DIY berry tea. Recipes for tea from herbs and berries

Julia Vern 5 022 0

Tasty and aromatic berry tea or herbal tincture (decoction) is drunk not only for pleasure, but also for treatment, disease prevention, and raising vitality. By correctly using the generous gifts of nature, a person can improve health with virtually no effort, experimenting with flavors and combinations of ingredients.

What teas and tinctures can be prepared at home, from what herbs and berries, and are there any rules for their use? More on this below.

Dried rose hips are included in most preparations to boost immunity, especially in the autumn-winter period. The benefits of this plant have been known for a long time, so they actively add it to recipes for delicious and healthy homemade drinks.

  1. Tea with rose hips prepared according to the following recipe will help prevent vitamin deficiency:
  2. A tablespoon of dried fruit is poured into a glass of boiling water.
  3. Infuse the liquid in a thermos or heat it in a water bath for at least 20 minutes.
  4. Cool and filter.
  5. Add honey or sugar to taste.

A glass of this tincture per day will be enough for an adult. For children, the norm is reduced by two or even three times, depending on age.

There are many variations on the theme of rosehip tincture. Regular green or black tea is added to the drink for taste, and additional components are added to the drink:

  • dried raspberries, lingonberries or black currants;
  • nettle leaves;
  • dried carrots;
  • raspberry or black currant leaves.

Honey, sugar, and syrups are added to the finished tinctures to taste. An interesting option is a preparation for tea on cold winter days from ground rose hips and dry apples, which can simply be added to the brew.

Recipes for lovers of spicy drinks - creative ideas

You can make teas not only from berries, but also herbs, including spicy ones with a special piquant taste and aroma.

A trusted recipe for tea with mint and St. John's wort. To prepare the drink, mix 100 g of dry crushed mint with half this amount of dry St. John's wort. Pour boiling water over the dry mixture and let it brew for 20 minutes. The finished tincture is filtered, sugar or honey is added. The drink turns out to be light, quenches thirst well, and has a calming effect.

An interesting recipe for mint tea with cardamom. To prepare, mix 2 teaspoons of dry crushed mint with boiling water, infuse, filter. Cardamom is added to the finished drink. The tincture helps solve the problem with hiccups.

Those who are looking for unusual holiday recipes for tea made from herbs and berries may like the option of an aromatic drink made from mint and sea buckthorn. The combination of tart-sweet berries with the freshness of herbs tones, uplifts the mood, and instills feelings of comfort and joy.

To prepare the drink you will need to mix a tablespoon of sea buckthorn berries with four tablespoons of rose hips, a tablespoon of dried apples, three tablespoons of viburnum, a sprig of mint and five walnuts. All ingredients are mixed, poured with boiling water (two liters), and left in a thermos for several hours. The finished tea is filtered and drunk with honey, candied fruits, jam or sugar.

Drinks to fight colds are the most effective

Properly brewed tea with fruits and berries with the addition of medicinal herbs can help the body cope with a cold, alleviate the symptoms of the disease and find the strength to quickly return to its usual way of life. Such preparations are drunk warm, at least four times a day. Effective recipes:

  1. Linden flowers are mixed with raspberries (1:1), pour boiling water over the mixture and let it brew.
  2. Raspberry berries, oregano herb, coltsfoot leaves are mixed (2:1:1), pour boiling water over the mixture, infuse and filter.
  3. Mix black elderberry flowers with linden flowers one tablespoon at a time, add a sprig of lemon balm or mint, pour boiling water over them and drink hot.
  4. The rowan is dried, rose hips are added (1 tablespoon each), poured with boiling water, allowed to brew, cooled and filtered.
  5. Dry strawberries are poured with boiling water, infused and drunk a glass a day.

As an option, in strawberry tea, as well as in any drink that contains wild berries and medicinal herbs, to enhance the taste and effect, you can add lemon, fresh black or red currants, apples, both dry and fresh, raspberries, strawberries, etc. taste.

Juniper drink - a healthy and unusual combination of flavors

Fragrant tea with juniper berries has an anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare it, just two tablespoons of dry berries, 500 ml of water, honey or sugar as desired. To obtain a healing drink with a piquant taste, the berries are poured into boiling water, removed from the heat and allowed to brew for 10-15 minutes.

As a variation on the recipe, a stick of natural cinnamon, black or green tea leaves are added to these products. Sugar, honey, and jam to taste are added to the finished drink.

