Preparing rabbit meat for future use. Rabbit meat (rabbit): dietary or not, what is useful, what is combined with

Cooked rabbit meat is an economical alternative to beef or pork for most dieters. During World War II, some governments encouraged the product while easing the burden on staple meats. Currently, domestic rabbit meat is especially common in the USA, New Zealand and Belgium, where it mainly comes fresh or frozen from China.

Calorie content

100g of rabbit stew contains 206 calories, which is much lower in calories than beef or pork. In dishes with rabbit, you can use servings of vegetables, such as broccoli or corn, and brown rice is best as a side dish. Thanks to this variety, a balanced diet is achieved that satisfies the body's nutritional needs.

Fat and cholesterol

Rabbit meat belongs to the low-fat category: per 100 g there is only 8.41 g of fat(calories from fat are approximately 37%). A healthy person's meal plan should contain 44 to 78 grams of fat per day, or 20 to 35% of calories. Rabbit meat contains low levels of saturated fat, only 2.51 g. Large amounts of saturated fat can increase the risk of developing coronary heart disease, so it is worth limiting their consumption to 15 g per day. In addition, 100 g of rabbit meat contains 86 mg of cholesterol (a necessary substance for the formation of cells in the body). To avoid health problems, you should consume up to 300 mg of cholesterol per day; the American Heart Association recommends reducing this figure to 200 mg per day.


100 g of rabbit stew contains 30.38 g of protein. It allows you to provide the human body with energy to build muscles and maintain the functions of the immune system. The recommended amount of protein is 10 to 20% of daily calories.


Rabbit meat contains vitamin B12, which plays an important role in the functioning of the central nervous system and the formation of red blood cells. In addition, rabbit is rich in vitamin B3 known as niacin. It helps convert carbohydrates into energy and is involved in the production of various sex hormones.

Chemical composition

Rabbit meat contains small amounts of selenium, a mineral involved in the formation of antioxidants. MedlinePlus reports that some doctors recommend including small amounts of selenium in the diet to reduce the risk of developing hardening of the arteries, as well as the development of stomach, lung, prostate and skin cancers. Rabbit also contains phosphorus. This mineral makes up 1% of a person's total body weight and affects the body's ability to use carbohydrates and fats, as well as the regeneration of cells and tissues.

Energy value of rabbit meat (stewed, per 100 g):

Calorie or energy value– this is the amount of energy that accumulates in the human body due to food and is consumed due to physical activity. The unit of measurement is the kilocalorie (the amount of energy required to raise one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius). However, a kilocalorie is often referred to simply as a calorie. Therefore, when we say a calorie, in most cases we mean a kilocalorie. It has the designation kcal.

The nutritional value– content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the product.

Chemical composition– content of macroelements and microelements in the product.

Vitamins– organic compounds necessary in small quantities to support human life. Their deficiency can have adverse effects on the health of the body. Vitamins are found in food in small quantities, so to get all the vitamins a person needs, you need to diversify the groups and types of food.

Rabbits are raised for their skins and meat. The nutritional value of rabbit meat is many times superior to other types of meat products from other animals. Back in the early eighties, it was proven that radionuclides do not accumulate at all in the carcass of a rabbit whose age does not exceed eight months. It is recommended as a therapeutic supplement for people affected by radio emissions and accidents at nuclear power plants and other disasters.

You can find many opinions about how much the carcass of a young rabbit weighs, which differs in different sources of information. However, adherents of accelerated rabbit breeding know that it ranges from 2050 g to 2650. At the age of four months, fat is just beginning to form in it, and meat is mainly present. The studies established the basic values ​​that a young rabbit has; the calorie content of meat was 156 kcal per 0.1 kg.

Nutritional value is determined by the number of incoming components per 100 g in rabbit meat up to 8 months of age:

  • proteins present 21.137±0.005 g;
  • fats present 10.794±0.005 g;
  • water dissolved 66.683±0.005 g;
  • ash substances are 1.109±0.005 g;
  • beneficial cholesterol is present in an amount of 39.150±0.005 mg;
  • omega-3 fatty acids present 0.352±0.005 g;
  • omega-6 fatty acids present 2.716±0.005 g.

