The pancake cake with sour cream has spread. Sour cream pancake cake

Recipes for making cream and other confectionery decorations

1 hour

200 kcal

5/5 (4)

Pancake cake is one of the most popular delicacies, especially among children. It is soft, tender, prepared quickly from simple, inexpensive, accessible products, and does not require special culinary skills or special equipment. Anyone can make pancake cake at home.

The pancake cake is very simple, the main thing is that you get soft, tender pancakes, and the cream is done in five minutes. I have repeatedly tried a variety of pancake recipes from friends, co-workers, and from the Internet, and today I will share with you the secrets of how to prepare an airy, tender pancake cake at home.

  • Inventory and kitchen appliances: bowl, mixer, frying pan, spatula for turning pancakes.

Required Products

To prepare sour cream pancake cake you will need the following ingredients:

If you don’t have a mixer and will be whipping the cream by hand, it’s better to use powdered sugar instead of sugar. It is very difficult to beat the cream by hand until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Features of product selection

Previously sold for making pancakes special pancake flour. She enjoyed great success, as she gave the delicacy a special tenderness and delicacy.

Nowadays it is very difficult to find such flour, so we will use regular wheat flour. To prepare pancakes, you should use first grade flour. High-quality flour has a white, sometimes slightly creamy tint. Buy the freshest flour. If it has been stored for a long time, the dough will be hard and lumpy.

After repeatedly preparing thin pancakes, I discovered an interesting fact: for the pancakes to turn out airy, it is very important to keep the soda fresh, otherwise the result will be slightly worse.

It is better to take homemade eggs, they have richer yolks. This will give the pancakes a beautiful delicate color. Pay special attention to the milk - it should only be fresh; if the milk has “fermented” even a little, pancakes will not turn out. Use boiled water.

It’s also better to take homemade sour cream, it will make the cream thicker. Just be sure to taste it when purchasing so that it does not taste bitter. The main thing in vegetable oil is that it is odorless and not bitter. Therefore, when making pancakes, I prefer store-bought.

Professional chefs check the quality of flour by chewing. Good flour does not leave a feeling of sand on the teeth, a taste of bitterness, sweetness, or sweetness.

How to make pancake cake: step-by-step recipe

So, let's start describing how to make a pancake cake step by step with a photo:

  1. To boil water.
  2. Sift flour through a sieve. This step should never be ignored. It may seem to you that such actions are pointless, but this is not at all the case. Thanks to sifting, you will get rid of lumps and debris in the flour, and the pancakes will turn out more airy and soft.
  3. Pour half a liter of milk into a bowl, add a tablespoon of sugar, eggs and beat (you can use a spoon, but it is better to use a mixer).

  4. While whipping, flour is gradually added to the mixture, a tablespoon at a time, then you need to pour out the remaining milk and beat for a couple more minutes.
  5. Add a glass of boiled water, soda and 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the mixture. Mix everything well with a spoon.
  6. The pancake dough is ready, now you can start the frying process. To do this, you need to preheat the frying pan and prepare a spatula, which will be useful for flipping pancakes. Pre-lubricate the frying pan with a couple of drops of oil.
  7. The amount of dough you pour into the pan depends on its diameter. For standard sizes (12-14 cm), use a slightly incomplete ladle. Pour the dough into the frying pan evenly; to do this, slightly twist the frying pan from side to side.
  8. Pancakes are fried on both sides until golden brown. It will take you 1.5-2 minutes to fry each side.
  9. The dough should pour out from the ladle like medium thick sour cream.

    Pancake cream recipe

    Pancake cake fillings can be very varied. From sweets:

    Salty fillings:

    I really liked sour cream, it’s light and not cloying, so I shared this recipe with you. You can add bananas or strawberries, cherries, raspberries to this cream. Add the ingredients at the end of preparing the cream and beat lightly with a mixer so that you can feel the pieces of fruit.

    How to beautifully decorate and serve a pancake cake

  10. If the pancakes tear, set the dough aside for 20 minutes and let it rise. If that doesn't work, add an egg.
  11. To make the pancakes easier to turn over, they should not be made too large, and the frying pan must be well heated and only then, when it’s hot, turn down the heat.
  12. To make the cream more fluffy, you need to beat cold sour cream at high speed.
  13. If you want the cream to be thicker and richer, replace some of the sour cream with cream.
  14. You need to use only the freshest sour cream, otherwise after whipping it will not be cream, but an incomprehensible liquid. In summer, it is better not to buy it in supermarkets, since sour cream spoils there very quickly due to insufficient coolness.