You can make tea from either fresh or dry or frozen juniper berries.

Tincture or decoction helps cope with skin diseases, ulcers and gastritis, tuberculosis and bronchitis. In addition, they are credited with the ability to defeat diabetes, kidney disease, bladder disease, gout, and scabies.

The plant in tea helps increase appetite and improves overall health, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, helps control weight, preventing the formation of edema.

It is important to prepare any herbal or fruit tea correctly, adhering to the rules for its consumption. Only in this case can you be sure of obtaining a positive effect, preserving the beneficial substances, taste, aroma and color of the drink.

Pregnant, lactating, children and adolescents, as well as people with individual intolerance to certain components, suffering from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other ailments should consult a doctor before including a new drink in their diet.

Currently, many are experiencing health difficulties. Along with traditional drugs, you can use healthy plant-based drinks. True, not all teas from the store inspire confidence. From independently collected herbs, vitamin drinks are obtained that are doubly pleasant to drink. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the topic of how to make tea yourself and apply this knowledge in practice.

Herbs for tea and their properties

Blooming Sally

A number of medicinal qualities of fireweed can be identified.

  • Traditional medicine considers the leaves and flowering part of fireweed to be a healing agent that can heal wounds.
  • Ivan tea should be added to the treatment of the following pathologies: otitis media, sore throat, migraine, stomach ulcer.
  • The use of the plant for colds is useful, as profuse sweating occurs from regular consumption of drinks.
  • Fireweed tea acts as a sedative.
  • Due to the ability of active substances from this plant to influence the conditioned reflex activity of the human body, it can be argued that drinks are truly effective in the treatment of neuroses.
  • The mucous membranes receive a beneficial coating.
  • Fireweed drinks have an anti-inflammatory effect.


It is necessary to name the most significant qualities of lemon balm teas.

  • Preparations from medicinal lemon balm are indicated in a state of neurosis, with mild arterial hypertension or unadvanced coronary heart disease.
  • With the help of herbs, you can get rid of flatulence and dysbacteriosis, as well as cure many respiratory diseases.
  • Eczema and dermatitis are treatable.
  • Women in a state of menopause, toxicosis and disruptions in the menstrual cycle note an improvement in their condition when consuming lemon balm in various forms.

Rose hip

The fruits of this plant are characterized by a high level of popularity, as they have a number of useful properties.

  • Rose hips contain antioxidants that are valuable for the human body.
  • Home remedies prepared from this plant are endowed with a whole complex of vitamins.
  • Drinking rosehip drinks is important for anemia and in a state of exhaustion.
  • It is appropriate to use the plant in the treatment of diseases associated with a lack of vitamins. It should be noted the high content of vitamin C.
  • Rose hip preparations have a positive effect on the functioning of the gallbladder and liver. Carbohydrate metabolism is improved and bone marrow functions are improved.
How to make tea: when brewing fireweed, lemon balm, rose hips and other medicinal plants, you get a healthy drink with a deep taste and pleasant aroma

Harvesting and brewing herbs

How to prepare and brew fireweed tea?

Before harvesting, you need to dry the leaves, the so-called withering. A slightly sluggish, but not dry state serves as a signal that the raw material is ready. A labor-intensive, but noteworthy method of harvesting a plant is to roll up several leaves using considerable effort. These actions are performed to break down the fiber and start the fermentation process. Rolled leaves are placed in a stainless steel container under a wet cloth or in plastic bags. The fermentation process of rolled leaves takes at least 3 hours and must be done in a warm place. By observing the change in smell, you can track this process. If the aroma changes from herbaceous to pleasantly fruity, then fermentation is already underway. Next, the leaves are cut with a knife and dried in the oven at 90 degrees and constant stirring.

You can do without twisting the leaves; in this case, the dried raw materials are passed through a meat grinder with large holes and placed in bags for several hours. After fermentation in a warm place, the half-finished tea is placed in the oven or in a frying pan for final drying.

To brew a delicious drink, you need to measure out 1 tablespoon of the resulting dry herbal mass and fill it with hot water - 250 milliliters. After steeping for 10 minutes, you can brew the steamed leaves again.

How to collect and brew lemon balm?

Harvesting lemon balm should be done in dry weather. The leaves should not be washed. It is ideal to collect lemon balm in June, before flowering begins. It is best to use fabric bags for collection rather than bags. Fresh leaves must be dried immediately; it is better to do this not in the open sun, but in a dry, warm and well-ventilated place. Mixing with other herbs should be avoided. It is permissible to dry it in a slightly open oven, where the temperature is set to 35 degrees.