The method for determining calorie content is quite simple. Moisture is released from the meat, and then the dry residue is burned. The procedure is performed in a special calorimetric “bomb”. Upon completion of combustion, the amount of heat released is calculated. As a result of conducting similar experiments at the Research Institute of Meat and Dairy Products, the following results were obtained for meat and its processed products:

  • 100 g of raw meat contains 156.648±0.010 kcal;
  • in minced meat the value is already different - 146.911±0.010 kcal;
  • after frying rabbit meat, its calorie content is 162.137±0.010 kcal;
  • after cooking is completed, caloric content decreases - 149.702±0.010 kcal;
  • during the stewing process, an even greater decrease in calorie content was noticed - 144.359±0.010 kcal;
  • heat treatment aimed at baking in the oven also reduces calorie content to 142.388±0.010 kcal;
  • rabbit meat cutlets provided only 141.571±0.010 kcal;
  • rabbit broth had the lowest energy value – 49.709±0.010 kcal.


It is customary to consider the composition in the form of the main macroelements that make up meat, as well as microelements present in small quantities. The data was kindly shared by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Macronutrients:

  • 100 g of rabbit meat contains 24.767±0.005 mg of magnesium;
  • 224.668±0.005 mg of sulfur is also present;
  • in addition there is 19.669±0.005 mg of calcium;
  • found 79.477±0.005 mg of chlorine;
  • 56.108±0.005 mg sodium detected;
  • 189.811±0.005 mg of phosphorus was detected;
  • and measured 334.249±0.005 mg potassium.

There is data on the presence of microelements:

  • 3.289±0.005 mg of iron was detected in 100 g of rabbit meat;
  • 4.419±0.005 μg molybdenum present;
  • 2.304±0.005 mg of zinc was detected;
  • found 0.007±0.005 mg of manganese;
  • 4.971±0.005 μg of iodine was detected;
  • the presence of 8.462±0.005 μg of chromium was established;
  • weighed 129.609±0.005 µg copper;
  • determined 72.128±0.005 μg of fluorine;
  • the presence of 16.113±0.005 μg of cobalt was established.


It is recommended to make soups from rabbit meat. Not only the pulp is used here; even the breast, which contains small bones in large quantities, is useful in soups. Many people like to eat this kind of meat with bones. This is where the special taste comes through.

Many restaurants serve some of the best soups. It is recommended not only to healthy people, but also to sick people. The preparation process is simple:

  1. Divide the rabbit carcass into pieces of approximately 40...70 g.
  2. Cook for about one hour, add salt at the end of cooking.
  3. Remove the cooked meat from the broth and let it drain, then cool.
  4. Now it's time for the vegetables. Grind the carrots in a blender, then chop the onion.
  5. Place the vegetables in the broth and cook for about 10 minutes.
  6. To make the soup rich, add washed rice. The rice cooking process takes approximately 15 minutes.
  7. Green peas are added, and then celery. Cooking these ingredients takes about two minutes.
  8. When serving the dish, pieces of boiled rabbit meat are added to the soup.

When preparing for cooking you need to have:

  • rabbit meat about 300±50 g;
  • small carrots, approximately 150...170 g;
  • onion weighing about 70 g;
  • washed rice 65...70 g (about one third of a glass);
  • celery - one plant about 10 g;
  • canned green peas about 200 ml;
  • you can add parsley and dill 10 g each.

The soup is boiled in 2 liters of water.

The resulting dish per 100 g will have a calorie content of 32.8 ± 0.1 kcal. The composition will include:

  • proteins – about 2.9±0.1 g;
  • fats – no more than 0.9±0.05 g;
  • carbohydrates – just over 3.4±0.05 g.


Meat parts of a rabbit carcass are used for frying, although there are fans who like to tinker with small bones. Before frying, you need to keep the carcass in the marinade. There is no need to look for complex ingredients here. Needed:

  • salt – 5...8 g;
  • chopped onion, about two heads 70...90 g each;
  • rabbit carcass from 1.5 kg and more.

All ingredients are placed in a saucepan. The minimum duration will be 2 hours, but not more than 6 hours.

It is advisable to use grill grates for frying. Cooking is done on a grill, where wood is pre-burnt or charcoal is lit. All you need is hot smoldering coals.

  1. Place foil on the bottom rack.
  2. Place the pieces of meat evenly.
  3. Cover with the top rack.
  4. They put it on the grill.
  5. Frying through foil is carried out for at least 20 minutes.
  6. Then the grill is turned over and the pieces are allowed to fry on the reverse side for 7...9 minutes.
  7. Leave on the coals for another 3...6 minutes, placing the grill with the foil down.
  8. Place the grill on a tray and remove the meat into a dish.
  9. Decorate with green onions, dill and parsley and serve.


Cooking the stewed rabbit must be done in a cauldron with a lid; a casserole dish or a massive enameled cast-iron cookware (sauce pan) can be used.

