Instant yeast how long to wait. Instant yeast - description, calorie content and photo of the product; how to use and prepare at home; benefit and harm

The dough turns out better with eggs and also faster!
sachet (10-11g) dry yeast
1.5 cups warm milk
4 (or 2) tablespoons sugar
6 tablespoons +3-4 cups flour
2 eggs
a pinch of salt
2/3 cup (two thirds cup, or approximately 140 ml) sunflower oil

(this quantity of products makes about 20 pies) I think there will be those here who contemptuously reject dry yeast, so I’ll make a reservation especially for them. Instead of dry yeast, you can take 50 g of fresh yeast. The cooking process will increase by only 30 minutes - nothing for yeast dough, right? ;)

First we prepare the dough (don’t be alarmed, everything is elementary). For the dough, mix yeast, milk, sugar, 6 tablespoons of flour. We do this: slightly heat the milk (to “steam” temperature), mix flour, sugar and dry yeast in a bowl, slowly add milk and stir, you will get a dough without lumps, like liquid sour cream. This is our dough.

If the yeast is fresh, dilute it in milk and add everything else mentioned in the previous paragraph.

Let the dough sit in a warm, draft-free place for 15 minutes (or 30 minutes for fresh yeast).

Time has passed, the dough has foamed. Now all that remains is to knead the dough. I will knead with a mixer. But, of course, you can do it with your hands.

But first, beat 2 eggs with a pinch of salt in a separate bowl - not to a stable foam, as for a sponge cake, for example, but simply to a light, homogeneous mass. Add eggs to the dough and mix. Add 3 cups of flour, start kneading, gradually adding vegetable oil (2/3 cup). You need to knead a dough that is not stiff (not like dumplings!!), but elastic and does not stick to your hands, leaving the sides of the bowl and kneaded into one lump; it will take 5-6-7 minutes of working with a mixer. If you knead by hand, trust your feelings, the dough should not stick to your hands. The dough will definitely take three glasses of flour, the fourth is additional, you can add a little from it if it seems necessary.

Is the dough ready? If it has fresh yeast, cover it and leave it on the board for 15 minutes. If you use dry ones, you can immediately make pies and place them on a baking sheet.

The following point is important here: we try not to weigh down the dough with flour anymore. That is, lightly dust the board and hands with flour, it should not stick (we kneaded it well :)) Or this method: grease the table and hands with vegetable oil, and sculpt like this, the dough is guaranteed not to stick either to your hands or to the table.

So, light the oven, let it heat up to 180-220 degrees, and let the baking sheet with pies stand for 20-30 minutes in a warm place. When the pies are ready to bake, brush the tops with a lightly beaten egg for a nice color. And - into the oven!

By the way, this quick pie dough is not only quick to prepare, it also bakes quickly, 20, 25, maximum 30 minutes.

I hope you will find this recipe for quick yeast dough for pies useful more than once;)

By the way, it is also great for buns and large pies.

Baker's yeast is used in cooking. Thanks to them, the baking of bread, buns, and pies is improved. In order for the products to be of high quality, you need to know how to dilute yeast. It all depends on what product is used - dry or fresh.

About yeast

Baker's yeast is sold everywhere. They can be purchased at supermarkets and regular stores. For convenience, dry yeast is sold. It is advisable to use a regular pressed product. And the dry substance is convenient to store, but the dough with it can take a long time to rise.

Instant yeast reduces dough preparation time. Instructions for their use are indicated on the packaging. Various types of yeast are now sold, but the best are considered to be raw yeast, sold in briquettes. But dry ones are also suitable as an alternative.

Benefits and harms

Yeast is beneficial for the body. The pressed product is valued for its unique composition. It eliminates pain in the stomach and intestines, normalizes digestion, and relieves the symptoms of heartburn. In addition, the substance is added to creams and masks to improve the condition of the skin and hair. It is enough to find a recipe that suits you, and then you can perform cosmetic procedures without leaving home.