All adults know how to make tea themselves - take a dry base and steam it with very hot water. This principle is used here. You can prepare a healthy drink based on lemon balm; to do this, you will need to take fresh or dried herbs and grind it. Place 1 teaspoon of leaves in a glass and pour hot water. The drink will be ready after infusing for 10 minutes.

Harvesting and brewing rose hips

Freshly picked, washed berries need to be dried. Before placing the fruit in the oven, it must be preheated and turned off. If the oven has cooled down and the fruits have not yet dried, then you need to heat it up and turn it off again, and then place the baking sheet with the rose hips inside again. Usually 2 such sessions are enough.

You can harvest berries in another way. The insides, that is, the seeds, are removed from the washed and dried fruits. Collect all the shells, then dry them in the open air or in the oven.

Rosehip brews well in a thermos. To do this, you need a liter of hot water and a 100-gram portion of fresh or dried berries. It is optimal to pour water over the fruits overnight, so that after 7 hours of infusion you get a healthy drink rich in vitamins.

From the recipes in this article it is clear how to make tea yourself. You should not limit yourself to individual plants; it is better to have a whole set of medicinal plants at home. In this case, you can enjoy pleasant tea at any time of the year, which will save you from ailments.

Herbal medicinal teas, tinctures, uzvars and decoctions came to us from ancient times. People have long used the magical power of medicinal plants to prevent and treat illnesses, increase immunity and improve health. Each housewife was a bit of a witch and knew how to properly use the generous natural gifts: herbs, berries, flowers, leaves and roots. Ancient recipes for aromatic herbal teas are still used with pleasure by people.

You can prepare delicious and healthy herbal teas yourself at home. The ability to correctly select and combine natural ingredients will help you get continuous benefits and pleasure from the aromatic drink.

A selection of the best herbal teas according to ancient recipes:

1. Healing chamomile tea. Sunny chamomile flowers contain salicylic, nicotinic acid, vitamin C, essential oils, pectins, carotene, gum, proteins and flavonoids. Chamomile tea has a calming, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and sedative effect. Warm chamomile infusion will help cope with insomnia, stress, overwork and depression. Mix two tablespoons of dried crushed chamomile flowers with a teaspoon of mint and lemon balm. Pour boiling water and cover tightly with a lid. Add a teaspoon of honey to the finished drink.

2. Vitamin herbal tea. Grind a handful of dried wild rose hips. Add a teaspoon each of thyme and strawberry leaves, 1-2 leaves of black or red currant. Pour boiled water over the healing mixture.

3. Winter warming herbal tea. It will help cure colds, increase immunity, and ease breathing and cough. To prepare it, mix sage, chamomile, linden, thyme, coltsfoot, oregano and rosemary in equal parts. Add raspberry, currant leaves, lemon or orange zest. Brew a medicinal herbal mixture in a thermos.

4. Herbal tonic drink. Mix rosemary, Chinese lemongrass, lingonberry and black currant leaves, wild rose flowers, and meadow clover in equal quantities in a glass bowl. Pour 500 ml of hot boiled water into a heaped spoon of the mixture and leave for a third of an hour.

5. Unique eucalyptus tea has the strongest antibacterial properties. Helps with oral diseases, bronchitis and asthma. This is an excellent lifesaver drink for diabetics. Pour a cup of boiling water over a teaspoon of eucalyptus leaves. You can add flower honey to taste.

6. Anti-inflammatory herbal tea. Combine a dessert spoon of dry sage, linden blossom, chamomile and nettle. Brew in a ceramic or glass teapot. Strain after 15 minutes. Add honey and a pinch of cinnamon to the finished drink.

7. Exquisite rose petal tea. Dry fresh rose petals on a thick piece of paper. Then grind them and mix with green or black tea. Brew as usual. The drink will acquire an original taste and divinely delicate aroma.

8. Herbal tea with thyme will invigorate, increase performance, give strength and energy, relieve pain. Pour boiling water over a glass or porcelain teapot. Then add a spoonful of dry or fresh thyme, currant leaves and raspberries. The tea brewing time should not exceed 20 minutes.

9. Ginger tea for weight loss. Finely grate a piece of ginger root. Add half a fresh lemon and a spoonful of coltsfoot. Fill with filtered boiled water. Strain after a quarter of an hour.

