Barley porridge: how to cook, benefits and harm. Properties, benefits and harms of barley porridge, its effect on health

How to cook barley porridge

Products for porridge
Barley - 1 cup
Water - 2.5 cups
Butter - cube 3 centimeters
Salt - to taste

How to cook barley porridge
Pour barley groats onto a wide plate and sort through, removing pebbles and plant debris.
Place the barley in a sieve and rinse thoroughly under cold water.
Pour cold water into the pan, add the cereal and place the pan over medium heat. When the water boils, reduce the heat, add salt and oil, stir. Cook for 35 minutes, then turn off the heat and wrap the pan with porridge in a blanket to evaporate. Infuse the porridge for 30 minutes.

Barley porridge in a slow cooker
Pour the washed barley into a multicooker pan, add water, add salt and butter. Close the multicooker with a lid.
Set the multicooker to the “Buckwheat” mode and cook the barley porridge for 30 minutes.

Facts about barley

Barley is an ancient product that people learned to cook back in the 8th century BC. Both beer and bread have been made from barley for a long time. Barley is often confused with pearl barley, since pearl barley is barley, only processed, hulled and polished.

Barley is very good for health; it was not for nothing that in Ancient Rome gladiators were called “barley-eaters.” Barley promotes a rapid increase in muscle mass, cleansing the body, balancing intestinal processes, and normal bone growth. For colds, barley will help treat coughs, relieve hangovers and relieve tachycardia in stressful situations.

When cooked, barley groats increase in size by 3 times.

Instead of water, when cooking barley porridge, you can use chicken or meat broth, or milk.

Seasonings for unsweetened barley porridge - pepper, turmeric.

Barley groats must be stored in a cool, dark place; shelf life is 1 year.

The calorie content of barley is 354 kcal/100 grams. Barley is considered a high-calorie product.

How to cook barley porridge step by step video recipe

We have also prepared a video for you to fully understand the step-by-step cooking process.

Barley groats are one of the most useful. It contains almost all B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, C and D. At the same time, the cereal cooks quickly, and tastes well combined not only with honey and milk, but also with berries and nuts.

Therefore, milk dishes from the egg are one of the most healthy breakfasts. To prepare it correctly, just follow the recipe.

Classic recipe

This dish can be fed to a child going to school. Then he will be strong and energetic throughout the school day.

Required ingredients:

  • Barley grits - 1 cup;
  • Raw or pasteurized milk - 2 cups;
  • Water - 2 glasses;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l;
  • Butter and salt - to taste.

Cooking time is 35-40 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g is 100-110 kcal.

Cooking correctly:

After the porridge is cooked, wrap the pan with it in a warm towel and leave it for another 10-15 minutes. Before serving, add oil to the dish.

How to cook barley porridge with milk and pumpkin

Sweet and aromatic milk porridge with pumpkin is not only a dish of the day, but also an unusual dessert on the holiday table during a family dinner.


Cooking time is 30-35 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g is 120-135 kcal.

Cooking steps:

  1. The prepared cereal must be poured into a special clay pot or similar heat-resistant container, then filled with water and placed in an oven preheated at 175 degrees;
  2. You need to cook the porridge in the oven until all the water has boiled out of it;
  3. During this time, the pumpkins should be peeled and seeds removed, and then cut into small cubes or strips;
  4. Milk is poured into a pot of porridge, salted, sugared and pieces of pumpkin placed on top. After which the dish is put into the oven for another 15 minutes, where a low or high flame is maintained throughout this time.

The finished porridge is transferred to a plate and poured with butter and liquid honey before serving.

Recipe for milk barley porridge with fruits

Sweet milk barley porridge with pieces of fruit is an ideal solution for those who have an active day or exhausting workout ahead.

What ingredients are needed:

  • Barley grits - 1 cup;
  • Water - 2 glasses;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Apples - 2-3 pcs;
  • Butter - 2 tbsp. l;
  • Finely crushed walnuts - a third of a glass;
  • Salt, sugar and cinnamon - to taste.

Cooking time is 40-45 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g - 135 kcal.

Cooking method:

  1. Cook the porridge in water. To do this, pour clean cereal with water and put on high heat, then bring to a boil, reduce the flame and cook for another 20 minutes, covered, over low heat;
  2. Wash the apples, peel and core them, cut into small cubes;
  3. Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the apples in it, season the fruits with sugar, cinnamon and nuts, then fry for another 2-3 minutes;
  4. Pour warm milk into the porridge, add salt and simmer for another 10 minutes, then add apples and nuts in butter, cover with a lid and leave to simmer for 15 minutes.

