Classic biscuit (TTK2223). Methods for preparing sponge cakes Drawing up technical and technological maps for children's cakes

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1. General part

1.1 Classification and range of raw materials

1.2 Equipment, inventory, tools used in the preparation of biscuit dough products

1.3 Safety precautions when working in public catering establishments

2. Technological part

2.1 Layout, number, output of the product “Always Successful Sponge Cake”

2.2 Technology for preparing the product “Always Successful Sponge Cake”

2.3 Qualitative assessment (grading) of the dish “Always Successful Sponge Cake”

2.4 Storage conditions and terms of sale of the product “Always Successful Sponge Cake”

3. Calculation part

3.1 Technological map of the product “Sponge cake “Always successful” for 100 servings

3.2 Calculation card “Always successful sponge cake”


pastry cream sponge cake


Of all the culinary arts, confectionery is the most bizarre. Seductive snow swirls of meringue reign here; rum-soaked babas and small biscuits wrapped in caramel; cinnamon rolls; jam donuts; shu rings filled with cream and strawberries. When creating cakes, much attention is paid to the invention of decorations. It could be a simple meringue mesh or a jam and coconut shell, or a fancy chocolate pattern, or a rosebud made of sugar icing.

Around the world, colorful sweets are the subject of special attention, for example, the cakes known as hamantashen were prepared during the Jewish holiday of Purim. Christians celebrated Lent by preparing waffles, small yeast pies, cookies and pancakes such as semlor or Swedish buns, which were baked on Shrove Tuesday. In Andalusia, almond cakes called jornazos were made for Easter, and in various parts of England, spiced yeast buns called whigs were prepared for Ascension Day and Christmas.

Of course, there is no need to limit your indulgence in sweets to special days; these foods are appreciated at any time. Homemade yeast buns are as good for breakfast as eclairs at the end of a gala dinner. But many lovers of sweets believe that they are most appreciated at noon or in the afternoon, that is, in a calm and leisurely environment. A cup of coffee, tea or a glass of wine with pieces of cake, glazed sponge cake or nut meringue helps to take your mind off the hustle and bustle of the day. It is possible that the predecessors of such delicacies were just rough rolls with honey, fruits and spices.

Today's flour is much more refined than that used in the ancient world. But the Greek cakes known as melomakarona have changed surprisingly little over the centuries. But the main contribution of the ancient world to confectionery production was the discovery of sourdough. Already the ancient Egyptians could bake yeast pies.

In the Middle Ages, cooks perfected the art of confectionery using cloves, nutmeg, ginger, walnuts and almonds. The art of confectionery flourished. In the 18th century, cooks invented new sweets. Confectioners did not trust yeast alone for long in making cakes. They realized that using eggs gives excellent results when creating airy biscuits. But the confectionery business did not stop at making sweets. In 1720, a Swedish confectioner first beat egg whites with sugar and created meringue.

At the beginning of the 19th century, confectionery reached the heights of sophistication in the hands of the legendary chef Antonin Karem. He prepared extraordinary confectionery products for the festive tables of the nobility. In the days of temples, mills and palaces, these tower works were more architecture than culinary. Such opulent structures were not in vogue for long, and fortunately the tradition of fine art continued in coffee shops and candy stores.

Both before and now, flour confectionery products are of great importance in human nutrition. The basis of confectionery products is flour, which contains a significant amount of carbohydrates in the form of starch, as well as vegetable proteins. Starch is converted into sugar in the body and serves as the main source of energy; proteins are plastic material for building cells and tissues.

Sugar is added to most flour confectionery products, as a result of which they are enriched with easily digestible carbohydrates. Eggs, used in the manufacture of many products, contain complete proteins, fats and vitamins. Thanks to the use of eggs, fats (butter, margarine) or fat-rich foods (milk, cream, sour cream), the vitamin content in confectionery products increases. In their production, spices and other substances are used that not only improve the taste and aroma, but also accelerate the absorption of these products.

1. General part

1.1 Classification and range of raw materials

The biscuit has a light and fluffy structure and is easy to process.

To prepare a sponge cake, use flour with a small amount of gluten, otherwise the sponge cake turns out to be too long and has poor rise. The biscuit is prepared by beating the egg-sugar mass with flour, during which a large amount of air is introduced into it, as a result of which the dough greatly increases in volume. Thanks to its fluffiness and elasticity, a variety of pastries and cakes are prepared from sponge cakes.

Depending on the recipe, the main biscuit (heated) and round or bouche (cold) are prepared. The biscuit is prepared with different fillings (cocoa, nuts, butter, vegetables). The following main raw materials are used: flour, starch, granulated sugar, melange, essences,

Flour- a powdered product that is obtained by grinding grain crops: wheat, rye, corn, rice, soybeans, oats, etc.

For the production of confectionery products, wheat flour is most often used, and for some products, a combination of several types of flour is used, which is reflected in the recipes. Flour contains up to 70% starch. When kneading the dough, the starch swells and gelatinizes during baking.

The most important components of flour are proteins - gliadin and glutenin. During dough formation, they swell and form an elastic, elastic and adhesive mass - gluten, which affects the structure of the dough. Depending on the gluten content, flour is divided into three groups: the first contains up to 28% gluten, the second - 28 - 36 and the third - up to 40% gluten. Flour with a low gluten content is used, for example, for making biscuit and shortbread, and with a high gluten content, for yeast and puff pastry.

The quality of flour depends not only on the amount of gluten it contains, but also on the quality of the gluten.

When sifting flour, foreign impurities are removed, it is enriched with oxygen, which helps the dough rise better. If confectionery products are prepared from different types of flour or with the addition of starch, then the flour is mixed at the same time as it is sifted.

Starch. To prepare semi-finished dough products, starch is added to it to make future products crumbly. The most common starches are potato and corn. Starch has a white color with a crystalline sheen and crunches when rubbed between your fingers. It does not dissolve in cold water; at 65 - 7045C it forms a paste. The moisture content of potato starch is 20%, corn starch is 13%.

Before use, starch is sifted like flour. Starch too. Like flour, it absorbs odors, so it must be stored in dry areas. Once damp, starch acquires a bitter taste and becomes unsuitable for making confectionery products.

Granulated sugar - It is a white crystalline powder produced from sugar cane and sugar beets.

Granulated sugar contains only 99.7% sucrose and 0.14% moisture, completely dissolves in water, has no foreign taste or odor, tastes sweet, and feels dry to the touch.

Granulated sugar adds flavor to flour confectionery products, increases their calorie content and changes the structure of the dough. Granulated sugar limits the swelling of gluten, thereby reducing the water absorption capacity of flour and reducing the elasticity of the dough. An increased amount of granulated sugar thins the dough, making the products glassy. Before use, granulated sugar is sifted through a sieve with cells no larger than 3 mm; you can use a flour sifter.

Sugar syrups should be colorless and transparent. The solubility of granulated sugar in water depends on temperature. 2 kg of granulated sugar dissolves in 1 liter of cold water, and up to 5 kg of hot water. Before use, syrups are filtered through a sieve with cells no larger than 1.5 mm.

Refined powder is used in the manufacture of creams, waffles, cookies, etc. It must be finely ground before use and sifted through a sieve to remove larger particles. In the absence of refined powder, it is prepared from granulated sugar by grinding. From 1003 kg of granulated sugar, 1000 kg of refined powder is obtained.

Catering establishments use refined powder made from refined sugar.

Eggs- this is a high-calorie product, widely used in the manufacture of confectionery products, it contains proteins, fats, minerals and other substances. Eggs improve the taste of products and give them porosity.

Egg white has binding properties, is a good foaming agent, and retains sugar. Therefore, it is used in the production of creams, marshmallows, airy and some other types of dough. When whipping, the volume of protein increases 7 times; when adding sugar, the volume decreases 1.5 times.

The yolk of an egg is rich in proteins, fat and vitamins. Thanks to lecithin, the yolk is a good emulsifier. A large number of yolks allows you to get in the batter

Preparing the main biscuit. To prepare 1 kg of main sponge cake (heated), take (g): flour - 281, starch - 69.4, granulated sugar - 347, melange - 578.5, essence - 3.5. Some of the flour can be replaced with starch to reduce the amount of gluten. In addition, thanks to starch, the biscuit turns out drier, the products have even pores and do not crumble so much when cutting.

Preparing a sponge cake consists of the following operations: combining eggs with granulated sugar, heating and beating them, mixing the egg-sugar mass with flour.

The eggs are combined with granulated sugar and, stirring, heated in a water bath to a temperature of 45C. At the same time, the yolk fat melts faster and has a more stable structure.

The egg-sugar mixture is whipped to increase the volume by 2.5-3 times and the appearance of a stable pattern on the surface (when passed over the surface, a trace of the dough does not flow). During the beating process, the mass is cooled to 20C. The flour is combined with starch and quickly (but not abruptly) with the beaten egg-sugar mass so that the dough does not tighten and settle. If kneading is done in a beater, it should last no more than 15 seconds. It is recommended to use vanilla or rum essence. Add it at the end of beating the egg-sugar mass.

The finished biscuit dough is immediately baked in capsules, cake molds and on pastry sheets, as it settles during storage. Capsules, molds and confectionery sheets are lined with paper, but you can grease them with margarine or confectionery fat.

The biscuit dough is placed in the molds at 3/4 of their height, since when baking

Biscuit dough is baked on pastry sheets for rolls and some types of pastries and cakes. The dough is poured onto a sheet lined with paper in a layer of no more than 10 mm and leveled with a knife.

The biscuit dough is baked at a temperature of 200-210C. The duration of baking the dough depends on the volume and thickness of the dough. So, biscuits are baked in capsules for 50-60 minutes, in cake forms - 35-40 minutes, on confectionery sheets - 10-15 minutes. In the first 10 minutes, the semi-finished biscuit product should not be touched, as the shock causes it to settle (the fragile walls of the air bubbles burst).

At the end of the dough baking process, a dark, thickened crust is formed at high temperatures, and at low temperatures, the biscuit semi-finished product has a pale crust. If the baking time of the dough is insufficient, compacted areas of the crumb (“hardening”) are formed.

The baked semi-finished sponge cake is cooled for 20-30 minutes, then freed from capsules and molds, cutting out the semi-finished sponge cake with a thin knife along the entire perimeter of the sides and tipping it onto the table.

If the biscuit is subsequently used to make products that are soaked in syrup, then the paper is not removed and left for 8-10 hours to strengthen the structure of the crumb. The paper protects the biscuit from drying out too much. The biscuit must be kept at a temperature of about 20C. After this, the paper is removed, the biscuit semi-finished product is cleaned and cut horizontally into two layers. In this form, the semi-finished biscuit product is used to make pastries and cakes.

The prepared biscuit semi-finished product should have a light brown, smooth, thin top crust; lush porous elastic structure; yellow color of the crumb; humidity (253)%.

To prepare 1 kg of round sponge cake (bouche) take (g): flour - 189.4, granulated sugar - 341.9, egg yolks - 341.9, egg whites - 512.8, essence - 2.3, citric acid - 1.5.

To prepare this biscuit, use only fresh or diet eggs, in which the yolk is well separated from the white. The biscuit dough is prepared more viscous and thick. No starch is added to it.

Preparing a sponge cake consists of the following operations: whisking separately the whites and yolks with granulated sugar, combining the whipped yolks, whites and flour. Egg yolks are combined with granulated sugar according to the recipe and beaten until their volume increases by 2.5-3 times. At the same time, beat the egg whites until a stable foam forms (does not drip from the whisk), i.e. their volume increases 5-6 times. Beat the egg whites slowly at first, then gradually increase the beat; At the end of beating, add citric acid to strengthen the protein structure.

Add 1/4 of the whipped whites and essence to the beaten yolks and mix lightly until a homogeneous dough is obtained.

If the whites or yolks are not beaten sufficiently, or if the mixture is mixed with flour for a long time, the sponge cake turns out to be dense and of small volume; if there are too many eggs, it becomes vague.