  1. The carcass is cut into portions, approximately 40...70 g.
  2. Place on a tray or other dish, sprinkle with salt to soak the meat.
  3. Place the cauldron on the fire and pour in oil.
  4. Finely chopped onions are fried in vegetable oil (olive oil is preferred, but sunflower oil is also possible).
  5. Carefully add pieces of rabbit meat.
  6. Fry over high heat for no more than 7...8 minutes.
  7. Cover with a lid and place on the lowest heat.
  8. The stewing process lasts from 30 to 40 minutes.
  9. At the end you can add sour cream.

You can use boiled potatoes or buckwheat porridge as a side dish here.


This is one of the easiest ways to cook rabbit. Usually the whole carcass is baked. Good restaurants use Italian-style ovens. Recently, it has been fashionable to bake meat in tandoors. Therefore, you should consider a similar recipe for making baked rabbit.

The carcass is placed in the marinade. It contains:

requires searching for complex ingredients. Needed:

  • sparkling water - approximately 1.5 l;
  • salt – 5...8 g;
  • chopped onion, about three heads of 70...90 g.

You need to wait at least 3 hours. Fans of spicy food add crushed red pepper to the marinade.

  1. Light a fire in the tandoor and let the coals burn out completely.
  2. They leave only smoldering embers.
  3. Hang the carcass on a hook, and hang a small bowl from below to collect the draining juice.
  4. Cover tightly with a lid.
  5. The carcass is lowered into the tandoor and kept for 30 to 40 minutes.
  6. Open the lid and take out the baked rabbit.
  7. Serve on a platter or on a lyagan.

For a couple

Steamed rabbit is prepared for sick people and children. A slow cooker will help you cook not only rabbit meat. At the same time, potatoes will be cooked in the resulting broth.

  1. The carcass is cut into portions.
  2. Place on a dish to season with salt.
  3. After allowing the salt to penetrate into the meat, they chop it into the multicooker basket.
  4. Pour water into the bottom of the device.
  5. Add peeled potatoes. The weight of the potatoes should be approximately equal to the weight of the rabbit meat.
  6. The water is slightly salted.
  7. Turn on the multicooker and leave for 40 minutes.
  8. After switching off, you get the most tender meat, as well as rabbit broth with boiled potatoes.

Rabbit is useful in all types of cooking. It makes excellent cutlets. During the period of mass slaughter, you can prepare stew, which is preserved in glass jars. You just need to hold it for at least 10 minutes at a temperature of 130 °C. Then it is guaranteed that no dangerous storage processes will occur.

Frozen rabbit carcass (at a temperature of -18 °C) can be stored for up to six months.

Calorie content of rabbit meat

Rabbit meat is considered the most dietary compared to all other types of meat, and this is true. Doctors keep saying that it is necessary to replace fatty meat with rabbit meat.

Rabbit meat contains B- and C-group vitamins, as well as the following set of mineral elements: manganese, phosphorus, fluorine, iron, potassium. Due to the presence of sodium salt in meat, it is considered most suitable for inclusion in the diet. Among all meat types, rabbit meat is the least allergenic, therefore it is recommended even for children under 1 year of age and pregnant women.

The calorie content of rabbit meat is 156 kcal. The composition also contains proteins - 21.0 g, fats - 8.0 g.

Rabbit meat occupies one of the leading positions in modern cooking. It goes well with other types of meat, with most vegetables and remarkably retains its beneficial qualities when baked, boiled, fresh and even smoked. This meat makes many wonderful dishes.

Good digestibility of rabbit meat dishes is ensured by the use of all types of heat treatments. Most often, the rabbit is simmered in sauce, but this does not mean that it is not allowed to be fried, spit-cooked, used for soups or stuffed. For example, stewed rabbit in sour cream sauce or red wine can perfectly complement any holiday table.

Rabbit prepared in different ways is served with vegetable side dishes, boiled rice, and various sauces with a glass of good wine.

Calorie content of minced rabbit

Minced rabbit is the flesh of a rabbit that has been ground using a knife, food processor or meat grinder. Rabbit meat is a dietary product, characterized by a balanced vitamin and mineral composition and a high content of animal protein, which is completely absorbed by the human body. People suffering from allergic reactions should consume minced rabbit.

The chemical composition of minced rabbit contains: vitamins A, E, C, B2, B1, B6, B12, B9, choline, as well as mineral elements: phosphorus, cobalt, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, molybdenum, fluorine, selenium, zinc, chromium, iodine, manganese, copper, sulfur, chlorine, iron.

The calorie content of minced rabbit is 147 kcal. The composition contained proteins - 19.5 g, carbohydrates - 0.7 g, fats - 7.4 g.

