Energy charge. What to drink to cheer yourself up? How to cheer up? Invigorating drinks

Which for a long time hung over his head and then fell on the top of his head with all his terrifying force. The brain doesn’t work, the body aches, the eyelids don’t open... What to do in such a situation? How to cheer up so as not to be left behind the current day and make it as useful and productive as possible? Let's just find out now.


It's hard not to agree that this is the most effective method get rid of the drowsy state. It's easy to invigorate yourself with coffee, the main thing is that the drink is natural, tasty and freshly prepared. But in order for activity and energy to return to you as quickly as possible, you need a loading dose. At the same time, remember: the life-giving elixir must be drunk half an hour before an important event: a meeting or a business meeting. So treat yourself delicious coffee at home, before going to work, or on the way to the office. The caffeine effect lasts from three to five hours, depending on the characteristics of the body.

Caffeine is found not only in coffee, but also in other drinks: black and green tea, cocoa, and energy drinks. It is better not to joke with the latter - they have the most negative effect on the functioning of the heart. By the way, regular chocolate also contains the substance we need - with the exception of milk chocolate. Eat half a bar - and you're done. But do not forget that uncontrolled caffeine consumption is too large quantities causes dizziness, increased nervous excitability and often has very negative effects on health.

Lemon water

How to cheer up if you want to sleep? Drink this natural, healthy and simple energy drink. To prepare it you need to put it in a glass clean water squeeze the juice of half a lemon. After a night's rest, the body needs an increase in water levels to improve cell activity and eliminate toxic substances. Accordingly, water will restore and regulate the balance of electrolytes and antioxidants, and vitamin P contained in the citrus fruit will enhance the effect of ascorbic acid, which simultaneously comes from sour product. Thus, the drink will smooth out the consequences that a sleepless night brought. How to cheer up with its help? Just take one glass of energy drink on an empty stomach - and within an hour you will feel a surge of energy.

This cocktail will also strengthen the immune system, improve blood flow and capillary permeability. Therefore, a person feels a refreshing effect rather than excitement, like from coffee. At the same time, increased blood circulation in the cells gray matter will play into the hands of thinking - it will become more active and improve. Also lemon water will reduce the risk of heart disease and eliminate calcium deposits in the joints.


When thinking about how to cheer yourself up, pay attention to the recipes of our grandmothers. For a burst of activity, they often used ginseng. The root of this plant contains many useful substances, including microelements necessary for normal life: zinc, calcium, phosphorus, iron. It is they, together with vitamins, that create the desired tonic effect. At the same time, they have a beneficial effect on nervous system without overloading it - as a result, it is recommended even to people suffering from neuroses.

A traditional ginseng drink is prepared as follows: two tablespoons of crushed root are poured into a glass of water, put on fire and brought to a boil. After 5 minutes, remove from the stove, strain and allow it to cool, after which it is taken on an empty stomach. For increase taste qualities the plant is brewed with tea. But if you are sorely short of time in the morning, you can limit yourself to buying ginseng tablets. Remember that it is not advisable to take the drink in the afternoon, as it can cause insomnia.


At the same time, do not forget that lunch should also be hearty and healthy, and dinner should be light and nutritious. Include in the menu protein products— the amino acids they contain cause a charge of vivacity, “force” a person to move, think, and create. Instead, you should avoid fatty and smoked foods. It is she who makes us lethargic, taking a lot of energy for digestion.


They knew how to cheer up if you want to sleep back in Ancient India. It was there that miraculous powers were discovered essential oils, which calm the psyche at the right moment or, conversely, activate all the forces of the body. The main thing is to choose the right scent. So, citrus notes - orange, lemon, grapefruit - help to cheer up best. Smells are suitable for excellent brain function, logical thinking and mental activity. nutmeg, anise and patchouli. To improve performance, use pine, rosemary and peppermint, and to awaken creative qualities - juniper.

To enhance the effect of oils, they can be mixed with other aromas, creating entire compositions. It is important to apply them to the skin in small quantities or add them to your day face cream. If the epidermis is very sensitive, apply essential essences to the fabric of clothing, which will protect you from burns, itching or other unpleasant sensations.


How to cheer up? What action should be taken to strengthen all the above methods? Firstly, fresh air greatly affects your performance. Try to sleep at night with the window open, and when you come to the office, regularly ventilate the room. Secondly, light is also important. Scientific research have proven that it makes a person more active, while reducing the number of mistakes and blunders made. Therefore, open the curtains or turn on additional electric lighting. The body is ready to work while it is light. And this is not only a psychological, but also a physiological process.

Now you know what to do to cheer yourself up. Use these methods individually or all together - and then your day will be marked by increased activity, maximum energy, excellent business abilities and extraordinary creativity.

A good night's sleep is a great weapon against feelings of sluggishness, but sometimes it's not enough. The nastiest energy eaters hide in the daily routine. Luckily, you don't have to pour three shots of espresso or refuel energy drinks to exit zombie mode. Try these super simple ways to help you and replenish your energy reserves naturally, without hassle and increased blood glucose levels.

