Delicious recipe for nuts with condensed milk. Baking for all times - nuts with condensed milk

I offer three options that are very tasty and have differences in execution. All recipes have been tried many times by me and are designed to suit different tastes. Choose what you like! Bake the nuts in a special form - a nut pan.
Dough option 1 (dough balls):
This version of Nuts is richer, denser and as a result the nuts are soft, as if they were biscuit...
100g butter (margarine)
1\4 tbsp. Sahara
2 eggs
3 tbsp. flour (+-) based on soft dough
1\3st. potato starch
1 tsp soda
1 tbsp vinegar
100g. mayonnaise
Beat eggs with sugar, add softened butter, mayonnaise, starch, soda dissolved in vinegar, vanillin and stir well. Gradually add flour and knead into a soft, pliable dough that does not stick to your hands.

Cooking process:
Using the prepared dough, roll into two balls. The diameter of the balls is slightly more than 1 cm (the size of a cherry).

And only then put the hazelnut on the stove to heat up. Heat each side for 3 minutes, baking heat is lower than medium.
Place a large, deep cup nearby where you will shake out the baked preparations for the nuts.
Now open the hazelnut, grease it with a little vegetable oil once (no more is needed), lay out the first batch of blanks, press well with the lid. You will hear such a hissing...put the hazelnut on the fire...literally after a minute turn the hazelnut on the other side and bake for 1 - 1.5 you can open the hazelnut slightly and look at how golden it is...if you don’t really repeat the scrolling , on one side and the other. When baking the first batches of nuts, it will become clear to you what size you need to roll the pieces, what kind of fire to set and how long to keep the nuts. And the degree of golden color depends on your tastes. It comes out of the shells without any problems. Yes, the dough does not leak out of the pan, the stove is clean.

Dough option 2 (dough balls):
Very soft crumbly dough. Like shortbread, which must be kneaded as quickly as possible.

1 tbsp. Sahara
3 yolks
200g butter (softened)
3-4 tbsp. sour cream
2.5-3 tbsp. flour
Grind the sugar and yolks, add butter and grind again. Add sour cream, flour - as much as the dough takes. Cooking process as in recipe 1.

Dough option 3 (liquid filling of dough):
This is closer to my taste. The nuts are thinner and softly crunchy, like homemade waffles. This is my favorite recipe.

200g butter (butter margarine)
1 tbsp sugar
5 eggs
1 tbsp flour
Soften the butter at room temperature. There is a secret here: do not melt the butter, but use softened butter. Then you don’t have to lubricate the hazel at all, and nothing sticks. Combine butter and sugar and beat. Add flour, mix. Add eggs and beat on low speed until smooth. The dough will turn out like pancakes, a little thicker. Let stand for 20 minutes.
The dough will look like this: lazily sliding off the spoon. It will slide into the nut hole on its own. Pour a little less than half a teaspoon into the hole. This baking method takes less time.

Fill the cooled nut halves and seal with cream. Place a teaspoon of cream on one half, cover with the other half and press, and carefully remove the excess cream on the sides of the nut.

Option 1.
Boil condensed milk. To do this, pour a closed can of condensed milk into a saucepan with water (so that the can is completely under water) and cook for 2-3 hours. The longer you cook, the darker the condensed milk will be. Combine boiled condensed milk with very finely chopped dried apricots, prunes and walnuts. Delicious!
Option 2.
Custard: Grind 3 yolks with 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp cognac and 1 tbsp flour. Dilute 1 tbsp. Mix milk at room temperature until smooth, and cook in a thick-bottomed saucepan in a water bath until thickened. Cover with a lid and let cool. Beat 100g softened butter until fluffy and stable. Add chopped nuts (2 tbsp) to the cream.
Option 3:
1 can of boiled condensed milk + 100 g of softened butter. Beat. Add nuts and, if desired, grated dark chocolate.
Option 4:
Remove 150g of Golden Key toffees from their wrappers and place in a saucepan. Add 125g butter and 2 tbsp. milk. Place on low heat and melt everything into a homogeneous mass. Cool, stirring occasionally.
This is the appearance of the hazel tree...

