Bavarian beer soup with cheese. Bavarian beer soup with cheese Bean soup with Bavarian sausages, garlic and apple

I suggest you prepare a very tasty bean soup. It is quite easy to prepare, but it turns out very satisfying and nutritious. After all, as you know, beans are rich in proteins and carbohydrates. In addition, it itself is a very tasty product. And in combination with other products, its taste becomes more intense.

But the soup today will be unusual. We will cook it with Bavarian sausages, apple and garlic. It would seem that the products are completely incompatible... But that’s not the case, everything fits so well that everyone will certainly ask for more. And then they will always ask you to cook it this way.

In principle, it is prepared according to the classic recipe scheme. Of course there are features, but not so significant. I don’t fry onions and carrots in this recipe, I chop them coarsely, according to the cooking principle. In this case, it turns out not so fatty, you can feel the taste of each vegetable, which exchanged juices with each other and acquired a completely new taste.

Of course, the dish itself turned out because of this completely unusual taste. As one of our friends said, who dined with us, and for lunch there was just bean soup: “Well, you can’t cook it so deliciously, I almost ate it with a spoon!”

And another feature is that it turns out very thick. It is, as they say, “worth a spoon.” When you prepare such a dish for lunch, there is no need to prepare a second dish.

No one will simply be able to eat the second one. It is enough to prepare some light salad, for example from cucumbers and tomatoes. Or just coarsely chop the vegetables and place them on a plate along with dill, parsley and green onions. Fresh spring garlic will also come in handy.

Well, let's cook a delicious, thick, rich soup together.

Bean soup with Bavarian sausages, garlic and apple

What we need:

  • meat on the bone -500 gr.
  • Bavarian sausages - 3 pieces
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 2 pieces
  • potatoes - 3 pieces
  • green apple - 1 pc.
  • tomato paste (or tomato) - 4 tbsp. spoons (1-2 pieces)
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar -1 teaspoon
  • spices - cumin, coriander, paprika, rosemary
  • dried herbs - parsley, basil
  • red capsicum
  • ground black pepper, salt
  • Bay leaf

Before starting to prepare the dish, it is recommended to soak the beans for 8-10 hours. It's good to do this at night. This needs to be done for two reasons.

Firstly, in this way the dry beans are saturated with moisture when soaked, and this significantly reduces the cooking time. And secondly, sugars that are not digested in the human body dissolve in water; they are called oligosaccharides. And if the beans are not soaked, bloating appears when consumed, and the digestion process itself becomes more complicated.

It is advisable to change the water several times when soaking.


1. We take meat on the bone, you can use both beef and lamb (optional), soup on the marrow bone will be especially good. Fill it with cold water so that the meat is only slightly covered. Bring to a boil, skimming off the foam. Let it simmer for 3 minutes, remove the meat, drain the water, and rinse the pan.

2. Boil more water separately and pour boiling water over the meat. The volume of water with meat should be approximately 3 liters. Bring to a boil again, reduce the gas. Close the lid, but not completely, leave a crack, and cook for 1.5 hours over low heat. During this time, the meat should be almost ready.

3. Add the beans and the whole onion (no need to cut it) to the meat, and cook for another 30-40 minutes.

4. During this time, fry tomato paste or finely chopped tomato in vegetable oil, from which you must first remove the skin. To do this, you need to pour boiling water over it; then the skin will peel off very easily. I make it at home as a preparation for the winter, see how to make it in the link. If you use store-bought paste, you only need to take 1 tablespoon. It is more saturated, and this amount will be enough.

5. Rather than fry the pasta, you should simmer it over low heat, adding a teaspoon of sugar to it. Sugar will give the dish the necessary sweetness, and the tomatoes or tomato paste will have a bright, rich color.

6. Peel and coarsely chop carrots, potatoes, and apples. It is better to use a green apple, which has a sour or sweet and sour taste. I used the Semerenko variety.

Chop the garlic. Prepare spices and a piece of red hot pepper. Pepper comes in varying degrees of bitterness, so adding it is a purely individual process. But you still need to add just a little for taste, even if you don’t like it spicy. The soup will not be bitter, but will add the right note of taste.

7. After 30-40 minutes of cooking beans, meat and onions, add vegetables and apple. Don't add garlic yet.

8. After another 15 minutes, add chopped Bavarian sausages, garlic, spices and dried herbs. Then we add salt. As we know, it should be before the end of cooking.

9. Cook for another 10 minutes, then add ground black pepper and bay leaf. Remove the whole onion from the broth and throw it away. It became completely soft, gave up all its taste, and we don’t need it anymore.

10. After 5 minutes, turn off the heat, close the lid tightly, and cover with a towel. Leave to infuse for 20-30 minutes. During this time, the soup will simmer and become saturated with the flavors and aromas of all the ingredients.

Helpful Tips:

  • Always cook in a good mood, with desire. Then everything will turn out very tasty!
  • During the entire cooking process, it is not advisable to add water to the dish being prepared. You should immediately calculate how much water to pour. If at the beginning of cooking we have a volume of 3 liters, then in two hours of cooking meat and beans, approximately 1 liter will evaporate. But adding vegetables and all other ingredients, we get a volume of 2.5 liters. This makes about 5-6 servings. If you want to cook it more or less, then approximately calculate its volume.
  • When cooking, make sure that the broth does not boil too much. This will make it less tasty, and its color will become cloudy. Boiling soup should simmer rather than boil.
  • In today's recipe, in addition to meat, we used Bavarian sausages. In fact, you can experiment. It is traditionally delicious with the addition of smoked pork ribs. It will be enough to add 250-300 grams. You can experiment with adding smoked sausages or sausage. But if you don’t even add any of this, and just cook the soup with meat broth, it will also turn out very tasty.
  • Today we cooked it from red beans, but you can also cook it from white beans.