Before serving, place the porridge into portioned plates and garnish with a mint leaf or currant if desired.

How to cook milk porridge from a cell in a multicooker for a child

Cooking on open gas can lead to burning of the porridge, while in a multicooker this can easily be avoided. In addition, egg cooked in a slow cooker turns out more fluffy and rich in flavor.

What you will need:

  • Barley grits - half a multi-cup;
  • Water - 200 ml;
  • Milk - 200 ml;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l (or less);
  • Butter - 1 tbsp. l;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Raisins or dried apricots - optional.

Cooking time: 60 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g – 110 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Pour a clean, washed egg, butter, salt and sugar into a multicooker bowl;
  2. Pour milk and water into the bowl. Mix everything. If you wish, at the same stage you can add clean dried fruits pre-soaked in water to the porridge;
  3. We set the required program on the multicooker. It could be "Milk porridge" or "Porridge". The “Stew” mode is also good for cooking breakfasts. Depending on the device, set the required cooking time. Usually it is 35 minutes;
  4. Close the lid and wait until everything is ready.

The multicooker will signal that the program has finished working. After which the porridge can be eaten immediately. If suddenly it is not completely cooked yet, then it is better to simply close the multicooker and let the porridge simmer for 15 minutes.

Knowing several subtleties of preparing this cereal, you can cook not only tasty, but the most healthy barley porridge with milk:

  1. Before cooking, the cell must be sorted, even if it was not bought by weight, but in special branded packaging. Because small stones and cake residues can be missed during any production;
  2. It is most convenient to wash the cell in a fine sieve;
  3. For proper cooking, clean cereal should be filled with cold water, put on high heat, boil, reduce the flame to low and simmer the porridge under the lid for about 20 minutes. After which the cell must be allowed to rest. To do this, place the pan with porridge for another 15-20 minutes in a preheated and turned off oven or wrap it in a towel;
  4. To make the porridge viscous, it must be boiled in water or milk in a ratio of 1 cup of cereal to 4 cups of liquid. To make the side dish crumbly, you need to take 2.5 cups of water for this amount of water;
  5. You can use any cow's milk for porridge, but it must be fresh. Best of all, whole. However, if desired, it can be replaced with pasteurized or even reconstituted;
  6. Like any cereal, yachka also loves oil and it makes it tastier. It is best to add butter to portion plates just before serving. Oil can be any kind, both butter and vegetable;
  7. If dried fruits are added to the porridge, then the amount of sugar and honey is reduced, since dried fruits will give the dish additional sweetness. Dried fruits are pre-soaked and washed;
  8. This porridge does not need to be prepared in excess. If prepared in advance, it may become watery or sour, even if stored in the refrigerator. Therefore, freshly prepared food is always better.

Barley porridge with milk is high in calories. But the complex carbohydrates contained in the egg take a long time to break down and provide a feeling of fullness throughout the day. Therefore, this dish is considered one of the most healthy dietary breakfasts.

I personally barley porridge I couldn't stand it since childhood. Well, it was easier when I was a child - I completely refused to eat it. But when I became an adult and had children, I realized that it was simply necessary for children and women to eat porridge made from this cereal. Barley groats have a lot of benefits for a growing body. But this porridge is especially useful for women to eat. Firstly, it helps remove toxins from the body. Secondly, barley porridge improves skin elasticity and strengthens muscle tissue, tightening it. Yes, and it's low-calorie.

And in view of all this information, I decided to sometimes include barley porridge in the family menu. I’ll say right away that the first attempts to cook it ended in complete failure and a trip not to the table, but to the trash can. But I didn’t stop and continued to experiment.

Today I don’t want to say that barley porridge is one of my favorites. But I found a recipe that suits my capricious taste. I cook it with milk and always add berry mousse to it. I use fresh berries in summer and frozen in winter.

Try making barley porridge according to my recipe. Maybe you'll like it too.

Cooking steps:


Barley (3-4 heaped tablespoons), milk (0.5 liters), salt (0.5 teaspoons), sugar (1 level tablespoon), butter (50 grams); for berry slurry: currants, parichka, strawberries, cherries, apricots

All parents should know the recipe for barley porridge with milk. After all, such a dish is very healthy for young children. It contains many vitamins, fiber and microelements.

Made with milk, the recipe for which we will look at later, is an excellent dish for those who want to quickly build up their muscle mass. This fact is due to the fact that it contains a lot of protein.

Among other things, regular consumption of the mentioned porridge promotes the production of collagen, which subsequently significantly improves the condition of the skin, making it smooth, clean and elastic.

