Acidophilus application. Medicinal, cosmetic and dietary beneficial properties of acidophilus

Acidophilus is obtained from cow's milk by the process of ripening. The fermented milk product got its name due to the addition of acidophilus bacillus to the composition. The drink resembles yogurt and kefir, but due to the proliferation of bacteria it has an unusual pleasant taste and characteristic aroma. Acidophilus has high beneficial properties and is actively used in dietary nutrition. However, the drink also has contraindications. Let's consider the benefits and harms of a unique fermented milk product.


When preparing acidophilus, pasteurized cow's milk, a starter culture of kefir mushrooms, streptococcus and acidophilus are used. Sugar is sometimes used to sweeten the product. What is included in the drink?

Acidophilus contains organic acids, di- and monosaccharides, proteins and carbohydrates, traces of milk fat and water. It contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, PP, C and H. The fermented milk product is rich in microelements, it contains choline, sodium, phosphorus, iron, fluorine, potassium, calcium, chlorine, selenium, sulfur, iodine, manganese, copper , chromium, molybdenum and cobalt.

The energy value of the drink is 52 kcal per 100 grams.

The detailed composition is presented in the table (calculation per 100 grams of drink).

water 88.5 g
fats 3.2 g
squirrels 2.8 g
carbohydrates 3.8 g
organic acids 1 g
mono- and disaccharides 3.8 g
ash 0.7 g
potassium 145 mg
calcium 120 mg
magnesium 15 mg
sodium 53 mg
phosphorus 98 mg
iron 80 mcg
iodine 9 mcg
manganese 6 mcg
cobalt 1 mcg
copper 10 mcg
molybdenum 5 mcg
fluorine 20 mcg
zinc 400 mcg
IN 1 0.04 mg
AT 2 0.16 mg
niacin 0.13 mg
vitamin A 0.02 mg
vitamin C 0.8 mg

What are the beneficial properties?

The main benefit of the drink is its high digestibility. For this reason, it has more advantages than milk or kefir. How does acidophilus work? The benefits of the product are high, it is necessary for the human body.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Acidophilus bacteria in the stomach suppresses the development of pathogenic organisms; it fights the main causative agent of intestinal infections - Staphylococcus aureus. If we compare the Bulgarian bacillus contained in yoghurts, the acidophilus bacterium does not instantly die from gastric juice. She manages to produce natural antibiotics. They help prevent putrefactive reactions and suppress inflammatory processes. Such processes in the stomach have a positive effect on metabolism.

Drinking the drink restores the secretion of gastric juice and stimulates the secretion of the pancreas. The mechanism leads to increased production of digestive enzymes.

For dietary nutrition

Acidophilus is a low-calorie drink. It is recommended to be included in the diet when losing weight, restoring the body after illness, and for treating certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The benefit of the product for diet is easy digestibility and the presence of a rich vitamin composition.

To strengthen the immune system

Natural antibiotics secreted by Bacillus acidophilus destroy harmful bacteria, increasing immune strength. It is recommended to consume fermented milk product during the cold season, after illnesses. Regular use allows you to develop powerful protection without taking additional synthetic drugs.

For women's health

Acidophilus helps restore microflora after long-term use of medications. With the help of consumption, you can cope with fungal diseases. A drink with acidophilus culture is effective in the prevention and treatment of yeast infections in women and children. The benefits of the product are also noticeable in the treatment of diseases such as vaginitis.

Anti acne

Acidophilus can also be used for cosmetic purposes. It is effective for oily skin prone to inflammation. If you wash your face with acidophilus every day, you can get rid of acne, fat and other inflammatory elements. You can use the product to make face masks.

For children's health

It is recommended to include the drink in the children's menu. The high benefits of the drink allow you to naturally increase immunity in children. It acts as a natural multivitamin complex and has a beneficial effect on child growth.

In addition, it is advisable to include a fermented milk product in the menu for anemia, stress, and migraines. Regular use is recommended for people with chronic diseases, after injuries and operations.

So, the benefits of acidophilus have been proven, but can it cause harm?

Contraindications and precautions

Milk is a unique product, the beneficial properties of which have been known for thousands of years. What is noteworthy is that milk is useful both fresh and fermented. Everyone knows ryazhenka, yogurt. A worthy representative of a number of healthy fermented milk products is acidophilus - a thick, white drink with a slight pungent aftertaste. For those who do not like the taste of acidophilus, they produce a sweet drink in which the taste of sourdough is practically undetectable.

