Bananas. Is it possible to eat a banana at night? Benefits and harms Do you eat bananas?

Useful tips

The well-known fruit - banana- is one of the most ancient which people began to cultivate.

It is believed that people originally consumed bananas along with fish as a diet.

How many calories are in a banana?

Banana calories is 70-100 Kcal per 100 g.

This treat contains three types of natural sugar: sucrose, fructose, and glucose in combination with fibers. Banana provides an immediate, sustained and significant increase in energy.

Research shows that just two bananas provide energy, which is enough for a one-time intense sports training.

But energy is not the only thing bananas help us with. They can also help overcome or prevent many illnesses, making bananas a must-have in our daily diet.

Can breastfeeding mothers eat bananas?

Pediatricians recommend Breastfeeding mothers should eat bananas. This fruit rarely causes a negative reaction in infants and has special useful properties, which we will discuss later.

Benefits of bananas

So What are bananas good for? For you, we have prepared a list of the beneficial properties of bananas, compiled taking into account the results of the latest research.

Treat depression

In a survey of people suffering from depression, it was determined that many felt much better after eating bananas. And all for the simple reason that bananas contain tryptophan - a type of protein converted by the body in serotonin – the so-called "pleasure hormone".

Read also: Banana is the head of everything, or why this plant will become the main food in the world

Serotonin has relaxing properties and improves mood.

Relieves PMS pain

Forget about pills - eat bananas, which contain plenty of vitamin B6, which regulates glucose levels directly in the blood, which in turn helps women endure critical days easier.

Anemia is treated

Due to the high content gland bananas help stimulate production hemoglobin in the blood, which helps with anemia.

Normalize blood pressure

This tropical fruit is very rich potassium, Moreover, it contains little salt, which makes it perfect medicine to normalize blood pressure.

Improve brain activity

During the experiment, it turned out that 200 students from one of the English schools were helped to successfully pass exams this year bananas, which they consumed for breakfast and lunch. It has been proven that bananas are high in potassium improve memory and attention.

Treat constipation

One of the fastest ways to cure a hangover is banana-milk-honey cocktail. This drink helps normalization of the stomach And reduces blood sugar level.

Treat heartburn

Bananas have a natural antacid effect, so if you suffer from heartburn, we recommend you try eating a banana for quick pain relief.

Helps avoid morning sickness

By eating bananas between meals, a person thereby maintains level blood sugar and avoids morning sickness.

Reduce irritation from mosquito bites

If you don't have insect repellent on hand, try rubbing the inner skin of a banana on the affected area. Many people find that this procedure helps reducing swelling and irritation.

Treat nervousness

Bananas are rich vitamins, helping to calm the nervous system.

Helps to lose excess weight

Based on research conducted at the Institute of Psychology in Austria, it was concluded that problems with blood pressure lead to obesity. In a study of 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found that most obese patients had high blood pressure.

The final report of this study concluded that to avoid food cravings and lose weight, we must control our blood sugar levels. Enough for this have a snack foods high in carbohydrates (eg. bananas) every two hours, then it will be maintained normal level blood pressure.

Since ancient times, the fruit has been valued for its nutritional and medicinal properties. The benefits of bananas include quick saturation and restoration of strength, and improved mood. The fruit envelops, relieves inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, and has a mild laxative effect. In some cases it is contraindicated and causes harm.

Banana varieties

About 70 varieties are known. Fruits (berries) with aromatic mealy pulp ripen in bunches, their weight reaches 30-50 kg.

Modern artificially bred varieties are divided into dessert and so-called platano - unsweetened and hard, with green or red skin. They go to feed livestock.

Artificial varieties are incapable of independent reproduction and are defenseless against fungal diseases.

The most common are Cavendish, Robusta, Valerie, Indian Mysore, Rajapuri. For various reasons, the once popular natural varieties (Gros Michel) were no longer cultivated.

Collection and transportation

The fruits are picked green and unripe; overripe ones lose their aroma and taste. Through the cracked skin, their flesh becomes infected with diseases.

