your taste;
  • a large spoon of butter;
  • half a glass of oatmeal.

Cooking process:

  1. Place the milk on the stove, season with spices (a small amount of sugar and salt), bring to a boil and add dry cereal.
  2. Stirring constantly, bring the mixture to readiness over low heat.
  3. While the mixture is still hot, add finely chopped chocolate and a piece of butter.

We wait until everything is dissolved and ready to serve.

Oatmeal with water: recipes

Not everyone likes milk, and besides, it contains fat, which gives the dish a certain taste. You can make the porridge lighter and less “milky” if you cook it in water.

Simple oatmeal porridge with water

Option from a minimum of products, without additives.

Required Products:

  • 0.25 liters of water;
  • half a glass of cereal;
  • Add spices as you wish.

Cooking process:

  1. Wait until the water boils, add spices if you decide to use them, and stir well.
  2. Place oatmeal there and cook over low heat for about five minutes.
  3. Season with oil to taste and let sit for a few minutes.

Diet oatmeal in a slow cooker

You can make low-calorie and healthy porridge in a slow cooker. It turns out tender and very tasty.

Required Products:

  • “Hercules” – glass;
  • purified water - approximately 0.7 liters;
  • salt to taste;

Cooking process:

  1. Place the indicated amount of flakes into a bowl and fill them with water.
  2. We set the device to the “Porridge” mode for 15 minutes and wait until it is ready.

When serving, you can add a little salt, but no oil, because this is a dietary option.

Hercules in the microwave

If you are in a hurry and don’t have time to spend a long time fiddling around with breakfast, then you will like this method of cooking. Plus, you don't have to cook a whole pan of porridge if you only need one serving.

Required Products:

  • three spoons of cereal;
  • 3 tablespoons of water;
  • spices to your taste.

Cooking process:

  1. In a microwave-safe container, place the indicated amount of oatmeal or as much as you need. Fill with water. The main thing is to maintain the proportion 1:1.
  2. Place in the microwave with the power on high for two minutes.
  3. During this time the porridge should be ready. If not, cook for another minute.
  4. Season with spices and oil as desired. Hercules porridge can be served.

Hearty dish with added meat

We are used to making this porridge with something sweet: honey, fruit, chocolate... But you can also cook it with meat! Then it will become even more nutritious and satisfying.

Products for cooking:

  • butter and salt to taste;
  • onion - one piece;
  • a little more than 0.5 liters of water;
  • 100 grams of boiled meat;
  • a glass of oatmeal.

Cooking process:

  1. First, let's cook the porridge: bring the water to a boil, season with salt, add the cereal and cook over low heat for five minutes.
  2. In a frying pan, fry finely chopped onion and meat into pieces. Add this mixture to the porridge while it is still cooking and keep it on the stove for a couple of minutes.

Before serving, place a little butter on a plate.

Low-calorie oatmeal for those on a diet

For this recipe you will need “Hercules”, that is, large, coarsely ground flakes and by no means quick-cooking.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • water - half a liter;
  • a glass of cereal.

Cooking process:

  1. You will have to cook dietary porridge without salt and sugar, but after cooking you can mix it with a small amount of low-fat cottage cheese or pieces of green apple. It will be more useful.
  2. Bring the water to a boil, pour Hercules into it, cook for two minutes over high heat. Then lower the heating level, close the container with a lid and keep it until ready. The exact cooking time should be indicated on the porridge packaging, as it may vary from one manufacturer to another.

With assorted fruits

Porridge with fruit is not only a healthy dish, but also delicious. It is best to take fresh, seasonal fruits - they contain the most vitamins.

Required Products:

  • apple;
  • 500 milliliters of water;
  • oatmeal – 0.5 cups;
  • seasonings and oil.

Cooking process:

  1. Dry flakes should be placed in water that has begun to boil, season with the selected spices and cook over low heat for five minutes.
  2. Remove the skin from the apple, remove the core, chop into pieces and add to the porridge.
  3. Cook for another 5-7 minutes or until the fruit is soft.

When serving, you can season the dish with a little butter.

