Philadelphia cheese calorie content per 100. Philadelphia cheese: composition, calorie content and application

Philadelphia is a popular American cream cheese. The product is prepared from a mixture of cow's milk and varying degrees of fat content. The ingredient has become iconic for several national culinary traditions, and the volume of consumption of this particular type of cream cheese is growing every day.

The component is sold worldwide by Kraft Foods. The company produces several versions of the famous cheese, such as classic, low-fat, and multi-component (with additional admixtures of meat, herbs, and sweet ingredients).

A small rectangular plastic box with a 125-gram mass inside has filled all the grocery shelves of the world. But what really lies behind the beautiful marketing pitch?

general characteristics

Cream cheese is a soft cheese made from cream. The peculiarity of the product is the taste: it is moderately cheesy, with light neutral or sweetish notes.

Another difference between the group of cream cheeses is the ripening period. Philadelphia, unlike other soft cheese products like Neuchatel or Brie, simply does not have it.

Mascarpone and Boursin are considered to be closest to the taste, structure and consistency of creamy products.

In addition to Philadelphia, the group of cream cheeses includes French Chavroux, Petit-suisse, and Norwegian Snofrisk (they differ in taste, composition and fat content).

Of all the cream cheeses, Philadelphia is the most popular. The product is sold in 94 countries around the world due to its unique taste, natural composition, gastronomic versatility and affordable price.

Cheese has been able to become part of modern popular culture. Philadelphia is the main component of the classic American cheesecake, which is a packaged symbol of creative “freedom” and rolls, beloved in the post-Soviet space, which have moved from the category of exotic food to the most consumed.

Historical reference

The history of the iconic cheese begins in 1872. An average dairyman, William Lawrence, who was popular among the locals, moved to Chester, New York, where he decided to create a completely new cheese product. Lawrence considered his creation a real gastronomic revolution: he eliminated the ripening period, eliminated long aging, complex technological solutions, thereby reducing the cost of production by more than 5 times.

William Lawrence introduced a completely new product to the market, which attracted not only the gurus of the gastronomic industry, but, most importantly, buyers. An ordinary milkman created the perfect combination of full-fat milk and delicate cream, which cheese-making gurus had already tried to replicate before Lawrence.

In the 80s, dairymen and cheese makers wanted to repeat the unprecedented success of the creator of the French cheese Neuchatel. Craftsmen tried to create a unique dish with minimal time and money. William Lawrence was the first to succeed, and it was he who received fame, money and coveted recognition in culinary circles.

Since 1880, cheese production has acquired an industrial scale. Empire Company received the rights to the product. The food concern packaged the soft, creamy texture in foil, put a commercial logo on it, and transported it across continents. In 1903, the rights to the cheese were purchased by the Phenix Cheese Company of New York together with the Philadelphia trademark. The increase in industrial turnover occurred in 1928. Demand and productivity growth was driven by the merger of Phenix Cheese Company of New York and Kraft Cheese Company.

The company's employees polished their skills, the cheese makers perfected the classic recipe, looked for new combinations, and the marketing department did its best to introduce the product into the refrigerators of every first American.

In 1912, Philadelphia began to be pasteurized. The new product was so loved by the public that the Americans created New York Cheesecake. This is the most popular cheese pie in the world. The classic recipe, the main ingredient of which is pasteurized Philadelphia cheese, has become a cult favorite and is featured not only in housewives’ cookbooks, but also on the menus of Michelin-starred restaurants.

After pasteurization, the history of cream cheese comes to a standstill for a while. The thaw occurred in the 30s. The owner of the legendary Jewish restaurant Turf, Arnold Reuben, has perfected the New York dessert and created his own Philadelphia cheesecake. The dessert created a real sensation, and the small restaurant at the intersection of Broadway and 49th Street became a place of pilgrimage not only for ordinary consumers, but also for the best chefs. Ruben perfected the recipe for a dessert from Antiquity and hit the real jackpot. Thanks to cream cheese, another name has risen to the top of the culinary Olympus.

In modern culture, cream cheese is used not only for authentic cheesecakes, but for rolls, desserts and the simplest homemade recipes like a roll or a sandwich.

Use of the ingredient in cooking

Philadelphia is a unique product. It is perfect for both a homemade sandwich and a gourmet restaurant dish. Cheese has become the main component of iconic dishes such as the classic American cheesecake or the Philadelphia rolls of the same name, which indicates the gastronomic popularity of the component.