The finished dough is immediately baked in cake tins, as described above, or placed on pastry sheets to make bouche cakes.

To do this, pastry sheets are lined with paper, and the dough is placed in a pastry bag with a smooth metal tube. Place round or oval-shaped pieces and immediately bake at a temperature of 190-200C for 10-15 minutes. After baking, cool and stand for 3-4 hours to strengthen the structure of the biscuit. Then cakes are made from these blanks.

For preparing confectionery products Powdered mixtures are also used from biscuit dough (cakes, rolls, or in forms).

The biscuit mixture contains wheat flour, granulated sugar, wheat starch, emulsifier, whipping component, glucose, skimmed milk powder.

To avoid spraying the mixture, mix all ingredients at low speed with a whisk and beat until smooth, then continue whisking for 7 minutes at high speed until fluffy.

The products are baked at a temperature of 180C for 10-25 minutes, depending on the thickness of the layer.

In addition to the above ingredients, the butter biscuit mixture contains a thickener and a flavoring agent.

To make biscuits, the mixture is mixed with eggs, butter or margarine and cocoa. Butter or margarine is pre-softened; you can use vegetable oil.

After mixing the mixture, beat it in a container at high speed for 1-2 minutes. Bake the products in the mold at a temperature of 180C for 45 minutes.

Honey Chocolate Cake Mix contains solid dark chocolate chunks, applesauce granules and golden honey. In addition to the above ingredients, the mixture includes concentrated fruit puree: apple, pear, rice flour, honey, gelling agent, cocoa butter, salt, thickener, food coloring, flavoring.

The mixture for curd biscuit contains flour, baking powder, whey powder, skim milk powder, wheat starch, preservative, thickener, maltodextrin, carrot powder, flavoring, coloring.

Instead of skim milk powder and maltodextrin, the yoghurt cake mix contains glucose syrup, an emulsifier, salt and a gelling agent.

Chocolate cake mixes are dark chocolate in color due to the high content of cocoa and dark chocolate pieces (30%).

Ingredients of the mixture: wheat flour, granulated sugar, vegetable fat, cocoa mass, cocoa powder, whey powder, glucose, starch, whipping component, salt, grape sugar, gelling component, thickener, flavoring agent, emulsifier.

Biscuit for roll. The dough is prepared in the same way as for the main sponge cake, only without adding starch. To bake the dough, line the pastry sheets with paper, spread the dough with a layer of 3-5 mm, bake at a temperature of 200-220C for 10-15 minutes.

Flour - 370, granulated sugar - 370. Melange - 616.4, essence - 2.

Output - 1000.

Biscuit "Prague". Egg yolks are ground with 75% granulated sugar according to the recipe and beaten until completely dissolved and a stable pattern appears on its surface. At the same time, beat the egg whites to a stable foam and until the volume increases 5 times; at the end of whipping, add the rest of the granulated sugar. Yolks and whites should be ready at the same time. They are combined, butter heated to 30C is added, then mixed with flour and cocoa powder.

The finished dough is placed in round molds lined with paper and baked. The finished sponge cake is cooled, kept for several hours, removed from the mold, the paper is removed, and the sponge cake is cleaned.

Flour - 237.6, granulated sugar - 309.8, eggs - 686.6, butter - 78.4, cocoa powder - 48.

Output - 1000.

Honey-chocolate sponge cake. Pour eggs and softened margarine into the container, add the mixture, mix it all at low speed for 3 minutes (do not use fast speed). Bake the product in large pans for 40-45 minutes at a temperature of 180C.

Mix for honey-chocolate sponge cake - 100, margarine or vegetable oil - 500, eggs - 500.

The output of semi-finished products is 1100.

Pie "Baltika". The pie consists of shortbread and sponge cakes. The shortbread is smeared with jam and glued with the biscuit cake. The top is sprinkled with powdered sugar and cut into pieces weighing 80 g.

Sponge cake - 344, shortbread - 344, jam - 107, powdered sugar - 800 (10p x 80g.

The output of semi-finished products is 1600.

Pretzel Cookies. The melange is beaten with granulated sugar when heated to a temperature of 40C. Then the mass is cooled to a temperature of 20C, butter softened to the consistency of thick sour cream, granulated vanilla sugar, flour are added and everything is thoroughly mixed. The finished dough is rolled out into a layer 0.5 - 0.6 cm thick. The layer is cut into thin flagella, which are bent to form pretzels measuring 30x18 mm. The cookies are placed on pastry sheets, brushed with egg yolk and baked at a temperature of 180 - 200C until golden brown.

Flour - 690, granulated sugar - 172, butter - 172, melange - 228, vanilla sugar - 3, melange - 55.

Output - 1000.

Cookies "Leningradskoe". The powder is beaten with melange for 10 - 20 minutes from the beginning at a low speed of the machine, which is then gradually increased. The volume of the mass should increase by 2 - 2.5 times. Add essence, flour and knead the dough. Pour the dough into a pastry bag with a smooth tube with a hole diameter of 1 cm and place round cakes on a greased and floured baking sheet. Sprinkle the flatbreads with granulated sugar so as to cover the entire surface, and, turning the baking sheet upside down, pour in the excess granulated sugar (when turning the baking sheet over, the flatbreads do not fall off, as they are firmly glued to the baking sheet).

Place the baking tray with cookies in a dry, warm place for 1-2 hours. When a thin, fragile crust forms on the cookies, they are baked at a temperature of 180 - 200C.

Ready and cooled products are removed from the pastry sheet with a knife or by tapping the sheet with your hand. When baking, the product should not brown.

Flour - 418, powdered sugar - 390, melange - 321, essence - 3.3, granulated sugar - 139.

Output - 1000.

According to the complexity of preparation, cakes are divided into mass-produced, lettered, figured and branded cakes. Mass-produced cakes are made according to approved recipes. Their weight ranges from 150 g to 1.5 kg, most often 0.5 and 1 kg. Cakes can be square, rectangular, round, oval.

Letter cakes are sponge-cream cakes weighing 2 - 3 kg, with a more complex surface finish than mass-produced cakes. The sides are finished with biscuit crumbs.

Figured cakes are prepared weighing at least 1.5 kg with complex artistic surface decoration in the form of a contour-relief or three-dimensional design, with decorations in the form of baked or cast bas-reliefs, or whole chocolate figures. The side surfaces are finished with baked or other finishing semi-finished products, cream.

Branded cakes are made at specific enterprises. The cooking technology is developed by the confectioners of this enterprise.

The dimensions of the cakes are as follows (in mm): square cakes weighing 0.5 kg - 120x120 or 130x130; 1 kg - 200x200; the diameter of round cakes weighing 0.5 kg is 160, 1 kg - 200. The height of the cakes ranges from 40 to 100 mm.

The preparation of cakes consists of the following operations: preparing baked semi-finished dough products, preparing finishing semi-finished products, cutting and gluing layers, spreading the surface and sides, finishing the sides, finishing the surface of the cake. The finished cakes are placed in cardboard boxes lined with parchment.

The following deviations in the net weight of cakes are allowed (%, no more): with a weight over 250 to 500 g inclusive - 2.5; with a weight over 500 to 1000 g inclusive - 1.5; with a mass over 1000 g - 1.

Cakes must be made and sold in compliance with sanitary rules.

Depending on the type of dough baked, cakes are divided into the following groups: sponge cakes, shortbread cakes, puff cakes, nut cakes, air cakes, crumb cakes and combination cakes made from various semi-finished products.

Cakes are also prepared from two or more types of dough. In this case, the cream can be replaced with Charlotte cream. Crumb semi-finished products are also interchangeable.

The following requirements are imposed on the quality of cakes: they must have a clear design with a complete pattern and a beautiful combination of colors on the surface, the finishing of the sides is uniform while maintaining the clear edges of the cake.

Cake "Sponge-cream". For this cake you can use butter cream, as well as Charlotte. To improve the taste of the cake, cognac or dessert wine is added to the syrup.

After aging, the biscuit is cut into two layers. The bottom one is slightly soaked in syrup (40%), since it is the base of the cake, and greased with cream. When making a cake, the cream is distributed 25% into the layer, coating, primer and finishing. Place the second layer, crust side down, and soak in more syrup (60%). The surface and sides of the cake are greased with cream. The sides are sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs.

The surface is decorated with designs made from glaze, colored, white and chocolate cream, chocolate edges, fruits, etc.

Biscuit - 3750, syrup for impregnation - 2000, butter cream - 3600, chocolate cream - 400, canned fruits or candied fruits - 175, fried biscuit crumbs - 75.

Output - 10 pcs. 1000 g each

“Sponge-fruit” cake. Two biscuit layers are soaked in syrup and glued together with fruit filling. The surface and sides are smeared with fruit filling. Canned fruits are placed on the surface of the cake, decorated with jelly and poured with unhardened jelly in two steps. When the jelly has hardened, sprinkle the sides with fried biscuit crumbs.

Biscuit - 3000, syrup - 1300, fruit filling - 3600, jelly - 750, canned fruit - 1250, fried sponge crumbs - 100.

Output - 10 pcs. 1000 g each

Lemon Cake. The biscuit is cut into three layers and glued together with lemon cream. The same cream is used to lubricate the surface and sides. To prepare Charlotte lemon cream, add juice from 400 g of lemons.

The sides of the cake are sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs, tinted yellow. Some of the crumbs are used to finish the surface of the cake. Decorate the cake with “Charlotte” and “Charlotte chocolate” cream.

Biscuit - 3670, "Charlotte lemon" cream - 4400, "Charlotte" cream - 1640, "Charlotte chocolate" cream - 110, fried biscuit crumbs - 280.

1.2 Equipment, inventory, tools used in the preparation of biscuit dough products

A machine is a set of mechanisms that perform specific work or convert one type of energy into another. Depending on the purpose, electric machines (motors) and working machines are distinguished.

Working machines can perform certain work to change the shape, size, properties and condition of labor objects. The objects of labor in public catering establishments are food products that undergo various technological processing - cleaning, grinding, beating, mixing, molding, etc.

In the preparation of biscuit products, ovens, frying confectionery ovens, ovens and ovens, dough mixing machines, whipping machines, and flour sifting machines are used. Ovens are designed for baking various products.

Currently, the following ovens are in use at public catering establishments: ShZhESM-2K, ShZhE-0.85, ShZhE-0.51, ShZhE-1.36, ShK-2A, KEP-400.

The modulated electric sectional frying cabinet ShZhESM-2K consists of two identical unified frying sections (chambers) installed on an inventory cabinet-stand with height-adjustable legs. Each section consists of inner and outer boxes, the space between which is filled with heat-insulating materials. The sections are made of steel sheets and equipped with shelves inside for baking sheets. The section doors are mounted on hinges and, with the help of springs, are pressed tightly against the body and open downwards.

The sections are heated by heating elements installed in the inner box, 3 pieces on top and 3 pieces on the bottom. The upper heating elements are open, the lower heating elements are closed with a bottom sheet. Vapors and gases generated during cooking of products are removed through a vent, which is regulated by a slide valve. On the right side of the ShZhESM-2K oven, in a special compartment there is a block of electrical equipment. Its front panel displays separately for each section: two batch switches for separate control of the upper and lower heating elements; thermostat dials and warning lamps, as well as the handle for turning the slide valve.

Packet switches change the control power of the upper and lower heating elements by switching to 4:2:1 modes.

The thermostat automatically maintains the set temperature of the section within 100-135C. Signal lamps allow you to visually monitor the operation of heating elements.

To cool electrical equipment, there are holes in the lower part of the front panel.

The frying confectionery cabinet ShK-2A differs from ShZhESM-2K only in that it is not manufactured in a modulated design.

The KEP-400 electric confectionery oven is designed for baking a wide range of small bakery and confectionery products.