Barley porridge with milk: step-by-step recipe

There are many ways to prepare this dish. It can be made with water or milk, as well as with the addition of various ingredients that improve the taste of the porridge. Let's consider the classic version of its preparation

So, the recipe for barley porridge with milk requires the use of:

Cooking process

The presented recipe for barley porridge with milk is good for quickly preparing a children's breakfast. Fresh and not very fatty milk is poured into a small saucepan, and then a little drinking water is added. Place the resulting mixture over medium heat and bring to a boil. After this, carefully pour a little table salt (to taste) into the dishes.

Barley porridge with milk, the recipe for which requires the use of a regular kitchen stove, is cooked over very low heat for half an hour. At the same time, it is recommended to stir it regularly with a large spoon so that it does not burn to the bottom of the pan.

5 minutes before preparing the dish, add granulated sugar (to taste). In this case, the porridge should thicken well, and the barley grains should swell as much as possible.

Serving a dairy dish for breakfast

Now you know the classic one with milk. After the cereal swells and the porridge is completely cooked, you need to add a small piece of butter to it and mix thoroughly. Then the pan with the dish must be tightly closed with a lid and left in this state for several minutes. After this, the porridge should be distributed onto plates and presented to the table. In addition to breakfast, you can make a delicious and satisfying sandwich. To do this, spread soft bread on a slice of white bread and place a thin piece of hard cheese on top.

Step-by-step recipe for barley porridge with milk in the Polaris multicooker

We talked above about how to quickly and deliciously cook barley porridge on the stove. However, most modern housewives prefer to make such a dish using a slow cooker. The process of preparing porridge in this device is greatly simplified. After all, you no longer need to regularly stir the contents of the container so that it does not suddenly burn. You just need to put all the products in the bowl and select the desired program.

So, the recipe for barley porridge with milk in a slow cooker requires the use of:

  • fresh milk of medium fat content - about 250 ml;
  • barley - approximately 60 g;
  • white sugar - use to taste;
  • drinking water - about 55 ml;
  • butter - 10 g;
  • table salt - to taste
  • large black raisins - optional.

Cooking method

Cooking barley porridge using a slow cooker takes a little time. At the same time, the cook does not need to be in the kitchen. After all, his task is to put all the necessary ingredients in a container and set the correct mode.

So, to make it tasty, you should alternately pour medium-fat milk and drinking water into it. After this, you need to add cereal and white sugar to the products. It is recommended to add spices to taste.

In this composition, the ingredients should be closed and the “Milk porridge” program should be set. There is no need to set a timer. When you select the desired mode, it will set itself. As a rule, it takes half an hour to prepare.

Final stage

While the dairy dish is being prepared, you can start processing large black raisins. It should be sorted out (remove all debris), rinsed thoroughly and scalded with boiling water. Swollen dried fruits must be thoroughly rinsed again and shaken vigorously in a colander.

After the Milk Porridge program completes preparing the dish, add a piece of butter and previously processed dried fruits. After thoroughly mixing the products, it is recommended to leave them on the heat for another 3-5 minutes. During this time, the butter will melt, making the dish even more tasty and nutritious.

Serve for breakfast

As you can see, the recipe for barley porridge with milk in a slow cooker does not require the use of special ingredients. After the dish is ready, it must be placed on a plate and served immediately for breakfast. Additionally, the porridge can be flavored with a spoonful of fresh honey, jam or jam. But in this case, it is recommended to add a little less granulated sugar to the dish.

As mentioned above, barley porridge can be made in different ways. To obtain a richer taste and aroma, ingredients such as fresh pumpkin, various dried fruits, nuts, berries and fruits are often added to it.

Porridge is a necessary element of nutrition for a healthy person. The most popular are milk porridges made from coarse grains. These include barley.

Preparation progress

1. Before you start preparing this dish, you need to prepare barley groats. It is washed well 3-4 times. The cooking process can be reduced to 15 minutes if you pre-soak the cereal for 3 hours.

2. Pour water into a pre-prepared container in which the dish will be cooked and bring to a boil. To prepare porridges, including barley, it is better to choose dishes with a thick bottom. A cast iron cauldron is ideal for these purposes. When the water boils, add barley, sugar and salt to taste. But don’t forget, the sweeter the dish, the higher its calorie content.

3. When the mixture begins to thicken (7-10 minutes), add milk to it. It is advisable to heat it or bring it to a boil and pour it in hot. You can cook this porridge with cow's or goat's milk. Powdered milk, previously diluted with water, is also used.