Classic cheesecake recipe

We will need:

  • Philadelphia cream cheese – 600 g;
  • shortbread dough – 200 g;
  • sweetener to taste (you can use regular sugar, honey, banana, Jerusalem artichoke syrup, muscovado);
  • whole grain wheat flour - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • cream (the classic recipe uses a product with a fat content of 35%) – 250 ml;
  • egg yolk – 1 pc;
  • chicken egg – 3 pcs;
  • gelatin (recommended for use in the form of plates) – 8 g;
  • vanilla pod – 1 pc.


Line a baking tray with baking paper, place the shortbread dough in a cooking ring (focus on a diameter of 30 centimeters). Preheat the oven to 180°C, place the dough in it for 15-20 minutes until the cake turns golden. Remove the finished cake and leave for 30 minutes at room temperature until completely cooled.

In a convenient container, mix cream cheese with your chosen sweetener. Beat the beans from the vanilla pod into the same container. Then add whole grain flour, 40 milliliters of cream, and separately the yolk. Using a blender, puree the ingredients into a smooth, flowing mass.

The walls of the culinary ring must be lined with parchment, otherwise the filling will simply stick to the metal form. Pour the prepared mixture onto the crust and place in the oven for 60 minutes at 100°C. Check readiness with a toothpick.

To make the glaze: soak gelatin sheets in filtered liquid for 5 minutes. Mix 2 tablespoons of water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Wait until the sugar syrup has cooled completely, then add it and 200 milliliters of cream to the finished mixture. If you are using a natural sweetener, then skip this step and immediately add the sweetener to the gelatin (note that the consistency of the glaze may differ significantly from the classic version).

Remove the finished cheesecake and leave at room temperature until completely cooled. Pour glaze over the cold cheese mixture and place in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

Making the glaze can be omitted from the recipe. You will get a classic cheese pie without any additional flavor notes. Please note that the finished cheesecake may be slightly uneven and the cheese layer may crack in some places. Glaze can mask these imperfections and make the dessert perfect. Instead of frosting, you can use slices of fresh fruit, nuts and other edible decorations.

What you need to know about cream cheese

Cheese has long occupied a separate shelf in our refrigerator. Almost all consumers love it, regardless of gender, age and culinary preferences. It seems that this universal product simply cannot be harmful or, even worse, dangerous. Few people think about the actual composition of products and the fact that the words “cheese” and “fat” are real synonyms. According to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, 70% of the component composition of the cheese product is trans fats and only the remaining 30% is healthy calcium, vitamins and nutrients.

Almost all manufacturers are cunning with dosages and, frankly speaking, overdo it. The main argument for adding salt is to prevent the development of harmful bacteria. But the level of dietary sodium in cheese products is as high as possible, which is why cheeses are the saltiest dairy products. Scientists complain that high levels of dietary sodium can be addictive. The average salinity per 100 grams of product is 1.7 grams, while the recommended daily value is 2,300 milligrams.

According to Consensus Action on Salt and Health, cheese products rank 3rd in terms of salt content. Bread takes first place, followed by...

Different types of Philadelphia contain a certain amount of salt. Read the ingredients and choose the purest products possible so as not to harm your health.


Hormones from cow's milk do not disappear during processing and are transferred to dairy products in the same volume. Scientists often even find pus from a cow’s bladder in beautiful cheese packages with the inscription “organic” and sketches of a chamomile meadow. Why is this happening? Manufacturers care much more about their income than about the quality and safety of production. They try to get milk from a cow in almost any way. An increase in milk volume occurs due to antibiotics and hormones. Unnatural enzymes stimulate increased milk production, which is dangerous for humans:

  • osteoporosis;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • breast cancer;
  • prostate cancer;
  • severe food poisoning;
  • malaise;
  • malfunction of the nervous system.


Cheese is truly addictive and addictive. Scientist Adam Drewnowski conducted a study in the 90s that showed that people addicted to fat and sugar benefit from the same medications as drug addicts. In the book Salt, Sugar and Fat, another healthy eating enthusiast, Michael Moss, is shocked by the rate of cheese consumption. We use cheese products as a sauce, condiment, and addition to every meal. Our ancestors enjoyed cheese as a separate dish or even dessert, so they consumed the maximum allowable amount of fat and did not suffer from a number of diseases that have become the scourge of the modern generation.

