Banana mousse. Making banana desserts

It is impossible to find a person who does not like sweets. Sweets help people become happier and kinder, but everything has its price. The main side effect of eating sweets is extra centimeters on the waist. Recently, “healthy” low-calorie, dietary sweets have come into fashion. One of the most popular desserts was banana mousse. This airy delicacy will make your day more colorful, your mood brighter and will not harm your figure at all.


Everything ingenious is simple, which is why most people rarely ask questions about the appearance of simple things. So it is with the origin of the mousse - this question probably arises rarely, and in vain! This is a fascinating story that happened in France, and it is connected with mayonnaise and a famous French artist.

The name of the inventor of this delicacy is lost with no hope of finding it. The first evidence of the existence of such a product as mousse dates back to 1894. At that time, snacks made from beaten fish or vegetables thickened with gelatin became popular in France. Such a product could not be called a dessert.

A few decades later, Henri Toulouse-Lautrec invented “Chocolate Mayonnaise,” which became the ancestor of all modern mousses. The artist whipped the chocolate and egg whites to a strong, stable foam. This dessert is firmly entrenched in the culinary traditions of France. Today, the menu of every French cafe includes the canonical Mousse au Chocolat, created according to the recipe of the great Toulouse-Lautrec.

Throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, the mousse recipe changed, transformed, acquired new ingredients, supplemented and improved. Today, the ability to make high-quality mousse is considered to be the pinnacle of confectionery skill.

Technology and subtleties of preparation

Whatever mousse recipe the pastry chef chooses, The technology for preparing this dessert is unchanged and always follows a strict sequence of actions.

  1. Preparation of gelatin. At this stage, it is important to properly prepare the gelatin: to do this, add a small amount of cold boiled water to the dry gelatin, mix thoroughly and leave to swell for 30 minutes. There should be a minimal amount of water, as it can destroy the structure of the dessert. The swollen gelatin should be brought to a boil very slowly, stirring, and left to cool.
  2. Preparing the base. To prepare the ideal mousse, you need to thoroughly grind the product and bring it to a homogeneous puree.
  3. Foaming base. At this stage, it is important to decide on the component that will make the mousse light and airy. You can beat egg whites, heavy cream or banana pulp until light foam forms. The banana for making mousses should be as ripe as possible, but without black spots, because they are more moist and will not allow the pulp to be whipped into a strong foam. It is also very important to peel the banana thoroughly. In addition to the peel, it is necessary to remove all the “lint” that may be on its surface, since they are difficult to grind.
  4. Main stage. At this stage, you need to thoroughly beat the base with a mixer, continue whisking, gradually pour in the whites and continue until an airy, stable foam forms. Then pour in gelatin cooled to room temperature and mix carefully. To prevent gelatin from settling into foam, it must be poured in a thin stream and quickly mixed with a wide silicone spatula using smooth circular movements from the bottom to the surface of the mass.
  5. Cooling. The resulting mass must be poured into molds and refrigerated until completely solidified.


Banana is a product that can easily be combined with a huge number of other ingredients.

In order not to get confused in this variety and not make a mistake in choosing a really good mousse recipe, you should opt for proven options.

Creamy banana

One of the classic mousse options is creamy banana.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 3 bananas;
  • 200 milliliters of cream;
  • 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • 1 vanilla sprig;
  • juice of ½ lemon.

Peel the banana, cut into slices, pour in lemon juice and grind until a homogeneous puree is obtained. Combine chilled cream with powdered sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. Add banana puree into the finished foam and mix thoroughly. Place the prepared mixture into bowls and serve immediately.

In order to make such a dessert in advance, you need to combine the finished foam with gelatin soaked according to the instructions and cool.

From banana and plum

To surprise your loved ones, you don’t have to look for something exotic, you just need to find an unconventional combination of traditional things. For example, you can please them with an original dessert made from plums and bananas.

To prepare banana and plum mousse, you will need:

  • 2 ripe bananas;
  • 600 grams of plums;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • 10 grams of gelatin.

Soak the gelatin in a minimum amount of water according to the instructions. Peel the plums, place them on a baking sheet and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10 minutes. Then put them in a blender bowl, add bananas and beat everything until a homogeneous puree is obtained. The resulting mass must be combined with gelatin, add sugar and beat for a few more minutes until the sugar dissolves.

Add cinnamon to the finished puree and bring to a boil over low heat, pour into molds and cool until completely set.

Curd mousse with banana

This is a dietary version of the dessert, since sugar or other sweeteners are not used in its preparation.

To prepare curd mousse with banana you will need:

  • 200 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 2 ripe bananas;
  • 200 milliliters of cream with 30% fat;
  • juice of ½ lemon.

