Technological map for preparing baked potatoes. Country baked potatoes

1. a request for provision of restricted information has been made by a person to whom such information cannot be provided;

2. the request does not contain the information necessary to unambiguously identify the property or the copyright holder, information about which is of interest to the applicant, and the rights registration authority does not have the opportunity to clarify the content of the request;

3. an inappropriate person, including a representative of the copyright holder (a person to whom a copy of the document expressing the contents of the transaction) may be issued a copy of the document expressing the contents of the transaction, who is not duly authorized to receive a copy of the document expressing the contents of the transaction, applied for the issuance of a copy of the document expressing the contents of the transaction;

4. in the registry file there is no original copy of the document expressing the contents of the transaction, a copy of which the copyright holder applied for, including in cases where the original of this document expressing the contents of the transaction is recognized as material evidence and its seizure was carried out in the manner prescribed by federal law;

5. the register file (case volumes) in which the requested documents were placed was destroyed due to the expiration of the storage period in accordance with the procedure for maintaining, the procedure and terms of storage of register files and books of documents for state cadastral registration, state registration of rights to real estate.

The rights registration authority sends the applicant a notification about the absence of the requested documents in the Unified State Register of Real Estate in the form established in accordance with Part 6 of Article 62 of the Law, in cases where, for example:

1. absence in the Unified State Register of Records about registered rights to a property” (including if a restriction of a right or encumbrance on a property (for example, a lease) is not registered in the Unified State Register), when federal law provides for the possibility of state registration of a restriction of a right or encumbrance on a property without a state registration of property rights to this object);

there is no section of the Unified State Register of Real Estate and (or) a register file opened for the property that was the subject of the transaction, the content of which is expressed by a copy of the requested document (if the rights registration authority has not carried out state registration of the right to this property, restrictions on the right, encumbrances of the property, transactions with this object, did not make decisions to refuse state registration);

It is impossible to determine from the request which copy of the document, including the document placed in the registry file on paper in accordance with Part 4 of Article 11 of the Law, is being requested.

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If the requested information is not available in the Unified State Register or the provision of the requested information is not permitted in accordance with federal law, the rights registration authority, within no more than three working days from the date of receipt of the request for information, sends a notification about the absence of the requested information in the Unified State Register or a reasoned decision to refusal to provide the requested information, which can be appealed in court.

A notification about the absence of the requested information in the Unified State Register or a reasoned decision to refuse to provide the requested information, issued in the form of a message, is sent to the applicant in the form of an electronic or paper document in the method chosen by the applicant for providing information.

Lack of information in the State Property Committee about the property


  • July 30, 2014, 11:40
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  • July 30, 2014, 11:49
  • An-D89
  • 30 July 2014, 12:06
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  • 30 July 2014, 12:24
  • An-D89
  • 30 July 2014, 12:52
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  • 30 July 2014, 14:26

I should probably mention that I create areas under garages

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The procedure for providing information to the state real estate cadastre

The State Real Estate Cadastre is an information resource formed from documents on land plots, residential and non-residential buildings and other real estate objects.

One of the purposes of its existence is the information support of property turnover.

This implies the opportunity, if necessary, to obtain information from the state real estate cadastre.

Rosreestr services

Maintaining a cadastre is one of the types of government activities. To implement it, a special Federal Service has been created - state registration, cadastre and cartography.

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Its abbreviated name is better known - Rosreestr. Its tasks also include providing information from the cadastre at the request of citizens and legal entities.

The cadastre is systematized information about all real estate objects existing on the territory of the country and their borders, including state ones.

However, the need to obtain a complete package of information arises extremely rarely. Therefore, cadastre information is provided in the form of separate documents containing the required amount of information.

Property passport

The cadastral passport contains two groups of information:

  • unique characteristics;
  • additional information.

This document is necessary to carry out various civil transactions with real estate:

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  • purchase and sale;
  • donations;
  • entry into inheritance;
  • transfer of property as collateral;
  • insurance, etc.

A sample cadastral passport can be downloaded here.


The extract contains the largest amount of information about the property. But if complete information is not required, then when submitting a request, you can clarify which sections should be presented in it.

An extract is required when carrying out a procedure such as land surveying.

It may also be required in other cases, for example, to ensure that there are no encumbrances during the sale.

A sample extract from the cadastre is presented here.

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Territory plan

This document consists of two parts: graphic and text.

This is a visual schematic representation of a land plot with all the objects located on it, communications and boundaries.

A plan is required when carrying out cadastral work, as well as when obtaining various permits for the use of a site.

Certificate of cost

Such information is required to calculate real estate tax.

It contains a minimum of information:

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  • cadastral number of the object;
  • cadastral value.

In addition to taxation issues, such a certificate is used when considering property disputes.

Copies of the document

Rosreestr issues copies of those documents on the basis of which information is entered into the State Property Committee.