To improve their safety before transportation, they are treated with fungicides against fungus. Chemicals are toxic and their entry into the body causes... Therefore, wash the fruit thoroughly before eating.

How to store bananas

Ripe fruits retain their beneficial properties longer at a temperature of +10..+12C. They get dark quickly in the refrigerator.

Unripe (green) fruits are stored at a higher temperature. It is better to hang the bundle, not keep it in a bag.

Composition and calorie content of bananas

The weight of one fruit including peel is 160-180g.

Pulp weight – 100-130g.

Calorie content of 1 banana without peel: 120 kcal * 130 g / 100 g = 150 kcal.

This calorie content corresponds to 130g chicken breast fillet.

Calorie content of 100 g of product is 120 kcal.

A ripe banana is firm, with fleshy flesh, covered with a strong peel with brown spots without traces of greenery.

The pulp contains pectin substances, which improve digestion and remove harmful substances from the intestines. (7-20%), which turns into sugar when ripe. Proteins – up to 1.3%. – up to 25%, mainly sucrose.

The benefits of bananas are their high content of vitamins C, E, beta-carotene, as well as choline (formerly vitamin B4), which improves memory.

B vitamins are represented by thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3, nicotinic acid), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), (B9).

The highest content of vitamins B3, B5, B6:

  • Vitamin B3 is involved in tissue respiration, fat and protein metabolism. Helps reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and increase the level of “good” cholesterol (HDL), improves microcirculation in the vessels of the brain.
  • Vitamin B5 is useful for the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, and is involved in the production of histamine and cholesterol.
  • Vitamin B6 is involved in the synthesis of serotonin, adrenaline, histamine, hemoglobin, and fats. Supports healthy teeth, gums, and skin. The body loses it when taking contraceptives and stress. One fruit contains up to 30% of the daily requirement.

The benefits of bananas are their high phosphorus content. Sodium, iron, copper, selenium are less.

Potassium useful for the nervous system, heart, blood vessels. Normalizes heart rate, blood pressure, reduces the risk of stroke. Together with sodium, it regulates the water-salt balance.

  • The daily requirement of potassium for adults is 2-3g, it is contained in 3 fruits.

Potassium deficiency due to the accumulation of sodium in the kidneys increases cholesterol levels and increases blood pressure.

Magnesium normalizes heart rhythm, reduces blood clotting, eliminates spasm of blood vessels and smooth muscles.

  • The daily requirement of magnesium for adults is 500-750 mcg. 1 banana contains up to 50 micrograms of useful elements.

Alkaline compounds neutralize acids, prevent the deposition of salts, the development of gout, osteochondrosis, and rheumatism.

The serotonin contained in it calms the nervous system; bananas are useful for insomnia.

Benefits of bananas for the body

Chew the fruit thoroughly, eat in small portions, not on an empty stomach, and do not drink water.

Daily consumption of 1-2 fruits improves mood, concentration, reduces fatigue, normalizes blood pressure, heart rate, and increases the strength of heart contractions. The benefits of bananas are to eliminate swelling, inflammation, and accelerate the healing process.

Gastrointestinal tract. Bananas weaken, stimulate peristalsis, prevent constipation, and have choleretic and diuretic properties.

Banana pulp has a sliding, enveloping, softening effect, which is useful for scarring ulcers and erosions of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Stimulates epithelial renewal and mucus secretion, which protects the inner wall of the stomach from damage.

Bananas are useful for chronic gastritis, peptic ulcers and gastrointestinal disorders, hemorrhage in the stomach and duodenum.

Crushed ripe banana pulp is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, inflammation of the small intestine (enteritis), and the mucous membrane of the colon (ulcerative colitis).

Destruction of helminths:

  • Cut the washed ripe fruit with the peel, brew 1 liter of boiling water, leave for three hours.

Take a glass before meals against roundworms and hookworms. In China, the ash of the plant along with the roots is considered an anthelmintic.

Bananas for nursing mothers. The benefit of the fruit is to stimulate lactation.

Men and women. The benefits of bananas are to increase libido.