Energy Eater #1: Your Comfy Desk Chair

Energy Eater #2: Desktop Clutter

Causes of fatigue: Do you constantly feel tired? You can't even point it? The reason is the disorder itself. “It's not just about not having enough space to work, create your masterpiece or magic table. "All the things are staring at you, reminding you of the hundred other things you should be doing," says Los Angeles-based clutter expert and professional organizer Fay Wolf of New Order. “Your foggy brain can’t function properly when there are so many things at your fingertips.” He spends time looking at your notes from some meeting or his favorite pen and gets tired before he even starts working.

How to cheer up: You've heard that the bedroom should only be used for sleeping and sex. According to Wolf, your desk should only have things related to the current project, a few writing and office supplies (notepad, stapler, scissors, tape and paper clips) if you don't have room for them in your desk drawer. Everything else needs to be removed.

"Move each item from left to right, and either discard it or choose a new location," says Wolf. “Arrange the papers in files and make notes: “Read”, “Pay” and so on. If a document has a deadline, add it to your to-do list.”

Energy Eater #3: Your Breakfast

Causes of fatigue: Breakfast can give or take away all your energy for the day. If it's too late, like on a Sunday, you'll feel sluggish, and if you forgot to eat breakfast, your metabolism won't get the wake-up call.

"People who eat balanced breakfast, more energy, they perform better at school and in the office, they sleep better at night, which means they wake up the next day with more energy,” says Elizabeth Somer, author of “Food Your Path to Happiness.” But Somer isn't talking about donuts and coffee.

How to cheer up: A breakfast of champion that will meet your energy needs should consist of:

  • whole grains, which provide high quality carbohydrates for the brain in the morning;
  • Not large quantity protein to keep you full and maintain your blood sugar levels throughout the morning;
  • one or two colorful fruits and vegetables.

Energy Eater #4: Dehydration

Causes of fatigue: Even moderate amounts make us lethargic and sleepy. "Many of us walk around dehydrated without realizing it," says King. Remember, your body is 60% water and it simply cannot function properly during a dry spell.

King suggests taking a simple test to determine if your body is dehydrated. Pinch the skin on the back of your hand and hold for three seconds. Then release. If the pinch ridge remains for more than a second, you are likely dehydrated.

How to cheer up: Next time you feel sleepy, drink a glass cold water for instant energy replenishment.

Energy Eater #5: Your Posture

Causes of fatigue: As you may have guessed, breathing is an integral part of life. Therefore, your terrible posture may be your number 1 enemy. Slouching puts uneven pressure on your spine and causes various muscles to compensate and tighten, making it harder for your lungs and diaphragm to work. Shallow breathing is a one-way ticket to zombie city.

How to cheer up: You can get up to 30 percent more air if you . Lift your chest and lower your shoulders to keep blood circulating and oxygen flowing to the brain.

Energy Eater #6: Your Predictable Routine

Causes of fatigue: Day after day the same thing happens, you do the same movements, and your brain just goes into autopilot mode. When you're completely disconnected or bored, your brain is seriously starved of dopamine. wellness, which encourages awakening. As a result, you can barely move your feet (mentally and physically) and you have zero motivation, and you feel tired, even if you haven’t done anything yet.

How to cheer up: Try something new. When you do something new, your brain is flooded with dopamine, which affects alertness, attention, and concentration. Something as simple as ordering a new dish, sharing a cup of coffee with a new co-worker, or turning a routine job or task with a deadline into a time challenge can give you a much-needed boost.

Ecology of life. Every person is familiar with this situation: the working day is in full swing, and your eyelids are already getting heavy, and you feel like you are completely out of place.

Every person is familiar with this situation: the working day is in full swing, and your eyelids are already getting heavy, and you feel like a sweet drowsiness is falling on you completely inappropriately.

The following simple tips will help you overcome the onset of drowsiness:

1. Drink more water. Dehydration is often one of the main reasons for drowsiness. Washing cold water will help relieve eye fatigue after long hours spent at the computer.

2. Go outside into the sunlight. The more your body is exposed to the sun, the more active and focused you become. The sun will give you energy because it helps produce vitamin D in the body.

And if you are unable to leave the room, then remember that artificial lighting near your workplace has a similar effect.

3. Physical activity will help overcome drowsiness. For example, you can do a few push-ups or jumping jacks every 30 minutes.

And if you can’t take a physical break, then warm up on the spot. Move your feet, extend your arms and legs, bend your knees, etc.

4. Active mental work will also prevent you from falling asleep. Keep your mind busy, watch other people. A regular conversation with a colleague is good for stimulating brain activity.

And if there is no one nearby, then listen to music. Music genres such as hip-hop, rock or metal will keep you awake. You can also hum a tune.

5. Avoid heavy foods in large quantities. Everyone knows that using hearty dishes can seriously debilitate a person. Instead, opt for light foods such as salad.