Brew with boiling water for 5 minutes

Required Products:

  • finely ground, instant oatmeal – 5 tablespoons;
  • water – 10 spoons;
  • spices to your taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Simply pour the required amount of flakes with freshly boiled water.
  2. Stir, season with spices and a piece of butter.
  3. Leave covered for a few minutes before eating.

Calorie content of oatmeal with milk or water

The calorie content of porridge depends on how it was prepared and with the addition of what products. Of course, if you add a lot of sugar, honey, condensed milk or dried fruits, the dish will be energy-rich. This will most likely affect your figure if you consume such porridge constantly.

If we talk about “empty” porridge made without additives, then the calorie content of a dish made with milk is about 105 calories per 100 grams. On water, this figure will be slightly less - 100 grams contain only 90 calories.

The benefits of oatmeal for the human body

Oatmeal has a positive effect on health only if it is a quality product.

  • With regular consumption of porridge, the emotional background stabilizes. Mood improves, worries pass, insomnia disappears. All this is due to the B vitamins included in the composition. They also normalize glucose levels.
  • Pyrodixine or B6 has a good effect on brain processes, thereby increasing productivity, improving memory and accelerating the absorption of amino acids.
  • Another important property of oatmeal is its ability to slow down the absorption of bad cholesterol. For this we have to thank beta-glucan. Cholesterol simply does not get along with it, and therefore does not lead to the formation of plaques and growths in blood vessels.
  • Oatmeal also fights heavy metals in the body and various toxins. Once in the body, it begins to work like a sponge, removing harmful substances.
  • This is simply an indispensable product for stomach problems, for example, ulcers or gastritis. It relieves inflammation, reduces pain and protects the mucous membrane.

Many people think that oatmeal for breakfast is too simple and banal. However, you should not make hasty conclusions and give up the healthiest cereal in the world. According to research, oat grains contain large amounts of the following substances: calcium, zinc, fluorine, magnesium, potassium, chromium, phosphorus, nickel, as well as various pectins. Don’t forget about vitamins: B6, B12, E, PP, C, A. In addition, cereal contains carbohydrates and proteins, and dishes made from it are light, dietary, tasty and extremely healthy.

Before you learn how to cook porridge, you should understand a little about the basic properties and features of oatmeal. To cook oatmeal, you need to use flour, cereal or rolled oats. This cereal is considered one of the most useful among other cereals. The cereal has distinctive features, namely the presence of 6% vegetable fats, as well as 16% proteins of vegetable origin. It contains all the essential amino acids. In addition to all this, it is characterized by excellent digestibility. Due to the increased starch content, oatmeal porridge, especially when cooked in water, is low in calories and has high energy and nutritional value.

Do you want to lose weight? Then eat oatmeal porridge for breakfast. It is characterized by a low glycemic index. Despite this, it saturates the human body well and for a long time. Thanks to the low glycemic index, the food is absorbed slowly, so you don't feel hungry.

Oatmeal made from whole oat groats is especially beneficial. It is great for people suffering from diabetes, atherosclerosis and liver pathologies. Oats are also good for the digestive system, especially the stomach. This is due to the fact that porridge is able to qualitatively envelop the mucous membrane with a film, which speeds up and improves digestion. There are many therapeutic diets designed for people with stomach ulcers; they involve including oatmeal infusions in the diet. If you regularly eat oatmeal for breakfast, you can say goodbye to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Most often, flakes are used to prepare oatmeal. It is important to note that they are obtained by steaming and flattening oatmeal, previously polished.

The duration of cooking porridge directly depends on the variety and thickness of the flakes. If the flakes are thin, they will be ready much faster. You don’t have to cook them, but simply pour boiling water over them, close the lid and leave for fifteen minutes so that the porridge steams. To make the dish more rich, bright and juicy, you can add fruits and berries to it: apples, strawberries, raspberries, bananas, oranges, nuts, prunes or dried apricots. An excellent alternative to sugar is natural honey, which is added to a warm dish (not hot!).

Before cooking oatmeal, rinse the whole grains under running water. This manipulation does not need to be repeated with flakes. How to choose the right raw materials for delicious porridge? If you want to prepare not just a tasty, but also a healthy breakfast, then you should give preference to natural products that are rich in minerals and vitamins.

