Cereal bars. How to make a healthy bar

At all times there have been people who tried to watch what they eat. Healthy eating is not a cheap pleasure. However, if you are ready to refrain from saving on your own health, I would like to draw your attention to the German Corny Big cereal bars. I just recently switched to them instead of my favorite chocolate bars that I used to have for tea. Of course, it’s too early to talk about specific results. It is believed that these confectionery products are healthier than regular chocolate-based sweets. Let's see what kind of bars these are, unwrap them, break them, look at the composition. Who knows, maybe you will find them a better choice for tea drinking.

What types of cereal bars are there?

Of course, Corny Big bars are far from the only such products. In any hypermarket you will find other similar delicacies from different manufacturers. My choice of Corny Big bars was completely accidental. There was just a discount on them. Sometimes I use this opportunity to try out a new product. For example, this is how I discovered, or lived in Vera Fedorovna’s Guest House in Suzdal.

Of course, this does not mean that I indiscriminately grab any product with a “yellow price tag”. Corny bars attracted me because they do not contain artificial colors, stabilizers, preservatives or GMOs. At least that's what it says on the packaging.

In fact, this is the well-known muesli. Just not in the usual crumbly form, but soaked in a sweet sticky substance. Judging by the composition, it is honey, caramelized sugar syrup and glucose syrup with fructose.

The result is a very tasty bar that you can enjoy while drinking tea. Let's look at the composition of the cereal bar:

If the manufacturer is not lying, then it turns out that we are holding in our hands truly healthy food. Such a bar is much less harmful to our body than, say, a Snickers chocolate bar. Of course, it’s hard to call it definitely useful. After all, it still contains sugar, and as you know, it is a sweet poison.

However, given the choice between Snickers or Corny Big, I would choose the latter.

I especially liked the version with cranberries. Very tasty, interspersed with real berries, it will be a great addition to a cup of tea.

Of course, there is no comrade according to taste and color. My wife, for example, liked the hazelnut bar more, and my son liked the banana and chocolate bar.

There are probably other flavors, I just haven’t seen them on sale yet. If I find it, I will definitely buy it for testing and add to this report.

Manufacturer of Corny Big cereal bars - Germany. German quality can be trusted.

It should be kept in mind that you should not take the bars directly with your hands. They are sticky and soft. This is especially true if you decide to have a snack on the go. All the dirt from your hands will stick to the treat and then get inside. Such pranks do not always end harmlessly. For example, one day after an expedition to the largest highly toxic waste dump in Europe, called the White Sea, we decided to stop for a snack at McDonald's.

Realizing the danger of the place we were in, we washed our hands thoroughly before eating. However, this did not help. I had to stay at home for a whole week with terrible poisoning.

It’s not a fact that the same nasty thing will end up on your hands, but it’s quite possible to scratch some kind of “stick” on public transport. Therefore, try not to touch the bar itself with your hands. Hold him by the wrapping and help yourself.

Lose weight with Corny Big bars

For many people, the problem of excess weight turns into a deeply hidden personal drama. Almost any person who has excess weight would like to become slimmer and more graceful.

Once I already wrote about how during a two-week creative business trip to St. Petersburg. Spending most of the daylight hours on my feet, walking around the sights, I myself didn’t notice how well I had lost weight.

Unfortunately, not every person has the opportunity to devote enough time to physical activity. Sedentary work, traveling home and to the office by car, weekends spent on the couch - all this does not contribute to maintaining a healthy weight.

There are 438 kilocalories in 100 grams of a cereal bar. Since the weight of the bar is only 50 grams, we divide 438 by 2 and get 219 kilocalories.

There are 507 kilocalories in 100 grams of a Snickers bar. Since the small bar weighs 50 grams, divide 507 by 2 and get 253 calories.

There seems to be little difference. But if we consider that during the day we sit down to drink tea about 4 times (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner), then the total difference is 136 kilocalories. In 30 days we go through 4080 kilocalories. But this is two daily norms!

And this is a simple Snickers. There are more energy-intensive treats for tea.