    Video recipe for making pancake cake

    This video will also help you make pancake cake.

    It simply and clearly demonstrates every step of preparing a pancake cake with sour cream. It’s very good that the author highlights points that need to be paid attention to and gives tips to make the dessert tasty and beautiful. In addition, I liked the idea of ​​​​decorating the cake, I did it too. After watching this video, you will once again see how easy and simple everything is.

    Invitation to discuss the cake and possible improvements

    I will be very glad if my recipe and tips help you please yourself and your loved ones with a delicious pancake cake with sour cream. Share your experience and how you can prepare pancake cakes. I look forward to your feedback and advice.

The composition of the curd cream includes:

  • 500 ml heavy cream for whipping;
  • 100 g powdered sugar;
  • 360 g of tender cottage cheese.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Lightly beat the eggs with sugar and salt. Sift flour with cocoa and baking powder. Combine this mixture with eggs.
  2. Bring the resulting thick dough to the consistency of pancakes, mixing in the recipe milk.
  3. Bake thin chocolate pancakes in a lightly greased 24cm frying pan.
  4. For the cream, beat cold cream with powdered sugar until fluffy.
  5. Mix 2/3 of the whipped cream with the cottage cheese rubbed through a sieve. Layer the chocolate pancakes with the resulting cream.
  6. Coat the top and sides of the cake with the remaining cream. Decorate the dessert with melted chocolate, berries and fruits.

Advice! To prevent the edges of the pancakes from drying out after baking, it is better to cover them on top with a large ceramic plate.

Chocolate pancake cake with custard

The delicate consistency of the custard milk cream turns the pancake cake into a real masterpiece. To make dough for simple pancakes, you need to take:

  • 1 egg;
  • 30 g sugar;
  • 2 g salt;
  • 200 ml milk;
  • 160 g flour;
  • 100 ml boiling water;
  • 3 g soda;
  • 20 g melted butter;
  • 20 g cocoa powder.

List of ingredients for the custard layer:

  • 400 ml or 2 tbsp. milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • 40-60 g sugar;
  • 10-15 g flour;
  • 7 g vanilla sugar.

Cooking order:

  1. Whisk the egg with salt and sugar, pour in the milk and stir in the flour. The mixture will be quite thick.
  2. Stir soda in boiling water and pour it into the dough. Stir everything quickly. Pour melted butter into the finished dough and add cocoa.
  3. Prepare thin pancakes from the resulting dough. Stack them and leave them covered with cling film until you assemble the cake.
  4. Place 300 ml of milk in a saucepan on the fire. Mix the remaining milk with the egg, sugar (including vanilla) and flour.
  5. When the milk on the stove begins to boil, pour the milk-egg mixture into it in a thin stream. Boil the cream while stirring until it thickens.
  6. When all the components of the dessert are ready, all that remains is to assemble the cake and decorate it to your liking.

Chocolate pancake cake with sour cream

The pancakes for this baking come out with a mega-chocolate flavor due to the fact that the dough contains not only cocoa powder, but also dark chocolate. The proportions of the ingredients will be as follows:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 50 g powdered sugar;
  • 80 g dark chocolate;
  • 500 ml milk;
  • 20 g cocoa powder;
  • 40 g butter;
  • 3 g salt;
  • 200 g flour.

To prepare sour cream, prepare:

  • 400 g of fat sour cream (preferably homemade);
  • 90 g powdered sugar.


  1. Place half of the milk in a water bath along with chocolate and butter. Heat everything until the ingredients are completely combined.
  2. Combine the rest of the milk with the bulk ingredients and beaten eggs.
  3. Combine both components of the dough, mix everything thoroughly and leave for 2-3 hours at room temperature.
  4. Then use the resulting dough to bake 18-20 pancakes with a diameter of 19 cm.
  5. For the cream, beat sour cream and powdered sugar until fluffy. Layer the pancakes with the resulting filling and cover the top of the cake with it. Before serving, keep the dessert in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Advice! If you can’t buy full-fat sour cream, you can make cream from a product with a lower fat content. To do this, sour cream is weighed out in a colander lined with gauze.

