Harvesting corn for the winter recipes. Corn for the winter

1. First, you need to choose the right cobs so that the corn for the winter without sterilization at home is not hard. It's best to use fresh, recently picked ones so the corn isn't starchy. The cobs must be thoroughly cleaned and washed thoroughly.

2. Place the whole cobs in a deep pan and pour hot water. Bring to a boil over high heat and blanch for about 3 minutes. Place the cobs in a colander and cool under running water (you can place the corn on ice).

3. Cooled and slightly dried cobs can be placed in a jar. If you wish, you can make corn directly into grains, according to the principle of what is sold in the store. To do this, you need to cut the grains with a sharp knife.

4. For one small jar, and more is hardly necessary for one dish, it takes 3 medium cobs. They need to be placed in the jar quite tightly. Fill the jar with boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes with the lid closed.

5. This water then needs to be drained and brought to a boil again. Pour over the corn a second time for about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the marinade. For 1 liter of water you will need 2 tablespoons of vinegar and sugar and 1 tablespoon of salt. Pour the boiling marinade over the corn, after draining the water. Roll up the jars and leave them under a blanket until they cool completely. That's the whole recipe for cooking corn for the winter without sterilization. Cobs are also preserved in the same way.

Sunny bright grains of this product found in many salads made from raw and boiled vegetables: Not a single feast is complete without them.

But canned corn in salads and snacks can be used not only from the store, but also prepared with your own hands. By following the recipes below, you can special effort and the cost of canning corn kernels: they will turn out no less sweet and juicy.


  • Corn grains – 2 kg;
  • Salt – 4 tbsp;

  • Granulated sugar – 12 tbsp;
  • Water – 3 l.

We use regular salt, not saturated with iodine, otherwise we will spoil the taste of the product.

How to can corn at home

We use only sweet corn of any variety for preparations, preferably from young, dense cobs with soft grains. This corn turns out to be extremely tasty and tender. Let's marinate corn kernels according to the step-by-step recipe:

  • We clean the cobs from hairs and leaves.
  • We cut the grains with a sharp knife as close to the cobs as possible. Even if by chance a part of the head of cabbage is cut off with them, subsequently all the excess will float up and be removed with a slotted spoon.
  • Pour the grains into a saucepan and pour as much cold water so that it covers them by three fingers.
  • Put the pan on the fire. When the water boils, the surface will be covered with foam with the remains of a head of cabbage and other debris. Remove the foam and any excess using a slotted spoon.
  • Reduce heat and cook corn kernels for one hour.
  • Drain the water into another pan: it will be useful later.
  • Place the corn in 0.5 liter jars, leaving a quarter of the container free.
  • Add salt to corn broth and granulated sugar, and, bringing to a boil, pour the grains into the jars.
  • Cover the jars with lids and place them in large saucepan with a bottom covered with a towel, pour water into it up to the hangers of the cans and boil for 1 hour.
  • After pasteurization, immediately seal the jars with sterile lids and, turning them over, cover them with a blanket.

After cooling, we remove the corn and store it in a dark, cool place, where it lasts for about one and a half years. The yield will be about 3 liters of canned corn kernels.


  • Corn grains - how much will fit into two 0.5 liter jars;
  • Salt – 2 tsp.
  • Granulated sugar – 4 tsp.
  • Table vinegar – 2 tbsp.

The amount of ingredients is given for preserving two 0.5 liter jars.

How to pickle corn with vinegar

Corn cooked this recipe, resembles a store. It can be eaten simply as an addition to mashed potatoes or meat, or add to salads. Let's marinate delicious sweet corn according to detailed instructions:

  • We clean the cobs from leaves and fibers.
  • We put them in whole into a saucepan, add water, bring to a boil, add some salt and cook for 40 minutes.
  • Remove the cobs from the water, cool and separate the grains. If necessary, wash the grains cold water.
  • We put them in jars, season with granulated sugar, salt and vinegar, pour boiling water, cover with lids and pasteurize in a saucepan with water for an hour, as in the previous recipe.
  • Carefully remove the pieces so as not to break them or get burned, roll them up, turn them upside down and wrap them up.

When the jars have cooled, we take them to the cellar or refrigerator. Sweet preparation ready for salads.