10. Soothing herbal tea will help with insomnia, depression and nervous tension. Mix and brew in a thermos a teaspoon of mint, fennel, chamomile, lemon balm, hops, strawberry leaves and valerian.

Prepare and drink fragrant herbal teas with pleasure and be healthy!

The list of homemade tea recipes is very long. Making aromatic homemade tea is a fascinating process and very popular these days. Delicious homemade herbal tea will warm and quench your thirst, calm your nervous system, and fill your home with warm aromas. Currant and raspberry leaves, mint and thyme, chamomile and rose petals store vitamins and look very beautiful in a transparent glass teapot.
The basis of tea at home can be black or green tea, the rest will be added by your imagination and taste preferences.

Homemade herbal tea has many medicinal properties. You can take a variety of herbs for tea, for example, you should pay attention to echinacea. Echinacea has the ability to boost immunity and is an antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic agent. It is useful to sweeten Echinacea tea slightly with honey. And tea made from anise fruit has an antimicrobial and expectorant effect.
It's up to you to decide which tea tastes better... We will just give you some tips and recipes for delicious tea. It's interesting to know that milk added to tea reduces the tonic effect, but has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach. Black tea with sugar stimulates cerebral circulation, but blocks vitamin B, so you should not abuse this drink. If you like something sweet, add it to your tea. honey, it activates metabolism and helps burn excess fat. A slice of lemon will add vitamin C to your tea. For severe fatigue and dizziness tea with a bar of dark chocolate will save you. Hot tea with ginger will boost your immunity.

So, recipes for delicious tea at home.

Recipe 1 – Homemade ginger tea.
Homemade ginger tea tones and restores clarity of thought, therefore it is especially useful for people in intellectual work and creative professions. Ginger improves digestion, helps thin the blood and has a very beneficial effect on skin color. Ginger with lemon is also an excellent prevention of colds.
How to make tea with ginger? Take 3 tablespoons of grated ginger and place in boiling water (1 liter), let it boil for 2 minutes. Strain thoroughly and add a pinch of black pepper, 1 sliced ​​lemon, 3 tablespoons of honey and a few mint leaves. Let it brew for 5 minutes. It is recommended to drink this aromatic, healthy drink hot!

Recipe 2 – Recipe for delicious mint tea.
Peppermint tea is a versatile drink. It can be drunk hot or cold. In the morning, mint tea gives you energy, during the day it helps with digestion, and in the evening it ideally relaxes your nervous system, tired during the day.
Making mint tea at home is very easy! 4 teaspoons of crushed dried mint leaves, 3 teaspoons of black tea, 1 cinnamon stick, 4 cloves, pour 500 ml of boiling water. Add chopped lemon along with peel, a couple of pieces of ginger. Let it brew for 5 minutes. Tea can be sweetened with a spoon of honey.

Recipe 3 – Recipe for delicious homemade tea with rose hips and honey.
The classic combination of rose hips and honey helps reduce excess cholesterol in the blood and effectively improves immunity. Rose hips contain vitamin C and tannins, which have a beneficial effect on digestion.
Chop 20 grams of dried rose hips and add a glass of water, cook for 10 minutes over low heat, covered. Leave for 10 minutes and strain. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of honey to the rosehip drink.

Recipe 4 – Exotic tea at home with grapefruit and nuts.
Grapefruit stimulates metabolism and food absorption, and nutmeg perfectly tones and has an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect.
Prepare tea according to the following recipe: first brew black tea, add the zest of one lemon and the juice of 1 grapefruit. Strain and add a pinch of grated nutmeg and brown sugar to taste.

Recipe 5 – How to make delicious chamomile tea at home.
Chamomile is an ideal herb for tea, which relieves headaches, helps get rid of insomnia, digestive problems, nervousness and respiratory diseases. Chamomile tea is useful for diabetes, ulcers, gastritis, and liver problems. In addition, chamomile tea controls appetite, improves tone, removes excess fluid from the body, and has a beneficial effect on women's health.
Pour chamomile flowers (2 teaspoons) with mild boiling water (0.5 liters) and let it brew for 15 minutes under the lid. Strain and add a spoonful of honey. It is important to know that chamomile tea should be drunk hot, since when it cools, chamomile quickly loses its beneficial properties.