  • boundary plan;
  • technical plan of the premises;
  • information about the owner;
  • address of the location of the object, etc.

This service is paid.

Information from the state real estate cadastre

GKN information is stored permanently. That is, from the moment information is received in the cadastre, its destruction or removal of any information is not allowed.

Only modifications are possible. Even if the object has ceased to exist, information about it, as well as about its disappearance, will be stored in the cadastre.

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This makes it possible to obtain all the necessary information if the need arises.

Submission rules

The rules for providing information from the State Property Committee are a regulatory legal document approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development in 2012.

It says that information can be obtained on the official website of Rosreestr in electronic form.

To do this, you need to register in the system and receive a special key.


Information is received in the state cadastre in the form of paper documents.

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Entering it into an automated system is a cadastral procedure. It is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Rules for maintaining the State Property Committee.

Do you need a law on the state real estate cadastre? See here.


The issuance of information contained in the State Tax Code is possible in two forms:

  • electronic, in the form of a file sent by email;
  • on paper, received in person or to the specified postal address.

How to get a?

Today, there are several ways to obtain information contained in the State Property Committee.

  • personal appeal to Rosreestr;
  • sending a request by mail;
  • contacting the MFC;
  • electronic request through the official website of Rosreestr.


The first thing you need to do is determine what kind of document you will need: an extract, a plan, a copy of the document or a cadastral passport.

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After this, you can begin to select the method of sending the request:

  1. If a personal application is most acceptable, then you need to make an appointment with Rosreestr. This can be done by phone, which can be clarified on the website, or directly on the website itself.
  2. If the request is sent through the website and it is expected to receive a response in the form of an electronic document, then you must fill out the request form on the portal, as well as pay for the provision of information. A response containing the completed document will be sent to the specified email address.


Regardless of how the request is sent to the State Tax Committee, it is necessary to indicate a number of information:

  • cadastral number of the object;
  • its exact address if the number is unknown;
  • type of document (passport, extract, etc.);
  • method of response and form of document (paper, electronic file);
  • information about the applicant.

If data is missing

The absence of information about a property in the State Property Committee means that this property has not been registered in the cadastral register.

To correct this situation, the owner must:

  • make an appointment with the state registrar;
  • provide him with all the necessary documents for your real estate.

Sometimes you can get a response that there is no data about a particular object when ordering an extract via the Internet. In some cases, this is due to imperfections in the information provision system.

If information has been entered into the cadastre, then the extract received in person to Rosreestr or to the MFC will certainly reflect it.

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They must reflect the current state of the object, changes in its unique characteristics or additional information.

The owner or his representative can submit an application. The application must be accompanied by:

  • passport of the person who submits it;
  • power of attorney if documents are submitted by a representative.

A sample application for amendments can be downloaded here.

The following documents are attached to the application:

  1. Boundary plan of the site or technical plan of the building, premises, drawn up by a cadastral engineer.
  2. A document confirming the applicant's right to this property.
  3. A document confirming the approval of the boundaries of the land plot (if there was a dispute about this).
  4. Additional information at the request of the applicant.

The submitted information is reviewed and entered into the State Property Committee.

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At the end of the procedure, the applicant is issued a cadastral extract containing updated information. The service for making changes to the State Tax Code is free.

What are the deadlines for making changes to the state real estate cadastre? Read here.

Is it possible to obtain information from the state real estate cadastre online? Detailed information in this article.

How much does it cost to receive?

The public service, which involves obtaining information from the state real estate cadastre of the State Property Committee, is paid.

To obtain a document, you must provide a receipt for payment of the state fee.

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Payment can be made through a bank branch or through a payment terminal.

The current cost of services is as follows:

In the video about services for providing data from the State Property Committee

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There is no information about the rights to the property in the Unified State Register of Real Estate

There is no information about the rights to the property in the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN) and this alarmed you and no wonder!

After all, the only evidence of a registered right is now a record of this in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, which is maintained by Rosreestr.

There is no information about the rights to the property in Rosreestr

On January 02, 2017, the new law FZ-218 “On State Registration of Real Estate” came into force and now ownership is confirmed not by the presence of a Certificate of Registration of Rights, but by the presence of a record of registration of rights in Rosreest.

Certificates of state registration of rights are no longer issued.

Information about registered rights

Complete and reliable information about registered rights can be obtained in the form of an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

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An extract from the Unified State Register contains information about the technical characteristics of the property, rights to it, encumbrances of rights and arrests.

If there is no information about rights in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, you receive an “empty” statement, only with technical characteristics or even without them.

Why is the information missing and how can I fix it?

  • The first reason is that the owner did not register ownership at all. For example, he owns an apartment on the basis of a privatization agreement or a contract of sale, exchange or donation certified by a notary, or on the basis of a notarized certificate of inheritance, and simply did not bother to register his rights.