Canned corn prepared according to any of the above recipes turns out no worse than store-bought corn. It is perfect as an addition to hearty and dietary salads, appetizers, sauces, soups, meat dishes, potatoes and pasta, pies, casseroles and other dishes.

Homemade canned corn- This great alternative store-bought canned goods that contain a large number of preservatives and harmful substances. It is prepared simply and quickly. We recommend trying the preparation this summer.

Homemade canned corn


Corn kernels – 0.7 kg
- a large spoon of kitchen salt
- sugar – 15 g
- liter of water

Cooking features:

Separate the kernels from the corn cobs and blanch them in boiling water. Make the filling: mix salt and sugar until very hot water. Fill thoroughly washed and baked jars 2/3 of the volume with corn kernels, pour the filling on top. Cover with lids and set for sterilization, which should last for at least 3 hours. Immediately roll up the containers and turn them over.

Homemade canned corn

You will need:

A liter of clean water
- fine table salt – 20 g
- small sized corn heads

How to prepare:

Peel the heads of cabbage, place them in a bowl of water and wash thoroughly, remove and let dry. Add salt to the water, boil, let cool. Place the cooled cobs in sterilized containers and fill with chilled water. Cover with lids and place in a deep container with water. As soon as the water boils, place the container for sterilization. Finally, roll up and cool at room temperature.

Do and.

Homemade canned corn: recipes

Recipe No. 1

Required components:

Corn heads
- salt – 20 g
- liter of filtered water

How to prepare:

Salt the water and boil. Peel the cobs and lightly boil them. Place the chilled cobs in jars, fill with salted, pre-cooled water, and seal tightly. Place the rolls in a pan of water, let the liquid boil, and sterilize.

Prepare and.

Recipe No. 2

For the marinade:

Kitchen salt – 0.175 liters
- liter of water
- corn cobs– 0.6 kg

Cooking features:

Wash the corn cobs, boil for 20 minutes in a deep container, let them cool with cold water. Pour table vinegar into each container, throw in the greens with a bay leaf, fold the cobs, pour on top hot marinade. Place the seams for sterilization.

Canned corn at home for the winter

Wash 0.6 kg of corn cobs, boil in boiling water, remove, let cool under running water. Make the marinade: boil a liter of water with the addition of a large spoon table salt. Place into processed jars Bay leaf, pour in acetic acid. Place the cobs with the tops up, pour over the hot marinade. Cover with lids and place for sterilization, screw immediately.

Canned corn recipes at home

Recipe with citric acid

To fill the marinade:

0.6 tsp table salt

- citric acid – 1/3 of a small spoon
- corn cobs - how many will go in?

How to prepare:

Boil the corn cobs. The water for boiling must be salted. Cooking time: 50 minutes. Remove the cobs and let cool. Do not pour out the corn broth - you will need it for pouring. Cut the kernels from the cooled cobs and package them in sterile containers. Place a tablespoon of sugar, half a teaspoon of kitchen salt and a lemon in each jar. Bring the broth to a boil, fill the contents of the jars with the marinade solution. Cover the containers with treated lids and sterilize for 20 minutes. Roll up the lids using special device, place all containers with lids down, wrap them in something warm. Transfer the cooled canned food to a suitable place for storage.

Consider and.

Recipe with acetic acid

Place the corn cobs in boiling water, blanch for about 5 minutes, remove and let cool under cold water. This will keep the beautiful, saturated color. Use a knife to cut off the grains, keeping them intact. Pour the grains into a treated glass container, leaving about 1 cm of free space. Add boiling water on top, cover with nylon lids, wait 5 minutes. Separate the finished marinade with the addition of granulated sugar and kitchen salt. No need to add acetic acid. Bring immediately to a boil. Drain the liquid, add a couple of teaspoons of vinegar to each container, mix with the boiling marinade, and bake over steam for 15 minutes.

Find out and.

