Drink a raw egg to avoid getting drunk. How to politely refuse an offer to drink? Medications for hangover syndrome

Drinking alcohol on holiday is an established tradition. Many men and women who do not want to break away from the team at a party or corporate event need advice on how not to get drunk from alcohol or get a hangover. Experts highlight a number simple rules for those who want to stay fit throughout the fun. The list consists of preparatory activities and recommendations for drinking alcohol.

How to drink and not get drunk

  • Before the start of the holiday, drink a few crushed tablets of activated carbon with plenty of water. Eat something nutritious, such as oatmeal or a sandwich with butter.
  • Once at the event, it is advisable to eat a fatty, filling dish. Subsequently, you can snack more light products.
  • Try not to drink alcohol with carbonated drinks.
  • Don't mix alcohol different types.
  • Leave large gaps between toasts and drink alcohol in small sips.
  • If you feel yourself starting to get drunk, drink half a glass of lemon juice. Vitamin C helps reduce Negative influence alcohol.


An important way to drink vodka and not get drunk is prevention. Before drinking high-proof alcohol, it is recommended to take enzymes, sorbents and B vitamins. The vodka should be cold, let the bottle sit in the refrigerator for about 2 hours. Drink a drink in small portions(50 g), without holding it in the mouth. You can drink vodka fruit juices or compote. As a snack, you need to eat it first hearty dishes, gradually moving to lighter ones. When you feel that vodka has become difficult to swallow, it is better to stop drinking alcohol.


As you know, champagne can get you drunk very quickly. This is explained by the presence of bubbles in the drink. Therefore, one of the ways to avoid getting drunk from champagne is to place a grape or a piece of chocolate in a glass. A foreign object in the vessel helps remove bubbles. Drink a sparkling wine should be chilled, in small sips. It is also not recommended to mix champagne with other alcoholic drinks; the reaction can cause rapid intoxication.


The rules for drinking beer so as not to get drunk quickly coincide with general recommendations. Take a few simple tips that will help prevent intoxication from this drink for a while:

  • Don't drink more than 1 glass of beer per hour. Doctors believe that during this period most toxins are processed.
  • If for festive table you want to use alcoholic drinks higher strength, give preference to vodka, since it is made from grain. Mixing beer with wine or cognac is not recommended.
  • Some time before the party, take adsorbents and vitamins B1 and B6. These medications will help block the effects of toxins.
  • Some prefer in hot weather quench your thirst with cold beer. This is not recommended, as you may soon become intoxicated.
  • It is better to drink the drink from glass vessels, so you can control how much you drink.
  • Snack your beer with fatty foods.

How to drink correctly

To avoid getting drunk from alcohol quickly, you need to apply a few simple rules during the feast:

  • If you're going to drink different drinks, start with light ones, gradually increasing the degree of alcohol.
  • Carbon dioxide bubbles found in sodas allow alcohol to quickly enter the bloodstream, so you should not drink alcohol with them.
  • Be sure to have a snack while eating high-calorie foods: meat, fish, lard, sandwiches.
  • Frequent exposure to fresh air and intense physical activity will help increase your metabolic rate and prevent rapid intoxication.
  • If you smoke, try to do so as little as possible.
  • Drink in moderation, as uncontrolled consumption will lead to negative consequences.

What to snack on

To avoid getting drunk quickly from alcohol, do not drink on an empty stomach. You should eat before the party and snack during the party. The scheme will help not only stay sober longer, but also protect your stomach. The snack should be plentiful and high in calories, but be careful not to overeat, otherwise you will overload the liver.

Potatoes, meat, hot dishes, lard and other fatty foods are suitable for drinking alcohol. Parsley and citrus fruit(lemon, lime, orange), which should be eaten along with the zest. Do not eat unknown exotic foods, as they may cause an unexpected reaction to the intake of drinks containing alcohol in digestive system.

What to drink before the feast

Before the upcoming drinking session, you need to prepare your body for drinking alcohol, this will help you not get drunk quickly. Before the holiday begins, drink 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Due to its structure, it envelops the walls of the stomach and prevents the absorption of alcohol. By using the oil, you can delay the adverse effects of alcohol by about an hour.

To prepare the body, a few hours before the intended feast, drink a glass of vodka or other alcohol that you are going to drink, in an equivalent amount. This technique works like a vaccination, improving the process of alcohol processing. The body will begin to process toxic substances before the main volume of alcohol enters. Both methods are suitable only in cases where you do not intend to drink alcohol. large quantities.

