Orange jelly. Jelly with oranges - an easy and healthy dessert

Orange jelly

Orange jelly

A simple and delicious orange jelly made from fresh fruits with gelatin, sugar and water. There are pieces of orange inside the jelly. Easy to prepare. The taste is joyful!


for 2 bowls (or for a silicone mold for portioned cupcakes for 4-6 pieces)

  • Orange – 1 piece;
  • Sugar – 200 g (slightly less than a glass);
  • Gelatin – 15 g;
  • Water – 250 g (1 glass).

Jelly ingredients: orange, sugar, gelatin. You'll need another glass of water.

Cooking method

1. What to do in advance

  • Cut the zest from the orange. Then completely peel the orange itself (from the remaining peel and white shell). Cut the orange into slices. If it is large, then it is better to cut it into semicircles or quarters, so that it is convenient to eat later.
  • Sprinkle the orange slices with half the sugar (100 g) and leave for 40 minutes to allow them to release their juice. At the same time, if the gelatin is regular, soak it according to the recipe on the package in 0.5 cups of water (if it is instant, then you do not need to soak it in advance).

2. When the orange released juice and the gelatin swelled

  • Combine the remaining water (0.5 cup) with the remaining sugar (100 g). Boil.

If you have instant gelatin, then add it along with sugar to 1 glass of water. And then bring to a boil. If you have regular, soaked gelatin, then continue with the recipe.

  • Add zest. Pour gelatin in a thin stream, stirring constantly. And add orange juice. Bring to a boil; once all the sugar has dissolved, turn off the heat.

3. Pouring jelly into molds

  • Strain the hot syrup (or remove the zest from it with a slotted spoon). Place orange slices in each mold and pour hot jelly over it.
  • Cool the jelly to room temperature and refrigerate (about 1 hour) until completely set.

Prepared orange jelly from fresh oranges

Cutting the zest for jelly syrup
Roll sliced ​​oranges in sugar and wait for them to release their juice.
Hot jelly must be separated from pieces of zest

The finished jelly should harden. It will be quite strong.

Other homemade jelly recipes

To make orange jelly, cut each orange into two halves and squeeze the juice out of each:

Three oranges yield approximately one glass of orange juice:

In a separate bowl, soak the gelatin according to the instructions. Those. fill it with cold drinking water, so that the water just covers the grains of gelatin, and leave it aside for 10 minutes so that it swells.

When the gelatin swells, holding the bowl over low heat and under constant control, dissolve it. This is a quick job - literally 20-30 seconds. The main thing is to make sure that the gelatin does not boil.

Mix the melted gelatin with squeezed orange juice and fill the halves of orange peels with the resulting mixture. If desired, you can add a little powdered sugar to the orange mixture.

It’s good if you have muffin tins - you can put orange peels in them and then it will be more convenient to transport them to the refrigerator until they completely harden. You can place them on a plate with high sides. But the main thing is to put them in the refrigerator and force yourself to resist the temptation to eat them for at least 5-6 hours.

When the orange jelly has hardened, cut the orange halves into slices, but this must be done with a very sharp knife - otherwise they will fall apart.

Orange jelly is ready!

Today we were in the store, and the kids wanted jelly. Looking around at the colorful cups, I said: “Uh, no. We will not buy this GMO in a jar. We will make jelly at home ourselves!” When we got home, we made homemade orange jelly from the juice, and it turned out to be interesting and tasty! And most importantly, it’s useful. Try it too!

Ingredients for homemade orange jelly:

For 4 servings:

  • 4 oranges;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of gelatin;
  • 0.5 glasses of water;
  • Sugar to taste.

How to make orange jelly:

If you have a juicer, you can make jelly from any juice. We had oranges, so the jelly turned out to be orange. And if you don’t have a juicer, then you can make jelly not from juice, but from berry compote - cherry, raspberry, strawberry! For every taste. And come on, these store-bought jars.

Boil water and dilute gelatin in half a glass of hot water, stirring it with a spoon until the grains melt. Let it cool to room temperature.

Prepare orange juice and combine it with gelatin water. You can add sugar or honey.

Place orange slices at the bottom of transparent bowls and fill them with juice.

Let's put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. Let's get it... hurray, it's frozen!

Delicious homemade orange juice jelly is ready!

