Julienne with chicken and mushrooms calories. Julien Sytoedov From Chicken with Mushrooms - “Sytoedov indulges in variety - quite tasty julienne with chicken and mushrooms

Sometimes, when I want tasty and not very healthy food, I treat myself to semi-finished products from Stoedov.

Why? For several reasons:

  • Decent taste
  • Good, clear composition
  • Fairly low calorie content

Today at lunch at work I really wanted something other than rice and cutlets, lasagna and Sytoedov’s goulash. Since yesterday someone was too lazy to prepare food for work, the choice from all the products of this brand, presented in the store closest to work, fell on chicken julienne with mushrooms.

I’ll say right away that this updated version of the dish no longer contains plastic spoons/spoons and napkins inside. Not important of course, everything is at work. But the idea was not bad, but the situations were different.

So, our julienne. Packaged in a cute box with two plastic cocotte makers inside.

The box contains complete information about:




One serving is 125 g, respectively, its calorie content is about 170-180 kcal. This is more than good for julienne.

Since the packaging contains an inscription about the safety of E-containing substances in the product, let's try to figure out what kind of E-substances julienne contains.

Seal E 509:

This is calcium chloride, added as a product thickener,

in this case, julienne sauce.

Permitted in the European Union and Russia, it is considered safe and harmless to health with moderate consumption.

Dye E 160b:

Annato (Bixin).

The safest and even healthiest E-shka in the composition of julienne, a vegetable carotenoid dye, safe for health and in some places even useful. It is used both in food purification and in medicine and cosmetology.

And finally - E 252, preservative:

But here everything is not as clear and rosy as with the first two.

This is potassium nitrate, a carcinogenic substance, used for preservation, or simply to preserve food.

Prohibited for children; with frequent use, it can cause anemia and kidney disease.

Of course, the preservative is not useful, and if you read a lot about it, you can even switch to pasture food - carrots, beets, greens. But I think that a one-time use of a product containing this preservative will not harm your health. Moreover, most of Sytoedov’s dishes do not contain E-shek at all.

It’s definitely not worth overusing. And despite all the deliciousness of julienne, I won’t buy it again.

And the minus star in the rating is for this preservative.


When frozen, it is a regular frozen white substance with visible grated cheese on top.

When heated, it’s regular julienne in cream sauce. I reheated it in the microwave, so the finished dish does not have a baked cheese crust, as in the photo. You can also reheat it in the oven if you first transfer the dish to an appropriate heat-resistant container.


It is delicious. Very tasty, really. Pieces of chicken breast, champignon mushrooms (a lot of both) in a creamy sauce with cheese - it’s tasty and satisfying. Chicken. Real, not soy. When heated, the dish is aromatic and homemade. The appearance in the plastic cocotte maker is not Michelin, of course, but for one person to have a snack without pathos, it is quite suitable.

In general, I really love julienne, in its various variations - from chicken to shrimp, it is one of my favorite dishes. And this one could have become my favorite among semi-finished products, if not for E252.

I wasn’t upset and didn’t scold myself for absorbing the preservative, for my health, as they say, but this taste experiment, unfortunately, was the first and last.

Julienne with mushrooms is a wonderful French dish made from mushrooms in sour cream and cheese. This is a restaurant-quality dish, which is why it is prepared in the best restaurants in the world. Julienne is also often served at home, including in the holiday menu.

Julienne with mushrooms is a tasty dish and not very high in calories. It can be used by people who are watching their weight. It is usually made from mushrooms, cream or methane and hard cheese. Mushrooms are taken depending on preference, but most often these are champignons.

The calorie content of julienne with mushrooms per 100 grams of the finished dish is 169 kcal.

There are several cooking recipes, and one of the best can be considered julienne with chicken and mushrooms with sour cream sauce and cheese. The classic combination of chicken and mushrooms makes the dish incredibly tender and appetizing. However, this set of products makes julienne more nutritious than just mushrooms.

The calorie content of chicken julienne with mushrooms in sour cream and cheese is on average 220 kcal per 100 grams.