Anti-drunkenness pills

One of the ways to avoid getting drunk for a long time is to use certain medications. Experts recommend taking 5 tablets of activated carbon, which should be crushed to a powder. To avoid getting drunk, this should be done 2-3 hours before the intended consumption of alcohol. The drug helps absorb fusel oils and alcohol, so a person can get drunk more slowly. It is useful to take tablets containing enzymes 40 minutes before the feast. These drugs include Mezim and Festal.

Video: how not to get drunk from alcohol

Methods that prevent intoxication are aimed at stabilizing metabolic processes in the liver, accelerated elimination alcohol toxins from the blood. Pharmacy medications, temporary changes in diet, advice traditional medicine will help you “survive” an alcoholic feast, causing minimal damage to your health.

How to prepare for a feast

There are many tricks that “experienced” alcohol consumers resort to in order to remain sober and have a solid memory. The “grafting” method is popular at parties. Its essence lies in the reception low dose alcohol an hour before the upcoming feast. For example, you can drink 40 ml of vodka or a glass of red wine. Then eat a hearty meal. As a result, the liver triggers the synthesis of alcohol dehydrogenase; the enzyme prepares the body to process new portions of alcohol.

If you drink before a feast chicken eggs or milk on an empty stomach, you won’t be able to get drunk quickly. The products cover the walls of the gastrointestinal tract with a film, slowing down the absorption of alcohol through the mucous membrane of the stomach and upper small intestine.

You can make the so-called oyster:

  • Mix 1 tsp in a glass. sunflower oil, egg yolk.
  • Add 2 tbsp. spoons tomato juice and a teaspoon of cognac.
  • To avoid getting drunk from alcohol, you need to add salt and pepper to the anti-alcohol cocktail and drink it in one gulp.
  • Have some toast.

Lean on products with high content Yoda. Shrimp, mussels, seaweed stimulate the synthesis of thyroid hormones, accelerate the oxidation of alcohol. Ethanol penetrates the blood 10 minutes after drinking alcohol; heavy protein foods slow down this process three times. I need to eat a sandwich butter, but as soon as alcohol dissolves the oily shell, the person will instantly become intoxicated.

Preparations for preparing the body

Activated carbon It is customary to drink immediately before alcoholic party, the adsorbent absorbs alcohol toxins as soon as they enter the circulatory system. Aspirin (0.3–0.5 g) 12 hours before drinking alcohol is useful. Acetylsalicylic acid enhances the production of microsomal liver enzymes that help convert ethanol into something safe for the body acetic acid and water.

When trying to avoid getting drunk from alcohol, you need to be aware that some medications conflict with each other. So, Diakarb, Fonurit, Dehydratin, Veroshpiron can be combined with alcoholic beverages. Festal is not used as an enzyme preparation, because it reduces the production of bile acids. B vitamins, micro- and macroelements in Neuromultivit, Combilipen, Duovit support the liver and strengthen the immune system.

Succinic acid or, scientifically, succinate is an important participant in the Krebs cycle, oxidizing toxic under-oxidized alcohol breakdown products. To avoid getting drunk from beer, wine or vodka, take succinic acid on an empty stomach. Recommended dose: 2 tablets (100 mg) before drinking. The product begins to work in 30–40 minutes and lasts for about three hours. The tablets irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, so the drug is contraindicated for people with gastritis. You cannot take acid at the same time as absorbent drugs; the latter will absorb not only alcohol toxins, but also sodium succinate.

Limontar is a mixture of lemon and succinic acids. To avoid getting drunk at the holiday, you need to drink 1 tablet. 20–60 minutes before appointment strong alcohol. Like succinates, the drug activates the Krebs cycle, accelerates the evacuation of acetaldehyde, which prevents the development of withdrawal syndrome. Crush the tablet and dissolve in 200 ml of warm water, if not add a little to the glass baking soda, then you can get heartburn. The product has antihypoxic and antioxidant effects, neutralizes the toxic effects of alcohol on the central nervous system, liver cells, and abdominal organs. Limontar is also used to treat chronic alcoholism.


If you take 2.5 tablets of Glutargin before drinking alcohol, it will be much more difficult to get drunk. Active ingredient Arginine glutamate is part of AlcoClean. The action of the substance is aimed at normalizing metabolism in the liver; the drug has a positive effect on the condition of hepatocyte membranes. Thanks to Glutargin's ability to bind and a short time remove ethanol byproducts from the blood; tablets do not allow an alcoholic to quickly become drunk. The drug is used to prevent the hepatotoxic effects of alcohol; avoid taking it in case of fever and impaired nitrogen excretory function of the kidneys.