Cough. The fruit is useful for dry throat, diseases of the throat and larynx, and eliminates spasm of the bronchopulmonary muscles.

Recipe with banana for cough:

  1. Grind the pulp with a fork or rub through a sieve.
  2. Pour a glass of sweetened warm water and heat it up.

Drink 1 tbsp. in two hours.

Banana diet:

  • Eat 2-3 ripe bananas and 3 glasses of skim milk every day.

The duration of the diet is three days. Some people lose 2.5 kg.

Benefits of banana peel

Cracked heels, rash, bruise, abscess:

  • Place a compress on the affected area - apply the fresh peel to the inside.

Visual fatigue, eye fatigue:

  • Place a banana peel on your eyelids.

Headache, migraine:

  • Place the peel on the forehead or back of the head.

Oral diseases:

  1. Dry the banana peel.
  2. Add powder to toothpaste.


  • Boil fresh green peel.

Take banana peel decoction to lower blood pressure.


  1. Cut a 2cm square from a fresh ripe banana peel.
  2. Add juice or milk.
  3. Secure the inside with adhesive tape.

Change every morning.

Kvass Bolotova. Made from banana peels. The benefit is to increase the body's defenses and strengthen. Fermentation produces substances that prevent the development of tumors.

Fill a three-liter jar with boiled water at room temperature:

  1. Dissolve 1 cup granulated sugar.
  2. Add 1 tsp. sour cream.
  3. Add 2-3 cups of chopped banana peels.
  4. Cover with 2-3 layers of gauze.

Leave for two weeks. Fermentation occurs faster in a warm room.

Pour 1 liter of finished kvass into a separate container. Drink 1/2 glass half an hour before meals. Keep refrigerated.

In a three-liter jar, add 1/3 cup of sugar and boiled water to the top, leave again.

When, after 3-4 cycles, the kvass becomes weaker, add it again.

Bananas for face and hair

Dark spots, freckles, peeling skin:

  • Freeze the banana peel water infusion.

Wipe your face with ice cubes in the morning.

Banana masks to soften and smooth out fine wrinkles

  • Mash the pulp with a fork, add lemon juice.

Apply for half an hour. Rinse with warm water, apply nourishing cream.

  • Grind the berries.
  • Add 2 tbsp. chopped dried bananas.
  • Add the yolk of a chicken egg.
  • Add 1 tsp. sour cream.
  • Mix everything.

Apply for 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

  • Grind 1 tbsp. almonds.
  • Add 2 tbsp. dried banana powder.
  • Add 1 tsp. sour cream.
  • Add the yolk.
  • Mix everything.

Apply for half an hour. Rinse off with warm water.

Hair masks

  1. Boil the pumpkin, prepare the puree, let cool.
  2. Add 2 tbsp. chopped dried bananas, egg yolk, 1 tbsp. honey, mix everything.

Apply to damp hair and lightly rub into skin. Cover your head with film and a towel for an hour and a half. Rinse with warm acidified water.

  • Stir 2 tbsp. dried bananas, chicken egg yolk, 1 tbsp. peach oil, 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1/2 tsp vinegar.

Apply to hair, cover with film and a towel for half an hour. Rinse with acidified water.

Perform cosmetic procedures 1-2 times a week for a month.

Dried bananas:

  • Peel ripe fruits and cut into slices.
  • Place on a baking tray on baking paper.

Dry for 3-6 hours at a temperature of +40..+50C with the oven door slightly open, let cool. Store in a glass container.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the benefits, sometimes bananas are contraindicated and cause harm to the body.

The fruit digests slowly and produces gases.

The harm of bananas is their ability to increase blood viscosity. Contraindicated for varicose veins, coronary heart disease, thrombophlebitis, after a heart attack or stroke.

Due to its high calorie content, it is contraindicated in large quantities for those suffering from excess weight.

Bananas eliminate a hypoglycemic attack. Their harm is in increasing blood sugar levels.

The fruits are appealing, so include them in the children's diet gradually.

Bananas, especially green ones, are harmful when there is increased acidity of gastric juice. Some experts are convinced of the dangers of green fruits and their low beneficial properties.