Among the most interesting recipes for minced rabbit dishes is terrine with pistachios. A juicy, aromatic and delicate soufflé, which is baked in a bacon “crust,” requires a lot of work, but it will all pay off as soon as you serve this excellent culinary delight on the holiday table.

To prepare terrine, you will need minced rabbit, flour, garlic, minced pork, fragrant marjoram, cream, egg, dry white wine and a little cognac. The ingredients are mixed, then you need to add peeled pistachios and put the resulting mixture in a rectangular shape, where you first need to place overlapping pieces of bacon. Press the minced meat tightly into the mold, cover with bacon on top and bake in the oven for 2-2.5 hours at 170 °C. Place a container of water in the oven. At the end, cool the terrine, turn it onto a plate and serve with green salad leaves.

Minced rabbit is great for meatballs, cutlets and filling pies. The dishes that come out of it are airy and tender.

Calorie content of rabbit kidneys

A rabbit is a miniature animal, a member of the hare family. Rabbit meat is considered dietary, very useful for the nutrition of people in the period after illness. Many chefs like to include dishes made from the meat of this animal in their menus; the rabbit enjoys special respect in Spain and France.

From time immemorial, rabbit kidneys have been considered a delicacy, even given their barely noticeable specific smell, which can be eliminated by soaking them in water and cooking them in several waters.

The chemical composition of rabbit kidneys includes: vitamins B2, B1, B12, B9, A, PP, C, as well as mineral elements: phosphorus, iodine, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine, iron, selenium, zinc.

The calorie content of rabbit kidneys is 66 kcal. The composition also contains proteins - 12.5 g, fats - 1.8 g.

In principle, it will be possible to prepare rabbit kidneys, as in the case of other offal. They can be baked, fried, boiled and stewed. “Twisted rabbit kidneys” were served at noble tables in Rus'. In the rabbit fricassee recipe, rabbit kidneys are a mandatory ingredient. To truly surprise your loved ones, please them with rabbit kidney julienne.

Rabbit kidneys, pre-soaked for a couple of hours in milk or water, boil and cut into strips. Also cut the champignons and fry them with plenty of onions, add the kidneys themselves and a little flour. Then cream or milk comes into play, which must be added in small portions, stirring constantly. Place portions in cocotte makers or other forms; you can sprinkle grated cheese on top and place them in the oven before baking the cheese. You can also use sour cream instead of cream or milk; in this case, the flour should be diluted with water.

Calorie content of rabbit liver

Rabbit is a small mammal from the Hares family. The meat of this animal is dietary; it is often prescribed to children, the elderly and pregnant women, as it is characterized by a unique healing effect.

Rabbit liver is also a dietary product, and therefore it can and should be included in your diet. The bottom line is that rabbit livers are not so easy to buy; at farmers markets you have to “catch” rabbit livers, since they are taken apart first, and only a small liver can be obtained from one animal.

The calorie content of rabbit liver is 166 kcal. The composition also contains proteins - 19.0 g, fats - 10.0 g.

The chemical composition of rabbit liver is so enriched with vitamins that one serving of the finished product contains as many vitamins as can be contained in several vitamin pills. It contains: beta-carotene, choline, vitamins A, C, E, D, H, PP, K, B2, B1, B6, B5, B12, B9, as well as mineral elements: phosphorus, nickel, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, cobalt, tin, selenium, zinc, molybdenum, fluorine, manganese, copper, chromium, iodine, chlorine, iron, sulfur.

Many different and very healthy dishes are made from rabbit liver. Rolls, cutlets with oatmeal flakes, warm salads, cream soup. The quickest way is to fry the rabbit liver; it comes out tender and tastes wonderful, juicy inside and a little pinkish. Connoisseurs are advised to soak the liver in milk before cooking, but if the rabbit was raised at home, this does not need to be done.

One of the traditional dishes made from rabbit liver is pate. There are a lot of recipes for its preparation: pate with lard or egg, nuts or mushrooms, with shallots or carrots, each of the options will delight you with its extraordinary tenderness and creamy structure.

Calorie content of fried rabbit

Rabbit meat is popular all over the planet due to its health and dietary properties. The minimum of allergens allows it to be included in the diet of infants up to one year old and adolescents, people who adhere to diets and pregnant women.

Only this type of meat can boast of the content of vitamins C and B, as well as a set of minerals: iron, calcium, potassium, manganese, phosphorus. Rabbit meat has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the entire human body as a whole.