  • As mentioned above, I chopped the vegetables for this recipe quite coarsely. If this option is not acceptable for you, cut it as you like.
  • This recipe contains all the flavors: sweet - carrots and sugar, sour - apple and tomato, bitter - red and black peppers, salty - salt, tart and spicy - garlic, seasonings and smoked meats. The combination of all these flavors together, combined with beans, gives the dish that amazing appeal that makes it unlike any other soup.
  • It should be served with chopped dill, parsley and green onions. If you like fresh garlic, you can also chop it and add it. Or put the whole head on the table and eat it as a bite. It is advisable not to get carried away with mayonnaise in order to better experience the full range of taste. It's like drinking tea with sugar; the taste of the tea is lost.

Now that the soup has already brewed, it’s time to sit down at the table. I hope that prepared according to this recipe, you will like it. Both you and your loved ones will love it. And you will cook it for lunch for your family more than once.

Bon appetit!

Before I tell you how to prepare the soup, I want to complain to you that it’s not so easy to find chili pepper in our city. I ran around 3 shops, 2 markets, 4 vegetable stalls and 2 large hypermarkets, but I couldn’t buy fresh chili anywhere. In every store they looked at me like I was a fool. It felt like I was asking them for dragon eggs or, for example, mammoth fillets. That's terrible. Apparently this pepper is sold only in season. Well, I had to buy it ground and go home.
Started cooking. Peeled the onion, cut into cubes and fried it in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Then I cut the hunting sausages into circles like these.

Then I transferred the sausages fried with onions into a saucepan and poured them beer.(Better take good and pleasant-tasting beer).

Stirring constantly, I brought our soup to a boil and then cooked for another five minutes. The consistency of the soup should be thick.

Personally, cooking took me significantly less time than searching for food. The soup turned out to be spicy, slightly bitter (from the beer), but very interesting in taste. Bon appetit!

Bavarian beer soup ready!

For those watching the Olympics:

That's basically it. Bavarian soup is ready in a hurry.

This, wonderful in hisher simplicity, the soup is so flavorful and nutritious that you can say about it, “This is just what the doctor ordered.” After it, your health and mood immediately improves.

AfterI tried this soup in Bavaria, visiting pleasant acquaintances on the way to a rural guest house (exactlyoh a place where you can enjoy dishes with authentic taste), I just couldn’t forget its taste and the fabulous consistency of the dumplingto her. The rich taste of offal and incredibly tender texture, complemented by aromatic beef broth.

Then I looked for a recipe on German websites for a very long time and not a single recipe convinced me to repeat it without reservations. That's why, I took several recipes as a basis, and with the help of experience in preparing dumplingsShe, meatballs and offal in general and her culinary intuition, created her dumplings with aromatic broth. As a result,my husband was simply delighted and even said that they were much better thanthose in Bavaria. More delicate and balanced in taste. All thanks to the ratioyu meatand liver. If you make dumplings only from the liver, the taste will be too intense. To ensure that the consistency is tender, you should be careful not to overcook the dumplings, and add a sufficient amount of soakedwow in the milk of bread or loaf.

For boiling dumplingsfrom the liver, I advise you to take a small amount of broth. Then the remaining broth for the soup will be clear and beautiful, because when boiling the liver dumplings, the liquid becomes cloudy and small particles of dumplings come off. Honestly, then the broth will not have a very aesthetic appearance, although it will be very tasty. Be sure to cook the liver dumplings in batches.

6 servings


  • 350 grams beef liver, coarsely chopped
  • 300 grams beef shoulder, coarsely chopped
  • 100g light bread or loaf, coarsely chopped
  • 3 eggs
  • 120 ml milk
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • Lard for frying
  • Ground black pepper to taste

For the broth:

  • 600 grams beef shanks
  • 3 small onions, cut in half
  • 2 large carrots, cut into large pieces
  • 1 rough stem leek, cut into large pieces
  • 1 tsp black peppercorns
  • 2-3 branches parsley without greens
  • Salt to taste

To submit:

  • Chives, finely chopped
Preparation of broth: 2 hours Cooking time: 40 minutes Total cooking time: 2 hours 40 minutes

1) Place all ingredients for the broth in a pressure cooker, add water so that the water covers the ingredients, and cook for 1 hour 30 minutes.

If you don't have a pressure cooker, place all the ingredients in a large saucepan, add water, and cook until the meat begins to fall off the bones. Remove from heat and strain through a fine sieve.

2) For liver dumplings:

Place the bread or loaf in a deep bowl and add milk. Mash it a little so that the bread absorbs the liquid better. Leave to swell for a few minutes.

Fry the onion in fat until soft. Remove from heat.

Place the meat in a blender bowl and beat until smooth or grind in a meat grinder. Remove possible tendons from the minced meat.

Add the liver and beat again or grind in a meat grinder.