How to cook pork tongue. How to deliciously cook pork tongue (step-by-step recipe)

Pork is the most commonly used type of meat in preparing a variety of dishes. There are several varieties of pork: fatty, meat, processed bacon, suckling pigs.

Depending on the dish, a certain type of pork is used, and there are many dishes that are prepared from pork: these can be: cabbage soup, broths, soups, cutlets, borscht, kebabs, stews, boiled pork, escalopes, sausages, sausages, dumplings, burgers, hot and cold snacks.

There are many ways to prepare pork, it all depends on what kind of dish you want to prepare - the meat can be fried, boiled, processed into smoked pork, stewed, baked in the oven. Boiled pork can be served as a main course with a side dish of pasta, vegetables or rice, potatoes, boiled or fried. Pork can also be added to a variety of soups or salads.

To cook pork you need:

  1. Prepare a piece of meat (about 750 grams) - it needs to be defrosted and washed with water. If you are using fresh meat, just wash it well.
  2. Choose a medium-sized saucepan and pour water to two-thirds of the volume. Place the pan on medium gas.
  3. When the water boils, put a few black peppercorns, a bay leaf and add salt (two-thirds of a teaspoon) into the pan.
  4. Place pork in boiling water and reduce heat.
  5. Now the pork should cook under a tightly closed lid for about one and a half to two hours, the duration depends on the size of the piece of meat and its category. To check the meat for doneness, you need to pierce it with a knife - if the knife goes in and out easily and smoothly, then the meat is ready.
  6. Every 15-20 minutes you should open the lid and remove the foam that appears on the surface of the water.
  7. Once the pork is cooked, place it on a plate, remove the bones and cut into small pieces.

Boiled pork can be served with your favorite side dish, made into an interesting appetizer, or added to a salad.

Note: Since the cooking time for pork depends on its category, expect that the meat usually takes one and a half to two hours to cook, but the meat of a mature pig naturally takes much longer to cook than the meat of a young pig.

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How to cook meat so that it is tender

Whether you are preparing broth or boiling meat to serve boiled, the cut should first be thoroughly rinsed under cold running water and excess fat trimmed from the meat, especially pork or lamb. If you want to cook meat to retain all the beneficial vitamins and minerals, you should put the piece in boiling water.

Take a juicy cut, without tendons, cartilage and bones. Divide it into pieces no thicker than 5 centimeters and the width of a woman’s palm and place in salted boiling water. For a kilogram of meat you need about 1.5–2 liters of water. You can also put a bay leaf, 5-6 grains of black pepper, herbs - dill, parsley, celery, cloves into the pan. When you put the meat in boiling water, the albumin on its surface will harden and prevent the juice from escaping from the meat. From time to time foam will collect on the surface of the meat broth; it must be skimmed off with a slotted spoon.

After 5-10 minutes, reduce heat to medium. The water will stop boiling and less volatile aromatic extractives will be released with the steam. Cook the meat for approximately 20–30 minutes per kilogram, but keep in mind that depending on the age of the animal and the conditions of its keeping, the time may vary upward.

Albumin is one of the types of protein found in meat. Albumin dissolves in cold water, but hardens in hot water. The fibers of meat consist of fibrin, which contracts from heat, but softens during prolonged heat treatment.

How to cook meat in broth

When preparing broth, you pursue completely different goals. You want an aromatic liquid with a rich flavor, that is, the meat should release aromas and juices into the water, but at the same time you want to cook pork, lamb, beef so that it is soft and aromatic, not like a sponge. To achieve what you want, you need to choose a completely different type of cut. Meat on the bone, with cartilage and tendons, rich in fibrin, is ideal for such purposes.

Place the meat, after chopping it into large pieces, into cold water and slowly bring it to a boil. This will prevent the albumin from curdling, sealing in juices and odors. Once the water boils, reduce the heat and simmer the broth for 3-4 hours over low heat, allowing it to bubble just a little. As a result, all the fibers of the meat will soften, while the extractive substances will remain in the broth.

Spicy and aromatic plants will help you give the meat, like the broth, additional flavor. At the beginning of cooking, place in a saucepan of your choice peeled carrot, celery, parsley, onion or leek, stems of herbs - dill, parsley, thyme - and don’t forget about pepper, cloves and other spices. Salt the broth shortly before the end of cooking, as salt promotes the coagulation of albumin.