Both ancient and modern cooking used different methods of preparing rabbit meat. One of the first to become widespread was the option of frying pieces or the entire carcass in vegetable oil. To do this, we selected high-quality meat from a reputable producer, so that it would be exclusively beneficial for the body.

Calorie content of fried rabbit is 155 kcal. The composition also included proteins - 25.0 g, fats - 6.0 g.

When cooking rabbit meat, you need to be careful as it is very tender and has almost no fat. To do this, professional chefs always advise pre-marinating meat, thereby preserving its taste and juiciness. The time and temperature of frying also plays an important role. The most optimal time for cooking rabbit is 10-15 minutes on low heat in a frying pan and 30-40 minutes in the oven.

When serving rabbit, the most common side dish is grilled or fresh vegetables, boiled rice and, of course, various sauces based on sour cream or wine.

Rabbit meat is meat obtained from the slaughter of wild and domestic rabbits. Dishes prepared on its basis are considered delicacies in most countries of the world. However, this is not surprising: rabbit meat not only has a pleasant taste, contains little fat and a whole host of useful nutrients, but is also easily absorbed in the human digestive tract.

Rabbit meat is consumed boiled, fried, smoked, stewed or baked. In addition, cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, stewed meat, minced meat, pates, soups, stews, salads and other tasty and nutritious dishes are prepared from it.

You can buy rabbit meat in stores, markets and private farms. When choosing this meat, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • the carcass of a young rabbit cannot weigh more than 1.5 kg;
  • fresh meat always has a light, pleasant smell and pale pink color (without dark spots or inclusions), dense, elastic structure;
  • high-quality processed rabbit carcasses are supplied for sale completely bled, cleanly washed, without flaps of skin or fringes of muscle tissue;
  • the surface of fresh meat cannot be too wet, slippery or windy;
  • packaging with frozen rabbit meat should not contain snow, frozen blood or ice crystals.

Fresh rabbit meat can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. You should not use plastic bags or film for storage - it is best to place the meat in a convenient plate or pan with a lid. Rabbit meat can be stored in the freezer for much longer – up to six months.

Nutritional value of rabbit meat and vitamins in its composition

The nutritional value rabbit meat (per 100 g):

  • 21.142 g proteins;
  • 10.799 g fat;
  • 66.689 g water;
  • 1.114 g ash;
  • 39.155 mg cholesterol;
  • 0.357 g omega-3 fatty acids;
  • 2.721 g omega-6 fatty acids.

Vitamins in rabbit meat (per 100 g):

  • 0.176 mg riboflavin (B2);
  • 9.783 mcg retinol equivalent (A);
  • 115.578 mg choline (B4);
  • 0.768 mg ascorbic acid (C);
  • 7.659 mg folate (B9);
  • 0.468 mg tocopherol equivalent (E);
  • 0.114 mg thiamine (B1);
  • 11.547 mg niacin equivalent (PP);
  • 4.294 mcg cobalamin (B12);
  • 0.473 mg pyridoxine (B6).

Calorie content of rabbit meat

  • Calorie content of raw rabbit meat (100 g) is 156.658 kcal.
  • The energy value of minced rabbit meat is 146.916 kcal.
  • Calorie content of fried rabbit meat is 162.143 kcal.
  • The energy value of boiled rabbit meat is 149.707 kcal.
  • The calorie content of rabbit stew is 144.364 kcal.
  • The energy value of baked rabbit meat is 142.393 kcal.
  • The calorie content of rabbit meat cutlets is 141.576 kcal.
  • The energy value of rabbit broth is 49.714 kcal.

Useful elements in rabbit meat

Macronutrients in rabbit meat (per serving weighing 100 g):

  • 24.772 mg magnesium;
  • 224.672 mg sulfur;
  • 79.482 mg chlorine;
  • 19.674 mg calcium;
  • 56.113 mg sodium;
  • 189.816 mg phosphorus;
  • 334.254 mg potassium.

Microelements in rabbit meat (per serving weighing 100 g):

  • 3.294 mg iron;
  • 4.424 µg molybdenum;
  • 2.309 mg zinc;
  • 0.012 mg manganese;
  • 4.976 mcg iodine;
  • 8.467 mcg chromium;
  • 129.614 mcg copper;
  • 72.133 mcg fluoride;
  • 16.118 mcg cobalt.