Chocolate lovers can add crushed Oreo cookies to the sour cream or make the cream completely chocolate by adding cocoa powder.

Chocolate pancake cake with condensed milk

The pleasant caramel taste of boiled condensed milk cream perfectly complements chocolate pancakes. A cake made from such ingredients is not cloyingly sweet, but juicy, tender and quite filling. To bake pancakes for a treat, you need to take:

  • 1000 ml milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • 2-3 g salt;
  • 2-3 g of soda;
  • 300 g flour;
  • 20 g cocoa powder.

For condensed milk cream, take:

  • 250 g boiled condensed milk;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 100 g fatty or weighed sour cream.

How to cook:

  1. Knead pancake dough from the products listed in the list of ingredients. Let it sit for a couple of hours at room temperature so that the gluten in the flour begins to work and all the lumps disappear. Then bake a stack of chocolate pancakes.
  2. Place boiled condensed milk, softened butter and sour cream in a deep bowl. Beat all products with a mixer until smooth. Spread the resulting cream over the cakes and stack them.

Additionally, you can put sliced ​​bananas, crushed nuts or chocolate chips in the layer between the pancakes.

Chocolate pancake cake with banana cream

The combination of bananas and chocolate can be called classic. For tender chocolate pancakes made with milk and kefir, prepare:

  • 800 ml milk;
  • 500 ml kefir;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 150 ml boiling water;
  • 80 ml vegetable oil;
  • 4 g soda;
  • 60 g cocoa powder;
  • 350 g flour or until desired consistency.

For delicious banana cream:

  • 450 g condensed milk;
  • 250 g sour cream;
  • 40 g corn or potato starch;
  • 6 bananas;
  • 5 g vanillin.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Grind the eggs with sugar, pour in kefir, milk and sifted flour with soda and cocoa. Next, pour in boiling water and stir quickly. Let the mixture sit for a while.
  2. Add vegetable oil to the prepared dough, stir and bake thin lacy pancakes.
  3. Peel the bananas and puree them in a blender. Add the remaining ingredients for the cream to them. Over moderate heat, bring the mixture until thickened, but do not boil.
  4. Cool the cream and assemble the cake. You can cover the baked goods with a layer of chocolate glaze or decorate them in another way.

Often the pancake cake looks like a mound on a serving plate due to the thin edges of the pancakes. To avoid this, it is better to cut all the pancakes onto a plate with a slightly smaller diameter than the frying pan.

Chocolate pancake cake: recipe with cherries

Outwardly, this dessert resembles the popular “Monastery Izba” cake, but it is much easier to prepare, since instead of cake layers, thin chocolate pancakes are baked in a frying pan in the oven. They can be prepared according to any of the above recipes. You can use canned or frozen cherries for the filling.

What you will need for pancake dessert with cherries:

  • 21 chocolate pancakes;
  • 800 g pitted cherries;
  • 500 ml fatty or weighed sour cream;
  • 150 g powdered sugar;
  • 80 g melted chocolate for decoration.

Cooking steps:

  1. Thaw the cherries and place in a colander to drain excess liquid (juice or syrup).
  2. Beat the chilled sour cream at medium speed with the powdered sugar.
  3. Place cherries in a row on the edge of the pancake and wrap everything in a tube. Make 21 such blanks.
  4. Place seven pancake tubes on a serving plate and coat them with sour cream. Next, lay out the tubes in a heap, reducing their number in each row: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1.
  5. Cover the cake with cream on all sides and put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. When the sour cream has set well, decorate the dessert with a thin chocolate web on top.

For a more intense aroma, cherries can be soaked in cognac for a while. You can also add steamed raisins, dried apricots or prunes to the cherries.

In conclusion, it should be said that when you decide to make a chocolate pancake cake, you can use the pancake recipe not the one indicated in the recipe, but the one that turns out best. When adapting the recipe for regular pancakes for this baking, you should reduce the amount of flour by the amount of cocoa powder added to the dough. Pancakes can be baked ahead of time and even frozen, so that you can then prepare the cake in almost half an hour.