The KEP-400 electric confectionery oven is a cabinet consisting of a metal frame lined with sheet steel. The working chamber of the furnace is insulated from the facing sheets with heat-insulating material. The oven is divided into two halves: the left half contains heating elements, a fan, a steam generator, a control system and an alarm system, and the right half contains a baking chamber with a door.

The left side of the oven has three compartments, each compartment opens with its own door. The upper compartment contains a thermostat and a fan with an electric motor for forced circulation of forced air.

The middle compartment contains built-in time relays, switches, signal lamps and a control and alarm button.

In the lower compartment there is a steam generator heated by heating elements, a pipe for connecting the feedwater hose and a pipe for condensate drainage.

Baking of confectionery products is carried out on hearths mounted on a rack trolley, which is rolled into the baking chamber of the oven. In the baking chamber, the trolley is fixed with the help of a centering ball, and from above it engages with the trolley rotation mechanism.

The mechanism causes the cart to rotate during the baking process.

The baking chamber is steam-humidified with steam produced in its own steam generator, which consists of cast-iron heat-storage pipes heated by heating elements.

The baking process is automated using a control and alarm system. The duration of the process is set on a time relay. After the set time has elapsed, sound and light signals are given.

The chamber door is electrically interlocked, and the oven can only operate when the door is closed. To monitor the operation of the furnace, there is a viewing window in the chamber door. The baking chamber is illuminated during operation by two lamps.

Operating rules for the KEP-400 electric confectionery oven. Persons who know its structure and safety regulations are allowed to work with the stove. Before turning on the stove, check the serviceability of grounding and sanitary condition, as well as the serviceability of ballasts. Then set the thermostat dial to the required temperature, connect it to the power supply and, using batch switches, turn on the working chambers to high heat. At the same time, the warning lights come on. As soon as the chamber warms up to the set temperature, the signal lights go out, indicating that the oven is ready for operation. Carefully open the doors, place baking trays or pastry sheets with products. Batch switches switch to low or high heat depending on the requirements of the cooking technology. When switching the oven to a lower heating temperature, turn off the heaters and allow it to cool to the required temperature. After this, turn the thermostat dial to a lower heating level and turn on the heaters.

The volume of steam released during baking is adjusted using the vent depending on the requirements of the cooking process.

Dough mixing machine TMM-1M. This machine consists of a base plate, a body, a drive installed in the machine body, a bowl on a three-wheel trolley and a kneading arm with a blade.

A vertical housing with a drive is assembled on a cast-iron base plate. Inside the housing there is a gearbox, an electric motor, a chain drive and a crank connected to a mixing lever. On the side wall of the case there are machine control buttons.

The bowls are a conical tank, and are attached to the shaft using a profile connection. The working body is a kneading lever, which is curved and has a blade at the end.

Operating principle of the dough mixing machine TMM-1M. Rotation from the electric motor through two gearboxes and a chain transmission is simultaneously achieved by the dough mixing lever and the bowl. Thanks to the simultaneous rotation of the bowl and the dough mixing lever in opposite directions, the loaded product is intensively mixed and forms a homogeneous mass saturated with air.

Rules for operating the TMM-1M dough mixing machine. The bowl is rolled onto a cast iron plate with the kneading lever and protective shields raised. Check the connection between the bowl and the drive. Release the kneading lever and shields. Complying with occupational safety and health regulations. Load the machine with products and get to work. While the machine is operating, you must not bend over the bowl or take a sample.

Observe the norm of bowl loading: batter 80-90%, steep dough 50% and its capacity. Failure to comply with these conditions leads to engine overload, rapid wear and breakdown of the machine. After finishing the work, stop the machine, lift the kneading lever and protective shields, press the pedal, and roll the bowl off the cast iron plate. Then the machine is thoroughly sanitized. Clean with a brush, rinse all working parts of the machine with warm water, wipe the surface of the machine with a damp and then dry cloth.

The MV-35M beater is designed to mechanize the process of beating various confectionery mixtures (protein, egg-sugar, creams) and batter in the confectionery shops of public catering establishments. This machine consists of a body, a tank lifting mechanism and a driving mechanism.

A removable tank is mounted on a mobile bracket, which can be moved in a vertical direction using the handle of the lifting mechanism. The machine drive is mounted inside the housing, which consists of a motor, gears and a planetary gearbox. Replaceable beater mechanisms are attached to the working shaft using a pin. On the side wall there is a switch for starting and stopping the engine.

Rules for operating the beater MV-35M. The employee assigned to it has the right to work on the machine. Before starting work, he must correctly fulfill the safety requirements and strictly follow the labor safety rules when working on the machine. The tank is installed and secured to the bracket of the whipping mechanism and, using a coupling, the desired beater is installed on the working shaft. To connect the replaceable beater to the output shaft of the planetary mechanism, the shaft lock is raised up until it stops, and the tail of the beater is inserted into the cutout of the shaft, after which the lock is lowered. At the same time, with its sleeve it tightly clasps the shaft and tail of the beater. Then the products are loaded into the tank and by rotating the handle of the lifting mechanism, set it at such a level that the gap between the beater and the bottom of the tank is less than 5 mm.

After turning on the machine engine, rotate the variator flywheel to set the desired beater speed, observing the arrow on the scale. Speed ​​adjustment is only allowed while the machine is moving, with the engine running.

At the end of the work, turn off the machine, lower the bracket with the tank down and remove it from the machine. Then remove the beater and sanitize all parts of the machine.

The MPM-800 flour sifting machine consists of a cast iron platform on which a drive, a loading hopper, a pipe with a screw and a sifting head are installed.

The drive consists of an explosion-proof electric motor and two V-belt drives that drive a screw with a sieve and an impeller that feeds flour to a vertical pipe, and a lifting mechanism for feeding bags of flour.

Inside the vertical pipe there is an auger that feeds flour to the sifting mechanism of the machine. The screening mechanism consists of a cylindrical body with a discharge tray, a sieve with fixed blades and a discharge window. A cover with a rubber gasket and a hinged securing bolt is installed on top. The discharge tray of the sifting head has a magnetic trap for removing ferromagnetic particles from flour and an easily removable thick fabric sleeve that prevents flour from spraying when it leaves the machine when entering the container.

To control the machine, a magnetic starter, a circuit breaker and control buttons are installed.

The machine is equipped with two sieves with mesh sizes of 1.4 and 1.6 mm for flour of the highest, first and second grades, respectively.

Operating principle of the flour sifting machine MPM-800. Flour from the loading hopper is fed by an impeller to the auger of a vertical pipe, through which the sifting heads enter inside. Here, under the influence of centrifugal force, the flour, loosened, passes through the sieve into the space between the body and the sieve, sinking to the bottom, and with the help of blades enters the unloading tray. The unsifted flour remains at the bottom of the sieve and is removed when the machine stops.

Rules for operating the flour sifting machine MPM-800. Check the sanitary and technical condition and the presence of grounding. A sieve of the required size is installed in the working chamber of the sifting head housing. The top is closed with a lid, which is secured with a hinged bolt. Place a container under the unloading tray. Check the car at idle speed.

A bag of flour is placed on the lifting mechanism, then it is raised and fixed at the required height, after which part of the flour is poured out of the bag into the loading hopper and the “start” button is pressed, turning the machine into operation.

After turning on the machine, flour from the loading hopper is fed by an impeller to the window of the vertical pipe. There the flour is picked up by the auger, fed upward and into the sieve. Having passed through the sieve cells, the flour is directed by blades into the discharge window and, through an installed magnetic trap, along a fabric sleeve, into a substitute container.

While the machine is operating, ensure that the feed hopper is constantly filled with flour. Additional loading of the machine can be done without stopping it. When operating the machine for a long time, it is recommended to periodically stop it to clean the sieve from impurities and unsifted particles of flour.

While the machine is operating, do not open the sifting head cover or leave the machine unattended. Sanitation of the machine is carried out after finishing work and stopping the machine: first remove the remaining flour, then remove the sieve, wipe the machine parts with a damp, clean cloth and leave to dry.

Kitchen utensils, pots of various capacities, are used for dough, mixing products, beating eggs, cooking cream, syrups and other operations. It is better to use stainless steel pans.

Metal baking trays with two four sides are needed for baking biscuits.

Wooden boards, large and small, are used for cutting, kneading and rolling out dough and molding confectionery products.

Sieves large and small for sifting flour, dusting finished products and straining various liquids. Sieves can be hair, silk, metal, with cells of different sizes.

Beaters, whisks and spirals are convenient for whipping egg whites, cream, cocktails and mousses into foam. The simplest beater is a fork. In addition, electric beaters of various sizes and designs are used.

A pastry bag with tubes is necessary for depositing liquid doughs and for finishing cakes and pastries; it can be made from thick paper or fabric. Triangles are cut out of parchment and glued together with egg white to form a cone. The narrow end is given any shape with scissors; the cut can be straight, oblique, braids on both sides, cloves, etc.

Brushes are used to coat confectionery products with eggs, butter or margarine.

1.3 Safety precautions when working in public catering establishments

To avoid accidents, kitchen workers must learn the rules for operating equipment and receive practical instruction from the production manager. In the places where the equipment is located, it is necessary to post the rules for its operation. The floor in workshops must be level, without protrusions, and not slippery.

When working in workshops, the following rules must be observed:

It is necessary to install foot grates on the floor next to the production tables;

Knives must have well-secured handles and be stored in a certain place;

Production baths and tables must have rounded corners.

During work, it is necessary to promptly remove and process waste, monitor the sanitary condition of the workshop and each worker.

When working in a hot shop, workers must study the rules for operating mechanical and thermal equipment and receive practical instructions from the production manager. The temperature in the workshop should not exceed 26 o C.

Disassembly, cleaning, and lubrication of any equipment can only be done when the machine is completely stopped and disconnected from power sources, steam and gas. Electrical equipment must be grounded.

When working with equipment in the kitchen, you must know and strictly follow the rules for operating this equipment. Before starting work, check the serviceability of the machine. Switches and fuses must be closed type. You need to turn the machine on and off using the START and STOP buttons. All moving parts of the machine must be guarded. If a malfunction is detected, the supervisor is notified and the machine is not used.

The workshop must have a first aid kit with the necessary set of medications.

Instructions on safety measures when working as a cook.

General requirements

1.Instructions on safety measures when working as a cook are located on the desktop.

2. The requirements of the instructions are mandatory for students; failure to comply with these requirements is considered a violation of academic discipline.

3. Every accident must be reported to the head of the institution.

4. In every accident, it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim and then refer him to a medical center.

5. Only persons who are fully familiar with tools, equipment, devices, and trained in their proper handling and safe work practices are allowed to work.

Before and during work

1.Do not work on machines and devices whose design is unfamiliar.

2.Do not perform work that was not assigned.

3. Operate a meat grinder only with special devices.

4.When using a universal drive, change, clean and wash the attachment and fastenings only after disconnecting from the power supply.

5.When working with a knife, be careful and hold your hand correctly when processing food.

6. Move the dishes with liquid along the surface of the stove carefully, without jerking.

7. Make sure that the fat placed on the stove does not flare up due to high temperature.

8.When frying semi-finished products, place them in a frying pan tilted away from you.

9. Carefully open the roofs of cooking pots, pots and other utensils with hot food away from you.

10.Use oven mitts to avoid handling hot dishes with your hands.

11. Immediately clean up spilled liquid, grease, or fallen food on the floor.

12.Do not carry a load weighing more than the established norm: girls - 10 kg, boys - 20 kg.

13.During work, do not be distracted or distract others.

Upon completion of work

1. Turn off the equipment.

2. Tidy up the workplace.

3. Remove tools and devices.

4.Close transoms and vents.

5.Turn off the lights.

There are three types of cleaning: routine, basic and general.

Routine cleaning of the laboratory is carried out at the beginning of the working day. Window sills and door handles are wiped with a clean damp cloth. Use another clean, damp cloth to wipe the production tables. Floors are washed with hot (temperature 50 o C) water using detergents or a 3% solution of bleach or chloramine. During the day, a team on duty monitors the cleanliness of the floors.