Dough recipe for the mold BEARS AND CONE And GIFTS OF THE FOREST(cones, mushrooms...)


For those who have a form in the form BEARS or GIFTS OF THE FOREST(cones, mushrooms). I have Mishka and Gifts of the Forest molds (cones, mushrooms..) As for Mishka: fill the dough to 2/3 of the volume, because... The dough increases in volume during baking. And for Dary Lesa cookies, both halves of the mold are filled with dough at once, then they are connected together so that they coincide and form a single figure and they begin baking on the burner. As a result, you get a whole figurine, no need to glue it together. And you need to make sure that there is no excess dough, otherwise you will have to wash the oven. The products are so similar to biscuits. I have taste associations with Madeleine cookies. And you can bake according to this native (instructions) recipe:
3 tbsp premium flour
200g butter margarine
3 tbsp. sour cream sour cream
3 eggs
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp soda
Beat eggs with a glass of sugar until a thick, stable mass, add sour cream, salt, soda, vanilla, melted cooled margarine. Mix everything carefully, gradually adding flour.

I hope it's useful!

For cream:

  • boiled condensed milk - 350 gr.
  • peeled walnut kernels - 40 g
  • butter from natural cream - 100 g

For shortbread dough:

  • yolks - 3 pcs from medium eggs with a total weight of about 195 g.
  • granulated sugar - 110 gr.
  • butter from natural cream - 200 gr.
  • sour cream 18-20% fat - 30 gr.
  • premium wheat flour - 390 gr.
  • salt - ⅓ teaspoon
  • baking soda - ⅓ teaspoon
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon


In advance (2-3 hours before cooking), remove the butter for the dough and cream from the refrigerator so that it becomes very soft and creamy, or soften it in the microwave immediately before cooking.

Prepare two large aluminum baking sheets (size 21x32 cm, height 5 cm) (I have 1 of these and 2 small ones measuring 17.5x27.5 cm, height 4 cm each) or any other similar area you have in your available, and baking dishes “Nuts”.

Prepare the cream. To do this, heat the walnuts in a frying pan in the oven for 5-8 minutes or over an open fire (in this case, stirring constantly) for 3-5 minutes. Then cool the nuts, gently rub them with your hands to remove excess husks from them if possible, and grind them in a blender into fine or medium grains.

In a fairly large clean bowl (about 3 liters in volume), beat the softened butter until fluffy with a mixer using regular whisks, for 2-3 minutes. Then 1 tbsp. In a small heaped spoon (about 40-50 grams each), start adding boiled condensed milk, each time quickly but carefully mixing it into the butter at high speed with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is formed. Don't delay the process. The cream should ultimately turn out thick, with a relief pattern on the surface, firmly holding its shape.

Add nuts to the cream, mix gently with a spoon, then cover the container with the cream with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator until use.

Start preparing the dough. To do this, measure the amount of wheat flour and granulated sugar required according to the recipe for the dough into separate containers, adding salt to the latter.

Separate the eggs from the whites by hand or using a separator, placing the yolks in a large mixing bowl. Proteins are not needed in the recipe.

Beat the yolks with sugar and salt with a mixer with regular whisks until a fluffy whitish foam forms, then add softened butter to them, mix and add sour cream. Mix everything again until smooth and replace the whisks on the mixer with whisks for yeast dough.

Add 150 g to the mixture. wheat flour, sifting it through a sieve and slowly stirring with a mixer, then add baking soda, quenched with a small amount of lemon juice, and immediately mix everything again.

Pour another 150 grams into the dough (also through a sieve). flour, mix with a mixer, and then add the rest of the flour, mixing it with your hands until smooth. As a result, the dough should turn out to be loose, crumbly and easily leave your hands.

