Pumpkin cake is a delicious and fragrant sunny dessert! Recipes for various pumpkin cakes: jelly, curd, sponge cakes. Classic pumpkin pie

Fragrant pumpkin pie is a pastry that pleases not only the taste buds, but also the eye, thanks to the skillful hands of the hostess. It turns out amazingly beautiful with an appetizing crust and bright color or individual orange splashes. And various additives in the form of fruits and cottage cheese will make the delicacy even more successful.

Classic pumpkin pie

Ingredients: 130 g butter, 210 g high-grade flour, 3.5 tbsp. spoons of filtered water, 780 g pumpkin pulp, half a standard can of condensed milk, 2 eggs, 3 tbsp. spoons of heavy cream, 1 teaspoon of spices (for example, a combination of ground ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg).

  1. The vegetable pulp is cut into small pieces, filled with water and cooked until soft. The finished pumpkin is rubbed through a fine sieve.
  2. The flour is sifted onto a board. Oil is laid on top and the ingredients are chopped with a knife. You need to constantly add flour to the butter pieces until there are fine crumbs on the board. At the same time, the oil should remain cold.
  3. A slide is made from the crumbs, and cold water is poured into the depression in the center. Then quickly knead the dough with your hands. It will turn out somewhat uneven.
  4. The dough is formed into a cake with sides right in the mold. The resulting “basket” is sent to the freezer while the filling is prepared.
  5. Condensed milk is poured into the vegetable puree. Eggs, cream and all the spices go there.
  6. The filling, mixed until smooth, is poured into the frozen base.

Prepare for about an hour at 180 g. The middle of the delicacy should remain slightly quivering.

Pie recipe without butter, flour and eggs

Ingredients: 330 g of pumpkin, a whole lemon, a full glass of full-fat kefir, 310 g of granulated sugar, 270 g of semolina, 2 teaspoons of baking powder, 130 ml of filtered water.

  1. Pumpkin without peel and seeds is grated on a fine grater, after which it is combined with the crushed zest of a whole lemon. Kefir, baking powder, granulated sugar (110 g), and semolina are also included in the mass.
  2. All ingredients must be kneaded very well. You can use a blender for this purpose.
  3. The dough is poured into a mold and baked in the oven for about half an hour.
  4. The finished pie without butter, flour and eggs is very tender.

All that remains is to pour the still hot treat with syrup made from water, lemon juice and the remaining sand.

How to cook in a slow cooker?

Ingredients: 210 g of granulated sugar, 60 g of high-quality butter, 2 chicken eggs, 60 ml of refined oil, 160 g of fresh pumpkin puree, a full glass of high-grade flour, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 60 ml of sour cream.

  1. The butter softens, combines with sand and rubs well with a spoon.
  2. Eggs are added to the mixture and all components are beaten well again.
  3. Raw eggs and refined oil are poured into the mixture. Then add low-fat sour cream.
  4. Flour and baking soda are sifted into the dough base from a high distance.
  5. Vegetable puree is added last.
  6. The mass is poured into a “smart pan” oiled and sprinkled with semolina.

Pumpkin pie is baked in a slow cooker in a program designed for baking for 55-65 minutes.

Pumpkin pie with semolina

Ingredients: 320 g pumpkin pulp, 270 g semolina, a full glass of medium-fat kefir, 220 g granulated sugar, 6 g baking powder, zest of a whole lemon, 60 ml lemon juice, 120 ml water.

  1. Pumpkin without peel and seeds is grated on the finest grater. The fermented milk product is immediately poured into it, and the components are mixed with a silicone spatula.
  2. Next, pour all the dry ingredients (100 g of sugar) into the mixture. The dough kneads very well.
  3. The zest is removed from a well-washed lemon, finely chopped and added to the other ingredients.
  4. The dough is placed in an oiled silicone mold and baked at 200 degrees until dry.
  5. For impregnation, freshly squeezed lemon juice is combined with the remaining sugar and water. After stirring, the syrup is brought to a boil in a saucepan.

All that remains is to soak the finished pumpkin pie with semolina with the resulting hot liquid.

With the addition of apples

Ingredients: half a kilo of fresh pumpkin pulp, 2-3 sweet and sour apples, 1.5 teaspoons of baking powder, chicken egg, 120 g of granulated sugar, 60 ml of fat milk, 2.5 cups of high-grade flour.

  1. The pumpkin is removed from the seeds and peel, cut into cubes and pureed in a blender bowl.
  2. Milk and egg are poured into the vegetable, granulated sugar is added.
  3. All that remains is to add sifted flour mixed with baking powder to the dough. After thorough mixing, it is laid out in an oiled form.
  4. Slices of fresh apples are pressed into the surface of the future delicacy. Fruits are cut directly with skins.

Pumpkin-apple pie is baked for 40-45 minutes at 210-220 degrees.

With cottage cheese

Ingredients: 80 g of fatty butter, a full glass of kefir, 2 chicken eggs, 90 g of granulated sugar, a pinch of vanillin, a full glass of high-grade flour, 360 g of pumpkin pulp, 90 g of cottage cheese, a pinch of ginger, ½ teaspoon of baking soda.

  1. The vegetable must be peeled, cut, and then boiled until soft.
  2. In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs with vanilla and granulated sugar. Softened butter and ground ginger are also added here. If desired, you can also use coconut flakes.
  3. Cold kefir is poured into the future dough in a thin stream.
  4. First, half of the sifted flour with soda is sent to the mass, and then the rest of it.
  5. The pumpkin pulp is combined with cottage cheese. This mixture can be sweetened by adding orange juice or zest.
  6. The baking dish is covered with oiled parchment, and the dough is laid out in it. The filling is distributed on top.