Most laboratory cleaning occurs at the end of the day. All production equipment is washed with a brush or sponge with a detergent: tables - with slightly alkaline; ovens, stoves - highly alkaline. Part of the wall near the technological equipment, window sills, part of the doors and the floor are washed with detergents or a 3% solution of bleach or chloramine.

General cleaning is carried out once a week. Dust is wiped off the ceiling; walls, windows, radiators, doors, production equipment are washed using detergents and disinfectants with hot (temperature 50°C) water.

Personal hygiene of participants in the production process. Personal hygiene of participants in the production process must be observed at all stages.

1.Preparation for work.

People enter the laboratory wearing sanitary clothing and a change of shoes.

At the beginning of the working day, wash your hands up to the elbows with liquid soap using a brush and warm (temperature 30°C) water.

After washing, cold store and confectionery shop workers rinse their hands with a 2% solution of bleach or chloramine. Dry your hands after washing with an individual paper towel.

2.Work process.

During working hours, hand washing is repeated:

After each production operation;

Working with containers;

Working with eggs;

If the employee picked up anything from the floor.

During work it is prohibited:

Work without replacement shoes and sanitary clothing;

Leave the laboratory in sanitary clothing;

Visit the toilet in sanitary clothing;

Chew chewing gum.

The food waste bin should be emptied every 4-7 hours depending on the time of year.

3.Complete work.

The duty team accepts work places and makes an entry in the sanitary log.

2 . Technological part

2.1 Layout, number, product output Sponge cake “Always successful”

Name of confectionery product: Cake “Always Successful”.

This technological map was taken from the Internet on the site “A Thousand and One Recipes for Sponge Cakes.”

Requirements for raw materials. Prepared raw materials and food products used for preparation must comply with the requirements of current, regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological report, safety and quality certificate).

Table 2.1 Cake “Always Lucky”

Table 2.2 Creamy semolina cream"

2.2 Technology for preparing the product Cake “Always Successful”

Method of preparation: sift the flour, treat the eggs with a warm solution of soda ash, rinse with warm water for 5 minutes, place a clean egg in a clean bowl. Add soda, condensed milk, sour cream and sugar to the eggs, beat until smooth, then add flour. Knead the dough. Place the dough on a baking sheet and bake for 30-40 minutes until done. Divide into two layers, grease the layers with cream, glue and grease the sides. The cake can be decorated with canned fruits (strawberries, peaches, cherries, etc.).

Method for preparing the cream: add butter and cooked ready-made semolina to condensed milk, then beat in a whipping machine until smooth without lumps. Grease the layers and sides with the prepared cream.

2.3 Qualitative assessment (grading) of the product Cake “Always Successful”

Grading is the process of making a decision based on the appearance and taste of a product by taking a sample.

Product write-off is the disposal of products in the event that they do not comply with the requirements. For each fact of write-off of products, an act is drawn up, in which the signatures of the head of the establishment (production) and the foreman or head of the workshop in which the write-off occurs are mandatory. The employee who committed the defect at work is familiarized with the act against signature.

The rejection commission is an authorized group of employees (production director, production manager, etc.).

A culling journal is a journal in which all tested dishes are noted and each of them is given a rating.

Inadequate condition - products of inadequate quality and/or appearance.

In case of receiving low-quality raw materials, financial responsibility falls entirely on the warehouse manager or on the members of the commission accepting the raw materials. In case of damage to raw materials during storage, responsibility falls entirely on the warehouse manager.

Rejection of finished products is carried out by the foreman or the head of the workshop, and the deputy production director can also assess the quality of the product.

Persons conducting food grading must know the properties of dishes and products in order to give a qualified assessment of the dish based on organoleptic indicators. Each group of dishes (products) has specific properties and corresponding indicators.

If, during the organoleptic evaluation of a dish (product), at least one of the indicators is assessed unsatisfactorily, then the dish (product) is not subject to further evaluation, as it is rejected and removed from sale. If necessary, the products are sent for testing to a technological or sanitary food laboratory. There may be cases of destruction of products after additional research.

Requirements for the quality of biscuit products. The biscuit semi-finished product should have a light brown, smooth, thin (sometimes lumpy) top crust; lush, finely porous, elastic structure; yellow crumb without voids. Cracks on the surface are unacceptable. The structure of the crumb is lush, porous, elastic. When pressed, it shrinks easily and then restores its previous shape.

The most common defects in biscuit semi-finished products are:

The semi-finished biscuit product is dense and small in volume. Reasons: eggs are not beaten enough, kneading with flour is too long, flour with a high gluten content is used, starch is not added, the dough was stored for some time before baking, mechanical stress during baking, the amount of flour exceeds the norm;

The biscuit semi-finished product has compacted areas of the crumb - hardening. Reasons: insufficient baking time, proteins have partially settled, long kneading;

Semi-finished biscuit product with lumps of flour. Reasons: insufficient dough kneading, flour added all at once.

The shape of the cakes must be correct, consistent with their appearance, without kinks, dents or damage to the finish. When cut, the dough is baked, without traces of unkneading, with a uniform layer; the edge is smooth. The finish is intact, undamaged, with a clear, distinct pattern. The cream pattern should be clear and embossed. The fondant icing is non-sticky and unsugared, with no blemishes. The sides of the cakes are evenly covered with cream and sprinkled with crumbs. The dough should be well baked and not burnt. The taste and smell are pleasant, characteristic of a product made from fresh raw materials, without extraneous tastes and smells of low-quality fats, eggs and burnt sugar (greasiness, rancidity).

Products and semi-finished products with taste defects (feed taste, unclean, old, musty, acrid, rancid) are not allowed for sale. Unacceptable consistency (rough, dry, crumbly, rubbery). Appearance (swelling, molding).

2.4 Storage conditions and terms of sale of the product Cake “Always Successful”

Store finished products in clean, dry rooms at a temperature of 6-20°C in trays, placing them so that they do not lose their shape. Implementation period 24 hours.

Ready-made pastries and cakes with cream and fruit finishing are stored in refrigerated rooms at a temperature of 0-6 ° C and a relative humidity of 70-75%. Products with whipped cream or fruit finishing - 72 hours, with butter cream - 36 hours, with custard - 6 hours, with whipped cream - 7 hours. Products without finishing can be stored at a temperature not exceeding 18 ° C within 72 hours


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Classic biscuit



This technical and technological map was developed in accordance with GOST 31987-2012 and applies to the classic Biscuit dish produced by a public catering facility.


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for preparing dishes must comply with the requirements of current regulatory documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary-epidemiological report, safety and quality certificate, etc.)


Name of raw materials and semi-finished products, g \Gross\Net

1 Granulated sugar 180\180
2 Premium wheat flour 160\160
3 Chicken eggs 200\200
4 Spices Vanillin 0.5\0.5

Yield of semi-finished product, g: 540.5 Yield of finished product, g: 382


Separate the whites from the yolks.

Start beating the egg whites at the lowest mixer speed. Slowly, add sugar one spoon at a time and add vanilla. When the protein mass becomes white and quite dense, add the yolks one spoon at a time, continuing to beat.

Remove the mixer and begin sifting the flour into the bowl with the whites, gently kneading with a spoon from bottom to top.

Pour the finished dough into a greased form and place in an oven preheated to 190-200°C for 20-25 minutes.

When the time is right, remove the pan, turn the biscuit over onto a plate (rack, towel) and let cool.


Serving: The dish is prepared according to the consumer’s order and used according to the recipe for the main dish. Shelf life and sales according to SanPin, SanPin Note: the technological map was compiled on the basis of a development report.


6.1 Organoleptic quality indicators:

Appearance – The product is of the correct shape, without dents or breaks. Recipe finished surface.

Color – Surface – golden, flesh – yellowish.

Taste and smell - Pleasant, without foreign impurities, for chocolate products - the aroma of chocolate, cocoa. No discrediting signs.

6.2 Microbiological and physico-chemical indicators:

In terms of microbiological and physicochemical indicators, this dish meets the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of food products” (TR CU 021/2011)


Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calories, kcal (kJ)

41,9 \ 24,8 \ 291,3 \ 1555 (6512)

Technological engineer.

For the dish: “Biscuit cake”

1 area of ​​use

1.1. This technical and technological map applies to “Biscuit” cake.

2. Raw materials used

2.1. For the preparation of cakes, raw materials are used that meet the requirements of regulatory documentation and have certificates of conformity or a declaration of conformity, veterinary certificates for livestock products, and quality certificates.

3. Recipe

3.1. Recipe for “Biscuit” cakes

Name of raw materials

Mass fraction of dry substances, %

Raw material consumption per 10 kg of semi-finished product, g

Consumption of raw materials per 10 kg of finished products, g

In dry matter

In dry matter

Egg yolks

Egg whites


Citric acid

Test output:

Whole condensed milk with sugar


Powdered sugar

Cream yield:

4. Technological process

Melange with granulated sugar without heating or (to speed up whipping) with preheating to 40 0 ​​C is beaten in a beater, first at low, then at high speed for 30-40 minutes until the volume increases by 2.5-3 times. Before the end of beating, add flour and essence and mix for no more than 15 seconds. Flour should be introduced in 2-3 doses.

The dough is poured onto prepared pastry sheets and spread with a layer of 2-3 mm.

Baking duration is 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 200-220 0 C. The baked biscuit is kept at a temperature of 15-20 0 C until use. After this, the paper is removed and the biscuit is cleaned.

5. Registration, submission, sale, storage

5.1 Served on a dessert plate.

6. Quality and safety

Appearance: sponge cake in the form of a thin layer 6-9 mm thick; the top crust is smooth.

Consistency: porous, elastic.

Color: crust – light brown; crumb - yellow.

Taste: characteristic of the products used.

Odor: characteristic of the products used.

7. Indicators of nutritional composition and energy value

3.3 “Basket” cake

Technology system

Processing the recipe of a new or signature dish and cooking technology

Name of products and indicators

Net weight according to recipe, g

Processing data per portion, g

Average data, g

Accepted recipe, g

1st grade wheat flour

Granulated sugar


Sodium bicarbonate

Ammonium carbonate

Weight of product set

Product weight

Production losses, %

Weight of the finished dish



Heat loss

The implementation of modern productive production technologies, taking into account the maximum preservation of nutrients of products included in dishes, culinary and confectionery products, occurs through the use of modern models of machines and technological equipment.

The following types of production equipment and machines are used in the confectionery shop of the cafe-confectionery “Sweetness in Joy”:

    refrigeration machines for storing raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products;

    planetary dough mixers with a bowl capacity of 7 liters for kneading dough and preparing creams;

    confectionery ovens for baking dough;

    electric stove;

    convection oven.

Non-production equipment is also used, such as industrial tables, shelving, washing baths, commercial floor and table scales.

In the sales area of ​​the cafe-confectionery “Sweetness in Joy”, round moving counters are installed to demonstrate branded confectionery products to guests.

2.2 Development of technological documentation

2.2.1 Development of technical and technological maps for signature dishes

I approve

Head of the enterprise (full name)


Technical and technological map No. 1

Product name: “Cake “Amateur””

Scope of application: This technical and technological map applies to the confectionery product “Amateur cake”, produced by the cafe-confectionery “Sweetness in Joy” and its branches.

List of raw materials:

granulated sugar GOST 21-94

margarine GOST R 52178-2003

chicken egg GOST R 52121-2003

milk GOST R 52090-2003

Walnut kernels GOST 16833-71

cocoa powder GOST 108-76

cognac GOST R 51618-2009

fried biscuit crumbs GOST 14621-78


Bookmark rate (net), kg

10 servings

20 servings

whole wheat flour

granulated sugar


chicken egg


walnut kernels

cocoa powder

fried biscuit crumbs

Output of the finished product

Preparation of raw materials for the production of the confectionery product “Amateur cake” is carried out in accordance with the rules of mechanical and thermal processing.