Useful properties of rabbit meat

  • Rabbit meat is a rich source of easily digestible animal protein. According to research results, the protein compounds contained in this meat are absorbed by the body by 91%. Thanks to this, dishes based on it can become an additional source of protein for people who are actively involved in sports or are regularly exposed to increased physical activity.
  • Rabbit meat has excellent taste and contains a lot of useful nutrients. At the same time, it is a low-fat meat with low energy value. Thanks to these properties, it can be safely included in the menu of people who want to lose excess weight. In addition, rabbit meat is indicated for breastfeeding mothers, children over the age of seven, teenagers and the elderly.
  • Rabbit meat contains substances that strengthen the immune system, helping the body resist infections and quickly recover from illnesses.
  • The beneficial nutrients contained in rabbit meat have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and stimulate the secretion of digestive juices. Dishes prepared on its basis are indicated for people suffering from stomach and duodenal ulcers, colitis, gastritis, enterocolitis, diseases of the biliary system, and liver diseases.
  • Meat from rabbits under seven months of age is not capable of accumulating harmful substances formed during the breakdown of herbicides and pesticides (substances used in agriculture to kill certain pests and increase crop yields).
  • B vitamins and beneficial elements contained in rabbit meat accelerate metabolic processes in the body.
  • According to doctors, regular consumption of rabbit meat can reduce the dose of radiation exposure received. That is why dishes prepared from it are recommended for people living in regions with unfavorable environmental conditions or undergoing treatment for cancer.
  • The compounds present in rabbit meat strengthen the walls of blood vessels and give them increased elasticity. Regular consumption of this meat helps reduce the risk of developing cardiac disorders.
  • Rabbit meat is low in cholesterol. In addition, it contains a whole complex of substances that prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques in the lumens of blood vessels and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.
  • Rabbit meat contains virtually no compounds that can cause allergic reactions.
  • B vitamins and other nutrients included in rabbit meat have a positive effect on the nervous system. With its frequent consumption, the risk of developing insomnia, neuroses, and depressive states is reduced, and the negative impact of stress on the body is weakened.
  • Rabbit meat is a source of vitamin E and other compounds that have antioxidant properties. Consumption of dishes prepared from it helps protect cells from the harmful effects of free radicals, slow down the aging of the body and prevent the appearance of malignant tumors.
  • Calcium, phosphorus and other substances present in rabbit meat strengthen bone tissue.
  • Rabbit meat contains substances that normalize blood glucose levels. For this reason, nutritionists recommend that diabetics regularly include dishes prepared with it on their menu.
  • Rabbit meat is rich in compounds that have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair, and nails.
  • Rabbit meat is a source of iron and other substances that ensure the normal functioning of the hematopoietic system. This explains its benefits for people suffering from iron deficiency anemia.
  • Rabbit fat combined with honey in a 2:1 ratio is an effective remedy for cough and bronchitis. The mixture is taken orally or used to rub the chest. Sometimes rabbit fat is used as an external antipruritic and wound healing agent. In addition, it is used as a hypoallergenic base for the manufacture of cosmetics.

Contraindications and harm of rabbit meat

Abuse of rabbit meat leads to the development of gout and arthritis, becoming one of the factors provoking the occurrence of neuro-arthritic diathesis. When digesting large quantities of rabbit meat, hydrocyanic acids are produced, which can cause serious poisoning.

A very profitable industry, since their fertility has already become the subject of jokes. One female rabbit can give birth to up to 30 rabbits in a year. The cost part pays off well, and in production they use not only meat, but also offal. Moreover, today, thanks to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and other achievements, many people have learned about the true benefits of this unique meat. Soon, rabbit meat will compete with the most popular meat products - chicken and beef.

Calories and nutritional value

100 g of rabbit meat contains 168 kcal. The meat is considered dietary and has a low fat content. For comparison, beef has 270-330 kcal per 100 g.

The nutritional value:

  • proteins - 21.2 g;
  • fats - 11 g;
  • water - 66.7 g.

No carbohydrates or dietary fiber. Some diet systems (for example, the Atkins diet) focus on low carbohydrate intake. The ratio of BJU in rabbit meat is 1:0.5:0.

Balance of biologically significant elements in 100 g of product (quantity and percentage of the norm):


  • A (RE) - 10 mcg (1.1%);
  • B1 (thiamine) - 0.12 mg (8%);
  • B2 (riboflavin) - 0.18 mg (10%);
  • B4 (choline) - 115.6 mg (23.1%);
  • B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.48 mg (24%);
  • B9 (folate) - 7.7 mcg (1.9%);
  • B12 (cobalamin) - 4.3 mcg (143%);
  • C - 0.8 mg (0.9%);
  • E (alpha tocopherol, TE) - 0.5 mg (3.3%);
  • RR (NE) - 11.6 mg (58%);
  • niacin - 6.2 mg;