Cook the cottage cheese-pumpkin pie for about half an hour in a preheated oven until dry.

American pumpkin pie

Ingredients: 210 g high-grade flour, 160 g butter, egg yolk and 3 whole eggs, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of filtered water, a pinch of table salt, 470 g of pumpkin puree, a can of condensed milk, a pinch of ground cinnamon, allspice and dry ginger.

  1. You can prepare the chopped dough by hand, but it is much more convenient to do this using a food processor.
  2. 210 g of high-grade wheat flour is sifted into a separate deep bowl. It is best to repeat the sifting process a couple of times so that the product is thoroughly saturated with oxygen.
  3. Add salt and chilled butter, pre-cut into cubes, to the mixture.
  4. All ingredients are crushed with the metal blades of a food processor or an ordinary kitchen knife into fine butter crumbs. This will take no more than half a minute.
  5. To the other ingredients add an egg yolk and a large spoon of ice water. Again the products are reduced to a greasy crumb. The pulsating mode of the combine is ideal for this purpose.
  6. The dough is collected into a lump, wrapped in a bag and put away in the cold for 40 minutes.
  7. For the filling, pumpkin cooked until soft is combined with whole eggs, previously beaten until lightly foamy. Prepared spices are also added here. The products are mixed well. You can even beat them with a mixer. Lastly, condensed milk is added to the filling.
  8. A “basket” with high sides is molded from the dough into a mold. A load of cereal is placed on it (on baking paper). The base is baked for 10-12 minutes in a hot oven. Then the cake is returned to the oven for another 6-7 minutes.
  9. The sunny filling is poured onto the dough.

In Ossetian

Ingredients: 420 g of high-grade flour, a full glass of filtered water, 1 teaspoon of instant yeast and the same amount of granulated sugar, a pinch of table salt, 3 tbsp. spoons of refined oil, 360 g of pumpkin pulp, 160 g of onions and suluguni cheese, a pinch of thyme, ground black pepper.

  1. In a wide, deep bowl, mix all the dry ingredients specified in the recipe, except for spices. Cold water is poured into these components and a soft dough is kneaded. You can also use full-fat warm milk instead. The resulting dough is greased with a tablespoon of oil, covered with film and put away in a place where there are no drafts.
  2. For the filling, coarsely grate fresh pumpkin and cheese. Onion cubes are fried in the remaining oil until softened. The prepared ingredients are combined. Seasonings and a pinch of sugar are added to them.
  3. The dough that has begun to rise is divided into 2 parts, each of which is rolled out into a thin cake (7-8mm). The filling is placed in the center and the edges are pinched. Next, the cake is flattened with your hands into a thin pancake.

The pie is baked in the hottest oven for 15-17 minutes. Next, the treat is greased with butter and left to brew a little.

Step-by-step recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya

Ingredients: 320 g pumpkin, 1 apple, half a stick of butter, 2 eggs, 140 g granulated sugar, 220 g high-grade flour, 1 teaspoon each of cinnamon, honey, vegetable oil and baking powder.

  1. Fresh pumpkin and peeled apple are grated on a coarse grater. Cinnamon, honey and a little sugar are added to them. Microwave the ingredients for 1 minute.
  2. Grind the butter with the remaining sugar. Eggs are added to it.
  3. The masses from the first and second steps are combined.
  4. All that remains is to add flour and baking powder and pour the dough into the prepared pan.

The treat is baked for 40-45 minutes in a preheated oven.

Remember the fairy tale about Cinderella and her magnificent, sparkling pumpkin carriage. Same with cake. From the most ordinary pumpkin comes a cake, which, after tasting, can make you swallow your tongue. Amazing, amazing, stunning...

How to Make Pumpkin Cake

If you don't know that the cake is made from pumpkin, you will never guess it. A full-fledged cake of amazing spicy taste with brown, fluffy and moist cake layers, lots of light creamy cream and the most delicious glazed nuts. You only have to try to cook this pumpkin miracle once, and you will be able to bake it for any celebration with complete peace of mind. The applause will be yours. Just keep the intrigue. Wait for the exclamations of admiration after drinking tea, and then tell us about the secret of the cake.

Making a cake consists of three parts: kneading and baking the cake layers, preparing the cream and glazing the nuts. If you use pumpkin puree, as I do, then the dough is kneaded quite quickly and easily. And baking cakes should be given special attention. Dough for shortcakes is demanding in terms of temperature and time conditions. If you follow them, the cake layers will turn out fluffy, spongy and moist. Thanks to a large amount of cinnamon, cloves, and ginger, the cakes become a beautiful brown color after baking. The cream for the pumpkin cake is quite simple. It consists of 2 parts light cream cheese, 1 part butter and granulated sugar. I use it as cheese. The cream has a light texture and delicate taste. It covers the entire cake, saturates the cakes, softening their spiciness and making them juicy. Glazed nuts with a sweet and salty taste add a special charm to the cake. The secret to making these nuts is in caramel. I make it from butter, sugar and salt and add nuts to it. After cooling, the nuts in the sweet and salty caramel become especially tasty. Their tangy flavor suits the spice cake very well.

The spicy, rich and somehow warming taste of the Carriage cake is very suitable for the cold season, its aroma is consonant with the smell of Christmas, spruce and tangerines. Moreover, the Carriage pumpkin cake turns out to be impressive in size and is more than enough for a large feast

Time: 1.5 hours
Difficulty: medium
Composition for: 12

For the cakes:

  • Pumpkin puree -1.5 cups (250 ml cup)
  • Flour -250 grams
  • Margarine (or butter) -170 grams
  • Granulated sugar – 0.75-1 cup
  • Eggs – 2 pcs
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp. Spoons
  • Kefir – 150 ml
  • Ground cinnamon – 1.5 teaspoons
  • Ground ginger – 1 teaspoon
  • Ground cloves – 0.25 teaspoons
  • Soda -1.5 tsp. Spoons

For cream:

  • Butter – 120 grams
  • Cream cheese (mascarpone or other) – 250 grams
  • Granulated sugar – 0.75 cups

For the glazed nuts:

  • Walnuts (or peanuts) – 1 cup
  • Butter 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Granulated sugar -2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt – 0.25 teaspoon

How to Make Pumpkin Cake

  • Turn on the oven to preheat to 170 degrees. Melt the margarine over low heat and leave to cool slightly. In a large container (it’s convenient to use a container from a food processor), beat pumpkin puree (here you can see how to make pumpkin puree), granulated sugar, eggs and kefir until smooth.
  • In another bowl, mix the dry ingredients for the dough: flour, salt, baking soda, cinnamon, ginger and cloves.
  • Pour the dry mixture into the container with the pumpkin mixture. Stir until smooth.
  • Combine the resulting dough with melted margarine and mix again.
  • We will bake the dough in one cake layer, and then cut the finished cake lengthwise into two parts, but you can bake it in two parts.
  • Grease a 30cm ovenproof baking dish with butter and sprinkle with semolina for easy removal of the crust. Place the dough in the pan and place in a preheated oven to bake for 30-40 minutes. Let the finished cake stand in the switched off oven for 10-15 minutes so that it does not fall off. After this, remove the crust from the oven and cool.
  • While the cake is baking, mix the cream. Beat the softened butter, cream cheese and granulated sugar with the whisk of a food processor on medium speed until the sugar has dissolved. Place the cream in the refrigerator.
  • Glaze nuts (peanuts): Heat butter in a frying pan and pour nuts into it. Fry over medium heat, stirring for about 2 minutes.
  • As soon as the nuts begin to turn golden, reduce the heat to low and add granulated sugar and salt. Mix quickly.
  • Continue frying the nuts until the sugar is completely dissolved, about 2 minutes, without ceasing to stir. Turn off the heat, but do not stop stirring. Sugar-coated nuts burn easily. Stir and separate the nuts with a spoon until the boil stops. Leave the nuts to cool in the pan.
  • Place the cold cake on a large plate and cut into two parts with a knife.
  • Apply one third of the cream to the bottom cake.
  • Generously coat the top layer and sides of the cake with the remaining cream using a silicone spatula.
  • Sprinkle the cake with the glazed nuts and refrigerate for at least 6 hours or overnight.

My notes:

I indicated the amount of granulated sugar for the dough and cream based on my taste. The cake turns out sweet. I advise you to taste the dough and cream and adjust the amount of granulated sugar to your taste.

To prepare a fluffy cream, it is important to use high-quality butter and cheese.

Let me remind you that the pumpkin carriage cake turns out to be large in size. At the same time, it is stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days and only gains flavor.

How I Make Pumpkin Cake . Details and with Photos:

  • I turn on the oven to preheat at 170 degrees because the dough kneads quickly. Melt margarine over low heat and leave to cool. In a large container (I use a container from a food processor), beat pumpkin puree (here you can see how I prepare pumpkin puree), granulated sugar, eggs and kefir until smooth.

  • In another bowl, mix the dry ingredients for the dough: flour, salt, soda, cinnamon, ginger and cloves.

  • Pour the dry mixture into a container with pumpkin mixture. Stir until smooth.

  • I combine the resulting dough with melted margarine and mix again.

  • The dough has the structure of thick sour cream. I bake the dough in one layer and then cut it into two parts. You can bake it in two parts. I grease a heat-resistant mold with a diameter of 30 cm with butter and sprinkle with semolina for easy removal of the cake. I put the dough in the mold and send it to the preheated oven to bake for 30-40 minutes. I check readiness by piercing a sushi stick (it should remain dry) and by checking the thickness of the cake. The cake should be quite dense and double in size. I let the finished cake stand in the switched off oven for 10-15 minutes. I do this so that it does not fall off. After this, I take the cake out of the oven and leave it to cool.

  • While the cake is baking, I mix the cream. Beat the softened butter, cream cheese and granulated sugar with the whisk of a food processor on medium speed until the sugar has dissolved. I put the cream in the refrigerator.

  • I glaze the nuts (I have peanuts today). To do this, I heat the butter in a frying pan and pour the nuts into it. Fry them over medium heat, stirring for about 2 minutes.

  • As soon as the nuts begin to turn golden, reduce the heat to low and add granulated sugar and salt. I stir quickly.

  • I continue to fry the nuts until the sugar is completely dissolved, about 2 minutes, without ceasing to stir. I turn off the heat, but don’t stop stirring. Sugar-coated nuts burn easily. Stir and separate the nuts with a spoon until the boiling stops. I leave the nuts to cool in the pan.

  • I transfer the cold cake onto a large plate and cut it into two parts with a knife.

  • Apply one third of the cream to the bottom cake layer.

  • Generously coat the top layer and sides of the cake with the remaining cream using a silicone spatula.

  • I sprinkle the cake with glazed nuts and put it in the refrigerator to soak for at least 6 hours or overnight.

  • In the morning for tea

Pumpkin is grown everywhere and revered for its versatility. This is not just a healthy melon crop - it is used to cook porridge and make delicious desserts.

If anyone hasn’t tried pumpkin cake yet, it’s time to start mastering the recipes for making it (fortunately, there are a lot of them in the world’s culinary practice).

Classic pumpkin cake

The Arabs, the French, and the Slavs can argue about the nationality of this dessert, but the primacy still belongs to the Americans. For them, pumpkin cake is a traditional dish for Thanksgiving, Halloween and special family celebrations.

The American classic is prepared as an open-faced pie on a thin shortbread crust with plenty of filling.

It’s not difficult to master the intricacies of the recipe by following this algorithm:

  • start by preparing the dough - add a pinch of salt and 2 tbsp to the sifted flour (200 g). granulated sugar, softened and diced butter (1/2 pack);
  • all components are “chopped” with a knife, then mashed with a fork;
  • when the dough turns into crumbs, add 2 eggs, knead well, then, wrapped in film, put in the refrigerator for half an hour;
  • the chilled dough is evenly distributed in a thin layer over the pie pan;
  • To prevent the dough from rising during the process, American housewives use a trick - covering the top of the cake with parchment, placing a load on it (beans, broad beans or sea pebbles); baking time – 15-20 minutes;

While the cake is baking, prepare the filling for the cake:

  1. The pulp is extracted from the pumpkin and cut into cubes, you should get half a kilo;
  2. placing the pumpkin in a saucepan, pour in milk (1 glass), add sugar (100 g), cinnamon (1 stick) and cook over low heat for half an hour (remembering to stir);
  3. Having removed the spice from the mass, all other components are brought to a homogeneous substance with a blender;
  4. Beat the egg separately and gradually pour it into the cooled mixture;
  5. Having distributed the filling evenly over the cake, put the pumpkin cake back in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 160 degrees.

The dessert is removed from the mold when it has cooled completely. When serving, the Yankees decorate the cake with whipped cream, but the pie already has a beautiful appetizing appearance.

With sour cream

This recipe will have completely different instructions.

If in the American version the dessert turned out to be more like a pie, then the result of this preparation will be a real cake with sour cream:

  • Beat 2 eggs with sugar (100 g), you can also add a bag of vanilla;
  • without stopping the action, pour in 110 g of vegetable oil;
  • then add salt (a pinch), baking powder (2 tsp) and flour (200 g);
  • peeled pumpkin (200 g) and the zest from one orange are crushed and added to the dough;
  • from the resulting mass, make 2 cakes, which are baked for half an hour at 180 degrees on a parchment-lined pan;
  • The finished cakes are wrapped in cling film (separately) and sent to cool in the refrigerator.

As for the cream, its preparation begins a day before creating a culinary masterpiece. Sour cream (400 g) is poured into a colander lined with gauze and left for 10-12 hours to remove excess moisture (keep in the refrigerator, placed on a pan). Add sugar (100 g) to the thick mass and stir until it is completely dissolved.

After squeezing the juice out of the orange, mix it with sugar (3 tablespoons) and cook the syrup for 10 minutes. Then cool first at room temperature and then in the refrigerator. While whipping the sour cream, pour the sweet liquid into it in 3-4 additions.

Having taken the cakes out of the refrigerator, cut off the tops that have swollen during baking and begin to form the cake using cream, not forgetting to coat the top and sides. The cut off tops are grated and sprinkled with crumbs around the perimeter of the dessert. And how to decorate it, each housewife will decide for herself.

Lenten recipe

You can pamper yourself with delicious desserts while observing fasting.

The following recipe is just for such cases:

  • peeled pumpkin (200 g) is baked in pieces in the oven or microwave until it becomes soft enough;
  • adding water (a quarter cup), puree the pumpkin;
  • pour in vinegar (1/2 tbsp) and vegetable oil (2 tbsp);
  • add sugar (half a glass), vanilla (1 tbsp) into dry flour (3/4 cup) and mix with pumpkin mixture;
  • dividing the dough into 2 parts, add grated orange zest to one, cocoa (2 tbsp) to the other;
  • First, chocolate-colored dough is placed in the mold, and yellow dough is placed on top.

Lenten pumpkin cake is baked for no more than half an hour at 180 degrees. Once the dessert has cooled slightly, you can sprinkle it with powdered sugar.

Pumpkin cheesecake

The recipe below can be called a dietary dish, despite its calorie content. In addition, it is very tasty and will be an original addition to the holiday table.

Having prepared all the necessary products, the pumpkin-curd dessert is prepared as follows:

  • butter (half a stick) is cut with a knife;
  • adding flour (200 g), grind into crumbs;
  • during the kneading process add 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • after extinguishing the soda (1 tsp) with lemon juice (from a quarter of the fruit), add it to the dough;
  • then add 1 egg, after which the mixture is placed in the refrigerator for half an hour;
  • the cottage cheese is ground through a sieve;
  • Beat 2 yolks with sugar (2 tbsp) and add to the cottage cheese;
  • Add more starch (1 tbsp) and 2 whipped egg whites to the curd filling;
  • Place pumpkin pieces (400 g) in a container with water and place in the microwave for a few minutes;
  • beat 2 yolks with sugar (70 g), add softened pumpkin and puree everything;
  • add 1 tbsp. starch and 2 beaten egg whites.

Having preheated the oven to 180 degrees, place a mold filled with pumpkin and curd fillings, laid in layers on a crust with high sides. Baking time takes no more than 45 minutes. To avoid waiting a long time for the cake to cool, it is better to use a mold with removable sides.

Cooking with carrots

The combination of pumpkin and carrots makes the cake not just dietary, but also healthy - these vegetables contain many healing components.

To enjoy a delicious dessert, first prepare the dough:

  • pieces of peeled pumpkin (0.5 kg) are softened in the microwave and then pureed with a blender;
  • raw carrots (0.2 kg) are grated;
  • dry flour (0.4 kg) is mixed with sugar (0.25 kg), cinnamon (2 tsp) and baking powder (12 g);
  • add 2 tsp to a glass of milk. lemon juice;
  • Beat 4 eggs with a pinch of salt until fluffy;
  • The candied fruit mixture is steamed with boiling water for 5 minutes.

A homogeneous dough is kneaded from these preparations and the cake is baked for an hour at 180 degrees. After cooling, cut into 2 parts and spread with cream (not forgetting the sides). To prepare it, cream (1/2 cup), mascarone (0.25 kg), butter (60 g), orange juice (3 tbsp) and powder (0.12 kg) are whipped with a blender. The top can be decorated with nuts, candied fruits, and berries.

With chocolate

This low-calorie, airy dessert is prepared in 40 minutes and will be an excellent addition to the tea ceremony. To prepare the dough, take 1 cup of grated pumpkin, sifted flour and sugar. In addition, you will need a bar of dark chocolate (or 4 tbsp cocoa), 2 eggs, baking powder (2 tsp) and a pinch of salt.

First, mix all the dry ingredients, after chopping the chocolate on a grater. Pumpkin is mixed with eggs and other ingredients. Bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees, then reduce the temperature to 150 and leave the cake for another 10 minutes. Remove from the mold when the cake has cooled slightly. Decorate at your own discretion, but the dessert is good even without additional decor.

Pumpkin mousse cake

This delicate cake will surprise many, but will not leave anyone indifferent.

To prepare it, the following ingredients are prepared:

Pumpkin Cake – 8 Best Recipes

ProductsIn the cakeFor the mousseTo fill
Flour (g) 40 --- ---
Sugar/powder (g) 40/--- ---/130 ---/20
Egg (pcs.) 1 --- ---
Ripper (tsp) ½ --- ---
Pumpkin pulp (kg) --- 0,5 0,15
Cream/milk (glass) --- 1/--- ---/0,5
Gelatin (g) --- 25 7

You will also need ricotta (250 g), juice from 1 orange and half a glass of water for the mousse. The biscuit should be baked in a mold with removable sides. They will then need to be removed and replaced with higher ones so that you can continue to shape the cake.

The table shows the weight of already softened and squeezed pumpkin pulp. Having prepared a mousse from the ingredients (remembering to soak the gelatin first), it is poured over the cake and sent to the refrigerator to harden. After 30-40 minutes, add the filling on top of the mousse.

It will take several hours for the cake to completely harden. If you plan to use decorations, this can be done before the fill has fully set.

With fresh pumpkin from Grandma Emma

The videos “Recipes from Grandma Emma” have become popular among housewives. There are also step-by-step instructions for making pumpkin cake. The peculiarity of this recipe is that there is no need to soften the melon pulp - fresh grated pumpkin in the amount of 300 g is used in the dough.

To begin with, beat 3 eggs and a glass of sugar with a mixer, then gradually add 150 ml of vegetable oil. Having received a fluffy mixture, add pumpkin, 100 g of ground nuts, cinnamon (5 g), salt (1/2 tsp) and mix everything well.

Finally, add 200 g of flour mixed with ripper (1 tsp) and bake the finished dough for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. When the cake has cooled completely, cut it lengthwise into 2 parts, and also remove the swollen top.

You can decorate the cake with any cream. Grandma Emma suggests whipping heavy cream (2 cups) with sugar (2 tbsp) and vanilla powder (10 g). To add a vegetable touch to the design, roasted pumpkin seeds are used in decoration.

Pumpkin is a versatile vegetable. It makes equally good first and second courses, pastries, and desserts. You can even make a pumpkin cake. The recipe is no more complicated than porridge. Fast and tasty, simple and looks impressive. To make pumpkin pie, you don't even need an oven - the cakes are fried in a frying pan. The technology is reminiscent of a pancake cake. Light, airy and juicy pancake cakes and a simple sour cream that perfectly soaks the cake. It turns out soft, tender, very pleasant to the taste, moderately sweet. You can decorate the cake with simple flowers cut from fresh pumpkin, or you can sprinkle it with nuts.

Required Products:

  • Milk – 250 grams;
  • Pumpkin - 300 grams;
  • Flour – 200 grams;
  • Turmeric – 1/3 tsp. l.;
  • Granulated sugar – 400 grams;
  • Vegetable oil for frying;
  • Sour cream with a fat content of at least 20 percent – ​​250-300 grams

Making pumpkin cake:

I will use pumpkin to make cake layers. Wash the pumpkin, cut off the hard skin and grate it on a fine grater. Finely grated pumpkin will quickly bake into cake layers. You can skip it in a meat grinder. But this will require more effort. It’s easier when the meat grinder is electric, then it will simplify the task for you.

I add half the norm of granulated sugar. I will use the rest of the sugar in the cream. The cakes, like the cream, should be sweet.

I pour in the milk and knead the dough. I took the milk from the refrigerator and didn’t even heat it up. You can take milk at room temperature, but never heat the milk, otherwise all the dough and flour will curdle.

I add turmeric to the dough to improve the color and aroma. Turmeric always has a beneficial effect on baking.

Gradually add flour to the dough and stir immediately. I make sure that lumps do not form.

I knead the dough like for pancakes, but a little thicker so that the cakes come out not thin, but fuller.

Pour the dough into a greased frying pan and fry over medium heat for 2-3 minutes on each side. The dough should not stick to the surface of the frying pan, so it is advisable that it has a non-stick coating.

The result is beautiful solar cakes that will emit light and warmth. I don’t use a frying pan that is too wide, as it is inconvenient to turn the cakes in it, so as not to tear them.

I put all the baked cakes on a plate and wait for them to cool. Since the cream may melt on hot cakes and there will be a puddle instead.

Pour the remaining sugar into the sour cream and beat it into a cream with a mixer. I beat for no longer than 5-7 minutes.

I grease the cakes with the resulting cream and put them in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

I decorate the cake and serve it to the table. This cake is good to serve not only with tea, but also with milk.

This dessert will make the dining table sparkle with bright colors and the household’s appetite will instantly wake up!

The big advantage of such a cake is that it does not need to be soaked overnight, like Napoleon or honey cake, it can be served soon after preparation. Just wait for the cake to cool a little and that's it!

Halloween treats can range from scary and gruesome to classic. But regardless of the style and concept of the holiday, there should be a pumpkin on the table. And not just any Jack-O-Lantern, but definitely popular pumpkin dishes, including pumpkin pies. Housewives complain about the lack of various pumpkin recipes. Let's debunk this culinary myth. We bring to your attention 10 unusual pumpkin pies for every taste.

Let's start with the classics. This will be a simple pumpkin pie recipe that doesn't require a ton of ingredients. But this will not make it any less tasty and aromatic. So, let's start preparing a budget version of pumpkin pie.


  • grated pumpkin – 2 cups;
  • flour - 3 cups;
  • butter – 2–3 tablespoons;
  • chicken eggs – 2–3 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar – 2 cups;
  • soda – 2 teaspoons;
  • vinegar – 2 tsp;
  • walnuts – 1/4 cup;
  • sunflower oil – 6 tbsp. l.

Separate the yolks from the whites. This must be done carefully so that the ingredients do not mix. Beat the yolks with sugar until all the grains have dissolved.

Do not reduce the amount of granulated sugar. It is two glasses that will provide the necessary taste for our pie.

When the mass doubles, add softened butter. No need to melt it. It is enough to take it out first and keep it warm.

Now we begin to work with proteins. Add a pinch of salt to them and beat, but not until peaks form. Add the whites to the yolk-butter mixture. We extinguish the soda with vinegar and pour it into the eggs and mix.

Immediately add all the sunflower oil.

It's the pumpkin's turn. It does not need to be baked or boiled.

It is enough to rinse the peeled pieces and grate them on a coarse grater.

Do not worry. The pumpkin will be baked and will not be soggy in the pie.
Sift all the flour into a separate bowl and add all the prepared ingredients to it.

All that remains is to add the walnuts, which need to be chopped a little beforehand.

Line a baking pan with parchment paper and grease it with butter. Pour out all the dough and put it in the oven. We will bake the classic pumpkin pie at 180⁰ for about half an hour.

Take out our miracle pie, first checking the readiness with a match.

Diet pumpkin pie

Fighting for a wasp waist is not a reason to refuse a tasty Halloween treat. And don't refuse. Bake a fragrant, delicious pumpkin pie in the oven with a minimum of calories.

We will need:

  • pumpkins – 500 gr.
  • oatmeal flour – 250 gr.
  • walnuts – 150 gr.
  • eggs – 2 pcs.
  • yogurt – 200 ml.

For the diet pie we will bake pumpkin. To do this, we cut it into fairly large pieces, peel it and put it in the oven and microwave. When the vegetable becomes soft, take it out and let it cool. Using an immersion blender, prepare pumpkin puree. We will use it in the pie.

Pour oatmeal into a bowl, not flakes, but flour. You can easily do it yourself.

To do this, place oatmeal in a coffee grinder, not instant oats, but those that need to be cooked, and bring to the desired consistency.

Beat eggs into flour, add yogurt, pumpkin puree and nuts. Mix everything thoroughly. Pour the dough into a pan greased and sprinkled with oatmeal. And put it in the oven, where it will spend up to 40 minutes. The diet pumpkin pie is ready. We take it out of the oven and let it cool slightly.

American pumpkin pie

This pastry managed to win love among our compatriots. It is pumpkin pie that is baked in America on Halloween and Thanksgiving. When the holiday of evil spirits and otherworldly forces came to us from abroad, traditional foreign dishes also appeared on the housewives’ menu. But American pumpkin pie has gained popularity not only because of its connection to Halloween, but also because of its excellent taste.

For the test:

  • butter – 200 gr.;
  • flour - how much he will take;
  • eggs (yolks) – 2 pcs.;
  • salt;
  • ice water - half a glass.

For filling:

  • pumpkins – 1 kg;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • cream 33% – 200g;
  • brown sugar - 6 tbsp;
  • corn syrup - 4 tbsp. l. (replace with sugar syrup or honey if desired);
  • salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • spices – 1 tbsp. l. mixture of cinnamon, grated nutmeg, ground ginger, Jamaican pepper).

We will bake the pumpkin for the filling in the oven. Cut the fruit into pieces without peeling. Only seeds and loose fibers need to be removed. Place the pumpkin pieces on a baking sheet, add a little water and, covering with foil, place in the oven for an hour. Cool the finished pieces and scoop out all the pulp with a spoon. Place the pulp in a colander and leave for a while.

Prepare puff pastry. To do this, mix flour with salt and immediately add chopped margarine. Mix quickly with your hands. You will get a crumb. Add the yolks and ice water to it. Knead a homogeneous dough.

Wrap the resulting lump in film and refrigerate. The dough will spend half an hour there.

Now we form the base of the pie. Roll out the dough into a layer and transfer it to a greased pan. We make several punctures with a fork, cover with paper and put them in the cold again. This time 15 minutes will be enough.

During this time, preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Place the pan in the oven and after 10 minutes reduce the temperature to 180 degrees. After removing the paper, bake the base for another 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, prepare the pumpkin filling for the American Pie pie. Place all ingredients, including pumpkin and spices, in a blender and mix thoroughly with the immersion attachment. Pour the finished filling into the base of the pie.

The filling turns out liquid. This is the norm. At high temperatures it will bake and acquire the desired consistency. Along with the filling, the pie is baked for another 40 minutes.

It is not advisable to immediately cut an American-style pumpkin pie. You need to give it about a couple of hours to cool down.

American Pumpkin Pie

Another version of American pumpkin pie. It will also be open, beautiful and tasty.

For the test:

  • flour - 1 glass;
  • milk – 50 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 0.5 cups;
  • salt.

For filling:

  • pumpkins – 1 kg;
  • condensed milk – 150 gr.;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • vanillin;
  • a pinch of ginger, nutmeg, ground cloves.

For the filling, bake the pumpkin using the technology presented in the previous recipe. After cooling, rub it through a sieve or simply beat it. To it we add the rest of the filling components in the form of eggs, condensed milk, and spices. Set the finished pie filling aside and begin preparing the dough.

Mix all ingredients with a mixer until we get an elastic mass. Place the dough in a mold, preferably round, and form sides.

There is no need to bake the base separately. Immediately pour the filling over the dough.
Place the pumpkin pie in the oven, where we keep it for about 40 minutes at 200 degrees.

Once cooled, don't forget to decorate the pumpkin pie with mini ghost whipped cream.

Harry Potter Pumpkin Pie

This is the name given to the pie that was served in the magic school invented by the English author of famous books. Definitely, the fantastic hero himself was not standing at the stove. But the dish was very loved by Harry Potter himself and his friends. Be sure to try this unusual pumpkin pie.

We will need:
For the test:

  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • margarine – 200 gr.;
  • sugar – 0.5 cups.

For filling:

  • pumpkin pulp – 400 g;
  • butter – 50 gr.;
  • sugar – 75 gr.;
  • eggs – 1 pc.;
  • cinnamon – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • nutmeg - a pinch;
  • vanillin.

Place the butter in a saucepan and place the container on low heat. When the butter melts, add spices and pumpkin, which needs to be cut into cubes. Simmer the pumpkin until it becomes soft. After that, cool it and mash it simply with a fork, add one egg.

To prepare the dough, the margarine must be soft - it should be kept warm for about a couple of hours. Beat the margarine with sugar, then rub it with flour. Place the resulting dough in the cold.

We keep the dough at low temperature for about half an hour - now it will be easier to work with it.

Roll out the dough into a round layer, which will be a couple of centimeters larger than the mold. Grease the mold itself with oil and transfer the dough onto it, forming peculiar sides. Now pour all the filling over the dough and put it in the oven.

Bake the pie with pumpkin filling at 190 degrees until the filling is ready. The sides of the pie should be browned.

Pie with pumpkin and cottage cheese: a simple and affordable recipe

The combination of cottage cheese and pumpkin gives an unforgettable taste. And the protein mass will give the dish an originality and a refined look to pumpkin pie with cottage cheese.
For the test:

  • flour – 2 – 2.5 cups;
  • eggs – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter – 50 gr.;
  • sour cream – 100 gr.;
  • baking powder – 1 sachet;
  • salt.

For filling:

  • pumpkin pulp – 500 gr.;
  • cottage cheese – 500 gr.;
  • sugar – 100 gr.;
  • lemon;
  • water – 2 tbsp. spoons.

For protein mass:

  • proteins – 2 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar – 5 tbsp. spoons

We start preparing the pie with pumpkin and cottage cheese with the dough. Beat the egg with sugar and add sour cream.

The butter for the dough needs to be frozen so that it can be grated well.

Quickly grate the butter on a coarse grater and add to the egg mixture.

Sift flour, baking powder, and salt into a separate bowl.

Combine both mixtures and knead the dough. Place the dough in the freezer.
While the dough rests in the cold, make the filling. Heat water in a saucepan and squeeze lemon juice into it. Add sugar (2 tablespoons) and cook the syrup for about 3 - 4 minutes.

Now put the chopped pumpkin in a bowl and simmer until it becomes soft.

Beat the cooled pumpkin in a blender. Separately, mix the cottage cheese with the remaining sugar and grind through a sieve.

You can blend the cottage cheese with a blender, but in this case the mass will not be as airy.

Combine pumpkin and curd mass. Take the dough out of the cold and roll it out into a layer. Transfer to a greased mold and form a side directly into the mold. To prevent the base of the pie from becoming deformed during baking, cover it with paper and sprinkle with peas. Bake the base like this for about 20 minutes. Now you can remove the paper and bake a little more until browned.

Place all the pumpkin-curd filling on the base. Place it in the oven again, where it will spend another half hour.

It's time to decorate the pie. Beat the whites with powdered sugar and immediately place them on the still hot pie. We send our dish back to the oven. This time we will bake for about 40 minutes. The egg white meringue will have a pleasant creamy hue.

Let the pumpkin pie cool. Additionally, it can be placed in the cold for a couple of hours.