Cooking technology:

1. Grind margarine with 0.6 parts of the total mass of sugar until smooth and white; while beating, add 0.5 mass of eggs.

2. Sift the flour, add margarine and sugar to the mixture and knead into a homogeneous dough for 1-2 minutes.

3. Beat the remaining parts of the egg and sugar until a homogeneous mass is formed, heating in a water bath, continue beating until thickened.

4. Beat the butter until white and fluffy, slowly combine with the beaten eggs, continue beating until a cream forms.

5. Preparation of praline: fry walnut kernels in the oven at 130-135°C until golden brown; In a dry frying pan, combine the nuts and half of their mass with sugar, stir the sugar-nut mass over high heat until the sugar dissolves. Cool the mixture and grind it to a powder.

6. Combine praline with cream, stir until smooth, add cocoa, stir until smooth, add cognac, stir until smooth.

7. Roll out 2 square cakes from shortcrust pastry.

8. Coat the cakes with cream, place them on top of each other so that the cakes and layers of cream alternate. Also coat the surface and sides of the cake with cream heated to 32°C. Sprinkle the sides with biscuit crumbs.

9. Decorate the surface of the cake with a border of buttercream, a flower with six petals and the inscription “Amateur” along the diagonal of the cake.

1. To sell the dish on the sales floor, a piece of the “Amateur” cake weighing 100 grams is served on a dessert plate. The layers of cream and cakes on the cut should be without deformation or smudges.

Organoleptic characteristics:

Appearance: A two-layer, square-shaped cake with a smooth surface and smooth contours of decorative trim.

Consistency: the cake is crumbly, the cream is homogeneous.

I approve


Technical and technological map No. 2

Product name: confectionery product “Othello” cake

Scope of application: This technical and technological map applies to the confectionery product “Othello cake”, produced by the cafe-confectionery “Sweetness in Joy” and its branches.

List of raw materials:

premium wheat flour GOST 52189-2003

potato starch GOST 7699-78

chicken egg GOST R 52121-2003

granulated sugar GOST 21-94

butter GOST R 52969-2008

milk GOST R 52090-2003

cocoa powder GOST 108-76

instant freeze-dried coffee GOST R 51881-2003

fried biscuit crumbs GOST 14621-78

coffee liqueur GOST R 52191-2003

cognac GOST R 51618-2009

chocolate chips GOST 31721-2012

Requirements for the quality of raw materials: food raw materials, food products, and semi-finished products used to prepare this dish comply with the requirements of regulatory documents and have certificates of conformity and quality certificates.


Name of raw materials (product)

Bookmark norm for 1 serving, g/piece

Bookmark rate (net), kg

10 servings

20 servings

premium wheat flour

potato starch

chicken egg

granulated sugar


cocoa powder

freeze-dried instant coffee

drinking water

fried biscuit crumbs

coffee liqueur

chocolate chips

Output of the finished product

Preparation of raw materials for the production of the confectionery product Othello cake is carried out in accordance with the rules of mechanical and thermal processing.

Cooking technology:

1. Prepare sponge cakes. Beat 80% of the total mass of whites until a stable foam appears, gradually add 66% of the total mass of sugar and beat until stable peaks appear. Grind the yolks with flour and starch to a white homogeneous mass, combine with the beaten whites. Place the mixture in a square springform pan and bake in the oven at 180°C for 30 minutes. Divide the finished biscuit into three layers of equal thickness.

2. Prepare syrup for soaking the cakes. Combine 13% of the total mass of sugar with water, bring to a boil, skim off the foam. Cool the syrup to 40°C, add instant freeze-dried coffee and coffee liqueur for flavoring.

3. Soak the cakes with syrup.

4. Prepare butter cream. Beat the remaining parts of the egg and sugar until a homogeneous mass is formed, heating in a water bath, continue beating until thickened. Beat the butter until white and fluffy, slowly combine with the beaten eggs, continue beating until a cream forms. Combine the cream with cognac and cocoa powder.

5. Layer the surface of the sponge cake with chocolate cream, combine with the second one, layer the surface of the second cake with chocolate cream, connect with the third cake, layer the surface of the third cake with chocolate cream.

6. Apply cream to the surface of the entire cake. Sprinkle the sides of the cake with biscuit crumbs, sprinkle the top generously with chocolate chips.

Requirements for registration, submission, sale and storage:

1. To sell the dish on the sales floor, a piece of Othello cake weighing 100 grams is served on a dessert plate. The layers of cream and cakes on the cut should be without deformation or smudges.

2. The serving temperature should not be higher than 6°C.

3. Sales period is no more than 20 minutes from the moment of release from refrigeration equipment.

Organoleptic characteristics:

Appearance: A three-layer square-shaped cake with a smooth surface and smooth contours of decorative trim.

Color: uniform, light brown; The color of the biscuit crumbs is beige.

Consistency: cakes – elastic, moist, cream – homogeneous.

Quality and safety indicators:

Physico-chemical and microbiological indicators that affect the safety of the dish comply with the criteria specified in the appendix to GOST R 50763 - 95 “Public catering. Culinary products sold to the public. General technical conditions." Indicators of nutritional composition and energy value

Technological engineer Abzalova R.R.

Responsible developer Abzalova R.R.

I approve

Head of the enterprise (full name)


Technical and technological map No. 3

Name of confectionery product: “Ideal” cake

Scope of application: This technical and technological map applies to the confectionery product “Ideal” cake, produced by the cafe-confectionery “Sweetness in Joy” and its branches.

List of raw materials:

almonds GOST 16830-71

powdered sugar GOST R 53396-2009

egg white GOST R 52121-2003

wheat flour for confectionery GOST R 52189-2003

butter GOST R 52189-2003

condensed milk GOST R 53436-2009

cognac GOST R 51618-2009

vanillin GOST 16599-71

cocoa powder GOST 108-76

Requirements for the quality of raw materials: food raw materials, food products, and semi-finished products used to prepare this dish comply with the requirements of regulatory documents and have certificates of conformity and quality certificates.


Name of raw materials (products)

Bookmark norm for 1 serving, g/piece

Bookmark rate (net), kg

10 servings

20 servings

peeled almonds

powdered sugar

egg white

wheat flour for confectionery


condensed milk

cocoa powder

Output of the finished product

Preparation of raw materials for the production of the confectionery product “Ideal” cake is carried out in accordance with the rules of mechanical and thermal processing.

Cooking technology:

Almond cakes:

1. Roast 95% of the total amount of almonds, mix with 20% of the total amount of powdered sugar, grind to flour.

2. Beat the whites until they reach a stable foam and increase in volume by 6-7 times.

3. Mix the protein mass from bottom to top with the prepared almond mass for 1-2 minutes. The dough should be evenly mixed, viscous and without lumps.

4. Spread the dough in a thin layer of 2-3 mm onto sheets of baking paper, previously greased and lightly dusted with flour.

5. Bake the dough layers in the oven at a temperature of 160-170°C for 7-8 minutes. Cut the baked layers into pieces with circular knives, remove them while warm from the sheets (using a knife) and stand for 6-8 hours at room temperature before assembling the products.

Preparation of cream:

1. Beat the softened butter at low speed for 3-4 minutes until smooth, then increase the speed, beat until the butter is white, adding powdered sugar (1% of the total amount) and condensed milk.

2. At the end of whipping, add vanillin and cognac. The cream should have a fluffy structure and a glossy surface.

Preparation of praline: fry peeled almonds (5% of the total amount) in the oven at 130-135°C until golden brown; In a dry frying pan, combine the nuts and half of their mass with sugar, stir the sugar-nut mass over high heat until the sugar dissolves. Cool the mixture and grind it to a powder.

Cake assembly:

1. Divide the buttercream into three parts, one of which is pre-mixed with cocoa powder.

2. Layer five almond cakes with buttercream and praline filling.

3. Coat the surface of the top layer with butter cream and sprinkle generously with powdered sugar, along the layer of which, using the back of a knife, draw lines in the form of a grid.

4. Pipe chocolate cream along the edges of the cake in the form of a border.

5. In the middle of the surface of the cake, place a plate of sugar mastic with the inscription “Ideal” (the inscription can be made with chocolate cream).

Requirements for registration, submission, sale and storage:

1. To sell the dish on the sales floor, a piece of the “Ideal” cake weighing 100 grams is served on a dessert plate. The layers of cream and cakes on the cut should be without deformation or smudges.

2. The serving temperature should not be higher than 6°C.

3. Sales period is no more than 20 minutes from the moment of release from refrigeration equipment.

Organoleptic characteristics:

Appearance: A five-layer, square-shaped cake with a smooth surface and smooth contours of decorative trim.

Color: uniform, light brown; The color of the biscuit crumbs is beige.

Consistency: cake layer – hard, cream – homogeneous.

Quality and safety indicators:

Physico-chemical and microbiological indicators that affect the safety of the dish comply with the criteria specified in the appendix to GOST R 50763 - 95 “Public catering. Culinary products sold to the public. General technical conditions".

Indicators of nutritional composition and energy value

Technological engineer Abzalova R.R.

Responsible developer Abzalova R.R.

  • Neretina O.V. Technology of bread, confectionery and pasta. Part 1. Technology of baking production Part 2. Technology of flour confectionery products (Document)
  • Kuznetsova L.S., Sidanova M.Yu. Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products (Document)
  • Presentation for an industrial training lesson for confectioners (Abstract)
  • Abstract - The use of creams in the design of confectionery products (Abstract)
  • Zubchenko A.V. Confectionery production technology (Document)
  • Coursework - Assortment of puff pastry products (Coursework)
  • Stabrovskaya O.I., Nazimova G.I. Completion of a course project in the discipline Technology of bread, confectionery and pasta (Document)
  • Work program of industrial training for the profession of Confectioner (Standard)
  • n1.doc


    According to the complexity of preparation, cakes are divided into mass-produced, lettered, figured and branded cakes.

    Mass produced cakes produced according to approved recipes. Their weight ranges from 150 g to 1.5 kg, most often 0.5 and 1 kg. Cakes can be square, rectangular, round, oval.

    Letter cakes - These are sponge-cream cakes weighing 2-3 kg, with a more complex surface finish than mass-produced cakes. The sides are finished with biscuit crumbs.

    Figured cakes prepared weighing at least 1.5 kg with complex artistic surface decoration in the form of a contour-relief or three-dimensional design, with decorations in the form of baked or cast bas-reliefs or whole figures made of chocolate, or other semi-finished products. The side surfaces are finished with baked or other finishing semi-finished products, cream.

    Signature Cakes made at specific enterprises. The cooking technology is developed by the confectioners of a given enterprise.

    Dimensions of cakes (in mm): square weighing 0.5 kg - 120>
    The height of the cakes ranges from 40 to 100 mm.

    Preparation of cakes consists of the following operations: (preparing baked semi-finished dough products, preparing finishing semi-finished products, cutting and gluing layers, spreading the surface and sides, finishing the sides, finishing the surface of the cake. The finished cakes are placed in cardboard boxes lined with parchment .

    In terms of organoleptic indicators, cakes, like pastries, must meet the requirements specified in OST 10-060-95. Physico-chemical parameters of cakes are determined only in semi-finished products; they must comply with the above OST.

    Deviations in the net weight of cakes are allowed (in %, no more): for weights over 250 to 500 g inclusive - 2.5; for masses over 500 to 1000 g inclusive - 1.5; with a mass over 1000 g - 1.

    Cakes must be made and sold in compliance with sanitary rules.

    Depending on the semi-finished product baked from dough, cakes are divided into the following groups: sponge, shortbread, puff, nut, puffed, custard, crumb and combined from various semi-finished products.

    Cakes are also prepared from two or more types of tssta. In this case, the butter cream can be replaced with Charlotte or Glace cream. Crumb semi-finished products are also interchangeable.