Other drugs

To make sure you don’t get drunk during a feast, toxicologists recommend drinking enzymes that improve digestion (Mezim Forte, Wobenzym, Creon, Pancreatin, etc.). Sometimes antispasmodics and nootropics are taken before the banquet. Piracetam and many of its analogues improve cerebral circulation, eliminate permanent hypoglycemia characteristic of alcohol poisoning. 1 table Activated carbon per 10 kg of body weight will not allow you to get drunk from vodka or other strong alcohol.

The medicine can be replaced with the following adsorbents:

  • Liferan;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Lignosorb.

Motherwort tablets contain pyridoxine and magnesium, which help remove alcohol from the body and combat increased nervous excitability. Vitamin C (500 mg tablets) accelerates the period of alcohol oxidation and helps restore liver cells after a banquet. To avoid getting drunk, just drink 2 tablespoons of rosehip syrup and brew bile mixture No. 2 (1 tablespoon of raw material per glass of water).

What to do during a feast

The degree of alcohol intoxication. To avoid getting drunk, you need to snack on alcoholic drinks with fish. fatty varieties, mashed potatoes, season salads with vegetable oil or mayonnaise. Glycine, which is rich in fish soup, nuts (walnuts, peanuts, pistachios, pine nuts), pumpkin seeds and marmalade, neutralizes the toxic breakdown products of ethanol. Preference is given to hot food. Rice porrige has pronounced absorbent properties.

To avoid getting drunk quickly, you need to drink more slowly. It is optimal to drink no more than 75 ml of strong alcohol in 20 minutes.

Secrets proper nutrition during the feast:

  • Do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach.
  • Know your limits.
  • When the temperature drops, you can instantly get drunk. If the main drink at the party was vodka or cognac, you should not drink beer at the end of the evening.
  • Do not hold alcohol in your mouth. IN oral cavity located blood vessels, through which ethanol is absorbed into the blood, affects liver cells and the central nervous system, bypassing the stomach.
  • When combining alcohol with carbonated drinks, a person will get drunk much faster.

To avoid premature intoxication, it is recommended to skip toast. Food acids and vitamin C, which are found in lemon and other acidic fruits and vegetables, accelerate the elimination of alcohol toxins. As you know, champagne can make you very drunk, which is explained by the presence of carbon dioxide in the drink. A couple of grapes in the glass or a piece of chocolate will reduce the amount of bubbles.

What to do after the feast

Alcohol contributes to dehydration of the body; if you are very thirsty, you can brew a strong black or green tea with lemon. Instead of sugar, add 1-2 teaspoons of honey. You should move more and avoid sudden temperature changes. Solving logical, arithmetic problems in your head or simply talking with a friend will “cheer up” your alcohol-suppressed brain.

To delay intoxication, you need:

  • Take a deep breath, exhaling, squat down.
  • Press your forehead to your knees, clasp them with your hands. After 2-3 seconds, slowly straighten up and exhale.
  • Clasp your hands at the back of your head and bend back. The exercise should be done slowly, without jerking.

To increase blood flow to the brain after drinking alcohol, hold the pose for 3-5 seconds. Then return to the starting position.

After a party, it is important not to smoke; even 2 cigarettes smoked can knock the drinker off his feet. The principle of “knocking out a wedge with a wedge” will only harm the body. On the one hand, a glass of vodka relieves irritation and dilates narrowed blood vessels, on the other hand, a hangover dose increases intoxication from excess alcohol.

To stop intoxication, it is better to spend an hour without alcohol. At this time, you are allowed to drink pure non-carbonated liquid or hydrocarbonate water (Borjomi, Essentuki). A contrast shower or a 10-minute walk in the fresh air will quickly bring a drunkard to his senses.

Test: Check the compatibility of your medicine with alcohol

Enter the name of the drug in the search bar and find out how compatible it is with alcohol

During feasts, alcoholic drinks are called “entertainment drinks.” And for good reason. Drinking lifts your spirits, liberates and relaxes you. But it happens that you don’t want to get drunk from drinking at all. Either there is no desire to be different from the team, or it is difficult to keep up with experienced consumers. In any case, when attending a noisy party, it will be useful to know how to drink and not get drunk.

