DIY Easter cake decoration. How and what to decorate Easter cake beautifully with? Unusual DIY decoration ideas

Every person knows about the Easter holiday - the largest in the Orthodox world. For this day, all families prepare holiday cakes and paint eggs. And, if the dough recipe used is approximately the same, then there are many options for decorating Easter cakes. Some are classic, others are original.

Decoration with powdered sugar

This method is common and does not require much time. To complete this option, you only need powdered sugar, which is evenly applied to the top of the holiday baking. This way you save both time and money.

To make the Easter cake original, it is also sprinkled with special sprinkles. These decorations are sold in different shapes and sizes. It is also possible to get an interesting pattern using a stencil or napkin. To complete this, you need to attach the selected stencil to the top of the Easter cake and sprinkle powdered sugar on top. The result will be an interesting and neat pattern.

Decorating Easter cake with protein glaze - recipe

This option is equal to the classic one, because it is popular and used by most housewives. This type of decoration is easy to perform, and the result will definitely please you.

  1. Separate egg whites from yolks.
  2. Place the whites in the refrigerator for a short time to cool.
  3. After removing the whites from the refrigerator, beat them together with lemon juice.
  4. Add sugar to the resulting mass and beat further. You should get a thick consistency.
  5. In the end, all that remains is to generously water the tops of the cakes.

The drips on the sides will look interesting. To give the product more color, use special sprinkles. Which will look harmonious on the white top.

Painting Easter cakes with protein glaze

This idea is interesting and original.

  • protein glaze prepared according to the recipe above;
  • food colorings.
  1. First prepare the white glaze.
  2. Decide what drawings will be made (churches, flowers, Easter eggs, etc.).
  3. Distribute the glaze among containers and use dyes to make it different colors.
  4. To create a pattern, first the tops are covered with white, and then colored elements are drawn with a brush.

This option will appeal to those who love and know how to draw. However, everyone can draw simple elements.

Lenten glaze

This is one of the variations of Easter cake decoration for Easter. It is no more difficult to make than regular glaze, but there are no eggs among the ingredients, which is why it is considered lean.

  1. Pour the ingredients into a deep container.
  2. Using a fork or whisk, thoroughly mix the ingredients until smooth.
  3. Drizzle the resulting fudge icing over the cakes.

Fruit or berry glaze

For those who like to try new ideas and experiment, you can replace lemon juice with another fruit or berry juice. In this case, you will get an original glaze with an interesting color and taste.

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • fruit or berry juice – 6 tbsp. l.;
  • powdered sugar – 1 cup.
  1. First, place the ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Mix the ingredients until the mixture is homogeneous and without lumps.
  3. Pour the thickened glaze generously over the tops of the cakes.

Thanks to the use of powdered sugar, the fruit glaze is obtained in delicate shades.

Chocolate glaze

Who doesn't love chocolate? There are probably practically no such people. Therefore, one of the options for decorating Easter cakes would be to prepare chocolate glaze.

To do this you will need the following components:

  1. First, let the butter melt.
  2. Then add the rest of the ingredients to it, mix and put on low heat. Stir the mixture constantly to prevent it from burning. Bring the consistency until thick, then remove from heat.
  3. Pour over the slightly cooled cake mixture.
  4. For beauty, you can sprinkle special sprinkles, nuts, marmalade, dragee candies, etc. on top.

Decorating with mastic

Among modern housewives there will certainly be lovers of mastic. With its help you can turn any baked product into a real work of art. Mastic is a great way to decorate Easter baked goods with your own hands.

For preparation you will need:

  • marshmallows – 200-250 g;
  • food coloring;
  • water – 1/4 cup;
  • powdered sugar – 400 g.

The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  1. Place marshmallows in a container and place in a water bath. When the chewy marshmallows begin to expand and stick when touched, add powdered sugar little by little and stir constantly.
  2. To make the mastic figures colorful, add a little water and dye.
  3. Sculpt figures yourself or using molds.

There are other options for making mastic, for example, using simple marshmallows.

In this case, the following ingredients are needed:

  • powdered sugar – 400 g;
  • marshmallows – 200 g;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l.
  1. Place marshmallows in a bowl and add lemon juice to it. Place in a water bath and wait until the marshmallows melt, stir.
  2. Add butter to the contents of the bowl and mix with marshmallow mixture.
  3. Add powdered sugar little by little, stirring constantly.
  4. The resulting mass should be soft and not stick to your hands. When it is ready, you can start sculpting the figures.

Decorating with edible elements

Classically designed holiday items can be complemented with various elements. There are quite a lot of them. Here are the main ones:

  • Special sprinkles: multi-colored balls, sticks, flowers, stars, etc.
  • Jelly fruits or balls look original and sophisticated, and can also be combined with other decorative elements.
  • Pieces of fruit will be appropriate both on the top of the product and in the dough.
  • Marmalade and candied fruits will be an original and tasty addition to holiday baking.
  • Sugar pencil. With the help of such a device, real masterpieces are created in baking. Candy stores sell different colors, so it becomes possible to create an interesting Easter-themed design.
  • Sugar pearls. This edible decoration will look original in combination with other decorative elements, such as mastic.
  • Waffle figures are also an interesting way to decorate. Wafer flowers will look bright on the white top of holiday baking.