Is it possible to eat cheese

You can eat cheese, the main thing is to adjust the dosage. Try to stretch out 1 pack of Philadelphia over the week. If during the day you are tempted by a portion of rolls with cream cheese at your favorite sushi bar, then refuse the cheese sandwich in the evening. Start counting calories, nutritional supplements, and look at food from a scientific point of view. Regulating your diet will not only protect the body from dangerous diseases, but will also improve the quality of your skin, sleep and body.

Another important rule: choose cheese, not a cheese product. This way you will protect yourself from fake trans fats and harmful components. Falsified vegetable fat is much cheaper for manufacturers, but it costs a person not only a lot of money, but also health. Read the ingredients carefully, don’t be fooled by fakes, find “your” supplier, or learn how to make cheese yourself. An abundance of ingredients and culinary equipment will help start the process and take care of all the “dirty work”. Who knows, maybe, in addition to quality portions of cheese, you will get a platform for a future business.

Pregnant women should be especially careful about cheese consumption. Food ingredients made from unpasteurized milk contain Listeria monocyotogenes. The bacteria cause listeriosis, which causes jaundice, fever, muscle pain, chills and vomiting. Agree, not the most suitable conditions for an expectant mother. Moreover, such deterioration of the condition may well cause miscarriage, premature birth, sepsis or pneumonia in the unborn baby. Mothers are allowed to consume only hard, heat-treated varieties, but after giving birth, you can be tempted by a serving of your favorite Philadelphia.

If you can't imagine your life without cheese, then use healthy alternatives in the form of goat and sheep dairy products. This is the healthiest cheese consumption option available. 30 grams of goat cheese contains 2 times less fat and salt, and the vitamin composition is incomparably richer and higher quality than cow cheese. Read the ingredients, know when to stop, look for healthy replacements for your usual foods and be healthy.

The well-known and beloved Philadelphia cheese is found in many recipes: in sushi, creamy mousses and cheesecakes. The product itself belongs to soft cream cheeses. There is nothing to say about its qualities - the unobtrusive taste with a creamy tint is warmly loved by admirers of gastronomic delights. However, “Philadelphia” is not a variety, but a brand of the company that produces this product – Kraft Foods.

History of Philadelphia Cream Cheese

As historical facts tell us, soft cheese with a similar composition was popular and widely used already in the 17th century in the country of gourmets - France.

In the next century, it won its audience among the prim British, and by the beginning of the 20th century, the production of this delicacy passed into the hands of the Americans. “Philadelphia” was created as a result of a gastronomic experiment by the American William Lawrence, who wanted to expose the recipe for the French Neuchatel cheese. The result will be a new species unknown to Europeans, and an enterprising American farmer began mass production of this delicacy.

Of course, the Philadelphia Cheese Corporation was bought out many times. Today it is in the hands of the huge Kraft Foods concern.

Philadelphia cheese: composition

As you know, soft varieties of cheeses do not ripen and are prepared much easier and faster. The peculiarity of Laurence cheese lies not in the method of preparation, but in its composition: premium milk is mixed with a variety of starters and thick cream. This combination creates a delicate, unobtrusive taste.

The process of its preparation is as follows:

  • milk is pasteurized over low heat;
  • after heating, the milk mixture is cooled;
  • fermented milk starters are added to cold raw materials;
  • leave for a day;
  • put under a press to drain the liquid;
  • add salt and other spices;
  • packaged and packaged.

The calorie content of the final product is 342 kcal per pack, that is, per 100 grams. However, in
In Philadelphia cheese, the calorie content also depends on the fat content. Today on store shelves you can find more than a wide range of it: from thick 69% to light with only 5% fat.

The consistency of this type of cheese is soft, but thick - it definitely won’t spread over the dish. In appearance it most closely resembles oil. Additional flavor notes are created by various spices and mixtures of herbs, which are provided for in the manufacturer’s recipe.

Of course, the composition additionally includes stabilizers and thickeners.

However, Kraft Foods warns that all ingredients are natural and there are no preservatives in the cheese. It is the pasteurization of the milk mixture that allows the product to be stored for a very long time - 4 months. However, it is worth remembering that this shelf life is only valid for sealed packaging. An open box should be consumed within a week, and the product itself should be additionally wrapped in film.

Where is it used?

Although this delicacy originated in America, today it is included in the recipes of many dishes in both Europe and Asia. Moreover, some well-known ingredients in national dishes were replaced with “Philadelphia” (as we see in sushi). Today it is indispensable in most confectionery products: cakes, cheesecakes, cakes and desserts. It is an absolutely integral part of Japanese rolls.