Modified: 06/26/2019

It can be found on shelves all year round, and is inexpensive, tasty and healthy. It is used not only for snacks and as an additive to desserts, but also for cosmetic purposes, which few people know about. Let's take a closer look at the product.

Calories and nutritional value

Among athletes, banana is considered a complete snack, and all thanks to its increased nutritional value. 100 g of this product contains 96 kcal, and this is almost 7% of the daily value. There are 21 g of carbohydrates alone, which is equal to almost 16.5% of the required dose for normal human activity. In addition, the product is rich in proteins and dietary fiber, almost 70% of its composition is water, and even less than 1% fat. Due to this, the fruit satisfies the feeling of hunger and helps the body remain full of energy.

Vitamin and mineral composition

This product is very useful due to the large amount vitamins in the composition- these are A, C and group B. There are also such chemical elements, like iron, sodium, phosphorus and potassium.

Important! It is worth remembering that all the usefulness of the fruit can be negated by a large amount of sugar in the composition (its glycemic index is more than 41) - therefore it is not recommended to consume more than three fruits per day.

What are the benefits of bananas?

In addition to the fact that a banana can saturate and provide energy, it is easily digestible and does not burden the gastrointestinal tract. It contains pectin and fiber, which improve the digestive process.

In this fruit the amount vitamin C no less than in citrus fruits, so frequent use helps maintain immunity and fight diseases. It is also important to take it for the prevention of cancer.
By eating this fruit, you will ensure the beauty and health of your nails and hair. It will have a positive effect on vision and the cardiovascular system - vitamin A will take care of them.

If you want strong bones, normal muscle tone, and a healthy liver and brain, you will need potassium and magnesium, which are abundant in bananas.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the effect of the yellow fruit on the nervous system - a person becomes calmer, more active and even happier due to the sweet taste and the presence of the amino acid tryptophan.

For men

This fruit is directly related to male enhancement. Moreover, magnesium not only increases potency, but also improves the quality of semen - the production of motile sperm is stimulated. Therefore, the product is recommended for use by those who want to become a parent as soon as possible.

The duration of erection also increases. Banana acts as an aphrodisiac - it increases libido and allows you to get aroused much faster.

For women

For women, fruit comes first increases sexual desire. But that's not all. Premenstrual and menstrual days will become easier to bear if you eat at least one fruit a day. The pain will dull, and the bleeding will become less profuse.

And, of course, beauty directly depends on diet. If it contains banana, then you don’t have to worry about problems with your skin, hair or nails. This product will replenish the amount of vitamin B in the body.

For children

A dessert and source of vitamins, banana is the number one fruit for children. Moreover, doctors allow it to be introduced into the baby’s diet almost from 6 months. Naturally, from 6 to 8 months, extremely small doses should be given; you can simply give the child to chew on it. A little banana can be added to the porridge if it is without sweeteners and the child refuses to eat it.

Important! This fruit should not be introduced first as complementary foods - otherwise the baby may refuse to eat other, unsweetened foods after it.

This product is very useful for the development of the baby’s body - vitamins and minerals are involved in the formation of muscles, bone tissue, brain and blood.
Another plus is that the fruit is soft and tender; even if you accidentally bite off and swallow a small piece, it's almost impossible to choke on it- it will just slide down your throat. It is also one of the most non-allergic products.

Can I have bananas?

Like any product, bananas have their limitations. It will not be useful for everyone, and in rare cases it can even be harmful. Therefore, we will figure out when it should be removed from the diet.


You can eat bananas and even need them. It is this fruit that will help expectant mothers survive the not-so-pleasant state that accompanies pregnancy - toxicosis. Banana suppresses nausea and gives strength.

The fruit will also help heartburn- thanks to its delicate consistency, it lubricates the stomach, removing inflammation. And other troubles, such as constipation or heaviness in the stomach, will also quickly cease to bother you.

The constant desire to eat can lead to unwanted weight gain - and snacking on a banana can save you from this.
Iron, of which there is a lot, will increase hemoglobin levels and prevent the appearance of anemia in the fetus.