Every day, millions of women around the world rack their brains over what to cook for dinner or for an event. It just so happens that at every holiday, almost every family has meat or fish on the table. There are different types of meat products: chicken, beef, pork and lamb. What you prefer directly depends on your individual habits, lifestyle and favorite foods. But choosing meat is only half the battle. It needs to be prepared correctly. It’s worth taking a closer look at the question of how long to cook pork, for example.


The method of preparing this type of meat depends directly on what you want to get in the end. It could be regular broth or soup, jellied meat or an ingredient for second courses, just boiled meat or tongue, or perhaps you want to cook a pork heart.

Soup and broth

In order to get a rich, aromatic broth, it is better to choose meat with bones. It is this that will give the liquid richness and aroma. So, how long to cook pork for soup?

On average you will need from one and a half to two hours. Take the meat and rinse it thoroughly. Place in water and put on fire. Do not forget to skim off the foam so that the broth turns out transparent and beautiful. After boiling, wait about 10 minutes and add your favorite vegetables. After an hour and a half, you can strain the broth and divide the meat into parts. And then put it back in the pan. The soup becomes especially aromatic if you add a few cloves of garlic while cooking the meat.

For a regular broth, the meat product needs to be cooked for the same amount of time as it takes to cook pork for soup. However, seasonings and vegetables must be added immediately, even to raw meat. It is in this case that it will absorb all the necessary aromas during the cooking process.

Second courses

To prepare second courses of meat, in some cases it must be boiled first. How long does it take to cook pork for the second course?

It all depends on the selected sizes of pieces of meat. Give preference to small ones - they will cook much faster. Prepare boiling water in a thick-bottomed pan and place the meat pieces in it. In this case, it is better not to remove the foam, so the meat will retain its true flavor and many beneficial substances. Cooking time for boiled pork pieces is about an hour. After this period, you can remove the product from the water and proceed with its further preparation.

Heart and tongue

How long should you cook pork if it is heart or tongue? It all depends on the chosen product.

Pour the pork heart with water and bring to a boil. Then drain the resulting “dirty” broth and make a new one. It is necessary to cook the meat in the renewed liquid for about two hours, constantly turning and skimming off the foam.

Every experienced housewife probably knows how long to cook pork, if it is tongue. Its preparation time is two hours or more. Perhaps this is the longest process of all those considered. It is worth remembering: how long to cook pork also directly depends on the size of the selected piece. You should always check the tongue with a fork to avoid overcooking it.


In order for the meat to be tender, tasty and aromatic, it is necessary not only to choose it correctly, but also to know how long to cook the pork. If the product is not cooked well enough, it will taste tough and rubbery. And if you cook for too long, you risk losing all the beneficial substances, so you need to find a “golden mean”.

You need to cook meat with pleasure, adhering to the rules described above. And then your culinary masterpieces will be appreciated.

Dishes made from boiled pork tongue are recognized as dietary in domestic cuisine. The boiled tongue itself is rich in B vitamins and is an excellent source of protein. The finished dish is not only tasty, but also healthy, both for children and pregnant women. The finished product contains calcium and potassium, iron and phosphorus, copper.

It also contains rare vitamins such as PP and E. They help reduce the level of so-called bad cholesterol in the blood, as well as normalize oxidative processes.

How long to cook pork tongue

Cooking time will be 1.5-2 hours. After this, you need to immediately remove the thick skin from the tongue. In a double boiler, cooking the tongue takes longer - 2-2.5 hours; in a slow cooker, the process will take only 1-1.5 hours (if you select the “Stew” mode).

How to cook pork tongue

In a saucepan

  1. The pork tongue is cleaned and washed in cold water.
  2. Water is poured into the pan and brought to a boil. After this, you can lower your tongue into the var. The water level should be 2 or even 3 cm above the meat.
  3. Bring water to a boil.
  4. Reduce the gas - the dish should cook slowly.
  5. Add (if desired) onions and carrots, allspice and bay leaves, salt and herbs to the broth.
  6. Cook the dish over low heat for 2 hours.
  7. After cooking, remove the skin immediately.