Chefs are increasingly using it in salads and gravies, desserts and cream soups.

Its distinctive feature is that even when heated, the cheese retains its taste, which means it is ideally suited for baking and confectionery.

And its soft texture allows it to be used in buffet dishes, sandwiches and sandwiches.

How to replace Philadelphia cheese

Although cream cheese is more than delicious, this delicacy is not cheap. Especially if you are going to cook cheesecake or sushi for a large company. And not every store has it, and going to a shopping center is not always convenient. Therefore, it is worth choosing a more affordable substitute.

In terms of consistency and composition, Mascarpone is best suited. However, the prices for it are even higher than for Philadelphia. Therefore, enterprising housewives often use any other soft cheese, for example, Bucco or Almette. But there are other substitutes. It all depends on what exactly you are going to cook.

First of all, let us remind you that this element of a gourmet kitchen should be replaced with an equivalent one, and
namely, for any other soft variety of cream cheese. But it is worth remembering that in addition to the consistency (thick, soft and viscous), there is also the taste of the product. Therefore, you should not use ordinary “Yantar”, “Korovka” or other processed cheeses. They have a completely different taste, which means they will not give the expected flavor note.

You can put softened Feta or Fetaki cheese in the rolls. Also add crushed cheese and mixed with sauce or sour cream (but not salted).

Baking is a little easier. Any other cream cheese mixed with cottage cheese is often added there. However, cottage cheese should be fatty and coarse-grained.

Particularly persistent cooks use a mixture of fatty homemade cottage cheese and sour cream, whipping them with a blender.

If you prepare the cottage cheese correctly and the mass comes out homogeneous, it will be as similar as possible to Philadelphia. You can also replace sour cream with heavy cream. After all, they are the ingredients of the original product. But this composition is only good for confectionery - it is not used in sushi.

Homemade Philadelphia Cheese Recipes

You can look for a store-bought substitute, or you can try making Philadelphia at home.

So, the cooking method:

  • take 3 liters of homemade fat milk;
  • a package of starter (can be regular) and enzyme (can be special for Philadelphia);
  • Heat the milk over low heat until it boils;
  • leave to cool;
  • into the baked milk, which is still warm, but not hot, add a packet of enzyme and starter and stir;
  • leave for half a day to thicken;
  • after the specified time, a slightly thick mass will be obtained;
  • pour it into a thick cloth or fine gauze folded many times;
  • hang to separate the cheese from the whey - the mass should drain for about two hours;
  • then we put it still in the cloth in a container and put it under a press in the refrigerator;
  • after 3 hours, take it out and transfer the mass to a container;
  • add salt to taste and stir;
  • ready!

Another budget recipe for making Philadelphia cheese at home has a slightly different composition of ingredients.

You will need:

  • half a kilo of cottage cheese - you can have fat, you can have low-fat, but the fat version is more viscous. However, if the cottage cheese is homemade, check that it does not have a specific smell, as this will affect the dish;
  • 200 g glass of sour cream with a high fat content (from 20%);
  • Cream, 200 ml – also fat (at least 30%);
  • salt to taste.

The preparation method is very simple: all ingredients are whipped at high speed until thick. You can add salt and pepper or add herbs/herbs. Stir and leave for a day. Then we put it in the refrigerator for several hours and the delicacy is ready!

Philadelphia (Philadelphia) is a cream cheese invented in America in 1872 in the city of Chester by milkman William Lawrence and named after the city famous for its quality food. A distinctive feature of Philadelphia cream cheese is that its preparation does not require ripening or infusion, which at one time made it a revolutionary and cheap product to prepare. William Lawrence, when preparing soft Philadelphia cream cheese, tried to imitate French cheese, because France at that time was the most advanced country in the field of cheese making. Focusing on the best versions of expensive French cheeses, William Lawrence created a cheap and original American product.

A little later, the rights to produce soft Philadelphia cheese were acquired by the Kraft cheese company and its owner James Craft was able to pasteurize it, and it was in this form that Philadelphia cream cheese was used in the first New York Cheesecake - a pie that later gained worldwide fame and became one of the symbols New York. Nowadays Cheesecake is prepared using various ingredients, even finding a replacement for Philadelphia cream cheese, but it is with soft Philadelphia cream cheese that the Cheesecake turns out the most delicious.

Philadelphia cheese is a type of cream cheese with a soft and delicate taste, made from milk and cream. Analogues of Philadelphia cheese among cream cheeses include Mascarpone and Boursin cheese.