Unlike simple kefir and yogurt, acidophilus is obtained by adding acidophilus, a special bacterial culture, to whole (or skim) milk, which is superior in its beneficial properties to the Bulgarian bacillus. Along with acidophilus bacillus, pure milk streptococci, kefir fungus and milk yeast are added to the starter. The combination of all these components fully explains the enormous benefits of acidophilus for the body.

About the benefits of acidophilus

The biochemical composition of the acidophilus drink is very rich, it contains vitamins, minerals, organic acids, sucrose and milk sugar (lactose). The balance of protein, fat and carbohydrate components makes acidophilus a healthy drink for people of any age; it can be included in the menu of both children and the elderly. This drink is highly respected by those who are on diets, since the benefits of acidophilus are enormous, and the calorie content is low - a glass of the drink contains approximately 80 calories.

By drinking a glass of acidophilus, a person enriches his body with vitamins: A, B1, B2, PP, C, minerals: calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron. Milk sugar (lactose), due to fermentation during the maturation of the drink, becomes easily digestible, which is why acidophilus is recommended for people with lactase intolerance.

The content of vitamins and minerals is undoubtedly useful, but the special benefit of acidophilus is its ability to suppress the activity of pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria living in the human intestine (including Staphylococcus aureus). Once in the digestive tract, the acidophilus bacillus begins to secrete antibiotics (nicosine, lactalin, lysine, nisin), which suppress the processes of decay and destroy harmful microbes. Unlike Bulgarian bacillus, acidophilus also has a beneficial effect on the function of the pancreas and stomach. Therefore, acidophilus is widely used in therapeutic and dietary nutrition.

Acidophilus is a product obtained by fermenting cow's milk that has undergone preliminary pasteurization at a temperature not lower than 32-33 degrees Celsius. The ripening process continues for 10 hours, with the participation of special bacteria that promote this process. Bacillus acidophilus is usually used, but other microorganisms (lactic acid streptococcus or kefir fungus) can also be used.

After completing the cooking process, the resulting product is similar to kefir, but has a more spicy taste and thick consistency. To improve the taste, sugar and various juices are added to acidophilus.

Beneficial properties of acidophilus

The benefits of acidophilus are due to the enzymatic breakdown of lactose, which allows the product to be better absorbed in the human digestive tract. Lactose (milk sugar) itself is not harmful if the human gastrointestinal tract secretes a sufficient amount of the lactase enzyme, which digests milk sugar. But if the enzyme is not released enough, then symptoms of gastrointestinal distress appear: nausea, bloating, diarrhea and vomiting. Consuming acidophilus in reasonable quantities eliminates such situations.

But the benefits of acidophilus are not limited to this. Acidophilus bacillus, which is the basis of acidophilus starter, secretes antibiotics that can suppress pathogenic microorganisms of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to acidophilus bacillus, the microflora of the intestines and stomach is normalized, which has a positive effect on the overall health and well-being of a person.

In addition, acidophilus contains vitamins C, A and PP, as well as useful minerals such as molybdenum, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and calcium.

Acidophilus has a low calorie content, which is about 59 kcal per 100 g of product. This indicator makes it possible to include acidophilus in the diet of overweight and obese people when preparing complex diets. It must be remembered that calorie content may vary significantly between different types of acidophilus. The determining factor is the fat content of the drink. The higher the fat content, the higher the energy value of acidophilus. Detailed calorie information is usually indicated on the packaging.

According to reviews, acidophilus is excellent for baby food. The fact is that acidophilus bacillus belongs to the normal microflora of a child’s intestines, and regular use of acidophilus allows one to maintain the required amount of this type of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract of a growing organism.

Good reviews of acidophilus are noted after long-term use of antibiotics. Most antibacterial drugs, along with pathogenic microorganisms, also destroy beneficial microflora necessary for proper functioning of the intestines. Quick and effective restoration of normal microflora when using this product in the diet is very important for a full life and health.

Acidophilus is excellent for feeding residents of large cities, where the environmental situation leaves much to be desired. Acidophilus, by normalizing intestinal function, affects the formation of immunity and protects a person from various infectious diseases.

Harm of acidophilus

Harm from acidophilus is rare, but you need to remember that such situations can occur. As a rule, harm from acidophilus occurs due to its excessive consumption or individual intolerance. Overeating this product may increase the acidity of the gastric contents, which is manifested by heartburn and abdominal discomfort.