The cottage cheese must be rubbed through a fine sieve and thoroughly crushed in a blender with a puree attachment. If the cottage cheese is dry and does not puree well, you can add 2-3 tablespoons of cream to it.

The banana must be peeled and subcutaneous, cut into large slices and pureed in a blender until smooth. To prevent the banana pulp from darkening, pour lemon juice over it and mix thoroughly.

The cream must be whipped with a mixer until stable peaks are obtained. Continuing whipping, add cottage cheese and banana puree in small portions. Beat until smooth.

This version of the mousse is made immediately before serving, since it does not have a thickening base, which means it will quickly lose its shape. In order to make such a mousse in advance, you just need to soak the gelatin according to the instructions, then add it to the cream along with cottage cheese and banana.

You will learn more about how to prepare banana mousse in the following video.

Bananas are very healthy fruits. They are full of nutrients that are essential for a healthy body. The easiest way to include them in your diet is to regularly feast on yellow “boomerangs”. In addition to eating it in its natural form, you can add bananas to dessert.

Ideal for big and small

You'll love the idea of ​​making bananas the main ingredient in a smooth mousse. The result is a nutritious and healthy dessert that is ideal for adults and children. They will eat more fruit without parental coercion.

By the way, there are recipes in which sweet pumpkin is added to bananas, after making an egg-pumpkin mixture from it. If you have the desire, experiment, take risks! Sometimes even products that seem incompatible at first glance give stunning results.

Well, for now, let’s put experiments aside and pay attention to banana, which is easy to make but has high taste. Let's get started!

Banana mousse Eggless


  • Bananas - 500 grams (3-4 pieces).
  • Cream - 300 ml.
  • White sugar - 75 grams.
  • Lemon juice.

1. When preparing a treat like banana mousse, first remove the banana peel. Cut the peeled fruit into thin slices. To avoid browning of fruits, pour lemon juice over them.

2. Place the slices in a blender and blend until a thick puree forms. Save the mixture to use later.

3. To do this, pour the cream into a bowl fitted with a hand or electric whisk (the latter is faster) and begin whisking slowly. When the mixture thickens, gradually add sugar, maintaining the original whisking speed to prevent the mixture from falling off. You will know the cream is ready if you tilt the bowl and notice that it is not pouring out.

4. When cooked, mix with It is important that you mix the ingredients without stopping until the mixture reaches a homogeneous consistency. If you like, add a little vanilla to the banana mousse. This will give the dessert a special flavor.

5. Distribute the mixture into molds, cups or glasses and place in the refrigerator for at least two hours. During this time, the wonderful foam will acquire the correct texture and consistency, and will also cool pleasantly. You can decorate the banana mousse to taste by adding chocolate chips, some syrup or small pieces of fruit.

Mousse won't spoil the cake

Many housewives love to spend time in the kitchen, baking a variety of pastries and cakes. Craftswomen believe that these dishes have a calming, therapeutic effect. And if you add banana cake mousse to them, the whole family will be delighted!

And although the fruit with Malaysian roots has many “rivals” (raspberries, currants, strawberries, cocoa and other gifts of nature), our vitamin hero is beyond competition. It can be added to any cake (for example, vanilla). As they say, you can’t ruin a cake with mousse.

There is only one condition: you need to cook without distractions, with soul, carefully observing the proportions. Only then will you get a mousse as lush as a cloud, sweet as a kiss, and as gentle as a touch. Choose the right container: it must be deep enough to hold the foam for which everything was started.

Among the many recipes for a lush delicacy made from your favorite bananas, you can always find one that you like.

Sweet foam for cakes and pastries

Banana cake mousse is used to decorate the top and fill between the layers of the cake.


  • Bananas - 3 pieces.
  • Cream - 300 ml (dry or regular, fat content of at least 20%).
  • Gelatin - 2 tsp. gelatin powder.
  • Water - 150 ml.

Gelatin needs to be diluted in water: let it stand for 20 minutes until it swells.

Chop the fruit, place in a blender, and puree until smooth. Whip the cream. Mix fruit puree and cream in a deep bowl.

Add 70 g of sugar to the swollen gelatin, heat until the grains dissolve (do not bring to a boil!). Then you need to carefully combine the gelatin mixture with the mixture of cream and puree and beat with a mixer.

Place the cake in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Hurray, you can help yourself!

Cottage cheese + banana

The well-known fermented milk product, cottage cheese, is not inferior to bananas in value. It contains easily digestible calcium, which strengthens bones (doubly useful for children!). In combination with an overseas fruit, you get an extraordinary, delicate taste that you can’t tear yourself away from!

Mousse “Striped Flight”

Let's call it that.