4. Don't forget to stir the porridge. Cooking time is 10 minutes. It is recommended to cook on low heat.

5. Add butter, stir, turn off the heat. Leave it covered for 10 minutes. Having spent time, the porridge will become tastier and more aromatic.

Video recipe

This porridge is easily digestible and does not cause allergies. In addition, barley porridge with milk is a quick, easy to prepare and inexpensive recipe. But first of all, it is a nutritious and healthy dish, a source of colossal energy. Barley groats contain many vitamins (groups A, E, D), proteins, fiber, and various enzymes. It also contains calcium, iron, manganese. Porridge is very useful for children and the elderly, as it has a beneficial effect on the microflora of the digestive system, removes toxins, and helps improve the general condition of the body.

Dried fruits are added if desired. Sugar in the recipe can be replaced with natural honey. In this case, add honey to the already prepared dish when it has cooled slightly. When honey interacts with high temperatures, it loses its beneficial qualities. Porridge prepared according to this recipe turns out to be tender and viscous. It is better to eat it hot, as it is considered the most beneficial for the stomach. Also try to cook it quickly and tasty.

Barley porridge with milk goes well with fruits (peaches, bananas), berries (raspberries, strawberries) and sweet baked goods (buns, cookies). For little sweet tooths, you can add a little jam, jam, condensed milk. In this case, calorie content increases noticeably.

You need to know that barley has one drawback - it contains gluten. For this reason, it is not recommended for children under one year of age to cook it.

Barley groats (pearl barley) belong to the group of valuable and ancient products, which are characterized by high calorie content and excellent taste. Now this dish is not as popular as it used to be. But barley porridge is very beneficial for the human body. Such food saturates it with useful vitamins and components, positively affecting the functioning of systems and organs.

Composition and calorie content of barley groats

There are 310 kcal per 100 g of barley porridge. The beneficial properties of the product are achieved thanks to the rich composition of the cereal. Barley grits are ground barley grains that are not polished and therefore retain valuable substances. It is important that the body receives all the necessary elements to ensure normal functioning. The structure of the grain has the following useful substances and microelements:

  • carbohydrates;
  • cellulose;
  • minerals;
  • amino acids;
  • proteins;
  • provitamin A;
  • vitamins B1, B2, B6, D, E;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • cobalt;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • chromium;
  • phosphorus;
  • silicon;
  • molybdenum;
  • sulfur and zinc;
  • starch, amino acids and dietary fiber.

In addition to the listed components, barley grain contains natural antibacterial substances. Scientists have discovered and proven that the water in which cereal is soaked retains a substance called gluten. This element has an antibiotic effect, so it is actively used for fungal skin infections. Such a rich composition once again proves how healthy barley porridge is.

Beneficial properties of barley porridge

The cereal contains components that are very useful for the functioning of the whole body. If you regularly include this product in your diet, it will remove waste, toxins and other harmful substances from the intestines. Barley porridge envelops the walls of the stomach and serves as a protective barrier for viruses to enter the blood, reduces sugar levels, increases tone and saturates the body with energy.

This product is indispensable for people with heart problems. Thanks to the lysine contained in barley, the health of this organ is maintained and the required level of energy is maintained. Porridge has an amazing effect on joint diseases (arthritis). The silicon contained in it strengthens bone tissue and cartilage. This is especially important for children’s bodies and the health of older people.

The content of B vitamins has a positive effect on brain activity. Therefore, barley porridge must be consumed by students and schoolchildren before taking exams. The product has a low glycemic index. Doctors may recommend it to people with diabetes. Barley porridge envelops the walls of the stomach, healing wounds on the walls. It is simply necessary for people suffering from gastritis, peptic ulcers of the intestines and stomach.

This tasty dish has a positive effect on the nervous system and improves memory. The presence of choline helps regulate insulin in the blood, prevents the development of fatty liver degeneration, and improves kidney function. The presence of a large amount of natural fiber and beta-glucan allows you to fight bad cholesterol. The latter activates the immune system, is considered a strong antioxidant, and eliminates premature aging of the body.

Harm of barley porridge

In addition to its beneficial properties, the presented dish can also cause harm in certain cases. Do not combine this product with egg whites. This combination of ingredients will have a negative effect on the body and can lead to illness and stomach pain. Therefore, take care of a balanced diet. People should not eat barley porridge in the following situations:

  • If there is a congenital anomaly - the lack of enzymes to break down a specific protein.
  • During pregnancy. According to many doctors, barley porridge can provoke premature birth.
  • If you are intolerant to the product. In this case, a person may experience an allergic reaction after eating the porridge.