    Quality requirements: cakes must comply with the requirements of OST 18-102-772, have a clear design with a complete pattern and a beautiful combination of colors on the surface, the sides are sprinkled evenly while maintaining clear edges of the cake.

    Sponge cakes

    Sponge cakes are the most common. They are very easy to prepare, as they have a fluffy and soft structure. In combination with finishing semi-finished products, sponge cakes have good taste. The range of sponge cakes is very diverse.

    Sponge cakes are prepared using the main method (heated) and the cold method (Boucher). Baked in capsules and cake forms. After baking, leave for 6-8 hours to strengthen the structure, since the layers are subsequently soaked in syrup. They are cut horizontally into two parts and when gluing, the top layer is placed crust side down. Canned and fresh fruits and candied fruits are used for decoration.

    Cake "Sponge-cream"

    Biscuit 3750, soaking syrup 2000, butter cream 3600, chocolate cream 400, canned fruits or candied fruits 175, fried biscuit crumbs 75. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    For this trade, you can use buttercream, as well as Charlotte and Glass. To improve the taste of the bargain, cognac or dessert wine is added to the soaking syrup.

    \/ After aging, the biscuit is cut into two layers. The bottom one is slightly soaked in syrup (40%), since it is the base of the cake, and greased with cream. When making a cake, the cream is distributed 25% into the layer, coating, primer and finishing. Place the second layer, crust side down, and soak more generously in syrup (60%). By-

    The top and sides of the cake (Fig. 30) are greased with cream. Rice. 30. Grease with cream The sides are sprinkled with crumbled biscuit crumbs on the surface and sides of the cake.

    The surface is decorated with designs of white, colored and chocolate cream, fruits or candied fruits (Fig. 31).

    Cake "Fairy Tale"

    Biscuit 3600, soaking syrup 2000, Charlotte* cream 2000, Charlotte chocolate cream 2000, fruit or candied fruits 300, fried biscuit crumbs 100. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Fairy Tale cake can be prepared in two ways. The first way The biscuit is baked in a semi-cylindrical form. Cut it horizontally into three layers, each layer is soaked in syrup and glued with chocolate cream. The surface and sides of the cake are greased with chocolate cream. The bottom of the sides are sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs. Chocolate cream is applied to the surface of the cake from a flat, jagged tube in the form of wavy lines. Decorate the cake with white or colored cream flowers, fruits or candied fruits.

    Second way The biscuit is baked as for a roll. After removing the paper, the layer is soaked in syrup, greased with chocolate cream and rolled into a roll. The surface and sides of the roll are covered with white cream. The bottom of the roll and the ends are sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs. Strips of chocolate cream are deposited on the surface in the form of blackening on the bark of a tree, and the cake is decorated with leaves, flowers made of cream, and candied fruits.

    Coffee Cake

    Biscuit 3750, coffee syrup for soaking 2000, coffee cream 3645, chocolate cream 380, roasted nuts 150, roasted biscuit crumbs 75.

    Rice. 31. “Sponge-cream” cake
    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The cake has a square shape. The biscuit is cut, the bottom layer is slightly soaked with coffee syrup, greased with coffee cream and the top layer is placed, which is soaked more generously, the surface and sides are greased with coffee cream. The sides are sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs. Decorate the cake with coffee and chocolate cream, roasted nuts.

    You can use chocolate cream to make the inscription “Coffee” on the cake.

    Cake “Vanilla with mushrooms”

    Biscuit 3400, soaking syrup 2000, Charlotte chocolate cream 3405, air semi-finished product 600, Charlotte cream 500, fried biscuit crumbs 75, chocolate 20.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The biscuit is cut after aging. The layers are soaked in syrup and covered with cream. The surface and sides are also greased with chocolate cream, the sides are sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs. Decorate the cake with mushrooms baked from the airy semi-finished product.

    To prepare decorations in the form of mushrooms, the airy semi-finished product is deposited on sheets, greased and sprinkled with flour, in the form of mushroom legs and caps. Some caps are sprinkled with biscuit crumbs before baking.

    Bake at a temperature of 100-1°C. After cooling, some caps are glazed with chocolate. The caps and legs are coated with cream and placed on the cake.

    Cake "Gift"

    Biscuit 3000, *Charlotte cream 3700, soaking syrup 2000; for finishing: roasted nuts 1200, powdered sugar 100. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    After aging, the biscuit is cut into two layers, soaked in syrup and covered with cream. The surface and sides are greased with cream, sprinkled with fried chopped nuts and powdered sugar. The cake is prepared only with Charlotte cream.

    - Truffle Cake

    Sponge cake 3000, *Charlotte chocolate cream 3600, soaking syrup 2000, chocolate chips 1000, Patterned chocolate 400. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The sponge cake is cut into two layers, soaked in syrup, and glued with chocolate cream. The surface and sides are smeared with the same cream, sprinkled with chocolate chips (truffle sprinkles) and decorated with chocolate. The cake is prepared only with Charlotte cream.

    Cake "Karmei"

    Sponge cake 2000, sponge cake with cocoa 1400, % buttercream 3800, dessert wine 200, chocolate fondant 1500, fruit filling 300, “Patterned” chocolate 200. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Bake the main sponge cake with cocoa powder. Cut into layers. The bottom of the main sponge cake is greased with cream, put

    A layer of sponge cake with cocoa and also greased with cream. A layer of the main biscuit is placed on top. The surface and sides are smeared with fruit filling and glazed with chocolate fondant. After it hardens, the cake is decorated with cream and chocolate. Dessert wine is added to the cream.

    Cake “For tea*

    Biscuit 3750, cream with cocoa 4000, soaking syrup 2000, fruit 175, fried biscuit crumbs 75. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    After aging, the sponge cake is cut into three layers, each is soaked in syrup and sandwiched together with chocolate cream. The surface and sides are lubricated with the same cream. The sides are sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs. Decorate the cake with cream and fruit. The cake is prepared only with buttercream and cocoa.

    Lemon Cake*

    Biscuit 3670, Charlotte lemon cream 4400, Charlotte cream 1640, Charlotte chocolate cream 110, fried biscuit crumbs 280. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    To prepare Charlotte Lemon cream, add juice from 400 g of lemons. The biscuit is cut into three layers and glued together with lemon cream. Apply this cream to the surface and sides. The sides are sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs, tinted yellow. Some of the crumbs are used to finish the surface of the cake. Decorate the cake with Charlotte and Charlotte chocolate cream.

    Forget-me-not cake

    Biscuit 4500, cream “New” 1750, cream cream “New Chocolate” 1750,

    soaking syrup (fortified) 1550, chocolate icing 300, fried biscuit crumbs 150. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The biscuit is cut into three slices, soaked in syrup and glued together with chocolate cream. The surface and sides are greased with white cream. The sides are sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs. Decorate the cake with forget-me-not cream and chocolate icing.

    Wedding Cake*

    Sponge cake 1360, soaking syrup 840, cream 1280, jam 300, puffed semi-finished product 220. Yield 1 pc. 4 kg.

    The biscuit is baked in round molds of different diameters. After aging, cut horizontally into four layers. Soak in syrup and glue together with cream. The surface and sides are lubricated with cream. The sides are decorated with baked round pieces of airy dough. The surface is decorated with colored cream, as well as with airy semi-finished products of various shapes. For the cake you can use Charlotte cream.

    Rubi Cake

    Biscuit 3500, soaking syrup 3000, Charlotte cream 2000, apple jam 1400, jelly 70, biscuit crumbs 30.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    After standing for 8-10 hours, the biscuit is cut horizontally into two layers, soaked in syrup, and covered with jam. The surface and sides are lubricated with cream. The sides are sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs. The surface of the cake is decorated with cream and colored jelly.

    Cake "Prague"

    Biscuit “Prague” 8100, cream “Prague” 6170, chocolate fondant 2000, jam 920. Yield 10 pcs. to 1720

    Preparing "Prague" biscuit. Baked in round cake pans. After baking, cool, peel and cut the biscuit horizontally into three layers. Glue the layers together with Prague cream and place in the refrigerator until the cream cools completely. The surface and sides are smeared with jam and glazed with chocolate fondant. After it has hardened, the surface is decorated with cream. The cake can be cut into 28 pieces.

    Birch Cake

    Sponge cake 1690, sponge cake with cocoa 1610, syrup (fortified) for soaking 2200, strawberry jam 1170, chocolate cream 930, butter cream 900, lipstick 1330, sponge cake crumbs with cocoa 100, almonds 70. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The cake shape is round. After baking, the biscuit is kept for 6-8 hours and cut into three layers. Each layer is soaked in syrup. One layer is greased with butter cream, a sponge cake layer with cocoa is placed on it, greased with chocolate butter cream and covered with a sponge cake layer. The surface and sides are smeared with strawberry jam and glazed with white fondant. While the lipstick has not hardened, sprinkle the sides of the cake with fried sponge crumbs and cocoa powder. When the lipstick has hardened, the surface of the cake is decorated with cream in the form of a birch trunk and leaves, and peeled almonds are placed in the form of leaves.

    The cake can be prepared weighing 2 and 3 kg.

    Nut Cake

    Biscuit 3750, creamy nut cream 1250, lipstick 2060, soaking syrup 1420, fruit 1000, roasted nuts 520.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    After aging, the sponge cake is cut into two layers, soaked in syrup, and glued with creamy nut cream. The surface of the cake is glazed with fondant. After it hardens, the sides are greased with cream and sprinkled with fried chopped nuts. The surface of the cake is decorated with cream and fruit.

    Cake "Evening"

    Sponge cake with cocoa 2250, main sponge cake 1100, soaking syrup 2250, chocolate fondant 1500, jam 2000, jam 780, protein cream 20, sponge cake crumbs with cocoa 100.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    After baking and aging, the sponge cake is cut into three layers, soaked in syrup, glued together with jam or confiture, but so that there is a main sponge cake in the middle. The surface and sides are smeared with jam. The surface is glazed with chocolate fondant. The sides are sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs and cocoa. After the lipstick hardens on the surface, make decorations from protein cream in the form of stars.

    u Cake “Benkvntno-fruit”

    Biscuit 3000, soaking syrup 1300, fruit filling 3600, jelly 750, canned fruit 1250, fried sponge crumbs 100. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Two layers of biscuit are soaked in syrup and sandwiched with fruit filling. The surface and sides are smeared with fruit filling. Canned fruits are placed on the surface of the market, decorated with jelly and poured with unfrozen jelly in two steps. When the jelly has hardened, sprinkle the sides with fried biscuit crumbs.

    “Sponge” cake with protein cream and fruit layer Biscuit 3000, soaking syrup 1400, protein mixture 2420, fruit filling 2600, fruit 250, powdered sugar 240, biscuit crumbs 90. Yield 10 uim. 1 kg each.

    After standing for 8-10 hours, the biscuit is peeled, cut horizontally into two layers, soaked in syrup, coated with fruit filling, and the surface and sides are lubricated with it. The sides are sprinkled with biscuit crumbs. The surface of the cake is greased with protein cream, decorated with the same cream, fruit and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

    Cake “Korznvka with strawberries”

    Sponge cake 960, soaking syrup 420, butter cream 990, chocolate cream 70, strawberry cream 513, chocolate glaze 63, cognac for syrup 60. Yield 3 kg.

    This shaped cake is prepared in a square shape. Two layers of biscuit are soaked in syrup and glued together with cream. The surface and sides are also lubricated with cream. The sides are decorated with a cream pattern. A layer of chocolate cream is applied to the surface of the cake. For the basket, the sponge cake is baked in a special form or formed from layers of sponge cake, which are glued together with cream, after being soaked in syrup. Place in the refrigerator until the cream is completely cooled and placed on the surface of the cake.