  • potassium K - 335 mg (13.4%);
  • calcium Ca - 20 mg (2%);
  • magnesium Mg - 25 mg (6.3%);
  • sodium Na - 57 mg (4.4%);
  • sulfur S - 225 mg (22.5%);
  • phosphorus Ph - 190 mg (23.8%);
  • chlorine Cl - 79.5 mg (3.5%);


  • iron Fe - 3.3 mg (18.3%);
  • iodine I - 5 μg (3.3%);
  • cobalt Co - 16.2 μg (162%);
  • copper Cu - 130 μg (13%);
  • fluorine F - 73 μg (1.8%);
  • chromium Cr - 8.5 μg (17%);
  • zinc Zn - 2.31 mg (19.3%).

Taste qualities

Rabbit meat is not only healthy, but also tasty food. Tender and easy to prepare, it becomes a favorite among those who have tried it at least once. The color of the meat is white, with a pinkish tint, thin bones and thin muscle fibers.
It is low in cholesterol and purine formations. Well-fed animals have a slight layer of fat, which only makes the meat tender.

What are the benefits of rabbit meat?

Based on the balance of nutrients, we can conclude that rabbit meat is rich in vitamin complex, as well as micro- and macroelements.

Let's take a closer look at them.

  1. Choline is a component of lecithin and takes part in liver synthesis.
  2. Vitamin B6 supports the immune system, is responsible for excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system, for the metabolism of fatty compounds and polynucleatides, and for the formation of red blood cells. A lack of this vitamin causes poor appetite, anemia, and also leads to poor skin condition.
  3. Vitamin B12 speeds up metabolism. Together with folate (B9), it participates in hematopoiesis.
  4. Vitamin PP is needed for oxidation and reduction reactions during metabolism; its deficiency threatens disorders in the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  5. Phosphorus is a building block for teeth and bones. Moreover, it regulates the acid-base balance and takes part in energy metabolism.
  6. Iron is part of enzymes that transports oxygen. Its deficiency can cause increased fatigue.
  7. Cobalt is a component of vitamin B12 and activates the metabolism of folic acid.
  8. Copper is useful as a component of enzymes involved in iron metabolism. It also helps enrich body tissues with oxygen.
  9. Chromium is responsible for reducing glycemia (less glucose in the blood).
  10. Zinc takes part in the formation of more than 300 enzymes. It is involved in the synthesis of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Rabbit fat is used for medicinal purposes, and not only externally. For example, when coughing, fat is rubbed into the chest, and for acute bronchitis, it is taken orally. For greater effect, fat can be mixed with honey: two parts fat to one part honey. This way the body will better absorb the product. But if you have an individual intolerance to honey, then it is better to abstain from it.

Important! If meat is strictly contraindicated for you, then even rabbit will have to be excluded from your diet.

Fat is also an anti-allergen and is used in the cosmetics industry and pharmaceuticals - for the production of creams and wound-healing ointments.

Rabbit meat is effective due to vitamin B12 antioxidant. It has a beneficial effect on the skin and mucous membranes, keeping them toned.

Meat is easily digestible without causing putrefactive processes in the intestines, which is also an undoubted advantage. The meat of a young animal has the ability to pass through (not accumulate) salts of heavy metals and strontium-90, which cannot be avoided, because it is contained in feed.

Is it possible to eat

As a dietary product, doctors often recommend rabbit meat for consumption. It is useful for dieters, children, pregnant women, nursing mothers and many other people of all ages. In case of renal failure, it is recommended to pay attention to the use rabbit liver. It is useful for people with a history of cancer to consume rabbit meat as a product that reduces radiation levels.
From the perspective of the cardiovascular system, rabbit meat can be called a product that guards hypertension and atherosclerosis.

During pregnancy

Women carrying a child need a lot of nutrients that normalize the functioning of the body as a whole. This is exactly the effect that rabbit meat gives, so along with beef it is recommended to add it to the diet of pregnant women.

When breastfeeding

Because rabbit meat hypoallergenic and easily digestible, then it will not harm either the nursing mother or the baby. Rather, on the contrary, it will enrich the growing body with vitamins and elements beneficial for growth and development. The main thing is not to overdo it. No matter how useful the product is, everything needs moderation. Monitor your baby’s reaction, and if he doesn’t have an individual intolerance to milk, it means that rabbit meat will soon be one of the first to be included in complementary foods.

Important!In rare cases, rabbit meat provokes neuroarthritic diathesis in children under one year of age. Before introducing it into complementary foods, be sure to consult your pediatrician.