Intoxication is the process of alcohol affecting the body. The drink works something like this:

But in reality everything is much more prosaic. Each person is susceptible to intoxication to varying degrees. It all depends on the time of day, physical condition, snacks when consumed and other factors.

It has also been noted that the “stronger” and more resilient a person is, the less impact alcohol can have on him. Hence the conclusion that women get drunk faster, and they need much less alcohol. Another category of citizens who quickly “give up” are elderly people. A weakened body has less strength to resist, so the degree creeps up on it faster and more firmly.

How to prepare for use

Most people know in advance when they're going to have a party where there's a lot of drinking. Therefore, preparing for such an event is not difficult.

If you are looking for a way to avoid getting drunk from alcohol, please pay attention to the following tips. They need to be used long before the planned consumption of alcohol, however, they work flawlessly.

Medication methods

To fight with rapid intoxication not only is it possible natural means, but also with the help of medications. To use this method, make sure you have them in advance.

The most popular method to stay sober is drink activated charcoal before drinking alcohol. This method works like this: one hour before the start of the feast, you need to take several tablets of activated carbon. The dosage is calculated depending on the person’s weight. Per ten body weight you need to take at least one tablet of coal. For example, a person weighing 90 kilograms should drink at least 9 tablets of activated charcoal before drinking alcohol. At first glance, this is a lot, but the result is worth it.

If the feast is long and there is a lot to drink, then the procedure must be repeated every 2-3 hours, so stock up on coal in advance. It is important to remember that activated carbon is a powerful absorbent, meaning it requires a lot of liquid to function properly. In addition to the booze itself, don't forget to drink regular soft drinks so as not to feel dehydrated. You can do this deliciously by drinking juices and non-alcoholic cocktails.


Other medications to combat intoxication:

How to drink correctly

In addition to natural and medicinal means of combating alcohol in the blood, you need to follow the rules of drinking.

The first rule on how not to get drunk is quality alcohol. Choose trusted brands and avoid the cheapest booze. Poor quality products contain a large number of fusel oil, which allows you to get drunk much faster when it hits the stomach.

Have some good drinks high-calorie dishes. “Distract” your stomach from processing alcohol with meat, hot and fatty snacks. Some alcohol will pass digestive tract"undetected"

Citrus fruits have excellent property block alcohol. If you snack on fruit, give preference to lemons, oranges or grapefruit. This advice is also useful if you have to drink cocktails. Choose those that contain sour juices. This will help you stay on your feet much longer.

Mixing different varieties alcohol will destroy you. If you started a feast of wine, then continue in the same spirit. If the first glass was with vodka, try not to cheat on yourself. Lowering the temperature will also have a detrimental effect on the drinker’s condition. If mixing of drinks cannot be avoided, then the degree can only be increased. It is not advisable to drink wine after cognac, and beer will completely knock you down.

It is advisable to take pauses during the feast. Even if you don't smoke, don't miss the opportunity to get some fresh air. But stay away from cigarette smoke. Nicotine enhances the effects of alcohol, and your mental efforts will go down the drain.

The same applies to smokers. If you are suffering from bad habit, try to light a cigarette as rarely as possible. If your willpower allows, give up smoking altogether this evening. It seems impossible, but in the morning you will thank yourself.

If you are looking for a way to stay drunk for a long time, during a feast, try to get up from your seat more often. Dance, leave the table and stretch your legs. In a sitting position, it is more difficult to control the degree of intoxication, since the vestibular apparatus is in a calm state. Let him express the situation: go to the restroom, wash your face, invite a lady to a slow dance. As you move, you will understand how much more alcohol your resilient and prepared body can tolerate.

Slows down the process of intoxication and brain activity. Don't look at your smartphone all evening. Chat, have fun and tell stories funny stories. Not only will laughter perk up your brain, but it will also speed up your breathing, which is helpful if you're determined to win your battle with drinking.

How not to get drunk- a popular question. There are situations where it is difficult to give up drinking due to social nuances.

If your physiology fails you and the methods do not work, you will have to resort to a little deception. In a company where it would be bad manners to refuse a drink, try replacing vodka plain water. With a sufficient level of artistry, such a substitution will not be detected. If you drink wine, stock up Cherry juice and sip it instead of alcohol. Periodically look thoughtfully at the glass, and no one will doubt its contents, because it is customary to admire wine.

Attention, TODAY only!