The harm is noticeable in women. With excessive consumption of yeast dough, the proliferation of fungi is detected, which is why candidiasis appears. Therefore, if such an illness occurs, you should consult a doctor. Yeast dough negatively affects people with kidney and endocrine system diseases. To follow the technology of its preparation, you need to know how to properly breed yeast.


How to dilute yeast? It all depends on the type of product. How to dilute dry yeast? The product must be mixed with a small amount of sugar and warm water. To make the dough rich, you need to pour milk. Then the mass is placed in a warm place for 15 minutes. If it has risen, but there are undissolved particles in the milk, then it should be strained.

Yeast that has been left in warm milk and has doubled in size is suitable for the dough. First you need to prepare the dough: yeast is poured into the dough mass, and everything is thoroughly mixed. You will get the consistency of thick sour cream. This product should be placed in a warm place for 1 hour.

After increasing the dough by 2 times, add flour until a homogeneous, elastic and non-sticky dough is obtained. Then it is placed in a warm place to double in size. Then the dough is kneaded and put into molds, after 20 minutes it is put in the oven. This sequence of work is performed if you are interested in how to dilute dry yeast.

Pressed product

Now this product is one of the most popular. It is sold in briquettes. Due to lack of moisture it is inactive. How to propagate live yeast? To do this, you need to create suitable conditions for this.

Using live yeast

How to propagate live yeast? For 1 kg of flour you will need about 50 g of product. Yeast is ground in 1-2 tbsp. l. water, add 1 tsp. sugar and the whole mass are placed in a warm place. If bubbles form, then this product is ideal for testing. This will be the answer to the question of how to dilute raw yeast.

Active dry yeast

How to breed yeast for dough if it is an active type? Pour warm water or milk into the bowl (how much liquid is required is indicated on the package). Since a live product is used, it needs to be “awakened”. Therefore, the temperature of milk or water should be about 35-42 degrees. You need to add sugar and wait for it to dissolve.

Then you need to sprinkle the dry yeast into the warm milk and after a few seconds, crush the liquid with the yeast. This is necessary to fill the granules with liquid to form a paste. If the kitchen is warm, then the dishes should be covered with polyethylene. The yeast should foam, only in this form it is ideal for baking. If this does not happen, the product should not be used. Damage may occur due to expiration of the shelf life or violation of storage conditions.

Instant yeast

This product is called instant. In appearance it is similar to finely ground powder. The substance does not need to be brought into an active state; it is mixed with the other components. How to breed the species is indicated on the packaging.


The best properties of the product appear at positive temperatures, moderate levels of humidity and the required amount of sugar. Then you will get great baked goods. Suitable temperature is 35-40 degrees. It should be borne in mind that the substance does not tolerate drafts and cold. When cool, the dough has difficulty rising.

Dry and live yeast need a lot of water and sugar. Only the second product should be added sparingly; a large amount of it has a bad effect on yeast growth. They produce alcohol and carbon dioxide, which causes the dough to rise. And alcohol worsens the properties of the product.

If the fermentation process is prolonged, the dough will deteriorate: its taste will deteriorate and an unpleasant odor will appear. Such properties are applicable in winemaking and moonshine. During the cooking period, you need to control the time so as not to overcook the yeast product.

After kneading, the dough should be kept in a warm place for about 2 hours. It should increase in volume by 2-3 times. Then you need to knead it and you can put it in the mold. The dough is stuffed with different fillings - both sweet and savory.

Yeast storage

It is important to know not only how to dilute yeast for dough, but also the rules for storing it. They require a temperature of no more than 6-8 degrees. The following method of preserving the product is effective: the yeast stick is crushed into small pieces and dried. Before use, the piece must be diluted with water.

A fresh stick should be placed in a bag of flour. The crust that appears on the yeast is peeled off with a knife before use. Flour helps preserve the baking substance.

