Stewed potatoes with pork and pumpkin. How to cook pumpkin with meat: the best recipes

The combination of meat and vegetables has long been considered the most successful - both in taste and in terms of healthiness. And pork and pumpkin make the best company. Aroma, taste, satiety and a wonderful sight - all on one plate!

Pork for dinner

This dish is easy to prepare and does not take long. Vegetables and meat are taken equally; For a family of two, 300 grams of both is enough. Pumpkin and pork are cut into identical medium cubes, two onions - whatever you like, four garlic cloves can be cut, you can use them whole.

Half a glass of good rice is boiled until half cooked. The onions are fried, then the meat is added, and the process continues until it lightens. Next, pumpkin and garlic are poured in, the fire is turned on, and the contents of the wok are simmered for about a quarter of an hour. The last thing to add is the semi-finished cereal. Ten minutes under the lid and dinner is ready. This kind of pork and pumpkin goes best with fresh vegetables and herbs. Radishes, small tomatoes, onions, cilantro - whatever is in season.

Sweet and sour with pumpkin

The main components will be meat, golden vegetable and tomatoes. A third of a kilogram is taken in total; the ingredients are cut into equal cubes. First, the pork is fried until evenly tanned. When it appears, wine is poured in - red, semi-sweet, two-thirds of a glass. Evaporation takes about ten minutes, then the same amount of time is devoted to caramelizing the meat. Add pumpkin, and immediately add half a glass of soy sauce. Fry for five minutes, and turn the heat down so that the pork and pumpkin steam a little. Once the vegetable has softened, add the tomatoes. You also need to add salt here, but only a little, since the sauce is already salted. An additional ten minutes are allotted for final preparation. It’s delicious with any side dish or just with vegetables.

Spanish recipe

Very suitable for those who like baked pork with pumpkin. The recipe with photo will surely convince you to join the culinary fans of sunny Spain. You will need a kilogram piece of a good part of the carcass and a little more than half a kilo of pumpkin, cut into large chunks. For the marinade, a chopped clove of garlic with a pinch of salt is ground with olive oil, after which two tablespoons of vinegar (wine) and a spoonful of cardamom, paprika and cumin are added. Rub half of the resulting mixture onto the pork on all sides and leave overnight. The next day, the rings of one onion are simmered until soft; Pumpkin slices are placed on a baking sheet, the remaining marinade and onions are distributed over them. The top of the pyramid will be a piece of meat. This masterpiece will take almost an hour to bake. And it eats much faster.


It turns out very interesting, but it needs to be stuffed in a special way. A large, up to a kilogram piece of pulp (chosen to resemble a rectangle as closely as possible) is cut into parallel slits. Not all the way, so that you don't end up with separate pieces. The meat is sprinkled with salt and spices. The pumpkin is cut into slices no thicker than 0.5 cm, and three dense large tomatoes are cut into circles. The pumpkin is inserted into the cuts, the meat is placed in a mold and covered with tomatoes on top and the remaining pumpkin on the sides. The structure is baked for half an hour, after which slices of cheese are placed on top, and the baking sheet is returned to the oven for another quarter of an hour. When serving, the melted cheese can be cut to present the “accordion” and simplify its division into portions.

Seductive casserole

When creating any dish, you need to be creative in its preparation. For example, pork with pumpkin can be complemented with potatoes and the famous béchamel sauce, resulting in a dish worthy of gourmets.

Let's start with frying. For her, the onion is cut into squares, and the carrot into strips. First, the first vegetable is sent to the frying pan, when it becomes transparent - the second.

600 grams of lean pork is crumbled into not very large cubes, sprinkled with pepper, nutmeg and salt and folded into a mold. To it are added proportionate pieces of pumpkin (half a kilo) and potatoes (about a kilo), and then roasted at the right time.

Now let's get to the sauce. Half a stick of butter, approximately 100 grams, is slowly melted in a frying pan. When it sizzles, add half a glass of flour. It must be stirred vigorously until it turns slightly brownish. Without stopping working with the spatula, pour in a liter of milk. The sauce is cooked until it thickens. At the end it is salted, peppered and poured into the mold. The dish is placed in the oven for approximately 40-45 minutes. Shortly before it is ready, sprinkle it with grated cheese and “bring it to mind” for a few more minutes. This pork with pumpkin is a completely independent dish. You can add greens to the company: chop and sprinkle on top.

Unusual cutlets

If you add pumpkin to the minced meat, and also supplement the usual recipe with sauce, you will get cutlets that won’t turn a gourmet by the ears. About a third of a kilogram of vegetable without peel, chopped into small pieces, is passed through a meat grinder. The juice from the mass is squeezed out so that the cutlets do not fall apart. Separately, grind half a kilogram of pork with three cloves of garlic and an onion. Another onion is finely chopped and fried; Use butter for frying. All three preparations are combined in a common container, an egg is beaten in and your favorite set of spices is added (at least salt and pepper). The mixed minced meat is carefully beaten, not very large cutlets are molded from it and placed on a baking sheet, which is put into the oven for a third of an hour. For the sauce, mix sour cream and ketchup in equal quantities; three spoons should be enough for the specified amount of food. The sauce is poured over the cutlets, and the mold is put back for another quarter of an hour.

It is impossible to imagine Russian cuisine without pumpkin dishes. Previously, it was baked in cast iron in a Russian oven, added to porridge, and served with sugar for dessert. Now soups, purees, juices, side dishes are made from it, pies and muffins are baked with it. It is stuffed and baked with meat, casseroles and roasts are prepared. The sweetish taste of pumpkin goes well with any type of meat and complements its taste. It makes a particularly good combination with pork. Cooked pork with pumpkin acquires a wonderful aroma and taste in the oven.

Pork with pumpkin in a baking sleeve

Product Set

  • Boneless pork - 500 grams;
  • Pumpkin - 1 kilogram;
  • Vegetable oil - 100 milliliters;
  • Dried thyme - 1 tablespoon;
  • Sweet paprika - 1/2 tablespoon;
  • Ground pepper - 1 teaspoon;
  • Salt.

The orange fruit goes well with rosemary, saffron, ginger and nutmeg. In dishes with meat, the vegetable is seasoned with thyme and rosemary. In this recipe, the side dish and the main dish are cooked together and enrich each other with flavors and aromas. Pork with pumpkin cooked in a baking sleeve turns out very juicy, and the vegetables and spices add a unique taste. In the oven, the recipe is simple and does not require much time for preparation; the dish is baked for 1 hour.

Step by step recipe

If you want a golden brown crust, 15 minutes before cooking, cut the bag in the middle and open it. This mixture can be prepared in clay pots. If a dish is baked in a sleeve, then it languishes in pots, the taste will be slightly different.

Pumpkin stuffed with meat

Product Set

  • Pumpkin - 1 piece (1.5 kilograms);
  • Minced pork - 500 grams;
  • Carrots - 2 pieces;
  • Onions - 2 pieces;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Hard cheese - 150 grams;
  • Mayonnaise - 20 grams;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • Ground pepper;
  • Salt.

Baked stuffed pumpkin with minced meat and cheese not only diversifies the usual diet, but can also become a holiday treat if prepared with mini pumpkin. The dish will turn out colorful if the pumpkins are small, one piece per serving.

Step by step recipe

Rice, millet and buckwheat are excellent for filling, so the minced meat for filling can be supplemented with cereals. The filling can be prepared from small pieces of any meat; chicken, turkey and beef also go well. They are pre-fried with onions and carrots and placed inside. The fillings are also prepared with the addition of mushrooms and potatoes or simply vegetables.

You can make a simple casserole with pork and orange vegetables: chop the pork, beat it and place it on the bottom of the dish, sprinkle the pieces of pork with chopped onions. Pour sour cream over the layers, add thin slices of orange fruit on top and sprinkle with grated cheese. I bake this dish for 60-70 minutes.

Kebabs are prepared from meat and orange vegetables, the pieces are marinated together and skewered, alternating them. A large piece of marinated pork can simply be baked on a bed of fruit slices.

Mashed potatoes are prepared from the baked vegetable as a side dish. It is peeled, placed in a bowl, supplemented with spices and crushed with a blender. The puree will be richer if you add cream or butter to it.

Choose any cooking method, delight and surprise your loved ones with new wonderful dishes.

Step 1: Prepare the ingredients for cooking the dish.

First, take the meat, rinse it with running water and dry it with a paper towel. We clean the meat from veins and films and cut it into strips or cubes on a cutting board. You can use almost any part of pork for stewing, but I prefer to work with fillet.
We also wash and cut the vegetables as follows: pumpkin into cubes, chop the onion, pass the tomatoes and garlic through a meat grinder, or grind them into a filling using a blender. So, our ingredients are ready for cooking, let's move on to the next step.

Step 2: Stew pork with pumpkin.

Pour a little vegetable oil into a frying pan and fry the pieces of meat until they become light golden brown. We transfer them to a plate to free the frying pan for now.
In the same frying pan, fry the onion until transparent, place the pumpkin on top and continue frying, stirring constantly, for 5 minutes. Then add the tomato and garlic sauce, season with spices, close the pan with a lid, reduce the heat and simmer for another 15-20 minutes. The pumpkin should soften a little before we add it to the meat. Return the meat to the frying pan, mix thoroughly, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat until fully cooked for another 20 minutes. If desired, you can add sour cream, but even without this the pumpkin will steam and turn into a sweetish, amazing sauce.

Step 3: Serve the pork stewed with pumpkin to the table.

Like any other stew that has a rich flavor and aroma, it is best served with a side dish that will not compete with the brightness of the flavor. As such a side dish you can offer rice, boiled potatoes, pasta. The stewed pork with pumpkin should be served hot and always with gravy. You can decorate the dish by adding a sprig of dill or parsley, or simply sprinkle with herbs. Bon appetit!

Instead of tomatoes, you can use tomato paste.

The taste of pumpkin is quite mild, so spices - cumin, pepper, oriental mixtures - are very suitable for it. You can add whatever you like.

When stewing meat, lift the lid as little as possible so as not to reduce the temperature inside the cookware. To speed up the stewing process, you can add a little pomegranate juice to the dish.

Pumpkin attracts primarily with its bright color, which can decorate any dish. Do not forget about the original sweetish taste and beneficial properties of the vegetable, which contains many useful vitamins and minerals. Stewed pumpkin gives the meat tenderness and an original taste. What’s important is that this combination is suitable for both adults and children. We will consider pumpkin to be the main vegetable.

Pumpkin recipe with meat and potatoes

This dish will appeal to those who are already tired of the banal combination of potatoes and meat products. In addition, this is a great chance to feed children a healthy orange vegetable.

To prepare, you need the following ingredients: 0.5 kg of meat and the same amount of potatoes, as well as 400 g of pumpkin and 100 ml of sour cream. It is best not to use chicken fillet for this option as it is too dry.

Let's start processing the vegetables: peel them and cut them into cubes. In a hot frying pan, lightly fry the pork or beef cut into pieces, and then transfer it to the form in which the dish will be baked. Separately, you should brown the vegetables a little and send them to the meat. Add sour cream and spices to them. Mix everything well, cover with a lid and simmer for 40 minutes. in the oven.

How to cook a pumpkin dish with meat in a slow cooker?

Thanks to the use of a multicooker, you don’t have to worry that some foods will be raw or, on the contrary, burnt. In addition, such processing allows you to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients and at the same time saturate both meat and vegetables with new tastes with the help of spices and other products.


  • Approximately 1 kg of bright pumpkin;
  • 1.3 kg of young beef;
  • 250 g onions;
  • Bell pepper;
  • 50 g prunes;
  • Soy sauce;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt and pepper.

Cooking method:

An unusual recipe for cooking pumpkin with meat in the oven

We offer an original dish - a whole stuffed pumpkin; by the way, it is served in many restaurants of national cuisine.


  • Large pumpkin (about 4 kg);
  • 1.5 beef;
  • 4 stalks of celery;
  • A couple of red onions;
  • Carrot;
  • Young zucchini;
  • A couple of bell peppers of different colors;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • Garlic;
  • Spices.

Cooking method:

How to prepare pumpkin with meat in pots?

Thanks to the use of clay pots, the dish turns out to be aromatic and rich. If desired, you can change the recipe, for example, add different spices or any other vegetables. As for meat, you should use beef or pork for this recipe.


  • Approximately 750 g of meat;
  • 6 medium potatoes;
  • Bulb;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • A couple of tomatoes;
  • About 300 g pumpkin;
  • Salt and favorite spices.

These products are enough for about 10 servings.

Cooking method:

Recipe for pumpkin soup with meat

The original first course is not only tasty, but also very satisfying and healthy. It’s not difficult to prepare, the main thing is to follow the recipe.


  • Approximately 1 kg of beef pulp;
  • 1 liter of beef broth;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 celery stalks, onion;
  • A couple of carrots;
  • About 900 ml of crushed tomatoes in their own juice;
  • About 280 g pumpkin;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1/4 tbsp. pearl barley;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of flour;
  • Olive oil;
  • Starch;
  • 0.5 tbsp. white wine;
  • A couple of rosemary sprigs;
  • 2 teaspoons oregano;
  • Salt, pepper and herbs.

Cooking method:

Pumpkin side dish recipe for meat

In general, there are many different side dishes made from this vegetable; we suggest focusing on a restaurant version that can be served on a festive table - pumpkin julienne in potato boats.


  • Large 4 potatoes;
  • About 300 g pumpkin;
  • Egg;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of Parmesan;
  • 100 g Brie cheese;
  • Olive oil;
  • Approximately 100 ml low-fat cream;
  • Salt and pepper.

Cooking method:

All the recipes discussed above will appeal not only to adults, but also to children. A beautiful and very tasty dish can be served not only for a regular dinner, but also for a festive table. Since meat and pumpkin are versatile foods, they can be combined with other ingredients to create new flavors, so experiment.

Have you tried making roast with pumpkin instead of potatoes? Surprise your family with a new dish during pumpkin season: it turns out very bright and unusual, both in taste and in appearance! Pumpkin cooked in the company of meat acquires a new, special, non-pumpkin taste. But it’s better to try once than to read a hundred times! Just don’t be tempted to put potatoes in the roast - try the original version with pumpkin.

To make roast pumpkin delicious, you need to choose the right pumpkin. The best is Muscat or Arabat, in the form of a bottle - it is the most delicious and bright!

Ingredients for roast pumpkin

  • pork – 0.5 kg;
  • a whole small pumpkin or half a medium one;
  • carrot – 1 medium;
  • onion – 1 small;
  • salt - 1 partial table. l. or to taste;
  • ground black pepper – ¼ tsp;
  • sunflower oil;
  • parsley, dill;
  • 2-3 glasses of water.

How to cook pumpkin roast

Heat the sunflower oil in a frying pan, chop the onion into smaller pieces and start frying over medium heat, stirring occasionally.

When the onion becomes translucent, add coarsely grated carrots to it. Fry, stirring, together for 3-4 minutes.

Add salt (for now, take half the salt - half a tablespoon), pepper, mix and continue to fry the onions and carrots along with the meat - until its color changes.

Then pour water into the frying pan - enough to completely cover the meat (about 2-3 cups), cover with a lid and leave to simmer at low simmer for 30-35 minutes.

Meanwhile, peel the pumpkin. We'll take out the middle with a spoon - don't throw it away, you can take out the pumpkin seeds, dry them and eat them - they're tasty and healthy.

Peel the peel and cut the pulp into large cubes. Pumpkin cooks faster than potatoes, which is why you need to cut it into larger pieces than potatoes for roast.

After the meat has been stewed for half an hour or a little more, transfer the contents of the frying pan to the pan, add the pumpkin, add salt and stir. You can continue cooking either on the stove or in the oven - in this case, transfer the meat and pumpkin to a baking dish and cover with foil.

Simmer the roast in a saucepan, covered, for 25 minutes over low heat, so that it doesn’t boil too much and the pumpkin doesn’t overcook. There is no need to stir - then the pumpkin cubes will remain intact, beautiful and neat. If you cook in the oven, bake at 180ºC for about 45 minutes.

2-3 minutes before cooking, add chopped parsley and dill to the roast with pumpkin. The greenery against the bright orange pumpkin looks so colorful!

Let the roast simmer with the herbs for a couple of minutes, and you can turn it off.

Fragrant, delicious roasted pumpkin is ready!