How to properly cook barley groats

This product is actively used not only for preparing porridges. Barley groats are added to soups and salads. It will have a wonderful taste and aroma, regardless of which cooking method was chosen. If we are talking about porridge, then it is cooked in milk, water and using a slow cooker. You can diversify the dish by adding dry, fresh fruits, and herbs.

On the water

To prepare barley porridge in water, you need to sort out the grains, remove scales and excess debris. Rinse everything thoroughly under running water. Place the cereal in a saucepan, add 500 ml of water, wait 4 hours or leave overnight. In the morning, add water, place the container on the stove, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, add salt to taste. Cook the barley porridge over low heat until the volume increases. Then turn off the stove, cover the pan with a warm blanket, and wait a few hours. Add butter, stir and serve.

With milk

To prepare the dish you will need 1 liter of milk, 1/3 cup of cereal. Place the ingredients in a saucepan, set it on the fire until it boils, and then reduce it. Cook the porridge until the consistency is not too thick. Finally add a slice of butter. In a separate container, beat 3 eggs, 100 g of sugar, add crushed almonds. Pour crackers onto the heated pan and place the porridge on top, previously mixed with the whipped mixture. Smooth everything out, sprinkle with sugar and place in the oven. Barley porridge will be ready to eat when a golden crust forms.

In a slow cooker

To prepare a cell in a slow cooker, stock up on the following products:

  • barley groats – 250 g;
  • water – 750 ml;
  • butter, salt.

Wash the barley thoroughly, pour it into the multicooker bowl, add water, salt, and butter. Set the device to “Buckwheat” mode. Wait for the signal. It indicates that the porridge is ready. On top it can be decorated with herbs or sprinkled with dried fruits. The dish prepared in a slow cooker turns out tender, airy and crumbly.

Video recipe for making barley porridge

There are many ways to prepare barley porridge. It all depends on what result you want to get. The most common recipe is cooking with water. Some believe that this method will not allow you to get a tender and airy porridge. But that's not true. If you know the main secrets of cooking, such porridge will also be no worse than one cooked with milk. Learn more about the nuances of creating such a fragrant and appetizing dish from the video:

Barley groats are the grains of barley, an annual plant with incredible tolerance to growing conditions. It can grow anywhere: in the cold climate of the northern regions of Russia, in the hot climate of equatorial America. Exceptional resistance to weather conditions made barley the first cereal crop to be used by humans as food.

Mentions of barley porridge can be found in the works of the ancient Roman historian Pliny the Elder. The crop was cultivated in the fields of Greece and Egypt, and in the Roman Empire it was considered the main food of the population. It was barley porridge that Roman gladiators consumed as a source of quick energy and strength. Even the term “gladiator” or hordearii means “barley men”, which indicates the high status of the product in the most ancient culture of mankind.

Cereals in modern cooking

In the modern world, huge fields of barley, cultivated everywhere until the 11th century, have given way to other cereals. The history of valuable culture is paradoxical. Due to its high resistance to environmental conditions and availability, barley groats were considered a cheap product. It was impossible to raise significant funds from its sale. Because of this, in the Middle Ages, areas cultivated with barley were subjected to artificial destruction, and they were replaced by expensive and more valuable wheat.

Truly tragic was the departure of barley groats from the fields of modern Russia, where barley porridge served as the basis of the table of the Finno-Ugric peoples. After they were displaced by the Slavic population, not only barley fields, but also significant areas of forests were cleared for wheat. This caused a sharp climate change in the region, which moved from temperate to cold, continental.

Barley survived in small quantities as a fodder crop and the most affordable peasant food. Hence the attitude towards him - as a simple, peasant, army porridge. How many names have been invented for it in budget cooking! And “fraction 16”, and tarpaulin porridge, and shrapnel. The reason for this is the loss of the culture of its preparation, the loss of understanding of why barley porridge is useful.

The Japanese scientist Yoshihie Hagiwara studied this issue for 13 years. He analyzed the properties of 150 cereals and concluded that there is no product more useful than barley, and no product more valuable for nutrition than porridge made from it. The author based his conclusions on the following statements.

  • Barley porridge - a product made from barley, subject to minimal mechanical processing. It retains the bulk of the fruit membranes and valuable fiber. In terms of quantity, its cereal is ahead of oatmeal.
  • and barley porridge are not the same thing. Although the products are obtained from one grain, pearl barley is intensively ground. It loses a significant amount of fiber during production. More similar in composition to barley porridge. The latter is subjected only to crushing without grinding.
  • The composition of the cereal is balanced. Moreover, a Japanese researcher stated that its nutritional value is the highest among other types of cereals. The reason for this is the maximum proportion of vegetable protein, fiber and microelements.