Now the ownership must be registered with Rosreestr.

  • The second reason is that the rights were registered in the BTI and information about them was not included in the Unified State Register of Real Estate. The Unified State Register of Real Estate began operating on January 31. 1998.

    Previously, rights were registered with local BTI. The registration document indicating the registration of the right (stamp), the number of the registration record and the date of registration were placed on the right establishing document.

    Now ownership must be registered with Rosreestr

  • Reason three - a technical failure occurred and the information is unreliable.

    It is necessary to contact Rosreestr with an application to correct the technical error.

  • If the property is not registered in the cadastral register

    Sometimes this happens.

    The property has not been registered with the cadastral register, it has not been assigned a cadastral number, but the owner has legal rights establishing documents in his hands.

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    In this case, it is necessary to undergo cadastral registration.

    Without cadastral registration, registration of property rights is now impossible.

    Read additional articles:

    no rights information available

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    Clarification of other difficult points

    There is no information about the rights to the property in the Unified State Register of Real Estate: 2 comments

    Another case is possible - the rights and ownership of the site have been registered and land surveying has been carried out. A certificate of ownership has been received.

    But then the cadastral chamber (or Rosreestr) changed the cadastral number twice, and information about the owner remained only in the primary database of the registration chamber and in the old archival cadastral number (apparently they will soon erase it there too). With an intermediate, also archived number, and a current number, which is reflected on the card, there is no longer any information about the owner.

    Moreover, judging by the Rosreestr website, there are several more cadastral numbers on the site. They are regularly reassessed. What is this duplication for? Probably in order to sell them to new owners.

    The cadastral chamber of Lobnya says that, unfortunately, nothing can be done - the decisions of the cadastral chamber do not have retroactive force. Let your heirs deal with this issue.

    Thus, manipulation of cadastral numbers is a convenient way to seize property. Appeals are not possible.

    Free legal advice:

    With the cancellation of old property certificates, the Cadastral Chamber received immense rights over the property of citizens.

    Unlike other government organizations, it does not accept requests from citizens, much less respond to them.

    Request archived data. As well as the grounds for deregistration of the plot and placement under a new cadastral number.

    Rosreestr accepts citizens' appeals through the office, the review period is 30 days. The response must be in writing.

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    Using site materials without an open active link to the source is prohibited!

    Free legal advice:

    “The requested information about the land plot is not available.” How can this be if the land plot is owned?

    located at: ___________, not included in the state real estate cadastre. “I don’t understand how this is possible.. There is a certificate for the land, there is also a cadastral number. But there is no information. Maybe I'm slowing down on something? When we bought a house, we registered two certificates - for the house and for the land...

    Here people in a trance answered

    drank something before answering

    Text me the number, I'll find it

    Just tell me if it's conditional or something like that

    Most likely the number is conditional,

    and you need to register

    as previously taken into account

    You bring the certificate to the cadastral office, hand over a copy and after 10 working days the cadastral passport is FREE

    What does it mean that the requested information is missing in the Unified State Register?

    I needed to find out who the owner of the property I wanted to buy was. The Rosreestr issued a document Notification about the absence of the requested information in the Unified State Register. What does it mean? How to find out who the owner of a property is. Thank you.

    3 answers to a question from lawyers

    this means that there is no information in the Unified State Register

    those. ownership rights are either not registered or they arose before 1998. maybe the Unified State Register appeared after 1998.

    Information about such an apartment must be requested from the Housing and Housing Institution.

    This means that ownership was registered before 1998, when the Unified State Register began to be maintained, and no transactions with property were carried out after that (otherwise the information would be unambiguous). Then you need to contact the Department of Housing and Housing Housing of the city of Moscow and request a certificate of ownership of the housing facility as of January 31, 1998. But I don’t rule out another option, if the extract was requested through the MFC - it’s just a mistake, a human factor, check that the address is spelled correctly, I had this happen: instead of a building, they wrote a building

    No information available

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    Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the main characteristics of the property

    An owner who needs to confirm ownership of real estate for one reason or another, starting from 2017, will only need to take (on paper or electronically) an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN).

    This is a new government unit that includes two previously existing ones:

    • Unified State Register of Real Estate Rights (USRE);
    • State Real Estate Cadastre (GKN).

    The extract, depending on the identity of the recipient, contains all the information about the real estate object registered in the system, including:

    • data on property rights;
    • building layout;
    • cadastral number;
    • cadastral value, etc.

    Moscow, Moscow region

    What does the extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate contain about the main characteristics of the property?

    An extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN), concerning the rights of the owner (or group of owners) and the parameters of the registered object, in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 378 of June 20, 2016, consists of five fixed sections:

    • The first section is “Information about the main characteristics of the property”;
    • The second section is “Information about registered rights”;
    • The third section is “Description of the location of the land plot”;
    • The fourth section is “Description of the location of the property”;
    • The fifth section is “Plan of the location of the premises, parking spaces on the floor (or floor plan).”

    Each section, in turn, necessarily includes strictly regulated information. To better understand the features of the extract, it is necessary to list the components of the sections.

    The first section, “Information about the main characteristics of the property,” contains the following data:

    • About the category of the registered object. For example, this could be a plot of land or a permanent structure;
    • Cadastre number and date of assignment;
    • Cadastral quarter number;
    • The number under which the object is registered with the state;
    • Mailing address;
    • Area in metric units (m2);
    • The percentage of readiness for delivery of an unfinished structure, its main characteristics and the declared purpose of the property;
    • The main characteristics of the building and its purpose. For example, for premises owned by several individuals or legal entities, the extract must contain the expression: “common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building.” If we are talking about premises necessary for servicing the house or being a parking lot, the extract will contain the words: “common use property.” Other options are possible, depending on the characteristics of the property being described;
    • Name (title) of the object;
    • Number of floors of the building. In this case, the number of floors located not only above the ground is considered, but also underground (an underground floor is considered to be one, most of which in height is below the ground level specified in the documentation). If there are such floors, their listing begins with the expression “including underground.” Basement levels are also indicated;
    • Serial number and type of floor including the described premises, parking space (if necessary);
    • Category of residential premises;
    • The year(s) in which the building was completed and put into operation;
    • Cadastral numbers of other immovable objects located on the same land plot as the registered building, and similar objects surrounding the same building;
    • Cadastral numbers of office and other premises and parking spaces located in a registered real estate property and cadastral numbers of immovable objects included in a single enterprise (complex);
    • Cadastral number of the land plot, if real estate objects belonging to a single complex are located on the same plot;
    • Cadastral value of the property (in rubles). Provided in accordance with the legal purpose of the specified object;
    • Category of the land plot and types of its permitted use;
    • Information about what category the residential premises belong to: premises of a specialized fund, a rented building for social or commercial use;
    • The status of the record of the object registered in the Unified State Register of Real Estate. If information is entered temporarily, the status “temporary” and the date of expiration of the eligibility of the information are indicated. If the subject of the statement is deregistered, a corresponding note is made and the date of deregistration is indicated. If the data is valid at the time the document is issued, the “current” mark is placed. If an object has already been included in the Register, information about it is accompanied by the mark “previously recorded”;
    • Various notes. If the available data does not include information about the boundaries of the land plot or the boundaries are established, but with an accuracy lower than the norm, the mark is placed: “The boundary of the land plot is not established in accordance with the requirements of land legislation”;
    • If a plot of land belongs to several owners of premises in an apartment building, the extract contains the words: “Common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building”;
    • If the property has the status of “current uncertified”, the words “The right (restriction of the right, encumbrance of the property) is registered on the property with” are entered in the section “Special notes”: the type of characteristic (characteristics) with the status “current” and its (their ) meaning (content);
    • Details of the person applying for the document.

    How to correct an error in the USRN information, read here.

    The second section, “Information about registered rights,” contains subsections:

    • Data of the copyright holder (or holders), including the following information:
    • for individuals – full last name, first name, patronymic;
    • for legal entities - full name and TIN. If the Unified State Register of Real Estate contains several records of state registration of a particular type of property right, the relevant subsections provide information about each of the right holders (for example, “1.1. Russian Federation”, “1.2. Federal State Enterprise” or “1.1. Leningradskaya region", "1.2. Petrov Petr Petrovich"). If there is no registration of real rights, but there are restrictions or encumbrances in cases regulated by law, a note is made: “There is no data on the copyright holder.”
    • Registration number, type and date of registration of ownership. All listed data is indicated in the same form as entered into the Unified State Register of Real Estate. If there is more than one owner, this section provides information about the shares at their disposal. In the event that the right of ownership is restored by a court that recognizes a previously concluded agreement on the transfer of the specified right as void, this paragraph must contain the words: “The right is restored by a court decision” indicating the date of the first registration of the restored right. If the property is included in the general joint category, a corresponding note is made in the extract and the registration date and registration number are indicated. A similar mark must be present in the event that the property is recognized as a common share; in addition to the information given above, in this case, the size of the shares of each of the owners is also given. If, according to the Unified State Register of Real Estate, there are several simultaneously valid types of property rights, the extract indicates in order information about each of them (for example, “2.1. Property, No....", “2.2. Economic management (inherited management, etc. .), No...."). If there is no information about the registration of real rights with the simultaneous presence of information about a restriction or encumbrance, the note “not registered” is entered;
    • List of title documents (with registration numbers and registration date);
    • Information about the presence of encumbrances and restrictions on the rights to own the property (indicating the type of restriction or encumbrance, duration, registration number and date of the establishing document and data of the third party in whose favor the encumbrance or restriction has been established). If there are more than one restrictions and encumbrances, the statement contains information about each of them (for example, about the seizure of the property and the presence of a mortgage loan). If such data is not in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, the mark “not registered” is entered;
    • Data on decisions previously made by the court (courts) to confiscate the subject of the extract to fulfill municipal or state needs;
    • In the event that the registration of a transaction, restriction or property right was carried out without the consent of the relevant government body, information about this is also included in the extract.