When preparing for Easter, use your imagination when choosing a way to decorate the main attribute - Easter cake. The following recipes will help you decide. It's up to you to decide which one to choose: classic or more complicated. Everyone will be able to choose a suitable recipe that suits their tastes, mood and budget.

I greet you today and will be happy to continue developing the Easter theme. Moreover, there are so many interesting topics in it. They begin to prepare for this bright holiday in advance, create,. And the day before the holiday, the baking of Easter cakes and the creation of Easter eggs begins. And every housewife is in search of that very recipe that is tastier than the rest.

Of course, delicious and aromatic pastries are already half the success, but for the holiday you also want to decorate them. And the puzzle begins - how and what to spread it on and sprinkle the top of the cake. And everything is very simple, read below, I will tell you about very affordable and beautiful options. We simply forget about some of them, although they are very suitable for holiday decoration.

Whipped egg white cream is one of the most traditional and widely used options for decorating the top of an Easter cake. It is quite simple to make, and experienced housewives have already found the nuances that will make the cream ideal. You can use not only protein, but also others. But this is exactly what they did in my childhood. Mom beat the whites, decorated the baked goods, and gave us the leftovers from the sides of the ladle. We licked these spoons until they shined!

But not everyone can make this simple cream, so I’ll give you the basic rules for whipping egg whites.

  1. Clean and completely dry dishes.
  2. The eggs must be cold.
  3. If the cream is not applied immediately after cooking, it will settle.


  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice

It is very easy to prepare. Eggs are separated into whites and yolks.

Place the bowl in which you place the whites in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes, it should be cold, only then start cooking.

Beat only the whites for 20 seconds, then add the powder a teaspoon at a time. Beat the sugar mixture for 2 minutes.
Then pour in 1 tsp. lemon juice and now beat the cream until it forms good peaks. This will take another 6 to 11 minutes.

Before decorating, let the baked goods cool, otherwise any cream, at least, will begin to flow down the sides.

All the fluffy protein mass needs to be used; the next day it will no longer be so airy, because it will simply settle and dry out.

You can use absolutely any cream; for example, butter cream makes beautiful flowers.

This type of Easter should be kept in the refrigerator, and the butter can be replaced with, which also holds its shape well, but is not as fatty and high-calorie as butter.

Chocolate decor at home

Chocolate decoration is also always in use. It looks very nice in contrast with powdered sugar or white chocolate. You can also make chocolate letters or lines using white glossy icing!

Most often, they simply take a bar of milk chocolate, break it and melt it in a water bath. And then, when all the pieces have completely melted, the design process begins. You can simply cover the top of the baked goods instead of frosting, or you can think about the design.

For example, I really like the idea of ​​dark, sweet letters on white egg white cream.

Or I’d also like to give you a delicious idea for a basket using a stencil and chocolate mixture.

To do this, prepare a stencil. To do this, you can use tracing paper or parchment paper. We measure our little bean around the circumference and cut out a strip of the same length, 4 centimeters wide.

Now comes the hard part. Pour the chocolate into the bag, tie the edge well and cut off the cellophane tip at the corner. We begin to draw chocolate paths according to the template. This must be done quickly so that the mixture does not cool down.

To ensure that the strip comes off well, you can first grease it a little with oil and then apply the chocolate.

Making the icing for the cake

The protein cream begins to crumble when you cut the bean. And a lot of this crumb is then thrown away. Today I want to give you a recipe for white icing, too, but without using eggs and it doesn’t crumble at all. The whole secret is in the absence of protein and the addition of gelatin.

  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 tsp gelatin
  • 6 tbsp. water
  • Lemon juice

Pour gelatin into 2 tbsp. water and leave to swell.

Then pour sugar into a container and fill it with 4 tablespoons of water. And until the sugar dissolves.

Remove the hot mass from the heat.

Add the swollen gelatin and mix.

Then beat with a mixer at maximum speed for 4-5 minutes until the mass turns white.

Now squeeze a couple of drops of lemon juice into this mixture; you can replace it with orange or grapefruit or dye.

Now beat for another thirty seconds and you're done.

It easily lies on the surface and is squeezed out of a pastry syringe.

You can also add any dyes to this glaze.

This must be done at the stage of adding gelatin. Then the paint will mix well with the whole mass.

Ideas for decorating treats using a stencil

I started my journey in baking design with this method. And I still consider it the simplest and favorite.

This decoration option consists of placing a stencil on the surface of the baked goods, onto which a mass contrasting with the coating is laid out.

It turns out very beautifully when large lace is laid out on top of the chocolate and powdered sugar is sprinkled on top. You can do the opposite and pour cocoa or colored sugar onto a white glossy surface.

I cut out my stencils using a stationery knife from paper and tea packets. But, if you have a large drawing, then it is better to choose a landscape sheet. It is easier to apply it to an uneven, for example, rounded surface than a cardboard blank.

I also provide a couple of templates that are suitable for the Holy Day.