A stack of simple thin pancakes can easily be turned into a gorgeous cake, soaked in delicious sour cream cream. Such a sweet treat can be prepared on an ordinary day or on a special occasion, because if you decorate it with fresh berries, then its appearance is unusually beautiful and appetizing.

  1. Beat the egg, gradually adding granulated sugar (1 tablespoon), and then add salt.
  2. Pour in 2/3 of the total volume of milk and stir.
  3. Sift the flour and pour into the dough, then stir it, trying to remove all the lumps.
  4. Add the rest of the milk and vegetable oil, mix everything thoroughly again.
  5. Bake pancakes in a hot frying pan until golden brown.
  6. To make sour cream for pancake cake, you need to beat sour cream with granulated sugar and vanilla sugar.
  7. Place a pancake on a flat dish, generously coat it with cream, and cover with a second pancake on top. Continue this manipulation until the pancakes are gone. The top can be decorated in any way according to your desire and imagination.

Kefir recipe

Using kefir, you can make very tasty and tender pancakes that are perfect for cake. It is recommended to use sour cream and berry jam as impregnation, which when combined gives a special taste.

List of ingredients

For this recipe for pancake cake with sour cream, you will need the following products:

  • a glass of flour;
  • 400 ml kefir;
  • 180 grams of sugar;
  • 2 packets of vanilla sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a third of a teaspoon of soda;
  • 200 grams of sour cream;
  • 2 table. spoons of sunflower oil;
  • berry jam to taste.

Step by step recipe

The technology for making a cake consists of the following step-by-step steps:

  1. Mix eggs with kefir, salt, add half a glass of granulated sugar, one packet of vanilla sugar and soda. Beat the whole mixture with a mixer.
  2. Sift the flour and add to the dough, and also pour in the sunflower oil.
  3. Stir the dough until all lumps disappear.
  4. Bake pancakes in a frying pan.
  5. Stir a bag of vanilla sugar into sour cream, thus preparing a cream.
  6. Coat each pancake in layers, first with cream and then with jam. The last layer can be decorated, for example, with nuts and grated chocolate.

Pancake cake with banana sour cream

Sour cream is in most cases used to soak cakes, pancake cream is no exception. When adding fruit to the cream, its properties and taste only improve, so in this recipe it is suggested to use a banana, which goes well with the sour cream taste.

List of ingredients

The required products for manufacturing are:

  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 260 g flour;
  • 1/3 cup sunflower oil;
  • 200 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 350 ml sour cream;
  • 2 bananas.

Step by step recipe

How to make pancake cake with sour cream and banana:

  1. Beat the eggs into a strong foam, adding 100 grams of sugar and salt.
  2. Pour in milk and vegetable oil and stir the liquid.
  3. Add the sifted flour to the dough, which must be mixed well, avoiding lumps.
  4. Bake pancakes in a frying pan.
  5. For sour cream for pancake cake, beat sour cream with sugar until smooth.
  6. Cut bananas into thin slices.
  7. Coat each pancake with cream, place a banana layer on top of the sour cream every three layers.
  8. Coat the top of the last pancake generously with cream, and also grease the sides.

Pancake cake with pineapple in sour cream

Quite a lot of people like such an exotic fruit as pineapple, so it’s worth making a pancake cake. Thanks to pineapple, the cake becomes more festive and more suitable for a festive feast.

List of ingredients

To make pancake cake you will need:

  • half a liter of milk;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 4 table. spoons of vegetable oil;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 300 g sour cream;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • can of canned pineapple in rings.

Step by step recipe

The procedure for making a real pancake miracle is as follows:

  1. Beat eggs with salt, then add milk with vegetable oil.
  2. Gently add flour, constantly stirring the dough and trying to avoid lumps.
  3. Bake pancakes in a frying pan.
  4. Make cream from sour cream and sugar by mixing the ingredients.
  5. Place the pancake on the bottom of a deep plate. Roll the rest into a tube and fill them with pineapple.
  6. Place the formed tubes on the first pancake, generously pouring sour cream on top of each of them.
  7. Place one unwrapped pancake on top and pour cream over it. The result should be a beautiful pancake cake with sour cream and pineapple filling.