Recipe 6 – Sea buckthorn tea at home.
Sea buckthorn is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants and has medicinal properties. Sea buckthorn is good in combination with honey, especially during periods of exacerbation of colds.
Take 150 grams of frozen sea buckthorn berries, defrost and rinse. Pour 500 ml of boiling water, 2 tablespoons of black tea and mashed sea buckthorn berries. Wrap the kettle in a towel for 15 minutes. Pour the tea through a strainer into cups and add a teaspoon of honey.

Recipe 7 – Homemade tea with cinnamon and apple.
This amazing drink literally “gets you back on your feet” if you are tired or sick. Cinnamon tea is a source of vitamin iron and amino acids.
Take 1 apple, wash, cut into slices and remove the seeds without cutting off the peel. Put 1 teaspoon of black tea, chopped apple and 1 cinnamon stick into the kettle, pour boiling water over it and leave for 10 minutes. Add a little honey to cups of tea.
In winter, aromatic herbal tea is an excellent source of energy and vitamins. Add herbs for tea as you wish: lemon balm, calendula, coltsfoot, eucalyptus, linden.
Hibiscus, dried currants and raspberries go well with rose petal tea. A very tasty homemade tea is obtained if you add hazelnut leaves, green mate, mango pieces, lemon grass, cornflower petals, dried blackberries, jasmine, pineapple pieces, and orange peels to green loose leaf tea.

Tea has always been considered an elixir of youth and health; much has been said about its undoubted benefits, especially when it comes to real high-quality tea. Let's talk about which tea is better and which tea is healthier for our health.
In order for tea to truly benefit our body, it must first of all be properly packaged.

In what packaging is it better to buy tea?!
The most appropriate packaging for tea is a tin can; it is suitable for the highest grades of tea, which cannot be cheap in principle. Most often, people buy tea in cardboard boxes. For tea producers, this is a natural way to reduce the cost of the product and keep its properties almost unchanged, but only if the tea is packed in a foil bag inside the box. Foil protects tea from foreign odors and allows it not to interact with oxygen so as not to lose its beneficial properties. This tea does not last long.
The shelf life of tea on average is from one and a half to two years.
Everyone knows that when the question is which tea is healthier, we are not talking about bagged teas. A tea bag is convenient and cheap, but its production uses the finest and poorest quality tea, the so-called tea dust.
Which tea tastes better depends on which tea leaf or which part of it is in the base of the drink. As a rule, there are large-leaf, medium-leaf and small-leaf teas. Tea can also be granulated.

The best tea comes from the tops of tea branches - this is elite tea. The grade of elite tea will decrease as the leaves move away from the top of the tea branches. The lower the tea leaf grows, the less intense its aroma will be. Up to 500 different varieties of tea can be made from fresh leaves of the same tea bushes, each of which will have a special taste and aroma, and, accordingly, a price.
When purchasing tea, you should pay attention to the fact that all letters and signs on the packaging are clear. and well printed. Also pay attention to information about the place where the tea was packaged, the date it was packaged and the expiration date. It's best when the tea is packaged where it grew. Take a look at the country of origin. As you know, the birthplace of good tea is India, Japan, Sri Lanka, and China. Remember that if you want to buy quality tea, you need to take into account all the signs of good tea together, since in modern reality, inscriptions and signs are not protected from counterfeiting.
Let's try to understand which tea is healthier - black or green.
Black tea is a classic, and if your heart is set on it, green tea is unlikely to pique your interest, although green tea has now overtaken black tea in popularity. Both black and green tea not only have a distinctive taste and aroma, but also their own beneficial properties. When choosing a drink, your personal preferences, agreed upon with your doctor, play a role.
Green tea is recognized as one of the healthiest drinks due to its cahetin content. The concentration of cahetins in green tea is higher than in other plants. Kakhetins are antioxidants with a proven anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic effect, they reduce cholesterol levels and strengthen blood vessels. Green tea normalizes blood sugar levels, calms inflammatory processes in the stomach, and also cleanses the liver and kidneys.
There is an opinion that green tea burns excess fat. Advertising helps to establish this, and now many people are concerned with the question, which tea is best for weight loss? Almost everyone who is trying to lose weight is looking for foods that, when eaten, will make the excess fat disappear on its own. Scientists who have repeatedly conducted relevant studies claim that there are no such products. Another thing is that consuming healthy foods, which includes green tea, helps maintain weight, preventing it from increasing. Together with a diet and regular exercise, green tea will provide all possible assistance in the fight against extra pounds.
Green tea improves metabolic processes, prevents the absorption of excess fat, but does not burn fat. It is easier to lose weight with green tea, because it tones, improves immunity and mood, which is why green tea is often recommended by nutritionists. Often it is a good mood that is an excellent incentive to start a “new life” with proper nutrition and exercise. Accordingly, to the question of which tea is best for weight loss, the answer is simple - good quality tea for your taste. It is important to know that you need to drink green tea in moderation, 2-3 cups a day, preferably in the first half of the day, so as not to cause insomnia at night. The invigorating effect of green tea is better than coffee!