Of course, simply switching to cereal bars for successful weight loss is clearly not enough. However, such small and seemingly insignificant “drops” add up to success in the fight against excess weight.


Corny Big cereal bars- a good replacement for traditional delicacies. They are quite tasty and easy to switch to. You know, when you force yourself to eat some tasteless rubbish instead of your usual food, sooner or later you still return to your normal diet. As a rule, no self-hypnosis about the usefulness of rubbish works.

Corny Big - delicious. I especially liked the cranberry one. A very bright and real taste that you want to return to again and again. Moreover, unlike other Corny bars, cranberry has only 194 kilocalories. As they say, it’s a small thing, but nice.

Separately, I would like to note the absence of any harmful additives in the bars. At least that's what it says on the wrapper. I hope this is true.

The cost of the bars, of course, is slightly higher than traditional chocolate ones, but, as I mentioned at the beginning of the article, you have to pay for the pleasure.

Very tasty and healthy cereal fruit bars will appeal not only to children, but also to adults, especially those who watch their diet. They are prepared with just three ingredients and are very simple. They are ideal for breakfast, afternoon tea or a snack.


To prepare cereal fruit bars we will need:

medium sweet apple - 3 pcs. (peeled and cored - 200 g);

sugar - 50 g (or to taste);

cereal 4 cereals (I have the brand "Yasno Solnyshko") - 60 g.

Cooking steps

Grate the peeled apples on a coarse grater, put in a microwave-safe container, add sugar, microwave at high power for 3 minutes, then remove, stir and put in again for 3 minutes - repeat this 2 more times, for a total of 9 minutes.

There is another way: cut the peeled apples into cubes, place on a baking sheet and bake in the oven until soft, puree with a blender, transfer to a saucepan, add sugar, put on medium heat and simmer for 30 minutes.

Mix the crushed flakes into the applesauce - you should get a thick mass.

Place it on a baking sheet lined with parchment in the form of a rectangle up to 1 cm thick.

Place in the oven and dry at 150 degrees for 40-50 minutes (be careful not to burn, lower the temperature if necessary). Then take it out, carefully cut it into several bars and cool completely.

Nutritionists say that for good health and a slim figure, you must include snacks in your diet. The main thing is that these products are as useful as possible.

We suggest you make very simple nut and grain bars. Cranberry gives the bars sourness, and honey- sweet note and delicious aroma.

By the way, everyone nuts very useful for brain function, help maintain heart function and remove harmful cholesterol from the body. Each variety has a large supply of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. That's why this energy bar recipe combines several types of nuts.



  1. 1 Place nuts, grains and seeds on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Almonds and walnuts must first be chopped.
  2. 2 Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 5 minutes.
  3. 3 Then transfer the nuts and grains to a bowl.
  4. 4 Rinse the raisins and dried cranberries, dry them well on paper towels and add to the nut-cereal mixture. Stir.
  5. 5 Place sugar, honey and butter in a deep frying pan.
  6. 6 Heat the mixture over medium heat for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
  7. 7 Add the resulting caramel to the cereal and stir quickly. Immediately pour the mixture into a pan lined with baking paper.
  8. 8 Cover the mass with another sheet of parchment on top, smooth it out and press it lightly with your hands.
  9. 9 Leave the mixture to harden for 2 hours, then cut into pieces.

How much do granola bars cost (average price for 1 piece)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

Many adherents of a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet give their preference to such a product as muesli. The history of muesli began in 1900, when the Swiss doctor Maximilian Benner invented the product for the medical diet of his patients. Muesli got its original name from the German word mus, which literally means “puree.”

The peak of muesli's popularity came in the 60s of the 20th century, when the product became in demand throughout Europe. Nowadays, muesli is still in demand. There are a large number of different types of muesli. Modern consumers prefer this type, such as granola bars. The composition of muesli bars does not differ from the classic type of product.