Making pancake cake with sour cream at home is easy. The basis is made of pancakes, greased with delicate cream. We hope this selection of recipes will help you prepare for a series of holidays where culinary dishes will always be welcome.

So, you will need:

  • flour – 2 cups;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. l;
  • milk – 3 glasses;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l;
  • soda - a pinch;
  • lemon juice.


  1. First, beat the eggs and sugar with a mixer. And then add milk and flour to the mixture in turn, knead so that there are no lumps left.
  2. Next, add baking soda, dissolved with lemon juice, to the dough.
  3. Mix everything thoroughly, and then you can bake in a fairly hot frying pan, greased with oil. After the first pancake, it is not necessary to grease the pan again. The pancakes are perfectly baked.

Pancake cake with curd and sour cream

A chic cake is made with thick sour cream and curd cheese filling. It's very easy to prepare. You can find the ingredients for cottage cheese cake in any store.

Filling ingredients:

  • curd cheese – 4 pcs. 100 g each;
  • sour cream 25% fat – 200 g;
  • powdered sugar – 3 tbsp. l.


  1. To prepare the filling, mix the cheeses, sour cream and powdered sugar with a fork until smooth. If you choose homemade cottage cheese, you need to wipe it through a colander in advance. Part of the filling can be tinted with beet juice. Then you will get a pink cream.
  2. The “cakes” should be greased with white filling, then with pink one.
  3. Decorate the dish with chocolate icing, berries or fruits.

The cake gets soaked very quickly. Immediately after cooking, you can gather everyone to the table.

Recipe with chocolate

Pancakes for chocolate cake are prepared in the same way as usual, but one of the ingredients here will be cocoa powder. You need to add 0.5 tablespoons to the dough.

For the filling you will need:

  • cream – 0.5 l;
  • Nutella chocolate spread – 350 g.

How to cook:

  1. In a blender, combine and beat all the ingredients for the pancakes. Leave the dough in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  2. Fry the pancakes in a well-heated frying pan greased with vegetable oil.
  3. Whip the cream.
  4. To make the chocolate pancake cake, place the pancakes one at a time on a plate, brushing them with Nutella and whipped cream, one at a time.

The top layer must be spread with chocolate paste and sprinkled with cocoa.

Cooking with banana and glaze

The cake according to this recipe can be prepared very quickly, and it is eaten just as quickly. The main component is an exotic fruit. Its quantity depends on the total volume.

For the glaze take:

  • cocoa powder – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sour cream – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter – 50 g.

How to cook:

  1. First of all, beat the sour cream, vanilla and sugar thoroughly.
  2. Cut the fruit into slices.
  3. To prepare the frosting for the cake with sour cream and bananas, mix all the ingredients and leave to simmer over low heat.
  4. Place the pancakes in the following order - pancake, then sour cream and banana, then the next pancake, etc.

Pour glaze over the cake and decorate it with grated chocolate on top. Place the dish in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Dessert with berries

If you want to make a delicious and tender cake with a minimum of effort and time, arm yourself with this recipe. If you cannot find raspberries or blackberries in winter, replace them with other berries.


  • heavy cream – 500 ml;
  • vanilla cream – 200 ml;
  • blackberries – 200 g;
  • raspberries – 100 g;
  • blueberries – 100 g;
  • bananas – 2 pcs.;
  • raspberry jam – 250 g;
  • powdered sugar - to taste.


  1. We are preparing pancakes. When they are ready, make the cream. Mix vanilla cream with cream and beat them with a mixer.
  2. After the pancakes have cooled, spread with jam and place on top of each other. The cake filling should also contain bananas and a mixture of cream and cream.
  3. Decorate the cake with a berry “cap”, generously sprinkled with powdered sugar. The result is a magnificent pancake cake with berries that will decorate any holiday.

Pancake cake with sour cream and condensed milk

When you prepare pancake cake with sour cream and condensed milk, add 2-3 tbsp to the dough. l. cocoa.

And for the filling you will need:

  • boiled condensed milk – 1 can;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • fat sour cream – 150 g;
  • peeled walnuts – 20 pcs.;
  • bananas – 2 pcs.;
  • confectionery poppy seed – ½ pack.