When losing weight

Nutritionists love rabbit meat because it normalizes fat metabolism and, when consumed correctly, saturates the body without leading to obesity. This product also does an excellent job of organizing a suitable balance of nutrients in the human body. In terms of the amount of protein, rabbit meat is ahead of not only lamb and beef, but even pork, despite the fact that there is practically no fat. And the small amount of fat that may be present in an adult carcass is rich in rare arachidonic acid, which is beneficial for the body.

For diabetes

Since rabbit meat regulates the amount of glucose in the blood, diabetics definitely should not give up this valuable product.

For pancreatitis, gastritis

Rabbit meat has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; it is recommended for stomach ulcers, various intestinal diseases, gastritis, liver and kidney diseases, as well as pancreatitis. Of course, the product must be boiled and consumed in moderation.

For gout

Even if the content of nitrogenous substances is not high in rabbit meat, their presence still has to be taken into account. These substances provoke hyperuricemia when they enter the human body. Thus, acid (uric acid) accumulates in the joints, which worsens their condition and can trigger arthritis. It is for this reason that patients with gout are not recommended to frequently consume rabbit meat.

How to use it in cooking

White rabbit meat deservedly belongs to the category of gourmet products, which is reflected in its cost. But, given its benefits and advantages over the rest of the meat range, you only benefit from purchasing rabbit meat and preparing dishes from it.

What can you cook

Having cut up the rabbit carcass, you can distribute the resulting parts into categories of dishes. For example, the front part will be an excellent base for soups, and the back part is suitable for stewing, baking or simple frying.

Roast rabbit, rabbit meatballs and cutlets, stewed rabbit meat with sauce or in its own juice, rabbit fricassee, stew with the addition of various vegetables, delicate pates, marinated rabbit, zrazy, meatballs - this is not a complete list of dishes made from this unique meat.

What goes with it?

Rabbit meat is unique in that it goes well with many foods (including other types of meat). The variety of dishes gives scope to any, even the most daring culinary imagination. Moreover, this product does not lose in taste or nutritional value when it is smoked, salted or canned.

Did you know? Thanks to the nutritional properties of mother's milk, the baby rabbit doubles its weight at the age of 6 days. For example, a piglet copes with this task only when it is two weeks old.

It is believed that the best dish is rabbit meat in sauce. The pieces are stewed in berry syrup or in a sour cream and garlic mixture. The taste is subtle and refined, the sauces highlight the tender meat and enrich its flavor palette.
In different cultures, rabbit meat has its own individual culinary characteristics. The French love stewed rabbit with truffles, sometimes adding game to these ingredients. They also prepare delicious pates from meat poached in cream.
Italians know that with Provencal herbs and olives, the rabbit turns out to be especially spicy and tasty; in extreme cases, it can always be stuffed with chanterelles and baked.

Bulgarians, as true adherents of bright tastes, cook rabbit with and. The Poles prefer a crispy crust, so they marinate the meat in and then bake it in the oven.
Rabbit goes well with all varieties of pepper (red, white) and its mixtures. You can add olives and, of course, to dishes with it. All these spices give the meat its own special taste, so don't be afraid to experiment.

Cooking secrets

  1. Some cookbooks advise soaking rabbit meat for 6 or even 12 hours before cooking. Soaking is carried out in cold water, changing it several times during this time.
  2. If you chop the meat rather than mince it, the dish will be more tender. Rolls or cutlets made from chopped rabbit meat often become a real decoration for the holiday table.
  3. Rabbit flavored with or is also perfect for a holiday dish.
  4. You can enhance the flavor of the rabbit using marinade. Soak the meat in wine vinegar, in ripe juice, and finally, just in. Spicy notes can be achieved by soaking it in cognac or brandy (no longer than a quarter of an hour).
  5. It is better to remove even a small amount of fat from the carcass. It will come in handy later, for example, when preparing vegetable dishes or for frying.
  6. If you want to enhance the taste of other meat (pork, lamb) with the help of rabbit, then do not forget to let the steamed rabbit meat rest in a cool place for about ten hours, and only then start cooking.

How to choose when purchasing

The greatest value is a young animal three to five months old. A rabbit carcass weighing over 1.5 kg already raises concerns about whether the animal is being sold too old and whether the meat will be tough.

The meat should be light, slightly pinkish or even soft pink. The richer the shade, the older the rabbit. Avoid rabbit meat with bruises or broken bones.

Important!Never buy gray meat. This is a sure sign of imminent decomposition.

There is a practice in which a rabbit carcass is sold with one fur (with skin) paw or tail. This has been the case since the days when ordinary cats were sold in markets under the guise of rabbits.