When using masks and creams, be careful: any product may have individual intolerance, test it first on the skin of your hand! You might also be interested in this:

Delicious tea recipes reviews: 5

  • Olga

    Green tea goes better in hot weather, but in winter black tea is somehow more common...

  • Alena, Krasnoyarsk region

    Ginger tea should not be drunk on an empty stomach, as the drink increases the secretion of digestive juice, and this is harmful to the stomach.

  • Victoria

    Thank you so much for the recipes, I’ll go make some now.

  • Olga

    Thank you. I already knew something. Now I know even more. But there is nothing about lingonberries.

  • Sergey

    Thank you very much, the recipes are cool; I brewed them for an hour with mint lemon and honey. I really really like it.

Probably everyone loves to sit with family or friends and chat over a cup of warm, delicious tea.

After all, this drink helps not only to maintain a conversation, but also to warm up on winter evenings and simply relax.

So, what makes tea so popular? Of course its unforgettable aroma.

If you are still buying tea bags at the store, you are missing out. After all, you can completely prepare your own tea mixture at home. You don't have to spend a huge amount of money. In addition, this activity is quite exciting.

Homemade tea ingredients can be:
Finely chopped fruits;
Large leaves of good green or black tea;
All kinds of spices: mint, thyme, cardamom, cloves;
Dried berries.

Beneficial properties in tea mixtures

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in preparation. You can prepare and dry the berries in the summer; fruits are always available on store shelves, but finding spices is not at all a problem.

In addition to the fact that you can use the mixture prepared with your own hands for your own purposes, it can be used as a gift. For example, give it to a friend or family member for any occasion. No one will remain indifferent to such a surprise.


Tea has long been valued for its healing properties. Its use began in China and Ethiopia and subsequently spread throughout the world.

Many people can no longer imagine their life without this drink. Black or green tea is always included in a person’s daily diet; it is popular in bars, cafes, restaurants, shopping centers and many other establishments.

It must be said that the main advantage of the aromatic tea mixture is the presence of natural ingredients:
Dried berries: cranberries, currants;
Mint leaves;
Rose hips.

Nowadays tea shops are very popular. They can offer the client a variety of drinks from the most trusted manufacturers. In the modern world, competition in this area is rapidly increasing; more and more companies are appearing on the market, ready to attract buyers with pleasant aromas and unique tastes.

However, making your own tea mixture is the best solution. After all, we are absolutely confident in the quality of the ingredients that we add, and we choose them according to taste.

The method for preparing the aromatic tea mixture is simple:

1. Select the ingredients that we want to use: different types of tea, fruits, spices, dried berries.
2. Wash the fruit and cut into small slices. Use apples, oranges, lemons, and grapefruit to taste.
3. Place the citrus slices on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 1-2 hours. The temperature should be 100-120°C.
4. Dry the mint together with berries: raspberries, cranberries, currants, blueberries.
5. Grind cinnamon and cardamom in a mortar.
6. Mix all ingredients and leave to brew for 7-14 days.
7. Brew aromatic tea and enjoy the delicious taste.

Red, which is mined in the southern regions of China, is characterized by dried fruit aromas and a milky aroma. In its production, exclusively young, unopened tea buds and leaves are used. It perfectly restores strength. Valued for its taste.
White tea drink. It is the most aristocratic product. It is hand-picked from the famous Da Bao tree, has unique flavor notes of honey, and is great for women who care about their figure.
Herbal tea with maximum healing properties due to its production from natural fruits, flowers and berries.
Oolong tea, produced from adult leaves of plants, is the most expensive and difficult to process.
Pu-erh, a semi-fermented drink valued for its aging.

There are many options for preparing a fragrant mixture. You can experiment with taste by mixing different types of tea and spices, or play with aromas by including fruits and berries in the drink.

In any case, you should be guided by the taste preferences and healing properties of the selected components. Show off your talent for blending flavors and aromas by preparing a fragrant tea blend for dinner. Bon appetit!