How to cook:

  1. In a deep bowl, combine melted butter, boiled condensed milk and sour cream. Beat the ingredients with a mixer until smooth and leave in the refrigerator for a while while the pancakes are prepared.
  2. When the pancakes are finished cooking, start assembling the cake. Cut the bananas for the filling into thin slices. Coat pancakes with cream made from sour cream and condensed milk. Lay out fruit slices every 3-4 layers. Coat the top layer and sides thoroughly with cream.
  3. Decorate with banana slices and form a flower on the surface of the cake. For decoration you will need walnuts, crushed with a rolling pin and poppy seeds steamed in advance.
  4. After decorating, leave the cake in the refrigerator for about 1 hour.

From the most ordinary thin pancakes you can prepare a full-fledged holiday dessert or a hearty snack. This is a pancake cake with various fillings. The treat is prepared as quickly and simply as possible, but at the same time it can surprise even the most fastidious gourmet with its appetizing appearance and excellent taste. It is especially important to make it for Maslenitsa.

The recipe for pancake cake with curd cream can be called classic. This filling goes well with pancakes prepared according to any chosen recipe. And dried fruits, fresh or frozen berries will help improve the taste of the finished dish. You also need to take: 450 ml. milk, 60 g butter, 1 egg, a pinch of baking powder and baking soda, 160 g sugar, flour according to consistency (about 220 g), 300 g each of sour cream and cottage cheese. Dried fruits and berries are used in any quantity according to the taste of the cook. Below is a similar recipe for pancake cake with curd cream.

  1. The egg is lightly beaten with 40 g of sugar and salt, and then warm milk is added to these ingredients and they are thoroughly mixed.
  2. Melted butter is poured into the dough and flour, sifted with baking powder, is gradually poured in small portions.
  3. The mass is whipped with a whisk (you can use a mixer) until all lumps disappear.
  4. The dough should rest for at least 15-20 minutes.
  5. Pancakes are prepared in the standard way - fried on both sides.
  6. To make the cream, the cottage cheese is mixed with sour cream and the remaining sugar. Vanillin and chopped dried fruits can be added to the resulting mass.
  7. All pancakes are carefully coated with cream, stacked on top of each other and decorated with berries.
  8. The resulting cake must stand for at least 60 minutes to soak.

Before serving, if desired, the treat can be slightly warmed in the microwave.

Custard recipe

This recipe is somewhat more complicated than the previous one, but even novice housewives will be able to cope with it. It is best to choose kefir pancakes for this dessert option. You will need to use the following products: 750ml. low-fat kefir, 4 eggs, 60g. sugar, 450g. flour, 220 ml. boiling water, a small piece of butter, 0.5 tsp. salt and soda. The cream is prepared from: 750 ml. milk, 320g. sugar, 130g. flour, 100g. butter and 1 standard sachet of vanilla sugar (10g).

  1. For pancake choux pastry, mix eggs, salt, sugar and kefir in a bowl. Lastly, flour and baking soda are poured into the mixture in small portions, after which all ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  2. Cool boiling water is poured into the dough. Water should be added to it directly during the kneading process. The last ingredient will be melted butter.
  3. Before baking, the dough rests for 12-15 minutes.
  4. Pancakes are fried on both sides until cooked.
  5. To make the custard, flour is mixed with granulated sugar and vanilla.
  6. Hot milk is carefully added to the other ingredients. The mass must be mixed thoroughly so that there are no lumps in it.
  7. Bring the cream to a boil over low heat and cook for a couple more minutes.
  8. All that remains is to add butter to the mixture and beat it with a mixer.
  9. The pancakes are carefully coated with cream and stacked on top of each other. Each of them will require about 2-3 tablespoons of the mixture.

You can decorate the finished dish with coconut shavings and any fresh berries.

With sour cream

Pancakes for this cake can be prepared according to any recipe. The main thing is that in the end they turn out thin and sweet. Enough to take 15 pancakes. For the cream you need to use: 350 g of fat sour cream, 20 g of vanilla sugar, 1 tbsp. powdered sugar

  1. In a deep bowl, sour cream is thoroughly mixed with powder and vanilla sugar. Instead of the last ingredient, you can use vanillin or even natural vanilla.
  2. To make the cream airy, you should thoroughly beat all the ingredients using a mixer.
  3. Slightly cooled pancakes, prepared according to the recipe chosen by the housewife, are carefully coated with the resulting tender mass and stacked on top of each other.