    There are cases when Section 2 is completely absent from the extract received upon request. This happens when the Unified State Register of Rights contains data about the object itself, but there is no information about the owner.

    In such a situation, in the “Special Notes” of Section 1, an entry is made: “The information necessary to fill out Section 2 is not available.”

    The third section, “Description of the location of the land plot,” should include information such as:

    • Its cadastral number;
    • Land plot plan (diagram or drawing). If necessary, objects that serve as landmarks on the ground are marked on such a diagram, which makes it possible to further clarify the location of the boundaries of the site. The drawing is allowed, in accordance with current legislation, to be made either by hand or using electronic computers, as well as copying machines, the technical characteristics of which make it possible to accurately convey the coordinates and boundaries of the site. If the boundaries of the site are complex, it is possible to depict approximate contours on a plan with a reduced scale, neglecting individual nearby points. For such areas, a separate leader is created, on which the boundary segment is shown in all details. For a site, the form of ownership of which is a single land use, registered before 03/01/2008, the drawing shows a diagram of such land use within the cadastral quarter in which this form of ownership is located. If the plan exceeds the standard paper size, it can be placed on several sheets using frames and callouts. The same applies to the image when registering the ownership of a multi-contour land plot: as in the previous case, if it is impossible to place a clearly readable diagram of the plot on one sheet, it is allowed to divide it into several sheets, also using, if necessary, insets and callouts. The main condition for drawing up drawings is the readability and accuracy of drawing the land boundary.

    The fourth section, “Description of the location of the property,” includes information about:

    • Cadastral number of the registered object;
    • Location of real estate on a land plot (or several plots) with a diagram attached.

    The fifth section, “Plan of the location of the premises, parking spaces on the floor (floor plan)”, contains data on:

    Ideally, the Unified State Register of Real Estate should contain information about all real estate objects located on the territory of the Russian Federation and their owners, regardless of the form of ownership.

    In practice, the Register contains data on owners only from January 31, 1998 (from the beginning of the operation of this device), and then not in all cases.

    What does an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate look like about the main characteristics of the property?

    How to order an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the main characteristics of a real estate property

    As of June 2017, most of the information contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate is available to anyone who applies to Rosreestr or one of the multifunctional centers (MFCs) operating throughout Russia with the relevant documents of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

    Both methods of treatment are equivalent: the availability of options is associated solely with the different accessibility of local branches of Rosreestr and multifunctional centers for citizens living in different areas.

    The applicant can request the information he is interested in in one of the following ways:

    • Personally;
    • Through a representative who has a power of attorney certified by a notary;
    • Through the Internet;
    • By sending a corresponding request by registered mail;
    • Through an intermediary organization. The fastest method and thanks to it you get the most up-to-date data. We also used the Rosreestr website before, but due to the fact that data on the Rosreestr website is rarely downloaded from the Unified State Register database, the information may be outdated, but we need up-to-date data from the Unified State Register, for this reason we switched to using this service.

    In order for the application to be considered, it is necessary to collect a package of documents according to the list along with the application, as well as pay the state fee. In addition, it may be necessary to pay for the services of a representative or intermediary.

    The list of documents required to obtain an extract includes:

    • The actual application for the provision of data contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
    • Personal identification document;
    • If it is not the author of the request himself, but a representative, he must have with him a notarized power of attorney or a copy of it;
    • If the intermediary is an officially registered organization (legal entity), it is possible to issue a power of attorney on the letterhead of this organization;
    • Receipt for payment of state duty.

    The extract, regardless of the type, is issued within the following deadlines:

    • when contacting the local office of Rosreestr – 3 working days;
    • upon submission of all required documents to the multifunctional center - 5 working days.

    Within the same time frame, if there are reasons, a refusal to provide an extract from the Unified State Register is issued. If the applicant can justify the need for urgent issuance of the document, he has the right to receive it within one working day.

    The following persons and organizations can obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, in accordance with current legislation:

    • The owner (or one of the owners) or his representative who has a power of attorney;
    • Heirs of the owner;
    • Mortgages in the presence of encumbrances;
    • Tax authorities;
    • Courts at different levels;
    • Heads of local governments and government agencies.

    It should be noted that access to personal information contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate is limited, while information about a particular piece of real estate can be obtained by any citizen, provided they have the appropriate documents and pay the state fee.

    In other cases, for example, if you need to obtain information about all owners of an object, you should contact the property owner directly.

    You can obtain an extract by contacting the relevant authority (territorial branch of Rosreestr or MFC) in the following ways:

    • Personally. In this case, the applicant is eventually issued a paper extract containing the seal and signature of a representative of Rosreestr;
    • By sending a request by registered mail via Russian Post. The document is sent to the interested citizen in the same form as in the first case;
    • By email;
    • On the official website of Rosreestr or through the service In each of these cases, the applicant receives an electronic document certified by the electronic signature of the Rosreestr representative who issued it. Obtaining such a document is also not free: after filling out the necessary fields (cadastral number, type of property, its location, information about the owner and method of obtaining information), you will need to pay for the public service, after which an electronic document will be sent to the specified address. Documents in electronic form can be, among other things, provided to banking organizations and notary offices;
    • Using the services of intermediary organizations. This allows you to significantly save time, however, you must remember that the citizen will have to pay not only the fee, but also the services of the organization.

    An extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate may be needed in the following cases:

    • if there is a division of property;
    • if necessary, land surveying;
    • when concluding real estate transactions;
    • if you need to resolve a dispute regarding the right to real estate.

    The presence of an extract will allow a citizen intending to purchase an apartment to familiarize himself with the history of the transfer of ownership of it, which is extremely important for preventing future misunderstandings related to persons entitled to own the object.

    A certificate provided during the trial will help to seize the property, which will prevent the owner from making transactions with it until the process is completed.

    The cost of the extract depends on both the form of the document and the information contained in it, as well as on whether the individual or legal entity made the request.

    A complete list of types of statements and prices is contained in Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 291 dated May 10, 2016.

    To obtain a standard certificate you must pay:

    • In electronic form: for individuals – 300 rubles, for legal entities – 600 rubles;
    • On paper: for individuals – 750 rubles, for legal entities – 2200 rubles.

    Judicial authorities, bailiff services, law enforcement agencies, the Pension Fund, other government agencies, as well as notaries can obtain information free of charge.

    The validity period of the received certificate is no more than a month, regardless of the form of provision.

    Therefore, you should carefully calculate the time to apply for an extract, adjusting to the date of the required submission of the document.

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    The information contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate is provided within no more than three working days from the date the registration authority receives the request for information, unless a different period is established by Federal Law No. 218-FZ of July 13, 2015 “On State Registration of Real Estate.” The period for transmission by the multifunctional center of a request for information to Rosreestr and the period for transmission of documents prepared by Rosreestr containing USRN information to the multifunctional center should not exceed two working days, respectively, from the date of receipt of the request for information to the multifunctional center and from the date of transmission of such a request by the multifunctional center to Rosreestr.

    Providing information contained in the Unified State Register

    Its amount will depend on whether the prepared extract is needed in paper or electronic form, as well as on whether a legal entity or individual requests data from the Unified State Register. Only municipal and state bodies, as well as notary offices, can obtain information free of charge.


    However, it is also worth considering that not all information is publicly available. Not available to everyone Obtaining information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate regarding any piece of real estate is available to everyone, regardless of location and relationship to the real estate and its owner.

    However, some information is confidential and is not provided to third parties. Only property owners and government agencies have the right to request them if necessary.
    In this case, a standard request is used, as if a regular extract from the Unified State Register was required.

    Receipt times

    A sample extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the transfer of rights to a property, which you will receive through the widget: How to submit a request for information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate:

    • By contacting the territorial office of Rosreestr in person or through your representative, who must have a notarized power of attorney;
    • By submitting an application and documents at the Multifunctional Center;
    • By ordering an on-site service to the desired address (paid additionally and used more often by legal entities);
    • By sending a registered letter with a list of attachments (notarized copies of documents) and return notification;
    • Using official government websites online (Rosreestr, public services, Unified State Register of Real Estate);

    Regardless of the method of submitting the request, the applicant may be provided with an extract in electronic or paper form to choose from, but not both.

    Notification of the absence of the requested information in the Unified State Register



    • 1 What did it do?
    • 2 Available information
    • 3 Not available to everyone
    • 4 Possible changes
    • 5 Where to go?
    • 6 Fees and deadlines
    • 7 Ask a question to a lawyer for free

    The Unified Unified Register of Real Estate on the territory of the Russian Federation was officially put into effect on January 1, 2017. At the same time, the State Real Estate Cadastre (GKN) and the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate (USRE) ceased to function as separate structures.

    Now the information contained in two electronic databases is consolidated in the Unified State Register of Real Estate and all registration procedures are handled only by Rosreestr.

    Absence of the requested information in the Unified State Register.

    Available information In accordance with the legislative acts that have entered into force, obtaining information from the Unified State Register is available to interested parties in the form of relevant extracts. Such certificates are divided into several types, each of which has a unified form and carries certain information:

    • Characteristics of real estate, including a cadastral plan, if we are talking about plots of land, as well as ownership rights with encumbrances and restrictions, if any;
    • Re-registration of ownership rights in any transaction and display of long-term lease and rental agreements;
    • Availability of immovable objects in the ownership of the person of interest;
    • Information on state registration of property rights with the basis for their occurrence.

    Before submitting a request for information, a state fee is paid.

    There is no information about the rights to the property in the USR

    Thus, data from the Unified State Register of Real Estate includes cadastral information, including individual number, property characteristics, cadastral maps, land surveying, and data on property rights, in particular also on encumbrances, restrictions and litigation. The entry, processing, storage, modification and addition of existing information in the Unified State Register is carried out exclusively by Rosreestr and no one else. Since, thanks to the Unified State Register of Real Estate, all information about real estate is collected in a single resource, this helps reduce the processing time for requests and registration procedures. In fact, the time frame has been narrowed by two or even more times.

    In addition to this, the innovation has many advantages. Let's look at them in more detail below.


    Law, requested. If the requested information is not available in the Unified State Register or the provision of the requested information is not permitted in accordance with federal law, the rights registration authority, within no more than three working days from the date of receipt of the request for information, sends a notification about the absence of the requested information in the Unified State Register or a reasoned decision to refusal to provide the requested information, which can be appealed in court. A notification about the absence of the requested information in the Unified State Register or a reasoned decision to refuse to provide the requested information, issued in the form of a message, is sent to the applicant in the form of an electronic or paper document in the method chosen by the applicant for providing information.

    <== Порядок выдачи сведений (выписок) из ЕГРН ограниченного доступа.

    Notification from the Unified State Register about the lack of information where to obtain

    A technical error (a clerical error, a typo, a grammatical or arithmetic error, or a similar error) made by the rights registration authority when carrying out state cadastral registration and (or) state registration of rights and leading to a discrepancy between the information contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate and the information contained in the documents, on the basis which information was entered into the Unified State Register of Real Estate (a technical error in the records), is corrected by decision of the state registrar of rights within three working days from the date of discovery of a technical error in the records or receipt from any interested party of an application for correction of a technical error in the records or on the basis of an entry into force court decisions to correct a technical error in the records.

    The only thing is that when submitting a request, in addition to your passport and receipt of payment of the state duty, you will need to indicate your proprietary rights. It is not necessary to attach title documents, since information about the owner is available in the unified register.

    The amount of the state duty also does not change when the owner receives confidential data. When outsiders, wanting to obtain any protected information, turn to private organizations offering such services for a fee, you need to know several nuances. Firstly, the information received may no longer be relevant. Secondly, it is illegal, which means it will not be possible to officially apply the information.
    A record of the existence of an objection to the registered right to a property is made in the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the basis of an application from a person whose ownership right in the Unified State Register of Rights was previously registered (the previous copyright holder), within no more than five working days from the date the registration authority accepted the corresponding application. By virtue of Part 1 of Article 36 of Law No. 218-FZ, when a person indicated in the Unified State Register as the owner of a property, or his legal representative, submits an application about the impossibility of state registration of the transfer, termination, restriction of the right and encumbrance of such a property without his personal participation (hereinafter referred to as – statement about the impossibility of registration) an entry about the statement about the impossibility of registration is made in the Unified State Register of Real Estate within a period of no more than five working days from the date the registration authority received the rights of the corresponding application.
    No outdated information is removed from the information resource. This procedure makes it possible to more effectively resolve controversial issues that arise, which is particularly important in property disputes with a statute of limitations. Accordingly, each issue of an extract can inform interested parties about different information, since the relevance of the information changes along with changes to the register. Where to go? To obtain information from the Unified State Register, individuals and legal entities can use one or another method depending on their wishes and convenience.
    This does not affect the cost of the state fee, but it does affect the deadlines for submitting completed documents. The easiest and fastest way is to order an extract from the USRN online here or through the widget below.
    Around the clock, in just 5 minutes, you will receive complete information about the property according to official data from Rosreestr.

    • An extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate is more informative than all previous analogues of this document, and includes graphic cadastral information on a general basis;
    • Application processing times have been significantly reduced;
    • Strengthening information security and additional obstacles to fraudulent scams;
    • Responsibility for all registration procedures lies with a single body - Rosreestr;
    • Unified amount of state duty;
    • Electronic digital signatures on all electronic statements without exception;
    • Preservation of records in an electronic archive even after the liquidation of real estate.

    In addition, even after making additions and changing the information that the registry already contains, all previous data that is no longer relevant is also not deleted.

    By contacting Rosreestr, MFC and other organizations for an extract from the Unified State Register, the applicant hopes to receive the desired information in full and quickly. But it happens that instead of an extract, the applicant is notified in writing that the information of interest is not available in the Unified State Register. What does it mean?