Preparing julienne is quick and easy, so no matter which recipe you choose: the calorie content of chicken with champignons or the calorie content of chicken julienne with mushrooms, it will be very small. Enjoy this delicious dish and make your family and guests happy!

The term "Julienne" comes from French cuisine. It denotes a special version of cutting vegetables; we call it “straws”. And dishes in which the ingredients are cut in this way are called julienne. It’s no secret that the most common version of julienne for us has become a warm salad of mushrooms and chicken under a delicate layer of molten layer. I try to personalize my dishes, so today I offer recipe for dietary healthy julienne with vegetables.

In the summer, it’s a sin not to use vegetables from the garden - this is the best way to stock up on vitamins, minerals, and fiber from vegetables for the coming season. With the onset of the fruit and vegetable season, I try to prepare most dishes from them. Especially side dishes, soups, casseroles. Instead of cereals and pasta, I take vegetables. They are combined with meat, fish, and grown in natural conditions. And I leave cereals for colder seasons, when I want denser food rich in carbohydrates.

Let's move on to the julienne recipe. Mushrooms, by the way, can also be bought at a farm or market. I had vegetables from my dacha, “dear ones”. It took about 1.5 hours to prepare.


I give the weight directly of those parts that went into the dish after cleaning (for example, this applies to onions, eggplant, zucchini).

  • Chicken fillet – 300 g;
  • Fresh champignons – 200 gr;
  • Onions – 70 gr;
  • Zucchini (I have yellow) – 117 g (1 small zucchini);
  • Eggplant – 109 g (1 piece);
  • Tomato – 109 gr;
  • Dill and parsley – 7 g;
  • Cheese 45% - 35 g;
  • Milk 1.5% - 40 g;
  • Soft cottage cheese 0% or classic yogurt - 90 g;
  • Tomato puree – 90 g;
  • Olive oil – 1.5 tsp;
  • Salt and spices - to taste.


By the way! I cut 1 champignon into slices to fry and leave for julienne decoration on top. The cut of the mushroom is very beautiful, and you can’t help but use it.

  • Place the molds with julienne into the oven for 15 minutes and immediately remove them when the time is up. The cheese will melt in the oven, become golden and form a crust. All the aromas will combine, and the taste of the dish will already be uniform. Tomato sauce will help “bind” the ingredients and make the mixture juicy.

Julienne turns out to be truly summery. Vegetables make the dish very juicy and tender. And the cheese filling, thanks to the use of tender cottage cheese, is not as cloying and greasy as in the classic version. It is creamy and milky, soft and goes perfectly with greens.

Nutritional value and calorie content of julienne with chicken, mushrooms and vegetables (per 100 g):