(1 read, 1 visit today)

Fruit jelly is a very bright and colorful decoration for the holiday table. It can be prepared for both adult parties and children's birthdays. Orange jelly is an excellent dessert option that can diversify the sweet table menu. Figuring out the recipe for such a dish from a photo may seem quite simple. However, there are orange jellies whose recipe is too cunning even for professional chefs and even if a detailed photo report is provided.

Oranges are not only one of the three most delicious fruits in the world, they are also very healthy. With their help, doctors of the Middle Ages treated people with diseased kidneys and intestines. These miraculous fruits were used to make infusions for fever and other diseases. Every recipe for orange medicine is still valued in folk medicine today.

Orange jelly is not only tasty, but also healthy. Oranges are high in fiber, ascorbic acid and pectin. Therefore, they improve digestion and help improve immunity.

Orange jelly recipes

There are various options for preparing this dessert. It is not difficult to guess that the simplest of them is the use of orange juice. But you can also find many dishes, the recipe of which consists of a mixture of juice and peels of this fruit, as well as other additives. The latter can be almost any fruit, berries, or aromatic herbs. Less natural additives are also used, for example, chocolate, confectionery, as well as various decorations made from sugar and other components.

Every jelly recipe deserves to be tried at least once in your life. Photos of these dishes cannot convey their true beauty. And if you don’t like anything about the combination of tastes and smells, then vitamins will certainly do you good. You can imagine several of the most valuable recipes, from simple to complex.

Unusual jelly in orange

This orange peel jelly recipe is quite simple and can be made even without photo instructions.

Ingredients: oranges (3 pcs), water (100 ml), gelatin (25 g), sugar (25 g).


  • pour gelatin with cooled boiled water;
  • Pour boiling water over washed oranges;
  • cut them in half, squeeze all the juice into a cup and carefully peel the remaining peel from the pulp;
  • add sugar to the resulting juice;
  • Heat the gelatin swollen in water without bringing it to a boil;
  • when mixed, juice and gelatin will form a homogeneous mass;
  • Cool the resulting mixture slightly and pour into the resulting peel molds;
  • After hardening in the refrigerator, the molds along with the jelly can be cut into slices and served.

Recipe for jelly from orange juice or fresh juice

If you send a photo of such a dessert to your friends, you can expect guests in the near future.

Ingredients: oranges (4 pcs.), sugar (50 g or to taste), gelatin (30 g), water (80 ml), plums or other fruits (10 pcs.), sour cream (200 ml).


  • make fresh juice using a blender or squeeze juice using a juicer;
  • Pour 1/3 and 2/3 of gelatin with water in different containers and leave to swell;
  • cut the plums into pieces and place in glasses;
  • mix half the sugar with sour cream;
  • melt a smaller part of the gelatin in a steam bath and stir into the sour cream;
  • pour this mixture into small molds in the shape of fruits, butterflies or others, and put in the refrigerator;
  • add the remaining sugar to the juice and stir;
  • melt the remaining gelatin in a steam bath and pour into the juice;
  • Pour the resulting mixture into glasses into fruit and place in the refrigerator;
  • Before serving, place sour cream jelly on orange jelly as a decoration.

Recipe for orange jelly with chocolate mousse

The mousse must be prepared in advance.

Ingredients: orange juice (300 ml), granulated sugar (100 g), vanilla sugar (20 g), gelatin (15 g), dark chocolate (150 g), milk (100 ml), 33% fat cream (200 ml) .


  • Soak 5 g of gelatin in a small amount of water;
  • bring the milk to a boil and mix with half the vanilla sugar;
  • stir gelatin in milk, then add chocolate pieces and stir until smooth;
  • While the resulting mixture is cooling in the refrigerator (10 minutes), you need to whip the cream;
  • mix cream and chocolate mixture.
  • Soak 10 g of gelatin in juice;
  • pour vanilla and regular sugar here and heat, stirring until completely dissolved;
  • Pour into glasses 2/3 full and put in the refrigerator.

3. Using a pastry sleeve, squeeze the mousse into glasses with jelly. You can decorate everything with thinly sliced ​​orange zest. If you first put a zest strip in ice water, it will twist into spirals.

Every housewife can make orange jelly. In return, you will receive a refreshing and very light dessert, which will also decorate your table.

Video recipe for making orange jelly