There is another option for effectively preserving yeast: crumble it, place it in a clean bottle, pour in cold water, and cover the neck with cotton wool. Keep the bottle in a dark place, changing the water every day (during warm periods) and every 3-4 days (during cold periods). This must be done carefully so as not to remove the yeast sediment. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 1.5 weeks. If it will not be used for a long period, it is better to freeze it.


It is because of the appearance of carbon dioxide that the dough rises. The product contains carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, proteins and microelements. The pressed version is more suitable for dough, as it produces tasty and aromatic baked goods.

The integrity of the packaging must not be compromised, otherwise there will be microorganisms inside the product and the dough will not be able to rise. An unpleasant odor indicates the presence of unwanted bacteria. The color of the yeast product is creamy, light gray, and uniform.

If the yeast is broken, it crumbles without leaving marks on your hands. Only baking substance is suitable for the dough. When dry, it lasts longer. It is necessary to use only fresh and high-quality product, which produces delicious baked goods.

The benefits of yeast nutrition for plants

This substance is used to prepare fertilizing. It increases endurance and strengthens the vegetative system. There will be no thin, long stems in the spring; the crops can easily be transplanted into the ground and into a larger container. The product helps accelerate growth and is a source of beneficial bacteria.

Yeast solutions are needed for the formation of roots. They will appear 1.5 weeks earlier, and the number of vegetative organs also increases. This is observed due to the rapid processing of organic components, which is accompanied by the formation of phosphorus and nitrogen.


The product is great for different crops. It can be used for indoor plants and garden flowers. This fertilizer is effective for peppers, tomatoes, and cucumbers.

How to breed yeast for feeding? You will need a dry product. Sugar (1 tbsp) dissolves in a jar (1 liter). Then you need to add a bag of dry matter. Everything is left to ferment. The infusion should be diluted in 50 liters of water.

How to dilute yeast in another way? You will need 100 g per 1 bucket of water. The mixture should sit for 24 hours. Then you can feed the plants with it; you should pour 0.5 liters of it under the bush. Such options can improve the growth of fruit and leaf crops. Plants will develop in accordance with the norms.

Breeding yeast is not difficult; this information is often indicated on the product packaging. Using these simple recommendations, you can create high-quality dough from which excellent baked goods are created. In addition, the dry substance is used for other purposes.

Beer, wine or kvass cannot be made without yeast. Their shape changes, new species appear, but they still remain in demand by humans, just as they were thousands of years ago.

What is dry yeast? Their composition

Yeast in dry form is a single-celled microorganism that is dormant, but at the same time retains the ability to start fermentation processes. They can be stored for a long time, and under certain favorable conditions they enter the active stage.

Dry yeast contains proteins (about 50%), fats (21%) and carbohydrates (18%). In addition, they are rich in B vitamins, as well as amino acids necessary for the body.

Active and rapid acting yeast

In addition to traditional pressed yeast, they have recently begun to be sold in dry form. Such yeast is active and fast-acting (instant). In the first case, they look like small granules of different diameters. Their shelf life ranges from 12 to 24 months and depends on the specific manufacturer. To transfer dry yeast from a dormant state to an active phase, it needs to be “awakened”. To do this, pour a certain amount of yeast into a liquid (water or milk), the temperature of which is about 40 degrees. You don’t have to stir the mixture, but simply set it aside for 15 minutes. After the specified time, the yeast will “wake up”, and then it can continue to be used for its intended purpose.

Rapid-acting yeast, scientifically called instant yeast, is a new generation of single-celled microorganisms. They are smaller in size than active ones, but the dough using them rises one and a half, or even two times faster. Their main advantage is that they do not need to be pre-dissolved in warm water, but can be added directly to the flour.

Weight measure for dry yeast

As a rule, manufacturers produce dry yeast packaged in sealed bags weighing from 7 to 12 grams. They are designed for half a kilo or one kilogram of flour. Packages weighing up to one hundred grams are also available for sale. In this case, to determine how much dry yeast to add to the dough, use improvised means at home.