6. Don't get addicted to caffeine. It helps relieve drowsiness, but is addictive.

Also be careful with energy drinks. They help overcome the need to sleep only for a short time (like coffee), and when their effect wears off, you can feel even more tired and depressed.

7. You can quickly perk up by stimulating your sense of smell, for example, by inhaling the aromas of citrus or mint.

8. Another proven remedy for preventing drowsiness is acupressure. To tone yourself up, you can resort to the following tricks - massage your earlobes clockwise and rub the back of your hand between your thumb and index finger.

9. Oddly enough, but hearty laughter stimulates brain activity and helps to stay alert.

10. Snacks with high content Protein and low sugar (such as cashews or almonds) will give you a quick boost of energy.

11. Switch your attention often to keep your brain active. Even a small new impulse, such as changing pens, has an invigorating effect.

Despite the fact that all of the above methods will help you overcome the onset of drowsiness for a while, it is still better to follow a work-rest schedule and get a good night’s sleep. And all uhThese measures will relieve you of the need to resist sleep and allow you to remain alert throughout the day. published

Water will increase blood circulation and help you feel better. If you don't have the option to do this, just wash your face. Girls who are afraid of spoiling can be advised to moisten a towel with cold water, wring it out lightly and apply it to the face, neck and décolleté.

Take a break. If your eyelids feel noticeably heavy, your hands are no longer able to do any other work, put everything aside and give your body a break. Lean back, relax your muscles, close your eyes. Stop thinking about work, just take your mind off what is happening around you. Five to ten minutes of such relaxation will relieve your body of fatigue.

Give your ears a light massage. It is in this area of ​​the body that the points through which you can influence the entire body are concentrated. Warm up your hands by rubbing them together. Massage the earlobes, tragus and inner ear for three to five minutes. You will feel how fatigue gradually recedes.

Have a snack. Perhaps your fatigue is due to a lack of substances in the body necessary for its functioning. Fruits, sandwiches and other products available to office workers will come to your aid. If you have the opportunity to go out to a cafe, do not neglect it. Eating a nutritious lunch or dinner will help combat fatigue, but only if you don't overeat.


Constant use of caffeinated drinks will not lead to anything good. If you are used to coffee to invigorate your body, gradually replace it with green tea with lemon. It’s both useful and will add vigor.

Helpful advice

In order not to constantly look for ways to regain vigor, just get enough sleep at night. Seven to eight hours of sleep will help you feel great throughout the workday.

It's not every morning that we wake up in a cheerful mood. Some people went to bed late, while others were disturbed by noisy neighbors. The ringing alarm clock is annoying, and you don’t want to get up at all. And it is necessary…


How to get yourself in order and get into a working mood? First, while still lying in

Lack of sleep, weather changes and long trips can negatively affect your state of vigor. These five simple ways will help you quickly cope with lethargy and restore activity and performance.

Olya Malysheva

1. A good cup of green tea stimulates performance longer than a cup of coffee. Green tea also contains caffeine, but it has a milder effect on the body. However, this is not a drink that you need to drink in liters and do it every day. Use green tea when you really need that “energy” boost. Choose your own tea best quality and drink no more than one or two cups some time after meals. Like coffee, green tea is dehydrating, so be sure to drink plain water afterwards.

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2. Dark chocolate with 70% cocoa They often help out in the evening, when mental activity is required, but concentration is no longer so easy. A couple of pieces of dark chocolate have the same stimulating effect as a cup of green tea. The advantage of dark chocolate over other desserts is that it does not contain flour or milk and goes well with other foods. This is an addition to the diet that is not very harmful, but brings pleasure. Choose high-quality chocolate and a reasonable amount.

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3.Move it! Instead of refreshing your Facebook or Instagram feed over and over again, do 50 squats, 30 push-ups, run up the stairs, or take a brisk walk. Any physical activity helps cope with drowsiness. Just a few movements in intensive mode - and you will perk up, improve lymph flow and restore tone.

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4. Eat lighter. When lacking sleep, many people reach for cookies, pastries and other flour and refined products. And it is these products that will add even more lethargy. The more energy you need during the day, the healthier and lighter your diet should be. Drink more water in the morning and give yourself a generous portion of freshly squeezed vegetable juice. Boost your energy later with fresh fruit, berries and vegetables. Leave heavy meals for those preparing for an afternoon siesta.

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5. Breathe deeply. Go to an open window or go outside. With your back straight, your mouth closed and your throat slightly compressed, inhale slowly. Feel how your lungs fill with air from bottom to top, and your chest expands to the sides. As you inhale, count to yourself 1, 2, 3, 4. As you exhale, also slowly empty your lungs by compressing your chest, again counting 1, 2, 3, 4. A quiet hissing sound from the back of your throat indicates that you are doing everything right. Take five full cycles of deep breathing, mentally counting to four as you inhale and exhale. Over time, increase the number of cycles. Such breathing refreshes the body and mind, quickly restoring strength.