Place the third part of the dough on the table, press it with your hands into a thick rectangle, and then roll it out with a rolling pin (periodically trimming it with your hands) into a layer 4-5 mm thick. Cut out ovals from it using molds, place each oval inside the corresponding mold and, pressing well, press it with your fingers (so that the dough penetrates into all the grooves of the mold, and the finished cookies have a relief pattern on the surface). Do this carefully so that the thickness of the future “shells” is approximately the same everywhere, but do not delay the molding process, otherwise oil will begin to separate from the dough. Place the finished molds with the dough on the baking sheet (baking sheets) with the dough facing up, and collect the remaining pieces from a third of the dough on the table into a pile, again press them into a rectangle with your hands, roll them out with a rolling pin (as described above) and place them in the remaining free molds (if any). If all the forms are occupied or more forms do not fit on the baking sheet, leave the dough on the table or put it in a bowl with two-thirds of the dough set aside earlier (see the beginning of step 11 of the recipe).

Place the cookie blanks on a baking sheet in the freezer for 10 minutes (without covering them with anything). At this time, turn on the oven and heat it to 3.8 (about 190 ° C) or in accordance with the recommendations for baking shortcrust pastry according to the instructions for your oven. Then remove the baking sheet with the preparations from the freezer and immediately place it in the preheated oven. Bake at 3.8 (190°C) for about 20 minutes until the shells are lightly golden brown. About 10-15 minutes after the start of baking, you can turn the baking sheet in the oven to the other side so that the cookie blanks bake at the same time. Meanwhile, make the next batch of preparations as described above. If you notice that oil has separated from the remaining dough, stir it back in before shaping the next batch of cookies.

Remove the baking tray with the finished cookies from the oven, and in its place place a second one with new preparations (do not forget to cool them in the freezer before doing this) and bake as indicated in step 12.

Let the baked shell halves cool at room temperature for 10-15 minutes directly in the molds, then carefully remove them by tapping the edge of each mold on the table or carefully prying the shells with a knife. Place the shell halves on a flat plate or other flat surface, convex side up.

When all the halves of the nuts are baked and they have cooled completely, fill them with the previously prepared cream using a teaspoon (about ½ teaspoon of cream is needed for each “shell”). In pairs, combine the cream-filled “shells” into whole nuts, squeezing each one lightly to set (do this carefully so the cookies don’t crack). Remove any remaining cream from each nut with a spoon and then place it in a clean container. When all the nuts are ready, cover the container with them with plastic wrap and put them in the refrigerator until completely cooled (preferably at least 12 hours) so that the cream completely hardens and the “nuts” “grab” firmly.

From the specified amount of ingredients, I usually get about 50-60 “nuts”. P.S. 1. The recipe is, of course, very labor-intensive and time-consuming (it can take 2.5-3 hours to prepare and assemble, and if you make boiled condensed milk yourself, it will take even more time). But the pleasure is worth it! 2. For baking, you need special aluminum molds in the form of halves of nut shells (I have 3.5 × 4 cm and a depth of 1.8 cm and there are about 40 of them, so some have to be reused after baking the first portion of the blanks, having first cooled completely (wash they are not necessary), fortunately they cool down quickly). 3. To fill the “nuts,” I advise you to make boiled condensed milk yourself based on GOST whole condensed milk with sugar 8.5% fat. How - see the corresponding recipe in my cookbook on the website (you need to cook it for 2 hours after boiling). This should be done the evening before preparing the “nuts” and leave the jar at room temperature until consumed.

It is difficult to meet a person who would never enjoy grandma’s sweet cookies, shaped like a walnut. Today, its recipe is forgotten, since stores offer a huge selection of various desserts and sweets. We propose to restore injustice and remember how to cook those same nuts with condensed milk.