How to can corn at home

You will need:

- carrot
- corn cobs
- red bell pepper
- granulated sugar
- salt
- parsley with dill
- apple cider vinegar

How to cook:

Boil the corn for 20 minutes. There is no need to drain the broth - it will be needed for the marinade. Separate the kernels from the cobs and place them in a separate container. Chop the sweet red pepper and zucchini into small cubes. Place in a container with yellow grains, stir. Try to comply equal proportions. Place sprigs of dill and corn at the bottom of each container, add 1.5 tablespoons of granulated sugar and salt. Bring the marinade mixture to a vigorous boil, add a couple of large spoons to the marinade apple cider vinegar, wait until it boils again. Vegetable mix pour into jars, cover, sterilize.

Prepare also.

1. Can only young corn. Old fruits even after a long period heat treatment still remain hard and unfit for consumption.
2. It is better to sterilize the workpiece several times. Typically this takes about ten minutes. It is better to repeat the process 2-3 times, since after one sterilization spore organisms may remain.
3. To better separate the grains, hold the cobs for a few seconds in hot water, and then immediately place them in cold running water.
4. One 0.5 liter jar takes about 3 cobs.
5. The proportions of salt and sugar can be changed to your taste.

Homemade canned corn for the winter

You will need:

0.7 kg corn kernels
- liter of filtered water
- fine salt – 1 tbsp. spoon
- granulated sugar – 15 g

First of all, prepare the jars for canning: wash and sterilize them thoroughly. Process the corn cobs: remove the leaves, carefully remove the kernels, blanch in boiling water, placing in a colander. Wait 3 minutes. At the same time, prepare the filling: combine granulated sugar and salt in hot water, fill with corn kernels, pour brine on top, cover with lids and carry out three-hour sterilization.

Prepare also.

How to can corn at home conditions

Process 5 ears of corn and remove the leaves. Pour water into a large saucepan, carefully lower the prepared fruits, and blanch for several minutes. Remove after cooling and rinse in cool water. Carefully separate the grains using a sharp knife. Rinse thoroughly beforehand and add corn kernels. Pour boiling water over it all, cover with lids, and let stand for exactly 10 minutes. Pour the liquid into another pan, boil the water and leave for another ten minutes. Pour out the plain water and proceed to preparing the marinade. Pour filtered water into a saucepan, boil, add fine salt, add granulated sugar, mix with a tablespoon table vinegar, stir until the crystals cool completely. Fill the containers with boiling marinade, screw them with a special key, unscrew them and check for leaks.

How canning corn for the winter at home conditions


A pinch of lemon
- a large spoon of granulated sugar
- fresh corn cobs – 4 pcs.
- a large spoon of sugar

Cooking features:

Peel the heads of cabbage, wash them, place them on the bottom of a multi-cooker bowl, cover with cool water, and throw in a spoonful of fine salt. Set the “Cooking” program for 30 minutes. Cover with the lid of the device. After the sound signal starts, cool the heads of cabbage and place them under a stream of cold water. Select the “Steam” mode and sterilize the containers for 5 minutes. Carefully separate the kernels from the cooled cobs and wash thoroughly. Boil separately clean water and pour it over the grains placed in the prepared container. Cover with lids and leave to steep for 5 minutes. Add a little sugar to the broth citric acid, add salt to taste. Cook the brine for exactly 5 minutes in the “Cooking” mode. Be sure to throw in the bay leaf and allspice. Carefully drain the liquid from the corn and pour boiling water over it again. Let stand for 10 minutes. with the lid closed. Pour out the liquid, add boiling brine, roll up the containers and place under a blanket.

Rate and.

Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe


Head of corn – 16 pcs.
- 4.2 tablespoons sugar
- liter of table water
- 1.6 tsp. salt
- 1.5 tbsp. spoons of apple cider vinegar

How to prepare:

For this recipe, you should not select young heads of cabbage. Too old won't do either. Focus on mid-ripe fruits. Boil them for 20 minutes, test for doneness, and let cool. Place each head of cabbage on a board and carefully cut off the grains. Separate the grains from each other and place them with a spoon into the treated containers. Banks must be incomplete. Cook the brine using corn broth. Pass it through several layers of gauze to get rid of any excess. Add sugar, a liter of water, and salt into a container. After boiling, cook for 5 minutes, pour in acetic acid, stir and remove from heat. Fill the containers to the very top with brine.