For example, the letters that are always used on this day.

A hare in an egg is a very symbolic picture. And it will be very appropriate for a wide Easter cake.

They do not contain many parts and are easy to cut out.

How to decorate the top of a cake without protein?

Many people are afraid to use raw eggs for food. I recently also started to fall into this category of people, so let’s figure out what other design might be suitable.

My dears, for those with a sweet tooth, condensed milk would be an excellent option. Regular gostovskaya needs to be applied in a thin layer, but boiled one can be thicker, it is not as liquid as regular one. Or use the icing sugar that I wrote about above or melted chocolate.

Okay, we've prepared the base, now we want to add some bright colors! And we run to the store for dried fruits, candied fruits, nuts and MMDs.

Yes, my dear various kernels in bright icing, gummies and small cookies - that's all we need.

For those who value naturalness and healthfulness, it is better to take candied papaya, mango and pineapple.

You can add nuts or dried fruits to them, such as dates, figs or prunes and raisins.

But more often, dried fruits go into the dough itself rather than for external decoration.

Making decor with marshmallow mastic

Mastic makes beautiful flowers, figures and patterns. But making real mastic or marzipan at home is not so easy. I'll show you how you can knead such a delicious dough for marshmallow decoration with your own hands; in the store it's called marshmallow.

Watch the detailed video, where the wonderful hostess shows and explains everything very clearly.

I think that the process of creating such a colorful decoration will greatly inspire you!

Look at what exactly decorations are made from mastic: flowers, ornaments. And I like the idea of ​​cutting out one element.

It turns out very harmonious and without unnecessary details.

Simple ideas with coconut flakes and sprinkles

In our childhood, my mother and grandmothers used only store-bought confectionery sprinkles or colored sugar. Now, in addition to the fact that the sprinkles come in different shapes, you can also choose them by color. If you want, take a multi-colored one, or if you want it in one tone.

Often it is simply sprinkled over the top of the baked goods, trying to do it very evenly.

But we always drew with it the two main letters of the XV holiday, which mean “Christ is Risen.”

Of course, you can’t write a full transcript on an Easter cake, but you can definitely write an abbreviated one. Now, if we have a chocolate cake, we make the letters with coconut shavings so that they are clearly visible.

How to decorate Easter cake with dough?

You can decorate the dough not only on the top of the Easter cake, but also on the sides. Especially if they turned out not very smooth.

For the top you can make roses and leaves. For example, let’s roll out regular dough, maybe not yeast dough.

Using a glass, cut out 5 circles from it. We put them in one line so that the edge of the next one is on the previous one and roll them into a roll.

We cut it in half and finish decorating the flowers.

To prevent the roses from flying off during baking, we place them on toothpicks. And put the baked goods in the oven until fully cooked.

But you can also make an unusual Easter border. To do this, we also roll out a layer from ordinary dough, take long lace, put it on the layer and begin rolling out the fabric with a rolling pin.

This way she will transfer her pattern to the test.

Now we will remove the lace and cut out the pattern along the edges.

Let's transfer our beautiful preparation to a baking sheet and dry it a little in the oven, about five minutes at 180 degrees. This is necessary for the dough to begin to hold its shape.

Then we take it out of the oven and wrap the cake. We also hold the edges with toothpicks.

Now you need to bake this design for 20 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees.

Berry decoration with strawberries

And the berry design is also very modern. For example, use strawberries. Of course, we will not take out frozen products, because they will melt, release a lot of liquid and juice and thereby spoil the appearance of the baked goods. So let's take fresh strawberries. Moreover, it is now sold at any time of the year in hypermarkets.

To add sweetness, the berries can be dipped in chocolate.

Combined with strawberries, the cookies look very natural. Its bright color immediately inspires and reminds of summer and warmth.

My dear! I have already found several options for myself that I will implement this Easter. How do you decorate Easter cakes? Your ideas and wishes are very interesting!

Every housewife knows that learning to bake delicious Easter cakes is not at all easy. There are many nuances that affect not only the taste and color of the finished Easter cake, but also its height, aroma, fluffiness, etc. It is especially important to beautifully decorate the Easter cake for Easter, so that not only the taste, but the appearance of this traditional pastry pleases. As a rule, Easter cakes are decorated with protein glaze and confectionery powder. This option cannot be called original and often the Easter cakes of different housewives, decorated in this way, look alike like twins. Therefore, if you want your baked goods to be not only tasty, but also beautiful and original, then we strongly recommend that you take a closer look at the ideas and master classes with photos from our article today. From it you will learn how to decorate an Easter cake with your own hands in an original way, for example, with mastic or chocolate mesh. You will also find simple and interesting ideas with photos and videos for decorating Easter cakes at home.

How to decorate Easter cakes with your own hands with powdered sugar and icing, master class with photos step by step

Let's start with a simple but effective decor option for Easter baking. To decorate Easter cakes in an unusual way with your own hands using this method, you will need chocolate icing and powdered sugar. Learn more about how to decorate an Easter cake with your own hands using powdered sugar and icing in the next master class with photos.