In a slow cooker

  • Pork tongue – 3 pieces;
  • Onions and carrots - 1 piece each;
  • Bay leaf, salt, allspice, herbs, parsley root - everything to taste.
  1. Rinse your tongue and then place it in a multicooker container.
  2. Add water so that it covers the tongue by 2 cm.
  3. Carrots and onions should be immediately added to the multicooker container.
  4. Set the “Extinguishing” mode for 1 hour.
  5. Salt and spices are also added to the tongue immediately.
  6. After cooking, you need to immediately remove the skin from the tongue.
  • You need to clean your tongue only after cooking. After cooking, you need to rinse it with cold water, and then, using a knife, remove the whitish dense skin.
  • During cooking, a variety of spices are used to add aroma and special taste. They are added to boiling water or directly with the tongue in cold water.
  • It is better to salt the product immediately after the water boils.

Boiled pork tongue salad recipe

  • 2 pieces of pork tongue;
  • 2 boiled chicken eggs;
  • Cucumber – 2 pieces;
  • Sour cream to taste;
  • Boil the pork tongue and chop it finely.
  • Rinse fresh cucumber in cold water and chop.
  • The boiled egg needs to be cut into cubes.
  • Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  • Place cucumber and tongue in layers in a dish.
  • A layer of eggs and cheese is placed on top.

All layers will need to be greased with sour cream or mayonnaise to taste. You can decorate the boiled pork tongue salad with herbs. But do this just before serving. Bon appetit everyone!

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Pork tongue is a real meat delicacy. This part consists exclusively of muscle tissue, so it will take a little longer to cook than other parts. Moreover, it contains virtually no carbohydrates, which means it is a dietary product. In addition, this part contains lecithin, which improves the functioning of the brain and nervous system, as well as a lot of protein. Pork tongues are ideal for meat salad; this part is used for preparing cold cuts, and also for preparing aspic. All that remains is to figure out how to cook pork tongue deliciously.

    The average cooking time in a pan is 2-3 hours.

    In a slow cooker, the tongue will be ready in 2.5-3.5 hours.

    In a pressure cooker, the meat will cook in 40-45 minutes.

How to cook pork tongue correctly

Many people are interested in the question of how long to cook pork tongue so that it is soft. It all depends on the age of the meat, as well as on the size of this part. So a small tongue is cooked quite quickly, 1.5-2 hours. But the big one is cooked for about 2.5-3 hours.

There are a few more tricks you need to know:

  • to make the meat more juicy and tender, it is soaked in cold water before cooking;
  • There is no need to salt the tongue during cooking; it is already salted in its finished form;
  • if you are going to cook aspic, you need to take a little water for cooking - so that it only slightly covers the meat, and the heat should be minimal to prevent active boiling;
  • do not forget to regularly remove the foam with a slotted spoon;
  • The dishes should be filled to a maximum of 2/3.

Cleaning your tongue raw is strictly prohibited! Some of the meat will be removed along with the film, and the finished product will look simply terrible.

How to cook pork tongue in a saucepan


Rinse the meat in running cold water.


Soak in cold water for 30-40 minutes.


Transfer the meat to a saucepan, add peeled carrots and onions, 2 bay leaves and a few allspice peas. Pour cold water and put on fire.


When the water boils, cook for 2-3 hours until tender, periodically removing the foam. To check readiness, just pierce the meat with a fork. She should enter it freely.

How to cook pork tongue in a slow cooker

In this smart pan, any meat dish will turn out especially soft and juicy. The cooking time for pork tongue in a pressure cooker is 40-45 minutes.


Rinse the meat under running water.


Soak for 30-40 minutes in cold water.


Pour water, add peeled carrots and onions, bay leaves and peppercorns.


Lower your tongue.


Set the Stewing/Meat mode for 2.5-3 hours.

How to cook pork tongue in a double boiler

The most dietary way to cook any meat is to steam it. And pork tongue is no exception. The only negative is that it takes a long time to cook, and most timers in double boilers are designed for 60 minutes. Therefore, you will have to set the timer several times.

The step-by-step algorithm for this process looks like this:


Rinse with running water.


Soak for 20-30 minutes.


Pour water into the appropriate compartment of the steamer.