With condensed milk

This is the simplest recipe for a delicious pancake dessert. You don't even need to prepare cream for it. In addition to 12 ready-made pancakes, you will need to take 150 ml. condensed milk and a packet of colored coconut.

  1. All pancakes in turn are generously coated with condensed milk (not boiled) and stacked on top of each other.
  2. To make the treat more colorful and appetizing, sprinkle the last pancake with colored coconut shavings. This will also make it taste more interesting.

Pancake cake with condensed milk can be served immediately. It doesn't require soaking time.

How to make chocolate pancake cake?

Chocolate pancake cake turns out to be very unusual not only in taste, but also in appearance. This dessert will definitely please both children and adults. And it is prepared as simply as possible from the following ingredients: 450 ml. milk, 400 g sifted flour, 3 eggs, 150 g sugar, a pinch of salt and vanillin, 40 g cocoa, dark chocolate bar, 0.5 tsp. baking powder, 200 ml. very heavy cream. How to make a pancake cake with a hint of chocolate is described below.

  1. Beat the eggs with salt and 40 g of granulated sugar using a mixer or whisk.
  2. Warm milk is poured into the mixture in a thin stream and it is whipped again.
  3. Separately combine cocoa and flour, sifted with baking powder.
  4. The dry mixture is gradually poured into the liquid mixture. There should be no lumps in the resulting dough.
  5. Chocolate pancakes are fried on both sides until cooked.
  6. For the cream, whip the cream with a mixer until thick. The process starts at minimum speed. Sugar is gradually added to the mixture.
  7. When the mixture thickens, vanillin is added to it, as well as a melted chocolate bar.
  8. All that remains is to coat each pancake with the resulting cream and stack them on top of each other.

If desired, you can pour melted chocolate on top of the finished cake. It will take at least 2 hours to soak.

Pancake cake with strawberries

For the strawberry cake under discussion, it is best to prepare custard pancakes. And for the filling you need to take: 400 g of cottage cheese, 120 g of fat sour cream, 140 g of sugar, a pinch of vanillin and 450 g of strawberries.

  1. The cake will be made from 10-12 thin pancakes.
  2. The cottage cheese is thoroughly ground through a sieve, mixed with sour cream, sugar and vanillin.
  3. Strawberries are washed and cut into thin slices.
  4. When assembling the cake, each pancake is coated with curd cream, after which berry slices are placed on it.
  5. You can place whole strawberries on the last layer for decoration.

For such a cake, you can use not only fresh or frozen berries, but also those extracted from jam or compote.

  1. Half the milk is poured into the saucepan, flour and eggs are added. The ingredients are thoroughly whisked and sent to low heat. After 5-7 minutes, you can pour in the remaining milk and cook the cream until thick, stirring constantly.
  2. Separately, use a blender to beat the softened butter and bananas into a homogeneous mass.
  3. All that remains is to add the fruit-butter mixture to the cream base and grease each pancake with it and place them on top of each other.

The resulting cake can be decorated with crushed chocolate or butter cookies.

With added chicken and mushrooms

Pancake cake can be more than just sweet!

You can even use chicken meat (400 g fillet) and any mushrooms (350 g) as filling. In addition to these ingredients, you will need to take: 2 pcs. onions and carrots, 1 tsp. mustard, 350 ml. low-fat sour cream, salt, pepper, butter. Pancakes for snacks can be prepared according to any recipe - 10 pieces.

  1. Onions, carrots and mushrooms are chopped in any convenient way, and then salted and fried in vegetable oil until golden.
  2. Chicken fillet is finely chopped and boiled in salted water.
  3. A mixture of sour cream and mustard will be used as cream for the cake. You can add any seasonings to it.
  4. Each pancake is coated with sour cream sauce during the assembly process. Alternately, either chicken fillet or vegetables and mushrooms are placed on them. The layers should alternate.
  5. The pancakes are stacked on top of each other to form a cake.

The top of the treat can be decorated with fresh herbs and olive slices.