Necessary ingredients to decorate Easter cake with powder and icing

  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • water - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l. with a slide
  • powdered sugar for decoration
  • large lace

Instructions on how to decorate Easter cake with your own hands using icing and powder

How to decorate Easter cake with chocolate and egg white icing, master class with photos

You can decorate Easter cake in a rather original and beautiful way using traditional protein icing in tandem with chocolate. All you need for this is patience and a little skill. Learn how to decorate an Easter cake with chocolate and egg white icing in an original way from the following master class with photos.

Necessary ingredients for decorating Easter cake with chocolate and egg white icing

  • whites - 3 pcs.
  • powdered sugar - 250 gr.
  • citric acid on the tip of a knife
  • chocolate - 100 gr.
  • parchment paper

Instructions on how to decorate Easter cake with egg white icing and chocolate

Master class on how to beautifully decorate Easter cake with your own hands with chocolate and nuts

You can decorate Easter cake in an original and beautiful way with your own hands using chocolate and nuts, as in the version from the next master class. In this case, walnuts will be used in tandem with dark chocolate. But both milk and white chocolate, as well as peanuts, cashews, almonds or mixed nuts, are suitable for decorating Easter cakes. Step-by-step photos and a master class on how to beautifully decorate an Easter cake with your own hands with chocolate and nuts.

Necessary ingredients for decorating Easter cake with chocolate and nuts

  • nuts - 70 gr.
  • chocolate - 100 gr.
  • cream - 40 ml.

Instructions on how to beautifully decorate Easter cake with chocolate and nuts

How to decorate Easter cakes with mastic with your own hands, step-by-step master class with photos

Mastic cannot be called a traditional material for decorating Easter cakes with your own hands. Many housewives are afraid to use it to decorate Easter baked goods, worrying that mastic may distort the traditional appearance of the Easter cake. But in fact, with the help of mastic you can give the Easter cake not only an original appearance, but also emphasize the beauty of this Easter cake. Learn more about how to decorate Easter cakes with mastic with your own hands in a step-by-step master class with photos below.

Necessary materials to decorate Easter cakes with mastic with your own hands

  • white and yellow mastic
  • sharp knife or scalpel
  • food markers
  • toothpicks

Instructions on how to decorate Easter cakes with your own hands with mastic

Ideas on how to decorate Easter cakes in an original and beautiful way with photos

If you want even more ideas on how to decorate Easter cakes in an original and beautiful way, we recommend taking a closer look at the following selection of photographs. In it we tried to collect quite simple in execution, but at the same time unusual, admirable decor options. For example, if you like to add nuts or candied fruits when baking Easter cake, then you can safely use them for decoration. Just chop any nuts, dried fruits or candied fruits finely with a knife and sprinkle them on the glazed top of the cake. It is also quite easy to decorate the surface of the cake using colored protein cream and various pastry accessories. Another fairly simple method is dough decorations, which give the Easter cake a certain resemblance to the traditional Russian loaf. Such simple ideas as how to decorate Easter cakes in an original and beautiful way do not require complex instructions and can be easily reproduced at home.

Options for how to beautifully and unusually decorate an Easter cake with your own hands

Especially for those housewives who want not only to decorate Easter cakes in an original way, but also to make them unique in their own way, we suggest not limiting yourself to edible decor. For example, using corrugated colored paper you can make very unusual sides for Easter cakes. Fresh flowers will also be an excellent, albeit short-lived, decoration. You can also achieve original decor for Easter baked goods using regular sugar. To do this, you just need to color the sugar using food coloring. This colored sugar looks very cute both on top of egg white glaze and on chocolate fudge. You can also decorate the cakes with other sweets, such as small meringues, pieces of meringue, chocolate drops or macarons.

How to decorate Easter cakes with your own hands at home, video

You will find even more ideas on how to decorate Easter cakes at home with your own hands in the video below. We are sure that among the variety of options presented in it, you will definitely find one that you like. And don’t forget that the ideas presented can always be supplemented or changed at your discretion. See options on how to decorate Easter cakes in an original way with your own hands at home in the video below.

Now you know how to decorate Easter cakes with your own hands so that your baked goods are the most beautiful and original for the holiday. We hope that our master classes with photo and video ideas for decorating Easter cakes will definitely find application in your kitchen this spring. And remember that no mastic, meringue or even chocolate glaze will make a holiday cake special if you don’t put a piece of your soul and love for your neighbors into its preparation!


Easter is a bright and, perhaps, the most long-awaited holiday of the year for every Christian. The main decoration of the Easter table is Easter cake, colored eggs and Easter cottage cheese.

Kulich is a tall, rich bread that symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Easter cake - its symbolism and meaning

For the main Christian holiday, according to tradition, leavened bread is baked - artos, on which a cross and a crown of thorns are depicted, which symbolize the sacrifice of Christ.

On the first day of Easter, artos is carried around the church. Then it is left on the lectern, where it remains for a week. On Holy Week it is cut and distributed to all church parishioners. Artos symbolizes the bread of life. Receiving artos is comparable to receiving communion.

Kulich is an analogue of homemade artos. On Maundy Thursday they make yeast dough, bake it on Friday, and then consecrate it in the temple. Kulich is a kind of personification of the bread that Christ shared with his disciples during the Last Supper.