    The basket is decorated with weaves of white and chocolate cream. Then strawberries made from cream are placed on the cake and decorated with cream in the form of leaves and stems. Decorations are made from chocolate icing at the corners of the cake. To make strawberries, they use the semi-finished product “Strawberry”. Recipe for semi-finished product per 1 kg:

    butter cream 555, granulated sugar 466, strawberry essence 2, red food coloring.

    The buttercream is flavored with strawberry essence, placed in a pastry bag with a smooth tube and deposited in the form of small balls on a pastry sheet. Place in the refrigerator until the cream is completely cooled. Then these balls are rolled in granulated sugar, tinted with red food coloring, giving the shape of a strawberry.

    Cake "Russian"

    Sponge cake with cocoa 4020, creamy cream 1100, buttercream with chocolate 2200, creamy chocolate cream 830, honey soak 1380, roasted nuts 270, chocolate glaze 200.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Prepare the main sponge cake with cocoa. Baked in round shapes. After aging, the biscuit is cut into three layers.

    Each layer is soaked in syrup with honey (sugar 652, natural honey 130, water 600). The bottom layer is greased with cream mixed with grated chocolate (93 g of chocolate per 1 kg of cream), a second layer is placed and also greased with this cream, then covered with a third layer. The surface and sides are greased with chocolate cream. The sides are sprinkled with fried chopped nuts. A border is made on the surface with white cream, the inscription “Russian”, decorations in the form of spikelets, half of the cake is sprinkled with chocolate chips.

    Cake "Marnka"

    Chocolate sponge cake 1530, sponge roll 1462, chocolate cream 5513, chocolate glaze 95.

    Output 10 pcs. to 860

    Biscuit and roll are prepared in a cold way. Cocoa powder is added to the biscuit. Baked in round shapes. Once cooled, remove from the molds and cut into four pieces. Only two are used for the cake.

    After baking and cooling, the sponge cake for the roll is layered with cream in pairs, cut into strips 20-30 mm wide and rolled into a roll so that its diameter matches the diameter of the cake. Place on a biscuit layer, greased with cream, spiral up. The surface of the roll is greased with cream and covered with a second layer of sponge cake. The surface and sides are greased and decorated with cream, the top is sprinkled with chocolate chips.

    Cake “Biryusipka*

    Sponge cake 4849, chocolate cream 3858, finishing cream 1940, soaking syrup 1456, chocolate glaze 247, roasted nuts 494, lemon slices 156.

    Output 10 pcs. to 1300

    The sponge cake is prepared in a cold way, baked in round molds, cooled, cut out of the mold and cut horizontally into three layers, soaked in syrup, the bottom one - a little, the top ones - more. They are glued together with chocolate cream and cream. The surface and sides are greased with white cream. The sides are sprinkled with fried chopped nuts. The surface is decorated with a border of white cream along the edge, and in the middle with a border of chocolate cream. Lemon slices are placed inside this border, and crushed chocolate is sprinkled between the first and second borders.

    Cake "Crane"

    Biscuit 4293, cream 3805, lipstick 1024, cocoa powder 244,

    jam 488, fruit or candied fruits 146. For cream: butter 1912, yolk 493, condensed milk with sugar 1149, roasted nuts 311, vanillin 0.5. Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    For the cake, a sponge cake is prepared using the basic method, but butter and nuts are used to prepare it. The nuts are fried and combined with flour, and the butter is melted and added after kneading with flour and nuts. Baked in round shapes. After aging, it is cut into three layers.

    Add "/ 3 mass of water by mass, beaten egg yolks to the condensed milk and boil until thickened for 2-3 minutes in a water bath. Rub through a sieve, cool to 20°C. Beat the butter, add the prepared mass, chopped fried nuts, vanillin and beat 10-IS min. The biscuit layers are glued together with this cream. The surface and sides are smeared with jam and glazed with lipstick with the addition of cocoa powder, decorated with fruits or candied fruits. When the lipstick hardens, a crane-shaped design is applied using a stencil with cocoa powder.

    Cake "Snowball*"

    Sponge cake with sour cream 5960, custard protein cream 1980,

    jam 1940, powdered sugar 50, liqueur 70. For sponge cake with sour cream: flour 1986, granulated sugar 1986, sour cream 1986, melange 1986. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The sponge cake is prepared using the basic method, but after beating the sugar and melange until a stable pattern appears on the surface, this mass is mixed with flour and sour cream. Bake in round shapes, cool, cut into three layers. They are glued together with jam and liqueur. The surface and sides are greased with protein cream. Decorate the surface with the same cream. Heat treated at 220-230°C for 2-3 minutes. After cooling, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

    Cake "Vaclavekny*

    Chocolate sponge cake 4800, * Czech cream 7450, grilled crumbs 1350, compote fruit 1300, chocolate icing 100. For cream: granulated sugar 1917, butter 4383, whole milk 1917, starch 274, cognac or wine 219. Yield 10 pcs. . to 1500

    Chocolate sponge cake is baked in round molds. After cooling, cut out of the mold and cut horizontally into three layers. To prepare the cream, milk is boiled with sugar, brewed with starch, previously diluted milk and cooled. Beat the butter, add the cooled mass, cognac or dessert wine and beat again for 10-15 minutes. The finished cream is mixed with some of the fruit.

    For grilled crumbs, prepare caramel by boiling the syrup to 165*C. Roasted nuts are poured into hot caramel, poured onto a table or sheet greased, allowed to harden, then crushed. For 756 g of granulated sugar take 378 g of molasses, 378 g of dried nuts and 0.0003 g of vanillin.

    The biscuit layers are glued together with cream. Lubricate the top and sides with cream and sprinkle with grilled crumbs. The surface of the cake is decorated with cream, fruit and chocolate.

    Cake "Amber"

    Biscuit 2650, apricot jam 5950, canned apricots 700, jelly 600, fried biscuit crumbs 100. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The cake is made in a square shape. The biscuit is baked, cooled and cut into three layers. They are topped with apricot jam. The surface and sides are also covered with apricot jam. The cake is decorated with slices of canned apricots and filled with jelly in two steps. When the jelly has hardened, sprinkle the sides with fried biscuit crumbs.

    Sand cakes

    Cake "Apricotine"

    Shortbread 4500, butter cream 2700, lipstick 2000, fruit or candied fruits 250, fried nuts 90, chocolate cream 90, Abricotin liqueur 250, fried sponge crumbs 60. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Abricotin liqueur is added to the cream. The sand layers are baked, cooled and the two layers are sandwiched with butter cream. The top layer is glazed with lipstick. When the lipstick has hardened, cut the layer into cakes with a hot knife so that there are even edges. The sides of the cake are greased with cream and sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs.

    A grid of chocolate cream is applied to the surface. Decorate the cake with butter cream, fruits or candied fruits, and fried nuts. Charlotte cream and Glass cream are also used.

    Cake "Lennngradsiny"

    Sand semi-finished product 3600, chocolate cream 2300,

    chocolate fondant 1650, fruit filling 220, chocolate 120, fried nuts 60, biscuit crumbs 60. Yield 10 pcs. 800 g each

    After baking and cooling, the sand layers are glued together two at a time with chocolate cream. A thin layer of fruit filling is applied to the top layer as a primer and glazed with chocolate fondant. When the lipstick hardens, the layer is cut with a hot knife into cakes. The sides are coated with chocolate cream and sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs. The inscription “Leningradsky” is made from chocolate buttercream on the surface of the cake. Decorate the cake with chocolate buttercream, fried nuts, and chocolate.

    “Abricotin” and “Leningradsky” cakes weighing 1 kg or more consist of three or four layers. Charlotte and Glace creams are also used.

    Cake "Falling Leaves"

    Shortbread with cocoa and nuts 5700, chocolate cream 1500, butter cream 400, jam 1400, chocolate fondant 900, shortbread crumbs 100.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Recipe for making 1 kg of shortbread: flour 486, butter 269, granulated sugar 180, melange 63, cocoa powder 54, roasted nuts 90, baking soda 0.45, ammonium carbonate 0.45, salt 1.8, essence 1.8.

    Shortbread dough is prepared as usual, only cocoa powder and chopped roasted nuts are added along with flour. The dough is rolled out into a layer 3-4 mm thick and round shaped shortbread cakes are cut out of it. After baking and cooling, spread a layer of jam on the bottom cake, place a second cake, brush it with chocolate cream and cover with a third cake. The surface and sides of the cake are coated with jam. The surface of the cake is glazed with chocolate fondant, the sides are sprinkled with sand crumbs. 12 sectors are marked on the surface of the cake and each is decorated with cream in the form of green leaves and designs of white and chocolate cream.

    Cake "Dobryninsky"

    Shortbread semi-finished product 4500, protein cream 3300, cranberry jam 1950, powdered sugar 200, biscuit crumbs 50. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Shortbread dough is baked in layers 7-8 mm thick, glued together in pairs with protein cream mixed with cranberry jam. The surface and sides are greased with protein cream. The sides are sprinkled with biscuit crumbs. The surface of the cake is decorated with protein cream, cranberry jam and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

    Cake "Podmoskoashy"

    Shortbread semi-finished product 4006), jam 4200, chocolate fondant 1400, fried nuts 300, biscuit crumbs 100. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Sand layers are baked to a thickness of 5~6 mm, and four layers are layered with jam. The surface is primed with jam and glazed with chocolate fondant, immediately decorated with nuts. The sides are greased with jam and sprinkled with biscuit crumbs.

    Pest cake

    Shortbread semi-finished product 4240, cream (Zelkovo-custard 3030, jam or jam 2560, powdered sugar 1170. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg.

    The cake is made in a round shape from three layers of sand. After baking, they are glued together with jam or jam. The surface and sides are lubricated with protein cream, and the surface is decorated with the same cream. Place in a pastry cabinet for 2-3 minutes at a temperature of 220-230°C. Sprinkle the surface with powdered sugar.

    Cake "Lily of the Valley"

    Sand semi-finished product 4800, fruit filling 3000, lipstick 1850, raw glaze 260, fried biscuit crumbs 70, cocoa powder 20. Yield 16) pcs. 1 kg each.

    The cake is made in a rectangular shape. The succulent layers are baked, cooled slightly and glued together in pairs with fruit filling. The surface is primed with fruit filling and glazed with lipstick. A “marbled” pattern is made on the surface. To do this, part of the lipstick is tinted with cocoa powder and placed in a cornet. The tinted lipstick is applied little by little in the form of parallel strips to the uncured lipstick. It remains behind the knife
    Cake "Moscow"

    Shortbread semi-finished product 5000, brew semi-finished product 700, fruit filling 3080, lipstick 2000, candied fruits. 150, biscuit crumbs 70. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    This cake is square shaped. Shortbread dough is baked as usual. A grid is baked from the choux pastry. To do this, on a confectionery sheet, greased with a thin layer of fat, parallel strips are deposited from a smooth tube along the diagonal of the sheet, on top of them - a second row of parallel strips at an angle of 90 * to the first row. Bake and cool. Two layers of hot sand are sandwiched with fruit filling. The surface and sides are also smeared with fruit filling. A custard mesh is placed on the surface. A cornet with a round hole with a diameter of 2 mm is filled with heated lipstick and applied to the surface of the mesh in the form of intertwining threads. The sides of the cake are sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs. Candied peel sticks are inserted into the holes in the mesh in the center of the cake.

    Sand and fruit cake

    Shortbread semi-finished product 4500, fruit filling 3430, fruits and candied fruits 1250, jelly 750, fried sponge crumbs 70.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The cake can be made round or square. After baking and cooling, the shortbread pieces are glued together with fruit filling. The surface and sides are smeared with fruit filling. The cake is decorated with canned fruits, candied fruits, pieces of jelly and poured with unfrozen jelly in two steps. When the jelly has hardened, sprinkle the sides with fried biscuit crumbs.