Barley groats are not available for sale. You can only find pearl barley and barley. If you are planning to buy the healthiest product, choose a box. It is as similar as possible to barley in composition. Or dark colored pearl barley. Such kernels will indicate minimal grinding of the grains during production.

Benefits and harms

The composition of the cereal will tell you how valuable barley porridge is in the diet.

  • Vegetable protein - 11% by weight. It is easier to digest than animal grains, so cereal restores strength faster.
  • Fiber - more than 10%, but this indicator depends on the intensity of mechanical processing of the nuclei. The less they were polished, the more valuable insoluble fibers that carry out rough cleansing of the intestines remained in them.
  • Carbohydrates - up to 66%. Long lasting carbohydrates are important for full saturation of the body and a long-term feeling of fullness. They are absorbed gradually, without causing a sudden release of glucose. This property of the product allows us to recommend it in therapeutic nutrition for people with diabetes. Barley porridge is indispensable for people engaged in intense physical labor.
  • Lysine. A valuable amino acid that can only be obtained from food. It stimulates the production of collagen - the main building material of skin, bones and joints. Lysine is involved in the formation of immunity.
  • Microelements. The product contains a huge amount of potassium and phosphorus. The level of the latter reaches 353 mg, which no other food product can offer. Along with calcium, iron, copper and other microelements, it ensures bone strength, participates in the hematopoietic system, and improves the condition of blood vessels.

Not only porridges are useful, but also decoctions of barley grains. When cereals are cooked, a substance called hordecin is released. It is considered a natural antibiotic that is effective in treating skin diseases.

The protein- and fiber-rich cereal has no contraindications for consumption. And to get to know it better and appreciate its luxurious taste, it is enough to know the correct recipe for barley porridge.

Calories and nutritional value

How to cook

The product can be prepared on the stove or in the oven. Barley porridge in a slow cooker is very convenient to prepare. It gets ready faster than other methods. But in each case, the cereal needs to be prepared.

  1. Rinse the barley. This will remove dust from the kernels.
  2. Soak in cold water. It is necessary to soak the grains for 12 hours. It is ideal to leave a glass of cereal in a liter of cold water overnight. The kernels will swell but retain their shape. After such preparation they will arrive faster and will not become hard.
  3. Cook with milk. The barley taste is perfectly complemented by milk and cream. Transfer the cereal to milk and simmer over low heat. An old recipe suggests simmering it for 6 hours in a water bath. A multicooker significantly reduces cooking time. It will cook barley porridge in 40 minutes.
  4. Use appropriate proportions. The swollen kernels will make a crumbly side dish if you pour two glasses of liquid over them. To obtain a sticky porridge, use 2 times more milk.
  5. Season with butter. Barley loves oil, and the more of it, the richer the taste. In dietary nutrition, butter can be replaced with vegetable oil.

We hope you don’t have any questions about how to cook barley porridge. And this most valuable dish with a luxurious taste will regularly appear on your table.

The benefits and harms of barley porridge are something that is rarely discussed today, since the diet of modern people has changed in a way that is not healthy. The rhythm of life of many people has forced them to abandon a balanced diet and switch to processed foods, fast food, and fast street food.

How and where barley grows

Barley has a long history, is valued for its beneficial properties, and is an early-ripening, unpretentious crop among grains. The growing season varies between 70 – 100 days. Seed germination is possible already at +1 – +2 °C, and seedlings are not afraid of frosts down to –9 °C. The plant tolerates high temperatures, and only when the temperature remains at +40 °C for more than 10 hours is stomatal paralysis possible.

The plant is grown in different soils. It is sown in the northern regions on podzolic soils and in the southeastern regions on saline soils. The best option for sowing is neutral and slightly alkaline soils, however, some varieties germinate well at soil acidity pH 4.3 - 4.5.

Important! Cereals are not grown on saline and sandy surfaces. The culture fully develops in areas of dried swamps, which does not affect the quality and benefits of pearl barley.

Composition and calorie content of barley porridge

The benefits of barley porridge for the body can be explained by its composition. 100 g of the finished dish contains 310 kcal. Since barley grains are ground unpolished, the cereal retains a storehouse of substances valuable to the body:

  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • amino acids;
  • fiber;
  • micro-, macroelements: iron, calcium, magnesium, etc.;
  • starch;
  • vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, D, E;
  • in addition, the cereal is a natural antibiotic, as it contains gluten;
  • it also contains natural antibacterial components.