Nursing mothers

A woman whose child is breastfed should eat well. Therefore it is worth forget about Soviet diets, which provide a meager diet. This applies to cases where children do not have unexplained allergies to certain foods, including bananas. They help restore strength after childbirth and provide milk rich in beneficial elements.

In this case, the amino acid tryptophan helps mother and child sleep normally. It enhances the production of the joy hormone, and this is important for a sleep-deprived and tired mother. A banana can either strengthen or weaken the baby's stool, so it is better not to overdo it with the number of fruits - one per day will be the norm.

It is very rare to be allergic to a banana, but still, in the first months of a baby’s life, it is better to carefully monitor his reaction.

Losing weight

But for those who set themselves the goal of losing excess weight, it is better to avoid bananas. Or use them until 12 noon- so that sugar goes into creating energy, not fat reserves. It is also better to limit yourself to one fruit per day.
This product is perfect for those who cannot imagine life without sweets. It is best to add it to plain yoghurts, cottage cheese or oatmeal.

Did you know? Record amount eaten in one hourbananas- 81 pieces.

For diabetes

The American Diabetes Association allows people with the disease to consume these fruits. As for doctors from the CIS countries, opinions differ radically. Therefore it's better consult your doctor and clarify the amount of fruit allowed per day. You also need to understand that the type of diabetes can also influence the doctor’s decision - if the disease is complex, it is better to avoid bananas.

The main thing is to eat fruit evenly so that there are no unnecessary surges in blood sugar throughout the day. It is better to eat one fruit, and not as part of desserts, yoghurts or cottage cheese.

How to choose a quality product when purchasing

Choosing a tasty and ripe fruit is not so difficult if you follow these rules:

  1. We pay attention to the shape of the fruit - it should be streamlined, in no case ribbed. Usually these fruits are without dents or protruding parts.
  2. Matte, smooth and yellow peel without darkening, cracks, or dents.
  3. The color should be uniform - yellow. A green tint indicates that the fruit is unripe, but if it sits in the sun for a while, it will be ready to eat. Darkening yellow indicates that the fruit has been lying on the counter for a long time. The taste of this fruit is not very pleasant.
  4. The smaller the fruit, the better - in the homeland of this fruit, only dwarf bananas are generally eaten, and large ones are used as animal feed.
  5. The grayish color of the fruit indicates frostbite - this is not worth taking. But black dots are not scary, but it is still better to eat the fruit on the day of purchase.

How to store at home

Bananas are perfectly stored in a room or kitchen on a windowsill or in a vase. They are thermophilic and in the sun they can even be filled with vitamin D. But there are certain standards at which the fruit is best stored:

  • temperature up to 13 °C;
  • indoor humidity not lower than 90%;
  • The fruit will be preserved better in a bunch.

Unripe fruits can be stored under such conditions for about a month.

You should not store fruits in the refrigerator - this will not preserve them better, but will only darken and lose their taste.

Features and rules of use

Banana is one of the products that do not need instructions for use. But there are some rules that should be followed.

Did you know? Banana is a berry. It grows on grass stems up to 10 m high.

Should bananas be washed before eating?

You cannot know under what conditions fruits were transported from hot countries - where they lay, whether dust and dirt fell on them. So take a minute and wash the skin of the fruit. This will protect you from unwanted bacteria that may get on the pulp.

How much can you eat per day

You can safely afford to eat up to 3 bananas per day. This will be especially useful for athletes, active people, and those who need to fuel their brain with energy. Children should not eat more than one fruit. It is also necessary to limit the amount for those who:

  • losing weight;
  • eats other fruits and does not move much;
  • has problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

In these cases, you should not eat more than one fruit so as not to harm the body.

When is the best time to eat bananas: morning or evening

Nutritionists recommend eating any fruit, including bananas. before lunch. Then the body will be filled with energy and will be in good shape, so it will become easier to work. And at night you don’t need extra strength, and extra weight won’t be a pleasant bonus.