One teaspoon contains 4 grams of dry yeast. But sometimes the recipe only specifies the amount of fresh compressed yeast. For this purpose, a special formula has been developed, thanks to which you can easily use dry yeast for baking. The ratio between active and compressed yeast is 1:2 ½. That is, for 1 gram of dry product there are 2.5 grams of fresh product. For instant yeast the formula is slightly different. In this case, 1 gram of such a product corresponds to 3 grams of pressed ones.

Yeast for the body: benefit or harm

Yeast can provide the greatest benefit to the body when eaten fresh. They make good masks for the face and body, thanks to them the skin becomes clean and healthy. However, as the ambient temperature rises, the beneficial properties of yeast end. At temperatures above 45 degrees they die.

Excessive consumption of foods containing yeast is harmful to the body. Accumulating in excess quantities, they contribute to the fact that the body’s protective functions are weakened, and the immune system can no longer cope with the tasks assigned to it.

The peculiarity of yeast is that it multiplies rapidly, destroying on its way all the beneficial microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby allowing the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the digestive organs.

Where is dry yeast used?

The main area of ​​application for dry yeast is, of course, baking. With their help, you can prepare aromatic and airy butter dough, and from it - baked pies, buns, rolls, Easter cakes. Recipes with dry yeast are not at all inferior to those with pressed yeast.

At home, dry yeast produces delicious kvass. They are used to start the fermentation process when making wine. Dry yeast is a good remedy for treating problem skin. Masks based on them are among the most effective in cosmetology.

After opening the package, dry yeast reacts with air, gains moisture and loses its quality. To slow down a possible reaction after use, they should be stored in the refrigerator.

How to make butter dough with dry yeast?

Yeast is most often used in baking. To prepare traditional pastry for pies with dry yeast, you need the following ingredients:

  • 250 ml milk;
  • 80 g sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon dry yeast;
  • 60 g butter;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar or vanillin;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 600 g flour.

It is advisable to remove all ingredients from the refrigerator a couple of hours before starting cooking so that they are at room temperature.
The test formation process consists of several stages.

  1. Dissolve dry yeast in slightly warmed milk. Immediately add 1 tablespoon of sugar and 100 g of flour. Cover with a towel and set aside to allow the yeast to start playing. This will take approximately 30 minutes.
  2. While the dough is ripening, sift the flour, add sugar, salt, and vanillin. If you use dry instant yeast when preparing the dough, then you should mix it directly with the flour. In this case, you can skip the first step.
  3. When the dough is ready, add the egg and melted butter.
  4. Combine dry and wet ingredients together. Knead into a soft, non-stick dough. This will take about 10 minutes.
  5. Place the dough in a bowl lightly greased with vegetable oil, cover with a towel and leave to rise in a warm place for at least 1 hour.
  6. After the dough has risen, you can form the products. You should let them sit for another 30 minutes before putting them in the oven. Pies made with dry yeast always turn out soft and airy, with a pleasant vanilla aroma.

This dough is suitable not only for pies, but also for rolls, buns and even for Easter baking.

Pie dough with dry yeast and kefir

Buns and pies made with kefir are no less tasty and aromatic. Dry yeast is excellent for their preparation. Lactic acid bacteria enhance their effect. The dough rises well, and the finished baked goods do not have a pronounced yeast smell, as happens when they are used in a “wet” form.

To form yeast dough on kefir, the following ingredients are needed:

  • 60 g sugar;
  • 50 ml milk or water;
  • 75 g butter;
  • 1 tablespoon dry active yeast;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 600-650 g flour.

The process of preparing dough for kefir pies is carried out in a certain sequence.

  1. Melt the butter.
  2. Dissolve yeast in warm water or milk.
  3. Mix sugar, salt, kefir and eggs. Add diluted yeast and butter.
  4. Gradually sift flour into the dough. Knead an elastic dough that does not stick to your hands. It is important that it is not tight. Otherwise the dough will not rise.
  5. Place the dough in a clean bowl greased with vegetable oil and place in a warm place to rise. In an hour or an hour and a half it will triple in volume.
  6. Now you can form the pies. It’s important to remember to let them rise again before putting them in the oven. To ensure that the finished products have an attractive appearance, before baking you can grease them with yolk mixed with 1 tablespoon of milk.