  • A pack of cottage cheese weighing 200 grams.
  • Two bananas, medium size.
  • Milk - three quarters of a glass.
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Vanilla (to your taste).
  • We prepare the layers, which are alternately whipped in a blender.
  1. Chocolate: half a pack of cottage cheese + cocoa + banana.
  2. Vanilla: half a pack of cottage cheese + banana + vanilla.

We lay the white layer more generously than the dark one. So, carefully place a white layer into a serving cup with a spoon, then alternate colors until the container is full. Cover the dessert with a snowy sweet cover on top. Chocolate chips will decorate your foamy “snowdrift” and add flavor. Bon appetit!

Before you start preparing the strawberry-banana mousse, you need to do some things with the products: keep the cream cheese in the refrigerator for at least 4-5 hours, and on the contrary, take the butter out of the refrigerator about 1 hour before cooking, it should become soft and pliable. Only under such conditions will you end up with an excellent mass with a delicate texture and taste.

So, you can start cooking: beat the butter with powdered sugar using a mixer or blender with a whisk attachment. Beat the ingredients until the mixture is smooth and white (this will take about 5-6 minutes).

Add prepared cold cream cheese (for example, Almette) and beat thoroughly with a blender again.

Wash the strawberries, remove the green part with leaves and dry well with napkins or a paper towel. The berries should not have excess moisture on them.

Place strawberries and banana pieces in a blender bowl and puree.

Combine strawberry-banana puree with butter and cream mixture...

And beat thoroughly with a mixer.

Divide the mousse into containers (creams, decorative jars, bowls) and place in the refrigerator for 2 hours to harden.

Serve the dessert chilled, garnished with strawberries and mint leaves.

Strawberry-banana mousse is convenient to prepare in the evening - the dessert will harden well overnight, and in the morning you will have an excellent, healthy and nutritious breakfast.

If you want to make this dessert when fresh strawberries are not in season, for example, in autumn or winter, then you can even use. In this case, you can immediately turn frozen berries and fruits into puree. The dessert will initially have a thinner consistency, but after spending the night in the refrigerator, the mousse will harden well.

It is unlikely that anyone can be surprised by the sight of a banana these days. This foreign fruit, once unknown to us, has won the hearts (rather, stomachs) of many fans of fruit sweets, especially the youngest gourmets - children. And, given the not very high cost of this wonderful product, almost everyone can afford to buy it. In most cases, bananas are consumed as a snack between or instead of key meals. And few people try to use them in preparing some dishes. But from this fruit, rich in a lot of useful substances (vitamins and carbohydrates, fiber and sugar, starch and proteins, micro- and macroelements), you can prepare a huge number of varied desserts. Something like banana puree (very healthy for children) or a banana smoothie (mixed with other products), a banana smoothie, or, for example, banana mousse.


  • 2 bananas__NEWL__
  • A third of a lemon__NEWL__
  • Packet of whipped cream mix__NEWL__
  • 200 ml. water__NEWL__
  • 10 g gelatin__NEWL__
  • A couple of dessert spoons of sugar__NEWL__
  • A few pieces of chocolate__NEWL__

There are absolutely no difficulties in preparing it, but the result of modest efforts can surprise and pleasantly amaze many. This dessert can be a wonderful treat for both children and adult lovers of sweet treats. Surely this fruit dessert will not leave indifferent lovers of sweet dishes, and especially little ones with a sweet tooth. And at a children's party, banana mousse can be an excellent treat for small but dear guests.

The process of preparing banana mousse is simple and short:

First of all, dilute it in 120 ml. water gelatin and leave it to swell. This will take about 20 minutes.

In the meantime, cut the peeled bananas into rings and mash them using an immersion blender, adding a dessert spoon of sugar and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Lemon juice (can be replaced with a pinch of citric acid) prevents bananas from browning quickly.

Separately prepare whipped cream from the dry mixture, adding the required amount of cold milk.

Of course, instead of the dry mixture, you can use regular heavy cream (more than 20%), whipping it with sugar. This will be even better (more reliable), especially if the dessert is intended for kids. Combine whipped cream and mashed bananas in a deep container.

Add the swollen gelatin with a dessert spoon of sugar and 70 ml. water, put on low heat and, stirring, bring until the grains of sugar and gelatin are completely dissolved. At the same time, do not bring the mixture to a boil.

Then immediately pour the gelatin mixture into the container with the banana mass and beat thoroughly with a mixer.

Pour the prepared mousse into vases and place in the refrigerator to harden.

After about two hours, the mousse will completely harden and then you can start decorating it. Here you can use banana pieces, grated chocolate, chopped nuts. In a word, everything that can be found in the household.