Beneficial properties of barley porridge


  • bactericidal;
  • enveloping;
  • emollient;
  • antioxidant;
  • regenerating;
  • restorative;
  • antiviral;
  • hematopoietic.

The beneficial properties of barley porridge are used in the following cases:

  • gastritis, ulcerative lesions, pathologies of the digestive system;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • strengthening the heart muscle and vascular system;
  • getting rid of constipation, bloating;
  • reducing blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • improving brain activity;
  • positive impact on the psycho-emotional state;
  • control of hormone balance;
  • accumulations of subcutaneous fat;
  • restoring healthy skin and hair;
  • rehabilitation of muscle muscles and the condition of cartilage tissue.

Pearl barley porridge has a low glycemic index, therefore it is allowed for consumption by people with diabetes.

Important! If there is a high level of glucose in the blood, a dish cooked in water is recommended. Adding milk to porridge increases the glycemic index by 3 times: this should be taken into account so as not to cause harm to health.

Barley porridge for obesity

Although pearl barley is considered a rather high-calorie product, it is effectively used to combat excess weight. Barley porridge for weight loss normalizes metabolic processes in the body. If you exclude fatty, fried, salted, smoked foods and eat a dish cooked in water without additional additives, in just two weeks you can improve the condition of your skin and hair and get rid of an extra ten kilograms.

Undoubtedly, there is some harm from mono-diets, but the benefits of barley porridge are also significant.

Important! Obesity is more destructive, as it entails a lot of pathologies that impair the quality of life. When losing weight with cereal, the body extracts the maximum beneficial properties from the product.

The benefits of barley porridge for children

Pediatricians practically do not mention the benefits and harms of barley porridge for children, while it is a source of energy that the growing body needs during periods of physical and mental stress. It is also valuable for children because it promotes the production of antibodies to the pathogens of acute respiratory viral infections and herpes. Among other things, barley porridge benefits:

  • strengthening the skeleton;
  • improving digestion;
  • relieving allergy symptoms;
  • normalizing liver and kidney function;
  • regulating acid-base balance;
  • improving metabolic processes in the body.

Parents should also be aware of the possible disadvantages and harms of eating barley porridge:

  1. When cooked, the beneficial properties are partially lost.
  2. The product is not offered to small children, as it causes heaviness in the stomach, which can harm the digestive system.
  3. Due to the high amount of calories in the product, children with signs of obesity should not use barley groats in cooking.
  4. In case of diarrhea and a tendency to gas formation, barley groats are also not used in the diet.
  5. The product is not given to children with high acidity and gastritis.

Gluten can provoke an allergic reaction, so parents should monitor their child’s condition more carefully when introducing a new dish into the diet.

Important! Some children do not synthesize the celiac enzyme, therefore, the process of breaking down gluten is impossible, and barley groats in this case are harmful.

Recipes for making barley porridge

Preparing recipes from barley is not difficult, but knowledge of some nuances will help preserve the properties of the product as much as possible and surprise loved ones with a crumbly, juicy dish with a storehouse of useful properties. For a balanced diet for people of all age groups, porridge is recommended with stewed and fresh vegetables, with milk and in a casserole.

Barley porridge with milk

Milk porridge made from barley groats will appeal to older people and children. To prepare pearl barley with beneficial properties, you will need:

  • cereal – 250 g;
  • clean water – 500 ml;
  • milk;
  • butter.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The cereal is filled with water and left overnight.
  2. Before sending to cook, rinse thoroughly.
  3. Add cereal to a pan of boiling water.
  4. After boiling again, simmer over low heat (10 minutes).
  5. Thick porridge is poured with milk and the desired consistency is achieved.
  6. Bring to a boil, turn off.

The finished dish can be varied by adding seasonings or adding dried fruits and berries. According to preference, barley is saturated with oil - butter or vegetable. You can clearly see how the porridge is prepared in the video:

Barley porridge on water

Pearl barley boils after boiling in a quarter of an hour, and its volume increases 5 times. To obtain thick porridge you will need:

  • barley groats – 200 g;
  • clean water – 400 g;
  • salt;
  • spices.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. The cereal is soaked in water overnight (this will speed up the cooking process by 5 minutes).
  2. Before cooking, rinse.
  3. After boiling, add cereal to the water.
  4. Bring to a boil, reduce heat.
  5. Cook until the liquid is completely eliminated.
  6. Spices, salt, and oil are added to taste after the porridge is cooked.