Composition of Philadelphia cheese

  • fresh pasteurized and skim milk;
  • milk fat;
  • salt;
  • whey protein concentrate;
  • cheese cultures;
  • preservatives and stabilizers.

Philadelphia cheese making technology

  1. milk is pasteurized;
  2. the milk is homogenized;
  3. the milk is cooled;
  4. milk is heated;
  5. Sourdough is added to the milk and a curd of cheese with whey is obtained;
  6. the whey is separated from the cheese mass;
  7. Salt, stabilizers, preservatives and flavorings are added to the cheese mass.

The benefits of Philadelphia cheese

Philadelphia soft cream cheese is a dairy product that has most of the beneficial properties of milk, since the natural milk in it is minimally processed. Soft Philadelphia cheese contains vitamins A, B (1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 12), K, PP, E, beta-carotene, choline. Philadelphia cheese is rich in macro- and microelements, including copper, selenium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, sodium, calcium, and potassium.

The benefit of soft Philadelphia cream cheese is that it is very nutritious; a person receives from it most of the substances necessary for the functioning of the body: minerals, vitamins, amino acids, proteins. The result of moderate consumption of Philadelphia cheese will be a general strengthening of the body, strengthening of the immune system, and a surge of strength and energy.

The dangers of Philadelphia cheese

Philadelphia soft cream cheese is still a very fatty product, its calorie content is 253 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. Excessive consumption of it can create additional stress on the body, leading to obesity and all the ensuing consequences. Philadelphia cheese may be contraindicated in people with lactose intolerance and certain kidney diseases that prohibit the consumption of milk.

What can you substitute for Philadelphia cheese?

There are several options for food products such as Philadelphia cheese that can be used to replace it in culinary dishes. As a rule, it is better to replace soft Philadelphia cheese with other creamy cheeses like Mascarpone cheese. But besides this, in some cases, curd cheeses for baking are suitable as a replacement.

You can try mixing one of the cheeses "Almette", "President", "Viola" with cottage cheese in a 1:1 ratio, it should taste something like Philadelphia cheese. You can also try replacing Philadelphia cheese with a mixture of full-fat cottage cheese and heavy cream or sour cream.

You can, of course, try to replace soft creamy Philadelphia cheese with food products of similar taste, but to obtain the original taste of the dishes, it is recommended to follow the recipe strictly and use only Philadelphia cheese if it is specified in the recipe.

Philadelphia cheese got its name in honor of the American city. This place is famous for many exquisite and delicious dishes since ancient times. This type of cheese does not require long ripening, therefore it has a rather significant advantage over other analogues. What is Philadelphia cheese made from and how is it prepared? What can you prepare and how useful is this product? You will find out the answers to these questions by reading the article.

What it is?

Philadelphia cream cheese was invented by William Lawrence in 1872. Cheese making in America was not very developed at that time and recipes had to be looked for abroad. Namely in France, which was famous for the production of many types of this product. Recipes of the most expensive varieties were taken as a basis. Mostly these were cream and curd cheeses. The result was a cheap and quickly prepared dairy product with an exquisite aroma.

The consistency of the product is very delicate, more like cream, and this is exactly what the cheese looks like. After all, cream is used to prepare it, and sometimes milk is added. Various additives help diversify the cheese and emphasize its soft, creamy taste. It could be fruits, vegetables, berries or onions.

Philadelphia cheese is very easy to prepare. Whole cow's milk is pasteurized, cooled and combined with sourdough. Within 20 hours, curd grains are formed. After this, the product is freed from whey and is ready for packaging. Depending on the recipe, various spices and herbs, vegetables or fruits are added to the cheese. This simple description can be applied to this product.

If the packaging indicates that it is curd cheese, then it is not Philadelphia, but its analogue. This way you can significantly reduce the cost of the product. But the taste and consistency must be on par. It is better to give preference to already proven manufacturers.

Cheese composition

The product contains only natural ingredients. The content of any other preservatives indicates that this cheese is of low quality, and it is highly undesirable to consume it. It is done in less than a day.

Despite the fact that the curd product is produced without chemicals, it has a shelf life of 4 months. But this is subject to unopened packaging. Once the cheese is opened, it should be used within a week. Store in the refrigerator, in thick cling film.

If the expiration date is greater than 4 months, it means that chemicals were used in production. This may adversely affect your health. And there is little overall benefit from such a product.