Classic recipe

  • 2 eggs,
  • 250 g butter,
  • 0.5 tbsp. Sahara,
  • 600 g flour,
  • 0.5 teaspoon soda
  • 0.5 teaspoon of table vinegar,
  • salt,
  • boiled condensed milk.
  • To make your own condensed milk, place the can in a saucepan, pour boiling water over it and cook for 3 hours. After this, everything needs to be cooled. It is recommended to do this in the evening so that everything is ready the next day;
  • Let's move on to the test. Melt the butter in a steam bath. To speed up the process, it is recommended to chop it first. Then add soda with vinegar and sugar to it, and then mix everything well so that there are no lumps;
  • Separately, beat the eggs until foamy and pour them into the mixture, continuing to knead. Add flour in portions so that the dough has no lumps and is homogeneous, but thick.
  • Lubricate the hazel cells with sunflower oil to prevent the cookies from sticking;
  • You need to take small pieces from the total mass of dough and make balls out of them, which should fill the cells by 2/3. After this, cover the top of the hazelnut and if the dough has come out over the edges, be sure to cut it off, as it will burn.
  • After everything is baked, put the halves of the nuts in a bowl and leave for a while. Fill the prepared “shells” with condensed milk and connect them together.

Dough recipe without eggs

Due to the absence of eggs, the nuts are harder and crunchier.

250 g margarine,

0.5 teaspoon of soda.

  • Melt the margarine over a double boiler;
  • Add granulated sugar, soda and sour cream. Mix everything well;
  • Add flour in portions and knead the dough;
  • Lubricate the hazel cells with oil and, dividing the dough into small pieces, bake the “shells”.

Nuts with condensed milk and mayonnaise

  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 0.5 cups mayonnaise
  • 3 tbsp. flour and
  • 1 teaspoon of soda,
  • 400 g condensed milk and
  • 100 g butter.
  1. For the dough, use a mixer to beat the eggs together with sugar;
  2. Add the butter, melted over a steam bath;
  3. We also send mayonnaise and slaked soda there. Mix everything well and add flour in portions to replace the dough, which should be soft, but not very hard;
  4. Before baking, brush the hazelnut with oil;
  5. If you are cooking cookies in a cast iron pan, you need to turn it over when the brown color appears;
  6. Thus, cook all the “shells” and leave them to cool;
  7. Fill the halves with condensed milk and seal.

Nuts with condensed milk in the oven

Not many people have a special hazel nut at home, but this does not mean that you need to give up preparing the delicacy. In the oven, the nuts will not turn out so perfect in shape, but their taste will also be excellent.

  1. Using a mixer, beat the egg with sugar;
  2. Add flour and baking powder in portions and knead the dough;
  3. We will bake in special molds that have an oval shape. They need to be greased with oil, lay out the dough and carefully distribute it with your fingers, pressing it tightly against the walls. There should be free space in the center;
  4. Cook in the oven at 180 degrees for 10 minutes;
  5. After the time has passed, remove the cookies, cool them, and remove them from the molds;
  6. Coat each part with condensed milk and connect them in pairs.

Nuts with custard

  • for the dough: 100 g butter, but you can also use margarine, 2 eggs, 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar and the same amount of sour cream, 0.5 teaspoons of soda, 0.5 tbsp. starch and 2 tbsp. flour;
  • for cream: 250 g of milk, 2 eggs, 100 g of sugar, 20 g of flour and 50 g of butter, as well as a bag of vanilla sugar and a pinch of vanillin.

We will prepare according to the following algorithm:

  • The first thing to do is beat the eggs with sugar until white foam forms. Send softened margarine and other ingredients there. Mix everything until an air mass forms;
  • Grease the mold with oil and cook the nuts in it according to the principles described above;
  • Now we move on to the cream, for which we combine eggs and sugar. Add flour and vanilla sugar there;
  • Dilute the finished mixture with cold milk and mix thoroughly so that the consistency is uniform;
  • Place everything over medium heat and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil;
  • After this, cool and, adding butter, prepare the cream. Stuff the “shells” with it and connect them together.

Filling options

You can fill the “shells” not only with condensed milk.

Good afternoon Who among us doesn't like sweets? Everyone probably has a couple of favorite desserts. The modern confectionery industry is replete with a variety of delicacies, but many people prefer traditional sweets familiar from childhood.

One of these is “Nuts” cookies with condensed milk, the old recipe for which many have already memorized. And although you can buy these cookies in almost any store, many people prefer to cook them themselves, using recipes that have been tested for more than one generation.