This tradition is so great that even during the war, when people had nothing, black bread was brought for consecration on Easter.

In the Christian tradition, there are many varieties of Easter baked goods. But only Russian Kulich is a unique product. It is light in structure and easily digestible.

A real Easter cake has a cylindrical shape. Dried fruits or candied fruits are added to the dough, and the top of the baked goods is decorated with icing, on which the letters XB are laid out, which symbolize Christ's Resurrection.

According to tradition, part of the Easter cakes was donated to the poor. To do this, small Easter cakes are baked and donated to orphanages, hospitals and places of detention.

It is worth noting that it is very important to cut the cake correctly. Many people cut it into longitudinal slices, but this is only permissible if the whole thing is eaten. Basically, the top is cut off and the cake is cut into vertical slices. Moreover, the top is eaten last, as it protects the crumb from chapping.

An important stage in preparing Easter cakes is decoration. This will make your baked goods unique.

The best ideas for decorating Easter cakes

1. Powdered sugar. Our grandmothers also used this method. Due to its simplicity, it is still popular today. Just take the powder and sift it through a strainer directly onto the cake.

2. Egg whites whipped with sugar. This method also comes from the past. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat them, gradually adding sugar until a thick, dense foam is obtained. It is used to cover the surface of the Easter cakes. The yolks can be used to prepare Easter cake dough.

3. Glaze with decorative powder. Preparing the glaze is simple: take powdered sugar, mix it with starch and citric acid. Beat the egg whites into a stable foam, gradually adding a dry mixture of powder and starch into them. The surface of the baked goods is covered with glaze and decorated with decorative powder. The sprinkles won't stick if the icing dries out.

4. Candied fruits, beads and figures made of sugar. Today you can buy sugar beads in silver and golden colors. They look absolutely gorgeous on a white background. If you have children, pay attention to sugar figures of flowers or animals. Use figures that are not too large. They look best on Easter cakes.

5. Sugar pencils. This invention allows you to create a real masterpiece on the surface of baked goods. In addition, decorating with pencils will be interesting for children, which will allow the whole family to spend time with interest and benefit.

6. Marshmallow mastic. To prepare, take 250 g of regular white marshmallows. Pour 50 ml of lemon juice over it and place in the microwave for 25 seconds. It will become soft and begin to melt. Place 30 g of butter into the resulting mass and begin to knead, gradually adding powdered sugar until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. You can add a little sour cream to make the mass elastic. Then the finished product is packaged in a bag and sent to the refrigerator for an hour. If necessary, it can be colored with food coloring or vegetable or berry juice. You can sculpt a variety of figures from mastic.

7. Letters ХВ. They are applied with sugar pencils or made from Easter cake dough. To do this, tear off a small piece of dough, roll it into a sausage of equal thickness and lay out the letters on the surface of the Easter cake, having previously greased it with yolk.

8. Chocolate glaze. Melt 1/3 of the white chocolate bar. Pour it in a thin layer onto foil and cool completely. Drizzle over the melted dark chocolate bar. Break the frozen layer of white chocolate into small pieces and sprinkle them over the layer of dark chocolate.

9. Lemon glaze. Combine lemon zest with 110 g of powdered sugar. Dissolve 30 g plums. butter and add a mixture of zest and powder to it. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon here and pour in the heated cream. Beat everything well. Pour the resulting mixture over the hot cakes and leave to cool for an hour.

10. Original composition for decoration “Chicks and eggs”. Grate 85g of cheddar using the finest grater. Add 55 g of plums to 120 g of sifted flour. butter and knead the dough. Add half of the grated cheese. Whisk the egg yolk, adding just a little water. Pour some of the yolk mixture into a bowl and place the rest in the refrigerator. Roll out the dough into a thin layer, sprinkle with flour and cut out the shapes of chickens and eggs with molds. Brush them with the yolk mixture, sprinkle with cheese and bake for 20 minutes in the oven at 180 C. Decorate the Easter cake with cooled figures.

11. DIY decorative powder. It is prepared from a base and food paint. The base can be semolina or white sugar powder. The base is painted. To do this, place it in paint diluted in water for several minutes. Then lay it out on paper and dry it. The resulting lumps are crushed to form a powder.

12. Decorating with dough. Not only letters are made from the dough, but also various figures, which are attached to the surface of the baked goods using whipped egg whites. The dough is used the same as for Easter cakes, or prepared according to a different recipe. The decor is also attached after baking. In this case, it is glued using sugar syrup.

13. Lemon chocolate fudge. Melt 65 g butter. Add squeezed juice from half a lemon and add 225 g of powdered sugar. We also send 75 g of cocoa here. Mix. You should get a viscous mass. Decorate the surface of the cake with it.

14. Multi-colored chocolate glaze. The basis for preparing glazes of different colors is white chocolate. However, do not use flashy colors; soft tones of green, yellow or pink are best. The top of the glaze can be sprinkled with finely chopped nuts or candied fruits, or confectionery powder.