To make the porridge more liquid in consistency, take more water per glass. A barley dish can also be prepared according to the recommendations from the video:

Barley porridge in a slow cooker

To prepare a dish in a slow cooker you will need:

  • cereal – 250 g;
  • clean water – 570 ml;
  • butter;
  • salt.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The cereals are washed thoroughly.
  2. Pour into the multicooker bowl.
  3. Pour in water.
  4. Set the “buckwheat” mode.

After the multicooker signal that it is ready, you can enjoy barley porridge, which has not lost its beneficial properties during the cooking process. For a richer taste, add pieces of butter. How to cook a dish in a slow cooker step by step - on video:

Harm of barley porridge and contraindications

Barley porridge is incredibly healthy and it seems that it cannot cause harm to health. As with any product, there are some contraindications for consuming pearl barley, which should be taken into account so as not to cause harm to the body. The product is incompatible with egg whites: this combination is harmful to the stomach as it can cause spasms. It is prohibited to include barley porridge in food in the following cases:

  • in the absence of enzymes that break down a certain protein;
  • during pregnancy, so as not to provoke labor ahead of schedule;
  • if the acidity of gastric juice is increased;
  • in case of individual immunity to the product, allergy to the ingredient.

Important! There are significantly fewer contraindications than beneficial properties, but the consequences of ignoring them can be disastrous. Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock, and termination of pregnancy can lead to adverse consequences causing serious harm to systems and organs.


The benefits and harms of barley porridge are due to its powerful properties, therefore, uncontrolled consumption of the product is not advisable. It must be remembered that within normal limits the product has almost no contraindications. Only an excess of food in large portions can provoke discomfort and other unpleasant symptoms.

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Nutritional value and chemical composition

Since barley porridge is prepared from barley, which contains vitamins B9, PP, B5, B6, B2, B1, beta-carotene, lutein, vitamins K and E, and the chemical composition includes phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, selenium, etc., then the value of barley porridge is undeniable.

100 g of barley porridge contains:

  • Proteins – 11.5.
  • Fats – 2.
  • Carbohydrates – 65.8.
  • Kcal – 310.

Useful properties and contraindications for its use


  • Barley grains contain a substance called hordecin, which has antibacterial properties and an antibiotic effect, which helps heal fungal skin infections.
  • Barley porridge is easily absorbed by the body, which is why nutritionists recommend it for children and the elderly.
  • Porridge helps remove heavy metals, waste and toxins from the body, it is filling and energetic, protects the body from cancer, and prevents fat deposition.
  • Barley porridge is useful for diabetes and bad cholesterol.
  • Eating porridge helps combat bad mood, high blood pressure and has antispasmodic properties.


  • Barley porridge is contraindicated for people who suffer from glycine enteropathy and cecilia (intolerance to plant protein - gluten).
  • Nutritionists do not recommend barley porridge for those who suffer from flatulence and have high acidity of gastric juice.

Barley porridge in cooking and how to prepare it

Barley groats are used in cooking for making soups, porridges and casseroles. You can stuff it with it or stew it with vegetables and make delicious dumplings. It cooks for about 20 minutes. Barley porridge is a very healthy and tasty dish. It is crushed barley grains, when purchasing which you must choose transparent packaging and study the date of manufacture and use for food, as well as the method of preparation. To make tasty and healthy porridge, you should follow some rules for its preparation. Ingredients: 180 g of cereal, 750 ml of water, salt, sugar and butter are added according to taste and taste preferences.


  1. Rinse the grain and let the water drain.
  2. Take a thick-walled pan, pour in water and after boiling, add the cereal. When the water and cereal boil, reduce the heat and simmer over low heat until all the water has evaporated.
  3. Then remove from heat, cover with a blanket and let stand for 10 minutes. Serve with butter, or as a side dish for meat, mushrooms and fish, as well as with sauce.

Cooking barley porridge with milk. Rinse barley groats. Cook in water until the water evaporates, then add hot milk and cook over low heat until tender. Add butter to the prepared porridge and cover with a lid to let sit for 10 minutes. Serve with dried fruits, berries or jam if desired.

Barley porridge in a thermos. This dish can be prepared as lunch for work. Cook the porridge in water using the described method until the water evaporates. Then transfer to a thermos, add salt and butter. Close the thermos and take it with you to work. At lunchtime, the tasty and healthy porridge will infuse and become a complete lunch.

After opening the package, store barley groats in a tightly closed jar and in a dry, ventilated and dark place.

In the video below, watch the recipe for porridge in a slow cooker: