Decorating a cake for children. How to decorate a cake at home - original ideas for decorating a cake with your own hands

What is a holiday without guests, gifts and cake? Boring! What a holiday is all about is having fun, socializing, dancing and pampering yourself with all sorts of goodies! If you know how to bake cakes and make delicious creams, that’s already half the success. Today we will look at options on how to decorate a cake at home.

How to decorate a cake at home?

How to decorate a cake at home using cream

First of all, you need to understand the question of which cream is ideal for decorating confectionery products. There are not many of them:

  • oil;
  • protein;
  • creamy.

The base of the butter cream is butter, with a fat content of at least 82%. You can also use condensed milk or powdered sugar to prepare the cream. As for the proportions, when preparing butter cream with condensed milk, it is necessary to take into account the consistency of the milk. Very often, experienced confectioners use boiled condensed milk; it is denser and ensures the stability of the cream. To give the decor the required shade, it is more advisable to use liquid food coloring.

In butter cream You can also add cocoa powder or chocolate melted in a water bath. This technology is ideal for decorating chocolate biscuits and cupcakes.

Protein cream is one of the capricious. Its preparation will require patience and endurance from you. To decorate cakes, custard protein cream is used, the preparation of which occurs in three stages:

  • Pour ¼ cup of clean water into the pan and add 6 tablespoons of sugar. Place on the fire and cook the syrup for 3-5 minutes after boiling (checking the readiness is quite easy - dip a spoon into the syrup and lift it so that the finished syrup flows down - if the thread is thick and continuous, your syrup is ready);
  • Place 3 cold egg whites in a clean, dry bowl and beat with a mixer until thick white foam (to obtain stable peaks, you can add 3-4 drops of lemon juice or a pinch of citric acid);
  • Continuing to beat, pour the prepared sugar syrup into the whites in a thin stream and beat the resulting mass for another 1-2 minutes. At this stage, you can add the necessary flavors and colorings to the cream.

The finished cream is also applied to the cake using a pastry syringe and nozzles. The capriciousness of the cream lies in the fact that overcooked or undercooked sugar syrup will cause the flowers and patterns of the cream to very quickly lose their shape. And overcooked syrup will add bitterness to the cream. To thicken the protein cream, you can use agar-agar (this is a natural product, safe for children and adults).

To prepare the buttercream you will need heavy confectionery cream (at least 32% fat) and powdered sugar. Cream is also a rather capricious ingredient. Before whipping, you need to cool not only them, but also the container in which you will beat the cream, as well as the mixer whisks. Taking time when whipping the cream also plays an important role; a common mistake made by novice cooks is over-whipping the cream. Cold cream is whipped with powdered sugar until stable peaks are obtained. If you doubt that the cream will not lose its shape within 12-24 hours, you can add a special thickener to it, which is sold in almost any supermarket. Buttercream can also be given any color, but the classic option for decorating cakes with cream is the white color of the cream.

How to decorate a cake at home using mastic

Today, confectionery products decorated with mastic figures are very popular. It is also worth clarifying here that there are two options preparing mastic:

  • sugar;
  • marshmallow.

The first option is more labor-intensive, but guarantees the stability and strength of your figures and flowers. By the way, almost every one of us has come across such figures and flowers - they are sold as decoration for Easter cakes. Sugar and marshmallow mastic are sold ready-made, but you can make them yourself.

To prepare sugar mastic you will need:

  • 80 ml water;
  • 7 g instant gelatin;
  • 15-20 g soft butter;
  • 2 tablespoons of glucose (fructose);
  • 1 kg of powdered sugar.

Gelatin must be prepared in advance. To do this, fill it with cold water and set aside for 30-40 minutes, then heat the mass until the gelatin is completely dissolved (but do not boil!). Add butter and glucose to hot gelatin, stir until smooth and cool. If you want to give the mastic any shade, then the dye must be added to the hot gelatin. Powdered sugar is added to the mass only after complete cooling. You need to knead the mastic like dough for dumplings (sprinkle the table with powdered sugar and knead the mixture until the mastic stops absorbing the powder).

To prepare marshmallow mastic You will need chewing marshmallows (marshmallows), powdered sugar, and a little butter. The marshmallows must be heated in the microwave or in a water bath until they increase in size by 1.5-2 times (a piece of butter must be added to the container with the marshmallows before heating). Stir the enlarged candies, add dyes and, adding powdered sugar, knead the mass to a consistency similar to plasticine. This mastic is used to cover cakes and create various figures.

You can decorate the cake with fresh or canned fruits, grated chocolate, and coconut.

Cake is an essential element of any celebration. Nowadays, serving a regular dessert is not relevant. A modern cake is sure to be decorated in the latest fashion.

  • A modern cake is not just cake layers smeared and soaked in cream. This is culinary art! Recently, the fashion for beautiful and delicious cakes has gained more and more momentum, and now, in order to surprise someone, you need to work hard on decorating homemade baked goods.
  • The good thing is that with the growing popularity of beautiful cakes, manufacturers began to produce more decorations for this dessert.
  • In large stores and supermarkets we have the opportunity to observe a great variety of edible figurines, beads, mastic, lace, jelly molds, sweets, powders, waffles and so on.
modern decorated cake

Nowadays, cakes are richly decorated with fresh fruits and berries. These are not only bright elements, but also a way to add freshness and juiciness to the dessert.

It is not uncommon to decorate a cake at home with all sorts of bright sweets, tablets, chocolates and jelly sweets to decorate and add originality.

In more complex versions, they use confectionery paste from which you can make any figure.

How to decorate a cake with marshmallows?

  • Marshmallow - This is a type of candy. With their taste and texture, they are more reminiscent of marshmallows or even marshmallows
  • But unlike marshmallows, they do not contain egg whites and contain gelatin, which gives the candy elasticity and density.
  • Marshmallows are often roasted over campfires on camping trips or added to cocoa for a sweet crema and vanilla-sweet flavor.
  • Inventive housewives have come up with a way to decorate a cake at home using this candy.
  • It turns out that marshmallows can make quite good mastic, from which it is easy to mold a flower, a number or any other flat figure

marshmallow candy

You can buy marshmallows in almost any store. And in order to prepare mastic, you need:

  • Pour a package of marshmallows (about 200 grams in a pack) into a glass bowl
  • add a tablespoon of milk and butter to the candies
  • melt the candies in a steam bath or in the microwave for a few minutes
  • cool the mixture and add a glass of powdered sugar and a glass of sifted starch into it, stir until smooth
  • crumple the finished mass into a “plasticine” ball
  • This material can be rolled out with a rolling pin, patterns can be cut out of it with figurines or scissors, and the cake can be decorated with them.

cake decorated with marshmallow fondant

Of course, you can not bother and come up with a simpler use for marshmallows, for example, create animal figures from it or simply put it beautifully on the top of the cake.

marshmallow cake toppers

Try and experiment with the most original jewelry. Marshmallows are a very inexpensive, and most importantly, spectacular way to decorate a birthday cake.

How to decorate a mmdems cake? Decoration ideas

There is probably no such person who does not know and does not like M&M’s chocolate tablets. It seems that they have always existed and even in childhood such sweetness made us incredibly happy. There are two types of M&M's:

  • with chocolate fudge
  • with peanuts inside

These are bright and colorful elements that can make any dessert festive and interesting. You can buy candies at any store, and decorating them at home won’t take much time.

decorating the cake with chocolate M&M's

This version of the cake is, of course, complex. It depicts a package of crumbling M&M's. The candies themselves appear in their own role and decorate one edge of the baked goods with a lush scattering.

chocolate cake with M&M's

This method of decoration is simpler, but it is also complemented by chocolate bars that surround the side of the cake in a circle. M&M's are located on the surface of the dessert and create a rainbow mood with their bright colors.

How to decorate the cake is up to you. But when using M&M's candies, you need to know about their coloring feature. Therefore, it is recommended to place the candies on thick, buttery chocolate cream, where the likelihood that the candy will melt and the colored glaze will flow is minimal.

How to decorate a cake with fondant at home?

  • Do not assume that mastic is such a complex confectionery decoration that everyone is unlikely to be able to do it.
  • Such decorative sweet material has become possible to purchase in any confectionery store and even on the market. The fashion for decorating cakes does not leave ordinary housewives aside, offering them the opportunity to learn the art of mastering “culinary clay”
  • Both adult and children's cakes are decorated with mastic. It is easy to sculpt funny cartoon figures and colorful beautiful flowers from it.

Before you start decorating, you must clearly fulfill all the conditions for baking the cake:

  • bake the cakes the same size, try to make even cuts on them
  • When soaking the cake in cream, distribute it evenly so that there are no slopes or humps
  • Use a spatula to level the cake on all sides and only then proceed with mastic.

confectionery mastic

Mastic is a fairly flexible and viscous material. But if you roll it too thin, it may tear.

After you have rolled out the fondant (it should be twice the size of the cake), cover your dessert with it. Carefully tuck the material under each side of the cake and only then cut off the excess pieces with a knife in a circle.

covering the cake with fondant

From the leftover material you can make any decoration: flowers, figurines, ribbons and bows. If you want to make a pattern, use a special pastry stamp that will leave an indented pattern around the entire perimeter of the cake.

cake decorated with pastry fondant

Try this decoration every time and in the end your work will gain high professionalism.

How to decorate a cake without mastic at home?

  • Decorating a cake at home without using pastry mastic is quite possible using fresh fruits and berries
  • Moreover, this method has already begun to displace the boring sweet sticky shell, opening the way to naturalness and usefulness.
  • Cakes with fruits and berries are becoming popular at special events: weddings, anniversaries and birthdays.

It is believed that such decor is very healthy and not so high in calories, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating is a trend of our time.

cake decorated with berries
  • Light protein and yogurt creams go perfectly with such natural decorations on the cake.
  • Be sure that such a dessert will not stagnate on the table for a long time and your loved ones will demand more
  • To make the decoration spectacular, use large fruits and berries (for example, strawberries) in a cut
  • This allows the structure of the fruit to open up and reveal its colorful colors. For a light glaze and sweetness, sprinkle the fruit with powdered sugar and chopped nuts, if desired.

holiday cakes decorated with fruits and berries at home

How to decorate a cake with whipped cream?

Whipped cream is the easiest, fastest and most budget-friendly way to decorate a cake at home. You can buy this cream in any store in the dairy department.

Of course, you can whip cream at home, but you can only get high-quality cream if you have special equipment or a blender.

cream cake

There is one important condition for decorating a cake with cream. The fact is that such cream has the property of “floating”, which means the finished dessert should be decorated right before serving and stored in a cool place. Whipped cream goes well with fresh fruits, berries, nuts and chocolate chips.

How to decorate a cake with chocolate icing at home?

Chocolate icing or chocolate gommage (as it is called in cooking) is a very popular cake decoration at home. It’s not difficult to prepare it at home from store-bought chocolate, butter and cocoa.

chocolate glaze

In order to prepare a high-quality dense glaze, you need to melt the chocolate in a steam bath with the addition of butter.

You can choose either dark or milk chocolate. In any case, the color will turn out dark. The butter is necessary to give the chocolate a nice, rich texture.

If you don't add butter to the chocolate, it will harden to the state you purchased it in.

cake covered with chocolate glaze

You can make the glaze without using a store-bought sweet bar at all. To do this, add cocoa to the melted butter to taste - the more, the stronger the bitterness and the darker the color.

How to decorate a two-tier cake?

  • A two-tier cake is a decoration for any event. Firstly, it is big and enough for a huge number of people, and secondly, it is beautiful and looks like that idea of ​​​​the ideal cake that has haunted us since childhood
  • A two-tier cake can have one flavor, for example vanilla, or two: vanilla and chocolate.
  • A two-tier cake is a huge platform for the creativity of every housewife. Using mastic, fruit and cream you can create incredible decorations and patterns that will delight everyone

Flowers made from mastic in combination with lace, mother-of-pearl beads and chocolate figures look incredibly impressive on such cakes.

festive two-tier cakes

Adhering to the idea of ​​​​a healthy diet, it is not a sin to decorate such a dessert with fresh berries and natural cream.

fruit cake decoration
  • When decorating your homemade cake yourself, stick to a certain style and combine colors harmoniously
  • Try making some basic chocolate figurines for decoration. To do this, you will need to melt natural chocolate without butter or other impurities in the microwave or in a steam bath.
  • Using a spoon, pour the chocolate in a thin stream onto the parchment paper. You can draw both individual figures and simple abstractions
  • Place the finished drawing in the refrigerator for half an hour. Separate the finished product from the paper and decorate the cake with it.
chocolate figurines

In the struggle for beautiful cake decoration, all methods are good. Experiment with all materials, use mint leaves, roasted beans, nut and chocolate chips, various sprinkles and confectionery beads.

Video: “Decorating a cake with chocolate ornaments”

Well, are you ready to imagine the boy's birthday? And immediately a picture familiar to many emerges - a company of a dozen tomboyish boys with an appetite eating all kinds of goodies and looking forward to wild and active fun. Can you imagine a birthday cake with flowers and butterflies for this birthday? Of course, this is difficult to imagine.

A boy's birthday, like a birthday cake, has its own characteristics.

In this article, the News Portal "site" has prepared several tips for decorating a birthday cake for a boy, which should definitely be useful for caring mothers and grandmothers who are trying their best to make a truly unforgettable holiday for their child.

Of course, there is an option to order a birthday cake from professional confectioners, but this pleasure is not the cheapest, and the ingredients used to prepare a custom-made cake may not always be to your liking.

It’s much better to prepare a delicious homemade birthday cake for your beloved son or grandson, which will be the culmination of his birthday.

So let's get started...

Cake Lightning McQueen (car)

DIY Lego cake

All modern boys love to build something from Lego. So why not decorate your birthday cake with the theme of your favorite toy?

Bake the cakes according to your signature recipe in the shape of a rectangle. Then coat the cakes with cream. The cream that you will use to decorate the cake will need to be given a little color; this can be done using food coloring. Or you can make the cake snow-white.

The protruding parts on the Lego piece can be made from cut out cake circles, or you can use ready-made cookies or cakes.

You can also use mastic to decorate the cake.

Did you like the Lego theme? Then try building an edible Lego man. You can decorate the Lego man using multi-colored cake creams or mastic. To draw details, use liquid chocolate glaze.

DIY ball cake

If a boy is interested in sports, then a ball can be an excellent option for decorating a birthday cake. The ball can be anything: football, or volleyball, basketball or tennis.

Bake the cakes according to your signature recipe, coat them with cream, and then give the cake a round shape. Cover the cake with fondant and add any straw to the texture of the ball.

If it is not possible to make mastic, you can decorate the cake with sweets and toffees.

DIY Winnie the Pooh cake

DIY cake machine

A very simple way to decorate a homemade birthday cake is to use ready-made multi-colored candies. You can put any number, inscription on the cake with candies, decorate the sides or the entire cake.

For the laziest, a “camping” version of a birthday cake is suitable. Attach a variety of packaged candies, candy bars, and gum to the foam molds.

No confectionery product can outshine the taste of homemade baked goods. And no event is complete without a birthday cake, where the main stage is its decoration. And not every housewife knows how to decorate it beautifully at home, but to know how to do it, you don’t have to have the skills of a professional confectioner.

Decorating it with mastic is practically the same as sitting in a craft class and sculpting various figures from plasticine. The sweet material for decoration is so flexible to use that any housewife can make an outlandish pattern, bow or any other composition for a birthday cake out of it.

There are many recipes for making mastic. It’s impossible to talk about each one, so we suggest you familiarize yourself with the most common and fairly simple ones.

Recipe No. 1: milk mastic

Average preparation time for milk mastic: half an hour.

Calorie content: 368.56 kcal.

Step by step process:

Recipe No. 2: gelatin mastic

This recipe is suitable for those who want to create clear figures for the cake.


  • multi-colored food colors;
  • gelatin – 10 g;
  • lemon juice – 2 tsp;
  • powdered sugar – 600 gr.;
  • water – 55 ml.

Preparation time for gelatin mastic: 40 minutes.

Calorie content: 333.24 kcal.

Cooking process:


So, we’ve learned how to prepare mastic, now it’s time to learn the basics of design and acquire the necessary tools:


Having the essentials at hand, we move on to covering the cake with a sweet background, that is, a layer of mastic. How to do it right:

Forms and their purpose

Plungers. To get started, purchase the most necessary things: gerbera, quinquefoil, ivy and rose leaves, and a butterfly. To begin with, this is enough, as needed and experience, buy the rest.

Cutters. Sometimes you don’t want to look for lids of different sizes, you don’t have time, and cutters come to the rescue - circles of different diameters.

Tassels. They must be synthetic; a budget option can be found at a stationery store.

When sculpting flowers, you will need a drying kit. But at first you can replace it with a box of chocolates.

A soft mat will be needed to roll the edges of the petals.

Silicone molds. Absolutely any molds of figurines, animals, beads, bows, buttons are on sale.

By purchasing an initial set of tools, molds, and watching demonstration video tutorials, you can create a culinary masterpiece to your liking.

How to decorate a cake with icing

Thin shiny icing is a fairly popular way to decorate cakes. To prepare it you will need:

  • icing sugar – 200 gr.;
  • oil – 2 tsp;
  • water as needed.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Calorie content: 48.93 kcal.

Mix the ingredients and melt in a water bath. For smoothness and density, you can add a little water. Constantly stirring the mixture until the glaze becomes shiny and smooth.

Types of glaze:

Principles of decorating with glaze

Mirror glaze

Makes the surface glossy and smooth.

Before cutting, it is necessary to wet the knife in hot water or heat it, otherwise the mirror glaze will crack.

To prepare it you will need:

  • chocolate – 1.5 bars;
  • glucose syrup -150 ml;
  • water – 75 ml;
  • sugar -150 gr.;
  • condensed milk – 100 gr.;
  • gelatin – 12 g (melt in 60 ml of water).

Cooking time 30 minutes.

Calorie content: 170.75 kcal.


  1. Soak the gelatin and leave to swell;
  2. Mix glucose syrup with sugar and boil;
  3. Remove from heat and cool;
  4. Add gelatin and pour in condensed milk;
  5. Pour the chopped chocolate into syrup and beat with a blender;
  6. Place the resulting mass in a cold place overnight, and in the morning heat it in a microwave oven to 35C, beat again and begin coating the cake.

How to decorate a cake with fruits yourself

Decorating a confectionery product with fruits, mostly exotic ones, is a fairly popular action among housewives. Firstly, it is bright, secondly, there is an incredible taste contrast and, thirdly, the fruit cake looks beautiful when cut.

The easiest way to decorate at home is to fan out mangoes, apples, kiwis, strawberries, and oranges cut into slices on the surface of the cake. And thin slices can be decorated in the form of a fruit rose. But the most spectacular option is considered to be a “bed” of fruit, filled with transparent jelly.

We decorate children's cakes with our own hands: inscriptions, sweets, figures

A child’s birthday is a wonderful occasion to please a little miracle with original baked goods. Most often, children's cakes are decorated with ready-made figures made from fondant and marshmallows. This design is especially popular for children under 2 years old.

Cream flowers and leaves are no less loved by children, so we take note of this decor option. The decoration turns out to be more solemn and festive.

Another decoration option that will not leave any child indifferent is a cake completely covered in chocolate. And we’re not just talking about glaze, but also about various candies, curls, and shavings. Believe me, such a cake will be a real “chocolate happiness” for the birthday boy and all his friends.

But you need to be extremely careful with nuts and fruits, since many children may be allergic to these ingredients.

How to decorate a cake for a boy with your own hands

There is nothing complicated in this matter, because absolutely all boys love cars, cartoons, and want to become super heroes.

A cake made from Lego figures will look original, since all the boys love to build something from this construction set. To do this, bake the cake in the form of a rectangle, and make the round parts using Oreo cookies.

For a boy athlete, a cake in the shape of a ball would be an ideal option. There is nothing complicated in preparation. It is enough to bake round cakes and, after completely coating them with cream, give the product a spherical shape.

For the laziest, there is also a decor option. Find round foam molds and attach candy bars, chewing gum, and chocolates to them.

Decorating a cake with your own hands: other original ideas

Standard roses won’t surprise anyone now, so you have to use your imagination. To make your work easier, we suggest looking at the most popular and little-known ways to decorate holiday baked goods.

A stencil will help you quickly and easily decorate the surface of the cake. You can buy ready-made or make it yourself. Which one should I use?

For surface decoration – large and round; small ones are for cupcakes and muffins; The sides are made rectangular; but single stencils with figures and inscriptions can be used on both large and small confectionery products.

To decorate through a stencil, you can use powder, finely grated chocolate, fine sprinkles and nut flour. Patterns are applied using melted chocolate, glaze, liquid mastic, fondant, cream and icing.

Nut mass is not new in cake decoration. Most often, the base of production includes almond flour and sugar paste. The marzipan mass has a very delicate taste and elastic consistency, which allows it to perfectly retain its shape. Marzipan is not only used to cover cakes, but also to create voluminous toys and figurines.

A lot has been said about this option for decorating cakes. There is probably not a single person who has not tried a confectionery product decorated with red roses and bright lime leaves.

You can use cream not only to make petals and flowers, but also to write congratulatory inscriptions, create an aesthetic edging, and more experienced housewives have long learned to create cream animals using attachments.


They will decorate not only a cake, but also any dessert, including ice cream, in an original way. In terms of design, they captivate with their snow-white hue, airy consistency and, of course, taste.

It’s easy to decorate a cake at home using cream: just cool it in the refrigerator and beat at high speed until strong foam. Be sure to use a piping bag when decorating.

Crispy meringue tops almost any dessert. Traditionally they are baked in the form of hemispheres. Which, when decorating a cake, look more voluminous and unusual. The decor will especially appeal to little ones with a sweet tooth.


This is not only an ingredient for layering and preparing glaze, but also an excellent material for decoration.

The decoration is quite rare and few people know about it, although decoration with candied flowers has long been used in European countries.

To do this, you need to collect violets or rose petals. Dip them into lightly beaten egg whites, and then carefully roll them in icing sugar. The finished decoration is dried on a wire rack and stored in an airtight container.

“Ice pattern” always looks gentle and romantic. The appearance resembles patterns on glass, and the taste of the icing is similar to crispy pieces of ice. The universal decor never spreads, so it retains its shape perfectly. Icing decor is mainly used in the design of wedding cakes.


Usually they cover fruits, but jelly-filled nuts will look no less original. You can surprise your guests with your imagination in another way: purchase various chocolate molds, prepare colorful jelly and pour them into these molds.

Voila, in a few hours you will have a lot of jelly figures to decorate your holiday baking.

Marmalade and candies

It’s unlikely that a children’s party would be complete without a cake with candles. And young guests, compared to adults, pay more attention to the design, and not to the composition of exotic ingredients.

Therefore, the most advantageous option would be decor in the form of multi-colored marmalades and M&Ms candies.

And another option for simple cake decoration is in the next video.

No matter how festive the table is filled with dishes, all guests are looking forward to the final chord - dessert. Beautiful cakes are a delicious end to any celebration. Those with a sweet tooth know that a homemade cake, made with your own hands at home, is always better and healthier than a store-bought one. Every housewife wants to amaze those present with her masterpiece, to put on the table not just a delicious, but also a beautiful cake. Decorating cakes with cream is a fun activity. There are many ways to decorate a cake at home. For example, decorate it with cream, chocolate, mastic, fondant, whipped cream, jelly, beautifully place berries and fruits on it, use meringue to decorate the cake. A cake decorating master class offers ways to diversify cake decorating at home.

It is important to take into account that the taste of the ingredients for decoration is in harmony with the taste of the baked goods:

  • puff pastry and honey cake are good with boiled or raw condensed milk and nuts;
  • shortbread harmonizes well with butter, protein cream, jam;
  • Butter creams, butter creams, and chocolate icing are suitable for sponge cakes;
  • for cottage cheese baking, take berries and fruits, whipped cream.

With a little desire and diligence, you will be able to prepare beautiful cakes and be able to quickly and easily create a confectionery masterpiece.

Using, for example, buttercream to decorate a cake is a classic. Since childhood, we remember butter roses, lilac branches, green leaves on baked goods from the store. Inscriptions, flowers with leaves, openwork patterns - cream decor will never become outdated. The creamy mass should be quite thick. The best option is butter plus condensed milk. This cake decorating cream holds its shape well. You can add syrup, instant coffee (to color and enhance the aroma), cocoa (provides the taste and color of chocolate), sour cream and whipped cream to obtain a more delicate consistency, and various additives to improve the aroma (vanilla, cinnamon, zest). Protein cream is also perfect for decorating a cake.

To decorate the delicacy with your own hands, you will need pastry bags made of thick film and nozzles made of food-grade metal or plastic, or a pastry syringe with curly tips. Instead of a bag, you can simply take a thick plastic bag. If you plan to make the dessert bright, divide the cream into parts and color with food coloring, cool. Place it in a pastry bag or syringe and select a nozzle. You can use cake decorating cream to create a delicate border, graceful roses, and all sorts of small figures or patterns. Protein custard is often used to decorate the cake. The cream recipe involves whipping hot syrup and whipped cream, the cream is strong and does not settle.

Decorate with fruits and berries

Juicy berries, aromatic fruits - it's so appetizing. Decorating a cake with fruit is a great way to decorate baked goods. Pieces of fruit can be placed between the cake layers, added to the cream, placed on the surface of the dessert and covered with a layer of jelly. The same method is used to decorate the cake with berries. If you are faced with the question of how to decorate a cake with fruits, keep in mind that not all of them are suitable for decoration; too juicy ones will spoil the appearance. Most often, mangoes, citrus fruits, apples and pears, apricots and peaches, kiwis and pineapples are used to decorate baked goods. And, of course, colorful cake decoration with strawberries is used most often.

You will get a successful dessert with fruit at home if you fill the surface with jelly. The fruit pieces will hold together better and will take very little time to cook. Place the product in a springform pan, arrange thinly sliced ​​berries and fruits, and pour in the jelly. You don’t have to think about how to make jelly, just buy ready-made jelly in the store, cook according to the instructions, slightly reducing the amount of water. Place the dessert in the refrigerator for several hours until it cools thoroughly.


Many housewives are sure that decorating a cake with fondant is a very labor-intensive task. Not to say that it is easy, but once you understand how to decorate a cake with fondant at home, cake decorating will not be a problem for you. There are different types of mastic, it can be painted in different colors, it is soft and flexible and you can create a real masterpiece from it. To make mastic, you will need gelatin, water, powdered sugar, lemon juice and food coloring. Mix powdered sugar with dissolved gelatin, add a little lemon juice and knead. Separate the mastic and paint it in the desired colors. First, you need to cover the finished cake with a layer of mastic. Roll out into a thin layer, place on the surface, gently press and trim off excess edges.

Cut out small details (flowers, leaves, patterns) and attach them. You can make three-dimensional figures; mold them from mastic, like from plasticine. If you need to glue individual parts together, use protein. This preparation should be made a couple of days in advance so that it has time to dry. Mastic makes everything extremely bright and elegant.

Chocolate decorations

Everyone loves chocolate and chocolate candies, so decorating a cake with chocolate is always relevant. You can get very beautiful cakes by filling them with glaze, or you can create a real masterpiece. Bitter, milk and white chocolate are used. Before you make chocolate decorations for the cake, you need to warm it up. It is most convenient to do this in a microwave oven, in a water bath or in an oven at a temperature of 50-100 degrees. The mixture must be stirred frequently and steam and water must not be allowed to enter.

If you have a question about how to decorate baked goods, and time is short, fill it with chocolate glaze. You can make it from cocoa powder, butter, sugar, milk or sour cream. Decorating with this icing is cheaper than using chocolate, the main thing is that the cocoa is of high quality.

But the ideal option is to use real chocolate (70% or more cocoa beans), heavy cream and powdered sugar. The glaze will have an excellent taste and will provide a shiny, uniform surface.

You can sprinkle the dessert with chocolate chips. The chocolate must first be kept at a temperature of about 30 degrees, this will make it more plastic. On the wide side of the tile you need to trim it with a vegetable cutter with a sharp knife into wide shavings. The shavings are rolled into rolls, they can be used to decorate the top layer, sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar on top and decorate cakes at home.

Berries on a cake framed with chocolate leaves always attract attention.

Before decorating the cake, try making the leaves yourself:

  1. Collect living leaves that are strong, not too small, and have many veins.
  2. Use a brush to cover the back side of the sheet with melted chocolate; the veins on it stand out better.
  3. Bring to the cold with chocolate on top. Once hardened, carefully remove the chocolate bar.

Using a cornet (pastry bag) you can make chocolate patterns for decorating cakes. It needs to be melted in a water bath, poured into a cornet and written congratulations on the surface, draw patterns.

To decorate the cake with cream, you can choose decorative bows. Chocolate bows look beautiful. Pour long strips onto a parchment sheet from the cornet while the chocolate is still soft, fold in half and pinch the edges with a clothespin. Remove the parchment from the frozen chocolate and lay the bow parts in layers, each time reducing the number of folds. Place a bow and secure it with hot chocolate.

You can cast chocolate figures, such as butterflies. For this you need a pastry syringe and parchment. Place parchment on the stencil and fold it in the center to give the figure volume. Apply chocolate along the outline, wait until the chocolate hardens, and remove the parchment. The butterfly is ready. The figurine is very fragile, handle it with care. In the same way, you can make an openwork border for the side of the cake. On the parchment, mark a strip of the required size and draw patterns on it. After hardening, carefully remove the parchment and glue the border to the side surface. These blanks are suitable for children's cakes.


It is impossible to imagine a birthday without sweets. For a child's birthday, mom will bake a delicious dessert and ensure that the child's cake is decorated at the highest level. Effectiveness and brightness are very important for children's products. Prepare a sponge cake decorated with M&M´s and Kit-Kat candies - a DIY cake. Bake a sponge cake according to your proven recipe, coat it with your favorite cream. Glue tick-tock sticks to the side surface; you can tie them with a bright, elegant ribbon. Pour a large pack of M&M´s on top and refrigerate everything. For girls, decorations made of bows, beads, and flowers made of mastic would be appropriate. Boys prefer sports or car-themed jewelry with computer game characters.

Of course, you need to think about how to decorate a birthday cake for an adult. Here it is worth taking into account the birthday person’s hobbies and profession. For an anniversary, you can bake a confectionery product in the form of a number - the age of the birthday person, or write a congratulation with cream directly on the surface. For an avid football fan, you can bake birthday cakes in the shape of a soccer ball on a field with goals and flags of your favorite teams. With the help of mastic, you can play up any hobby of the birthday boy or professional features. There is complete scope for your imagination.

One of the most important events in life is a wedding. Beautiful wedding cakes are not just a treat, they are a symbol of love and fidelity of young spouses. Most often it is made soft, in soft pastel colors, and decorated with flowers. Nowadays, baking made from a wide variety of geometric shapes, most often multi-tiered, is in fashion. A popular dessert is in the form of one or two hearts connected with cream.

Among wedding baked goods, multi-tiered products are the leader; they look very solemn. You can use the following cake decorations:

  1. Mastic is very popular. It can be painted in any color, sculpted into figures of the bride and groom, bows, flowers, rings.
  2. Icing is widely used. From snow-white sugar icing you can create the most delicate lace and congratulatory inscriptions.
  3. It's hard to imagine a cake without flowers, leaves and patterns. The most delicate roses are created from snow-white buttercream.
  4. Place thinly sliced ​​berries and fruits on the cream-covered baking surface; it is advisable to cover them with a layer of jelly.
  5. You can sprinkle the delicacy with candied rose petals.

Creating a beautiful culinary masterpiece is not just for professionals. The homemade cake, into which the hostess put her soul and lovingly decorated, will certainly be remembered by all guests. At the same time, the simplest available products are suitable for decoration - ready-made chocolate, simple butter or protein cream, seasonal fruits, frozen berries and even homemade preparations.