Line the bottom of a large, wide pan with a clean towel and place filled jars. Just place the lids on top that you will use for canning. Pour water at a temperature that will not differ much from the temperature of the jars themselves. After boiling, hold the seamers for 40 minutes. Seal tightly.

Young cobs for preservation must be milky white in color.

Usually they are not very long length- 15-17 centimeters. You can take larger corn and cut the cobs into several pieces - carefully break them off or cut them with a knife so as not to damage the grains too much. We clean the cobs from leaves and hairs - they are suitable for decoction, but it is better not to use them for preservation.

Place the prepared cobs in an enamel bowl or saucepan, fill with water and bring to a boil. Cook the young cobs in this way for about five minutes.

Pour boiling water over the cobs, so they will cook faster and retain all their beneficial features. Boil the cobs until cooked - they should become soft and have no starchy taste. The prepared cobs need to be cooled - place them in a colander and fill with cold water.

After the cobs have cooled well, they need to be dried - to do this, lay them out on a towel. To make our preparations not only tasty, but also practical, disassemble the cobs by size - this way we will save the number of jars used for preservation.

I usually use liter jars- this amount is quite enough for one time. I also give the quantity of products based on liter jars.

To each jar add two tablespoons of table vinegar, one bay leaf and two or three peppercorns - to your taste.

Prepare canned corn on the cob in the marinade:

The marinade with which we will pour the prepared cobs is very simple to prepare. You will need two tablespoons of salt and sugar - this proportion is calculated for one liter of water. Boil the marinade for two to three minutes, after which we immediately pour the hot cobs in the jars. Take care in advance of the containers in which you will sterilize the finished jars. We sterilize each jar for at least an hour - we begin to count the time after the water boils in the pan in which the jars are standing.

Roll up the prepared jars and turn them upside down. After the jars have cooled, they can be placed in storage. Use the floor liter jars or liter, such canned food is easier to prepare and will last longer. If you have a convection oven, you can sterilize the jars in it - then we count the time from the boiling of the marinade in the jars. Milk corn cobs will become the best decoration on your desk.

The season of homemade preparations for the winter is not over yet, despite the fact that it is already October outside the window. Thrifty housewives probably still have a lot of all kinds of vegetables, fruits and other fruits in their bins. So today I offer a homemade recipe canned corn, which we will prepare for the winter.

What is the most common way to cook with this product? Well, of course, a variety of salads with canned corn! They turn out tasty and satisfying, and also juicy, the main thing is to choose high-quality canned corn.

That is why, when preparing canned corn at home, it is necessary to very carefully select the raw materials. In other words, if you want the grains to be tender and soft, take young ears sweet corn.


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

So, let's can the corn for the winter! To do this, take the cobs of young sweet corn (I have 5 medium ones), water, salt and granulated sugar. I give the proportions for a jar with a capacity of 500 milliliters, which holds exactly 350 grams of grains.

Corn cobs need to be cleaned of outer leaves and stigmas (these are hairs). We cut off the excess stem and the very top of the cobs if there are no seeds.

Wash the corn cobs and place them in a large saucepan. Fill with cold water to cover the corn and put on fire.

Cooking times for corn can vary greatly. It all depends on the degree of its maturity. But there are hardly any fans of hard grains that are difficult to chew. There is little pleasure in this, would you agree? My corn cooked after boiling for about 30 minutes, which was enough for it. You look at the softness of the seeds. Drain the water and let the cobs cool a little so that you can work with them further.

Place the grains in a pre-prepared jar. I like to sterilize jars in the microwave: wash them in soda solution, rinse and pour approximately 100 milliliters of cold water into each. Steam in the microwave at the highest power for 5-7 minutes each. Just boil the lids for about 5 minutes.

Preparing the marinade for canned corn. Place a teaspoon of salt and sugar in a saucepan and add 200 milliliters of cold water. Place on the fire and bring to a boil. Boil for a couple of minutes until the crystals dissolve.

Now we will definitely need to sterilize our vegetable preparation for the winter. To do this, take a large pan and put a cloth on the bottom so that the jar does not burst during the process. Place the jar with corn and marinade and cover with a sterile lid. After boiling, let the workpiece sterilize for about an hour with medium gurgling water.