What can be done and where to add

Bananas work best in smoothies, milkshakes and desserts. This fruit is compatible with others, moreover, mixes from it will always be tasty. If you blend banana, strawberries and plain yogurt in a blender, you get a delicious snack. With dairy products, this fruit is always a winner.

Banana will be a good filling for cakes and other desserts. You can bake it in a pie, fry it for pancakes, or simply put it on a peanut butter sandwich.

Semolina or other porridge will become sweeter and tastier from this fruit - children will love it.

How can it be used for cosmetic purposes?

This fruit is ideal for cosmetic procedures - it is easy to mash and add anywhere. It will nourish the skin with beneficial substances, moisturize and soothe it. Organic acids will help normalize skin oiliness and get rid of acne.

Before using the mask:

  • make sure that the skin does not show an allergic reaction - spread the mixture on your wrist and hold for five minutes;
  • take only ripe fruits and mash them not with a fork, but with a blender - without lumps, the mixture will lie better on the skin;
  • On sensitive skin, do not keep the mask on for more than 10 minutes.

Refreshing mask

Mix half a banana with a teaspoon of lemon juice. Leave the mixture for 15 minutes and rinse with cold water. Instead of lemon can also be used orange. If you then wipe your face with chamomile, the pleasant sensation on your face will not leave you until the end of the day.

Toning and nourishing mask

Take half a banana, two teaspoons of milk and one yolk. Mix until a thick paste forms and apply for 15 minutes. Mineral water will complement the tonic effect of such a mask - unlike running water, it will not dry out the skin. Instead of milk, you can use sour cream or kefir.

You can also mix half the fruit with oatmeal and lemon juice - this mask soothes inflammation, tones and nourishes the skin.

Rejuvenating mask

Take the pulp of half the fruit, two tablespoons of yogurt without filler and honey. Mix the ingredients and apply to clean skin of the face and neck. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water and moisturize the skin with day cream.

If you use this mask several times a week, the skin will tighten and will not be bothered by dehydration.

Contraindications and harm

Gastrointestinal diseases and diabetes mellitus in most cases require exclusion of the product from the diet. But the doctor decides that. Varicose veins and thrombophlebitis can also become contraindications to consuming the fruit.

So, we found out that banana is good for both children and adults. This is one of the few fruits that rarely causes allergies, so it can also be given to infants as a sweet addition to cereals. And if you enjoy it in the morning, you will have enough strength and energy not only for work, but also for sports activities.

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24 times already

There is no better snack than bananas! Besides the fact that they are very convenient to take with you and eat, even if there is no way to wash your hands, after eating this fruit you feel simply excellent. No heaviness in the stomach - after all, bananas help improve digestion and prevent intestinal problems.

The feeling of being full of energy to do all sorts of things comes before you even eat the whole banana! Bananas have been proven to improve mood by promoting the production of endorphins in the blood. But this is only a small part of the compelling reasons to always choose bananas as a snack!

Benefits of bananas

Bananas relieve insomnia, strengthen the body, and protect against fatigue. If you have swelling, bananas will help cope with this problem: the fruit stimulates kidney function, while retaining beneficial microelements in the body. You can continue to list the benefits of eating 1 banana a day, because its composition is simply a warehouse of useful substances!

Banana bread

This bread is popular all over the world, although America is called its homeland. It is believed that treating a loved one with such bread means showing unprecedented respect and hospitality to him! We offer you a great recipe for a dish that does not contain many calories, but is perfectly filling and delights with its subtle banana taste. For those who truly appreciate bananas! This bread is also convenient to carry with you as a snack.


  • 2–3 ripe bananas
  • 2 eggs
  • 60 g butter (you can do without it if you are on a particularly strict diet)
  • 1 cup oatmeal, ground in a blender (you can use any wholemeal flour)
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • 100 g walnuts
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • raisins optional


  1. Make mashed bananas. Add eggs, cinnamon, and a pinch of salt to the puree. Stir the mixture well.
  2. Melt the butter if you choose a higher calorie recipe. Add baking powder to the cereal or flour. Mix the butter with the banana mixture and oatmeal or flour. Add chopped nuts and raisins here.
  3. Place the dough in the pan and bake the banana bread for 35-40 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees.