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    What's happened

    An extract is a document that is issued to an individual or legal entity who applies to Rosreestr or the MFC (other intermediary firms) to obtain information on real estate or to persons who own an object, as well as on the existence of legal encumbrances on the object, etc.

    If the requested information is not available, the applicant is given a notice stating that the required information is not available in the Unified State Register.

    What is regulated

    The work of Rosreestr and other bodies providing services for issuing real estate documents is guided by:

    When is an extract required?

    It is not possible to list all the situations when you will need to apply for an extract.

    The most common cases requiring it are:

    • minimizing risks when making a transaction;

      A person who wants to purchase an object checks it according to the register: who is the owner, what right does he own, are there any encumbrances that the seller has kept silent about, etc.

    • submit to the passport office for registration;
    • provide to the bank in case of obtaining a loan or credit secured by existing property;
    • provide to the bank in case of obtaining a loan when participating in the state program for housing construction on preferential terms;
    • registration of entry into inheritance rights, etc.

    Video: Rosreestr

    What information does it contain?

    All information contained in the statement, regardless of its form, relates in one way or another to real estate.

    Depending on the type of extract ordered, the volume of information and its bias will differ.

    1. So, ordering an extract form No. 1– is the most popular because it contains general information about the object, as well as about the owner, his rights, encumbrances and restrictions.
    2. In the statement for form No. 2 contains information of a general nature, which will be given in a more detailed form and will contain the personal data of the owner.

      That is why such an extract is not issued to everyone. Only the copyright holder of the object or a person acting on his behalf by proxy has the right to receive it. This rule does not apply to officials of individual structures, primarily law enforcement.

    3. Extract form No. 3– represents the content of title documents.

      Also available only to the copyright holder or authorized representative.

    4. There is also an extract that contains the history of the transfer of rights to the object from one person to another and the grounds for such a transfer.
    5. Separate extracts are issued containing information about each person interested in the object by requesting extracts or about the copyright holder regarding his incapacity or limited legal capacity.

    When a notification is issued about the absence of information in the Unified State Register

    The absence of information in the register that was requested serves as the basis for issuing, instead of issuing, a notice of absence from the unified state register of rights.


    Like all official documents, a notice of absence of information in the Unified State Register is no exception. Its type, content and form are defined normatively, and the procedure for issuance and production is regulated by the same legal framework as the extract from the Unified State Register.


    The form of notification is determined. The form of notification about the absence of information in the Unified State Register is uniform. Any arbitrary drafting of a document is unacceptable. A sample form is approved for each of the requested statement forms.

    For example, for a form with information about the legal capacity of the copyright holder, a sample notification

    What information does it contain?

    Like any document issued, the notification has its own details: date of production and registration number.

    At the bottom of the notice, as on the extract, the position of the person who prepared it, the signature and full name are indicated, and a stamp must be affixed.

    Each of the notification forms contains a table in which there are sections relating to the requested information in accordance with the submitted request, which must be completed by the registrar.

    How to register if some documents have already been submitted to the registration authority

    Until the information is entered into the register, even if documents for registration have been submitted, the person is issued a notice of missing information. This is due to the fact that if there are questions about the authenticity of the documents, registration may not be carried out or for some reason it will be suspended, and in fact the rights to the object arise after registration.

    Offline or online

    Since the notification is an alternative to an extract, the methods for receiving them are identical.

    1. So, requesting information through online resources on Rosreestr websites or Public services, a notification will be sent to your email inbox.
    2. If the application was submitted through a personal visit to the Rosreestr or MFC department, then the notification will be issued in paper form.
    3. It is possible to receive a notification in a letter through Russian postal services, but these are special cases.

    The method of receiving the notification depends on the selected method of receiving the statement.

    What is the deadline for issuing

    A notification about the absence of the requested information in the Unified State Register is issued within the same time frame as the extract, i.e. V 5 day period, if the applicant contacted Rosreestr for information.

    Surely many of us have bought country-style potatoes at McDonald's or similar establishments, but homemade country-style potatoes are much tastier and healthier. Do you want to try it? Read our recipe.


    - Young potatoes are best;

    — spices can be different: curry, oregano, pepper;

    - salt to taste.

    Cooking method:

    The potatoes need to be washed thoroughly because they will be baked with their skins on. After the potatoes are washed, cut them into four parts. Mix spices, salt and vegetable oil in a separate plate and mix everything well. And then we dip each potato slice in its skin into the resulting mass. Prepare a baking sheet and grease it with oil. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place a baking sheet with potatoes. Bake the potatoes for 25 minutes and then increase the temperature to 220 degrees. And bake the potatoes for another 15-20 minutes. Let's see if the potatoes are ready, you can take them out of the oven and serve them. This is an excellent and very tasty side dish, for example, for meat. You can use different spices, and this will also change the taste of the potatoes.