If an allergic reaction to acidophilus occurs, it usually appears as a pinpoint or spotty rash. People suffering from gastritis with high acidity should also refrain from consuming acidophilus - this product will increase it even more.

Acidophilus is a product obtained by fermenting cow's milk that has undergone preliminary pasteurization at a temperature not lower than 32-33 degrees Celsius. The ripening process continues for 10 hours, with the participation of special bacteria that promote this process. Bacillus acidophilus is usually used, but other microorganisms (lactic acid streptococcus or kefir fungus) can also be used.

After completing the cooking process, the resulting product is similar to kefir, but has a more spicy taste and thick consistency. To improve the taste, sugar and various juices are added to acidophilus.

Beneficial properties of acidophilus

The benefits of acidophilus are due to the enzymatic breakdown of lactose, which allows the product to be better absorbed in the human digestive tract. Lactose (milk sugar) itself is not harmful if the human gastrointestinal tract secretes a sufficient amount of the lactase enzyme, which digests milk sugar. But if the enzyme is not released enough, then symptoms of gastrointestinal distress appear: nausea, bloating, diarrhea and vomiting. Consuming acidophilus in reasonable quantities eliminates such situations.

But the benefits of acidophilus are not limited to this. Acidophilus bacillus, which is the basis of acidophilus starter, secretes antibiotics that can suppress pathogenic microorganisms of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to acidophilus bacillus, the microflora of the intestines and stomach is normalized, which has a positive effect on the overall health and well-being of a person.

In addition, acidophilus contains vitamins C, A and PP, as well as useful minerals such as molybdenum, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and calcium.

Acidophilus has a low calorie content, which is about 59 kcal per 100 g of product. This indicator makes it possible to include acidophilus in the diet of overweight and obese people when preparing complex diets. It must be remembered that calorie content may vary significantly between different types of acidophilus. The determining factor is the fat content of the drink. The higher the fat content, the higher the energy value of acidophilus. Detailed calorie information is usually indicated on the packaging.

According to reviews, acidophilus is excellent for baby food. The fact is that acidophilus bacillus belongs to the normal microflora of a child’s intestines, and regular use of acidophilus allows one to maintain the required amount of this type of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract of a growing organism.

Good reviews of acidophilus are noted after long-term use of antibiotics. Most antibacterial drugs, along with pathogenic microorganisms, also destroy beneficial microflora necessary for proper functioning of the intestines. Quick and effective restoration of normal microflora when using this product in the diet is very important for a full life and health.

Acidophilus is excellent for feeding residents of large cities, where the environmental situation leaves much to be desired. Acidophilus, by normalizing intestinal function, affects the formation of immunity and protects a person from various infectious diseases.

Harm of acidophilus

Harm from acidophilus is rare, but you need to remember that such situations can occur. As a rule, harm from acidophilus occurs due to its excessive consumption or individual intolerance. Overeating this product may increase the acidity of the gastric contents, which is manifested by heartburn and abdominal discomfort.

If an allergic reaction to acidophilus occurs, it usually appears as a pinpoint or spotty rash. People suffering from gastritis with high acidity should also refrain from consuming acidophilus - this product will increase it even more.

The microorganism called acidophilus was first isolated in 1903 by Dr. Podgoretsky. Fermented milk products produced with the help of acidophilus bacteria were superior in beneficial properties to Bulgarian bacillus. With its use it is easy to make natural yoghurts and any fermented milk products.

Acidophilus The production of acidophilus is based on the fermentation of pasteurized cow's milk with acidophilus. Less commonly used are kefir grains or lactic acid streptococcus). All stages of preparation take place over 10-12 hours at a temperature of +33 degrees.

The bevel is formed in two ways:

  1. Thermostatic (raw materials are placed in separate containers)
  2. Reservoir (ripening occurs in one vessel)

At the end of the process, a viscous, thick mass is formed, similar in taste to kefir and with a characteristic odor. To improve the taste, acidophilus is mixed with natural sweet juices or sugar syrup.

Calorie content of acidophilus

Today there are several types of products prepared on the basis of acidophilus bacillus:


Curdled milk


Acidophilus yeast milk

Acidophilus milk

Studies have shown that products containing this bacterium are much better absorbed by the body, take root in the intestines, suppressing the growth of putrefactive and pathogenic microorganisms. Acidophilus bacillus is resistant to many antibiotics and is used in therapeutic therapy aimed at restoring intestinal microflora.

Depending on the source material, the calorie content of acidophilus can range from 50 to 80 kcal. Due to its low nutritional value and excellent satiating properties, the product is used in dietary nutrition.