Pumpkin Pie with Pecans and Cinnamon

Pumpkin goes well with many foods and spices. Its spicy sweet taste is perfectly complemented by nutty notes. Therefore, feel free to add walnuts to the filling, remembering to lightly chop them before doing so.

For the test:

  • flour – 180 gr.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • cold water - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • salt to taste.

For filling:

  • pumpkins – 700 gr. pulp;
  • chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • cream – 125 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 100 gr.;
  • cinnamon, ginger, cloves - 1 teaspoon each;
  • salt.

For sprinkling - walnuts - 50 g.

Sift the flour into a separate container. Add salt and sugar. Pre-freeze the butter in the freezer. Directly when preparing the dough, quickly grate the butter or chop it with a knife so that it does not have time to melt from the warmth of your hands. Mix the resulting crumbs with the flour mixture, rubbing with your hands.

Add chilled water and knead the dough. To make it elastic and pliable, place it in the cold for half an hour.

Meanwhile, prepare the pumpkin pie filling. Cut the pumpkin into large pieces and boil by adding a little water. When the vegetable becomes soft, remove the pieces and let them cool. Mash the pumpkin into a puree and immediately add the spices. Separately, beat the cream with the eggs and add the mixture to the pumpkin puree.

When the filling is ready, we begin to form the pie itself. Grease the pan where we will bake the cake with butter and sprinkle with flour. We lay out all the dough and form the base, at the same time making small sides. Immediately add the filling and place the dish in the oven. It will be baked at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes.

Remove the finished pumpkin pie from the oven, let cool and sprinkle chopped nuts on top.

Pumpkin and apple pie: a simple recipe

Apple sourness will be appropriate if you decide to make a pumpkin pie. Moreover, the pumpkin season coincides with the ripening time of the most fragrant autumn apples.

For the dough: Shortcrust pastry prepared according to the Harry Potter Pumpkin Pie recipe.

For filling:

  • pumpkins – 350 gr. pulp;
  • apples – 250 gr.;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • cream – 150 ml;
  • sugar – 4 tablespoons;
  • spices – ½ tsp. (cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg).

We prepare the base according to our favorite shortcrust pastry recipe. You can use any recipe presented above.

The secret of this pumpkin apple pie is its unusual filling.

We start making the filling itself by cutting the pumpkin and apples into slices. Place these ingredients in a container and simmer with water (1/3 cup will be enough). Having received soft pieces, drain the liquid and mash the apples and pumpkin until pureed. We also add eggs, spices and sugar with cream. Mix everything thoroughly.

There is no need to bake the base of the pie separately. After placing the dough on a round baking sheet and forming the sides, immediately lay out all the filling. We will also bake this version of pumpkin pie for about 40 minutes. Check readiness with a match.

Once the pumpkin apple pie has cooled, decorate it with powdered sugar.

Pumpkin pie with semolina and kefir

This unusual treat is prepared completely without flour. And lemon notes give it freshness. Try making a pie according to this recipe, and you will be surprised how similar a pumpkin pie with semolina and kefir is to oriental sweets.

We will need:

  • pumpkins - 2 cups;
  • kefir – 250 ml;
  • semolina - 1.5 cups;
  • sugar – 1.5 cups;
  • baking powder - 1.5 tsp;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • water – 0.5 cups;
  • coconut flakes – 20 gr.;
  • walnuts – 0.5 cups.

In one container, combine the pumpkin, grated on a coarse grater, with sugar and lemon zest.

After mixing, pour the mixture with kefir and mix thoroughly again.

Separately, mix all the semolina with baking powder and immediately pour it into the pumpkin-kefir mixture.

Line the mold with paper and pour in the dough.

There is no need to wait for the semolina to disperse.

Immediately place the pie in the oven, which will have to be preheated to 180 degrees.

The manna is baked for at least 45 minutes.

While the pie is baking, prepare the filling for it. The syrup is made from water, sugar and lemon juice. Boil it until the sugar is completely dissolved, which will take about 3 minutes.

When the manna is baked, fill it with syrup. There is no need to remove the semolina pie from the mold. After the syrup is completely absorbed, sprinkle the manna with nuts and coconut flakes.

Let the manna cool right in the mold. Now it can be cut into pieces and served.

Pumpkin pie in a slow cooker

Baking in a slow cooker is no worse than baking in the oven.

This is a lifesaver for housewives who do not have an oven.

Slow cooker pumpkin pie recipes come in handy when you need to whip up something unusual.

We will need:

  • pumpkins – 700 gr.;
  • kefir or fermented baked milk – 200 ml;
  • sugar – 200 gr.;
  • wheat flour – 400–500 gr.;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • baking powder - 1.5 tsp;
  • butter – 5–10 g.

First, we take the fermented milk product out of the cold. It's better to do this in advance. We prepare pumpkin puree in any convenient way, by boiling it in water or baking it in the oven.

Beat the eggs thoroughly with sugar into a fluffy mass. This will take at least 10 minutes. Without stopping whisking, pour in the kefir and little by little add the pureed pumpkin.

Now you can add the flour sifted and mixed with baking powder.

Knead so that there are no lumps in the dough. The consistency will be no thicker than sour cream.

Before baking, grease the multicooker bowl with oil. Pour all the dough into the bowl and close the lid. Bake the pumpkin pie in a slow cooker for an hour on the “Bake” mode, then leave it on the heat for another 15 minutes.

Remove the pumpkin pie from the slow cooker for this recipe without damaging it, easily onto a steaming pan.

Choose a pumpkin pie that suits you and surprise your friends and relatives with bright, aromatic pastries.