How long does it take to not get drunk? The question is quite paradoxical. Why drink then? However, there are times when you need to control yourself, despite the amount of alcohol you drink. This could be a corporate party, where there is absolutely no point in showing your “dark” side to your colleagues, a wedding, or meeting a girl’s parents when her father decided to test the young man.

There are many methods by which you can achieve this result. Let's try to figure out which of them actually work and which are nothing more than a myth.

First of all, answering the question of how to avoid getting drunk longer, doctors recommend not drinking a lot and quickly. There is a direct dependence on the speed of consumption and intoxication. It is advisable to drink alcohol slowly. There is no need to start with large doses. It’s good if you can use the utensils you need. Thus, a glass with thick walls creates a visual sensation of large volume. And if it also tapers downward, then this is the best option.

A quarter of the alcohol consumed is absorbed in the stomach. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid drinking alcohol on an empty stomach. If this is not possible, then you should eat well before the feast. It is especially recommended to eat those foods that are rich in vitamins C, B1 and B6.

It is not advisable to drink when a person is very tired or has recently been ill. The body is weakened, and therefore it becomes intoxicated many times faster than usual.

When a person is depressed, he will not be able to drink and not get drunk. Therefore, if possible, then before the future feast you need to get a good night's sleep and rest. The same should be noted in the case when a person is emotionally excited.

Alcohol dissolves in water in the body. Therefore, when it’s hot outside and a person sweats, the body loses a certain amount of fluid and this makes you drunk faster. In order not to get drunk very quickly, you need to restore your water balance in advance.

You can resort to help before the feast medical supplies. Three hours before the feast, you are allowed to drink 4-5 tablets of activated carbon, and immediately before use - a powder of 2 tablets. Activated carbon is able to absorb some of the alcohol and fusel oils.

An hour before drinking alcohol, you can take a Mezim or Festal tablet. They help the stomach digest food well.

Traditional methods

Considered no less popular traditional methods and drugs that promote slow intoxication.

Some recommend drinking 50 g of strong alcohol a few hours before the feast (2-3). Popularly this is called grafting. After a person drinks alcohol, the body begins to produce alcohol dehydrogenase. These are enzymes that are responsible for processing alcohol. If you continue to use moderation, then severe intoxication does not threaten.

Many people know that when you don’t want to get drunk, you need to eat butter. It is advisable to drink a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil rather than butter. It envelops the walls of the stomach with a film and thus prevents alcohol from leaking into the blood for some time.

An alternative is fatty foods. This could be a sandwich with a fatty filling or porridge (oatmeal or semolina). But this does not mean at all that after such a meal a person will not get drunk. He gets drunk, but later than usual. Fatty foods slow down the effects of alcohol by about an hour.

It is better to give up sweet and carbonated drinks. They promote accelerated absorption of alcohol into the blood.

You cannot lower the degree or mix alcoholic drinks. Everyone knows this, but few take it into account.

If you sit at the table all evening, there is a high probability that the person sitting at it will fall asleep from an alcohol overdose. You need to move a lot: dance or play some games. Even simple washing of dishes is suitable.

Citrus peel is considered a good snack. It enters into a chemical reaction with alcohol, as a result of which it evaporates. If we talk about snacks, it is better to refuse exotic food that you have never tried before. The consequences may be unexpected.

Do not hold back alcohol or drink it through a straw. After all, alcohol is absorbed not only in the stomach, but also through blood vessels. And they also exist in the oral cavity.

You can drink moderately all evening and not get drunk for a long time, but one cigarette smoked can knock a person off his feet, especially if he does not smoke. Those who smoke regularly are advised to reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke, no matter how much they want to.

In order not to get drunk, you can induce vomiting. The feeling is unpleasant, but it always works.

How to deal with a hangover?

If it so happens that a person did not calculate his strength and got drunk, then the very next morning you can expect a hangover. It may not exist, but if it was drunk great amount alcohol, also of poor quality, or during the feast mixing of drinks was welcomed, then one cannot do without it.

It’s difficult to answer how to quickly get rid of a hangover. It all depends on the characteristics of the previous feast. Usually a hangover is “treated” with brine. It doesn’t matter which one, just don’t get carried away with the marinade. It contains a large amount of vinegar. This remedy can cause consequences much worse than those from vodka. An alternative to brine can be:

  • mineral water;
  • citrus juice;
  • cranberry juice;
  • a mixture (half and half) of kefir and mineral water;
  • warm milk with 20 drops of mint alcohol;
  • strong hot broth.