Pies made from dough made from kefir are especially soft and remain so for quite a long time.

Which is better: dry or wet yeast?

Twenty years ago, only fresh compressed yeast was available for sale. They are, of course, still very convenient, since they are always in “full combat readiness.” The only significant disadvantage is the short shelf life.

The main advantage of dry yeast is its long shelf life. It is 24 months. This allows housewives not to run around looking for fresh yeast before baking, but to always have the necessary packet in the house.

In addition, fast-acting or instant dry yeast does not require preliminary preparation of the dough. They are mixed directly with flour, which significantly reduces dough preparation time. At the same time, it rises just as quickly as when using active or compressed yeast.

How to choose good yeast?

The main condition when purchasing dry yeast is to carefully read the labels on the package. This will help avoid unwanted results when baking products. It indicates how many grams of dry yeast are for a certain amount of flour. Perhaps, to prepare a large number of baked goods, you will need not one, but two bags.

When choosing yeast, it is important to pay attention to the shelf life. Despite the fact that it varies from 1 to 2 years for different manufacturers, it should be remembered that with each subsequent month their abilities decrease.

In addition, a certain type of yeast is more suitable for different baked goods. The quality of future products depends on this. For example, only compressed yeast is suitable for Easter cakes, since dry yeast will not withstand raising and lowering the dough three times. But for preparing traditional baked goods, it is good to use a fast-acting option. They help reduce baking time by at least 30 minutes.

Instant yeast is a living microorganism that has the ability to multiply if it is provided with favorable conditions for this. This ingredient is used both in cooking and in cosmetology, as well as other branches of human activity. Most often, yeast is used as a leavening agent for dough, giving baked goods an airy and light structure, as well as a characteristic sour taste.

At the moment, any store can offer several types of yeast: dry, fresh and quick-acting. The latter differ from the others in that they do not need to be soaked. They are added directly to the flour, and the dough rises quite quickly.

It is generally accepted that yeast originated six thousand years BC in Ancient Egypt. The Egyptians used special living microorganisms to make beer, and several thousand years later they began to add the product to the dough for baking yeast bread.

In our time, instant yeast is often used to prepare alcoholic beverages. The fact is that these microorganisms, when eating sugar, release alcohol and carbon. Most often, homemade moonshine or beer is made using yeast.

It is very important to know the fact that instant yeast cannot be stored for a long time, as it will lose its properties. The product can be stored in a cool, dry room with an air temperature of no higher than fifteen degrees. On the day such yeast is produced, its lifting force is greatest, while after a few days it will decrease by five percent.

If you are interested in the question of how to use instant yeast in cooking or any other areas of human life, we will be happy to share this information with you.

How to use instant yeast?

There are many ways to use instant yeast. The most popular of them is the use of the product in cooking. Yeast produces fluffy and soft baked goods with a golden crust and a delicious aroma. So, the most common dishes that are prepared with the addition of these microorganisms are:

  • Easter cakes;
  • pizza;
  • fried pies;
  • pancakes;
  • pies;
  • buns;
  • bread;
  • pancakes;
  • rolls;
  • whites, etc.

If you are using store-bought instant yeast, be sure to check with your retailer to make sure it is fresh. If you buy a stale product, you risk ruining your baked goods. The dough may not fit, and the dough will turn out compressed.

Many housewives use a multicooker for kneading dough. The time it takes for it to rise directly depends on what kind of instant yeast you used. Often, store-bought yeast from different manufacturers differs in lifting force.

This product is often used to prepare alcoholic homemade drinks. However, to do this, you should carefully study the instructions for its use. The freshness of the organisms also plays an important role. And using fast-acting yeast is quite simple: using it to prepare mash or beer, using special installations or a press for this. Then they wait until the mash comes up, and then use it for its intended purpose.