Recipe for cooking on a gas stove

Required ingredients for the dough:

  • Flour – 3 cups;
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • Butter – 250 g;
  • Sugar – ¾ cup;
  • Baking powder (1 tsp) or baking soda, slaked with vinegar;
  • Salt – a pinch.

For filling:

  1. Boiled condensed milk – 1-2 jars;
  2. Butter optional – 100 g.

When making cookies on gas, you need to use a special form, similar to a frying pan.

How to cook condensed milk for “Nuts” cookies

  • For the filling you need boiled condensed milk. It’s better to cook it yourself - it will be more similar to what was previously made according to GOST. To do this, take 1-2 tin cans of regular condensed milk, remove the labels from them, and leave them closed (!).
  • Place them in a saucepan and fill to the top with cold water. Then we put the pan on the fire, where we bring the water to a boil. You need to cook the condensed milk at low boiling water for 2-3 hours.
  • You need to constantly add warm or hot water - the jars must be completely covered with liquid.
  • After the time has passed, the jars are removed from the saucepan and cooled at room temperature.
  • The longer condensed milk is cooked, the thicker and darker it becomes. If it has become too viscous, you should add butter to it, previously softened and whipped with a mixer. You can also make the filling and even the dough with margarine.

Knead the dough

  • Before you start cooking, you need to remove the butter from the refrigerator and let it soften. If you don't have time, microwave until soft.
  • The softened butter must be beaten to a fluffy consistency. This can be done with a whisk, mixer or blender at low speeds.
  • Set the oil aside and take the eggs. You can separate the yolks from the whites and beat them separately, then the finished baked goods will be more crumbly.
  • But no one had done this before and the eggs were beaten without separation.
  • If you use soda slaked with vinegar, then it is added to the beaten eggs. After this, sugar or, even better, powdered sugar is added to them.
  • When the egg mass becomes homogeneous, it is carefully mixed with the whipped butter.
  • Lastly, add a little flour mixed with a pinch of salt. If ready-made baking powder is used instead of soda, then it is first mixed well with flour.
  • It is recommended to add flour sifted through a sieve - the finished product will be fluffier.
  • In the end, it is more convenient to knead the dough by hand, but you can use the same mixer at low speed.
  • The finished dough should be moderately stiff and not stick to your hands.
  • I recommend leaving the prepared dough in the refrigerator for about a quarter of an hour.

Direct baking

The frying pan is preheated on both sides. When you first lay it, you need to grease it with butter or vegetable oil.

There is no need to lubricate for subsequent refills. Some housewives don’t grease the molds at all and nothing sticks to them.

If difficulties arise, you can look at the photo, where you can see the entire cooking process step by step.

  • When the mold is warmed up, put the dough into it: pinch off a large piece, roll it into a ball, put it in the recess in the mold and knead it to form a hole inside.
  • The cavity must be filled so that there is no excess dough. Otherwise, you will have to remove a lot and then cut it off.
  • After filling all the recesses, close the pan tightly and put on fire.
  • Attention! Keep one side on fire for 1 to 5 minutes. As you can see, the period of time is quite impressive.
  • So you can periodically open it slightly and check the readiness of the dough. And, of course, you should never leave the stove.
  • The finished nut halves should be golden brown, not pale or dark. You can clearly see cooking with gas in the recipe with photos.
  • This is the method we use to use all the kneaded dough. When the finished halves have cooled, remove the uneven edges.
  • The leftovers should not be thrown away, because they can be crushed and added to the filling so that, as they say, the goodness does not go to waste.
  • When the halves have cooled and are cut, fill them with filling and combine to make full-fledged nuts.