Short description

“Julien” is a recipe with a beautiful French name and purely Russian origin. It would seem, judging by the name, “Julienne” is a French dish. But it turns out that julienne in France is a culinary method for thinly slicing foods (into strips about the size of a matchstick), primarily vegetables. And nothing else. But in modern Russian cuisine there is a dish called “julienne”. It is prepared mainly from mushrooms and sour cream with various additives. So what is correct to call julienne? Let's turn to authoritative sources. This is what William Vasilyevich Pokhlebkin writes in his “Culinary Dictionary” - “In cooking, this term refers to such cold processing (cutting) of vegetables intended for soups or sauces, which gives the most delicate consistency or speeds up the readiness of dishes from young vegetables or shoots. In practice, this means that julienne most often means cutting into strips (for root vegetables) and into thin rings for onions and tomatoes. Salads made from such thinly sliced ​​vegetables are therefore called julienne, and soup in which vegetables sliced ​​in this way are added is also called julienne soup. Sometimes in bad restaurants non-vegetable dishes, such as mushrooms baked in sour cream, are also called julienne. This means that the mushrooms were (or should have been) cut into thin strips before boiling and baking.” As you can see, in cooking there are dishes that have the word “julienne” in their name, but this is the same as “Sliced ​​tomato salad” or “Soup of beef and diced vegetables.” And the master of culinary history clearly states that mushrooms baked in sour cream are called julienne only in bad restaurants. Now let’s see if such a dish is in the textbook “Soviet National and Foreign Cuisine” (Higher School Publishing House, 1979), intended primarily for training restaurant workers through Intourist. In this textbook, much attention is paid to the identity of a dish in a particular national cuisine. So that our catering workers do not get into trouble in front of foreign tourists and do not serve, under the guise of, for example, French, a dish from another cuisine. And at the very beginning, in the “Hot appetizers” section of the “Russian Cuisine” chapter, we find the recipe “Mushrooms in sour cream”, one in one corresponding to the recipe for the so-called “classic julienne”. But in the chapter on “French Cuisine,” the preparation of a hot appetizer made from mushrooms and sour cream is described differently. There, white semi-dry wine is added, there is no baking, grated cheese is mixed with mushrooms, and the prepared dish is served on toasted bread, greased with butter (in modern style - on toast). And now there is no escape. The name “julienne” is firmly attached to the old Russian recipe for mushrooms baked in sour cream. And in our time, the so-called “julienne” is made not only with mushrooms, but also with seafood, fish, meat, and vegetables. But we need to at least know the history and not attribute foreign roots to our original dish, which received a French name.

Among the appetizers, especially hot ones, chicken julienne stands out among the rest. And not only because of its name. It's quite simple and quick to prepare. This will not only surprise unexpected guests, but also pamper your family with a wonderful and tasty dish.


In French cuisine, the word “julienne” (from the name of the month – July) refers to the method of cutting vegetables into strips. Julienne with chicken baked with cheese and sauce is called “cocotte” (from the French “cocotte” - casserole). It is prepared in special portioned metal saucepans with long handles - in cocotte makers. Their volume is 100 g, but there are cocotte makers with a larger capacity.


The classic recipe involves using Bechamel sauce. Any housewife can prepare it.

First, add seasonings (rosemary, thyme, garlic, onion, parsley root, etc.) to cold milk or cream (750g). Then everything needs to be heated over low heat. Do not boil; the mixture should be at room temperature. 50 gr. Melt butter on fire and fry about 50 grams in it. flour. It should turn golden.

Then milk is poured into the flour in a thin stream. The mixture must be stirred all the time to avoid the appearance of lumps. Cook the sauce over low heat until smooth.

If lumps form, you can use a blender or strain the sauce through a sieve.



We are accustomed to the fact that this dish must include mushrooms. But there is also a simple recipe.


  • Chicken (fillet) – 500g;
  • Cheese – 150 gr;
  • Milk – 250 gr;
  • Flour – 3 tbsp;
  • Spices (salt, pepper, dill) and butter - to taste.


Fry the chicken cut into strips in melted butter (10-15 minutes). Mix milk with flour, avoiding the appearance of lumps, add spices. You can add dried or fresh herbs (dill or parsley). Pour the mixture into the chicken and simmer for about 3 minutes. Then the chicken is placed in cocotte bowls or other heat-resistant dishes, and grated cheese is sprinkled on top. Bake the dish for about 10 minutes. in the oven preheated to 180°. Some people make julienne in pots.

You can also add fried onions or other vegetables to the chicken julienne.

With mushrooms

A more familiar dish is chicken julienne with mushrooms.


  • Chicken fillet – 300 gr;
  • Mushrooms – 300 gr;
  • Cheese – 100 gr;
  • Onion – 100-150 gr;
  • Cream (20%) – 200 g;
  • Flour – 1 tbsp;
  • Spices (salt, pepper, nutmeg).


Cut the poultry into large strips, mushrooms and onions into strips. In a frying pan, fry the chicken in vegetable oil until golden brown. After it cools, it needs to be cut into smaller pieces. Onions and mushrooms are fried separately. Mushrooms are usually taken from champignons or porcini mushrooms, but oyster mushrooms, chanterelles, saffron milk caps, honey mushrooms, etc. are also perfect.