Melt a bar of white chocolate. Cool until warm, add dye and stir. If you wish, you can add condensed milk or butter. You can use vegetable or berry juices as a dye. If the glaze is too thin, add starch to it.

15. Glaze “Toffee”. Add 220 g of toffee to a quarter glass of milk and place on low heat. Hold until the candies have completely melted. Gradually add 60 g of powdered sugar. Cook the glaze until smooth.

16. Decor made of chocolate and nuts. Melt 120 g of dark chocolate. Pour in 55 ml of cream and cook, stirring, until smooth. Cover the surface of the cooled baked goods with chocolate glaze and sprinkle with finely chopped nuts.

17. Coffee fudge. Brew 120 ml black coffee. Pour 320 g of sugar into it and keep it on low heat until it dissolves. Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl, beat and brush the icing onto the cakes.

18. Fruit fudge. Whisk ¾ tbsp. powdered sugar with protein until fluffy. Add a few tablespoons of berry juice until the color is uniform.

Serving - finishing touches

Now you know how to decorate Easter cake beautifully and unusually. It remains to add a few touches to make the presentation even more impressive:

Tie the finished cake with a satin, openwork or embroidered ribbon. Tie a fluffy bow. You can attach a live spring flower to the ribbon. Place ears of wheat and colored eggs on a plate nearby.

You can decorate the plate with a round knitted napkin or an embroidered towel.

Recently, various figurines have been used for decoration, ranging from flowers to figurines of fairy-tale characters. It is not recommended to decorate Easter with all kinds of elves and other fictional characters. It’s better if it’s spring flowers, letters or chicken figures.

The main thing is to decorate the cakes with love and in a good mood, and you will definitely end up with a real work of confectionery art.

For Easter, you can prepare Easter cakes with a variety of decoration options. You can make beautiful and unusual holiday baking even using the simplest products, such as powdered sugar or egg whites.


Easter is one of the largest and most revered Orthodox holidays, which everyone looks forward to with great impatience. This is where the bright and long-awaited spring begins, so people prepare especially carefully for Easter: they do general cleaning, decorate the house, paint Easter eggs, prepare a variety of dishes and bake Easter cakes.

Easter cake is undoubtedly the central decoration and element of the holiday table. Housewives begin preparing it on Thursday, since the process of obtaining the perfect Easter cake is quite lengthy and complex. It’s not enough to prepare the Easter cake; it still needs to be decorated. The traditional decoration of Easter cakes is protein icing and regular store-bought sprinkles. However, today there are a lot of original ideas for decorating the main Easter dish that you can experiment with and improve.

In this article we will look at photos of Easter cake decorations, and also talk about the most original ideas that can be used when decorating Easter cakes.

Features of decorating Easter cakes for Easter

Before Easter, store shelves display a huge number of different Easter cakes with all kinds of fillings and interesting decorations. But it’s much more interesting to bake Easter cakes at home and come up with original decorations with your own hands. Every family, every housewife has in its arsenal many techniques for decorating Easter cakes, which are repeated year after year and become a tradition. Today on the Internet you can find simply a huge number of ideas for coloring Easter baked goods using a variety of elements. The main thing is to have the desire to come up with something new and add a little imagination. As a result, you can get an original and very interesting Easter cake for the holiday table.

Features of decorating Easter cakes:

  • First of all, Easter cakes have a recognizable shape: tall and round cakes, the sizes of which can vary from small to large.
  • Easter cakes are decorated with the upper part, the so-called cap.
  • An important element in decorating the Easter cake is the presence of two letters “ХВ”, which means “Christ is Risen” and symbolizes the bright birth of a new life and embodies the whole essence of the holiday.
  • These letters can be baked from dough, drawn with egg white icing, fondant, or sugar markers.
  • Modern Easter cake decorations can be the most unusual and extraordinary. This is facilitated by a huge number of different tasty elements in confectionery departments and many master classes on the Internet.
  • You can make decorations for Easter cakes with your own hands, but, as an option, you can also purchase ready-made sprinkles, figures and felt-tip pens.
  • Decorating Easter cakes is the final stage in preparation for the big holiday. In this process, you can bring out all your creativity, making the original decoration of baked goods the hallmark of your holiday cakes.

Decorating Easter cakes with dough figures

The option of decorating Easter cakes from dough is perhaps the simplest and most convenient way to decorate holiday Easter cakes. They can be prepared at the same time as you are baking Easter cakes. Absolutely any dough that can hold its shape is suitable for making decor. Alternatively, you can leave some of the dough and make the decorations at the same time as the cakes.

Dough decorations can be very different: figures of leaves, flowers, chickens, Easter eggs. You can cut them out using regular cookie cutters or using improvised materials. You can easily make beautiful braids from the strips and place them along the edge of the cake.

Such decorations can be made in two ways. The most popular is preparing decorations and placing them on a raw Easter cake. Before placing these cakes in the oven, brush the cake along with the decoration with beaten egg. Regarding the second option, decorations can be baked after preparing the cake. In this case, the dough can be tinted with dyes. Such decorations are glued onto the finished Easter cake using whipped egg white. Additionally, these cakes can be poured with sugar syrup for shine and some nuts and dried fruits can be added, as well as various toppings.