But there is a more radical method - drink milk with 2 tablespoons of castor oil diluted in it.

Shoots great headache and ache, a walk in the fresh air, a contrast shower or a bath. The latter can be resorted to only if the person has a healthy cardiovascular system.

A small dose of a laxative will help empty the intestines of the remnants of the feast.

In any case, it is worth remembering that alcohol abuse is harmful to health!

Thank you for your feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do now ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I also feel sorry for my husband, that’s how he great person when he doesn't drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug is used to treat alcohol addiction really is not sold through pharmacy chains and retail stores in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried traditional methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can’t influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    Which ones folk remedies I haven’t tried it, my father-in-law still drinks

    Ekaterina A week ago

    I tried to give my husband a decoction of bay leaf(she said it was good for the heart), so within an hour he left with the men to drink. I no longer believe in these folk methods...

Today, for many people, drinking traditions are the generally accepted norm. Gather at the festive table to enjoy various dishes and drinking certain alcoholic drinks is already perceived as in the order of things. But some people feel unwell after such events. As a result, a logical question arises: how to prevent intoxication?

Traditional methods

To avoid getting drunk quickly, you need to at least stick to moderate dosages of alcohol. It’s better to eat a piece before the feast rye bread smeared with butter. Such a simple sandwich will help delay the onset of intoxication. In addition, a few teaspoons of vegetable oil will be beneficial. It has a special enveloping property. Therefore, if you consume vegetable oil an hour before the holiday, you can significantly delay the onset of intoxication.

In addition, on help will come vodka - one hundred grams. It should be drunk four hours before the feast. As a result, the body will begin to process toxins even before large doses of alcohol enter it.

However, it should be understood that all these methods will not work if you drink a lot and for a long time.


Among pharmaceutical drugs there are also several effective means to reduce the degree of intoxication. Among them is activated carbon. This the simplest way don't get drunk. Five to six tablets two hours before the event and two more before the feast are enough. Activated charcoal will speed up the elimination of toxins and reduce the effects of alcohol.

In addition, Festal or Mezim will be beneficial. These products contain enzymes that help digestive organs process alcoholic beverages. You can also use eleutherococcus: just 20 grams of this product is enough before drinking alcohol to prevent excessive intoxication.

Feast rules

In order to always be normal during the celebration, you need to follow a number of recommendations. For example, you should not drink alcohol on an empty stomach, you need to have a good snack. You should not drink alcohol of dubious origin - it can lead to poisoning. It is advisable to give preference to a high-quality alcoholic drink, because it contains minimal amount fusel oils.

  • You cannot mix alcoholic drinks of different strengths. Thus, alternating champagne, wine and vodka threatens severe intoxication and the highest intoxication of the body. After such a cocktail a person is waiting severe hangover. It is better to start with a drink containing a low dose of alcohol, and then move on to cognac or vodka. This approach will be more rational.
  • The consumption of sweet cocktails should be limited. They taste pleasant, and it is difficult to control the amount you drink. Moreover, the tradition of drinking a cocktail through a straw only increases intoxication.
  • Cannot be consumed exotic dishes. The reaction of the digestive organs can be unpredictable. Often occurs in combination with alcohol severe poisoning. Also, do not get carried away with overcooked or spicy foods - they cause a powerful blow to the liver. Better have a snack vegetable salads on vegetable oil, as well as hearty meat dishes.
  • It is better to avoid carbonated drinks. They only enhance the effects of alcohol. Drink strong alcohol better with compote or juice.
  • There is no need to try to drink everything that is poured. A moderate amount of alcohol is considered to be one glass of alcohol per hour. It is this pace that will help maintain relative sobriety.
  • To avoid getting drunk quickly, you need to move more. Fresh air will be beneficial. But this is acceptable in the absence of frost. Sudden changes in temperature sometimes have a negative impact on a person’s condition. You can chat with guests, take part in dances or competitions. It is better to smoke less, especially for those who rarely use nicotine. If you start feeling sick and have a headache from drinking alcohol, you need to induce vomiting. As a result, alcohol will empty your stomach and your health will improve. At home, you need to take a shower and go to bed in a ventilated room.

    Such recommendations will give you the opportunity to have a drink and relax well in friendly company. It is important to control the amount of alcohol consumed. Only then will the holiday truly bring joy and pleasure.