Another industry in which fast-acting yeast occupies an important place is cosmetology. Based on them, effective masks and balms for hair are most often prepared, which accelerate hair growth and impart natural shine. You can prepare such a mask at home. Here are some recommendations for creating them:

  • The following mask is suitable for dry hair: mix 200 milliliters of kefir with a teaspoon of yeast, heat a little in a water bath, and then apply to the entire length of the hair. You can add a few drops of burdock or castor oil to the mixture to enhance the effect. After half an hour, the mask should be washed off with plain warm water, without using shampoo or store-bought balms.
  • If you have oily hair, then this mask recipe will suit you. To prepare it you will need a small spoon of olive oil, an egg white and some dry instant yeast. Mix all this until smooth and apply to damp, clean hair for half an hour. Rinse off the mask with warm water.
    If you want to enhance the effect, add a little mustard powder and leave the mask on overnight. But you should take into account the appearance of an unpleasant odor or burning sensation.
  • Hair damaged by frequent coloring and styling is in greater need of support and care than others. To do this, you can use a mask prepared according to the following recipe: mix egg yolk and full-fat milk, and then add two pinches of instant yeast. For aroma, you can add rose, mint or ylang-ylang oil. Apply the mixture to clean hair and leave for an hour, then rinse your hair with water.

It is also common to use instant yeast as the main ingredient for preparing a face mask. It will help tone the skin, get rid of blackheads and pimples, as well as oily shine. A very important point in preparing such masks: mix all the ingredients thoroughly so that the mass is homogeneous and has no lumps.

Most often, together with yeast, ingredients such as kefir, sour cream, flour, milk, lemon, honey, eggs, vegetable oil and other products of natural origin are used to prepare a mask.

Benefits and harms

Any product we use in everyday life can bring benefit, as well as harm. Instant yeast is no exception. If you follow all the recommendations for their use, they will not cause harm unless you are allergic to this product. Also, diseases of the endocrine system and kidneys can be a serious obstacle to consuming yeast or using it for external use.

As for the benefits, the main advantage of yeast is that this leavening product is completely natural. These organisms consist of proteins, carbohydrates, as well as mineral inorganic substances, so food that includes yeast will be not only tasty and soft, but also healthy.

Another positive quality of instant yeast is that it can replace any other type of baking powder. Even fresh or compressed active yeast can be replaced with instant yeast. You should know that seven grams of dry yeast equals approximately twenty-five grams of fresh yeast.

How to make instant yeast at home?

You don't have to buy instant yeast from the store, as you can make it yourself at home. This is quite easy to do if you carefully study our recommendations.

There is a fairly large list of products from which yeast can be made. Now we will tell you about them in more detail, and also highlight the process of creating natural baking powder.

  • Yeast from potatoes can be done this way: take two peeled potatoes, grate them on a fine grater, add one large spoonful of salt, granulated sugar and water. Mix all this thoroughly, wait until the mixture dries, and you can use it for its intended purpose.
  • You can also make instant yeast from raisins. To do this, rinse about 200 grams of raisins, pour them into a bottle and fill with warm water. Add two tablespoons of sugar, cover the neck of the bottle with several layers of gauze and leave in a warm place for four to five days.
  • Rye bread– Another great ingredient for making yeast. To make them yourself, grind half a kilo of rye bread, mix it with 500 milliliters of sour milk, add three tablespoons of sugar and a few raisins. Leave for a day, then strain the resulting mixture. Prepare a thick dough on it and put it in a warm place for three days. After the required amount of time, the starter will be ready.

With instant yeast on hand, you can always prepare delicious baked goods according to good recipes, as well as make effective masks for your hair and face. Remember that baking powder has a limited shelf life, so try to use it immediately after purchase.