Decorating Easter cakes with powdered sugar

You can decorate Easter cakes very simply and quickly using regular powdered sugar. A pattern made from powdered sugar will look very original on the golden brown crust of the Easter cake. In this case, you can use various napkins and other lace. Just attach the lace to the Easter cake and sprinkle powder on top, then remove it - you will get a beautiful and neat pattern.

Advantages of this method:

  • Economical. Powdered sugar is a fairly cheap product that can be purchased at any store.
  • Rapidity. With the help of powdered sugar, decorations are made very quickly and will not require much of your time.
  • Powdered sugar can be combined with cocoa or grated chocolate to form interesting patterns. On the one hand, the simplicity of decoration, and on the other hand, grace and tenderness will make your Easter cakes unique.
  • To make interesting patterns from powdered sugar, you can use purchased or homemade stencils depicting a church, Easter eggs, a rabbit and other attributes of this holiday. Such stencils can be cut from plain paper or cardboard.

Decorating Easter cakes with protein glaze

Protein glaze is the most traditional and popular way to decorate Easter cakes with your own hands. Easter baked goods look very beautiful with a voluminous protein cap, especially if small streams flow down the sides of the cake.

  • To prepare the white glaze, you need to take two eggs and separate the whites from the yolks.
  • In order for the whites to beat well, you can keep them in the refrigerator for some time.
  • After this, beat the whites with a little lemon juice or a pinch of salt until peaks form.
  • Next, add half a cup of sugar or powdered sugar and continue whisking until the mixture thickens.
  • After this, immediately cover the cakes you have prepared with a thick protein cap.
  • In addition to icing, you can use a variety of confectionery toppings in this version, which are sold in any store, especially on the eve of the holiday. You need to sprinkle it immediately and then let the decoration harden. This takes approximately 15-20 minutes. In addition to sprinkles, you can use marmalade, nuts or fruits.

Advantages of glaze decoration:

  • Ease of execution. Beating egg whites and sugar is quite simple; even an inexperienced cook can handle it. For whipping, you can use either a mixer or a regular whisk.
  • Economical. To decorate Easter cakes this way you don’t need a lot of products.
  • You can use various dyes to create brighter and more unusual jewelry. In addition to food colors, there are natural ones, for example, beet juice or red grapes. Using glaze of different colors you can create the most incredible and interesting designs.

Easter cake decoration with protein painting

A very original idea for decorating Easter cakes using egg white painting. Using protein glaze of different colors, you can create beautiful Easter-themed designs on Easter cakes: churches, flowers, flowering trees, Easter eggs and others.

To create a protein painting you need to do the following:

  • Make a white glaze to cover the cakes.
  • Next, while the glaze has not cooled, you need to make a painting.
  • To do this, colored glaze is created using food coloring.
  • Place small drops onto the white cap and form a pattern using a brush or toothpick. This is how simple patterns, various leaves or petals are formed.
  • More complex patterns require a brush and a lot of experience.

Easter cake decoration with chocolate glaze

Chocolate decoration is a win-win option. For this you can use dark chocolate, milk or white.

  • To begin, melt a few chocolate bars in a water bath, while constantly stirring the heated chocolate mass.
  • You can add a little cream to the chocolate to regulate its thickness.
  • If you are using white chocolate, you can add a variety of food colors to it. If there are none, you can replace them with turmeric, beet juice or other natural dyes.
  • After preparing the chocolate icing, it is immediately applied to the cakes.
  • Additionally, you can use various sprinkles, marmalade, mastic or dragee candies for decoration.
  • To make the decoration more original, you can use two types of chocolate. On the white side you can make patterns with dark chocolate using a pastry bag. Make white patterns in the same way.
  • Chocolate glaze can be made from cocoa, which will be much cheaper. For this glaze, in a small bowl, mix 5 tbsp. cocoa with 0.5 cups of sugar. Carefully pour in 6 tbsp. milk, stirring the mixture constantly so that no lumps form. Then place this mixture on low heat. Stir while heating to prevent the mixture from burning. When the milk boils, add half a stick of butter, about 100 grams. Mix everything thoroughly, at the end you can add 12 tbsp. flour to obtain a thicker consistency.

Various sprinkles for decorating Easter cakes

A couple of weeks before Easter, a huge number of products appear on sale that are necessary for preparing holiday dishes, including baking Easter cakes. The most popular are confectionery sprinkles, sugar beads, jelly balls, marmalade figures and other decorative elements for Easter cakes. You can buy decorations for Easter cakes in almost any store. Most often, sprinkles are used together with egg white icing or fondant. First, protein glaze is applied to the cake, you need to wait a couple of minutes, and then sprinkle your baked goods with multi-colored sprinkles.