Bananas help with calcium absorption, so if you don't have very strong bones, be sure to eat this product! Share this informative article with your friends in support of

There are few people who don't like bananas. These tropical fruits are considered an ideal food for almost everyone: they do not cause any allergic reactions even in the smallest children, and are also recognized as one of the best aphrodisiacs. In addition, they do not require special storage conditions, since nature has endowed these fruits with a unique natural “packaging”. Let's find out what the benefits and harms of bananas are.

To the question: “Are bananas healthy?”, we will answer this way - bananas, in most cases, are beneficial. But, nevertheless, doctors do not recommend eating them unripe, since such fruits contain insoluble starch, and the human body is not able to process it. Therefore, unripe bananas can cause gas formation and fermentation in the intestines. And when ripe, starch is almost completely converted into sugar, for this reason ripe bananas are not only much sweeter, but also easier to digest.

These exotic fruits are widely used in baby food, especially for those babies who suffer from stomach upsets, since ripe bananas have a strengthening effect. Many people suffering from stomach ulcers claim that bananas help relieve pain. There have even been studies confirming the therapeutic effect of fruits on stomach ulcers.

Bananas are a rich source of potassium. Three fruits of the fruit contain it, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. That is why doctors advise patients with arrhythmia and hypertension to eat bananas. It is due to their potassium content that they are a product that lowers blood pressure.

Also, due to the presence of potassium in their composition, bananas have the ability to remove excess fluid from the body. Therefore, they are assistants in the fight against edema. In addition, the fruits contain almost no salt, which makes them an ideal remedy for lowering blood pressure.

Bananas also contain a huge amount of iron, which contributes to the production of hemoglobin in the blood.

The substance ephedrine contained in bananas, when consumed regularly, improves the functioning of the central nervous system, and this affects mood, attention and overall performance.

Bananas are easy to digest. And the fibers that make up fruits contribute to the fastest recovery of postoperative patients, and also help with postoperative complications. They are useful for burns. It is enormous for the body of cancer patients during radiation or chemotherapy.

Scientists have proven that these tropical fruits contain substances similar in structure to endorphins and serotonin (known as the “happiness hormone”). They help to feel a surge of pleasure and strength, improve mood, and also increase a person’s intellectual activity. And the potassium and magnesium contained in bananas significantly reduce the likelihood of stress, which is of great value during the time of autumn depression.

Bananas also help well with mosquito bites: to make the itching go away, you just need to wipe the affected area with the inside of its peel.

These fruits are also useful for gastritis. Banana pulp contains starch and pectin, so they have an enveloping effect. In addition, they are softer than many other fruits, for example, apples.

For those who are trying to quit smoking, bananas are also useful, since they contain B1 and B6, potassium and magnesium, which calm the nervous system and are valuable helpers in getting rid of smoking.

They can also help with heartburn, since they are absorbed into and removed from the stomach. However, it should be understood that bananas for heartburn only relieve the symptom. And if you suffer from it constantly, you should consult a doctor.

When considering the topic of the benefits and harms of bananas, one cannot help but mention that people suffering from excess weight and diabetes are not advised to eat bananas, since they contain a lot of fructose and sugar, but little glucose.

The benefits and harms of bananas cannot be regarded as absolute values. After all, each product contains both good substances that help with various diseases, and harmful substances. Moreover, depending on the specific situation, one substance can have both positive and detrimental effects. For example, bananas help hypertensive patients by helping to lower blood pressure. But if it is recommended to hypotensive patients, the consequences can be disastrous.

A conditionally harmful property of bananas is that they are quite high in calories because they contain a lot of starch. Therefore, it is better for those suffering from excess weight to limit their consumption.

Those who suffer from diabetes and other diseases associated with increased blood sugar should not overuse bananas.

If you have very thick blood, bananas may be harmful because they stimulate the production of hemoglobin.

It turns out that the same properties may contain the benefits and harms of bananas at the same time. All this is individual. In any case, everyone can eat a couple of bananas in a month. Be healthy!