Even a novice housewife can handle preparing yeast dough with dry yeast. I’ll tell you how I prepare it and share some of the features of baking delicious pies and pies from such dough.

Instant yeast dough recipe

The recipe uses fast-acting yeast (there is a risk of running into a fake or low-quality product, which is sad), or better yet, instant yeast (I have never seen any counterfeits). They are able to raise any dough and do not give the products a characteristic yeasty smell.

When using instant dry yeast, it is recommended to add it directly to the flour.


  • 4 cups flour
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of dry instant yeast
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1.5 cups warm milk or water
  • 1 sachet (1.5 g) vanillin
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil


Mix flour, yeast, salt and sugar in a bowl.

Pour in warm milk or water.

You can add 1-2 eggs.

Start kneading the dough, at the end of kneading add 2-3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil so that the dough does not stick to your hands and dishes.

After kneading, cover the bowl with the dough with a towel or cover it with cling film and put it in a warm place.

After about 1.5-2 hours, the dough should double in size.

You need to crush it and put it on the rise again. This time the dough should rise faster.

Knead the finished dough a little again on a floured table and you can start cutting the products.

Cooking features

When changing the yeast dough recipe, the following happens:

  • excess water– the dough is poorly formed, the products turn out flat and blurry;
  • lack of water - the dough does not ferment well, the finished products are hard;
  • replacing water with milk or cream - finished products have a beautiful appearance, their taste improves;
  • increase in the amount of fat - the products are more crumbly and tasty, and do not go stale for a long time;
  • excess salt - the dough does not ferment well, the products acquire a salty taste;
  • insufficient amount of salt - the products turn out vague and tasteless;
  • large amount of sugar - When baking, the surface of the product is quickly fried, and the middle is baked slowly (in addition, the dough does not ferment well);
  • not enough sugar - the products turn out pale and not sweet enough;
  • increase in the number of eggs – the products are more fluffy and tasty;
  • replacing eggs with egg yolks - the products are more crumbly and have a beautiful yellow color;
  • increasing the amount of yeast – fermentation accelerates. Too much yeast gives the products an unpleasant yeasty smell.


After kneading and during cutting, the dough becomes denser.

To prevent the products from becoming dense, the baking sheets with the divided dough should be placed in a warm, draft-free place and covered with a napkin. Under these conditions, additional fermentation will occur in the dough, which is called proofing. During proofing, the products increase in volume and become fluffy due to the formation of carbon dioxide inside them.

Proofing of small and rich products takes longer than large and less rich products.

If the proofing is insufficient, the products will be small in volume, fluffy, poorly baked, heavy and with cracks.

If the product is over-proofed, it becomes blurry and the crumb has uneven large pores.

You should learn to correctly determine the end of proofing - when you press your finger on the dough, there should be a dent on it.

Lubrication and coating of products

To improve the appearance of the products, their surface is brushed with egg at the end of proofing.

You need to pour the egg into a cup and thoroughly mix the yolk and white with a fork. Then, using a brush or a rolled-up gauze tube, carefully grease the surface, making sure that the dough does not wrinkle and the egg does not spill onto the baking sheet.

To save eggs, you can dilute the lubricant with water or milk, but this will reduce the shine of the product. The best shine is obtained when lubricated only with yolks.

After brushing the dough with egg, sprinkle it with finely chopped nuts or sugar.

Products that are glazed with fondant or sprinkled with powdered sugar after baking are greased not with egg, but with butter. It gives the products a pleasant aroma.

Baking time

The baking time for products made from yeast dough depends on the richness, shape and size of the product. Small, low and low-bread products are baked faster than large, tall and with a lot of baked goods.

  • Small products (weighing up to 100 g) are baked for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 200-240 degrees.
  • Large products (weighing 500-1000 g) - for 20-50 minutes at a temperature of 200-240 degrees.

The readiness of the product is determined by the color of the crust or using an unpainted wooden stick. If a stick, inserted into the product and immediately removed, remains dry and no raw dough sticks to it, then this indicates the end of baking.