Composition of granola bars

The main feature of muesli bars is the appearance or form of the product. The composition of muesli bars will necessarily contain cereals, as well as fruits. In addition, other ingredients such as chocolate or caramel may be used in the process of making granola bars. It is worth noting that the calorie content of muesli bars may vary depending on the composition of the original ingredients that are used in the process of preparing the product.

Benefits of granola bars

However, the average calorie content of muesli bars is about 416 kcal, which is contained in 100 grams of the product. The benefits of muesli bars are due to the composition of the product, which is enriched with a large number of vitamins, as well as other biologically active compounds. As a rule, oat flakes are used to make muesli bars, which are considered an excellent source of carbohydrates that provide energy to the human body.

In addition, muesli bars contain dried fruits, nuts, seeds and honey. All of the above components contain simply a colossal amount of various substances that are certainly useful for humans. Manufacturers recommend using the unique benefits of muesli bars in dietary and sports nutrition.

The dangers of granola bars

However, many doctors say that the product does not bring any benefit as such. Moreover, there is evidence that muesli batches are harmful to the human body. As a result of recent studies, it was found that muesli bars cause much more harm than sweet soda. The main disadvantage of muesli bars is the high calorie content of the product.

At the same time, muesli bars do not saturate the body with energy for long. It turns out that granola bars contain a large number of so-called “empty” or useless calories. Therefore, you should not get carried away with high-calorie muesli bars, especially for people who are overweight or in the process of actively losing weight.

Calorie content of muesli bars 416 kcal

Energy value of muesli bars (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju):

: 6 g (~24 kcal)
: 14 g (~126 kcal)
: 56 g (~224 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 6%|30%|54%

Product proportions. How many grams?

1 piece contains 30 grams

Muesli bars reviews and comments

Novel 18.04.2014

Some nonsense has been written about harm, there are no arguments or what? Why are the calories empty if it is based on cereals and dried fruits?

It probably happens to many of you that in the middle of the day you are overcome by terrible fatigue and experience a sharp loss of strength. This is the norm for the body, because our heart works, pumps blood throughout the body. And it requires recharging from time to time. I cope with fatigue on one count, thanks to what do you think? Of course, food. But what kind of food? What should you eat to cheer yourself up? Definitely not a sandwich! 🙂 And a delicious, vitamin-rich energy bar. These are cereals, nuts, dried fruits - which means benefits! Plus, the recipe for cereal bars is very simple.

Ingredients for 7-8 bars:

  • 200 g dates
  • 80-100 ml drinking water
  • 220 grams of assorted grains, oatmeal and nuts (in this case I have oatmeal, chopped walnuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, poppy seeds)
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon (optional)

Cooking method:

  1. First, make some delicious date “glue.” By the way, there is already a blogrecipe for similar bars , only on berry puree. The berries are not as sticky as dates, but they also hold dry ingredients together well. So, the dates need to be pitted and placed in a saucepan. Pour 80 ml of water over the dates (if the dates are a bit dry, add more water). Also, I add cinnamon here, it gives it a unique aroma. But if you don't like this spice, then just don't use it. Mix the ingredients and simmer over low heat until the dates are well softened.
  2. In just 6-8 minutes you will get this puree. Using a fork, use a fork to puree the dates until smooth. Cool the mixture slightly.
  3. Meanwhile, mix all the seeds, nuts and oatmeal in a deep bowl (the proportions are not particularly important here, I took a third of the oatmeal, a lot of different seeds and the least amount of nuts and poppy seeds). Mix all ingredients.
  4. Add the date puree and stir the mixture well until smooth. You will get this sticky and thick dough.
  5. Preheat the oven to 175 C. Prepare a heat-resistant pan, cover it with parchment if the pan is not non-stick. Pour the mixture into the mold and smooth it out.
  6. Bake at 175 C for 30 minutes. Be careful not to burn the top, it depends on your oven! I have convection, so everything bakes normally, and you take into account the features of your oven.
  7. Remove the finished layer from the oven and cool completely. Cut it into bars only when it has cooled, otherwise it may crumble. An energy bar is a great snack for when you feel tired during the workday!