Hercules flakes are prepared in 6-10 minutes. Whole grains will take about 35-40 minutes to cook. To prepare a healthy, balanced breakfast, you will need the following ingredients:



1. Pour one glass of water into the pan. Add butter and oatmeal to it. Bring to a boil over high heat.

2. Meanwhile, prepare the banana, it should be ripe and sweet. Cut it into two equal parts. One half must be used to prepare puree - just mash it with a fork in a plate. As for the second part, it is needed to decorate the finished oatmeal, so cut it into beautiful slices.

3. When the porridge boils, turn the heat to minimum. At this stage, sugar and salt are added and the porridge is thoroughly stirred. Remove the pan from the stove, mix the oatmeal with the banana puree and put it in a beautiful plate.

4. Add a little cinnamon, honey to the porridge, and also garnish with banana slices.

Video recipe

Making oatmeal is very simple. This requires a good step-by-step recipe. The proposed cooking method is considered one of the simplest, most understandable and accessible. If this is your first time deciding to cook oatmeal, then this recipe will be the best assistant for you.

Despite the fact that cereals and flakes differ in their properties, oatmeal based on both products turns out to be very tasty, satisfying, aromatic and extremely healthy, especially for a growing body. It is a valuable storehouse of amino acids, micro- and macroelements, vitamins and minerals.

It has a huge number of useful properties. It contains essential microelements and vitamins for the body, such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and others. Oatmeal diets are necessary for diseases of the stomach and intestines. It is also useful for people with atherosclerosis, diabetes and liver diseases. Even if there are no health problems, eating oatmeal porridge will help maintain a stable weight. Everyone knows very well about the beneficial properties of the product. But for some reason, people are divided into two types: those who can’t stand it since childhood, and those who love it very much and eat it with pleasure. Perhaps the first type of people simply do not know how to cook it. This article will discuss how to cook oatmeal correctly. After all, it is not only healthy, but also tasty.

Very often, when preparing oatmeal porridge, the mass turns out viscous, sticky and unpleasant not only in taste, but also in appearance. This is the result of an incorrect recipe and carelessness during cooking. How to cook delicious oatmeal? For this we need:

  • oatmeal - 1 cup;
  • water - 1.5 cups;
  • milk - 1.5 cups;
  • salt - to taste;
  • honey - to taste;
  • dried fruits or fresh berries - to taste.

Cooking oatmeal porridge with berries and dried fruits

To learn how to cook porridge from oatmeal correctly, you need to take the process of purifying the main ingredient very seriously. To do this, fill the oatmeal with clean water for several hours. The more it sits in water, the cleaner it will become and the less viscous and sticky it will be in the end. But if you don’t have much time, then it’s enough to leave the cereal in the water for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse it well a few more times.

First you need to mix milk and water in a deep saucepan. Then place on the stove over low heat. Stirring occasionally, bring the mixture to a boil. When foam begins to appear on top, you can add salt and honey to the mixture to taste. Lovers of sweet porridge can add just a little salt and more sugar (0.5-1 cup). Then you need to add the oatmeal itself, pre-cleaned and washed. Cook the porridge over very low heat for 10-12 minutes, stirring constantly, otherwise it may stick to the bottom of the pan and burn. When it begins to boil, cook for even less than a minute and add any available berries or dried fruits.

What do you eat oatmeal with?

For example, raspberries, strawberries, dried apricots or raisins go very tasty with oatmeal. You can add whatever you like inside. After cooking, remove the oatmeal porridge from the heat, cover with a lid, then wrap the pan with a warm blanket and leave to steep for 5 minutes. If you learn how to cook oatmeal correctly, it will become a regular breakfast dish for the whole family. Porridge with berries and dried fruits is especially important for children, who are sometimes very difficult to get to eat something healthy.

There can be a huge variety of oatmeal recipes. Once you have learned how to cook oatmeal tasty and correctly, you have the opportunity to experiment with various additives, cook it with water, milk or a mixture of these liquids, make it sweet or bland. It all depends on the taste of the available products and, of course, imagination! Bon appetit!