Such decorative elements can be very different:

  • Sprinkles in the form of plain or multi-colored balls.
  • Striped sprinkles.
  • Figured sprinkles in the form of stars, circles, squares, flowers, hearts. They can also be plain or colored.
  • Sugar beads that resemble pearls are very popular. They look original in combination with sugar figures or with mastic as a decoration for Easter cakes.
  • Jelly balls. They can also be used to decorate Easter cakes. They can have a variety of sizes and colors.
  • Marmalade figures. Such Easter-themed decorative elements include figurines of chickens, Easter eggs, rabbits, and the letters “XB”.
  • All of the above sprinkles can be combined and create interesting designs and patterns on Easter cakes. For example, using sprinkles of the same shape and different colors, you can draw stripes on an Easter cake or other shapes through a stencil.

Decorating Easter cakes with sugar pencils

If you want to make your Easter cakes real masterpieces, you can purchase sugar pencils. Such sets are sold in the confectionery departments of stores. They can be completely different colors. For example, sugar pencils from the manufacturer Dr. Oetker can be found on store shelves, 4 pieces per package: 1 package - white, green, red, yellow; 2 packs - milk, chocolate, white chocolate, dark chocolate, caramel.

Prepare your Easter cakes, cover them with protein glaze and you can start applying interesting and unusual designs that relate to the Easter theme. Using sugar pencils in several colors, you can draw pictures of a church, chickens, colorful Easter eggs, flowers, and blooming trees.

If you couldn’t find similar sugar sticks in the store, you can easily prepare such a mixture at home from simple ingredients. To do this, you need to prepare a lemon-sugar glaze. Squeeze 2-3 tbsp from one whole lemon. juice and beat thoroughly with 100 grams of powdered sugar. If desired, you can add food coloring to obtain a brighter pattern. Then place this sugar mixture in a pastry bag and begin decorating the Easter cakes.

Decorating Easter cakes with fruits, nuts, candied fruits or waffle figures

All Easter cakes can be easily and quickly decorated with various nuts or candied fruits. Sprinkle chopped nuts randomly onto the white-coated cake top and place a couple of caramelized cherries or orange slices. You can decorate Easter cakes very beautifully using waffle figures. They can be purchased in stores. Figures of bright waffle flowers on a snow-white background of protein glaze will look original.

Decorating Easter cakes with mastic

Modern Easter cake decorations include sugar mastic. This is a unique decor with the help of which ordinary baked goods are turned into a work of art. Most often, mastic is used to decorate cakes and cupcakes, however, Easter cakes with similar decorative elements look great.

There are several options for preparing mastic, some of them are quite easy to prepare at home, while others can be tried with a little experience.

  • Marshmallow sugar paste. Take a small package of chewing marshmallows or marshmallows and 400 grams of powdered sugar. First, lightly melt the marshmallows in the microwave for about 10-15 seconds. After this, add powdered sugar little by little and mix thoroughly. You can replace half the powdered sugar with starch and add a little lemon juice or acid. Let the mastic rest for a while. To get decorations of a wide variety of colors, add a couple of drops of water and food coloring to the pieces of mastic. Mix everything well to obtain a uniform color.
  • Gelatin mastic. First, soak the gelatin packet until it swells. Combine the swollen gelatin with powdered sugar and mix everything well. To get different colored mastic, add food coloring.
  • Mastic made from ordinary marshmallows. Take 200 grams of regular white marshmallows and combine it with 2 tbsp. lemon juice. Microwave for 15-20 seconds to soften the marshmallows. After this, add 1 tbsp. soft butter, mix everything well. Then start adding powdered sugar (approximately 350-400 grams) until the mass becomes plastic and soft. To obtain a more pliable mastic, you can add a little cream thickener to the resulting mass.

Original ideas for decorating Easter cakes

Option 1. Decorating Easter cake with berries

For this type of decoration, first coat the cake with egg white glaze. Then use chocolate glaze to draw triangles or other patterns on baking paper and place in the cold to harden. Place a couple of multi-colored cherries and a piece of chocolate on the center of the Easter cake top. You can add some colorful sprinkles and use a sugar pencil to draw two letters “XB”. This cake looks very fresh and unusual.

Option 2. Decorating the Easter cake with egg white glaze and mastic

Pour the egg white glaze over the Easter cakes and let them harden a little. Top with sprinkles of any shape or color. To decorate the Easter cake, prepare figures of Easter eggs from sugar mastic. For mastic, buy chewing marshmallows and mix it with powdered sugar. Divide into several pieces and add different food colors. Form Easter eggs from mastic and place them in the center of the Easter cake.

Option 3. Decorating meringue Easter cakes

To get such a delicate and elegant Easter cake, you will need to first prepare the meringue, which is the main element of this decor. Separate the two whites and pre-chill them in the refrigerator. Then beat them together with 100 grams of powdered sugar, add a little lemon juice. Whisk everything until it forms a strong foam. Line a baking tray with baking paper and pipe the meringue onto it using a pastry bag. Bake at 100 degrees for 1.5 hours. Let the meringue cool. Grease the Easter cake with egg white glaze and decorate it with meringue.

Master class on decorating Easter cakes - video

  • Several ideas for decorating Easter cake.
  • Easter cake with mastic flowers.

Easter is a very bright and joyful holiday, for which all families prepare long and carefully. The most important preparation for the holiday is baking and decorating Easter cakes. With the help of unusual and original decoration you can create real masterpieces.