Composition of acidophilus

The vitamin composition of acidophilus is well balanced and is in proportions that maximally satisfy human needs for nutrients. How is acidophilus useful? The main effect of the product is the enzymatic breakdown of lactose, and it is this property that determines its gentle absorption by the gastrointestinal tract.

The composition of acidophilus includes a list of the following beneficial substances:

  • Saturated fatty acids
  • Disaccharides
  • Cholesterol
  • Organic acids
  • Vitamins A, B1, B12, B2, B5, PP
  • Ascorbic acid
  • Kholin
  • Biotin
  • Calcium, iron, sodium, zinc, magnesium, iodine, potassium, manganese, chlorine, copper, phosphorus, selenium, sulfur, fluorine, cobalt, molybdenum

A valuable advantage of acidophilus is its excellent nutritional value and low calorie content. When consuming this product, there is no overload of the digestive system.

Acidophilus can be taken by persons suffering from lactose intolerance (lactose intolerance). The bacteria contained in the product neutralize the effect of milk sugar on the body.


Acidophilus: contraindications

When used correctly in dosages specified by a nutritionist, the beneficial product acidophilus will not cause harm. This is a safe, natural product with extremely beneficial properties. Contraindications for acidophilus apply only to people suffering from gastritis and high stomach acidity.


In some cases, taking acidophilus may cause a rash or hives. If such symptoms are present, they indicate intolerance to the product.

Excessive intake of acidophilus (more than 1.5-2 liters per day) can lead to heartburn and discomfort in the digestive organs. If such symptoms are observed with a small amount of the product consumed, it is necessary to pay attention to the contraindications of acidophilus and temporarily stop using it.


What are the benefits of acidophilus?

The drink is not included in the list of medications, but with regular use it can have a beneficial effect on the body and improve digestion. How is acidophilus useful? The unique acidophilic bacteria contained in the drink do not die under the influence of gastric juice and fight pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammatory and infectious diseases in the stomach.

Beneficial properties of acidophilus:

  • Improves digestion
  • Normalizes metabolism
  • Strengthens immunity
  • Restores normal secretion of gastric juice
  • Saturates the body with beneficial microelements
  • Normalizes microflora after antibiotic treatment
  • Accelerates tissue regeneration processes
  • Suspends the aging process
  • Cleanses the body of toxins, thereby improving the functioning of all its organs and the appearance of a person
  • Relieves stress and migraines
  • Helps you lose weight

Since there are practically no contraindications for acidophilus, it is recommended to include it in the diet of athletes, pregnant and lactating women and children.

Acidophilus during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Acidophilus is a valuable product for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. How is acidophilus useful during lactation? Taking it normalizes the state of intestinal microflora, improves digestion, and helps cope with constipation.

The product enriches the body with useful substances that are very necessary for a woman during pregnancy: iron eliminates anemia, calcium protects the skeletal system from fragility, potassium has a strengthening effect on the cardiovascular system. The presence of valuable vitamin B12 contributes to the normal development of the child and reduces the likelihood of miscarriages.

Acidophilus for children

How is acidophilus useful for children? This natural product is recommended for use by children to eliminate the symptoms of dysbiosis and improve digestive functions.

The benefits of the drink when included in the children's diet:

  • Enriching the body with “building” materials necessary for the growth and formation of bone tissue.
  • Restoring appetite, normalizing digestion.
  • Elimination of the harmful effects of pathogenic microorganisms on the child’s body.
  • In adolescence, drinking the drink has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin - it eliminates greasiness, acne, and inflammation.

How to make acidophilus at home

To prepare a healthy product you need to purchase two ingredients:

  1. Milk
  2. Acidophilus starter (pharmacy product)

It is worth considering that the starter should under no circumstances be expired. The maximum shelf life is no more than 5 days. With a longer storage period, the acidophilus bacillus dies.

The milk must be boiled and cooled to a temperature of 33-40 degrees. Add the starter into the milk and mix (take 5 g of starter per 1 liter of raw material). Wrap the milk in a warm blanket and leave for 12 hours. After this time, the finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 72 hours.

How to take acidophilus

Before use, acidophilus should be warmed up a little and consumed warm in small sips. If the drink seems sour, you can add sugar syrup, jam or any fruit juice to it.

Every day you can consume 2-3 glasses of the product to normalize digestion and normalize metabolism. Keeping in mind the contraindications of acidophilus, please note that you cannot exceed the recommended volume of the drink.