Philadelphia cheese is considered a curd cheese. It is made according to the same principle as cottage cheese. The only difference is that cottage cheese is boiled, and cheese is prepared from whole pasteurized milk using sourdough. Fermentation time is 21 hours.

Making Philadelphia cheese is a very fast process compared to other varieties. This is what affects its cost. This product is available to everyone, although it belongs to elite varieties.

Nutritional value and calories

Philadelphia cheese, depending on its fat content, is divided into 3 categories:

  • classic – 69%;
  • light – 12%;
  • very light – 5%.

The average calorie content of Philadelphia cheese is 342 kcal.

The ratio of BJU in Philadelphia cheese is as follows:

  • proteins = 5.94 g (7%);
  • fat = 34.25 g (90%);
  • carbohydrates = 4.08 g (5%).

It is worth noting that the product contains many different vitamins and minerals.

  1. Vitamin A. Participates in processes throughout the body. It helps improve vision and strengthens the immune system. This vitamin is especially necessary during the season of colds and viral infections. So in the fall and winter, the amount of Philadelphia cheese consumed can be increased.
  2. B vitamins. This is a real treasure for those who want to improve the functioning of the nervous system. Has a beneficial effect on digestive function. A sufficient amount of these vitamins increases the body's resistance to various diseases, especially during colds.
  3. Vitamin RR. Best known as niacin. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, helps get rid of dermatitis and ulcers, and normalize metabolic processes.
  4. Vitamin E. Tocopherol has a positive effect on the reproductive function of the body. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Plus, vitamin E helps lower cholesterol. Reduces the risk of cancer.

Many minerals (iron, calcium, copper, zinc, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus) have a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system.

Philadelphia cheese does not have many ingredients, but it is very healthy. Its vitamin and mineral composition can compete with many fruits and vegetables.

What can be prepared from the product?

When you have a package of such delicious cheese as Philadelphia at your disposal, it is very easy to diversify your menu. They eat cheese with any ingredients. It goes well with all types of foods.

Philadelphia is often used as the basis for preparing various creamy soups. To ensure that the soup has a creamy taste and a soft, delicate consistency, add 1 tablespoon of the product to the finished dish before whipping. The process of preparing such a dish is somewhat reminiscent of whipping a milkshake.

Asian soups also call for the use of Philadelphia cheese. It is added to both chicken and seafood dishes a few minutes before cooking. The consistency in this case becomes delicate, white in color with a delicate creamy taste.

There is a very interesting dessert recipe that all guests will appreciate. Place layers of cheese in transparent bowls and top with jam or preserves. You can decorate everything with slices of your favorite fruit or pieces of berries. Melted chocolate, ground cinnamon or nuts would be a great addition. This delicacy is very easy to prepare, but simply delicious in taste.

Adding Philadelphia cheese to your smoothie will make the drink more nutritious and healthy. It goes very well with apples and bananas.

According to consumer reviews, it follows that this type of cheese makes a magically tender cheesecake. His recipe is presented below.

Required ingredients:

  • Philadelphia cream cheese – 600 gr.;
  • 200 gr. pre-prepared shortcrust pastry;
  • honey, sugar or syrup of your choice;
  • flour – 1.5 tablespoons;
  • 250 ml cream, the fattier the better, ideally 33%;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 3 eggs;
  • gelatin in plates – 8 g;
  • vanilla.


  1. Take a round baking pan and line it with paper. It is good to use dishes with a diameter of up to 30 cm. The dough should be evenly distributed on the bottom. Bake for about 15-20 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.
  2. In a separate container, mix cheese, honey or syrup (the sweetener you chose), vanilla, sifted flour, 40 ml of cream, eggs and 1 yolk. It is best to use a blender for mixing. This will make the consistency more uniform.
  3. Now you need to carefully cover the walls of the mold with baking paper. After this, place the filling on the crust and spread evenly using a spatula. Place in the oven for 1 hour at a temperature of 90-100 degrees. In order to check whether the cake is baked or not, you can use a toothpick.
  4. While the cheesecake is in the oven, it's time to make the frosting. Gelatin must be soaked in water for about five minutes. Place sugar and 2 tablespoons of water in a saucepan. Boil. Cool completely. When the syrup has cooled, it must be mixed with gelatin and cream. The glaze is ready.
  5. The cheesecake should be cooled completely at room temperature and only then covered with glaze. Then place in the refrigerator for 2-2.5 hours.