    Shortbread cake with jam

    Shortbread semi-finished product 5400, jam 4250, powdered sugar 150, chocolate 100, crumbs from semi-finished shortbread 100.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The shortbread dough is rolled out into layers 5-6 cm thick and baked. Three layers are glued together with strawberry or apricot jam. The surface and sides are smeared with jam, sprinkled with crumbs from scraps of semi-finished shortbread. The surface of the cake is sprinkled with powdered sugar and decorated with chocolate.

    Sand-cream cake

    Shortbread semi-finished product 4500, cream 5150, fruit or candied fruits 290, fried biscuit crumbs 60.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Shortbread dough is baked in a whole layer or in the form of square or round pieces. After baking, cool and glue with cream. A cake weighing 500 g consists of two layers, and a cake weighing 1 kg consists of three layers. The surface and sides are greased with butter cream. The sides are sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs. The cake is decorated with cream, fruit or candied fruits.

    Cake “Ivushka*

    Sand semi-finished product 6900, raspberry cream 6077, cream for finishing 1318, chocolate icing 399, fried nuts 323. Raspberry cream: butter 3032, granulated sugar 1736, 35% cream 725, raspberry confiture 1181, cognac or wine 124.

    Cream for finishing: butter 788, 35% cream 189, granulated sugar 452, vanillin 0.4, cognac or wine.

    Output 10 pcs. to 1500

    For the cake, round shortbread cakes are baked or cut out of the layer using a stencil. The cream is prepared with cream, but raspberry confiture is used. Instead of confiture, vanilla powder is added to the finishing cream.

    Three shortbread cakes are layered with raspberry cream and cream, and the sides of the cake are also coated with it.

    The top of the cake is decorated with cream on cream in the form of a border, the sides are sprinkled with nut crumbs. Decorations in the form of a willow branch are made from chocolate icing on top.

    Cake "Fruit*

    Shortbread dough 2893, sponge cake 2051, *Charlotte cream 1096, jelly 848, apple jam 3350, canned fruit 800, biscuit crumbs 105. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Bake two dough pieces, one biscuit piece, and glue them together with fruit filling (the sponge piece is placed in the middle). The top of the cake is also covered with fruit filling, fruits are laid out in a certain pattern and filled with jelly. After hardening, the jelly is decorated with cream. The sides are greased with cream and sprinkled with biscuit crumbs.

    Sand and Walnut Cake

    Sand semi-finished product 4900, nut semi-finished product 2000, confiture 3000, shortbread crumb 100.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Pssochnos are baked in the form of round pieces, 3 pieces per cake. The nut semi-finished product is prepared like heated almond dough. On sheets greased and sprinkled with flour, rings with a pattern in the middle are planted according to the size of the sand pieces. Bake, cool, 3 layers of sand are glued together with confiture. The surface and sides are greased with confiture, the nut preparation is placed on top, the sides are sprinkled with sand crumbs.

    Cake pigeon's milk*

    Pastry semi-finished product 3100, cream 790, chocolate 200.

    For the butter-whipped semi-finished product: flour 140, granulated sugar 106, butter 106, melange 75, vanillin 0.1.

    For the cream: ca$aptnecoK 308, molasses 155, agar 4, water 130, fir oil 200, condensed milk with sugar 94, egg mixture 60, vanillin 0.3, citric acid 2. Yield 1300.

    Beat butter and granulated sugar until smooth, add melange in which vanillin is dissolved. Beat the mixture until fluffy, 15-20 minutes. Then add flour and knead the dough. The mixture is spread into two layers using a stencil on sheets greased with brush. Bake at 220°C for 5-8 minutes.

    The butter-whipped semi-finished product is placed in a rectangular form without a bottom, covered with a layer of cream, and then the second semi-finished product is placed and a layer of cream is again applied on top to fill the form to the brim. Place in the refrigerator until the cream hardens completely. Cut out of the mold with a thin knife. The surface and sides are glazed with chocolate. After it hardens, a chocolate pattern is applied to the surface of the cake.

    You can make a cake with halva. The halva is rubbed through a sieve, crushed crumbs from the butter-whipped semi-finished product are added. The sides are sprinkled with halva and crumbs. A stencil is placed on the surface and also sprinkled with halva. Then the stencil is removed.

    Layer cakes

    Cake “Layer with cream*

    Puff pastry 5030, butter cream 3800, powdered sugar 150, puff crumbs 1020. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The puff layers are baked, cooled and glued with cream. A cake weighing 500 g consists of two layers, and a cake weighing 1 kg consists of three. The last layer is placed with the smooth side up. The surface and sides are greased with cream and sprinkled with puff pastry crumbs, pressed against the cake using a metal plate, aligning the corners of the cake. The surface of the cake is sprinkled with powdered sugar. This cake can be prepared with Charlotte* and Glace cream.

    Cake “Layer with confiture*

    Puff pastry 5330, confiture 3500, crumbs from puff pastry 1020, powdered sugar 150. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The puff paste is rolled out into a layer 5-6 mm thick. After baking and cooling, the two layers are glued together with confiture. The surface and sides are greased with confiture, sprinkled with puff pastry crumbs and powdered sugar.

    Cake “Moscow puff pastry*

    Puff pastry 4000, fruit filling 4000,

    crumbs from semi-finished puff pastry 1800, powdered sugar 200.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Puff pastry is baked in layers, cooled and glued together in 2-3 layers with a fruit filling. The surface and sides are greased with fruit filling, sprinkled with puff pastry crumbs and powdered sugar.

    Cake "Sports"

    Puff pastry 4000, fruit filling 4000, fondant 1800, puff crumb 200.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    After baking, the puff layers are glued together with fruit filling. The last layer is placed with the smooth side up. The surface and sides are covered with a layer of fruit filling. The surface of the cake is glazed with fondant and, using a cornet with a smooth hole 1-2 mm in diameter, decorated with fondant of a different color. The sides of the cake are sprinkled with puff pastry crumbs.

    Almond cakes Mnndalio-fruit cake

    Almond semi-finished product 5770, fruit filling 2170, soaking syrup 420, fruits and candied fruits 1140, lipstick 420, almond crumbs 80.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The cake is made in a square shape. The almond dough is placed on a pastry sheet, greased and sprinkled with flour, and shaped using a knife into two squares the size of the cake.

    For the top of the cake, a pattern of a jagged tube (two crossing diagonals and a border along the edges) is applied to one square of dough. After baking and cooling, the lower workpiece is greased with fruit filling and the upper workpiece is placed on it, after wetting it with syrup. Each of the four resulting sectors of the upper blank is filled with lipstick of a different color. While the lipstick has not hardened, the cake is decorated with fruits and candied fruits. After hardening, the sides are coated with fruit filling and sprinkled with almond crumbs.

    Cake "Khreshchatyk"

    Almond semi-finished product 4480, Charlotte chocolate cream 2350, Charlotte cream 3060, semi-finished almond crumbs 110. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Almond blanks are shaped in the same way as for the Almond-Fruit cake. After baking and cooling, three layers of semi-finished almond product are combined with white Charlotte cream. The surface and sides are greased with Charlotte chocolate cream. The sides are sprinkled with semi-finished almond crumbs. The surface is decorated with cream in the form of a flower and chestnut leaves.

    Airy nut cakes

    Cake "Flight"

    Puffed nut semi-finished product 4300, puffed semi-finished product 300, Charlotte* cream 4900, chocolate cream Charlotte 150, powdered sugar 150, crumbs from the puffed nut semi-finished product 200. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Prepare a round cake. For the cake, an air-nut semi-finished product is baked according to the following recipe:

    sugar 3030, egg whites 1515, roasted nuts 1288, vanilla powder 3^.9.

    Two cakes of the puffed nut semi-finished product are glued together with cream, the surface and sides are also greased with cream and sprinkled with crumbs from the puffed nut semi-finished product.

    To decorate the cake, several round pieces are baked from airy dough, cooled and placed on the surface of the cake. A thin pattern of chocolate and white cream is applied. Sprinkle the top of the cake with a thin layer of powdered sugar.

    Cake "Kyiv"

    Puffed nut semi-finished product 4200, Charlotte cream 3700, chocolate cream Charlotte 176, fruits and candied fruits 340, cognac in cream 50. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The puffed nut semi-finished product is prepared in the same way as for the “Flight” cake, but only the prepared nuts are first mixed with flour. The two layers are glued together with white cream, the surface and sides are greased with chocolate cream. The cake is decorated with designs made of colored cream, fruits and candied fruits. The sides are decorated with chocolate cream.

    Tea Rose Cake

    Puffed nut semi-finished product 4300, Charlotte cream 4200, chocolate glaze with butter 120, candied fruits 100, crumbs of puffed nut semi-finished product 200.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The puffed nut semi-finished product is baked in an oval shape and glued together in pairs with cream. The surface and sides are lubricated with cream. The sides are sprinkled with crumbs of the semi-finished puffed nut product. The surface is decorated with tea rose cream, candied fruits and chocolate icing. Add butter (3:1) to the chocolate glaze.

    Air cakes

    Cake "Spiderweb"

    Puffed semi-finished product 3440, creamy cream “New” fruit 4160, creamy cream “New” 240, creamy cream “New”

    chocolate 400, roasted nuts 1200, puffed semi-finished product crumbs 560. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Airy semi-finished products are baked in the same way as for the “Flight” cake. After standing for 12-24 hours, three layers of the airy semi-finished product are glued together with “Novy” fruit cream. The surface and sides are lubricated with the same cream. The surface is sprinkled with fried chopped nuts, and the sides are sprinkled with nuts mixed with crumbs of the puffed semi-finished product. A thin pattern in the form of intertwined lines of white and chocolate “Novy” buttercream is applied to the surface of the cake.

    Cake "Yaroslavna"

    Puffed semi-finished product 3100, cream “Charlotte” 5620, cream “Charlotte chocolate” 130, candied citrus fruits 1000, crumbs of puffed semi-finished product 560. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Airy semi-finished products are baked and aged in the same way as for the “Flight” cake. Three airy pieces are connected with Charlotte cream mixed with some candied fruits. The sides are sprinkled with crumbs of the puffed semi-finished product. The surface is decorated with white and chocolate cream “Charlotte” and candied fruits.

    Storage and transportation of pastries and cakes

    Storage and transportation of pastries and pies is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the industry standard OST 10-060-95 “Cakes and Pastries”.

    Cakes are placed in artistically decorated cardboard boxes made of polymer materials approved for use by state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities. (The bottom of the boxes is covered with a napkin made of parchment, sub-parchment, glassine, cellophane..

    Cakes should be placed in trays or on sheets. The sheets are placed in boxes. Trays and sheets can be metal with an anti-corrosion coating or wooden, coated with food varnish, or from other material approved for use by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The bottom of the tray or sheet should be lined with parchment, parchment or glassine. To avoid deformation, the cakes are placed in one row; At least five different types of cakes must be placed in a tray or on a sheet. If you have an order from a trading organization, you can place cakes of the same name. Undecorated cakes are placed vertically. Small cakes (dessert) are placed in boxes or boxes, or in trays and on sheets. Cakes such as “Korzinochki”, crumb cakes, “Boucher”, air cakes are placed first on paper capsules and then in trays.

    Boxes of cakes and boxes of pastries must be marked as follows:

    I (name of the manufacturer; its address;

    Product name; dates and hours of manufacture; storage conditions; shelf life;

    Information about the nutritional and energy value of 100 g of product;

    Designation of the OST 10-60-95 standard.

    Transportation of cakes and pastries is carried out in compliance with relevant sanitary rules in dry covered vehicles or carts. They should not be transported together with products that have a strong odor.

    Transportation, loading and unloading of cakes and pastries must be carried out carefully, without impacts or sudden shaking. When loading and unloading, they must be protected from exposure to precipitation.

    (/Cakes and pastries with various creams and fruit fillings are stored at a temperature of (4 ± 2) * C. The guaranteed shelf life is established starting from the time of manufacture (hours, no more): without finishing, with protein cream or fruit beaten ~finishing" - 72; with creams based on butter - 36; with whipped cream - 6; with custard - 6.