"Nuts" from the oven

  1. If you don’t want or have the opportunity to make sweets on gas in a frying pan, you can cook it in the oven using the same method!
  2. You will only need molds that resemble the same halves of nuts.
  3. We do everything as in the recipe described above: put a piece of dough into each mold, smooth it tightly over its entire surface to make a hole in the center.
  4. Remove any excess that extends beyond the edges of the mold immediately.
  5. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Place the filled molds on a baking sheet and bake.
  6. The halves will be ready in about a quarter of an hour (they will acquire a golden color). They come out of the molds quite easily - just turn them over and the cookies will fall out on their own.

Another test option

There are many variations of the classic recipe for “Nuts”. One of these includes mayonnaise and starch. Many people with a sweet tooth prefer cookies based on this recipe.

What we need:

  • Eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Butter – 100 g;
  • Mayonnaise – 100 g;
  • Flour – 2 cups;
  • Sugar – 1/3 cup;
  • Starch – 1/3 cup;
  • Soda - a pinch;
  • Vinegar for slaking soda.

First, beat the eggs, then add sugar to them and bring until smooth. After this, oil and mayonnaise are added. Finally, pour in the baking soda slaked with vinegar.

Mix the flour with starch and only after that begin to add it to the egg-butter mixture. Before you get to work, you need to keep the dough in the refrigerator for up to an hour.

We carry out the remaining manipulations as indicated in the classic recipe above. You can also watch a YouTube video that shows the process step by step.

A few words about the filling

The gold standard is boiled condensed milk. But, as already mentioned, you can add softened whipped butter to it, as well as crushed remains, cut from the finished halves of nuts.

Any recipe is a huge springboard for creativity and imagination. Here you can also experiment at your own discretion, for example, adding real nuts, whole or chopped, to the filling. These can be lightly roasted walnut kernels, hazelnuts, almonds and others.

Try old recipes, experiment and share your favorites on social networks!

Cookies “Nuts” with condensed milk are one of the most pleasant childhood memories. The mold with “nut shells” passed from hand to hand. Even now, after so many years, it is carefully stored and, unfortunately, only taken out of the cabinet on holidays. It’s easier to buy cookies in the store, because the choice is huge, and there are “nuts” too.

And yet, your own, homemade, cannot be compared with store-bought. It tastes much better, especially with real condensed milk. Exactly this - I do not recommend using ready-made boiled condensed milk and recommend preparing your own for the nut recipe. It’s better to spend an extra 2 hours, but cook it from whole condensed milk with sugar.


  • Wheat flour 3 cups (480 g)
  • Granulated sugar 0.5 cups
  • Oil250 g
  • Chicken eggs 2 pcs.
  • Sweetened condensed milk 1 can (480 g)
  • Vanilla sugar 1 sachet
  • Baking soda 1 pinch
  • Vinegar 0.5 teaspoon
  • Salt 1 pinch

How to cook nuts with condensed milk

  1. Prepare all the necessary ingredients: flour, butter, condensed milk, sugar, egg, vinegar, soda and salt, vanilla sugar.

  2. Without opening, place a can of condensed milk in a saucepan, add water so that it covers the can by 2-3 cm, and cook for 2 hours.

  3. At the end of cooking, lower the jar into a pan of cold water and cool. You should get a dense mass of light brown color.

  4. Separate the whites from the yolks. Add a pinch of salt to the whites and beat them into a stiff foam.

  5. Combine butter softened at room temperature with sugar.

  6. Grind the mass well.

  7. Add stirred yolks.

  8. Stir the mixture until smooth.

  9. Add the whipped whites and mix.

  10. Add baking soda, quenched with vinegar, vanilla sugar and sifted flour.

  11. Knead the dough.

  12. To bake cookies, you need to take a special “Nuts” mold and grease the bulges and indentations with vegetable or butter.

  13. Heat the mold on a gas burner, and then place a ball of dough with a diameter of 1–1.2 cm (no more!) into the recesses.

  14. Close the mold, press down and bake on the stove, turning from one side to the other, until the “shells” are browned.

  15. Cool the “shells”.

  16. Using a teaspoon, fill the halves of the “shells” of future “nuts” with boiled condensed milk and glue them together in pairs.

  17. Serve “Nuts” cookies with condensed milk for tea, coffee or other drinks.